please help me i need this ASAP

Please Help Me I Need This ASAP


Answer 1


What does the policy of isolationism emphasize? The belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided

Answer 2


C. The belief that political ties with other countries should be avoided.


Related Questions

A person on a bike travels 92 feet in a total of 15 minutes. What is the average speed of the cyclist?


The average speed is 6. Or if you use decimals 6.1. :)


the average is 6

How did Slavery in the American Colonies have an overall negative impact on life in Africa?
HELPP due in 20 minutes


So slavery and trapping of other tribes was already a thing in Africa before slavery went to the U.S. Because the U.S started doing it, tribes now wanted to enslave as many people as they could to get money from trades that would se d slaves over. This meant tribes fell apart, cultures were lost, and people were hunted down to sell as slaves.

What is the definition of simple machines? * 2 points a quantity that measures the rate at which work is done or energy is transformed the transfer of energy to a body by the application of a force that causes the body to move in the direction of the force a number that tells how many times a machine multiplies force; it can be calculated by dividing the output force by many times a machine multiplies force one of the basic types of machines, which are the basis for all other forms of machines



any of the basic mechanical devices for applying a force, such as an inclined plane, wedge, or lever.


Hope it helps! Correct me if I am wrong :>

If right can you please mark me as brainlest?

How many years can a Senator serve.
a. 8
b. 6
c. 4
d. 2


answer:a sorry if it’s wrong








When did the roman empire approximately start?​



The Roman Empire was founded when Augustus Caesar proclaimed himself the first emperor of Rome in 31BC and came to an end with the fall of Constantinople in 1453CE.

Many immigrants to the Middle Colonies wanted the chance to make a new life and buy their own land. True or false?





they were looking to settle and have land of their own

This is the picture for question



I could be wrong be united and Canada auta curacy and the other democracy


is an authoritarian form of government, characterized by a single leader.

a. Theocracy
b. Monarchy
c. Oligarchy
d. Democracy


Monarchy - it’s usually a queen/king rulimg


B. Monarchy


A monarchy is a type of government as a dictatorship or like when there were kings and queens.

How would you classify a political system in which two parties usually get most of the votes in

A. a multi-party system

B. a single-party system

C. a two party system

D. a parliamentary democracy


C. Has been the most popular in recent elections
the answer should be a 2 party system

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the five themes of geography?


the answer is D)source

who is known as father of school ?​



Horace Mann



Horace Mann


I looked it up

The Yangtze River follows into the sea near what major city I WILL MARK THE BRANLIEST!!!!!!




Pls help . 15 points

Which of these was MOST responsible for putting an end to the type of
discrimination seen here?

A)Brown v. Board of Education
B)the Voting Rights Act of 1965
C)the Civil Rights Act of 1964
D) Plessy v. Ferguson


A) brown v board of education

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was the most responsible for putting an end to the type of discrimination seen in the context of the United States. The correct option is C.

Why are civil rights important?

Whether you experience unfair treatment or discrimination in any area of your life—housing, work, school, etc.—you are protected by your civil rights. These rights are fundamental to our democracy, and the laws that protect them stipulate what can be done when they are violated.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was landmark legislation that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in employment, voting, and public accommodations. The Act also created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to investigate and address claims of discrimination in the workplace.

The Act had a significant impact on ending discrimination in many areas of American society, particularly in the South where segregation and discrimination against African Americans were most entrenched.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about civil rights here:


Which two countries formed and founded the Axis Powers?


Answer: Italy and Germany

Explanation: On May 22, 1939, Italy and Germany agree to a military and political alliance, giving birth formally to the Axis powers, which will ultimately include Japan.  Mussolini coined the nickname “Pact of Steel” (he had also come up with the metaphor of an “axis” binding Rome and Berlin) after reconsidering his first choice, “Pact of Blood,” to describe this historic agreement with Germany. The Duce saw this partnership as not only a defensive alliance, protection from the Western democracies, with whom he anticipated war, but also a source of backing for his Balkan adventures. Both sides were fearful and distrustful of the other, and only sketchily shared their prospective plans. The result was both Italy and Germany, rather than acting in unison, would often “react” to the precipitate military action of the other. In September 1940, the Pact of Steel would become the Tripartite Pact, with Japan making up the third constituent of the triad.

1. Rural African tribesmen that hunt wild game to provide food for the family and the tribe.
This would be a component of what type of economy?





Hunting and gathering of wild animals has always been and continues to be an In many African countries, hunting is not only a means of securing food Women of the Luvale and Shaba tribes of Zaire also trap rodents and in West Africa,  own a gun; part-time and young hunters may or may not have their own guns.

- What did Governor Patterson sign?



Governor Patterson sign Freedom Riders


This is a civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated Southern United States in the 1961 and subsequent years to challenge the non-enforcement of the United States Supreme Court decisions.

Japanese Perspective: Why wasnt it necessary to use the bombs?
As you re-read the documents highlight or underline quotes, facts, images, information etc that supports the
Hiroshima as Victimization narrative in other words, look for information that proves that America was wrong
to drop the atomic boma Identity at least three reasons and record below:


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although we have not read the documents you did, we can help to answer this question based on our knowledge of the topic.

