PLEASE HELP ITS URGENT Select the correct answer.
Which document do you need to have on hand when preparing to file your tax return ?

PLEASE HELP ITS URGENT Select The Correct Answer.Which Document Do You Need To Have On Hand When Preparing


Answer 1


a it's birth certificate

Related Questions

Solve for x in the triangle below. Round your answer to the nearest tenth

Please is the last one

4 mint left




Step-by-step explanation:

The film The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, the last installment of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, was directed by Peter Jackson and released on December 17 2003 in the U.S. with huge success. Eventually, the film won 11 Oscars for all of its nominations. The film's box office has been more than $1 billion. In the film, there are long sequences in which not all main characters appear at the same time. And there are big scenes where everybody shows up. Thinking about the making of the film, behind the scenes, we can hypothetically break down the entire cinematic project into the following aggregate activities (We assume away all the complexities in shooting the three installments at the same time and other production details):
‐ Plan, screenplay, finance, cast, film crew, location
‐ Construction of movie sets
‐ Shooting sequence 1
‐ Shooting sequence 2
‐ Shooting sequence 3
‐ Big scene sequence
‐ Post‐production & finalization before release
We have the following hypothetical data on time in months and cost in millions of dollars:
A ‐ 6.0 6.0 13.0 6.0 13.0
B A 4.0 4.0 9.0 3.0 12.0
C B 4.0 4.0 12.0 4.0 12.0
D B 5.0 11.0 5.0 14.0 4.0 16.0
E B 6.0 0.0 6.0 16.0 4.0 19.0
F C,D,E4.0 4.0 19.0 4.0 19.0
G F 6.0 6.0 11.0 5.0 13.5
Note: IP = Immediate Predecessor; T = NT = Normal Time; ES = Earliest Start; EF = Earliest Finish; LS = Latest Start; LF = Latest Finish; SLK = Slack Time; NT = Normal Time; NC = Normal
Cost; CT = Crash Time; CC = Crash Cost; & CCR = Crash Cost/Time Unit (Crash Cost Rate).
Copy the table to your homework and complete the following parts:
By looking at the chart in part (a), find all possible paths through the network with their corresponding path times. Based on these path times, determine the critical path.
Based on part (a) By using the forward and backward passes together with the four time determination rules, fill your calculations for ES,
EF, LS, LF, and SLK in the appropriate cells.
(b) [2] Try to independently fill in the columns ES, EF, LS, LF, and SLK of the table. If you have difficulties, refer to part (a). Determine the activity with the most slack time.
c) [2] Based on part (a), find the critical path by going through the activities with no slack time.
Compare this result with the critical path found in part (b).
d) Use appropriate data to compute crash costs per time unit and fill in the CCR column. Cross out any CCR cells where the corresponding activities cannot be crashed.
(e) [2] Find the total normal cost of the film. Find the normal cost on the original critical path. Compute the cost proportion of the critical path in the film's budget.


The total cost was 2.67 million dollars

YasmeenHussainduz answer plas and one more random person



hi shawty

Step-by-step explanation:

woa me when lesbain

Suppose that documentation lists the average sales price of a single-family home in the metropolitan Dallas/Ft. Worth/Irving, Texas, area as $213,200. The average home price in Orlando, Florida, is listed as $198,000. The mean of a random sample of 43 homes in the Texas metroplex was $217,800 with a population standard deviation of $30,300. In the Orlando, Florida, area a sample of 35 homes had a mean price of $204,700 with a population standard deviation of $33,800. At the 0.05 level of significance, can it be concluded that the mean price in Dallas exceeds the mean price in Orlando



"0.0373" seems to be the appropriate solution.

Step-by-step explanation:

The given values are:

n₁ = 43

n₂ = 35






The test statistic will be:

⇒  [tex]Z=\frac{\bar{x_1}-\bar{x_2}}\sqrt{\frac{\sigma_1^2}{n_1} +\frac{\sigma_2^2}{n_2} }[/tex]

On substituting the given values in the above formula, we get

⇒      [tex]=\frac{217800-204400}{\sqrt{\frac{(30300)^2}{43} +\frac{(33800)^2}{35} } }[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=\frac{217800-204400}{\sqrt{\frac{918090000}{43} +\frac{1142440000}{35} } }[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=\frac{13400}{7347.93}[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=1.7828[/tex]


P-value will be:

=  [tex]P(Z>1.7828)[/tex]

=  [tex]0.0373[/tex]

How many outcomes are there from rolling 3 dice


I'm pretty sure its 24-

but im not completely sure

dice have six sides and you're rolling three times, so three times six- T-T



Step-by-step explanation:


You can get any one of 6 results from the first die

You can get any one of 6 results from the second die

You can get any one of 6 results from the third die.

