Read this excerpt from News Articles about Bullying.

“It actually changed (my) life,” said classmate McKenna Inglett, in an interview with WFTS reporter Laura Harris. “I have tried to change some people that were bullying me.”

“He has taught me about Tourette syndrome and how not to bully and things like that,” said another classmate, Ethan Whittaker.

What background knowledge would best add to a reader’s understanding of the excerpt?

an explanation of what behaviors make up bullying
a statement by the students’ teacher on how things have improved
a comment by Jaylen on how his classmates have changed
a determination of which classmate was more affected


Answer 1
Probably a comment by Jaylen on how his classmates have changed

Related Questions

Refer to Inside Out and Back Again for a complete version of this text.

In “Hate It,” the author develops a frustrated tone.

Which example of figurative language from the text most clearly supports this tone?

“A lion’s paw rips up my throat, / still I scream,”
“Hands grip my shoulders. / MiSSSisss WaSShington / is on her knees.”
“I don’t make it inside the house, / but sit / under the willow tree,”
“She says it over and over / like a chant, / slowly.”



"A lion's paw rips up my throat."


The line "a lion's paw rips up my throat," represents how the narrator really feels more than any other part. She feels that no matter what she says, nobody will listen to her.


"A lion's paw rips up my throat. is the correct answer


please help!!
1. Is this statement true or false?
Friendships can change as people explore new interests and become adults.

2.Encouraging a friend to try out for a sports team is an example of __________ peer pressure.
A. negative
B. positive

3. Encouraging someone to cheat on a test is an example of __________ peer pressure.

A. negative
B. positive

4. Josh and Miguel are working together on a project for school. They disagree on how the project should be presented. What is the best way for them to collaborate on the project and work out their differences?

A. They can each choose to do it their own way and not work together.
B. They can complain and criticize the other person's ideas.
C. They can each explain how they feel, listen to each other, brainstorm solutions, and then compromise.


1. True
2. Positive
3. Negative
4. C

Same answer as the smart one below me.

Directions: In order to build evidence for your essay about heroes, choose one person that you think is a hero and research one source that supports why they're a hero. They do not have to be a real person, but you should be able to find information on them that is useful for your essay. also i need an article to support my evidence :)



Think about what it would feel like to be a hero, to be alive during that time. What you would want in your everyday life and what you look foward to. Also, think about how respected a hero wished to be and what they would like to be called and what brings them honor.



Think about what it would feel like to be a hero, to be alive during that time. What you would want in your everyday life and what you look foward to. Also, think about how respected a hero wished to be


who is persephone a lover of? like humans people just not hades and her parents :)



Every Persephone worshipper



Zeus, it is said, advised Pluto, who was in love with ... to carry her off, as her mother, Demeter, was not likely to ... 687 :(   in like manner Sicily was said to have been ... Hades and Persephone in the Underworld  Apulian.She took it up thoughtfully and began to fashion a man.

Explanation: I hope this helps if it dont im rlly srry

Please Help asap! Marking Brainliest!
What is the misplaced modifier in this sentence?
1) Famous for centuries, we are studying Milton in literature class.
A. studying C. we are studying Milton in literature
B. Famous for centuries D. in literature class

2) After losing his sight, Milton’s third wife and daughters recorded his verses.
A. After losing his sight C. Milton’s third wife and daughters recorded
B. his sight D. his verses



what is the  question exactly asking ??


1. A. It should’ve been “Because he was famous for centuries,......”
2. A. Should’ve been “After he lost his sight....”

Throughout Act 2 it is implied that Eliza values herself and has self-respect. All of the following provides evidence for that conclusion except...
she has put ostrich feathers in her cap and tried to clean her coat
she stays when Higgins offers her chocolate and taxi rides
she is suspicious of Higgin’s offer and his wager with Pickering
she claims that despite not having a mom she is a good girl





Throughout Act 2 it is obvious that Eliza values herself and has self-respect. The action that does not support this conclusion is when she stays when Higgins offers her chocolate and taxi rides.

Who are Eliza and Higgins?

