PLEASE HURRY IM TIMES (30 POINTS) What shows that this statement is an opinion?
Olt describes an animal.
O It is about when the story happened.
O It contains a piece of information.
O It is influenced by personal feelings.


Answer 1


It is influenced by personal feelings


Related Questions

How did Western Democracies respond to Fascism?



Just look at WW2 they responded very harshly and would not tolerate it, but nowadays to keep the peace many countries just don't want to confront regimes


do you agree or disagree with his opinion? Explain why or why not?



What is the opposite opinion?


(a) Recall In 1850, what region
of the United States was consid-
ered the western frontier?



I believe anything west of the Mississippi river.

The Cold War is
over. Now what? How will the world be different after the
Cold War?

Can someone please help with this question :/


probably more alliances, and treaty’s. i don’t rlly know too much. hope this helps.

Answer plz, timed test



literancy tests and ... is the answer





is the answer!

What are ways to prevent genocide


Ways to prevent genocide is best to address the root causes of violence and conflict . Another is to act early on the situation never go further than it should be .
Prevention of genocide is any action that works toward averting future genocides. Genocides take a lot of planning, resources, and involved parties to carry out, they do not just happen instantaneously

The ancient Egyptian pyramids were built to



C: Be tombs for the Pharaohs



The Egyptian pyramids are ancient masonry structures located in Egypt. Sources cite at least 118 identified Egyptian pyramids. Most were built as tombs for the country's pharaohs and their consorts during the Old and Middle Kingdom periods.


Which expansion created the final border between the us and Mexico
A) Texas annexation
B) Oregon county
C)Mexican cession
D)Gadsden purchase


The answer is Gadsden Purchase

Discuss both the support and criticism that the National Organization for Women received in the 1960s.



National Organization for Women received a lot of support in the 1960s especially from women all around the United States. Women around the country began to form chapters of N.O.W.

The National Organization for Women received criticism in the 1960s from labor unions, women union leaders and Phyllis Stewart Schlafly

Explanation: The National Organization for Women (NOW) is an American feminist organization founded in 1966.

The purpose of NOW as "To take action to bring women into full participation in the mainstream of American society now, exercising all privileges and responsibilities thereof in truly equal partnership with men."

The National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded in 1966 by 28 women at the Third National Conference of Commissions on the Status of Women in June.

The 28 women who became founders in June were: Ada Allness, Mary Evelyn Benbow, Gene Boyer, Shirley Chisholm, Analoyce Clapp, Kathryn F. Clarenbach, Catherine Conroy, Caroline Davis, Mary Eastwood, Edith Finlayson, Betty Friedan, Dorothy Haener, Anna Roosevelt Halstead, Lorene Harrington, Aileen Hernandez, Mary Lou Hill, Esther Johnson, Nancy Knaak, Min Matheson, Helen Moreland, Pauli Murray, Ruth Murray, Inka O'Hanrahan, Pauline A. Parish, Eve Purvis, Edna Schwartz, Mary-Jane Ryan Snyder, Gretchen Squires, Betty Talkington and Caroline Ware.

Another 21 women and men became founders at the October 1966 NOW Organizing Conference, for a total of 49 founders.

The organization consists of 550 chapters in all 50 U.S. states and in Washington, D.C.

The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan helps to usher in the feminist Organization.

In 1967, members of N.O.W. proposed the Equal Rights Amendment, which would guarantee equal rights for women. Although Congress approved the ERA, the amendment failed to be ratified by enough states to be adopted. Inspired by calls for equality, women around the country began to form chapters of N.O.W. Throughout the remainder of the 1960s, members of the organization demonstrated to draw attention to businesses that didn't treat men and women the same way.

Other accomplishments during the early years included the Freedom for Women Week that began on Mother's Day,1969, and called for better treatment and equal opportunities for women. That same year, several colleges and universities began offering courses in women's studies.

The relationship between National Organization for Women and the labor movement during NOW's first decade of existence was characterized by distrust. NOW's championing of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) put it at odds with most of labor's leadership as well. NOW was criticize by labor unions who opposed it on the grounds that it would negate protective laws and threaten the economic status of working women. Women union Also leaders differed with NOW's position on key issues. They were ambivalent about Title VII's strong enforcement and sought to retain at least some protective measures for women.

