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Answer 1

Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. It is an antibiotic drug that fights infection causing bacteria.

Alexander Fleming's discovery of penicillin was what kind?

The course of medicine was altered in 1928 by a random occurrence in a London laboratory. Bacteriologist Alexander Fleming of St. Mary's Hospital had just returned from vacation when he spotted a region around an invasive fungus on an agar plate where the bacteria could not grow. Fleming acquired an extract from the mold and gave its active ingredient the name penicillin after identifying the mold as a member of the Penicillium genus and isolating it. He discovered that penicillin had an antibacterial impact on gram-positive organisms like staphylococci.

To know more about Alexander Fleming visit:


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Help I got the answer wrong help me get it right please anyone


James Polk in 1844 election he promised to preserve slavery .

Why did James Polk wanted to preserve slavery ?

He thought that the federal government lacked the power to stop the spread of slavery into the western regions. Polk had seen firsthand the advantages that using slave labor provided to proprietors in the western territories when he was a young man. Through the management of his own crops, he continued to notice this advantage.

Even while he occasionally showed care for slaves—firing an overseer once after he beat a slave and shot another with birdshot—the majority of the time he used harsh overseers, and slaves continued to escape his plantation, contradicting his public image as a loving slave owner.

Polk continued to manage his property from a distance while his political standing rose.

to learn more about James Polk click:


The eight men most responsible for the colonization of Carolina are known as



The Lords Proprietors were the eight Englishmen to whom King Charles II granted, by the Carolina charters of 1663 and 1665, the joint ownership of a tract of land in the New World called "Carolina." All of these men either had remained loyal to the Crown or had aided Charles's restoration to the English throne. Two of them-William Berkeley, former governor of Virginia, and John Colleton, a West Indies planter-actually had some personal knowledge of the New World. The other six Proprietors were Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon; George Monck, duke of Albemarle; William, Earl Craven; John, Lord Berkeley; Anthony Ashley Cooper; and Sir George Carteret.


The Lords Proprietors


The Lords Proprietors were the eight Englishmen to whom King Charles II granted, by the Carolina charters of 1663 and 1665, the joint ownership of a tract of land in the New World called "Carolina." All of these men either had remained loyal to the Crown or had aided Charles's restoration to the English throne.

Industrialization and urbanization in the U.S led to:
A.Increased public education
B.the expansion of popular culture and literary movements that emphasized portraying the world how it is
D.All of these choices are correct


Industrialization and urbanization in the U.S led to:

A. Increased public educationB. The expansion of popular cultureC. Art and literary movements that emphasized portraying the world how it is

What is Industrialization?

This refers to the term that is used to describe the use of industries as the society moved from an agrarian one to the production with the use of machines that led to great prosperity.

Hence, it can be seen that the correct answer as to what industrialization and urbanization led to in the US is D. All of the above which has been listed above.

Read more about industrialization here:


Question Id: 66812
All of these were major failures of the Articles of Confederation EXCEPT
** A it lacked the authority to declare war and peace.
x B Congress did not have the authority to collect taxes.
x C it lacked a national court system.
x D It lacked a national executive.
E Congress did not have the authority to regulate trade.


All of the following, with the exception of one, led to the articles of confederation's failure: B) There was no taxing authority in the federal government.

The United States of America's first governing structure, the Articles of Confederation, connected the states during the stormy years of the American Revolution.

The weak central government established by the Articles of Confederation made a lot of sense during the American Revolution, when it brought together a group of former colonies to coordinate a war against the government of Great Britain, which the American patriots perceived as being far too powerful. However, under the Articles of Confederation, which linked the states in a "loose league of friendship," the central government had no power to tax or to compel individual states to comply with its decisions.

The Articles were a significant first, even though they ultimately proved inadequate for administering the nation after the Revolution.

To know more about Article of confederation visit:


like the people like the place like the occupation which society in Nigeria eg anang or ijaw people etc. which group says it and why​


"Like the people like the place" like the occupation" is a phrase spoken in Nigeria example in the anang or ijaw people etc. The group that says it is the N-ig-er-Delta people.

Where is the N-ig-er Delta location?

It is the delta of the Ni-g-er River that is sitting directly on the Gulf of Guinea on the Atlantic Ocean in Ni-ge-ria; it is located within 9 coastal southern Ni-ge-rian states which include: all six states from the South South geopolitical zone, one state (Ondo) from South West geopolitical zone and two states (Abia and Imo) from South East geopolitical zone.

