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Does your community recycle organic wastes? If so, how can you improve your ability to recycle organic wastes? If not, why not? What limitations prevent you and your community from recycling?


Answer 1


My community does recycle organic wastes. We have an organic waste collection system in place. We have bins located throughout the city where residents can place their organic waste for collection. We also have composting bins for those who want to compost their organic waste at home.

To improve our ability to recycle organic wastes, we could offer more bins and make them more widely available. We could also offer incentives for citizens to recycle their organic waste. Additionally, we could provide more information about composting and organic waste recycling.

Limitations that prevent us from recycling organic waste include a lack of education and awareness about the benefits of composting and recycling organic waste. Additionally, there are some logistical issues, such as the cost of collection and storage of organic waste. Finally, there may be some cultural or societal barriers that prevent wider adoption of organic waste recycling.

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What are the challenges encountered by senior high school students in modular distance learning?


These include issues with internet access, insufficient learning materials, a lack of comprehension of the module's contents and assessment instructions, are the challenges encountered by senior high school students in modular distance learning.

The study found that following the installation of MDL, learners' GWA decreased by 2.25%, which indicates a considerable improvement in their academic performance. MDL improves family ties, fosters self-directed learning, and is economical. Discipline is a common area of challenge for distance learning students. Many people find it difficult to create and follow to a plan without being in a classroom with a lecturer. Technical problems might range from a slow internet connection to damaged hardware and defective software. A lack of understanding of technology and computer applications is the root of many technological issues. The speed of your Internet connection also has a big impact on how soon you can get to class.

To learn more about distance learning click the link below:


How is the weather in the west region?



Answer: The climate of the West is semi-arid


what is the difference between an end moraine and a ground moraine, and how do they relate to the budget of a glacier?


Horizontal and average moraines comprise coldly shipped rock and trash. The structure on the sides of glacial masses (sidelong moraines) or at the limit between two feeder ice sheets (average moraines). One way or the other, they frequently mark the edges of an ice body.

It structures at the finish of a glacial mass, educating researchers today with significant data regarding the ice sheet and how it moved. At a terminal moraine, all the trash that was gathered up and pushed to the front of the icy mass.

It structures when two glacial masses meet and the garbage on the edges of the neighboring valley sides join and are continued on top of the amplified glacial mass. As the icy mass melts or withdraws, the garbage is stored and an edge down the center.

Learn more about glacier:


what term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


Answer:A.  The Triassic period of the Mesozoic Era


winds at 5,000 feet agl on a particular flight are southwesterly while most of the surface winds are southerly. this difference in direction is primarily due to


On a specific flight, the majority of the surface winds are southerly, but winds at 5,000 feet above ground level are southwesterly. The primary cause of this directional divergence is friction between the surface and the wind.

Divergence is a vector operator in vector calculus that operates on a vector field to produce a scalar field that contains the quantity of the source of the vector field at each point. Technically speaking, the divergence denotes the volume density of a vector field's outward flux from an infinitesimal volume surrounding a specific point. Take air being heated or cooled as an example. The vector field is defined by the air velocity at each point. As a zone of hot air spreads in every direction, the velocity field emanates from that area in all directions. Thus, the velocity field's divergence in that area would be positive. The divergence of the velocity is negative when the air cools and contracts as a result. Any difference between two or more things, attitudes, or beliefs is referred to as a divergence. [formal] In the party, there is a substantial difference of opinion. Divergence is a measure of how quickly the span's area is changing. Imagine, for instance, that as you travel downstream, the river gets faster and faster. Then your pals in front of you will continue to pull away from you, and your range will widen. A good example of a divergence is this.

Learn more about divergence here


which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


Answer: The Ural Mountains

Explanation: .

squall-line thunderstorms often form ahead of advancing cold fronts but seldom behind them. squall-line thunderstorms often form ahead of advancing cold fronts but seldom behind them. false true


Squall-line thunderstorms often form ahead of advancing cold fronts but seldom behind them is true.

Warm,moist air occurs ahead of the cold front.

A system of thunderstorms which form into a line is called a squall-line thunderstorm.

The formation of these thunderstorms often takes place ahead of the cold fronts.

In the case of a cold front the warm and the moist air is lifted ahead of the cold front.

Then this raised warm moist air is cooled above of the cold fronts and then condenses.

This results in the formation of clouds and precipitation.

The cold fronts always move from west to east.

They often move faster as the cold air is denser and travel with speed.

To know more about squall-line click on the link below:


Why can't whales survive in freshwater?


In conclusion, freshwater enthronements are too narrow a habitat for whales to live in, too shallow for swimming, lack sufficient amounts of food essential for life, and can be exceedingly dangerous to their health owing to pollution.