Outcomes = 6 * 6 * 6 = 216. Try list time and you will see that there must be that many.

Suppose the first die is a weighted die such that you always get one.

Suppose the other two dice are fair ones. And they each can be anything.

Those two fair ones will give you 36

Now if you catch on to the way the first die works and trade it for a fair one, you will get 6 times 36 which is 216

There are 6 blue marbles, 7 black marbles, 4 orange marbles, and 3 green marbles in a bag. Once a marble is drawn, it is replaced. Find
the probability of the outcome.
Find P(Blue, Orange, and then Green)

which one is the right answer:







Hello! answer 9/1000

Step-by-step explanation:

All you have to do is multiply the probability of each then you will get your answer so...

6/20 × 4/20 × 3/20 = 9/1000 So thats your probability. Hope that helps!

i will give Brainiest if you are right


the area of the parallelogram is 80in

A =bh
A= 10(8)
A= 80 in^2

Can someone help me please?


9515 1404 393


  10 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the formula for the area of a trapezoid. Fill in the given information and solve for the unknown.

  A = 1/2(b1 +b2)h

  50 in² = (1/2)(3 in +7 in)h

  50 in²/(5 in) = h . . . . . . . . . . divide by the coefficient of h

  10 in = h

The height of the trapezoid is 10 inches.

Which statement explains how to calculate the mean of a set of data? O A. Subtract the smallest from the largest value. O B. Add the largest and the smallest values and divide by 2. O C. Find the sum of all the values and then divide by the number of values. OD. Organize the data from least to greatest and find the value in the middle. O E. Organize the data from least to greatest and Identify which value is repeated the most often.​


Answer: Where is the data?... where I can solve it

Step-by-step explanation:


Which statement explains how to calculate the mean of a set of data? O A. Subtract the smallest from the largest value. O B. Add the largest and the smallest values and divide by 2. O C. Find the sum of all the values and then divide by the number of values. OD. Organize the data from least to greatest and find the value in the middle. O E. Organize the data from least to greatest and Identify which value is repeated the most often.​



Step-by-step explanation:

Mean is just another name for average. To find the mean of a data set, add all the values together and divide by the number of values in the set. The result is your mean !

Which fraction below represents a repeating decimal?
A 1/4 B 6/4 C 19/2
D 22/12


I believe the answer is 22/12



Step-by-step explanation:

niether is really an answer its

Toys r Us sells Pokémon cards in packs of 12 for $16.87. Walmart sells them in packs of
6 for $8.36. Justify the better deal.


The better deal will be to get them from Walmart. In the 12 pack each card is approx. $1.40 when in Walmart each cart is approx. $1.39. So getting 6 pack from Walmart will be cheaper and a better deal.

A patient has been instructed to drink a gallon of water each day. How many cups does the patient
need to drink?



16 cups a day

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the following net to find the surface area of the solid figure

144 yd2

48 yd2

88 yd2

94 yd2



94 yards^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Follow the rule for the Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism.

Formula: SA = 2lw + 2lh + 2wh

Substitute the values and you'll be fine.

Pls mark Brainliest and have a great day!!!

The Surface area of solid is 94 yd².

What is Surface area?

The surface area of a three-dimensional object is the total area of all its faces.

Here, Given area of the solid are 12 yd², 8 yd², 24 yd², 8 yd², 12 yd², 24 yd², and 6 yd²

Total Surface area = 12 + 8 + 24 + 8 + 12 + 24 + 6

                               = 94 yd²

Thus, the Surface area of solid is 94 yd².

Learn more about Surface Area from:


Which statement is true?

All squares are rectangles. Rectangles have 4 right angles. Therefore, all squares have 4 right angles.

Only some squares are rectangles. Rectangles have 4 right angles. Therefore, only some squares have 4 right angles.

All squares are rectangles. Rectangles have 4 sides that are the same length. Therefore, all squares have 4 sides that are the same length.

Only some squares are rectangles. Rectangles have 4 sides that are the same length. Therefore, only some squares have 4 sides that are the same length.



All squares are rectangles. Rectangles have 4 right angles. Therefore, all squares have 4 right angles.

