PLEASE HELP! In a film study, a sample of 300 movies was found to have an average runtime of 116 minutes with a standard deviation of 15 minutes. What is the margin of error for any sample of movie runtimes with 90% confidence (z=1.64)?


Answer 1


The answer is 1.42!!!!!!

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

make q the subject of 4p=5q-2​



5q = 4p + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

4p = 5q - 2

4p + 2 = 5q - 2 + 2

5q = 4p + 2

Edge 8th grade sample bias
Mrs. Greenaway has decided to open a new preschool in her town. To decide whether she will have enough students to be successful, she hires a researcher to conduct a survey of the town’s population. Which of the following groups would make up the best sample for this survey?

A. parents of preschool children
B. parents of elementary school children
C. registered voters in the town
D. members of the town council


The answer is a
Since she wants to know if she would have enough students she should survey the parents of the children

A bowl has 2 blue candies and 3 red candies inside it.
The tree diagram shows that the first event tells us the probability of choosing each blue and red candy.
The second event describes the probability of choosing an additional blue and a red candy.
Find the value of x and y



[tex]x = \frac{1}{4} [/tex]

[tex]y = \frac{2}{4} [/tex]

Which equation represents the line with slope – 2 that
passes through the point (-4, -5)?



D. y+5 = -2(x+4)

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \large \boxed{y - y_1 = m(x - x_1)}[/tex]

The equation above is point-slope form where x1 and y1 both are the point that the graph passes through ane m is slope as usual.

We are given the point (-4,-5) and slope of -2. We substitute these values in.

[tex] \large{y - ( - 5) = - 2(x - ( - 4))} \\ \large{y + 5 = - 2(x + 4)}[/tex]

3x + y = -4
3x - 4y = 6​



(-1, -2) or x=-1 y=-2

Step-by-step explanation:

3x+y=-4      (1)

3x-4y=6      (2)

i used the first equation to subtract the second this cancels out the x

and you are left with:



plug this back in:



add 2 to both sides:



differentiate the following functions (x^3+1)(x-2)÷x^2​



The given function is:


To find:

The differentiation of the given function.


Consider the given function,


It can be written as:





Differentiate with respect to x.




Therefore, the differentiation of the given function is [tex]2x-2-\dfrac{1}{x^2}+\dfrac{4}{x^3}[/tex].

By what percent will the number changed if": it was doubled



what number

Step-by-step explanation:

Factor the expression completely.
15x2-5x - 10
15x2-5x - 10 =




Step-by-step explanation:




-5x= -40

divide both sides by -5

-5x/-5= -40/-5






Step-by-step explanation:

The simplest way to do this is to divide 3 by 21 to get 7.  This means that it takes $7 to buy one T-shirt.  If you multiple 8 X 7, you get 56.  This mean that the correct answer is A. $56.00

Hope it helped and have a great day :)

Here's a recipe for pancakes:
250ml milk
120g flour
60 g butter

Grace makes some pancakes using 480g flour. How much butter does she need? How muck milk does she need?



Milk: 1000 ml

Flour: 480 g

Butter: 250 g

Step-by-step explanation:

To calculate the amount of butter you have to figure out more flour she used.

First, 480 ÷ 120 = 4 So she uses 4 times the amount of flour.

Then, 60 × 4 = 240

Next, you need the amount of milk so we also multiply by 4.

250 × 4 = 1000

Lastly, have a great day!

The black trapezoid is a dilation of the green trapezoid. What is the scale factor of the dilation?

A) 1/5
B) 1/3
C) 3
D) 5


The dilation is by 1/5
Answer: Choice A)  1/5



We're told that "The black trapezoid is a dilation of the green trapezoid". This means the black trapezoid is the image, while the green one is the preimage. In other words, the green is the "before" and the black is the "after". The mapping is [tex]\text{green} \to \text{black}[/tex] because of the ordering [tex]\text{preimage} \to \text{image}[/tex]

Since the green figure (preimage) is larger than the black figure (image), the scale factor must be some value k such that 0 < k < 1. That narrows the answer choices between A and B.

Focus on the green trapezoid. The bottom left corner is at (-10,0). The bottom right corner is at (5,0). The distance between these two points is 15 units.

