1.Who is the antagonist, (bad guy) and what do they want?

2. Describe the type of conflict that is used in this book.

3. How does the main character change from the beginning to the end?

4. Is there an object or symbol in the book that carries particular significance?
Hunger Games: Bow/Arrow or Mockingjay
Ready Player one: Keys
Harry Potter 4: Wand, Glasses, or the Cup

5. Where and when does the book take place? (Setting)
6. Describe a moral or lesson of the book.
7. Describe some of the emotions you felt while reading this book


Answer 1


I don't have an answer yet but i'll try to get back to you bc i'm reading the book too.


Related Questions

Help I need help ASAP



Native Americans


Because science


it's c -Native Americans

Read this stanza from "In Just-."

and eddieandbill come
running from marbles and
piracies and it’s

How does the use of eddieandbill impact the meaning of "in Just-"?

It relates that things are happening very fast that day.

It shows only that the boys are good friends.

It shows that the boys can’t focus on playing marbles anymore.

It captures the rush and excitement of the boys' fun.



D - It captures the rush and excitement of the boys' fun.


I took the test and got it correct

how to use tracing wheel​



It is used to transfer markings from sewing patterns onto fabric with or without the use of tracing paper and can be used to make slotted perforations. Such markings might include pleats, darts, buttonholes, notches or placement lines for appliques or pockets.


Read the passage from “Part of the Stew.”

I was mighty proud of our work. . . . I held on to a great hope that it would keep my father and my city safe.

In this passage, the narrator engages readers by

describing the details of the setting.
quoting another character.
explaining another character’s actions.
revealing his own thoughts and feelings.



The character was revealing his own thoughts and feelings. He and others have done something and he's hoping for the best.

The narrator manages to engage the readers by revealing their own thoughts and feelings, as shown in the last answer option.

What does this narration present?Presents the first-person point of view.Allows the narrator to express himself.It allows the reader to have sympathy and empathy for the narrator.

The narration with the first-person point of view, allows the narrator to express his thoughts and feelings creating a connection with the readers, who can identify emotions they have already felt, making them become involved with the story.

You can learn more about the first-person point of view at the link below:





No entiendo ingles

Write the option that you consider the most appropriate in your answer sheet:
1)The quarrel was between
a) two mountains
b) squirrels
c) the mountain and a squirrel
ii) Little Prig' is
a) the mountain
b) the squirrel
c) a rabbit
111)The mountain said, 'If I cannot carry forest on my back
a) True
b) False
iv) You are doubtless very big. The adjective in this sentence is
a) doubtless
b) you

of 7
c) big​



1. c) the mountain and a squirrel.

2. b) the squirrel.

3. False.

4. c) big.


From the passage we can deduce the following points;

1) The quarrel was between the mountain (former) and a squirrel (latter).

2) Little Prig' is the squirrel. According to the passage, the latter is the squirrel.

3) The mountain didn't say, ''If I cannot carry forest on my back." This phrase wasn't stated in any part of the passage.

4) You are doubtless very big. The adjective in this sentence is big because it qualifies a noun such as the mountain.

ummmmm on periodtttt



Where should the dash(es) go in this sentence?
Colin bounced the tennis ball twice and cocked his racket behind his shoulder but his heart
wasn't in it.
Choose 1 answer:
Colin bounced the tennis ball twice and cocked his racket behind his shoulder-but his heart
wasn't in it.
Colin bounced-the tennis ball twice and cocked his racket behind his shoulder but his heart
wasn't in it.
Colin bounced the tennis ball twice and cocked his racket behind his shoulder but his heart
wasn't-in it
Roport a problem
Stuck? Watch a video or use a hint.
tions to level up to Familiar



Colin bounced the tennis ball twice and cocked his racket behind his shoulder-but his heart


After waking up, what proves to Percy that it wasn’t all a dream?



When Percy finally came around for good, there was weird about my surroundings, except that they were nicer than I was used to.

Explanation:i think

What happens after the crew revives Claribel in Feathered Friend? ​



She chirps but then keels over again.




