PLZZ HELPP!!! What is the ONE thing that shows how important the goddess of the sun is the Japanese people?(just give me ONE sentence)


Answer 1


The sun plays an important role in Japanese mythology and religion as the Emperor is said to be the direct descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu and the legitimacy of the ruling house rested on this divine appointment and descent from the chief deity of the predominant Shinto religion.


1. make this your own

2. love ya

Related Questions

help please!!! i don’t understand



all of the above


it is all of the above because all of them make sense towards social studies

all of the above i think

if i have 2000 people and took away 12 how many would i have left



your answer would be 1988


because 2000 - 12

you would count down 12 times and get


1988 because its easy math lol

Members of the House of Representatives must be a U s. otizen for how many years?
A 10


Answer: seven years


The Constitution requires that Members of the House be at least 25 years old, have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and live in the state they represent (though not necessarily the same district).


After the Louisiana Purchase, how far west did the United States stretch?

A) Appalachian Mountains
B) Great Lakes
C) Rocky Mountains
D) Pacific Ocean



from the Mississippi River in the east to the Rocky Mountains in the west

(answer c)



the answer is c

hope you have a great day


What does it mean to say the meaning of a creative work is subjective?

A. That people react exactly the same to it.
B. The people have different ideas about it.
C. That it’s message is ignored by people.
D. That the work is not well liked by people.



Should be b


Saying that meaning of a creative work is subjective means that people are experiencing that work as a person's inner creativity not as a creativity of external environment




got it right on the test

7. Which of the following best summarizes a Democrat's argument against the National
a. "The bank is unconstitutional because the power to coin money actually
belongs to the executive branch."
b. "The bank ultimately favors the wealthy and endangers the common man's
c. "The bank is unconstitutional because the second 20-year charter has
d. "The bank is not allowed to hold government funds without permission from
its citizens."



d. "The bank is not allowed to hold government funds without permission from

its citizens."

please help me i really need this grade !





How is an excise tax different from a sales tax? An excise tax is not deductible. An excise tax applies to specific products. An excise tax applies only to imported goods. An excise tax is an indirect tax.



Sales tax is basically almost anything you purchase while excise tax would only apply to specific goods and services. Sales tax is typically applied as a percentage of the sales price while excise tax is usually applied at a per unit rates


An excise tax is different from sales tax because its applies to specific products.

What is an excise tax?

An excise tax refers to a tax imposed on manufactured goods at the moment of manufacture rather than at moment of sale.

However, the sales tax is a tax imposed by the government on the sale of all goods and services

Hence, the excise tax is different from sales tax because its applies to specific products.

Therefore, the Option B is correct

Read more about excise tax

Who was one of the early explorers that made travel to the west possible?



Christopher Columbus


For a long time, most people believed that Christopher Columbus was the first explorer to "discover" America—the first to make a successful round-trip voyage across the 

what is conflict avoidance ?​



Conflict avoidance is a type of people-pleasing behavior that typically arises from a deep rooted fear of upsetting others.



Conflict avoidance is a person's method of reacting to conflict, which attempts to avoid directly confronting the issue at hand. 

are empty lakes that fill up for a short time after a rain.


Answer:People cannot drink from them. Lake Chad is the only freshwater lake in the desert. Rivers once ran through the Sahara.


Describe the historical background of Nepalese painting in brief​



Nepalese Painting began with religious paintings with Hindu and Buddhist topics; practically all Newa art from the Kathmandu Valley people of Newar. These traditional artworks can be found as wall paintings, clothes, or manuscripts. These paintings are called paubha.


In the Mithila region of Nepal and India, Mithila Painting is practiced. It dates back to the seventh century AD. Mithila is made of branches, fingers, pigments, and natural colors. Style, method, and painting materials differentiated from the painters' ethnic background.

Nepalese artist Bhajuman [chitrakar], a traditional artist who met Western realism following a visit to Europe, was said to have accepted Western influences after 1850. Bhajuman, also called the Chitrakar Bhajumacha, as Jung Bahadur Rana's courtyard painter who, having been Prime Minister of Nepal in 185, toured Europe. Bhajuman also visited Paris and London as a member of the entourage of the incoming Prime Minister.

