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Please Help Me... I'll Mark Brainliest If Correct!


Answer 1


I think A srry if im wrong


it makes since to me

Related Questions

thermal enerfy is...


Answer + Explanation:

Thermal energy refers to several distinct physical concepts, such as the internal energy of a system; heat or sensible heat, which are defined as types of energy transfer; or for the characteristic energy of a degree of freedom in a thermal system kT, where T is temperature and k is the Boltzmann constant

Energy possed with a object that is like formed from movement


The deliberate effort to modify a portion of Earth's surface through the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock for sustenance or economic gain.

O Industrialized farming
O agriculture
O aquaculture
O crop rotation



the second one agriculture



It is agriculture


Read the passage from an argumentative essay.

"The Columbian Exchange was bad. It had many effects on native peoples. One of these effects was disease. Disease harmed people. It led to death. Some say up to 90 percent of native peoples died.”

How should the passage be revised to create a more formal tone?

Slang terms should be removed.
First-person pronouns should be added.
Simple sentences should be balanced with more complex ones.
Long and complex sentences should be split apart and made shorter.


Answer: ok here is the awnser.


- use more of a deeper vocabulary rather than words like "bad"

"The Columbian Exchange was terrible. It had many effects on native peoples. One of these effects was the spread of diseases. Disease affected people which contributed to the deaths of many people . Some suggest up to 90 percent of native peoples died.”


The answer is C.


It is C because when I wrote in my notes I put " balance simple sentences with complex ones". please mark brainliest

In your opinion, why is it important to engage in physical activities like badminton and table tennis, most especially this time of pandemic?​


it's important to engage in these type of things because there is nothing else to do in this pandemic and it's something to help energize us.

Help me pls! ill mark brainliest if correct!





I hope this is it :)

List three changea that has taken place in the labour force.​



Unemployed people are out of work for longer,a smaller share of Americans are in the labor force, and the workforce is getting more diverse.


Who was Martin Luther King, Jr's mentor?​



Ralph Bunche was his mentor

nearly 97 of the water on earth is unusable by humans because of its . the pack of usability is due to the fact that water . brainly



answer is salinity and is a universal solvent



Nearly 97% of the water on Earth is unusable by humans because of its salinity. This lack of usability is due to the fact that water is a universal solvent. Thus, option (b) and (a) is correct.

What is the meaning of universal solvent?

Water is known as the "universal solvent" because it has the ability to dissolve more compounds than any other liquid. Throughout history, alchemists, and scientists have searched for a universal solvent, but no such chemical has ever been found.

Water is a universal solvent, which implies that it can dissolve a wide variety of chemicals, but about 97% of the water on Earth is too salty for people to use. Salts found in seawater prevent it from being drank.

As a result, the significance of the nearly 97% of the water on Earth is unusable by humans are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (b) and (a) is correct.

Learn more about on universal solvent, here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

Nearly 97% of the water on Earth is unusable by humans because of its 1.)___. This lack of usability is due to the fact that water 2.)___.


A. temperature.

B. salinity.

C. impurities.


A. is a universal solvent.

B. expands upon freezing.

C. is transparent.

what anthony davis did to be successful​



Davis was traded to the Lakers in 2019. He has won gold medals with the United States national team on their 2012 Olympic team and 2014 World Cup team, making him the first player in basketball history to win an NCAA title, NBA title, Olympic Gold Medal, and FIBA World Cup.

Help quick! Ill mark brainliest if correct :)





sorry if it wrong...

People who are close to family, but not really related are called
A.Fictive kin
C.Extended family





extended family because they are not too close



Fictive Kin means an individual who is not related by birth, adoption, or marriage to a child, but who has an emotionally significant relationship with the child.

Please Help!!!!​



the korean alphabet is the correct answer.

Why was Hitler known as one of the smartest humans on Earth? pls this is worth 20 points



he was very smart


One century ago, Adolf Hitler fighting in the Great War. He was a good soldier — he would be promoted to the rank of corporal, be wounded two times, and be awarded six medals. And with him during the war he had the writings of philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer.

