What is the electrical charge inside an axon during an Action Potential?
Positive or negative


Answer 1
The electrical charge is negative

Related Questions

There were twelve elephants in the clearing.



quantitative data

"quantitative" refers to the amount of something, so if it has something to do with numbers, It's quantitative.

There were twelve elephants in the clearing, which is quantitative data, while the pulse rate of 141 beats per minute is also quantitative data, but the orange fur with black stripes is qualitative data.

What quantitative and qualitative data are there?

There are both types of data, such as the quantitative data, in which the quantity can be measured, such as the 12 elephants and the 141 beats, and the qualitative data, which can't be measured but is widely seen in the genetics, such as the coat color of the animals, the skin color of the human, etc.

Hence, there were twelve elephants in the clearing, which is quantitative data, while the pulse rate of 141 beats per minute is also quantitative data, but the orange fur with black stripes is qualitative data.

Learn more about the quantitative and qualitative data here.


The question is incomplete, the complete question is the below.

There were twelve elephants in the clearing.

a pulse rate of 141 beats per minute

orange fur with black stripes


HELP ME ASAP! bbbbbb


Answer: I'm gonna say the answer is Mutualism.

Mutualism :) have nice day! :D baiiii! :3

Can some on please help me with this assignment


they are all correct good job!

what did I do wrong?
what is the difference between elevation and altitude?


Elevation is measured from the ground and up. Altitude is measured from sea level. The ground isn’t always at sea level, which causes the difference.

Which of the following best describes the connection between cardiovascular disease and age?


I think the answer is 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 your welcome

A grass starts with 30,000 kJ of energy. How much energy would a cheetah acquire after it ate a zebra that consumed the grass?
30 kJ
300 kJ
3,000 kJ
30,000 kJ



it is 300kj


The energy that will be acquired by the cheetah when it consumes the zebra is 30,000 kJ.

Law of conservation of energy

The law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another.

The energy of the grass will be transferred to the zebra when the zebra consumes the grass. Also the total energy of the zebra will be transferred to the cheetah when it consumes the zebra.

Thus, the energy that will be acquired by the cheetah when it consumes the zebra is 30,000 kJ.

Learn more about conservation of energy here:

please help asap no links​



I'm really sorry but I don't know the answer

what are preconditions for planting tree​


1.) select a spot 2.) select a tree 3.) prepare the site 4.) water the tree's root ball 5.) dig the hole 6.) loosen the subsoil 7.) place tree in hole 8.) water the tree 9.) mulch 10.) check on tree regularly

Answer: soil condition and season are basic things .

Place about three inches of organic matter such as shredded leaves, or ground bark or wood mulch around the plant, at least out to the drip line. Further is better. Mulch helps retain much-needed moisture and helps keep roots cooler near the surface—a very important requirement for newly installed plants.

Materials Needed:
tree to plant.
spade or sod cutter.
round shovel.
hard rake.
garden hose.
scissors or knife (optional)
compost or compost manure.


Transport of large molecules such as starch across the cell
membrane can occur through
a Endocytosis
b Exocytosis
C Both A and B
d None of the above



I think its D...

It seems like active transport

Thomas Malthus was an economist who influenced Darwin's developing theory of evolution. Malthus observed that the birthrate among humans exceeded the death rate. If this trend continued, soon there would not be enough resources to support human population growth. He reasoned that the only things capable of stopping human population growth were famine, disease, and war. Darwin applied this thinking to animals and plants as well, noting that far more offspring were produced than survived to a reproductive age. 2. How did Charles Darwin build on the work of Thomas Malthus to develop the idea of evolution by natural selection



The work of Thomas Malthus help and influence Darwin Thomas to refine his theory of natural selection by explaining that there is a meaningful competition between the individuals of a particular species or population for a specific resource such as food or shelter.

Thomas Malthus predicted that the human population is reproducing faster than its death race and will lead to growing faster than space and food supplies needed to sustain it. Darwin concluded further that If all offspring of almost any species survived for several generations, they would overrun the world and therefore a healthy and meaningful competition is present and to overcome this natural selection takes place as the individual adapt will ultimately survive.

Will give brainlest 100 points


Exothermic because it’s going away


try b


As carbon moves throughout earths systems how are different parts of the biosphere(the part occupied by living things) affected?



Carbon is an essential factor to the survival of living things.


It is produced as a waste by-product of metabolism in living organisms and combines with oxygen to be released as Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

Plants on the other hand require CO2 to process sunlight and nutrients into energy. They in return release oxygen which is required by animals to break down food.

Factories, businesses, people (as they generate electricity, transport people and goods, etc) release lots of carbon into the atmosphere it also combines with oxygen again to form C02.

The ocean and water bodies also serve as a collecting conduit of CO2, especially where the water temperature is relatively warm. When CO2 is captured by the ocean, it is used by some sea animals to make shells.


This biome has cactus plants, less rainfall, and more sand. A) savannah B) desert c) tundra​





Savannahs don't have cacti, and tundras tend to be snowy, cold places.

What is are local winds​ in your own words but be more detailed about what you say.


I think local winds is like somewhere where it is usually windy with high pressures. For example see breezes, land breezes, and etc.

Hope this helps!

Answer the question


groundwater is fresh water

Which of the following correctly describes the effect of endocrine disrupters on humans?

They destroy normal human hormones.
They destroy cells that hormones would normally target.
They prevent hormones from binding to the cells they target.
They destroy endocrine glands that would normally release necessary hormones.