In "Feathered Friend" what happens after the crew in the space station revives Claribel? Claribel starts to sing and hops on Sven's finger, then she passes out again. ... To keep from fainting from lack of oxygen the way Claribel did. In "Feathered Friend" the narrator awakes with a headache in the morning.

an unstated suggestion or idea wich the reader infers from a statement____ ​








shawty bae

which place would be the best example of a gothic setting


Answer: an abandoned mental hospital

a abandoned hospital or a abandoned castle

what part is a oxymoron



Brawling love


what does appearance vs reality mean



Appearance is how something looks (how some appears). It’s the conclusions you are able to draw simply by just looking at something/someone. But appearances can often lie. For example, if someone looked really nice then thats just their appearance. But after getting to know them you learn that they were actually extremely cruel(that would be reality) Reality is real and what something actual is.


Read the excerpt from A Black Hole is NOT a Hole.

Any and all events on the Sun remain invisible to you for as long as it is below the horizon. If the Sun suddenly turned purple, you wouldn’t see it happen.

In a similar way, once an object enters the extreme gravity zone of a black hole, the object disappears from view.

Which word signals that a comparison is being made?
A) extreme
B) object
C) gravity
D) similar


The answer for this would be D.) Similar




Similar is a type of comparison word

Which is an example of a noun phrase in the sentence "The third book of the series, a cliffhanging adventure, is by far my favorite book by this particular author."?



C) The third book of the series


i just did it :)




i completed this on usatestprep

plz help for these questions..I wil surely mark u as brainlist and 50 points​


1.) I saw her working patiently in the labratory.

2.) They initialy used to visit me often on sundays.

3) The cat sat on the ground, happily swishing her tail.

4.) During the meeting, he angrily responded to their queries.

5.) The accused spoke, and sat silently, throughout the trial.

6.) They were just approching the airport at that time.

7.) He drew the picture badly on the screen yesterday.

8.) In the evening, the boy gladly gave the packet to his freind, by the gate.

9.) On the previous day the students were patiently practicing the play in the hall.

10.) The workers repaired the wall, near the gate, hurriedly, two days before the inauguration.

I hope this helps! Please mark Brainliest! <3

4. In Chapter 6, Dally finds out that Johnny has made a big decision about
their plans. What is it? *



They decide to go back.


can someone please help me make sentences combining 2 of the words below.(u can't use the same 2 words again)​


Answer:The man is deeply shallow after his wife and him were never alone together.


Complete the sentence
(Options are the same for each blank)

Bungee gum contains the properties of both ___ and ___, you see.




rubber and gum


its answer is rubber and plastic

Setting clear parameters, such as rules, guidelines, or instructions, helps people understand what is expected of them.

What is the definition of parameters?


measurable factor forming one of a set that defines a system or sets the conditions of its operation.

HELP 05.03 The Elements of Drama
Discuss the main conflict in your novel or short story. If the conflict is not perfectly clear yet, what do you suspect it will be? Explain who is trying to do what. I'm doing "The strangers that came to town" I don't know the conflict.


The main conflict of the story 'The strangers that came to town' is that the population of Syringa Street treat the Duvitches very badly, the situation is resolved when the people of the town gets to know the Duvitches and treat them with respect and welcome them with friendship. This is a short story by Ambrose Flack

The strangers that came to town is a short story by Ambrose Flack. This story's message is that true freedom is about being accepted. Ambrose Flack shows this theme using many parts of the story. He shows it through characterization, the plot, and also the setting. Although freedom can have different meaning in different people opinion, for example it can mean  freedom of speech, Flack uses and provides a lot of support in the story, using the Duvitch family.

To know more about this conflict click below:


How does the author of "The Lady, or the Tiger?" show
the moral of the story? What lets you know that this is the




I don't think there is a moral because we don't know how the lady and tiger ends. We don't know  exactly what the princess will do. Will she give into her dark side and say "If I can't have him no one can."? Or will she be gentle and self sacrificing and let him live, even if it is with another woman.

