Please help 20 points

Please Help 20 Points


Answer 1
hi, the answer is D hun

Related Questions

There are several ways that a mutation may occur. Which of the following is not a way for a mutation to occur during the DNA replication (copying) process? A Sections of genes can be removed. B Sections of genes may be added. C All of the organism’s genes are removed. D An entire gene may be reversed. HELP PLZ


c.all of the organisms genes are removed


Mutations are the spontaneous in the genetic. variation of organisms

Mitchell has a shame orientation, and Manish has a guilt orientation. Which is the most likely outcome?

O Manish's guilt and Mitchell's shame orientations will have equally severe psychological correlates.

O Mitchell's shame orientation will have more adverse psychological correlates than Manish's guilt

O Manish's guilt and Mitchell's shame orientations will not have psychological correlates.

O Manish's guilt orientation will have more adverse psychological correlates than Mitchell's shame



The correct option is B) Mitchell's shame orientation will have more adverse psychological correlates than Manish's guilt  orientation.


If Mitchell is shamed, in a culture that seeks to prevent shame and maintain dignity, it could trigger the desire for revenge. Revenge can be mild or fatal. Hence, we can say that the shame orientation has more adverse psychological correlates than the guilt orientation. The guilt orientation control is achieved by maintaining and emphasizing the fear of punishment whilst in the shame paradigm, ostracism is used to control people.


What is the main function of the legislative branch?
to interpret laws
to enforce laws
to make laws
to execute laws
to veto laws



C. Makes laws


What would be the overall impact on
the Peloponnesian War for all Greeks in
terms of power / overall strength?


Answer: Greek states became weaker.


For almost 30 years, Sparta and Athens fought on various terrain and locations as they vied for control of the Greek world. In the end the Spartans prevailed and absorbed Athens into its dominion.

The war ravaged the Greek world and every Greek city-state that was involved grew weaker as a result regardless of the winner. This allowed the Greeks to then be conquered by the Macedonians who had avoided the war and so took the opportunity to take over most of Greece.

Pwease help i will give you brain thing if its correct ♡


The answer is : Learned

Good luck

South America is located entirely within what hemisphere


Answer:southern hemisphere



South America is a continent entirely in the Western Hemisphere and mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern Hemisphere.


What is a pro democracy protest ??



: favoring democracy acute difficulties experienced by the prodemocratic parties in trying to achieve governing majorities— W. R. Sharp.


Whats the answer?? ​


[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]

6-89÷4 =


Thanks.hope it helps


- 16.25



= 6-22.25

= - 16.25

image of a wright brothers plane​


hope this helps you^^



stay safe healthy and happy.

What effect do you think the recent 2018 elections will have on the EZLN and the situation in Chiapas specifically?

No links or I will report your account and comment.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

What effect do you think the recent 2018 elections will have on the EZLN and the situation in Chiapas specifically?

I think that the impact should be very positive because one of the main characteristics of the new Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador is to be very close to the Native Mexican people and tribes.

President López Obrador has visited every single town and city in México. He has shaken hands with most Mexicans, basically with the poorest ones. President López Obrador is a President from the left and has the utmost respect for poor Mexicans and Native people. He has started major social programs dedicated to helping the lowest social classes in México, including Native Indian populations in the 32 Mexican states.

Most of these tribes and indigenous had expressed their will to cooperate with the new Mexican administration.

The EZLN specifically, had not made any public pronunciation, although up until today, it is more a politized movement than a true indigenous movement in México.

However, the order of President López Obrador has been to reach all Indigenous people's hands and offer help, included the EZLN.

explain the way you can invest make money if you were giving a million dollars how would you invest it to build wealth



you would invest I stocks or bit coin because you get interest. also sign up for a credit card and pay everything on time so you can have a perfect credit. once you have enough wealth buy out a company and you can make even more money

The maximin principle is about: a. maximizing the benefits to the most disadvantaged group in society. b. minimizing the income spread between the middle class and the rich. c. equalizing income across society. d. maximizing the income of the most productive group in society to encourage spillover benefits to theleast advantaged group.



