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Answer 1


hey hey hello hello mateeeeee

Answer 2


       The split between Christianity and Judaism comes down to some modern scholars who have suggested the designations "Jewish believers in Jesus" or "Jewish followers of Jesus" as better reflecting the original context. The inclusion of non-Jews led to a growing split between Jewish Christians (i.e., the Jewish followers of Jesus) and non-Jewish Christians.  The split between Protestantism and Catholicism comes down to the Reformation began in 1517 when a German monk, who was called Martin Luther, protested about the Catholic Church. His followers became known as Protestants. Many people and governments adopted the new Protestant ideas, while others remained faithful to the Catholic Church. This situation led to a split in the Church.

Related Questions

Which two large land masses formed when Pangea first started
to separate?

A. Africa and Europe
B. Europe and Laurasia
C. Gondwanaland and North America
D. Laurasia and Gondwanaland


D, Laurasia and Gondwanaland
The answer would be:
D. Laurasia and Gondwanaland

The exact date that Judaism began is well known
True or False​





In which essential aspect of geography would you learn about the creation of mountains?
human systems
physical systems
places and regions
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general daily precipitatioN


Answer: (C) Physics Systems.

Hope it helps

Have a great day

A city’s central business district is best described as a(n)

compact area where most of the industrial jobs are located.
compact area that contains a large percentage of services.
expansive area that contains a large percentage of services.
expansive area where most of the housing is located.
compact area that contains numerous low-rise structures.


Compact area that contains a large percentage of services

how long is mount Everest ​



Mount Everest has a height of 29,031.7 feet (8,848.86 m).


As Earth's highest mountain above sea level, located in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas, Mount Everest has an elevation of 29,031.7 feet (8,848.86 meters).

The height of Everest. Controversy over the exact elevation of the summit developed because of variations in snow level, gravity deviation, and light refraction. The figure 29,028 feet (8,848 metres), plus or minus a fraction, was established by the Survey of India between 1952 and 1954 and became widely accepted.

que es un continente


Se considera como continente a una gran extensión de tierra que se diferencia de otras menores o sumergidas por conceptos geográficos, como son los océanos; y culturales, como la etnografía.

Un continente es una de las siete principales divisiones de tierra de la Tierra. Los continentes son, de mayor a menor: Asia, África, América del Norte, América del Sur, Antártida, Europa y Australia. Cuando los geógrafos identifican un continente, suelen incluir todas las islas asociadas a él.

Extinctions have occurred often throughout the Earth's history. Which statement best explains why this is the case?
a. The Earth could no longer support so many creatures.
b. A dominant species will take control and eliminate the other local organisms.
c. Events might occur that change the Earth enough to cause extinction.
d. The climate will spontaneously change.





Many major extinctions take place due to a catalyst event.

Please help brainliest for best answer :)

Congress passed the Perry Act, the law divided reservation land into individual allotments, or portions, of land (usually 160 acres).





False because it’s wrong lolz
The answer is false

Based on the information presented in this map, one can conclude that
the majority of slave trading took place between African countries.
several European countries participated in the African slave trade.
most of slaves that were traded originally lived in east Africa.
Asia imported more slaves than any other continent.


B because more arrows are towards europe

True or False.
In a federal government state power is shared, giving much authority to individual provinces and local governments





Concurrent powers are powers that are shared by both the State and the federal government.

Riots for economic opportunities in North Africa were called the?


Answer: Arab spring


The riots for economic opportunities in North Africa were refered to as the Arab spring. The Arab Spring started in Tunisia and it was anti-government protests, and armed rebellions which spread across Arab countries such as Tunisia, Egypt etc in 2010.

It began due to the oppressive regimes and the low standard of living that was witnessed by the people. The movement consisted of matches, demonstrations, and non-violent civil resistance.

Hello please help I will give brainliest!


Geography enables people to understand where they are in relation to other places or objects. Landmark or feature recognition is part of this geographic understanding, as is an awareness of the built environment generally - as in knowing street network structures or being able to identify surrounding land use types.

What ocean borders China to the east?


The Pacific Ocean borders china to the east.

Please help
1. How do the waters of the earth's oceans help distribute heat from one place to another?
Currents influence winds through the Coriolis effect.
Currents carry warm water from the Equator to the poles.
Warm water stays far below the ocean's surface.
Cold water stays just below the ocean's surface.




How does wind affect ocean currents?

Major surface ocean currents in the open ocean, however, are set in motion by the wind, which drags on the surface of the water as it blows. ... The winds pull surface water with them, creating currents. As these currents flow westward, the Coriolis effect—a force that results from the rotation of the Earth—deflects them.

state the characteristics of sedimentary rocks



po ros ity, pe rm eabi lity, round nes s, sortin g, mat ri x


go ogle hel ped

Which of the following is NOT a common agent of erosion?


You didn’t list the examples.

Fre.e points
Tricked you

Best anwser brainliest

Select all that Washington needed to become a state.

a public health system

a population of at least 60,000 people

a minimum of 5 million acres

a state constitution

public schools



All the above?


Washington became the forty-second state of the United States of America on November 11, 1889. After a hiatus of thirteen years when no new states were admitted to the Union, the United States Congress passed an act enabling the territories of Washington, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana to seek statehood.

I kinda confused....but...... lmk if its wrong







Which section chief is required to develop an incident action plan for large events? Operations Logistics Finance Planning





The Planning section chief is needed to develop and organize an incident action plan for the large events. He is one responsible for preparing the  incident action plans. He also manages the information as well as maintains the situational awareness for the incident to take place.

