Today the United States sees the world as a global community. Countries such as Japan, Egypt, Argentina, and many European countries that have not always seen eye to eye with the U.S. now cooperate fully with this world super power. Explain why they do so.


Answer 1
These countries started off with disagreements and bad things happened, but the reason why they do Cooperate now is because the have a shared interest. For example when the United States and Russia had to join together despite the US not wanting to get involved because of Hitler. They all had to do the same thing which is set aside their differences and focus on what was going to help them both in the long run. Lastly, resources are also a huge component as to why they are buddies now. Every country relies on another country for a specific resource and once that resource is taken away they’ll have no where else to go, so they have to go back and forget their differences. Ie. the United States and Japan.

Related Questions

How were enslaved African Americans dehumanized by the punishments they received at the hands of their enslavers?
Give and explain two ways.


Because they would be hanged and killed or they would sell their family members

what is the biggest contribution of kabuki theater to the rich history of japan


Answer:Okuni's Kabuki was the first dramatic entertainment of any importance that was designed for the tastes of the common people in Japan. The sensuous character of the dances (and the prostitution of the actors) proved to be too disruptive for the government, which in 1629 banned women from performing.

Explanation:here you go :)

Question 4 of 10
The ease of uploading and sharing on the Internet has led to:
A. the oversharing of information.
B. an issue concerning home security.
C. a balance in people's social lives.
D. an increase of important information.
plz help



D. An increase of important information

The ease of uploading and sharing on the Internet has led to: an increase of important information. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

What is internet?

The Internet is a global network of connected computer networks that allows communication and information sharing between individuals and organizations all over the world.

It is a massive network of networks that is interconnected using standardized communication protocols and provides access to a vast array of online resources.

It has transformed the way people work, communicate, learn, and entertain themselves, making it one of the most significant technological innovations in modern history.

An increase of important information on the Internet due to ease of uploading and sharing on the Internet. Therefore option (D) is correct.

Learn more about internet here:


which watch company has a pointed crown as it's logo? ​



Rolex is the company with the crown logo.



hope this helps

have a good day :)


what Role did south Africa women play against the violation of human rights from the 1950s to 1960s? essay​


The main topics to be written about on essay about human rights includes:

Structure of human rightEffect of human right violationHow the woman protested against the violation.

What is an essay?

An essay refers to an formal piece of writing that basically deals with a single subject.

Important Point for the essay includes:The South African women protested against unjust laws that basically violates the protection of human rights during the 1950s.

The active role of the South African women caused many of them to be arrested.

In conclusion, the essay will be constructed as a narrative essay because it is trying to explain the role of the South African women.

Read more about Human right

Abusiness owner would have less freedom in a command economy than in a market economy.
O True




Command economies are strictly regulated by the government. An example is North Korea. Market economies give you more choice.

True. If a business owner were in a command economy, instead of making what you think people want or what you want to make, you are being told what to make by the government. That’s essentially taking away the freedom of choosing your products, which would make this statement false.

Before you continue with your paper, it’s a good idea to review your outline. Check the elements that you included in your outline. I included my thesis statement in the introduction. I created topic sentences. I thought of transitions between the introduction, body, and conclusion. I found evidence to support each paragraph. I used numbers and letters to indicate paragraphs and details. I included an idea for a conclusion.



yes it is all of them



Yes, it is important to check all these things before submitting the paper.

Reviewing outlineSelecting the Right Journal. ...Writing Sections of the Manuscript. ...Ordering and Naming the Sections. ...Conflicts of Interest. ...Copyright Permissions for Borrowed Material....Writing a Cover Letter. ...Proofreading. ...Conclusion.

Use of review outline

Use an outline for your paper so it's easy for the editors and author to follow. This will also help you keep your comments organized.

Learn more from


Paul Revere and the impact he had on history pls help i really need it


Answer: Paul Revere had an impact on history because he took part in the Boston Tea Party and was a principal rider for Boston's Committee of Safety. In addition, he made a system of lanterns to warn the minutemen of a British invasion, setting up his famous ride on April 18, 1775.