They were also criticize by Phyllis Stewart Schlafly who became an outspoken opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) She was the organizer of the "STOP ERA" campaign. STOP was an acronym for "Stop Taking Our Privileges". She argued that the ERA would take away gender-specific privileges currently enjoyed by women, including "dependent wife" benefits under Social Security, separate restrooms for males and females, and exemption from Selective Service.

NOW has been criticized for not supporting pro-life feminists, as well as other liberal issues, and supporting the Iraq War.

Some members, such as LA NOW chapter president Tammy Bruce left NOW, saying they oppose putting liberal and partisan policy positions above equality for all women. Tammy Bruce has attacked NOW for not doing enough to advocate for international women's rights, but instead attacking the George W. Bush White House for their conservative positions.

What was Truman’s directive about where to use the bomb?


He wanted it to be used against Japan.

How was the US supposed to act in the Roosevelt Corollary?




The Roosevelt Corollary of December 1904 stated that the United States would intervene as a last resort to ensure that other nations in the Western Hemisphere fulfilled their obligations to international creditors, and did not violate the rights of the United States or invite “foreign aggression to the detriment of the entire body of American nations.” As the corollary worked out in practice, the United States increasingly used military force to restore internal stability to nations in the region. Roosevelt declared that the United States might “exercise international police power in ‘flagrant cases of such wrongdoing or impotence.

How did Congress respond to Johnson's plan for



How did Congress respond to Johnson's plan for Reconstruction? Congress rejected his approach & appointed a committee to form a new plan for Reconstruction. What was the purpose of the Thirteenth Amendment? ... It threw out any southern state government that had refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment.


Congress rejected his approach & appointed a committee to form a new plan for Reconstruction. What was the purpose of the Thirteenth Amendment? ... It threw out any southern state government that had refused to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment.

Hope this helps

By the early 1900's, many states began to give women the right to vote in at least
some elections


False ???





during the late 1800 and early 1900

Answer: The correct answer is true


How have the powers of the Executive Branch changed since the writing of the Constitution?



The executive branch has changed greatly since adoption of the Constitution. Many changes have been the result of constitutional amendments. ... Congress can affect presidential power because while the executive branch enforces the laws, Congress makes the laws in the first place. The Constitution explicitly assigns to the president the power to sign or veto legislation, command the armed forces, ask for the written opinion of his Cabinet, convene or adjourn Congress, grant reprieves and pardons, and receive ambassadors .

What is the positive and negative impacts/effects of computer in industry?


All manner of technology surrounds us. From our personal laptops, tablets, and phones to behind-the-scenes technology that furthers medicine, science, and education.

Technology is here to stay, but it’s always morphing and expanding. As each new technology enters the scene, it has the potential to improve lives. But, in some cases, it also has the potential to negatively affect physical and emotional health.

Does the United States still practice discrimination today?

Please help ASAP ...


In some places discrimination is still prevalent but it is not legal. Also there is places called Sundown Towns where at sundown people let dogs and go hunting for African Americans and minorities in the area who have not left the town. So yes Discrimination is still a problem from person to person ad how people were raised in America.

which material is a pure substance
A. alloy
B. compound
c. mixture
d. solution


Im pretty sure it’s A (alloy)

Answer: Compound


The material that can be considered as a pure substance is the compound.

Plz help! Due tonight!
Describe why 1968 is a year that stands out in a decade full of chaos and explain what impact 68' had on the United States as a whole.


1968 was a turning point in U.S. history, a year of triumphs and tragedies, social and political upheavals, that forever changed our country. In the air, America reached new heights with NASA's Apollo 8 orbiting the moon and Boeing's 747 jumbo jet's first flight.

What was the result of the Korean War and what is the 38th parallel?



The Korean war began on June 25, 1950, when some 75,000 soldiers from the North Korean People's Army poured across the 38th parallel, the boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People's Republic of Korea to the north and the pro-Western Republic of Korea to the south. ... The Korean peninsula is still divided today.

Please help! how were native American rights violated?



US government violated the Indian Removal Act by not peacefully negotiating treaties with Native Americans. Racist people made them go out west and they were mad and they couldn't do anything bout it. Native Americans were repeatedly having to sign treaties with the US that we later broke for our own personal gain. Thousands of Native Americans were forced out without trial and without question even though both are promised in the constitution.

Explanation: It just happened

The end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire is thought to have occurred in about 44 B.C. after the death of which of these rulers?
Marc Antony
Marcus Antonius
Julius Caesar
Caesar Augustus



c. Julius Caesar.