He is in control of the overall execution of the event.

Using the scale on the map, the distance between Papeete and Honolulu is _____
A) 3,635 miles
B) 2,625 miles
C) 1, 624 miles
D) 625 miles



B) 2,625


Had this assignment a couple months ago haha

B) 2,625
I just did this problem for my class

Explain ONE reason why the United States does not have a primate city.


Answer: Untitled Document. A primate city is one that is at least twice as large as the next largest city in that country. ... Not all countries have a Primate City. The United States does not, because there are similar sized agglomerations on both the East Coast, New York, and the West Coast, Los Angeles.


non examples for the word love



non example = antonym?

Hate is the opposite of love.

"I despise my sister" is an example of (antonym of love)

Which statement does not apply to the traits
present in a population as a result of artificial
A. Traits are desirable to humans.
B. Traits may not increase chance of survival
or reproduction.
C. Traits are different than when


The answer is c I believe I’m not sure the answer aren’t clear


What is one political effect of Imperialism?*
A. Uneven and inadequate infrastructure.
B. The disruption of trade patterns in Africa.
C. Even distribution of environmental resources
D. "Tribalism" or ethnic rivalry.


Answer: B

Explanation: Because it is great

The answer is A. Although the disruption in Africa did happen, it was not a direct result of imperialism. The last two are not relevant to imperialism. I hope that helps!

identify and describe the environmental impact of development on the amazon basin.​


The Amazon Basin is located in brazil. For centuries, this has protected the area, people, and the animals residing in it. Forest recession has occurred in the past 30 years due to increased industry and population growth through road projects, settlement initiatives, and industrial development.

The Amazon Basin includes a diversity of traditional inhabitants as well as biodiversity in both flora and fauna. These peoples have lived in the rain forest for thousands of years, and their lifestyles and cultures are well-adapted to this environment. Contrary to popular belief, their subsistence living methods do not significantly harm the environment. In the past few decades, the real threat to the Amazon Basin has been deforestation, poaching, and cattle ranching by transnational corporations.

Oil and gas development often also takes a heavy toll on the environment and local people; especially in rainforest areas where it can cause displacement of local people, air and water pollution, and construction of roads that open previously inaccessible areas to deforestation.

That said, even a new NASA study shows that over the last 20 years, the atmosphere above the Amazon Basin has been drying out, increasing the demand for water and leaving ecosystems vulnerable to fires and drought. It also shows that this increase in dryness is primarily the result of human activities.

Summary: all impacts caused by human development in the Amazon Basin is causing the atmosphere to go bad, the crops and indigenous plants to die at alarming rates, the water to be polluted, and the animals and humans who are indigenous of the area suffer the consequences.


How does climate affect the way people that lives in Toronto, Canada? (two ways)



The regions of Western Canada are very vulnerable to climate change related extreme weather events. The increasing frequency of forest fires, storm surges, coastal erosion, landslides, snowstorms, hail, droughts, and floods could have devastating impacts on the critical infrastructure of British Columbia and Alberta.

You should always include a person’s face when photographing people.



false not all photographs have to include a face
I think the answer is false

What is the difference between physical and chemcial weathering?Physical Physical weathering weathering only only happens happens with with plants plants and and animals, animals, while while chemcial chemcial weathering weathering is is caused caused by by Physical weathering weathering is is breaking breaking up up rocks rocks by by force, force, while while chemcial chemcial weathering weathering involves involves chemical chemical processes.processes.Physical Physical weathering weathering is is what what you you observe, observe, and and chemcial chemcial weathering weathering is is invisible.invisible.Physical Physical weathering weathering and and chemcial chemcial weathering weathering are are the the same same thing.thing.



Physical weathering weathering is is breaking breaking up up rocks rocks by by force, force, while while  chemical weathering weathering involves involves chemical chemical processes.


Physical weathering refers to the mechanical weathering that takes place due to the freezing and thawing go the rocks which are exposed to hot and cold temperatures of the day and night  An example of physical weathering is the onion peel weathering of rocks. While chemical weathering is the weathering by addition of oxygen, water and carbon to rock minerals.

Cecil Rhodes never did complete his railroad between Cairo, Egypt, and Cape Town, South Africa. Approximately how long would his railroad have been if completed?

A) 2,100 miles

B) 4,500 miles

C) 500 miles

D) 12,000 miles





make me Brianlist please




Which statement is not correct about the use of the forests to regulate water and filtration?
Tree planting can invariably bring down temperatures in urban areas, especially in summers.
Forests regulate the natural supply of clean water as the canopy triggers the release of water vapor that in turn maintains precipitation.
The same strong roots filter sediments and chemicals, making for a higher-quality supply of water.



Tree planting can invariably bring down temperatures in urban areas, especially in summers.


This is kind of a trick question, because all of these answers can be correct. The answer above isn't necessarily wrong, it's just the wrong answer for this question. Trees can reduce temperatures naturally, particularly through shade and evapotranspiration, which is the evaporation and transpiration of water through soil and plants.

Trees however, are part of the water cycle and do evaporate water and perform transpiration, as well as filtering sediment from erosion through their roots, providing a cleaner runoff into water sources. They can also filter chemicals, heavy metals, and even some oils from roads.

What the h does this even mean? someone please help for 20 points!

2. Calculate the approximate diameter of Earth. Use the lowest figure for the thickness of the crust. Show your work.



Its the meaning of radiation that heats of. 6374 subtract 1216 thats inside of the earth


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