Because they are warmer and shallower, estuary waters are better for feeding and rearing young. This species is thought to benefit from the salinity shift. On the other hand, a whale that spends a lot of time in freshwater may experience skin issues, infections, or ulcers.

Whales can only stay on land for a short time. They have no problems breathing. Their fat retains too much heat, which is an issue. When the water is not there to absorb the heat, they perish. One problem is that they can't obtain their usual food sources in fresh water. It is believed that whales cannot survive in fresh water for an extended amount of time. The fact that freshwater whales execute some of their natural tasks in salt water adds to the problem for them.

Learn more about Whales visit:


Which best explains the concept of scarcity?
Voluntary exchanges will always lead to a fair price.
Supply and demand will eventually be in balance with each other.
Human's wants and needs will always outweigh our resources.


Scarcity involves wants and needs outweighing resources. Please give brainliest I need five more

a(n) coast forms when it is inundated by shallow seas, and a(n) coast forms when a formerly submerged part of the continental shelf is exposed as dry land.


A(n) Submerging coast forms when it is inundated by shallow seas, and a(n) emergent coast forms when a formerly submerged part of the continental shelf is exposed as dry land.

Submerging Coasts are those that have been inundated by ocean waters as a result of a localized rise in sea level. Examples of subsiding coasts that are noteworthy and instructive include: Western Norway is famous for its numerous fjords, which were formed as a result of the LGP's sea level increase. The estuaries of the Narmada and Tapti Rivers are part of the Indian subcontinent's Western Coastal Plains. California's west coast, for instance. With both seacliffs, headlands, and marine terraces (emergent), as well as bays and estuaries filling flooded river valleys, San Diego's coastline exhibits traits of both emergent and submergent coastlines (submergent). Flooded river mouths, fjords, barrier islands, lagoons, estuaries, bays, tidal flats, and tidal currents are characteristics of submergent coasts. River mouths around submerged shores, like Chesapeake Bay, are inundated by the rising water. A section of the landmass in western coastal plains has submerged due to subsidence along a fault line. Along with hastening the loss of land, coastal submergence results in saline water seeping into coastal aquifers and rivers that flow into estuaries. Submergence also alters groundwater levels, alters surface drainage patterns, and makes even regions above sea level poorly drain and pond water.

Learn more about Submerging coast here


explain decrease in decomposers cause a decrease in carbon dioxide in the air in the biodome


Answer:This process moves carbon from biotic to abiotic matter. Carbon dioxide in the biodome decreased because decomposers decreased which means there was a decrease in cellular respiration overall.


Globalization is about culture change. Discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western European or American culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. Provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world.


Globalization of tradition contributes to the alternate of cultural values of different countries, and the convergence of traditions. Cultural globalization is characterized convergence of enterprise and client subculture between the distinctive international locations of the sector and the growth of international conversation.

Indigenization method change led by using Indigenous humans to deliver Indigenous approaches of understanding, being, and doing into areas that aren't designed for the ways of the ones.

A famous subculture is the set of practices, beliefs, and objects that embody the maximum extensively shared meanings of a social machine. It includes media objects, amusement and leisure, fashion and developments, and linguistic conventions, amongst different things.

Learn more about Globalization here


What is the most important indicator of water quality?


Dissolved oxygen, turbidity, bioindicators, nitrates, pH scale, and water temperature are the six main indicators of water quality.

Water quality describes the condition of the water, including chemical, physical, and biological characteristics, usually with respect to its suitability for a particular purpose such as drinking or swimming.

What is the importance of water quality?

Certain contaminants in our water can cause health problems such as gastrointestinal illness, reproductive issues, and neurological disorders. Infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems may be particularly vulnerable to illness.

What affects water quality?

Disturbances such as wildfires, windstorms, and debris torrents can all have an impact on stream temperature, turbidity, and other water quality parameters. Water quality is also influenced by geology, geomorphology, and climate.

Leran more about water quality to visit this link


what was the geography of the southern colonies?
what was the geography of the middle colonies?
what made the middle colonies different from new england and the southern colonies?
what are the differences between the 3 colonial regions?
similarities between new england and middle colonies; new england colonies religion?
new england colonies economy?
middle colonies climate?


The Southern Colonies experienced warm winters and scorching summers. The terrain varied from eastern coastal plains to more interior piedmont.

Warm weather, interior plantation agriculture, coastal port towns, and prosperity from exporting their goods were the well-known attributes of the Southern Colonies. Beginning with Virginia, the Southern Colonies eventually included Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. The colonies were situated along the Atlantic Ocean, with New France to the north and New Spain to the south. To the west, a natural barrier was created by the Appalachian Mountains. Glaciers shaped the topography of New England. Much of North America was covered in thick sheets of ice during the Ice Age. The soil was suitable for farming, and there were pleasant summers and moderate winters.