I hope this helps.

The correct answer is C

What is one reason that the Bill of Rights was adopted?
to calm the fears of Federalists in the United States
to protect national government from the state governments
to guarantee that the national government could protect the states
to protect the rights and liberties of the states from the national





What does the reference to the United States' ,begin emphasis,centennial,end emphasis, help the reader understand about the creation of Yellowstone National Park?

1. Yellowstone National Park was established as a way of celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the United States.

2.People had lived in the Yellowstone area of the United States for almost 100 years before it became the world's first national park.

3.Other nations would follow the example set by the United States and establish their own national parks on their hundredth anniversaries.

4. The United States government had the vision to create the world's first national park, even though the country was less than 100 years old.



Other nations would follow the example set by the United States and establish their own national parks on their hundredth anniversaries.


I got it right

The creation of Yellowstone National Park created an example for other nations to create national parks at the time of their hundredth anniversaries.

The third option is the correct answer.

What is a national park?

A national park is a natural place made for preserving and conserving the biodiversity of the country. This area ideally comes under the supervision of the government.

The yellow stone national park was the first national park in the western part of the US country which was established in the year 1872. The American natives lived in the Yellowstone region for a period of 11,000 years. It was also to be considered the world's first national park. The US country has made this park on its 100th anniversary.

Therefore, the Yellowstone National Park created by Americans would become an example for different nations to establish their own parks in their respective countries.

Learn more about the Yellowstone national park in the specified link:


Which are indicators that economists use to measure how an economy grows? Select all that apply.

monitoring election results
measuring how much the economy produces
monitoring the popularity of different music groups
studying the economy of another country
tracking the unemployment rate


measuring how much the economy produces

studying the economy of another country

tracking the unemployment rate


hope this helps

Economists use to measure how an economy grows by measuring how much the economy produces, studying the economy of another country, and tracking the unemployment rate.

What do you mean by the unemployment rate?

The unemployment rate is the proportion of persons in the labour force who are out of work. Therefore, determining who is in the labour force is necessary for calculating the unemployment rate. People in the labour force are either employed or jobless.

Numerous factors, including those from the supply side—the worker—and the demand side—the employer—contribute to unemployment. High-interest rates, a worldwide recession, and a financial crisis might all have an impact on demand.

To gauge the economy's growth rate, economists employ a variety of techniques. Real gross domestic product, or real GDP, is the most often used economic metric. GDP is the total worth of everything generated in our economy (goods and services).

Therefore, the correct option is B, D & E.

To know more about the unemployment rate, visit:


Whose charge up Cemetery Ridge was a big mistake?


Hopes this helps:

Answer: George E. Pickett

Why are Uighur targeted at in China?



Why is the Chinese government targeting Uighurs?

Restrictions. The Uyghurs have no religious rights and have been forced to do things against their religion, Islam. ... According to The Diplomat, Uyghur religious activities are curtailed but Hui Muslims are granted widespread religious freedom; therefore, Chinese government policy is directed against Uyghur separatism.



Describe west African society


Although primarily agricultural, West Africans held many occupations. Some were hunters and fishers. Merchants traded with other African communities, as well as with Europeans and Arabs. Some West Africans mined gold, salt, iron, copper or even diamonds.

According to Frederick Douglass, what was happening in the Northern States before the Proclamation? What was Lincoln worried about?




According to Douglass, what was happening in the North in 1863? They were upset because they thought Lincoln was trying to save the Union but then they thought it was really about slavery, which they didn't like. What was Lincoln worried about? He was afraid the north would end the war before all slavery was gone.


hope this helps! brainliest ?

few lines about kakatiyas​



Status Empire (Subordinate to Western Chalukyas until 1163)

Capital Orugallu (Warangal)

Common languages Telugu, Sanskrit

Religion Hinduism (Converted from Jainism)


Which statement(s) correctly describes the North prior to the Civil War? i. The North depended on a large immigrant labor force. ii. The North depended on a large slave labor force. iii. The North depended on agriculture to support its economy. iv. The North depended on manufacturing to support its economy. A. i only B. ii only C. i and iv only D. ii and iii only Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D



C. i and iv only


The North was a lot more industrialized than the South prior to the civil war. They didn't use slave labor either, so they had a large immigrant labor force.

The South was the one that used slaves to power their more agricultural economy.


D.  ii and iii only


other guys answer was wrong when i tried it :(

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