Professor Henry Higgins and Eliza Doolittle are the two central figures of Pygmalion. Henry Higgins did continue to be a part of Eliza Doolittle's life, but Shaw was adamant that their lack of love compatibility meant that they should continue to be just friends who competed against one another in wit and cunningness.

In Act 2 of Pygmalion, Eliza, who is enamored with her change, wants to return to her old neighborhood and flaunt it, but Higgins cautions her against becoming snobbish. Both of them acknowledge that they have undertaken a challenging assignment as the act comes to a close.

Therefore, Eliza stays when Higgins offers her chocolate and taxi rides in a contrast to the fact that  Eliza values herself and has self-respect.

To learn more about Eliza and Higgins, click here:


Read this excerpt from "A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change."

Climate change will lead to more hot days and more heat waves. As a result, people will need to use more air conditioning to stay cool. As people use more air conditioning, electricity shortages and blackouts could increase. Because most electricity is currently produced by burning fossil fuels, using more electricity to run air conditioners will also add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

What problem does the excerpt present?

There will be more hot days and heat waves in the future.
People will need air conditioning more often in the future.
Power shortages and blackouts may increase.
Greenhouse gases are being added to the environment.



Power shortages and blackouts may increase.


Reason is as stated in the paragraph, "As people use more air conditioning, electricity shortages and blackouts could increase."

Therefore that needs to be the answer.

The first and second choice is not a strong answer while the last one "Greenhouse gases are being added to the environment." is a strong answer but, as stated in the paragraph, "also add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere."

its choice c

Answer: I think its b If not c and if both of them are wrong realyyyy sorry


How can i make this make more sense? Is it already good enough? (Highlighted sentence)


it’s good enough, right about


it looks good to me :)


what is a grabify link, and how can people avoid them?


A gravity link is a link hooked to a website to track you ip and find where you live the best way to avoid them is to buy a vpn but you can also just not click on sketchy links

please help my grade is an F



In Ozymandias, Shelley uses a very different scheme: ABAB-ACDC-EDE-FDF. In some cases these are are slant rhymes—“appear”/“despair”—and resist detection. This scheme, with its less memorable rhymes, supports the poem's theme of inevitable oblivion: just as every person will be forgotten, so will every work of poetry.


So most likely the last one

-Eijiro <3

What conventions can you play with to enhance your writing. Explain how you will use each and what effect they will have on your style.



Writing conventions such as spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar help make a student's essay clear and understandable. When the audience can finish reading, without having to stop to try to figure out what was actually intended, the value of learning these writing conventions be

sorry, i just need to ask my own question so i am writing a response!!

Please help me answer these questions passage is in the picture there are 3 questions 2 in the pic and one right here
1. What claim is the author making?


I’m not sure but I’m positive it’s c

Anne believed that deep down everyone was good. Do you agree with her or disagree with her? Why?



This is an opinion question


Just write down what you think and then gather some facts in the book/whatever it is that support if you do or don't

sorry hope this helps (:

I believe Anne that deep down Anne is good because even though she still had made bad decisions she has made up for them.

The Giver by Lois Lowry
What point of view does the author use in the novel that you chose to read? How does this point of view affect what you know about the characters and the setting(s) in the novel? Is the narration reliable? Use examples from the novel to support your answer.






What point of view does the author use in the novel that you chose to read?

First person

How does this point of view affect what you know about the characters and the setting(s) in the novel?

This doesn't show what Jonas (the main character) thought, or what he believed.

Hope this helps; have a great day!

What amazing accomplishment is credit to John Henry?

getting apple trees to grow in America
holding back a dam about to burst
lassoing a tornado
drilling through a mountain faster than a steam engine



drilling through a mountain faster than a steam engine


Help me please please help me







its past tense so therefore it was done so, called.

What is a characteristic of a credible source?

