Three gases are at the same temperature and so have the same kinetic energy . The atomic mass of gas 1 is 10amu the atomic mass of gas 2 is 25 and atomic mass of gas 3 is 8. Which gas will have the greatest velocity ?​


Answer 1


We mentioned in the study section of Lecture 2 that hydrogen and oxygen combine in the ratio of 1 to 8, but that this is not enough information for leading to the conclusion that two hydrogen atoms combine with one of oxygen to form a water molecule. A key idea is attributed to Avagadro who said that equal volumes of gas (at the same temperature and pressure) contain equal numbers of constituent atoms or molecules. Experiments show that two liters of hydrogen gas will combine with one liter of oxygen gas to form two liters of water vapor. Each hydrogen molecule in hydrogen gas consists of two hydrogen atoms bonded together. Likewise, two oxygen atoms bind to make a oxygen molecule.

A "model" of a physical process is used to represent what one actually observes, even though this is an "ideal" model and not expected to be correct in all respects. However, it is a good enough model to explain many of the properties of gases with sufficient accuracy.

The motion of gas particles can be used to explain the pressure exerted and the temperature of a gas. The pressure on a surface is due to the force on that surface divided by its area. The force comes about from the multiple impacts of individual gas particles. Temperature, on the other hand, is DEFINED in terms of the average kinetic energy assocated with the motion of the gas particles. The greater the kinetic energy, the greater the temperature. See the apparatus shown in Figure 7.6 of the text which gives a simple way of measuring the distributions of speeds of atomic particles.

To visualize how gas particles colliding with a container create pressure, see Website II.

Gas particles move in all possible directions with differing speeds. The Kinetic Energy (KE) of a gas particle is equal to 1/2 its mass times its speeds squared. That is KE = 1/2 M x V2 , where M is the mass of the gas particle and V is its speed. The gas particles have a range of speeds, just like cars on a road, but it is the average of the speed squared times the mass, or the average kinetic energy which characterizes the temperature of a gas.

High temperature is associated with high kinetic energies and low temperatures are associated with low kinetic energies. However, keep in mind that the kinetic energy, and in this case the temperature, is proportional to the mass times the speed squared. So heavy particles moving more slowly will have the same kinetic energy as light particles moving more rapidly. Also, because the kinetic energy varies as the square of the speed, if two particles have the same mass, but one moves twice as fast as the other, it will have four times the kinetic energy (or temperature).

If temperature is associated with kinetic energy of a gas, one could ask at this point what controls the temperature of solids and liquids. It turns out that it is the kinetic energy of the constituent atoms and molecules that characterize the temperature of liquids and solids as well. We show in class a transparency picturing a solid with its atoms rigidly connected to each other. We will discuss more about liquids and solids in the next lecture, based on chapter 8. However, for now, let's keep in mind that the atoms or molecules in a solid, although bound to its neighbors in a rigid structure, can oscillate back and forth, and it is this motion that characterizes the temperature of a solid (or in a similar manner, of a liquid as well). As before, rapid oscillations mean high temperatures, and slower oscillations are lower temperatures.

4 - The Three Temperature Scales

There are three temperature scales. In the United States, we commonly use the Farenheit scale while in most other nations, the Celsius or Centigrade scale is used. Figure 7.10 shows these two scales side by side. Water boils at 212 degrees Farenheit or 100 degrees Centigrade. Water freezes at 32 degrees Farenheit or zero degrees Centigrade. However, the most important temperature scale for scientific calculations is the absolute temperature scale, or the Kelvin scale. Zero degrees Kelvin is the coldest possible temperature: it can be physically interpreted as the situation where the atoms or molecules have zero kinetic this is a very natural temperature scale. Zero degrees Kelvin is also -273 degrees Centigrade. Water freezes at +273 degrees Kelvin and zero degrees Centigrate. Hence, a difference of one degree is the same on the Centigrade and Kelvin scales, but the zero points are different.

R.S. Panvini


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A sodium vapor lamp omit waves with the frequency of 5.26x10^14 Hz. What is the wavelength of light?



[tex]\lambda=5.70\times 10^{-7}\ m[/tex]


The frequency of a sodium vapor lamp, [tex]f=5.26\times 10^{14}\ Hz[/tex]

We need to find the wavelength of light. The relation between wavelength, frequency and speed of light is given by :

[tex]c=f\lambda\\\\\lambda=\dfrac{c}{f}\\\\\lambda=\dfrac{3\times 10^8}{5.26\times 10^{14}}\\\\\lambda=5.70\times 10^{-7}\ m[/tex]

So, the wavelength of light is equal to [tex]5.70\times 10^{-7}\ m[/tex].

