Plllzzz What is the theme of the poem
I was thrown Through the hard cold steel waves like a child lost in an unending sea
Waves of anger because of the unknown waves capped with winter frost were unyielding and severe
Shivering the waves consumed me fear shone through my eyes and my now bluish skin felt clammy to the touch
Fear held me anchored for I knew not how to raise my head above the flashing flint of the ocean
Where was the ocean i loves the Venetian blue the gentle lulling the conformity that I knew
A beast that I know not how to control was now living and consuming me
Why was I being forsaken I needed sanctuary I silently pleaded to an unyielding sea of storming iron
I have more to live anger won’t overcome me again please I have more to give


Answer 1




Answer 2


im not a 100% sure but i think it is coming to the idea that youve lost


Related Questions

Step 3:
In “The Tiger
Rising," Rob
chooses to keep
his thoughts and
feelings locked
up in an
Choose either
Rob OR Sistine
Chose either Rob or Sistine and chose three items from slide two complete the suitcase chart with your answer



i'll put sistine.


I did that

Explanation:  show the slide

Please help me with this homework



1. When my mom says my room is a pig pen, she says my room is messy.

2. Joey is a clown because he is very funny.

3. When people call someone an angel, they mean that they are well behaved and sweet.

4. My friend is whip smart because he can answer questions really fast.

5. My sister is as fast as a cheetah.

6. My mom calls my brother a devil because he is very naughty.

7. Thee tree is a giant because it is so big.

8. My friend is like a cookie because he/she is the sweetest.

(Do not use the he/she just choose one i just used it for references)


I am really good at English so I got u:

Her mom means her room is messy therefore referring to how a pig pen is also nasty and pretty messy.That means his friend Joey is funny and likes to make jokes about a lot of things.That means that person is responsible and obedient because she listens.That boy is a walking dictionary.That girl can run past a mile in a blink of an eye.My teenager is always horsing around.The tree is a giant.My friend is the sun waiting to greet you every morning.


Plz rate my answer & if you have any questions feel free to ask:)

Which sentence best describes why paragraphs 1 and 3 are important to the plot? Please do not write a false answer just for the points, you will be reported.

A) They tell about large waves at sea.
B) They foreshadow events to come.
C) They suggest the dangers of sailing.



B) They foreshadow events to come.


please urgent please beg



question 4:

1 and b

2 and a

3 and c

4 and f

5 and d

6 and e

question 5:

1. (u already did)

2. The magazines are ours.

3. The sunglasses are hers.

4.  The video camera is yours.

5. The passport is his.

6. The shoes are theirs.


I don´t really know how to explain this but I´ll try...

Instead of...

my = mine

our = ours

her = hers

your = yours

his = his

their = theirs

Which of these can help you avoid information overload?
A. Breaking down information into smaller pieces
B. Keeping a running list of new words
C. Reading only the first sentence of each paragraph
D. Making predictions before you start reading


The answer is A. Breaking down information into smaller pieces.

help me bro like please i really wanna pass



1 no. I i hope u will be pass


it identifies the problems the soldiers faced while trying to keep the bear.


the whole passage is talking about how the bear had to become a soldier or else they couldn't keep the bear.

essay on my village



hope it helps u

please mark me brailliest

describe the point of view of “The School Days of an Indian Girl”


Answer: The despondency and isolation Zitkala-Sa felt at the school as an outsider among white people and her urges of rebellion and revenge represent the despair and anger of all Native Americans under white oppression in her time.


L) Make negative sentences using WAS/WERE:
1. Kevin / at my party.
2. Nick / in class yesterday.
3. It / warm/yesterday.
4. Tina and Jim / late.
5. Etty / on the bus.
6. Wel at the match/ yesterday.
7. Our teachers/ pleased with us.
8. I at the restaurant,​


1. Kevin WAS at my party
2. Nick WAS in class yesterday
3. It WAS warm yesterday
4. Tina and Jim WERE late
5. Etty WAS on the bus
6. Wel at the match WAS yesterday
7. Our teachers WERE pleased with us
8. I WAS (eating) at the restaurant

confused on what you meant by make negative sentences, and there sort of a couple mis-worded sentences too, but i hope this kind of helps :)

1. Kevin was not at my party.

2. Nick was not in the class yesterday.

3. It was not a warm yesterday.

4. Tina and Jim were not late.

5. Etty was not on the bus.

6. Wel was not at the match yesterday.

7. Our teachers were not pleased with us.

8. I was not at the restaurant.

What do you mean by Sentence?

A sentence is described as a word or set of words that conveys a comprehensive notion by making a declaration or providing an order, asking a question, or proclaiming.

A negative sentence is one that declares something to be untrue. In English, negative phrases are formed by inserting the word "not" after the auxiliary verb.