A. written anonymously

B. published by an academic institution

C. full of facts and statistics

D. published in books





If it's written anonymously, it could be a joke

If it's written by an academic institution, it could be factual

If it's full of facts and/or statistics, there's evidence to believe it

This last one doesn't make sense to me lol

Hopefully this helped, have an amazing day <3

C , because the comment can’t be biased and if you didn’t exactly know who wrote the passage the person wouldn’t get offended

For this assignment, you will be choosing a poem from Unit 1 and exploring a possible Theme from it. Your written essay must be an original document and include:
• (25) First Paragraph:
o Poem title and poet’s name
o Summarizes what the poem is about.
o A Thesis Statement in the last sentence that describes the Theme of the poem—the poet’s message or lesson about life.
• (10) Second Paragraph:
o Describe the first example of the theme in the poem.
o Write the example word-for-word in “quotations.”
• (10) Third Paragraph:
o Describe the second example of the theme in the poem.
o Write the example word-for-word in “quotations.”
• (5) Fourth Paragraph:
o Your Conclusion
o Review the poem’s theme again and provide any last thoughts on the theme or the poem itself.
TOTAL= 50 points

Remember to include:
• 12-point font--Arial or Times New Roman
• 2.0 double space
• Assignment heading: Your first and last name, class, teacher name, and date
• Centered Title: Theme + Poem Title
• Indented paragraphs
• Spelling and grammar check before submission


Answer: Yo I can't really help but for inspirational wording you need to be yourself and think of a good way to write


How does the setting affect the characterization in "The Goldfish Boy"?

*Please answer correctly and accurately. If answer is improper, will report you.


Answer: his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


Answer: Obsession compulsive disorder

If you had 5 wishes, what would they be? (*/ω\*)


I wish that I could live underwater, read people's minds, and fly. ooh, and also, I wish that we could live forever and no one will die( although I know that last one isn't a wish and will actually happen )

Help me please please help me






hope this helps




The other ones are not words.

Which writing style is most similar to an oratory?

fictional writing
informational writing
poetic writing
argumentative writing



argumentative writing

i.d.k  how i got this so hope its right tell me if i got right anyways tell me if i got it wrong.




A. Fictional writing Depends on for whom you're doing the oration. BUT! IN GENERAL ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING is called oration.

help me plz

:) have a nice day


astrid -  noun

opened - not a noun

the - not a noun

box - a noun



astrid -  noun

opened - not a noun

the - not a noun

box - a noun


I hope you have a fantastic day!!!

Can somebody tell me what they did in the own words please I need these right now bourbon triumvirate ?


The term Bourbon Triumvirate refers to Georgia's three most powerful and prominent politicians of the post-Reconstruction era: Joseph E. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, and John B. Gordon. This trio practically held a lock on the state's U.S. Senate seats and governor's office from 1872 to 1890: Brown as senator from 1880 until 1890; Colquitt as governor from 1876 through 1882, and as senator from 1883 until 1894; and Gordon as senator from 1872 until 1880, governor from 1886 until 1890, and senator again from 1891 until 1897. The political careers of all three men benefited from their service during the Civil War (1861-65); Brown had served as the governor of Confederate Georgia, and Colquitt and Gordon had both risen to the rank of major general in the Confederate army by the war's end.

Political and Economic Interests

Joseph E. Brown

Joseph E. Brown

Colquitt, one of the state's leading planters, cast himself as a representative of the interests of the old planter class, while Brown, an industrialist who became one of Georgia's first millionaires, represented the New South businessmen. Gordon had a mixed record as a businessman and a worse record as a planter, but Gordon excelled at espousing the New South rhetoric of commercial and industrial development by shrewdly exploiting the Lost Cause of the Confederacy.

All three men had extensive interests in the railroad and coal-mining industries, among other commercial pursuits. All three championed white supremacy; a frugal state government that demanded little of taxpayers, and accordingly provided few services; and the maintenance of subservient labor forces on farms and in factories. Gordon and especially Brown both made use of convict labor in their industrial enterprises.

who does persephone fear? i need this for an assignment lol.



Persephone was scared of Pirithous

Answer:ersephone was scared of Pirithous and stabbed him with a pencil, when she stood up against Hades in the clearing, when she stood up to Hades in the Underworld, when she learned self-defense, when she opened her mind on purpose to Boreas's dreamwalking after Melissa was taken.