Option a ( society) is the right alternative.


A philosophy to make decisions unless you're not confident about the consequences of your decision is considered as Maximin principle. This theory requires the organization to optimize the existence or the position of those individuals who would be worse off throughout the framework.This includes evaluating alternatives for the worst dependent measure of that kind of choice as well as selecting the alternative which gives probably the most disgusting results.

Other given three options aren't related to the given scenario. So the above solution is the correct one.


a. maximizing the benefits to the most disadvantaged group in society.


Maximin Principle was given by Rawls. It is based on idea of maximising welfare for the most disadvantaged group, those at the minimum level of society.

It states that any reallocation or redistribution of power, wealth, social goods is socially justified - if it improvises & uplifts the lower most worst off sections of society.




17: Slave labor

18: Military

19. math

20: quipu



17: War

18: Army

19: Math

20: Quipu

Written Wording:

The Inca empire was built on war. All young men had to serve in the Army. The Inca developed a method for doing math. They used a role with knotted cords of different lengths and colours called a quipu.

Hope this helps.

Read about John Good and then answer the question. Why did John Good mark the horseshoes with bent nails? so he would know which horses were his so he could identify members of the Ku Klux Klan so he could hurt the horses that belonged to Klan members



ITs B so he could identify members of the Ku Klux Klan



The answer is B. so he could identify members of the Ku Klux Klan.


I got the question correct on E d g e n u i t y 2021.

Hope this helps :)

Japans number one natural resource is?
Oil, lumber, a skilled work force, or steel


It’s a skilled work force.

Which person was a union organizer who encouraged workers to strike for better treatment?(1 point)

Mother Jones

Dorothea Dix

Ida Tarbell

Lewis Hine


Mother Jones was a union organizer

Which is an example of a natural monopoly?



A natural monopoly occurs when the most efficient number of firms in the industry is one. A natural monopoly will typically have very high fixed costs meaning that it is impractical to have more than one firm producing the good. An example of a natural monopoly is tap water.


Hope this Helps :D

20 POINTS Which of the following is not one of Georgia's five levels of trial courts?

state court
superior court
supreme court
probate court



Im pretty sure its the thrid one!


supreme court


The Georgia court system has six classes of trial-level courts: the superior, state, juvenile, probate, magistrate, and municipal courts.

Which fraction can NOT be
replaced with
2 when estimating





how social media may perpetuate attacks on LGBQI individuals​


It will attack through the heart and poor victim will cry for 1 day or 2 depending on how hard it perpetuated .

Social me.dia is a place for anyone to talk to anyone. People can bully anyone they see fit simply for being LGBT.


How it gets its energy

Examples of animals



The plants use energy from the Sun to make their own food. Both antelopes and squirrels get energy by eating plants. Thehawk gets energy by eating the squirrels. Mountain lions and coyotes get energyfrom eating the antelopes.

Animals get their energy from the food they eat. Animals depend on other living things for food. Some animals eat plants while others eat other animals. This passing of energy from the sun to plants to animals to other animals is called a food chain.

help me pls math math math​





its confusinf




Which letter would have the coldest climate?





Its B number I think.

It must be 20 characters long

Every good speaker adapts to the audience. When adapting presentations for intercultural audiences, most people understand that they must make the basic language adaptations; however, more fundamental sensitivity is sometimes needed in relation to organization, speaking conventions, values, and nonverbal communication. When addressing cross-cultural audiences, . What should you do when adjusting multimedia slides to intercultural audiences



When adjusting multimedia slides for intercultural groups, you must advance the slides more slowly, allowing all members of the audience to interpret it according to their own culture.