Japanese Perspective: Why wasn't it necessary to use the bombs?

The Japanese point of view of throwing the atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the following. Japanese people said that was a terrible military action that caused too much pain. suffering, and destruction to Japanese civilians. Japan considered was an unnecessary action on the part of President Harry Truman. Many Japanese think that the action had to be punished as a war crime. They say that strong military action such as conventional bombing over Japanese strategic places and a series of blockades could be more than enough to force Japan to surrender easily.

Of course, this is an issue that had caused so much debate not only in Japan but in the United States as well.

what do you notice on the picture


You need to add a picture bcs There’s no picture


Why did Federalists think ratification of the Constitution was necessary?

A) It would repair the relationship with Britain.
B) It would fix the problems created by the Articles of Confederation.
C) It would improve the relationship between the governments and citizens.
D) It would allow the country to expand further west.


The correct answer is c


It is c


Even in the coolest months, daytime high temperatures in parts of South Asia can
reach 80F. Why is that?



because of its distance from the equator


2) Namc one feature of sewa.



membership is open only to poor women on payment of Rs. 10 (32 cents)as share capital. help women become financially independent and start their own economic activity cut red-tape/procedures to help illiterate women get small loans without difficulty (In view of the fact that many women could not even sign their names, photographs were used for identification).


Hope it helps,

Pls mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

First answer Part A then Part B

(Part A) What do scientists use to listen for signs of life that some people believe might exist on distant planets?

A. Global Positioning Systems
B. sextants
C. radio telescopes
D. the Hubble Space Telescope

(Part B) When you jump, you always come back down to Earth. What causes that?

A. gravity
B. tilt
C. orbit
D. rotation


Redio telescopes is the answer i think

what are the 4 types of stressors and give one example for each.mention each example mentioned may lead to stress​



1. Time [Stress] You experience time stress when you worry about time, or the lack thereof. You worry about the number of things that you have to do, and you fear that you'll fail to achieve something important. Common examples of time stress include worrying about deadlines or rushing to avoid being late for a meeting.

2. Anticipatory [Stress] anxiety happens when people experience increased anxiety and stress when they think about an event that will happen in the future. While this is not a distinct mental condition, anticipatory anxiety is a common symptom of other conditions including panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

3. Situational [Stress] is a short-term form of stress that occurs in certain temporary situations. Worry, stress, or concern begins to overwhelm the individual until the problem goes away.

4. Encounter [Stress] revolves around people. You experience encounter stress when you worry about interacting with a certain person or group of people - you may not like them, or you might think that they're unpredictable.

How could the Holocaust have been stopped? Should western governments or the United States have
intervened as Germany started to militarize again? Would the Holocaust have been prevented if western
powers had dealt more fairly with Germany after World War I?



The Holocaust could not have been stopped.


Yes although after world war one ended many germany had to take most of the fault when they were trying to protect austria hungry. Jews have been discrimnaited since the earliest centurys because in transltion they found that jesus said that they were "devils" in ancient era, and ever since their religiously jews were always running away from persecution. This is why hitler blamed it in on the Jews because he thought since jews were coming into austria hungry to escape persecution he blamed it all on them. It had nothing to do with rule or militairy, it was all religious beliefs.

Which geographic feature is highlighted on this map?



The north,

I cant see the options once I can see them or you tell me I can give a more detailed answer.


I see the Northern area highlighted in yellow, but would you mind showing the options?

if anyone can help me that’d be great :D



I'm truly sorry but I cannot see what you are talking about

describe what the era of the great depression was like


Answer: The Great Depression was the worst economic downturn in the history of the industrialized world, lasting from 1929 to 1939. It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors.Even the affluent faced severe belt-tightening.

Four years after 1929 stock market crash, during the bleakest point of the Great Depression, about a quarter of the U.S. workforce was unemployed. Those that were lucky enough to have steady employment often saw their wages cut or their hours reduced to part-time.

Hope this helps have a awesome night/day❤️✨


helpp you can answer it in the comments too

Do you think people can only really fall in love once in their lives? Why? / Why not?​





It's happened to me. I have experienced falling in love. Why? The little things they do, the laughs, the cries, when you see it you slowly fall in love.

Two ways in which some cultural views that exist may effect a relationship negatively



It could affect the way we face certain problems. It can also affect the way we perceive different problems.



Which of the following best describes King's role in the Civil Rights Movement?
A. He suggested that the movement should be more violent
B. He only took part in the movement a little bit.
C. He was a leader in the movement.
D. He strongly disagreed with the movement.





C, he was a leader in the movement.