Soon after the return, West realism allegedly impacted the paintings of Bhajuman and marked the beginning of the current movement. An unsigned painting – allegedly painted by Bhajuman – represents a general of thapas in a full military outfit. This picture has remained a vital example of a significant change from a traditional Nepali school of painting to a western artistic school. The recent discovery for the patron, British resident Brian Houghton Hodgson, of illustrations by Raj Man Singh Chitrakar (1797-1865) nonetheless sheds information on western realism which was infiltrating Nepal even before Bhajuman Chitrakar's influences.

Help please! ill mark brainliest if correct.


John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie were called robber barons because they earned profits by intentionally restricting the production of goods and then raising prices. The Encyclopedia Britannica defines a robber baron as a derogatory term that was used to refer to American industrialists and financiers who made fortunes by monopolizing huge industries through the formation of trusts, engaging in unethical business practices, exploiting workers, and paying little heed to their customers or competition. I believe this would all fit under the last answer option! I hope this helps!

(btw, Nice Kokichi PFP :])


How did the Athenians differ from the Spartans?

The Athenians allowed girls to become educated, while the Spartans did not.

Athenian women had more rights than the women of Sparta.

Athenians stressed the importance of education, while Spartans stressed military strength.

Spartan life was much easier than Athenian life.



Women in Sparta had more rights than women in Athens as well. Spartan women could inherit property while Athenian women had no such rights.


Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. Thus, because both parts of Athens' government had leaders who were elected, Athens is said to have been the birthplace of democracy. Spartan life was simple.


The athenians sare diffrent cause they wanted peace they were a farming and welcoming society.

And the spartans are a war based society and they would train from the age of 8 to be ready for war.


Answer these questions in det
Why do you think insurance business is getting Popular in the
modern time? Explain.​



Today, insurance business is becoming popular in all sectors of the economy. This is so because insurance allows you to avoid the risk that all investment entails, minimizing the chances of a negative result through external coverage, which is provided by the insurance company.

In turn, insurance companies are constituted as large capital managers, given the enormous number of members they have, who pay periodic monthly installments to obtain coverage.

Which phrase best supports an Allusion?
A. “But Dan’l give a heave”
B. “He was planted as solid as a church”
C. “But it warn’t no use - he couldn’t budge”
D. “But he didn’t have no idea what the matter was”





bc an alluion is  refrence to a person place thing or event

please help me i need this grade !



C:They were subject to hunger, exposure, and disease.

what color is space when you see it in [person]



Im gonna say ***Black***


Did the enactment of Lend-Lease make American participation in World War II inevitable?



Most importantly, passage of the Lend-Lease Act enabled a struggling Great Britain to continue fighting against Germany virtually on its own until the United States entered World War II late in 1941 so yes it did

Explanation: mark as brainlest

state the meaning of this verse: "fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fishes of the sea and the birds in the sky, over every moving creature that moves on the ground." explain your thoughts​



What was the settlement between America and Great Britain regarding the Oregon border?

The United States and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Oregon on June 15, 1846, ending 28 years of joint occupancy of the Pacific Northwest. The treaty established the 49th parallel as the border between the two countries.

Treaty of Oregon | Northwest Power and Conservation Council › reports › columbia-river-history › t...

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Why did Britain give up the Oregon territory?

The Oregon Treaty between the U.S. and British. He told the British the Oregon Territory would not be shared and this ultimately led to the Pig War (U.S.). ... The signing of the treaty in 1846 was important to Manifest Destiny because it showed the U.S. was willing to fight for westward expansion.

Oregon Treaty 1846 · Origins of the Ideology of Manifest ... › show › manifest-destiny › ore...

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Who did the US get the Oregon Territory from?

Originally Spain, Great Britain, Russia, and the United States claimed the territory. In 1819, under terms of the Transcontinental Treaty, Spain ceded its claims to the territory to the United States.

The Oregon Territory, 1846 - Office of the Historian › milestones › oregon-territory

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What was the name of the treaty between the US and the UK?

The Convention respecting fisheries, boundary and the restoration of slaves between the United States and the United Kingdom, also known as the London Convention, Anglo-American Convention of 1818, Convention of 1818, or simply the Treaty of 1818, is an international treaty signed in 1818 between the above parties.

Treaty of 1818 - Wikipedia › wiki › Treaty_of_1818

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How did the US get Oregon Country?

In 1846 the Oregon Treaty was signed between the US and Britain to settle the boundary dispute. The British gained the land north of the 49th parallel, including the Vancouver Island and the United States received the territory south of the parallel.