Any sentence or phrase that comprises the words "not," "no," "never," or "nothing" is considered negative: The negative sentence is "I've never seen him in my life." The negative versions of "do" are "don't" and "do not". More instances.

Therefore, Negative sentence using was/were are stated above.

Learn more about Sentence, here;



Read the introduction from “The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes.”

Hello, I'm Severn Suzuki speaking for E.C.O.—The Environmental Children's Organisation.

We are a group of twelve and thirteen-year-olds from Canada trying to make a difference: Vanessa Suttie, Morgan Geisler, Michelle Quigg and me. We raised all the money ourselves to come six thousand miles to tell you adults you must change your ways. Coming here today, I have no hidden agenda. I am fighting for my future.

Which word pair best describes the tone Severn Suzuki uses in her introduction?

worried and confused
disappointed and upset
satisfied and happy
honest and direct



honest and direct




I would say honest and direct


She doesn’t try to say things lightly or sugar coat anything. She just immediately says who she is and what she’s wants to do so that’s why I think I would be honest and direct

Which of the 10 points from the 10 Point Program
do you think Maverick lives by?



More information please


Marks: 1
Make this sentence negative:
The cat broke the vase.
(a) The cat
didn't broke
the vase
(b) The cat
didn't break
the vase
(c) The cat
do not
break the
D)the cat doesn’t broke the vase


I believe the answer to this would be C
b- the cat didn’t break the vase

o What can you do about the things that weigh you down about your future?



Having a cluttered mind can “weigh you down” mentally. Unfinished to-do lists, a disorganized desk, projects you have wanted to start for months, things waiting to be put away. These are all things that weigh on your mind and drag you down. Here are some tips for how to clear your mind and let go of what weighs you down.

All of the things running around in your mind that you “want” to do equal what I call mental weight. Mental weight is hard to notice because it doesn’t physically show itself like 10 extra pounds gained over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Mental weight is mostly silent, but you can feel it if you know what to look for

Have you ever put off a project for months (or even years) because you thought it was going to be terribly hard and time-consuming, only to realize it wasn’t that bad after you actually started it? In fact, you felt like a huge weight was lifted off your back and were so happy that the project was done?

So how do you get rid of all this mental weight? Here are five tips for how to clear your mind and let go of what’s weighing you down

You need to get everything out of your head and put it all on paper. Take some time to write down everything you want to do that’s hanging over your head. I mean EVERYTHING. Get it all out there so you can look at it, do a total brain dump.

Now you need to categorize everything on your list into 3 buckets:⁣

DIY (Something I can easily do myself)⁣

Hire (Something I need to hire someone else to do)⁣

Let go (I wanted to do this at some point, but now it doesn’t really matter)

Putting things in your Let Go bucket might be hard, but it’s how to clear your mind and release mental weight. You can’t let anything in this bucket continue to weigh you down. Circumstances have changed and whatever you wanted to do in the past no longer matters. Focus on the future, make a commitment to letting go and move on.

Now you have to make some decisions. Look at what you have written down and ask yourself, what is the ONE THING that is weighing me down the most? Write that one thing down on a separate sheet of paper and put the rest away for later

Your one small action is this. Commit just 10 minutes to working on the ONE THING on your list. It’s only 10 minutes! Block it out on your calendar if you need to and make sure you commit to a focused, undistracted 10 minutes where you only work on this one thing.

It’s remarkable how much better you’ll feel after a mental dump, some prioritization and starting on ONE THING. The mental weight will be lifted and will be replaced with the uplifting feeling of progress and momentum.⁣

Momentum is king here, so you want to hold onto it. After getting started on your one thing, you need to keep working on it until it’s finished. Commit the time you need to work on this project and get it off your “to-do” list. This could be another 10 focused minutes each day, or longer if you have the time.

The key is to focus on small, consistent actions to keep chipping away and making progress. As long as you are making progress towards your goal, the mental weight will be lifted. Instead of focusing on what’s weighing you down, your mind will be clear and happy with the progress you are making.

Once you finish your ONE THING, then you’ll want to repeat steps 3-5 again on a new item. Asses your priorities, pick your next item and focus on one thing only. Take small consistent action on that item until it’s complete.

Schindler's Night

Quote Analysis Worksheet

Choose any 5 quotes from Night and write them below:






An author can describe important events in a story by telling you about them. Sometimes what the character says (and how he says it) is just as important as what happens. It can tell us what the person is like, and what has happened in the past or will happen in the future.

Pick one of your 5 quotes and answer the following questions:

1.Write the quote and the page it comes from. Put it in quotation marks.

2.Explain who said those words, and to whom they were talking (one to two sentences).