A body accelerates uniformly from rest at 2ms² for 5 seconds . calculate its average velocity in this time.​





average velocity =d/t



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What is the flight time of the soccer ball in the previous problem?
A)0.76 s
B)0.87 s
C) 1.3 s
D) 1.7 s


It is a and then c On the questions 1 and 2

Given an objects mass and observing its acceleration what can be found in a direct application of Newton’s second law of motion?


Hahaha +Hajiya ooiOqo0191

While standing at home plate, a batter swung a 2.5kg bat at 2.5 m/s toward an incoming mass. The mass was a 0.4 kg blob of clay, thrown toward the batter at 26 m/s, which stuck the the bat in an inelastic collision. What velocity of the velocity of the bat and blob of clay (which are stuck together) after the collision? Help fast will give brainliest
Show work



5.74 m/s





vf=5.74 m/s

The faster an object moves:
A the more potential energy it has.
B the more kinetic energy it has.
C the faster its particles vibrate.
D the cooler it gets.


The answer would be B


b the more genetic energy



Answer:ur right I think



HON, i'm going to be honest, i'm not sure but it sounds like it is the Universal Expansion from what I learned about space

I'm sure this helps but if it doesn't DON'T GIVE ME BRAINLIEST, if it does then do

Question 4 (1 point)
How far does a sound wave travel in 3 seconds if the air temperature is 30 degrees

a) 114.33 m
b) 1047 m
c) 1029 m
d) 116.33 m









WHY 349??

Because, velocity of sound increases about 0.6 m/s for every 1 degree celsius rise in temp.

Velocity of sound is about 343 m/s at 20 degrees C, so 0.6*10=6 more m/s, or 349 m/s. Kinda cool how temperature alters the speed of sound!

Which pair of moving pulses in a rope will produce
destructive interference?


I think it’s A hope this helps :)

Use Gauss's Law to find the electric field produced by an infinite plane of uniformly distributed charge Q, with charge density σ. Draw the appropriate Gaussian Surface




Consider an endless sheet of uniform charge thickness per unit area [tex]\sigma[/tex]  

For a boundless sheet of charge, the electric field will be opposite to the surface. In this way, just the closures of a round and hollow Gaussian surface will add to the electric transition. For this situation, around and hollow Gaussian surface opposite to the charge sheet is utilized. The subsequent field is a large portion of that of a conductor at harmony with this surface charge thickness.  

By balance, we expect the electric field on one or the other side of a plane to be an element of x just to be guided typical to the plane and to point away from/towards the plane contingent upon whether, [tex]\sigma[/tex] is positive/negative.

According to the law;

[tex]2EA = \dfrac{q_{enc}}{\varepsilon_o}[/tex]

[tex]where; \ q_{enc} = total \ enclosed charge = \sigma A \\ \\ thus; \\ \\ 2EA = \dfrac{\sigma A}{\varepsilon_o} \\ \\ E = \dfrac{\sigma}{2 \varepsilon _o}[/tex]

The Escape speed at the surface of a certain planet is twice that of the earth. If the planet has radius twice of the Earth. what is its mass in unit of earth's mass?​



1.32 × 1022 short tons


hope this helps

The required mass of the planet is 8 times the mass of the earth.

Given that,
The Escape speed at the surface of a certain planet is twice that of the earth. The planet has a radius twice of the Earth. what is its mass in unit of earth's mass is to be determined.

What is escape velocity?

An object with this velocity at the earth's surface will completely escape the earth's gravitational field, even after accounting for atmospheric losses.

The escape velocity of the planet = 2 Escape velocity of the earth
[tex]\sqrt{{2GM_p}/r_p} = 2\sqrt{2GM_e/r_e}[/tex]
Substitute the values and square both sides,
[tex]{{2GM_p}/2r_e} = 4*{2GM_e/r_e}\\M_p = 8M_e[/tex]

Thus, the required mass of the planet is 8 times the mass of the earth.

Learn more about escape velocity here:

what determines the color of light?

1. wavelength
2. wave height
3. wave speed
4. wave amplitude


answer: wave length
(Please Mark brainly or like I’m trying to get points lol!)


wave length


The temperature of one substance is 90 degrees F and another
substance is 50 degrees F. If they are placed close together, what will



Substance that is 90 degrees will lose energy and the substance that is 50 degrees will gain energy


because that is how energy work duhhhhh

Why do some organisms never turn into fossils?
A. They are far too large to be buried in the ground.

B. They are made mostly of soft tissues.

C. They contain too much protein to be preserved.

D. They contain chemicals that prevent the hardening of their bodies.



The answer is B.