Who was the ruler that reigned over Egypt for 67 yrs during a time of peace and prosperity?
A. Hatshepsut
B. Vizer
C. Ramses II
D. Alexander the Great








Ramses II - Often called Ramses the Great, he ruled Egypt for 67 years. He is famous today because he built more statues and monuments than any other Pharaoh.

How was the Korea & Vietnam wars similar?
both were fought to ensure a Warsaw Pact victory
both were fought to contain communist aggression
both were fought to occupy enemy territory
both were fought by a collection of all NATO forces throughout the war.



I believe the answer is B

What was one reason that countries wanted colonizes due to the industrial revolution?


Rabbits and cats are adorable tbh

the peoples party was founded to?


James Baird Weaver,
Leonidas L. Polk.

"Republic: is a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to
make laws for them."
A republic is another name for what kind of government?
direct democracy
representative democracy



The answer would be D a representative democracy. Hope this helps


What is a variable rate on a loan or credit card?



A variable interest rate, also known as a variable APR, is an interest rate that can change over time. ... When the Federal Reserve raises or lowers interest rates, a change to your credit card rate will typically follow, as most issuers calculate rates based on general market rates.



A floating interest rate, also known as a variable or adjustable rate, refers to any type of debt instrument, such as a loan, bond, mortgage, or credit, that does not have a fixed rate of interest over the life of the instrument. Floating interest rates typically change based on a reference rate.

Sorry if I got it wrong.

Which was not one of the major cause of he Cold War?



Soviets constructed the Berlin Wall




The correct answer is “Soviets constructed the Berlin Wall” since the Berlin Wall was not constructed as a cause of the Cold War

The U.S. Constitution:Question 6
The English Bill of Rights, which gave the people the right to petition the
king, the right to bear arms and freedom from cruel and unusual
punishment, emphasized what political concept?
Select one:
separation of powers
rule of law
natural rights or individual rights
popular sovereignty


Answer: I think it’s Natural Rights

What are some of the advantages to a Free Market or Capitalist system?


Answer : political

civil freedom

explaination :

since everybody has the right to choose what to produce or consumer. It contributes to economic growth and transparency. It ensures competitive markets

Supporters of a free market economy claim that the system has the following advantages: It contributes to political and civil freedom, in theory, since everybody has the right to choose what to produce or consumer. It contributes to economic growth and transparency. It ensures competitive markets.

What is citizenship acquisition?

purchasing citizenship from a consular office
winning citizenship through good deeds
becoming a citizen by having a parent from the U.S.
receiving citizen sponsorship



Acquisition of citizenship refers to the mechanism by which certain foreign-born children acquire citizenship automatically by virtue of being born to parents who are U.S. citizens.

hope i helped


plz help i’ll give you brainilist



I believe it is A The Fugitive Slave Act was weakened

Question 15
Attending a two year college before attending a four year college is a very bad



true because if you really think about it  while doing time at a 4 years college you will learn more even though its a long time and after finishing the 4 years youll just have the 2 year college worry about


Which of the following best describes a difference between a king and a tyrant?



C. Explain ONE way in which the USA & USSR competed against each other during the Cold

War in the Post-World War Two period (c. 1945-present)


A king inherits power, but a tyrant seizes it.

What will be on the module 5 history DBA PHONE CALL for 6th grade


how are we supposed to know

Read the following quote from Thomas Jefferson:

"A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned—this is the sum of good government."

Which of the following Democratic-Republican ideas does this statement best support?

The creation of a national bank is unconstitutional.

The institution of slavery should be protected.

A powerful central government threatens individual liberties.

The national government should only pay for improvements that benefit the nation.

Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[05.06 MC]

Map of the United States showing U.S. acquisitions, 1845 to 1848. States shaded in whole or in part are Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. The first area, labeled 1844, includes eastern Texas as the Lone Star Republic. The second area, marked 1848, includes west Texas, east New Mexico, central and southeastern Colorado, and marks land in dispute between Texas and Mexico in 1848. The third area, labeled 1853, is the Gadsden Purchase, which is south of Arizona. The fourth area is the Mexican Cession of 1848 Guadalupe Hidalgo, including west New Mexico, west Colorado, Utah, north Arizona, California, and Nevada. The last area, 1846, marks the Oregon Territory Treaty with Great Britain, which includes Oregon, Washington, Idaho, northwest Montana, and western Wyoming.