Different cultures promote different interpretations of the same concept or even a presentation. Thus, when it is necessary to create a slide show that will be viewed by an intercultural group, that is, that has several cultures, it is necessary that the presenter gives enough time for all members of the audience to interpret and reflect on the presentation based on the culture itself. Therefore, it is important for the presenter to advance the presentation more slowly, allowing each slide to be presented at least two minutes in length.

Match each of the following words with its best antonym.


Answer:The Georgia Platform was a statement supporting



Lethargic - Energetic

Facetious - Serious

Insidious - Honest

Hope this helps you :)

Which is an example of a natural monopoly?



An example of a natural monopoly is tap water.


A natural monopoly occurs when the most efficient number of firms in the industry is one. A natural monopoly will typically have very high fixed costs meaning that it is impractical to have more than one firm producing the good.

Which number on the map represents the country of Saudi Arabia 1 2 3 4


I don’t see a graph?

what are types of government​


legislative, judicial and I'm not sure


Monarchy, Oligarchy, Theocracy, Authoritarianism, and Totalitarianism.


Monarchy - Rule of one. It was traditionally a king or emperor ruling, but in modern times this usually describes a dictator.

Oligarchy - Rule of the few. Traditionally, this described a group of aristocrats, men of noble blood. But is easily describes a group of warlords or a military junta.

Theocracy - Rule by God. Since God rarely shows up to manage the day-to-day affairs of government, this involves rule by a religious leader or group of religious officials who interpret God's will.

Authoritarianism - Monopoly of political power by an individual/small group that allows people to go about their private lives as they wish.

Totalitarianism - Rule by an elite who exercises unlimited power over individuals in all aspects of life.

Which of the following is a power given to state governments?

Declaring war
Regulating trade
Coining money
Making marriage laws



Regulating trade





do Christians need to be concerned about the manner in which they present the gospel message?



no , just as long as they are delivering the work of their father

but should do it with caution.

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Round your answer to the nearest hundredth if necessary,12 m4 m4 m4 m4 m208 m2O177 m2224 m2Od158 m2 help appriciated plz Help pls... 100points 1 Answer: The pitch of a sound depends on a. frequency b. intensity c. amplitude d. quality2 Answer: The loudness of a sound depends on a. frequency b. intensity c. overtones d. timbre3 Answer: The number of sound waves per unit time is called a. amplitude b. wavelength c. speed d. frequency4 Answer: The blending of fundamental tone and overtones produces a sound's a. intensity b. pitch c. timbre d. loudness5 Answer: Sonar is used a. to locate objects in water b. to determine underwater distances c. for both a and b d. for neither a nor b6 Answer: Sounds of frequencies below 20 Hz are called a. fundamentals b. overtones c. ultrasonic sounds d. infrasonic sounds7 Answer: A sound is music if it has a. a definite pitch b. a pleasing quality c. rhythm d. all of these characteristics8 Answer: The stirrup is a part of the a. outer ear b. middle ear c. inner ear d. cochlea9 Answer: An example of a percussion instrument is a (an) a. trumpet b. harp c. drum d. flute10 Answer: The speed of sound depends on a. temperature b. density c. elasticity d. all of these factors11 Answer: Sounds with frequencies above 20,000 Hz are called _____.12 Answer: The science of sound is called _____.13 Answer: High-frequency waves are used in a sound navigation and ranging system called _____.14 Answer: Sounds produced when sections of a string vibrate separately are called _____.15 Answer: Sound without pleasing quality, identifiable pitch, and repeating patterns is called _____.16 Answer: The speed of sound decreases with increasing temperature. a. true b. false17 Answer: Sound waves are transverse. a. true b. false18 Answer: The decibel is a unit of pitch. a. true b. false19 Answer: A change in the pitch of a sound due to motion of source or receiver (observer) is called the Doppler effect. a. true b. false20 Answer: Guitars and cellos are examples of percussion instruments. a. true b. false Gerald wants to buy a pack of pencils for $1.77. 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