Please answer the blanks

Please Answer The Blanks


Answer 1
Answer 2


5/6=10/12 10/12=5/6 3/12=1/4 3/4=9/12

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Be Strong Now, Because Things Will Get Better. It Might Be Stormy Now, But It Can't Rain Forever.



aw ty but is there a question?

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I don’t know, maybe other people will help

Please Help, what is the answer



The correct option is (2).

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to find the value of the given expression i.e.


We can calculate it as follows :

[tex]\dfrac{(8x^6)^2}{(4x^2)^3}=\dfrac{8^2\times (x^6)^2}{(4)^3\times (x^2)^3}\\\\=\dfrac{x^{12}}{x^6}\\\\=x^6[/tex]

So, the final answer is x⁶. The correct option is (2).

General Logs Banana Bombs cereal is sold in 10.40 ounce packages. Because the cereal is sold by weight, the number of pieces of Banana Bombs varies from box to box. A random sample of 19 boxes of Banana Bombs was sampled and the number of pieces in each box was counted. The sample mean for 19 boxes was 696.58. The quality control engineer knows from the experience that population standard deviation is assumed to be 12.33 and that the number of pieces of Banana Bombs arenormally distributed.a.Construct a 99% confidence interval for the true mean number of Banana Bombs in 10.40 ounce packages.



The 99% confidence interval for the true mean number of Banana Bombs in 10.40 ounce packages is between 689.3 and 703.86.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.99}{2} = 0.005[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Ztable as such z has a pvalue of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a pvalue of [tex]1 - 0.005 = 0.995[/tex], so Z = 2.575.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

[tex]M = 2.575\frac{12.33}{\sqrt{19}} = 7.28[/tex]

The lower end of the interval is the sample mean subtracted by M. So it is 696.58 - 7.28 = 689.3 pieces

The upper end of the interval is the sample mean added to M. So it is 696.58 + 7.28 = 703.86 pieces

The 99% confidence interval for the true mean number of Banana Bombs in 10.40 ounce packages is between 689.3 and 703.86.

Another game you’ve set up at casino night involves rolling a fair six-sided die followed by tossing a fair coin. In this game, players earn points depending on the number they get on the die and which side of the coin turns up. For example, the player earns 5 points for getting (2, tails) Question 5 Find the probability that the outcome is either tails with any number, or heads with a number grater than 1



tails with any number is 1/2, heads with greater than 1 is .4125

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Every day when commuting to and from work, Stefanie
drives her car a total of 143 miles for 2.5 hours. Her car
already has 45,300 miles on it.
a. Write a function that shows the total number of
miles, f(x), Stefanie's car will have been driven
after x more days. Explain how you know where
each number goes in the equation.
b. If Stefanie works 4 days a week, how many miles
will her car have been driven after 3 weeks? Show
and explain all your work.



a) [tex]f(x) = 45300 + 143x[/tex]

In which 45300 is the current number of miles driven and 143 is the amount of miles she drives each day.

b) 47,016 miles.

Step-by-step explanation:

Question a:

Every day when commuting to and from work, Stefanie drives her car a total of 143 miles for 2.5 hours. Her car already has 45,300 miles on it.

So, after x days of work, the amount of miles driven will be given by

[tex]f(x) = 45300 + 143x[/tex]

In which 45300 is the current number of miles driven and 143 is the amount of miles she drives each day.

Question b:

After 4*3 = 12 days of work. So

[tex]f(12) = 45300 + 143*12 = 47016[/tex]

47,016 miles.

If you answer this you will get 69 points but please answer asap



I think the answer for the first one is 3 I am not sure about the second one

Answer this correctly I’ll give u brainalist + 10 points


the answer is B. II only

Which table represents the statement "A computer repairman makes $25 per hour"?



Table number 3

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

For every 1 hour(h) 25 dollars(d) gets added. You can multiply 25 with however many hours you need to get the answer.

example: 4 hours would be 100 because 25×4=100

Which of the following is NOT a property of the sampling distribution of the​ variance? Choose the correct answer below. A. The expected value of the sample variance is equal to the population variance. B. The mean of the sample variances is the population variance. C. The sample variances target the value of the population variance. D. The distribution of sample variances tends to be a normal distribution.


Answer: D. The distribution of sample variances tends to be a normal distribution.

Step-by-step explanation:

The properties of the sampling distribution of the​ variance include:

• The expected value of the sample variance is equal to the population variance.

• The mean of the sample variances is the population variance.

• The sample variances target the value of the population variance.

Therefore, the option that isn't a property of the sampling distribution of the variance will be option D "The distribution of sample variances tends to be a normal distribution".

We should note that the sampling distribution came came in place as a result of the central limit theorem. The sample variance gives a true representation of the variance of the population as it is an unbiased estimator.

The one that does not demonstrate a property of variance's sampling distribution would be:

D). The distribution of sample variances tends to be a normal distribution.

Sampling Distribution Property

The variance's sampling distribution property states that:

The variance or the difference of population is equivalent to the sample variance's estimated value.The mean deduced by the sample variances is similar to the difference/variance of the population.The purpose of sample variance aims toward the value denoted by population variance.

As per the question, the fourth statement does not exemplify one of its properties as the distribution displayed by sample variances is inclined towards normal distribution.

Thus, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Variance" here:

20a + 158 +6c = 20 (6) + 15 (4) + 6(8)


Step-by-step explanation:

20a + 158+6c=you will expand the brackets

= so it is 120+60+48


20a+ 6c=120+60+48-158


20a divide by 20+6c divide by 6 on both side

a + c = 0.58


LOTS OF POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

It says the both dimensions are 30%. So, it we do 31 divided by 6, it would be 5 with a remainder of one, which is also equal to 5.1. If we then multiply it by 4, then divide by 9, that would be .03.