Oregon Territory - HistoryNet › oregon-territory

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How did America get all its land?

The United States in 1783

In 1783 the United States received a huge territory from Great Britain as part of the peace treaty ending the revolutionary war. ... No additional land was acquired by the American government during the next 20 years. Then, from 1803 to 1853, seven more territories were added to the country.

Territorial Expansion - CSUN › ~lmd67116 › desktoppublishing4

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Who owned Oregon before the US?

The Oregon Country was originally claimed by Great Britain, France, Russia, and Spain; the Spanish claim was later taken up by the United States. The extent of the region being claimed was vague at first, evolving over decades into the specific borders specified in the US-British treaty of 1818.

Oregon Country - Wikipedia › wiki › Oregon_Country

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Why did the United States push for control of the Oregon Country?

Americans wanted control of the Oregon country to gain access to the Pacific Ocean.

Manifest Destiny: The Oregon Country Flashcards | Quizlet › manifest-destiny-the-oregon-country-flash-...

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What does Oregon Territory mean?

The Oregon Territory is the name that was applied first to the unorganized Oregon Country claimed by both the United States and Britain (but normally referred to as the Oregon Country). ... The organized U.S. territory formed from the southern part was also called "Oregon Territory" when it existed, between 1848 and 1859.

Oregon Territory - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki › Oregon_Territory

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Did the US go to war over a pig?

By July 1874, the last of the U.S. troops had left American Camp. Peace had finally come to the 49th parallel, and San Juan Island would be long remembered for the "war" in which the only casualty was a pig.

The Pig War - San Juan Island National Historical Park (U.S. ... › sajh › learn › historyculture › the-pig-war

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How did the US get California?

The state of California was acquired by the United States as part of the Mexican Cession – the land ceded by Mexico to the US in 1848, at the end of the Mexican-American War. The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ended the war, and gave territory to the US

Examine the supply and demand schedules for headphones. How much would a seller charge if he or she wanted to sell headphones for their equilibrium price? A. $100 B. $50 C. $125 D. $25







B. $50 is your answer


just took the quiz

Help what would you do



1) 3,778

2) Paradisus, Punta Cana - Resort ($3,780)

3) Go on the beach and all the other activities the resort offers

4) 5 days

5) 2978 (resort, everything included) 800 (for the plane tickets)

For the pictures just look up Paradisus, Punta Cana - Resort

What did workers form and organize so they could demand change from their bosses?
1. nothing
2. land grants
3. unions
4. political parties



workers formed unions, to demand change

) Our national movement is considered as (a) a struggle against a foreign rule. (b) a struggle to rejuvenate our country. (c) a struggle to transform our society and politics. (d) All of the above.



(d) All of the above.


The prospect and issues regarding the framing of the Indian Constitution were one of the results of a united notion of an independent nation. Compared to that of Africa and its struggle with the Apartheid, India need not look for consensus opinion among the people. This was because the Indians, under British rule and already feeling frustrated with it, were already united and had already developed a consensus during the struggle for freedom.

So, the movement for that national unity and independence is not only a struggle against any foreign rule. It is also a "struggle to rejuvenate our country as well as transform our society".

Thus, the correct answer is option d.

recommend THREE ways the national government could help fight gender-based violence? ​



make sure people get treated the same , and get called by there pronus also to be freee


Is a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.

a. Theocracy
b. Monarchy
c. Oligarchy
d. Democracy



A. Theocracy


Hope this helps!

How has freedom of speech been expanded?



you will now not get arrested for what u say


Since the Schenck case, the Supreme Court has broadened the definition of speech. ... The spending of money to advocate political causes, or to help candidates get elected, is considered speech in Buckley v. Valeo (1976). This was expanded even further in 2010 with Citizens United v.

What possible reasons could be given for the development of prejudice?



Prejudice can be based on a number of factors including sex, race, age, sexual orientation, nationality, socioeconomic status, and religion.


How does the flapper represent a change from traditional to modern values?
Help me please


Flappers represented a new moral order. Although they were the daughters of the middle class, they flouted middle-class values. Flappers prized style over substance, novelty over tradition, and pleasure over virtue. In other words, flappers embodied the triumphs – and the dangers – of the modern age.

please help ASAP! I'll mark brainliest if correct!






it is the 1st one i looked it up


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