Please tell the truth please help me please help me with the work please please help me with the work please help me with the work I do I need a little more work done

Please Tell The Truth Please Help Me Please Help Me With The Work Please Please Help Me With The Work


Answer 1


a. -10/7

b. 5/3

c. 3.02

d. 6 1/2 (it is a bit blury, hard to tell)

explanation- so the opposite of a positive is a negative, the opposite of a negative is a positive. so it is the same for this. for example 10/7 is positive so you make it a negative for it be the opposite.

i would help with the rest, but it is hard when you have to label things on a diagram when you are doing it on a computer like this. sorry!

Answer 2


1a. -10/7

1b. 5/3

1c. 3.02

1d. 6 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

i  can see everything because blury

Related Questions

please help ill give brainliest



She spent over $3.00 .

If i'm wrong sorry I didn't get the Question

What is the simplest form of 3(0.44r-2.1)-2.1(r-0.3)



−0.78r − 5.67

Step-by-step explanation:

It the same answer as the one on top it correct

Can someone please help I asked earlier but no one is answering!



a) 4x+6

b) 28

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is equal to 1+x+1+x+1+1+1+x+1+x.

Simplifying we have 4x+6.

If we plug in 5.5 for x, we get 4*5.5+6=28

I tried buh then ii forgot how to find the answer




Step-by-step explanation:

can i have brainliest

Answer: 150.8

Step-by-step explanation: Explanation below.

(geometry) This zigzag crystal vase has a height of 12 inches. The cross sections parallel to the base are always rectangles that are 5 inches wide by 4 inches long.

(a) If we assume the crystal itself has no thickness, what would be the volume of the base?
(b) The crystal is actually half an inch thick on each of the sides and on the bottom. Approximately how much space is contained within the vase?



A. 9

B. 7

Step-by-step explanation:

a) The volume of the base of the crystal is 240 inches³

b) The space contained by the vase of the crystal is 24 inches³

What is the volume of a Cuboid?

A cuboid is defined as a three-dimensional shape, that has six rectangular faces, eight vertices and twelve edges

The volume of a cuboid is the product of its length , width and height

The volume of the cuboid is given by

Volume of Cuboid = Length x Width x Height

Given data ,

(a) Since the cross sections are always cuboids that are 5 inches wide by 4 inches long, the area of each cross section is 5 x 4 = 20 square inches. Since the vase has a height of 12 inches, the volume of the vase is equal to the product of the area of the base and the height, which is 20 x 12 = 240 cubic inches.

(b) If the crystal is half an inch thick on each of the sides and on the bottom, then the dimensions of each cross section are 5 inches by 4 inches by 1 inch (since each side of the crystal adds half an inch to the length and width of the rectangle). The volume of each cross section is therefore 5 x 4 x 1 = 20 cubic inches.

However, since the crystal takes up half an inch on each side, the actual space contained within the vase is reduced by 2 x (5 + 4 + 0.5 + 0.5) x 12 = 216 cubic inches (where 5 + 4 is the sum of the lengths and widths of the rectangle, and 0.5 + 0.5 is the thickness of the crystal on each side).

Hence , the approximate space contained within the vase is 240 - 216 = 24 cubic inches

To learn more about volume of cuboid click :






Option 3 satisfies the equation y = -2x + 1.

Step-by-step explanation:

7 = -2*-3 + 1 makes sense

-5 = -2*3 + 1 also makes sense

-9 = -2*-9 + 1 is correct

Have a nice day!

Find the length of the missing side. Round to the nearest
tenth if necessary.



The one tat makes the most logical sense is D

Step-by-step explanation:

The missing side is about 23 meters.

A submarine was located 200 feet below sea level. If it ascends 55 feet and then drops 87 feet, then which integer represents the new position of the submarine? Answer choices: -342 ft, -255 ft, -232 ft, 232 ft. Please tell me how you got the answer!!




Step-by-step explanation:

-232 ft i’m pretty sure:)

i haaaave no idea what 2 type here



6 positive tiles

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 6 negative tiles so you would need 6 positive tiles to cancel out the 6 negative ones.