All recatangles have 4 angles which are 90°. Though all squares are rectangles, remember, not all rectangle are squares

Hope this helps, Bye!

The true statement is "All squares are rectangles. Rectangles have 4 right angles. Therefore, all squares have 4 right angles".

What is a square?

That rectangle whose all sides are equal is called a square.

A square has its diagonals perpendicular bisector to each other and is of the same length. (this is actually a characteristic property, which means that if a quadrilateral has its diagonals equal and perpendicular,

then it is a square for sure).

A square is always a rectangle, parallelogram, a rhombus, and a quadrilateral but its reverse statement may or may not be true.

also, it is not always necessary that a rectangle is a square or a parallelogram is a square or a rhombus is a square.

All squares are rectangles. Rectangles have 4 right angles.

Therefore, all squares have 4 right angles.

All rectangles have 4 angles which are 90°. Though all squares are rectangles, remember, not all rectangles are squares

Learn more about a rectangle here:


If a triangle has an area of 24 square cm what is its base if the height is 3 cm



b=16cm .......................


16 cm is the base

Step-by-step explanation:

the formula is

1/2 times base times Height

b= unknown

h= 3

Base times 3 is 3b

the question is like 3b/2= 24cm2 - this is the area

when you simplify, you will get 16 cm

If you want, make sure to check your answers.

Nadia compares the weights, in grams, of some apples and oranges. She finds the median and interquartile range of the weights. Median Interquartile range (IQR) Apple sample 150 8 Orange sample 130 11 Answer the questions to compare the centers and variabilities of the samples. 1. Which sample has a greater typical value, or median? Write your answer in the space below. 2. Which sample has a greater variability, or spread? Write your answer in the space below. 3. According to these measures, is it possible that the heaviest piece of fruit in the two samples was an orange? Explain why or why not.



The higher the interquartile range the bigger the variance as it the difference between the 0.25 and 0.75 quantiles. which basically means if the difference between the 25 percent and 75 percent is higher then there is more variety as they are further away.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which basically means if the difference between the 25 percent and 75 percent is higher then there is more variety as they are further away.

Would be amazing if you marked brainliest and feel free to comment any follow up questions ^^

The apple sample has a greater typical value or median.

The orange sample has a greater variability or spread.

No, it is not possible that the heaviest piece of fruit in the two samples was orange because the median weight of the orange sample is less than the median weight of the apple sample.

What is the interquartile range?

An interquartile range is a measure of the difference between the upper and lower quartiles of a dataset.

W can find the values of the upper and lower quartile and median from a box plot.

The middle line is the median and the first line is the lower quartile and the last line is the upper quartile.

The formula used is Upper quartile - Lower quartile.

We have,


The apple sample has a greater typical value or median, which is 150 grams, compared to the orange sample which has a median of 130 grams.


The orange sample has a greater variability or spread as indicated by the interquartile range (IQR) of 11 grams, which is larger than the IQR of the apple sample which is 8 grams.


No, it is not possible that the heaviest piece of fruit in the two samples was orange because the median weight of the orange sample is less than the median weight of the apple sample.

The median is a measure of central tendency and it indicates that at least half of the oranges weigh less than 130 grams, while at least half of the apples weigh more than 150 grams.

Therefore, it is more likely that the heaviest piece of fruit is an apple, not an orange.

However, we cannot be certain about this without knowing the actual weights of all the apples and oranges in the samples.


The apple sample has a greater typical value or median.

The orange sample has a greater variability or spread.

No, it is not possible that the heaviest piece of fruit in the two samples was orange because the median weight of the orange sample is less than the median weight of the apple sample.

Learn more about the interquartile range here:


7≥12−g solve for inequality
Plzz help me Its from khan academy



g= 4 and g =5

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: g = 5 and g = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

trust me </3

(No links :>)
Please answer the picture below. Tysm ^^



1 and 3

Step-by-step explanation:

if you solve

5(a+4) it equals

5a +20


1 and 3

Step-by-step explanation:

1. 5(a+4)  Distribute = 5a+5*4 = 5a +20

2. 5a+4

3. 5a+20

4 5*a*4 = 20a

The two that are equal are 1 and 3

i need to know plz help




Step-by-step explanation:

A= 10x10x3.14 = 314in^2

Ar= 12x16= 192in^2

Asr= 314-192= 122in^2

7 (3 + 5) = __ + __ is what?


