
Answer 1


Hello! Your answer should be, BELOW!


Tone: In literature, the tone of a literary work expresses the writer's attitude toward or feelings about the subject matter and audience.

Mood: a state or quality of feeling at a particular time:

Evidence: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Hope I helped! Brainiest plz. Hope you make a 100% and have a nice day! -Amelia♥

Related Questions

Select the two words that both end in the suffix -ence and follow the spelling rule above.



I would have to say interfrence and existence.

interference and existence

Elie Wiesel once said that anyone who witnesses an atrocity, or an act of inhumanity, and does nothing to stop it is just as guilty as the person committing the act. Those who know and remain silent are guilty of the same offense. To stand by silently is to participate in the crime.
In a paragraph of at least 4 sentences, evaluate this statement. (Remember, evaluate means show whether it is right or wrong.) Explain why you feel the way you do, and give an example to support your feeling.


I believe that Wiesel’s statement is true. While the person committing an act is doing more obvious wrong, those who stand by and let it happen are justifying and allowing that atrocity. It reminds me of the poem “First they came...” by Martin Niemoller, which details how he stood by and did not speak up for those being oppressed because he was not one of them. Then, when he was oppressed, there was no one left to speak up for him. By staying quiet, he and others enabled oppression to happen and to grow, and enabling a criminal is a crime of its own.

An automobile factory has a reputation for assembling high- quality cars. However, several new cars were shipped out to dealers that had a problem with the brakes. It is estimated that approximately 10% of the cars assembled at this factory have defective brakes. Five of these cars are shipped to a dealership near your school. What is the probability that none of the 5 cars will have defective brakes? Should the dealership be concerned? Explain.



approximately 10%





Rewrite the sentence below by using a verb to start the sentence. You may add or remove words, as necessary. Be sure to keep the meaning of the sentence the same.

Bill ran down the street and stopped suddenly.


Running down the street tired, Bill stopped suddenly.


Running down the street, Bill stopped moving suddenly.


Which statement best evaluate the effect of doing alogue in the second
version of the passage
Passage 1
Alex asked what kind of coasters had ridden When I told him I had
never ridden on, he couldn't believe it inside I was tenfied, but my
voice held steady when I told Alex that roller coasters didn't scare me
When Alex suggested wende 10 cars at the park,Ilied and told
him it was fine with me, as the coast of the station with a whoosh
Passage 2
"You've never ridden arler coaster Alex questioned
"Never had the chance. The attendant checked the tension on the
coaster's top bar tried to hide my panic because I didn't want to
embarrassmyself in front of my new friend "These rides don't really
scare me inside I was terrified but my voice held steady
"Good, planta de 10 coasters today exclaimed Alex My
purced faster
"Sounds good to meri screamed as the coaster of the station with a
At makes the passage more suspended by ting something
bag will happen when the story
B. It makes the passage more by shanng the tor's
feelings about the
c. makes the passage more interesting by contrasting the
nations comments this thoughts
Dit makes the stage more exciting by creating are between the




What type of figurative language is the cats came singing, walking upright, their high voices ringing with sorrowful cries?

A. Hyperbole
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Simile


It’s c. Personification


The correct answer would be C personification.


This is because personification is when you are giving human qualities to non human things. I hope that I helped you. Please mark me brainliest...?!

what makes a good teacher great.



What makes a good teacher great is by teaching students the subject, being patient, giving lessons, taking care of students, and making sure the classroom is a safe place.


What makes a teacher great is their different personalities, and different teaching techniques. What makes a teacher great too is when their nice but not too nice.

Mark brainliest if this helped if you don’t mind!

pls help

Which excerpt illustrates the community’s ‘sameness”?

“He killed it! My father killed it! Jonas said to himself.”

“I have a great honor, so will you. But you will find that is not the same as power.”

“Before my time, before the previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and id away with difference. We gained control of many things, but we had to let go of others.”

“Sometimes I wish they’d ask for my wisdom more often – there are so many things I could tell them.”



The third one


Yeah I think it’s three too

(n0 need to answer the question) (fr33 points.)

(what happens when the moon rotates?)

anyb0dy wanna talk im b0red


The closer the earth is to the moon the slower it rotates, the moon rotates around the earth lol it makes a full rotation once every month
I’m bored too :,) heeeeeeeeee

I do korean pop dance covers and I was wondering if anybody could recommend some songs. My recent one was Im the one (ateez)


Answer: Bicycle by Chugha, IDEA by Taemin, Criminal by Taemin, and lovesick girls by Blackpink


Maybe you can do their new song called deja vu, ITS GOOD

>Review the story event.
When the narrator and his brother replace the Duvitches' fish with the fish that they have caught, Mr. Duvitch reacts very emotionally. The narrator sees the similarities between Mr. Duvitch and his own father and realizes that Mr. Duvitch is a kind person who does not deserve scorn.
>Which best identifies the element of plot represented by this event?
>Question options:
falling action
rising action


I would say probably exposition? I'm not sure though

Answer: Exposition...I think...


When the writer stays with one main idea from the beginning of the paragraph to the end, the paragraph should have
A) unity
B) sequence
C) disarray





unity is when the writer sticks with the same idea throughout the paragraph

English Language Arts five pointer: I picked the second choice but just checking if it’s correct



Yeah, I think that's correct.

Yes your right it is beliefs.