Simply put: -6 + 6 = 0

Hope that helped! Good luck! :)

The answer is 6 positive tiles




im not sure but i need points

Step-by-step explanation:

1.Which of the following lines are shown in the drawing

2. Which lines shown in the drawing are parallel?

3. Which of the following angles are shown in the drawing?



1. A, B, D, E

2. B, D

3. B, C

Step-by-step explanation:

need help 8th grade math




Step-by-step explanation:

outside angle = two opposite inside angles

10x - 45°  = 4x + 3x

3x = 45°

x = 15°

m∠B = 4x

m∠B = 4(15°)

m∠B = 60°

The answer is 60 measures

Which image below is an acute triangle?

Triangle A has angles measuring ninety five degrees, forty five degrees, and thirty degrees. Triangle B has angles measuring one hundred degrees, twenty five degrees, and twenty five degrees. Triangle C has angles measuring fifty degrees, sixty five degrees, and sixty five degrees. Triangle D has angles measuring thirty degrees, one hundred ten degrees, and twenty degrees.

Triangle A
Triangle B
Triangle C
Triangle D



Triangle C

Step-by-step explanation:

An acute angle is less than 90 degrees, Triangle C has angles measuring fifty degrees, sixty five degrees, and sixty five degrees. Those numbers are less than 90 degrees. So Triangle C is an acute angle.

Please match the shapes with the answer! Solve too! ​



I think that the first one id D but many be if you get a better pic zi could help with the rest its a bit hard to count all the squares bc its a tadbit blury

Step-by-step explanation:

it’s a little hard to see but i think 1 is E, 2 is H, 3 is D, and 4 is G. again it’s kinda hard to see so if it’s wrong i’m sorry

No link/pic just type pls



If you said its the height it would be 21

Step-by-step explanation:

The height is on the side

volume of a cylinder = pi*r^2*h
v = 3.14*9.5^2*21
v = 3.14*90.5*21
v= 5954.1

Antonio is in a bowling league. His goal is to score an average of at least 100 points per game. His scores so far are 105,95,97,82, and 110. How many points can Antonio score in his next game to reach his goal? Show your work.


The answer would be 11.
He’s playing 6 games to meet his goal which is 600. Adding 105+95+97+82+110 you’ll have 489 total points. You’ll then subtract 600-489 which will equal to 111.

Antonio can score in his next game a score of 111 to reach his goal.

What are Arithmetic operations?

Arithmetic operations are the basic part of mathematics which combines the basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Given that,

Antonio is in a bowling league. His goal is to score an average of at least 100 points per game.

Total number of games = 6

If each game score is at least 100, total number of scores must be at least 6 × 100 = 600

Scores got so far = 105 + 95 + 97 + 82 + 110

                             = 489

Score needed for the next game = 600 - 489 = 111

Hence the score needed in the next game is 111.

Learn more about Arithmetic Operations here :


A fourth neighbor said, "My age is the difference between twice my age in 21 years and twice my age 21 years ago". How old is the fourth neighbor? Pls, answer ASAP.




Step-by-step explanation:

The fourth neighbor would be 84

A figure was created using a rectangle and a triangle. Using the dimensions provided, to find the area of the figure in square feet.
A 18 ft²
B 49 ft²
C 61 ft²
D 82 ft²



B. 49

Step-by-step explanation:

For the rectangle:

10 • 4 = 40

For the triangle:

3 • 6 = 18

18/2 = 9

Add them together:

40 + 9 = 49

And there you have it!

Hope this helps, good luck :)

B 49 is the best possible answer thank you

A cone has a height of 10 yards and a diameter of 8 yards. What is the volume?


Answer: 167.55 units cubed

Step-by-step explanation:

To find this, you must know the formula for a cone. The area is A=πr(r+h2+r2). We can get that the A=π4(4+102+(4)2). We got this from plugging in the numbers. The radius is equal to half the diameter, so the radius is 4. The answer is 167.55 units cubed.