Answer: 21+35

Step-by-step explanation: This is distributive property, you distribute the 7 to each of the numbers, so 7*3+7*5=21+35

Answer: 21+35

Step-by-step explanation: Use the distributive property in this situation in order to get rid of the parentheses. Multiply 7 by both numbers inside the parentheses (keeping the addition symbol) in order to get your solution.

2h + 10 = 20 solve the value for h​



Step-by-step explanation:

First you solve for a: a=(10-2h)/7 which you then plug into "a": (10-2h)/7=10-2h\

q square =-1 what is q​


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

  q² = -1

  q = ±√(-1) = ±i . . . . . . i is the name given to the square root of -1.

if f(x) = 1/x^14, what is f'(x)?



[tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{ {x}^{14} } \\ f'(x) = - \frac{14}{x {}^{15} } [/tex]

Write an equation and solve:

Kiran is trying to save $144 to buy a new guitar. she has $34 and is going to save $10 a week from money she earns mowing lawns. she wants to know how money weeks it will take her to have enough money to purchase the guitar.



11 weeks

Step-by-step explanation:

34+10x=144 equation



check answer

11*$10=$110 money after 11 weeks at $10/week

    +.       34 money saved

     =.     144 money needed.

The image is below please help I am crying



Quadrant III

Step-by-step explanation:

The expected annual demand for the newly approved drug Prisdol is 50,000, but there is a lot of uncertainty. A plant to produce the drug will be built at a cost of $16 per unit of capacity, which is a one-time expense. In addition, there is an annual maintenance cost of $0.40 per unit of capacity. The production cost per unit is $0.20. The drug’s selling price will be $3.70/unit. Suppose that Z denotes the random demand for the drug in a year, and suppose that a plant is built with an annual capacity of 45,000. No inventory will be built up; the company will produce only what is needed for demand in a year, and no more than capacity. Select the least accurate statement regarding elements of a model for this setting.
1 The cost to build the plant is 45,000 * $16.
2 The annual maintenance cost is 45,000 * $0.40.
3 The sales revenue in a year is Z * $3.70
4 The unsatisfied demand in a year is max(Z – 45,000, 0).



The least accurate statement regarding elements of a model for this setting is:

4 The unsatisfied demand in a year is max(Z – 45,000, 0).

Step-by-step explanation:

Expected annual demand for Prisdol = 50,000

Annual Plant Capacity = 45,000 units of drugs

Cost of building the plant = 45,000 * $16

Annual maintenance cost = 45,000 * $0.40

Production cost per unit = $0.20

Selling price per unit = $3.70

Sales revenue in a year = Z * $3.70,

where Z denotes the random demand in a year

b) Statements 1, 2, and 3 are accurate in this model setting.  However, statement 4 sets up a model that does not concur with the setting.  The unsatisfied demand in a year should be Z minus 45,000 if the plant produced full capacity.  Otherwise, it is Z minus annual production units.

Which of the following is different from others?

(a) 100000 ones (b) 10 thousand (c) 1000 tens (d) 10 hundred​


the answer is A I believe


a = 100,000

b= 100,000

c = 10,000

d = 1,000

uhhh... a and b are the same... c and d are different.

Step-by-step explanation:

a submarine is at the surface of the ocean, preparing to dive. it submerges and dives -993 ft. then it ascends 308 ft to avoid hitting an undersea cliff. what integer represents the submarines position in ft after it ascends to avoid the cliff?
A. 1,301
B. 685
C. -1,301
D. -685​



[tex]\text{D. -685}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the submarine's initial position be 0. After diving 993 feet, its position will be -993 ft. The submarine then ascends 308 feet, meaning its final position will be [tex]-993+308=\boxed{-685}[/tex].

what is 2/5 of 2/3 = ​




Step-by-step explanation:

2/5. 2/3 of a number means that you divide it by 3 and multiply by 2. 3/5 divided by 3 is 1/5. 1/5 multiplied by 2 is 2/5, which is the answer. Hope this helps! :).Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!


.266666... or [tex]\frac{4}{15}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply the numerator by the other numerator, in this case it would be 2 * 2, to get 4. This is your numerator for the answer.

Then do the same for the denominators. 5 * 3 is 15.

Therefore, your answer is [tex]\frac{4}{15}[/tex]

Hope that this helps!

Find A UB.




Step-by-step explanation:

3,5,6,7,8,11,and 12

Because that's the union

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