Public Domain

Which regions on this map were once Mexican possessions?

Midwest and Southwest

Northwest and southern West Coast

Southwest and Northeast

Southwest and southern West Coast

Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.01 MC]

How did the use of factory machines change life in America?

They replaced the work of people, causing unemployment.

Machines were expensive and made goods more expensive.

Machines helped make and deliver goods quickly and cheaply.

They made goods of lower quality, causing demand for handmade items.

Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.06 LC]

Jacksonian Democracy is associated with which of the following?

Rejection of states' rights

Rejection of a national bank

Rejection of weakening the central government

Rejection of strict interpretation of the Constitution

Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.04 MC]

Which factor contributed most to the U.S. acquisition of Florida in 1819?

The defeat of Great Britain in the War of 1812

U.S. military victories in Florida during the 1810s

Spain's loss of control over its South American territories

Territorial disputes between Mexico and the United States

Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.03 LC]

Use this case study and chart to answer the following question:

Case Study: The Growth of New Orleans

The City of New Orleans was founded by the French in what was an important but swampy region of the south along the banks of the Mississippi River. A few short years after its founding, the city was made the capital of the French territory of Louisiana. It would take another 50 years or so before fur and game trading was replaced with a more productive industry—sugar. The city's location at the mouth of the Mississippi River proved useful for moving goods up into the continent as well as making it easy to trade with Europe. Soon New Orleans was a busy and rapidly growing city, becoming the seventh most populated city in the New World by 1810.

New Orleans' location in the swamps, while helpful for trade, was not always helpful to people of the city. New Orleans had problems with flooding and drainage of sewage. Disease spread rapidly thanks to an also thriving population of mosquitoes. Lack of sanitation and no public water made it hard to defend against outbreaks of malaria and yellow fever outbreaks of which occurred as recently as 1905.

Image contains a graph and a table. The title of the image is: The City of New Orleans. The graph contains population numbers from 1810 to 1900. The table also contains population numbers from 1810 to 1900 and also contains New Orleans

According to the passage, which of the following was the most significant cause of New Orleans' rapid growth between 1810 and 1840?

The sugar industry

Fur and game trading

The city's location

Being named the capital of Louisiana

Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[06.04 MC]

Which of the following caused a rapid increase in the demand for coal and other fossil fuels in the late 1800s?

Home heating in the North

New ships using steam power

Cotton production in the South

Manufacturing in the Northeast

Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 5 points)

[05.01 MC]

Why did the United States push for control of the Oregon Country?

Increased American settlement in the Pacific Northwest

Increased threat of British attacks on the Louisiana Territory

Discovery of gold in the Rocky Mountains

Need for more territory north of the Missouri Compromise



A powerful central government threatens individual liberties.

Southwest and North East were regions on the map that were once Mexican possessions.

Machines helped make and deliver goods quickly and cheaply

Jacksonian democracy is associated with "Rejection of a national bank"--Jackson was known as the president of the "common man" and hated the idea of large central powers.



6. María tiene 95 hojas de papel y las va a repartir en partes iguales entre sus 7 compañera
¿Cuántas hojas le tocan a cada compañera
y cuántas le sobran?​



cada compañera tiene 13 hojas y le sobran 4


13 x 7 = 91

95 - 91 = 4

Why did the colonists resist the new taxes imposed on them?

They didn’t receive any benefit from the French and Indian War.

They had no say in the government that was taxing them.

They wanted to be French citizens instead.

They argued that colonists should never have to pay taxes.



Because they did not want the King to control them.


They wanted to be free, and not be under Britain's control. Hope this helped.

They had no say in the government that was taxing them.

Who was the first US president to travel to communist China and Russia?
Jimmy Carter
Bill Clinton
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford


the answer is richard nixon i believe.
Richard Nixon. Traveled to China and Russia in 1972

How do lenders make money when giving out loans ?

A) principals

B) credit rates

C) interest rates

D) federal reserve


I think its c). Interest rates

c) interest rates. im 100 percent sure

The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 required accused criminals to be

tried before a jury of their peers.
jailed until proven innocent.
held without trial.
brought before a judge.



brought before a judge


Hope this helps :)

The Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 made it necessary to bring accused criminals D. before a judge.

