Please answer fast ASAP I give brainliest

identify two other physical factors and explain their effect on the organism living in the lake?


Answer 1


The correct answer is - light level and temperature.


The structure and function of lakes are determined by various factors such as temperature, light level, wind turbulence, water flow rate, dissolved oxygen, acidity (pH), salinity, habitat size, hydrology, and water depth. Stratification and water circulations are influenced by temperature and wind turbulence.

Light level is an important abiotic factor in lake ecosystems. Light is an essential part for plants to perform photosynthesis. Light can directly affect how much life you find in a given area depends on the production of energy and food by the aquatic plants by photosynthesis.

Temperature is a similarly important factor for lakes or other aquatic organisms as it is for land animals. each organism is able to survive in specific temperature ranges and their metabolic activity also depends on the specific temperature range.

Related Questions

Which of the following describes the relationship between genes and chromosomes?

Select one:

Every gene an organism has is found on every one of its chromosomes.

Genes are special sequences of nucleic acids found on chromosomes.

All of an organism’s chromosomes can be found next to its genes in the cell nucleus.

Chromosomes form into genes during cellular reproduction.



Genes are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contain the code for a specific protein that functions in one or more types of cells in the body. Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person's genes. Genes are contained in chromosomes, which are in the cell nucleus.


True or False. Only animals have adaptations that better allow them to survive and reproduce, flowers do not.


false. Plants have adaptations to help them survive (live and grow) in different areas. Adaptations are special features that allow a plant or animal to live in a particular place or habitat.




2. What does it mean for your body to be out of homeostasis?



If homeostasis is disrupted, it must be controlled or a disease/disorder may result. Your body systems work together to maintain balance. If that balance is shifted or disrupted and homeostasis is not maintained, the results may not allow normal functioning of the organism.


Which of the following defines an ecological succession? A.It is the final and stable commuity of an ecosystem. B. It is the first plants and animals to inhabit a newly available ecosystem. C. It is the number of a particular species that an ecosystem can support. D.It is a process of chang during which species in a community are established or replaced.



D. It is a process of change during which species in a community are established or replaced


Ecological succession is a process that occurs when a community is being established or replaced.

It shows the change in community over time, focusing on the types of plants and the maturity of plants that are in the community.

Primary and secondary succession are the two types of succession. Primary succession shows the process of change in the establishment of a community. Secondary succession shows the change when a community is being replaced.

So, the correct answer is D. It is a process of change during which species in a community are established or replaced

A person infected with the Ebola virus will experience symptoms within 2 to 21 days of being exposed to the virus. During this time, the virus uses cell machinery to make copies of itself. Ebola symptoms include fever, severe headaches, vomiting, and unexplained bleeding or bruising The reproductive cycle of the Ebola virus that most likely causes symptoms within 2 days is - A lysogenic because the onset of the symptoms is delayed Blytic because the individual experiences symptoms very quickly after infection C lysogenic because the onset of symptoms occurs in individuals over 60 years of age Dlytic because the virus affects the circulatory system​


B) Lytic because the individual experiences symptoms very quickly after infection.

Recall that in a lytic cycle of reproduction, the host cell undergoes lysis following virus replication. This results in rapid onset of symptoms.




A nucleotide consists of a sugar molecule

A fish maintains its depth in fresh water by adjusting the air content of porous bone or air sacs to make its average density the same as that of the water. Suppose that with its air sacs collapsed, a fish has a density of 1.18 g/cm3. To what fraction of its expanded body volume must the fish inflate the air sacs to reduce its density to that of water?





We know the up-thrust on the fish, U = weight of water displaced = weight of fish + weight of air in air sacs.

So ρVg = ρ'V'g + ρ'V"g where ρ = density of water = 1 g/cm³, V = volume of water displaced, g = acceleration due to gravity, ρ'= density of fish = 1.18 g/cm³, V' = initial volume of fish, ρ"= density of air = 0.0012 g/cm³ and V" = volume of expanded air sac.

ρVg = ρ'V'g + ρ"V"g

ρV = ρ'V'g + ρ"V"

Its new body volume = volume of water displaced, V = V' + V"

ρ(V' + V") = ρ'V' + ρ"V"

ρV' + ρV" = ρ'V' + ρ"V"

ρV' - ρ"V'  = ρ'V" - ρV"

(ρ - ρ")V'  = (ρ' - ρ)V"

V'/V" = (ρ - ρ")/(ρ' - ρ)

= (1 g/cm³ - 0.0012 g/cm³)/(1.18 g/cm³ - 1 g/cm³)

= (0.9988 g/cm³ ÷ 0.18 g/cm³)

V'/V" = 5.55

Since V = V' + V"

V' = V - V"

(V - V")/V" = 5.55

V/V" - V"/V" = 5.55

V/V" - 1 = 5.55

V/V" = 5.55 + 1

V/V" = 6.55

V"/V = 1/6.55

V"/V = 0.153

So, the fish must inflate its air sacs to 0.153 of its expanded body volume

How does climate change affected plants and animal species on earth?