The image of Hitler reading Schopenhauer is startling, as one popular depiction of Hitler is of a semi-literate, semi-sane outlier who somehow lucked and manipulated his way to power in Germany. Certainly after the devastation of World War Two and the horrors of the Holocaust, it’s tempting to think that those who caused them must be close to crazy and to dismiss the possibility that educated people could be responsible.

But if we are going to fully understand the causes of National Socialism and other horrors, we have to consider an unsettling possibility: Maybe those who commit them, like Hitler and his accomplices, can be highly intelligent, well educated, and think of themselves as noble idealists.

Also according to Kubizek, Hitler was registered with three libraries in Linz, Austria after the war, and spent much of his time in Vienna in the Hapsburgs’ court library. “Books were his world.”

The phenomenon of bookish young men and women becoming activists for political violence is not rare. Consider these geographically varied examples:

* Pol Pot, the genocidal dictator in Cambodia, was an indifferent student but received part of his education in Paris and upon his return to Cambodia taught French literature and history at a private college.

* Abimael Guzmán, leader of Peru’s Shining Path terrorist group, wrote a dissertation on Kant and became a professor of philosophy at a Peruvian university.

* Osama bin Laden — who was a university graduate with a degree in civil engineering — read the works of theologian Seyyid Qutb. At university in Saudi Arabia, bin Laden attended regularly the lectures of Muhammad Qutb, who was his brother Seyyid’s translator and editor as well as professor of Islamic Studies.

* And Josef Goebbels attended five of the best universities in Germany and received his Doctor of Philosophy degree from the University of Heidelberg.

List two reasons for the colonists' resentment toward the British Parliament.



they were upset that they had to pay high taxes without representation to the king. they also wanted to be self-governed and make their own laws they felt they had no representation

what were the views of the conservative movement



Transcendent Order.  

Social Continuity.  

Prescription. Third,  

Prudence. Fourth,  

Which issue is addressed in the Bill of Rights?

a. slavery
b. voting age
c. the right to bear arms
d. the direct election of Senators


C. the right to bear arms
the second amendment in the bill of rights is about the right to bear arms
The right to bear arms

This section is the introduction of the Constitution and lists the goals of government
A. Preamble
B. Signatures
C. Amendments
D. Articles


Answer: A, the preamble sets the stage for the Constitution and it lists 6 goals of the government

what kind of rock can you find in the Hudson Highlands ??


The Hudson Highlands and the Adirondacks have the oldest exposed rock in New York State. This Precambrian and Early Paleozoic metamorphic and igneous rock is estimated to be 1.3 to 1.1 billion years old! When land masses collided, the land faulted and folded, creating what geologists call the Highlands Province.
Hope It Helps U
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ead the following paragraphs carefully to see whether or not they create a mood.

Yesterday three men were crucified on the slopes of Mt. Calvary. Two of the men were convicted of robbery.

The third man was convicted following a lengthy trial. Several unusual circumstances seemed to be involved with His arrest and conviction. The man, Jesus from Nazareth, had made repeated claims to be the King of the Jews.

Several strange weather conditions occurred during the crucifixion. The Jerusalem Weather Bureau could give no official explanation of the unusual events.

Do the paragraphs above create a mood? If so, what kind of mood do they create?


Answer: They give the mood of uncertainty and mystery as to what the crime of Jesus was, and to the strange events that followed.


Which is generally true about guerrilla warfare?



Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.

¿Qué consecuencias puede traer para la población civil que se encuentra en la franja de gaza? 2. Consulta cuales son los nuevos tigres asiáticos y su influencia en el comercio e industrialización


Las respuestas correctas para estas preguntas abiertas son las siguientes.

Para ambas preguntas, no se incluyen opciones o incisos para ayudarte a responder. Por lo anterior, vamos a comentarte lo siguiente.