Which features appear in the most successful informative essays? (Select all correct answers.)
plenty of supporting details
an engaging introduction
words with strong connotations
statements of opinion



Engaging introduction I think :)
Supporting details. Because it is an informative essay the facts and information are most important.

What are two things you could use to make an inference?


background knowledge and evidence
evidence and background information

After years of teaching, she had acquired a (n) _________ grasp of French Lituatcher.
A. Circuitous
B. Circumspect
C. Circumference
D. Orbit
E. Orb
F. Configuration
G. Cyclic
H. Encyclopedic


i believe it’s g. i hope i could help <3
I’m pretty sure it’s H. Encyclopedic. Hope it helps

by Susan Hartley Swett

When the scarlet cardinal tells
Her dream to the dragonfly,
And the lazy breeze makes a nest in the trees,
And murmurs a lullaby,
It's July.

When the tangled cobweb pulls
The cornflower's cap awry,
And the lilies tall lean over the wall
To bow to the butterfly,
It's July.

When the heat like a mist veil floats,
And poppies flame in the rye,
And the silver note in the streamlet's throat
Has softened almost to a sigh,
It's July.

When the hours are so still that time
Forgets them, and lets them lie
Underneath petals pink till the night stars wink
At the sunset in the sky,
It's July.

Which statement best expresses the theme of "July"?

Summer is a calm and peaceful time of year.

Nature is cruel and cares not for human concerns.

The slow pace of life in summer can be frustrating.

People cannot comprehend the complexity of nature.


9/2 -3 rad 7 hope this helps

all the questions are using only that 1 article.


Page 1:

Q1:  F

Q2: C

Page 2:

Q1: D

Q2: A

Page 3:

Q1: C

Page 4:

Q1: B

Written Text for Q2:

"Quickly, he realized all the power and strength he had was being chipped and chiseled away, by a humble, lowly stonecutter."

She could just make out the row of unimpressive shacks and the flash of raw new lumber. Her smile was admiring from pure relief. At least this grim place was not her destination, and surely the colony at Wethersfield would prove more inviting.

Which word best explains the mood of this section of text?

A. Worried
B. Hopeful
C. Disappointed
D. Peaceful


I would say she is B. Hopeful because this place is not her destination and she wants the colony at Wethersfield to be better than this place.
She is B, hopeful. Hope this helps!!

Please anwser these (give explanation) this is due today! Please and thank you!



4. Is A. and 5. Is D



The answer for 4 is A and 5 is D

Metaphor compares two objects or ideas by saying one is the other, while simile makes a comparison using __________ or __________.
if, then
nouns, verbs
hyperbole, mood
like, as


A simile makes a comparison using like or as.




a simile is an exaggeration that includes like and as.

Please help with this



A group of people moving forward in order





Definition 1.

A number of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly fashion, especially as part of a ceremony or festival.

"a funeral procession"

Definition 2.


the emanation of the Holy Spirit.

who is this you better get it rite



what I don't understand it


Do you have a picture or something for us to go off of?


hat tictokers do you know the name of that song that goose ladi dadi de ladi dade da soddenly you call my name and i lose my brain and i float up to the moon *i dont know how to spell that well



I'm not much of a TikToker but I am a big music person. The song is called "Renai Circulation" and the artist is Lizz Robinett.

Two of your best friends tell you that they are planning to go together, and take you along, too, to get a matching tattoo to symbolize your friendship. Your parents have always forbidden you from getting tattoos. Your friends tell you that if you don’t come with them to get a matching tattoo, then you are not a true friend, and they will no longer speak to you again.



well if ur not comfortable doing it then there forcing you to do things u dont wnana do in my opinion thats not good friends in the first place


Answer: Are you okay?


What is the most important thing a writer should consider when choosing a topic for reflective essay?
A) how frequently the incident occurred
B) how long ago the incident occurred
C)why is the incident important
D) how frequently the incident occurred


I think the answer is C

The most important thing that a writer should consider when choosing a topic for reflective essay is (C) why is the incident important.

What is a reflective essay?

A reflective essay is a form of writing in which an event is described. Some life is shared or the thoughts of an individual is expressed.

The experience in the essay should describe the writers personal ideas, feelings, or opinions about the thing that has happened and how it has impacted the writer.

Therefore, the correct answer is option (C) why is the incident important.

Learn more about Essay Writing on


please help me
Based on your preview of the text’s features below, what do you predict it will be about? Explain how you made this prediction.


Fearless in Fur,Fins, and Feathers: The Story of Animals in the Armed Forces

Picture of carrier

pigeon transport

courtesy of Photos

of the Great War project.


This looks to be a pigeon messenger with his carrier for his pigeon on his back.
I’d say it’s about pigeon transport.

Please help with this


d. Wow! That was a fantastic way to end the game.

a interjection is an abrupt remark or an exclamation.

Pls help I will mark brainliest
(write one sentence using the word droll and one sentence using the word cultivated )

Pls don;'t copy on g00gle



My best friend is a very droll person.

I wish i went to a well cultivated school.

some times my conversation can be droll.

Write a theme statement in your own words about the two stanzas you read in today’s lesson. Explain the meaning of the verses “Because, for all our power . . .” and “It is the men and women, . . .” and how these verses support the theme statement.


I would, but there's a high possibility what I write will be used. I wish you luck on the theme though :>

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