What was the Habeas Corpus Act?

This was an Act in England that was passed in 1679 by Parliament in order to protect the rights of individuals.

It ensured that criminals were not arrested and kept arbitrally but had to be brought before a judge so that a ruling would be made.

Find out more on the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679 at


Define phenomenology as defined by Merleau-Ponty. Illustrate this with a relevant example. Explain his example of the organ player.



In his investigation of the Phenomenology of Perception (1945), Maurice Merleau-Ponty defines phenomenology as the study of essences, including the essence of perception and of consciousness. ... The world is a field for perception, and human consciousness assigns meaning to the world.


Which of the following is true about peasants?
1. Peasants were bound to the land and were not allowed to leave without the permission of their lord.
2. Peasants were also called knights.
3. Peasants could own small plots of land, but were often uneducated and unskilled.
4. Peasants were the soldiers that were called upon to defend the kingdom.
Please help! 20 points!


If we are talking about Serfdom in the Medieval times. 1 is correct


1. Peasants were bound to the land and were not allowed to leave without the permission of their lord.


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Nearly of the world's surface is covered with water so most of the earth's living things live in the What is happening when an opaque object appears solid black?A all light is being reflectedB all light is being absorbedC all light is being refracted D all light is being transmitted If direct materials are added at the beginning of a process, the equivalent units completed of direct materials will be: Group of answer choices Equal to equivalent units completed of conversion costs Equal to the physical units completed Less than physical units completed None of the above HELP PLZRead this excerpt from "Painting Freedom on the Walls.When a wave of Mexican settlers began to come to San Diego in the 1890s, many of them made their home in an area known as Logan Heights. Soon that area was called Barrio Logan. (In Spanish, a barrio is a neighborhood.) At first, Barrio Logan was a neighborhood of homes and shops that stretched from well inland all the way to San Diego Bay, and the people had access to the beach. Then, during World War II, the beach was closed. In the 1950s, the city changed the zoning of the area so that industry could move into the neighborhood. Soon, the barrio was spotted with noisy, dirty junkyards. In the 1960s, Interstate 5 and ramps for the San Diego-Coronado Bridge cut Barrio Logan in half. About 5,000 homes were destroyed in the process.By this time, the residents were very angry about the terrible damage to their barrio. They protested loudly. Finally, the City Council of San Diego promised them a park to help make up for the damage. The council set aside land for that purpose. And then, in 1970, bulldozers arrived to turn the land into a parking lot. A student, Mario Solis, saw them, asked what was going on, and started spreading the word. Within a few hours, there were 250 people in the park, blocking the bulldozers.The people of Barrio Logan won their battle and got their park. They planted cactus and other native plants, but there was something missing. An artist named Salvador Torres came up with the idea of putting murals on the concrete pillars that supported the freeway. Chicano Park was born.The murals of Chicano Park are filled with the colors, the history, and the heroes of Mexican America. They are painted by professional artists and by community groups. There is even one mural painted entirely by children. They are visible reminders of the Mexican cultural heritage of the city.Which choice is the best summary of the excerpt?My favorite part of this story is the example of Mario Solis, who blocked bulldozers. Solis did this so an unattractive parking lot would not be built in Barrio Logan.Murals are an important way to honor Mexican culture in California. Some murals are painted to depict Mexican-American heroes; others are painted by artists and even children.Residents in Barrio Logan were angry with negative changes in their neighborhood. They fought City Council for a local park and made it into a beautiful place.Barrio Logan is a neighborhood that was settled by Mexican immigrants in the 1890s. Homes and shops were built in this San Diego community, which was close to the beach. PLESE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLYESTYImagine that you are Andreas Vesalius. Write a short autobiographical statement that talks about who you are, where youre from, and some of your important contributions. Can someone plz answer thisssssss In your opinion, what is the WORST Environmental Impact of Invasive Species? Ready? Enter your answer here. Based on context clues in this sentence, what is most likely the meaning ofthe word sporadically?The lunch truck only shows up sporadically, so we never know when toexpect it.A. UnnecessarilyB. On a set scheduleC. 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