The princess is so balanced between love and hate, that we have no idea what she will do.


look i took the test  see


Which of the following is the best summary of "The Man to Send Rain Clouds?"
A short story about the death of an old man and the issues that arise from
conflicting traditions.
A short story about the death of an old man on a Pueblo Indian reservation and
the issues that arise from conflicting spiritual traditions and Christian traditions.
"The Man to Send Rain Clouds" is a short story about the death of an old man on
a Pueblo Indian reservation and the issues that arise from conflicting spiritual
traditions and Christian traditions.
"The Man to Send Rain Clouds" is a short story about the death of an old man on
a Pueblo Indian reservation and the issues that arise from conflicting spiritual
traditions and Christian traditions. As the story opens, the dead body of an old
man has been found under a cottonwood tree on an Indian reservation





Took the test and got an A

discription of seabed​



the ground under the sea: the ocean floor.


In your own words, what is the author's purpose/theme of us and them



The purpose of this narrative is that one should look at themselves and judge themselves before they proceed to judge others. The narrator's curiosity towards the Tomkey family stems from the fact that Mr. Tomkey did not believe in television.


Hodge-Grande, Cadia Yesterday &:44 AM
Questions on The Many Faces of Nigerian Food. 1. How does the author use the title of the selection to introduce us to Nigeria's
2. Besides the food, what else about Nigeria is very diverse?
What types of supporting details does the author use to support the main idea of the 1st paragraph: facts, examples, reasons,
cause/effect other information. Explain you answer.
4. How does the author explain the different ingredients used to make jolof rice?
5. What is a common practice in Nigeria about leftover foods?
6. What are the primary ingredients in the soup/stew Nigerians make?
7. How may the ingredients of a popular dish in Nigeria change from one area to another​



1.) he explains it by the way of the people how they all look different and the way they make the food.

2.) it's the people besides the food that's diverse.

3.) the supporting details is the diversity of the people the way there looks changed where they all look different and the different types of ingredients that they put inside of food.

4.) he explains it by telling what the main ingredients are and then what else can be put into it to make it better .

5.) the leftover foods do not get thrown away if they eat it for dinner and don't finish it then they eat it for breakfast .

6) peanuts, tomatoes, and onions are the main ingredients oh, but if they have goat and lamb they will use ingredients from them. Beans, grains, and vegetables. and also peppers are played in a large role into the soup.

7.) there are dozens of dishes that Nigerians and their landscape .

PLEASE HELP ME! The Latin word, prospectus, means view.
In Latin describe a view from one of the rooms in your house. Use adjectives that we have learned and the nouns from our vocabulary list this unit.

Include at least 5 nouns and adjectives in your description.

Begin with the word, videō, "I see."

Remember that all of the nouns that come after the verb "videō" will be direct objects and will need to be in the Accusative case. The adjectives will be in the Accusative case, too.


Adjectives will be in the accusative case so they can describe the direct object because in Latin the 1 rule for an adjective to match a noun(direct objects, object of the prepositions, or normal nouns) is it needs to match the nouns gender, number, and case. Video means I see in Latin so if you wanted to say I see the town. You would say Video Opidium. Oppidum is accusative because it is a direct object

- Direct objects go after the verb in Latin but the adjectives go before the verb in latin.

-here is a latin chart to help you


(The of case, possesive)Genitive

(indirect object case)Dative

(Direct object case)Accusative

(Object of the preposition case)Ablative

Feminine ending chart with mensa:

Sing. Plur. Singular. Plural

a. ae mensa. mensae

ae. arum. mensae. mensarum

ae. is. mensae. mensis

am. as. mensam. mensas

ā. is. mensā. mensis

Translated Mensa chart:

Singular. Plural

Nominative: Table. Tables

Genitive: of the table. of the tables

Dative: to the table. to the tables

Accusative: table (Direct Obj. Tables

Ablative: on the table. on the tables.