The area is a very densely populated region sometimes called the Oil Rivers because it was once a major producer of palm oil, the area was the British Oil Rivers Protectorate from 1885 until 1893, when it was expanded and became the -Ni-g-er Coast Protectorate.

Read more about Niger Delta


Why were so many cities able to develop between the tigris and euphrates rivers


The land between the Tigris River and the Euphrates River is commonly known as the Fertile Crescent, in that there was a abundance of rich soil commonly known as silt [see picture #1], which allows for retaining of water and allow for larger proportions of air to interact with the plant, which allows for it to grow.

This rich soil is especially good for farming in greater proportions, and coupled with favorable environments, allowed for large amounts of farming. The land in particularly is semi-arid, which gives a dry and more firm ground, but coupled with the rivers which provide adequate amounts of water and silt, it allows for farming to occur in the region.

Now in defining the region and how it provides the necessary ingredients to allow for bountiful harvests, it means that civilizations in the region is able to 1) settle in place and harvest their necessary crops. 2) have the ability to domesticate animals and use them depending on what animal it is, from providing milk, meat, and even hides, to being used to move larger objects that are too heavy for men (such as chiseled rocks). Having an environment that can sustain such animals allow for population growth as well as culture expansions that lead to development.

In this, the foundation of human needs are met. Firstly, the need of water is met with the rivers, food is also met with the development of farms in access to the fertile crescent, and finally, the development of homes are allowed due to the abundance of food and materials in which to build the homes. This allows for civilization to expand past the necessities, and build up their own ideals and systems. Cities are able to develop simply because the land supports and provides the due necessities for humanity to prosper.


Learn more about the Fertile Crescent, here: - Location of the Fertile Crescent.

Why were the Articles of Confederation created?

To require men to serve in the military.
To allow states to control their own militaries during the war.
To create a powerful national government to control the states.
To form a basic government to run the war against England.


I believe it was to form a basic government to run the war because it was created in 1777 and they needed some sort of unifying force to fight the war. It can’t be a) because it couldn’t force men to serve in the military. It can’t be b) because states were already doing that. It can’t be c) because they wanted to form a weak national government to avoid the tyranny of the king

2 Which type of unemployment is natural in a free market economy where workers have the freedom to change jobs?

Structural unemployment
Cyclical unemployment
Frictional unemployment
Seasonal unemployment



Frictional unemployment


Frictional unemployment is common. It occurs naturally whenever someone is between jobs, has just graduated from high school or college and is looking for work, or is re-entering the labor force.

How did whites see themselves in relation to their slaves?


Whites see themselves in relation to their slaves as Enslaved African Americans could no way forget their status as property, no matter how well their possessors treated them

People, black and white, lived together within these parameters, and their lives together took numerous forms. But it would be too simplistic to say that all masters and slaves abominated each other.

What's the purpose of slavery?

Signed as an affordable source of labor, enslaved Africans in the United States also came important profitable and political capital in the American political frugality. Enslaved Africans were fairly a form of property — a commodity.

What was the main benefit of slavery?

Slavery played a pivotal part in the development of the ultramodern world frugality. Slaves handed the labor power necessary to settle and develop the New World. Slaves also produced the products for the first mass consumer requests sugar, tobacco, coffee, cocoa, and latterly cotton.

Learn more about Slavery:


What led to the end of the Minoan civilization



Explanation:The volcanic eruption in Thera, destroyed the Minoan settlement in Akrotiri,

Who was Nikola Tesla from Serbia? Thanks!


Answer: Nikola Tesla was a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system.


in 1787 the united states was at a crosswords. farmers in western massachusetts had rebelled the year before over property taxes. The state struggled to end the rebillion. events such as this one contributed to the decision to ?


The decision to restructure the federal government occurred after the end of the rebellion of the farmers in Western Massachusetts over property tax.

What is the Shays' rebellion?

The shays' rebellion was about the debt crisis among the citizens and the state's government increased efforts to collect taxes both on individuals and their trades. The armed uprising was in Western Massachusetts and Worcester.

The fighting was mainly around Springfield during the years 1786 and 1787. Around four thousand rebels who are called Shaysites under American Revolutionary war veteran Daniel Shays protested against economic and civil rights injustices. They marched towards the Springfield armory in an attempt to overthrow the government.

The government was unable to put down the rebellion but later it was put down by Massachusetts State Militia and a privately funded local Militia. Even though Massachusetts was the main target point where the crisis took place, other states also face similar kinds of hardships.