Other Questions
Jenny made $221 for 13 hours of work. At the same rate, how many hours would she have to work to make $85? Describe your ideal future it could be words such as social, independent outdoor, urban, (city based), or rural (country side based). Full sentences are not necessary its a choice. HELP ASAP Based on the details in chapter 26, what can the reader infer about why Mr. Cavors last message is incomplete?Mr. Cavor has decided to remain on the moon.Mr. Cavor does not want to share his discovery with Bedford.The world of the Selenites has been destroyed.The Grand Lunar has stopped him from communicating. Which type of electricity is a one-time event, caused by unbalanced charges trying to become neutral again? WILL MARK BRAINLIEST IF ANSWER IS ORIGINAL In this lesson, you saw the vast differences in how World War II ended in the European and Pacific Theaters. Use this knowledge to explain the decision to use atomic bombs on Japan. For this assignment you will write three well-developed paragraphs on the following:What were the reasons the bomb should have been used on Japan?What were the reasons the bomb should not have been used on Japan?Should the atomic bomb have been used on Japan? Why or why not? Support your claim with evidence from the lesson. i have an opinionomg this thing makes me write more!!! f(1)= -34f(n)=f(n1) - 3Find an explicit formula for f(n). PLZ HELP ME WITH 6 * 5/6 THANKS how is your day?:) mine sucks because im doing hw on spring break Explain how altitude affects ecosystems What are two methods used to help identify the species of insect from the eggs onhuman remains? Describe the methods. How many toothpicks make a triangle? Two triangles? Writean expression that represents the number of toothpicksneeded to make x triangles that appear side-by-side in asingle row, as shown. Explain your reasoning, In the given right triangle, find the missing length to the nearest tenth.a. 6.1 ft b.21.1 ftc.7.1 ftd.21.4 ft Why is m..?somebody help please Jennifer scored 40 points in a game on Saturday. If she scored 50 pointson Sunday then what is the percent increase in the points Jenniferscored? 3. Convent the following into Indirect Speech :HOB-Now where is your husband, mistress ?MARY: In his bed. He is sick, and weary. You would not harm him !HOB: We are going to smash his evil work to pieces. Where is the machine ? What is the purpose of the lab, the importance of the topic, and the question you are trying to answer What is your hypothesis (or hypotheses) for this experiment?What methods are you using to test this (or each) hypothesis?Locate the data and observations collected in your lab guide. What are the key results? How would you best summarize the data to relate your findings?Do you have quantitative data (numerical results or calculations)? Do you have qualitative data (written observations and descriptions)? How can you organize this date for your report?What do the key results indicate?If you constructed graphs, what trends do they indicate in your data?Were there any problems with the experiment or the methods? Did you have any surprising results?What do the results tell you about your hypothesis(es)?How do the data support your claim above?If you could repeat the experiment and make it better, what would you do differently and why?Writing the Lab ReportNow you will use your answers from the questions above to write your lab report. Follow the directions below.Section I: Experimental OverviewUse your answers from questions 13 as the basis for the first section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with background information about why you conducted this experiment and how it was completed. Outline the steps of the procedure in full sentences. It also provides potential answers (your hypothesis/es) relative to what you expected the experiment to demonstrate. This section should be 13 paragraphs in length.Section II: Data and ObservationsUse your answers from questions 45 as the basis for the second section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with the data from the experiment, in a summarized and concise way. No paragraphs are required for this section, but you do need to include the key data and observations from which you will generate your analysis and discussion. This section is objective.Section III: Analysis and DiscussionUse your answers from questions 68 as the basis for the third section of your lab report. This section provides your reader with your interpretation of the data set. You will also give an example of any calculations or formulas you used to analyze your data. Also, you will want to include any graphs that you made and interpret them for the reader.If you did construct graphs, your Student Guide included information on which graphs to construct. Graphs should have the following:Appropriate titlesAppropriate labels for each axisAppropriate scales for each axisCorrect units for the dataComplete a rough sketch of each graph. Explain in one or two sentences what trend the reader should observe in each of your graphs.Mention any problems, unusual or unexpected data, or other factors with the experiment here, and suggest possible causes. This section can be somewhat subjective, unlike Section II, because you are free to include your personal interpretations or even speculation if it adds constructive, reasonable insight to the discussion. This section is variable in length, and should likely be the longest part of your report.Section IV: ConclusionsUse your answers from questions 9-11 as the basis for the fourth section of your lab report. In this section you will summarize the outcome of the experiment, and discuss how the original hypothesis(es) was (were) either supported or refuted. Use logic and reason in explaining your statements, and be sure to refer to specific data from your experiment that supports your argument.This section also demonstrates your understanding of the experiment, through your ability to offer constructive criticism about its design and make suggestions for future experimentation. There are always ways that experiments can be improved. Now that you are a veteran of this experiment and have experience with the procedure, offer some advice to the next scientist about what you suggest and why.This section should be 12 paragraphs long.OverallWhen complete, the lab report should be read as a coherent whole. Make sure that you connect different pieces with relevant transitions. Review for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, formatting, and other conventions of organization and good writing. Scenario 2: Saving for college You are a freshman in high school and have your eye on a college degree. But college is expensive, especially since the costs include tuition, food, living expenses, travel, and books. What financial information do you need? What financial decision-making strategies can you use? (Cost comparison, cost-benefit analysis, calculating future expenses, or budgeting?) Find the area of the parallelogram.The area of the parallelogram is [a] in2. please help What is the missing value? (-4, 6) and (p, 7) = -1/2