Using the same idea, the distance along the bottom edge of the black trapezoid is 3 units. We can count out the spaces along the bottom, or we can note the two bottom corners are at (-2,0) and (1,0).


So far we found:

The bottom edge of the green trapezoid is 15 unitsThe bottom edge of the black trapezoid is 3 units

These two edges correspond to one another. We divide the values to get the scale factor. We divide the image length over its corresponding preimage length.

scale factor = (image length)/(preimage length)

scale factor = 3/15

scale factor = 1/5

Can someone help me slove this ?




Step-by-step explanation:

I think and hope it helps

eight friends share 64 tickets to the carnival. each friend has the same number of tickets. how many tickets does each friend have?



8 Tickets

Step-by-step explanation:

64/8 = 8 tickets


check work:

8*8 = 64

find the measure of angle R




Step-by-step explanation:

Answer. Answer: (1) The measure of angle T is 100 degrees --> since no other angle can be equal to 100 degrees (because in this case the sum of the angles will be more than 180 degrees) then the other two angles, R and S, are equal: R=(180-100)/2=40.

Josephine has a glass pitcher in the shape of a rectangular prism. The pitcher dimensions are 5 inches long, 5 inches wide and 7 inches high. She fills 3 inches of the pitcher with sugar. How many cubic inches are left in her pitcher for lemonade?​



100 cubic inches

Step-by-step explanation:

If she fills 3 inches of the pitcher with sugar, the height will be reduced from 7 inches to 4.

Find how many cubic inches are left for lemonade by finding the volume

Use the volume formula, V = lwh

V = lwh

V = (5)(5)(4)

V = 100

So, there are 100 cubic inches left for lemonade

Seventy-five percent, or 15, of the students in
Emily's homeroom class are going on a field trip. Two thirds, or 12, of the
students in Santiago's homeroom class are going on the field trip. Which
class has more students? Justify your answer.


The answer is in the file below

Hopes this answers your question and helps you

Can someone help me with 17 20 and especially 21
Only reply if your seriously trying to help me it would be really appreciate


If I get to a house in a couple hours and then I’ll get a little more money I will let you know that I’m not going out of the house to go to the bank to pick it out or do you want me there or you could do that for you or not and then I will

i’m stuck

please help




Step-by-step explanation:


its the last one, answer D.

Step-by-step explanation:

Suppose a man has a mass of 76kg and a density of 0.92g/cm3.

A) Calculate his volume.

b) Calculate the mass of air that he displaces, using the density of air from Table 5.2. The density of air is 1.29kg/m3

c) Calculate the buoyant force on him due to the air he displaces and compare this to his weight in newtons.



A) 0.08260 cubic meter

B) 106.554 grams

C) 1.044 Newton

Step-by-step explanation:

A) Volume = mass/density

Substituting the given values, we get -

Volume = [tex]\frac{76000}{0.92} =82608.69[/tex] cubic centimeter

[tex]= 0.08260[/tex] cubic meter

B) Mass = volume * density

Mass of air =

[tex]= 0.08260 * 1.29 \\= 0.106554\\[/tex]Kilogram

[tex]106.554[/tex] grams

C) Buoyant force = density * acceleration due to gravity * Volume

Buoyant force due to air  =

[tex]0.08260 * 9.8 * 1.29 \\1.044[/tex]Kg-m/s or Newton

Please help this is a test and I don’t know what to do.



u need to breath and calm down

Step-by-step explanation:

breath in and out for 5 sec u will feel better

You are a life saver if you help me figure out this problem step by step. I swear my math teacher is trying to make me fail:(


8.2 the anwser should be then divided by 1.8

Which of these best describes π? A The area of a circle divided by its diameter. B The circumference of a circle divided by its radius. C The circumference of a circle times 3.14 D The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter


Answer: D. The ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter

Step-by-step explanation:

Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter which means that we get pie by dividing the circumference by the diameter. This relationship is true regardless of the size of the circle because the relationship between the circumference and the diameter does not change regardless of size.

Pi is very useful when calculating measures related to circles such as area and circumference. It also comes in handy for shapes that have circles in them such as cones.

Please help me quick please solve in inequality form




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the length of side AB of the triangle?