In what ways does Mr. Bedford’s description of the Selenites influence the reader to perceive them as strange and unnatural creatures? Select all that apply. Mr. Bedford focuses on the differences of the Selenites and uses words with negative connotations. Mr. Bedford presents them as cow butchers in order to heighten the reader’s sense of fear. Mr. Bedford emphasizes their monstrous features in his descriptions. Mr. Bedford portrays the Selenites as nocturnal beings, causing the reader to distrust them.



I'm just going to type it in the explanation.


Mr. Bedford presents them as cow butchers in order to heighten the reader’s sense of fear.: It's kinda in the answer itself, "in order to heighten the reader's sense of fear". Mr. Bedford emphasizes their monstrous features in his descriptions. Mr. Bedford emphasizes their monstrous features in his descriptions.: Monstrous mostly links with unnatural. Hope this helps :)


the only wrong one is Mr. Bedford focuses on the differences of the Selenites and uses words with negative connotations.



Read the following passage:

“I gazed at these marvels in profound silence. Words were utterly wanting to indicate the sensations of wonder I experienced. I seemed, as I stood upon that mysterious shore, as if I were some wandering inhabitant of a distant planet, present for the first time at the spectacle of some terrestrial phenomena belong to another existence.”

Which of the following words does NOT impact mood?






Spectacle, gazed, marvels

Ignore the thing i marked i dont know if its right.





The third one or the last one... imma go with the last one

Help me please please help me





That's the right spelling




hope it helps :)

Describe what questions you should ask yourself during the prewriting process in order to learn about the audience for which you are writing. Explain how these questions help you adjust and adapt your writing to match your audience.



does this relate to my audience?


know which audience you are targeting, then think about them as who they are, like if they are kids  you might wanna add things kids like or if it was for teens, add things they can relate to.        ( change it to where its like ur saying this)

Other Questions
The 3/5 compromise promoted slavery because it counted slaves as 3/5 of a person.O TrueO False What is the contraction of de + I'? A del' B du C de D del find area of figures Pls help me. I'm begging TwT Identify the slope and y-intercept of the line with the given equation.SLOPEy-intercept5y= 3x +46y=-2x + 8 Write down the following equation in the general form:y= - 3 over 4 then x then + 2 over 5 Please tell me if these questions are like or unlike!! (Math) What does this passage indicate about Jewish beliefs?A. Rulers are not able to disobey God because they have God's blessing. B. Rulers cannot rely on God's assistance and must trust in themselves. C. Rulers are the only ones who are able to communicate with God. D. Rulers must follow the same moral standards as anybody else. How did Samuel F.B. Morses invention contribute communication in the United States Lang Warehouses borrowed $196,401 from a bank and signed a note requiring 7 annual payments of $33,942 beginning one year from the date of the agreement. (FV of $1, PV of $1, FVA of $1, PVA of $1, FVAD of $1 and PVAD of $1) (Use appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided.) Required: Determine the interest rate implicit in this agreement. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round interest rate to 1 decimal place.) Hello, help would be appreciated! What causes the earths crust to break into series of valleys and mountains ranges in the sierra Nevada's find the common difference of the arithmetic sequence 10, 1, -8... Solve: 4 / 8 (Answer as a whole number) Anybody know #11 ? I need two ppl to answer this!!! Free Brainliest!! Which of the following lines is not parallel to the graph of y=3x+9?A. 3x-y1- 10b. 3-31 - 11c. 3y-x=10d. 67-y-10 2. Find the slope and the y-interceptof the graph of the linear equationy = 1/8x + 3A) Slope: 8; y-intercept: 3B) Slope: 1/3; y- intercept: 1/8C) Slope: 1; y-intercept: 1/88D) Slope: 1/8; y-intercept: 3 ASAP PLS HELP ANSWER CORRECT WILL GIVE BRAINLY We want to factor the following expression:(x - 1)2 + (x - 1) + 4Which pattern can we use to factor the expression?U and V are either constant integers or single-variable expressions. find the value of each variables