Consider the following statement: Two sets of data with the same mean will also have the same variability. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain.


disagree because most of the times statistical questions or mainly yes or no questions and never really in the middle. that’s because it can throw off it’s variability! i hope i helped ❤️

The statement is false and same mean can have different variability

What is Mean?

The mean value in a set of numbers is the middle value, calculated by dividing the total of all the values by the number of values.

Mean = Sum of Values / Number of Values

Given data ,

Let the mean of the data be represented as M

Now , The mean is a measure of central tendency that represents the average value of a set of data, but it does not provide information about the variability or spread of the data.

For example, consider the following two sets of data:

Set 1: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (mean = 3)

Set 2: 0, 2, 3, 4, 6 (mean = 3)

Both sets have the same mean of 3, but Set 1 has a smaller range (4) compared to Set 2 (6). The range is a measure of variability that represents the difference between the maximum and minimum values in a set of data.

Hence , two sets of data with the same mean can have different variability,

To learn more about mean click :


pls pls help meee pls


There’s nothing there


Hey , Listen we'll help you with whatever it is but please write the question in the comments, and I promise i'll edit my answer.

I need help with understanding these, if you could put (at least half of) the answers with a slight explanation it would help A LOT!!!!



khan videos

Step-by-step explanation:

hi, i recommend to look at khan academy's videos, they are free and you can learn a lot from it. good luck with your math!

Answer: x(x-4)+2(x-4)=0 The answer is


= −2

Step-by-step explanation:

Distribute, Then Cobine the like terms, Then you get your solution

(i would go further into explanation but its kinda hard to explain)

The cost of 7 scarves is $82.25. What is the unit price?


82.25 divided by 7 is 11.75. Each scarf costs 11.75, this is the unit price.



Step-by-step explanation:

To find a unit price you must divide the price by how many objects bought.

So I divided 82.25 by 7

When I did this I got 11.75

This means each scarf costs $11.75

A basket of snacks contains 8 packs of oreos, 2 bags of chips, 6 packs of gummies, and 4 granola bars. What is the probability a pack of oreos is chosen, replaced, and then a pack of gummies are selected second?




the probability is 3/25

First you add all of the things in the basket together. 8 + 2 + 6 + 4 = 20.

For Oreos, you have 8 in the basket so you divide 8 by how many is in the basket to get 2/5.

Then you divide 6 by the total amount which is 6/20 to get 3/10.

In Miron's class, there are 25 students. 3/5 of the students are boys. How many of the students in his class are boys?




Step-by-step explanation:

to find it we must do this equation:

(25/5) * 3

5 * 3 = 15

To check :

15/25 = 3/5

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K

15 because 3/5=60% and 60% of 25 is 15

Extra points!!. What percentage of the data values are greater than 78?


It is 19% :) I got you:)

I keep getting the same answer, please give an explanation and answer
I put (4/3) (3.14) <(which is the pie sign) (18^3) and I got 24429.
I don't see any answer choices


Answer: 3052 ft^3

Step-by-step explanation: The radius is not 18, it's 9. 18 is the diameter. Hope this helped you!





Step-by-step explanation:


Hi, there your answer will be 4/5.

Hope this helps :)

Step-by-step explanation:

can someone please solve these equations asap with step by step explanation you can also write an answer in the comments if u are unable to answer
1.7x × 2y - 4y × 3x
2.3x × 2x - 4y × 3y
3. (4x)(5x) - (5x)(4x)


If this helps you have to use the formula (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). So for number 1 it would be 7x - 3x and 2y - 4y

[tex]1.7x \times 2x - 4y \times 3x \\ 7x \times 3x - 4y \times 2y \\ 21x ^{2} - {8}y^{2} \\ 2.3x \times 2x - 4y \times 3y \\ 6x ^{2} - {12y}^{2} \\ 3.4x \times 5x - 5x \times 4x \\ {20x}^{2} - {20x }^{2} \\ 0 [/tex]

What is the x-coordinate of the solution to the system of equations shown below?


a. -6
b. -5
c. 5/3
d. 5


The x-coordinate is b. -5
The answer is b. -5.
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