Square root of 6
Square root of 13




Step-by-step explanation:

Distance formula

√(4-2)²+(5-2)² = 2²+3² = √4+9 = √13

Sue charges $15 per hour for the first hour of babysitting and $10 for each additional hour, with each fraction of an hour counted as a whole hour. The rates that Vic charges for x hours are modeled by the function shown. Part A - Who will charge more to babysit for 10 hours? Justify your response.

Sue charges $15 per hour for the first hour of babysitting and $10 for each additional hour, with each fraction of an hour counted as a whole hour. The rates that Vic charges for x hours are modeled by the function shown. Part B - What is the rate of change for each function over the interval 7 ≤ x ≤ 11? *

Sue charges $15 per hour for the first hour of babysitting and $10 for each additional hour, with each fraction of an hour counted as a whole hour. The rates that Vic charges for x hours are modeled by the function shown. Part C- What is the domain of each of these functions? *

Sue charges $15 per hour for the first hour of babysitting and $10 for each additional hour, with each fraction of an hour counted as a whole hour. The rates that Vic charges for x hours are modeled by the function shown. Part D- What is the range of each of these functions? *

I have the part A answer. I don't have part, b,c,d
I need help plzz




Step-by-step explanation:

Gwendolyn Logan is not happy with you cheating.

Answer: At 12:06 their went raid

AStep-by-step explanation:

I'm sorry im just doin my job.

gwendell briggs



Jordan spent a total of $14.85 on a trip to the zoo. She spent $6.50 to get into the zoo, $2.85 on snacks, and the rest on bus fares. How much did she spend on bus fares to and from the zoo? A) $5.05 B $5.50 C $8.35 D $9.35 . museum announces that it has just​



To find your answer you would subtract $6.50 and $2.85 from $14.85

you would get $5.50 so that is how much she spent on a round trip ticket to the zoo.

Step-by-step explanation:

find the value of x
50 points for all 5 questions.


Step-by-step explanation:

we have






x = 13/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Now we have to,

→ find the required value of x.

Forming the equation,

→ 2x + 9 = 5x - 4

Then the value of x will be,

→ 2x + 9 = 5x - 4

→ 2x - 5x = -4 - 9

→ -3x = -13

→ x = (-13)/(-3)

→ [ x = 13/3 ]

Hence, the value of x is 13/3.

Solve the system of equations below by graphing them with a pencil and
paper. Enter your answer as an ordered pair.
y=-2x+ 5


The first one is

X-intercept: (1,0)
Y intercept: (0,1)

The second one is

X intercept: (5/2,0)
Y intercept: (0,5)


To find the x-intercept, substitute in 0 for Y and solve for X. To find the y-intercept, substitute 0 for X and solve for Y.

Hope this helps :)

For the field trip this year, use the given information to determine the total
cost for each student and for all 30 students. Transportation costs have
already been paid.
For every 5 students, it would cost:
• $36.25 for admission to the museum, and
• $31.50 for lunch.
What is the total cost, in dollars, for admission and lunch for each student?
What is the total cost, in dollars, for admission and lunch for all 30 students?
1 Student: $
30 Students: $



30 students: $346.5

1 student: $11.55

Step-by-step explanation:

It would cost a total of $57.75 every 5 student so just multiply by 6 to get your amount for 30 students. Then divide by 30 to get the amount per student.

Tom started an entertainment company. The net value of the company (in thousands of dollars) ttt months after its creation is modeled by v(t)=4t^2-24t-28v(t)=4t 2 −24t−28v, left parenthesis, t, right parenthesis, equals, 4, t, squared, minus, 24, t, minus, 28 Tom wants to know when his company will be at its lowest net value. 1) Rewrite the function in a different form (factored or vertex) where the answer appears as a number in the equation.



[tex]v(t) = 4(t -7)(t +1)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]v(t) = 4t^2 - 24t - 28[/tex]


Rewrite in a different form

To write in a factored form, we have:

[tex]v(t) = 4t^2 - 24t - 28[/tex]


[tex]v(t) = 4t^2 +4t- 28t - 28[/tex]


[tex]v(t) = 4t(t +1)- 28(t +1)[/tex]

Factor out t + 1

[tex]v(t) = (4t -28)(t +1)[/tex]

Factorize 4t - 28

[tex]v(t) = 4(t -7)(t +1)[/tex]

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