Learn more about the government here:


Why was taxation without representation considered a violation of the social contract?

Taxation without representation indicated a lack of consent between the government and its citizens.
Taxation without representation violated the colonists’ natural right to property.
Taxation without representation was causing large debt in the colonies.
Taxation without representation ignored the colonists’ legal right to have the colonial government, not the British government, determine taxes.


Taxation without representation indicated a lack of consent between the government and its citizens which is why it is considered a violation of the social contract. Therefore option A is correct.

What is Taxation Without Representation?

The phrase "taxation without representation" refers to being forced by a government to pay a tax without having a vote in its decisions, such as through an elected representative.

The idea of taxation without representation was first mentioned in the United States in a letter written by Benjamin Franklin to Massachusetts Governor William Shirley in 1754.

To learn more about Taxation Without Representation follow the link.





edge 2023

What are two things that the English government is asking the signers to agree
to in this statement?
A to establish a colony and pay taxes
to take gold and silver from the Native Americans and give it to England
to find precious metals and give a portion of them back to England
to work with the French to find resources and share them with the English
SS.8.C.2.1 (Low)
Central ideas and principles of American constitutional government were


Option d. Central ideas and principles of American constitutional government is the right option.

The required details about the English government is mentioned in below paragraph.

The English colonists in America added with them 3 essential concepts:

The want for an ordered social system, or authorities.

The concept of confined authorities, that is, that authorities ought to now no longer be all-powerful.

The idea of consultant authorities — a central authority that serves the need of the people.

They wanted spiritual freedom and financial opportunity. The United States is a rustic in which character rights and self-authorities are important. This has continually been true. English Colonists first got here to America for greater freedom.

According to Dicey, the guideline of thumb of regulation and parliamentary sovereignty are the primary standards underlying the British Constitution however that parliamentary sovereignty is the number one constitutional principle.

To learn about English government  visit here.


Grenada's military leaders led a coup against
O Maurice Bishop
O Eric Gairy
O Fidel Castro
Manuel Noriega


Grenada's military leaders led a coup against  Eric Gairy. Thus the correct option is B.

What is a leader?

A leader is an individual who carries the art of directing and influencing people or groups of people in an organization with pleasing efforts to gain their support and help them to grow by providing better direction.

The New Jewel Movement (NJM), headed by the hugely popular Bishop, overthrew the U.S.-backed tyrant Eric Gairy to establish the Revolutionary Government of Grenada (PRG). Bishop was appointed as the People's Revolutionary Government's first prime minister.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about leaders, here:


What is rhetoric and why is it important in writing?


Answer: Rhetoric is the study and art of writing and speaking well, being persuasive, and knowing how to compose successful writing and presentations.


Can anyone help me pls doing this work <3.I need to write something i this page about what is saying in the criminal outline



What class is this for?


One fact that caused the Mongols to win many battles


One is the use of superior cavalry which allowed the mongols to be more adaptable on the battlefield and allowed them to travel more quickly to win wars
Good military tactics and strategies

Is baby thesis justified or not unjustified






A baby thesis usually contains all the parts which are significant in writing a thesis. Just because the baby thesis is the shorter form of a thesis, the writer cannot skip any of its parts. Because each and every sub-topic of the baby thesis is as much important as the complete thesis is.


Well dats the answer because it make more sense and i got an 100% when i wrote all dat/ hope dis helped

4. The Thirteenth Amendment (1865) __________________________.
a. prohibited slavery
b. granted citizenship to all Americans regardless of race
c. enfranchised all American men
d. prohibited presidents from serving more than two full terms



A. prohibited slavery


The 13th Amendment, which was approved by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, ended slavery in the United States.

How did Chicago's black Renaissance influence the
modern Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's?


The dramatic increase in African-American community participation in Chicago from the 1930s through the 1950s, which played a significant role in the years before the modern Civil Rights movement of the 1960s.

What is Chicago's black Renaissance?

The Chicago Black Renaissance, a creative movement that originated on the city's South Side and lasted through the 1930s and 1940s, was followed by a change in art and culture from the middle of the 1950s to the turn of the century.

What do Civil Rights Movement?

The civil rights movement, which primarily occurred in the 1950s and 1960s, was an effort to secure justice and equality for African Americans.

Hence African-American community is a correct answer.