To learn more about southern colonies click the link below:



The southern colonists had recourses including good farmland and lumber


Read the paragraph below and determine the main idea:

If you're looking for adventure, Alaska has it from the mild to the wild. Raft a world-class river, kayak along rugged coastlines, hike or bike a mountain trail. All are available on your own or with an experienced guide. Out of town adventures include charter fishing trips, sightseeing cruises and flight-seeing tours. The railroad can take you in comfort through some of the world's most spectacular scenery. A visit to outlying communities will introduce you to activities as varied as the Eskimo blanket toss or bird watching. In towns and cities you'll find cultural museums, city tours and historical sites. From a one-hour trek around a community to an extended tour, Alaska offers something for everyone. From novice to expert, the experience will exceed your expectations. (10 points)

Sightseeing excursions in Alaska

Historical and cultural tours to experience the best of Alaska

Alaska has something for everyone

How to plan your Alaska vacation



Alaska has something for everyone.


it's clearly stating all the things a person could do while visiting Alaska, trying to cater to everyone's interests. Also if it wasn't obvious enough it literally says "alaska offers something for everyone."

Not that hard to understand.

What strategies and procedures would you use to help students build and maintain a sense of individual and social responsibility within the classroom?


Hold Weekly Class Meetings. A simple but effective way to build classroom community is to hold meetings with your class once a week.

Work along with coworkers. Develop consistency.... Become student-centered in your thinking. Set aside time to concentrate on study techniques and additional assistance. Utilize various assessment methods. Utilize the knowledge of other experts. Join forces with families. Develop moral principles for education. Co-create behaviors based on these principles. Create a culture and atmosphere with objectives. Develop a common language for resolving disputes. Organize SEL practices. During SEL mini-lessons, experiment with routines. Promote peer interaction and class discussion. Maintaining Contact With Students. Create projects that your students will be enthusiastic about. Establish a sense of routine and order. Positively reinforce appropriate conduct.

To learn more about classroom click the link below:


Why does the concept mapping help students to grasp more than a rote understanding of academic subject matter?


A concept map assists children in organizing new information. It assists students in making meaningful relationships between the core premise and other data. They are simple to build and can be used in any content area.

Concept maps are an effective study tactic because they help you see the big picture: by beginning with higher-level concepts, they allow you to chunk information based on meaningful relationships. Knowing the big picture, in other words, makes details extra significant and simpler to remember.

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Which of these is not a major climate zone located in South America?

A) Arid
B) Humid Subtropical
C) Subarctic
D) Tropical Wet


The answer is arid Becuase there are tropical climates in South America.

which term best describes those processes that move weathered rock materials and soils downslope due to gravity?


Answer: Mass wasting

Explanation: Mass wasting is the downhill movement of rock and soil material due to gravity.

Is there a bird called rhea?


Rhea bird is an similiar to ostriches type of birds that is to be found in south america. Rheas are large, flightless birds with grey brown plumage, long legs and long necks.Their wings are large for a flightless bird.

They were spread thier wings  while running, to act like sails. They also store urine separately in an expansion of the cloaca. Rheas birds are from South America only and are limited within the continent to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay

They are grassland birds and both species prefer open land. The rheas live in an open grasslands, chaco woodlands. They prefer to breed near water and prefer low lands.

Learn more about Rhea bird click the link here:


which of the following is correct? group of answer choices the density of continental and oceanic crust is roughly even, though the density varies in both time and space. oceanic crust is less dense than continental crust and dominated by silica and aluminum. oceanic crust is denser than continental crust and dominated by silica and magnesium. continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust and dominated by silica and magnesium. continental crust is denser than oceanic crust and dominated by silica and aluminum.


The topmost layer of the oceanic tectonic plate is known as the oceanic crust. Hence option C is correct .

What is Oceanic Crust ?

It is made up of the lower oceanic crust, which is made up of gabbro, and  cumulates, and the higher oceanic crust, which include lavas and a  complex.

The solid topmost layer is covered by the crust. Oceanic lithosphere is made up of the crust and the hard upper  layer.

Mafic rocks, or , which are in iron and magnesium, make up the majority of the oceanic crust.

It is less than 10 kilometers thick,  than crust, , but denser, with a mean density of about 3.0 grams per cubic centimeter compared to crust's density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter.