3.Paraphrase the quote. (two to four sentences)


Answer: Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed.... ...

I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the right questions.”


What is the climax in Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone??


When harry got the stone and someone knocked him out

Answer:Harry being hated by snape.

Explanation: Harry is hated by snape since the beginning.

is mercutio anti hero?



Hes a tragic hero...


Most of its characters are considered tragic heroes; someone who is destined for greatness, but is doomed to fail. Because of everything that happens to him, Mercutio is the best fit for a tragic hero.

Phonological awareness is...
sensitivity to the sound structure of words
separate from their meaning
sensitivity to the syntactic units of language
sensitivity to differences between
vocabulary words
all of the above


Sensitivity to the sound structure of words

It’s the ability to recognize and work with sounds in a spoken language.

Look at the following writing sample. Classify it as formal, Informal, or semi-formal.
HI. guys. Today, I'm going to show y'all a totally awesome way to make a cake. First you make the mix and all that jazz.
Then, you take it out of the oven. Don't get bumed 'cause that's no good. Once it gets cooled off a little, you're ready to
get crackin'. You can put on this fabulous, yummy pink frosting. After that, you can chow down.



OMG LOL im dying, its informal


I need help on the one in blue ASAP please


Without big farms to run, the people in the North did not rely on slave labor very much. In the South, the economy was based on agriculture. ... The North wanted the new states to be “free states.” Most northerners thought that slavery was wrong and many northern states had outlawed slavery.

what does the phrase “Soon we must all choose between what is right and what is easy.” mean



What it is saying that we can either take the easy way(Not working for whats right, aka taking the easy way out, being lazy, ect) or do what is right. (fighting and working for our achievements and goals, not cheating or doing the minimal)

Hope this helps!


-Eijiro <3


In our lives, we will be placed in many situations where we will have to choose to do a hard right thing or an easy wrong thing. Let's say you're walking in public and you see that somebody has parked their car in the handicap parking spot. The easy thing to do would be to continue on your day and hope that the person moves their car before someone needs that parking spot. The action that actually takes courage and effort though, would be to call the police and report that someone parked there without signifying that they were disabled. This is an example of an easy wrong thing and a hard right thing. We should do our best to try to make the right choices on a daily basis.

Choose the word that means most important.


D. Serious
Bc when you are serious it usually means something important

What is the name for a long speech given by a character alone on stage, meant to
represent their internal conflict?





a speech in which an actor, usually alone on stage, speaks the inner thoughts of his/her character aloud.

20 points!
Which best summarizes the Missouri Compromise?
California was admitted as a free state and the North agreed to the Fugitive Slave Law.
The Republic of Texas was annexed into the United States.
Missouri would join the Union as a slave state and Maine would join the Union as a free state.
Maine would join the Union as a slave state and Missouri would join the Union as a free state.


Answer: A


Jim Crow summary I can use for a book talk.



Jim Crow laws were a series of laws passed in the 1800's. It made sure that blacks and whites were separated. All these laws went on until Martin Luther King Jr. put an end to them in 1963.

Have a great day!

5. Why is Dally upset about Johnny's decision?



Dally is mad because he went back into the church whilst it was burning.

Based on the point and evidence, which is the best explanation, or analysis, of the evidence?
The Maori myth shows people working together to achieve a goal.
The Maori myth suggests that some families feel like they are stuck where they are.
This shows the Maori's belief that sometimes making sacrifices is the only way to achieve a goal.
This suggests that the Mäori believe that teamwork helps family members achieve their goals.


Answer: This suggests that the Mäori believe that teamwork helps family members achieve their goals.


In the Maori creation story, Ranginui (Rangi) who is the skymother and Papatuanuku (Papa) the skyfather, block the sun from their children as they are locked in procreative embrace.

Their children decide to separate them so that they may have light. Working together, they are able to accomplish the task thereby showing that with teamwork, family members can achieve their goals.

helpp please im to stoopid foe dis


Answer and Explanation:

A is the correct answer

It seems to flow pretty well, compared to the others, and has a story-like feeling coming from the narrator.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And War)

please urgent please beg help




these magazines are ours

heir her sunglasses

this camera is yours

this passport is his

these shoes are theirs  

1. these magazines are ours. / 2. their her sunglasses??. / 3. this camera is yours. / 4. this passport is his. / 5. these shoes are theirs

Newsela Michelle Obama new shows for kids








Is this a thesis statement? A nationwide ban on plastic bags is the best way to protect marine wildlife from litter.





A thesis statement is usually found at the end of the introduction to a body of writing that offers a summary.

Therefore, the statement: "A nationwide ban on plastic bags is the best way to protect marine wildlife from litter" is an example of a thesis statement.

Answer: Yes

Explanation: Because I got it right

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