Since they are made up of soft tissues, they decompose become they become fossils.

While frying French fries, Wanda burned her hand. Burns are examples of a:
a. skin abnormality.
b. homeostatic balance.
c. skin infection.
d. homeostatic imbalance.



d. homeostatic imbalance



It's D


I'm pretty sure but if im wrong I'll give you the points back <3

a car is traveling north on the interstate. They cover 645 miles in 9 hours. What is the car's average velocity ?



71.6 mph


you would do 645 divided by 9 which would give you 71.6

i need help in (a) and (c)
please at least try​


I can’t see it can do next one again

I don't know please mark as brilliant


The diagram below represents a rope along which
two wave pulses of equal amplitude, A, approach
point P


Might be A good luck

Please help and thank you



B. C3H8

Chemical Formula for propane is C3H8

A car manufacturer wants to change its car’s design to increase the car’s acceleration. Which changes should the engineers consider making to the design? increase the force that the engine provides decrease the force that the engine provides increase the mass of the car decrease the mass of the car increase the top velocity the car can travel decrease the top velocity the car can travel



I. increase the force that the engine provides.

II. decrease the mass of the car


Newton's Second Law of Motion states that the acceleration of a physical object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the physical object and inversely proportional to its mass.

Mathematically, it is given by the formula;

Force = mass * acceleration

[tex] Acceleration = \frac {Force}{mass} [/tex]

In this scenario, a car manufacturer wants to change its car’s design to increase the car’s acceleration. Thus, the changes the engineers should consider making to the design is to increase the force that the engine provides and decrease the mass of the car.


increase the force that the engine providesdecrease the mass of the carincrease the top velocity the car can travel

A comparison within a text can be used by the author to relate things that are



Putting together characters, situations, or ideas to show common or differing features in literary selections. Problem/Solution: An organizational structure in nonfiction texts, where the author typically presents a problem and possible solutions to it.

Which experiment proved light was a wave?

A) Photoelectric effect
B) Double Slit
C) Compton Scattering
D Light was never proved to be a wave



The answer is B) Double slit

a wagon of mass 42 kg is pushed by a student a distance of 12.2 meters, and 297 j of work was sone on the wagon how much force did the student apply assuming that it was constant



Force=2.484 N


[tex]f = \frac{w}{gh} \\ = \frac{297}{9.8 \times 12.2} \\ f = 2.484 \: n [/tex]

Hope it helped


A wagon of mass 42 kg is pushed by a student a distance of 12.2 meters, and 297 j of work was done on the wagon force did the student apply is 24.34 N.

What is force?

A force is an effect that can alter an object's motion according to physics. An object with mass can change its velocity, or accelerate, as a result of a force. An obvious way to describe force is as a push or a pull. A force is a vector quantity since it has both magnitude and direction.

work = force*distance

force = work/distance

force = 297/12.2

force = 24.34 N

A wagon of mass 42 kg is pushed by a student a distance of 12.2 meters, and 297 j of work was done on the wagon force did the student apply is 24.34 N.

To learn more about force refer to the link:


Help please!!! Physics circular motion



2. 3.1415 m/s

3. 0.63m

4. 0.006 m/s^2


2. v=(2*pi*r))/T, put in values and solve.

3. Circumference=2*pi*radius, radius is 0.1m, plug in and solve.

4. a=(v^2)/r, (don't worry about converting to meters, since units are the same in kilometers, they will cancel out) plug in values and solve.

That's it!

In your own words explain why the thickness and length of a wire could effect the flow of electrons​



(you can use my exact words) The length and thickness would make it so that the electrons move differently than they would a shorter and thinner wire because with the wire being longer the electrons would have a longer trip and with the wire being thicker the electrons would be more spread out and move be able to move more freely

All matter is made up of very small particles called. ?



All matter is made up of very small particles called atoms.

Are acceleration and mass proportional or inversely proportional values?



acceleration and mass are inversely proportional values


The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

Mass is inversely proportional to acceleration.

hopefully i was able to help.

Please help ill give out brainliest?!!!


Air resistance because heavy object don’t get affect by air resistance than light object so
Because acceleration is inversely proportional to mass.

Use the scenario below for questions 4-7.
A rocket launched at a 60-degree angle has a launch velocity of
31.00 m/s.
4. What is the magnitude of the rocket's initial vertical velocity?
a. 10 m/s
b. 15.5 m/s
c. 26.85 m/s
d. 31 m/s


C is correct answer

A 55 kg boy is riding a skateboard at a speed of 1.0 m/s. What is his
kinetic energy?






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