¿Qué consecuencias puede traer para la población civil que se encuentra en la Franja de Gaza?

Aunque no especificas con respecto a qué, pueden ser esas consecuencias para los habitantes de la Franja de Gaza, vamos a suponer que la comparación es con respecto a la violencia que se vive a diario en esa zona del Medio Este.

De hecho, la Franja e Gaza, es una de las zonas más conflictivas en el Medio Oriente debido a las disputas territoriales ancestrales entre Israel y Palestina.

Actualmente gobernada por el grupo extremista Hamas, la franja es un "polvorín," lo que significa que es un lugar lleno de conflictos y que ha sido sede de agresiones, disparos, enfrentamientos armados y hasta actos terroristas.

2. Consulta cuáles son los nuevos tigres asiáticos y su influencia en el comercio e industrialización,

Los nuevos Tigres Asiáticos son Taiwán, Hong Kong, Corea del Sur, y Singapur. Estos cuatro países oriéntales han sido sumamente exitosos en los últimos 20 años, básicamente en el comercio internacional. Su desarrollo industrial de finales de la década de los 90 y hasta el 2015, fue de lo más impresionante y dominaron los mercados internacionales.

Help please! ill mark brainliest if correct.


The third one, they found loopholes and were able to keep all their money from the government


i believe the answer is B


they were accused of being monopolists who earned profits by intentionally restricting the production of goods and then raising prices.

that why i think that is the answer.

Explain how the mineral gold might form? For science



Gold minerals form in hot rocks in and around volcanoes. Low sulfur, gold-bearing hydrothermal fluids form when hot rocks heat ground water. An example of these low-sulfur fluids are hot springs like those at Yellowstone National Park. The ores of Round Mountain, Nevada, are typical low-sulfur deposits

Distinguish between wholesale market and retail market.
no explainations please.​



Wholesale means the sale of goods in voluminous quantity, at a low price. The business of selling goods to end consumers in small lots at a profit is known as Retail. Wholesale creates a link between the manufacturer and retailer whereas Retail creates a link between wholesaler and customer.


The word wholesale simply means selling in bulk quantities and retail stands for selling merchandise in small quantities. ... While a wholesaler sells goods to the businesses, as they purchase goods to sell it further. On the other hand, a retailer targets final consumer and sells goods to them.

Hope it helps

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Thank you

What kind of event is common in a fable?

A good princess triumphs over the evil queen.
A mythological god fights with another god.
An animal plays a trick on another character.
An ordinary person overcomes an obstacle.



An animal plays a trick on another character.


What was Jackson’s message to Congress on Indian Removal?




Jackson declared that removal would "incalculably strengthen the southwestern frontier." Clearing Alabama and Mississippi of their Indian populations, he said, would "enable those states to advance rapidly in population, wealth, and power."

Which of the biomes below contributes
to global warming because it releases Carbon Dioxide
into the atmosphere

A. Tropical Rain forest.
B Tundra



A. Tropical rain forest


Am I right

Roger was worried that his car might break down after he noticed a quite clunking noise coming from his engine. correct the error



I think it is supposed to be quiet not quite!




got the same q

Write three difficulties are caused because of price rise ?? ( The.answer should be in pionts and each point shout contain 1 to 2 sentence only )​



Gas!Bills!PayCheCks :) expecially the gas, my mom has been complaining. Just look, its rediulouse how expensive it is!!



How did the Framers of the Constitution ensure the power of the legislative branch was limited?

A) The judicial branch has to approve laws.
B) Senators can serve only two terms.
C) The president can veto laws.
D) Only states can create laws for themselves.



To ensure that the president could never become too powerful, the Framers made many PRESIDENTIAL POWERS dependent upon the will of Congress. For example, the president is given the power to make treaties with foreign countries, but those treaties must be approved by the Senate by a two-thirds majority.

I hope this helps you

A or C could be the answer
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