Plz help what does elaborate mean in this passage


b maybe i’m not sure though

Many families give teens a weekly allowance. Some require that the
teen perform household chores or maintain good grades in school.
Others simply give allowances to teach their child to be financially
responsible. Do you believe teens should receive allowances? Write a
letter to your local parents' association discussing your position and
backing it up with reasons.
Marlena wrote this claim in response to the prompt:
Teens should receive an allowance for completing weekly chores so
that they can learn responsibility and money-management skills.
Which statement best explains how effectively Marlena's claim responds to
the prompt?
A. The claim is effective because it clearly addresses the prompt and
gives a specific viewpoint.
B. The claim is effective because it addresses both sides of the
argument equally.
C. The claim is ineffective because although it gives a clear point of
view, it does not respond directly to the prompt.
D. The claim is ineffective because it focuses on a single piece of
factual information that does not address the prompt completely.



A. The claim is effective because it clearly addresses the prompt and

gives a specific viewpoint.


According to the prompt in the question, "Should teens be given weekly allowance?", a student gave a reply, stating that teens should receive weekly allowance for completing house chores because it would help them learn financial management.

The statement that best explains how effectively Marlena's claim responds to

the prompt is that the claim is effective because it clearly addresses the prompt and gives a specific viewpoint.


A. The claim is effective because it clearly addresses the prompt and

gives a specific viewpoint.



Other Questions
Which of the following fractions is equivalent to 3/8 6/149/244/9R 15/35plzzz help I'm on a test I'll give u brainliest Select all the correct answers.Read this passage about junk food and advertising. Which two sentences together give the best description of the passage?Experts in childrens health say that junk food companies spend billions of dollars on ads for kids. These experts say that the only way to prevent kids from eating large amounts of unhealthy food is to strengthen laws that control advertisers. Some countries have already taken steps to protect children from such advertisements. For example, Sweden does not allow fast-food companies to make ads for children under 12.A)Experts say that stricter laws are needed to stop junk food ads aimed at kids and prevent kids from eating too much junk food.B)Many governments find it hard to control advertising and are writing stricter laws to control such advertisements.C)Some countries, such as Sweden, have now made laws to control ads aimed at children.D)The advertisements aimed at kids have always been strictly controlled by governments. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa She __________ a strong interest in encouraging arts and crafts. I need help doing this please Last week, the price of gas was $2.25 per gallon. This week,the price of gas has increased by 4%. What is the price of gasthis week?G what is the history of team sports? Plzz help meA.36B.48C.144D.288 Pyruvic acid passes through twoof theand into the If g(x) is 11 then what is x How have the waterfalls on the Fall Line affected the population of the region?AThe waterfalls have resulted in a large population on the Fall Line and smaller population above the Fall Line.BThe waterfalls have contributed to a large tourist population and small local populationThe waterfalls have resulted in a small population on the Fall Line and large population on both sides of the Fall Line.DThe waterfalls have contributed to small population centers divided by larger expanses of federally protected nature reserves Describe with a little explanation the three levels of government we have inUSA! Help plz Using a non restrictive element rewrite the sentence. George Washington was America's first president. What is the momentum of a car that weighs 1500 kg going 30 m/s? p=mv The Columbian Exchange completely altered music and culture throughout The Americas, Western Europe, andAfrica. Choose any style of music and show how it began or changed due to this historical occurrence. Joseph plots the speed of his car and time on a scatter plot. The equation for the line of best fit on his scatter plot is y = -15x + 60, where x is the time in hours and y is the speed in miles/hour. Which statement describes the situation correctly?A. The initial speed is 60 miles/hour, and his speed decreases by 15 miles/hour every hour.B. The initial speed is 60 miles/hour, and his speed increases by 15 miles/hour every hour.C. The initial speed is 0 miles/hour, and his speed increases by 15 miles/hour every hour.D. The initial speed is 5 miles/hour, and his speed increases by 30 miles/hour every hour. In a research report, the writer _____.A) states opinions about current eventsB) lists fictional books as sourcesC) wants to entertain or persuade the readerD) supplies supporting facts and details If staff salaries were $44,000/month last year, and the yearly labor cost increase from last year to this year is $108,000, what is the monthly labor cost this year? The relationship is hours multiplied by equals the number of dogs. 3/4 times 3/5 please show me how you did it so i can learn