Answer: b


A student is investigating mechanical and electromagnetic waves. She is creating a list of questions to include in her investigation about the properties of each type of wave. Which is NOT a question that she can ask that will allow her to learn about the properties of both mechanical and electromagnetic waves?

What is the amplitude of the wave?

What is the frequency of the wave?

What is the wavelength of the wave?

What is the wave speed in a vacuum?



It would be B


I am sorry if it is wrong

"What is the frequency of wave?" is not a question that she can ask. Thus, the correct option is B.

What is the frequency of wave?

Wave frequency is the number of waves which pass through a fixed point in a given amount of time. The SI unit for wave frequency is the hertz (Hz). One hertz (Hz) equals 1 wave passing a fixed point in the time period of 1 second. A higher-frequency wave has more energy than a lower-frequency wave with the same magnitude of amplitude.

The equation used for determination of wave frequency (f) will be:

f = v/λ

where λ is the wavelength in meters and v is the speed of the wave in m/s.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Wave here:


compare the effect of human activity and natural processes on watersheds



What effect do human activities have on natural resources?

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

this is somewhat similar

Some human activities that affect watersheds is Building dams and rerouting rivers are two examples of ways humans directly impact water in watersheds. Humans also use water as a resource, drawing from watersheds for our drinking water. This does not have to be a negative impact, as water usage can be monitored so that it is sustainable. Then on the other hand the natural factors the affect the health of a watershed is the quality and quantity of water in streams, rivers or lakes are dependent on its watershed. Another thing is The physical characteristics of a watershed, including geology, soil types, vegetation, topography and slope, also influence water- shed water quality. creek, stream or river to determine aquatic health.

I hope this helps.

Question 12

If an insecticide reduced the population of grasshoppers , what would happen to the population of shrew ?

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. Remain the same
D. Run amuck


B. Decrease. The shrew population is dependent upon the grasshoppers as a prey item. A decrease in the available prey would result in a decrease in the predator population due to lack of resources to support the current population.

16. The substances that are reabsorbed did not diffuse (move) from the nephron bowl into the
renal vein cup. You needed to use lots of energy to make reabsorption happen. Which
process do you think the kidney uses to transport these substances from the nephron to the
renal vein-active transport or diffusion (passive transport)? Explain your answer.



Active transport.


The kidney uses active transport  to move these substances from the nephron to the  renal vein because these substances did not moves from the nephron bowl to the renal vein through simple diffusion so for this purpose active transport is used in which energy is spent in order to move the substances from one region to another so we can say that kidney must use active transport to move reabsorbed substances from the nephron to the  renal vein.

What forms of energy are there?


mechanical, kinetic, potential, gravitational, thermal, chemical, electrical, light, radiant, sound, and nuclear.

Help please brainliest involved


Proteins and lipids if you can select multiple

Contrast the contraction of the a disease by the environmental, heredity/genetic and pathogenic pathways.




Contraction of a disease by the environment, the environment is said to influence something certain traits either by amplifying them or prevent them from being expressed. Some disease tends to strive in environment that is favorable while some disease don't find expression where the environment is not conducive even though they are presents in the gene of the individual. Environment could include family, area where the individual lives, food, peer

While Contraction of disease that are heredity/genetic and having pathogenic pathways is high this is because any disease that is hereditary can be passed to successive generation through the inheritance of such gene from the parents this increase the likelihood of reoccurrence of such disease in a family where the parents has it.

a student wants to hold the sides of a garbage bag to the sides of her trash can she tries round rectangular and square shaped magnets but the magnets do not stick to the sides of the trash can, what is a reason the magnets do not stick to the sides of the trash can ?



If the insulating material covered around the can.


If the can is covered with thick layer of insulating material then it can't be attracted by the magnet because there is a gap between magnet and metal. Can is a metal which is attracted by the magnets just like iron and copper etc. If there is no insulating material between magnet and can, then it must be attracted by the magnet so that's why we can say that insulating material is responsible for the no attachment of magnet to the can.

3. Asexual reproduction slows evolution...explain it.


When asexual organisms evolve, they typically do so very quickly after a sudden mutation and do not require multiple generations to accumulate adaptations as do sexually reproducing populations.

^ they’re right :)))))

Which of the following is a natural process that can quickly put large amounts of gas and solid materials directly into the stratosphere?

A. an earthquake

B. a volcanic eruption

C. a landslide

D. a flood


b because i think the answers b
B) a volcanic eruption

hello please help i’ll give brainliest



Second choice.


Symbiosis is when two organisms help each other, usually benifitting one if not both of the said orgaisms.

Select all that apply.

Tragically, the United States lost astronauts in accidents involving:

Apollo 11
Viking 11
Vostok 1


Challenger , viking11

What is it called when certain species have evolved such intimate symbiotic
relationships that individuals of either species cannot survive without one another?

a. obligate

b. parasitic

c. mutualistic

d. facultative



A. Obligate


An obligate relationship is one where both organisms are interdependent with one another in a way that one cannot survive without the other.

A parasitic relationship is where one organism benefits, and the other is harmed.

A mutualistic relationship is one where both organisms "work together," therefore benefiting one another.

A facultative relationship is where both species benefit off of one another, but are not fully dependent on one another to the point they cannot survive without their symbotic partner.

Answer A................



The Answer is d
Thanks for opportunity
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