To know more about Civil Rights Movement follow link


The Townshend Acts were passed by
Great Britain in response to colonial
anger over which two earlier taxes?
A. the Sugar and Stamp Acts
B. the Paper and Stamp Acts
C. the Tea and Sugar Acts


I believe the answer is c

Answer: the Sugar and Stamp Acts


Hi, what is the cause of the break in the Roman Empire?


They had 2 leaders so they split up and broke apart due to internal conflict. Essentially they got too big to actually effectively govern their empire
They had too much land so it broke apart

1. Which of the following about Greece's Archaic Period is true?
A. The world's first Olympic Games took place during this period.
B. It was destroyed by the Dorians.
C. It was immediately preceded by the Mycenaean civilization.
D. It began around 1100 B.C.


The first Olympic Games ever held in the history of the planet happened in Greece during this time.

How were the Olympics first held in Classical Greece?

The summer of 776 B.C. saw the first known Olympics. in Olympia, a place of adoration for the gods in southern Greece. In actuality, Zeus, king of the gods, was the most well-known god in ancient Greece and was the one who inspired the Olympics.

Why did Ancient Greece value the Olympic Games?

The Greeks were avid fans of rivalry of all kinds. Greek city-states sent athletes to festivals of athletic competition conducted in the gods' honor every year. The Olympian Games, which were held in honor of Zeus, the ruler of the gods, were the most significant and prestigious.

To know more about   Greece's Archaic Period visit:-


Who established the New York Central


Cornelius Vanderbilt

Corneilus Vanderbilt Established The New York Central Railroad!

Which of the following best explains a result of the seven years’ war (french and indian war) ?
a. France sold the Louisiana Territory to Great Britain.
b. Great Britain gained a claim to land extending to the Mississippi River.
c. Great Britain and Spain established an alliance.
d. British influence over its North American colonies decreased.





In textbooks, Great Britain gained land west of the Mississippi River as a result of the end of the war.

b. is the correct answer

Was B. F. skinner vehemently anti Darwinian?
True or False





Why is it useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of
historical themes?


Answer: useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of historical themes because the same themes apply to people living in very different times and places. Thus the correct option is (B).


It useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of historical themes because the same themes apply to people living in very different times and places. Thus the correct option is (B).


Who are historians?

Historians are those people who studies and writes about the past and for that they do extensive research from the primary sources available. they draw the conclusions out of it.

For having the accurate information about the past they have to do detail studies of the historical themes which can be done through the comparison between the resource of the similar time frame and places.

Thus the correct option is (B).

Read the excerpt:

And it shall be further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That if any slave who shall be out of the house or plantation where such slave shall live, or shall be usually employed, or without some whiter person in company with such slave, shall refuse to submit or undergo the examination of any white person, it shall be lawful for any such white person to pursue, apprehend, and moderately correct such slave; and if any such slave shall assault and strike such white person, such slave may be lawfully killed.
The South Carolina Negro Act of 1740

Which of the following best describes the motives of the authors in this excerpt of the act?

to punish the leaders of the Stono Rebellion for advocating for rights for enslaved people
to warn free Black people away from visiting South Carolina by threatening them with harm
to help enslaved people gathering in crowds and advocating for their emancipation
to control enslaved people by limiting their freedom of movement and association


The motives of the authors which is being best described here tend to the process of understanding to help enslaved people gather in crowds and advocate for their emancipation. This was one of the main understandings of The South Carolina Negro Act of 1740. Hence, options C is appropriate.

What is the South Carolina Negro Act of 1740?

South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 was one of the cheapest as well as the most racially abusive acts to have ever been passed. The most important thing is that in the South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 the district of South Carolina was declared a state for slavery.

The South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 was also very much of the own understanding and it was the colonial Governor William Bull's reign that such a thing regarding slavery was introduced. The Act brought down heavily the nature of the surroundings as well as the main thing regarding the Slavery part.

The South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 always believed in the part of the process where the Slaves were not allowed to travel abroad, they were being provided with clothes and also food products of much lower quality. All these led the Act of 1870 to a racially abusive and above casteism. Hence, option C is correct.

Learn more about the South Carolina Negro Act of 1740 here:


Pls help me out with 2 or at least one of this questions​


They both developed irrigation systems for question 1. As you marked out it can’t l be D) because they were both polytheistic religiously. It can’t be b) because industrialization doesn’t happen until the Industrial Revolution in the 1700’s CE. They also didn’t have a democratic government so it must be C)
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