Picture below please help


The first two angles are supplementary (adding up to 180)

The second two angles are complementary (adding up to 90)


Actually Welcome to the Concept of the types of Angles.

Supplementary angles sum up to make 180° and Complementary sum up to make 90° angles.



Factor the following polynomials: a^2+a+72



72 + a (1 + a)

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Find the y-coordinate of the y-intercept of the polynomial function defined below.
f(x) = 2x(x - 3)
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The answer is x1=0,x2=3

A cone has a radius of 6.2 mm and a height of 10.8 mm. What is the volume of the cone to the nearest tenth? use π = 3.14



Actually Welcome to the Concept of the volumes.

Here given as, r= 6.2 mm, h = 10.8 mm, π=3.14

hence, the volume of the cone is

Volume = 1/3(πr^2h)

===> vol = 1/3(3.14*(6.2)^2*(10.8))

==> Vol = 1/3*(1303.57)

==> Vol = 434.52 mm^3

Hence the volume of the cone is 434.52 mm^3

can somebody help me?


1 - Variable

2 - Expression

3 - Constant

4 - Coeficant

A = ?
when r = 10 in.
(A = area of a circle)
(r = radius)


A= pi r^2
A= 100pi
That said

655,325 to the nearest hundred thousands




Step-by-step explanation:

55,325 is closer to 100,000 than it is to 0, so the hundred-thousands place would round up.



Step-by-step explanation:

Im pretty sure it would just stay the same because 3 is not enough to bring the 5 up to 6.

If you owned a house, and the assessed value was $435,000.00, how much in property taxes would you have to pay per year if the rate was 0.79%? (be sure to use $ and a decimal. No need to use a comma)

a bit of help


The Amount of property taxes you would have to pay per year if the rate was 0.79% is $3,436.50.

If you owned a house and the assessed value was $435,000.00, the amount of property taxes you would have to pay per year

if the rate was 0.79% can be calculated as follows:SolutionTo calculate the amount of property taxes, multiply the assessed value by the tax rate.

We can represent this mathematically as:P = R × Vwhere:P = Property taxesR = Tax rateV = Assessed Value

We are given that:R = 0.79%V = $435,000.00

We need to convert the tax rate to a decimal value before we can use it in our calculation. This can be done by dividing the percentage value by 100. Therefore:R = 0.79 ÷ 100= 0.0079

Using the formula above, we can now calculate the property taxes as:P = R × V= 0.0079 × $435,000.00= $3,436.50

Therefore, the amount of property taxes you would have to pay per year if the rate was 0.79% is $3,436.50.

For more questions on Amount.


Represent 42 divided by 6 = 7 using subtraction



42 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 = 0


42 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 - 7 = 0

The price of a 9-minute phone call $1.35. What is the price of an 11-minute phone call?




Step-by-step explanation:

I did 1.35/9

The answer I got after dividing the two is 0.15.

Then I multiplied 0.15 by 11 and I got 1.65.

A recipe for 12 scones requires 2 teaspoons of baking powder and 240 g of flour. If a larger number of scones are made, using 540 g of flour, how much baking powder is needed?



45 teaspoons of baking powder

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = amt of baking powder needed.

2/240 = x/540

240x = 1080

x = 45 teaspoons of baking powder

Given two points on a line (2, 5) and (6, 11), what is the rate of change?




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Answer this correctly I'll give brainalist + 10 points




Step-by-step explanation:

The line is 180 and 180-125=55

Linda took a math test and got 68 correct answers and 12 incorrect answers. What is the percentage of incorrect answers



Approximately [tex]17.6[/tex] percent

Step-by-step explanation:

To find a percentage, take the part, divide it by the whole, and multiply that quotient by 100. As an algebraic expression, that would be [tex]\frac{part}{whole}*100[/tex].

In this case, the part is [tex]12[/tex] and the whole is [tex]68[/tex]. Therefore, our answer is [tex]\frac{12}{68}*100\approx17.6[/tex] percent. Hope this helps!

Answer: About 17.6%

Step-by-step explanation: "Per" means 100. So, to get a percentage, we can divide the numerator by the denominator then multiply the quotient by 100. Or, you can say it like this: [tex]\frac{Numerator}{Denominator} =quotient*100[/tex]

As we see, 12 is the numerator, and 68 is the denominator. Now, we can divide.

12 ÷ 68 = 0.176

We're not done yet, we'll need to multiply the quotient by 100, as in the formula.

0.176 × 100 = 17.6

Hence, 17.6% is the answer.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

~ Lily, from Brainly.

13 in
10 in.
7 in
3. What is the perimeter of the


37 because you add 13+10=23 7+7=14 and 23+14=37

The point (0,0) on a coordinate grid is called




hope this helps!

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

The origin of the graph (0,0) is the point where the two y and x axes intercept.

The origin determines every other point of the graph.  

Hope this helps!

What is the area of the trapezoid?
5 cm
14 cm
5 cm
10 cm



A = 28 cm

Step-by-step explanation:


A = [tex]\frac{a + b}{2} h[/tex]

A = [tex]\frac{4 + 10}{2} 4[/tex]


A = [tex]\frac{14}{2}4[/tex]

A = 7 x 4

A = 28 cm

Which number line shows the solution to x>7?



Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

P(8,-3) T(x,y) = (x-4, y+7)




Step-by-step explanation:

P(8,-3) T(x,y) = (x-4, y+7)


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