Learn more about Oceanic Crust here

# SPJ 1

according to the fossil record, how old is the oldest evidence of life forms on the surface of the earth? group of answer choices about 3.5 billion years 65 million years a few million years you can't fool me, there is no way to measure the ages of ancient fossils 6000 years


6000 years old is the oldest evidence of life forms on the surface of the earth. Thus correct option (D).

A living thing, also spelled life-form or lifeform, includes things like plants (flora) and animals (fauna). Over five billion species, or more than 99% of all those that have ever existed on Earth, are thought to be extinct.

The only celestial body that is known to contain life is Earth. Extraterrestrial life in any form has never been found.

What is the importance of life forms?

Every living thing's primary goal is to survive. Even more significant than reproduction is this. Despite not reproducing, babies and grandparents are still alive. More than just transferring genes sustains life.

Learn more about lifeform to visit this link


What type of border/boundary is Algeria?

-Relic, Superimposed, Subsequent, Antecedent, Geometric, Consequent


Answer:  This would be a Antecedent boundary

Explanation: This is because when the British came to Africa, they scrambled random pieces of lines and called them borders. That's why Africa has weird and large lines (borders)  

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in 2015, researchers concluded that enceladus's subsurface ocean is probably global, instead of just being restricted to the south polar region. what had the cassini spacecraft found, that led them to their conclusion?


In 2015 experimenters concluded that enceladus's subterranean ocean is presumably global rather of just being confined to the south polar region.

The glamorous field of Enceladus is so strong that it can only be explained by a global ocean of salty water under the face.

This glamorous field is the reason why scientist decided there must be an ocean beneath the face.

The Enceladus does not absorb water from Saturn and it doesn't have lava spewing valcanos on its face. And also only the face of Enceladus is firmed . Beneath it's face, its not firmed .

To know more about polar region, click on the link below:


what are the 6 1st level koppen climate classifications? give each climate class' letter, descriptive name and approximate location on the earth.


The Köppen climate classification system uses local vegetation to classify climate zones around the world.

Köppen climate classifications- Group A: Tropical climate has an average temperature of 18 °C (64.4 °F) or higher every month of the year, with significant precipitation.

Group B: Arid climate defined by little precipitation that does not meet the polar (EF or ET) criteria of no month with an average temperature greater than 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit).

Temperate climates belong to Group C. Group D: Continental climate has at least one month averaging below 0 °C for the distribution of precipitation in locations that satisfy both a dry summer (Cs) and a dry winter (Cw).

Group E: Polar and Alpine climate

Learn more on Köppen climate classifications


Which state does not have sea?


There are 23 states that is not having a sea around them those states are called landlocked states. A state is landlocked when it is surrounded almost entirely by land and has no access to ocean coastlines or sea ports.

Landlocked states are with no access to any large body of water. Landlocked states names of U.S. are  Alaska, Hawai'i, Washington, Oregon, California, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Mississippi, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine.

A State which is landlocked so due to their geographic remoteness, their lack of direct access to the open sea and the high transport and transit costs they face, they are at a significant economic disadvantage compared to the rest of the world.

Learn more about U.S. Landlocked State  click the link here:


which data from ocean rocks showed seafloor spreading and convinced scientists the theory of plate tectonics was valid?



Paleomagnetism data from ocean rocks showed seafloor spreading and convinced scientists the theory of plate tectonics was valid. That means that the correct answer is Paleomagnetism.


saltation and traction, which occur when rocks carried along the streambed of the river, is considered which type of sediment load?


Saltation and traction, occur when rocks carried along the streambed of the river, is considered as the suspended load.

Patches within a stream are transported in different ways depending on their size. Large patches which rest on the stream bed are known as the bedload. The bedload may only be transported when the flux rate is speedy and under flood tide conditions. They are transported by saltation( bouncing along, and colliding with other patches) and by traction( being pushed on by the force of the flux).

Minor particles may rest on the bottom occasionally, where they can be transported by saltation and traction, but they can also be held in suspense in the fluent water( the suspended load), especially at advanced flux speed.

To know more about the suspended load, click on the link below:


which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The mountains that form a natural boundary between European Russia and Siberian Russia are the Urals.

The Urals rise like a a lengthy and narrow spine across western Russia, comprising a natural divide between Europe and Asia. The mountain range traverses 2,500 kilometers enacting through the Arctic tundra to the north and through forested and semi-desert terrains to the south. Continental collisions gave rise to the Urals between 250 and 300 million years ago, putting them among the oldest mountains on Earth. For such an an age-old range, it reaches some moderately high elevations. The Nether-Polar Urals are an alpine environment.

Learn more about the Urals mountain here:


which equation could be used to find the amount of energy released by an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.7


Answer: The magnitude: M of an earthquake is represented by the equation M = % where E is the amount of energy released by the earthquake.

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