Humans and wild animals face new challenges for survival because of climate change. More frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities.


hope this helps you

Elements in the same column of the periodic table of the elements all
A. have the same number of protons.
B. share the same atomic structure.
C. have similar physical characteristics.
D. share the same number of neutrons





elements in the same column have different number of protons and different number of neutrons.

Elements in the same column of the periodic table of elements all share the same atomic structure. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

What is the similarity in the elements that belong to the same column?

Each column is called a group. The elements in each group have the same number of electrons in the outer orbital. Those outer electrons are also called valence electrons. They are the electrons involved in chemical bonds with other elements.

The number of protons governs the atomic number of an element. So, elements never have the same number of protons. The number of neutrons along with protons governs the atomic mass of an element which also never remains the same.

The physical characteristics of any element depend on the majority of the attributes. So, it may also vary from element to element.

Therefore, elements in the same column of the periodic table of elements all share the same atomic structure. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about the periodic table, refer to the link:


Which of these organisms is NOT made from eukaryotic cells

A. Amoeba
B. Lion
C. Fungi
D.pine tree



E. Bacteria


Bacteria are made of prokaryotic cells

okra seed contains reserve food which is stored in...
A. seed coat
B. seed leaves
C. embryo
D. seed scar​


Answer: For my knowledge of most plants, I'm pretty sure it's C., embryo.

Explanation: . . .

Which biome is characterized by very low temperatures, little precipitation, permafrost and plants that adapted to be short in height with broad roots systems in order to gain enough water from the dry areas?





what are the tropical rainforest dominant animals(biotic)



The most dominant animal species found in a tropical rainforest are mammals and birds that have adapted to a life in the trees. In a tropical rainforests you can see anything from a chimpanzee to a jambu fruit dove.


Large flying fox, Great Hornbill, Kinkajou, Crowned Eagle. Hope this helped!

Which human activity causes an immediate increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

biological magnification

burning fossil fuels






On Earth, human activities are changing the natural greenhouse. Over the last century the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has increased the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). This happens because the coal or oil burning process combines carbon with oxygen in the air to make CO2.

Immunization with the childhood DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus) vaccine protects against subsequent exposure to tetanus by Group of answer choices generating tetanus-specific memory B cells. producing life-spanning antitetanus IgE antibodies. stimulating quick inflammation upon future exposure. preloading antigen-presenting cells. stopping isotype switching of B cells from IgM to IgA.



generating tetanus-specific memory B cells


Memory B cells are cells of the immune system that produce antibodies against specific antigens present in pathogenic organisms. The B lymphocyte cells produce clonal memory B cells after the first exposure to the antigen, a process known as clonal selection. Subsequently, memory B cells that circulate in the bloodstream trigger a rapid secondary immune response (after a second exposure to the antigen) by producing antibodies against specific antigens that activated their parent B cell. Moreover, the DPT vaccine includes purified tetanus toxins (i.e., target antigens) that induce clonal expansion in specific B cells, thereby generating a population of memory B cells that produce specific antibodies rapidly in secondary immune responses.

There is a population of alien dogs, species Dogus Cute-ee-us, that live on the planet Woof. Their genomes and biology are amazingly identical to the genomes and biology of earth dogs. Consider a di-hybrid cross, where the first locus has alleles A and a, and second locus has alleles B and b. Each additional copy of either an A or B allele in the two-locus genotype increases the friendliness of the dog. Friendliness is measured by the Wilcoxon-Canus Amicus Diagnostic Scale (WCADS). There are five categories:

0 = Unfriendly/Loner (although not aggressive);
1 = Somewhat friendly/shy;
2 = Friendly;
3 = Very friendly;
4 = Maximally friendly.

For example, an alien dog with a two-locus genotype of Aabb would have a Somewhat friendly/shy behavior, since there is one copy of A and zero copies of B, adding to a score of 1 for the WCADS. Similarly, an alien dog with a two-locus genotype of AaBB has a Very friendly behavior (one copy of A + two copies of B = three copies total of A or B).

In the following mating: AaBb x AaBb, what is the expected ratio of Maximally friendly:Very friendly:Friendly:Somewhat friendly:Unfriendly alien dogs in the offspring, assuming the parents produce a very large litter?

a. 0:1:1:1:0
b. 1:2:3:2:1
c. 1:4:6:4:1
d. 9:3:3:1



c. 1:4:6:4:1


The term quantitative heritability refers to the transmission of a phenotypic trait in which expression depends on the additive effect of a series of genes.  

Polygenic heritability occurs when a trait results from the interaction of more than one gene. And these genes can also have more than two alleles. The action of many genes and alleles can cause many different combinations that are the reason for genotypic graduation.  

Quantitative traits are those that can be measure, such as longitude, weight, eggs laid per female, among others. In the exposed example, the measurable trait is the dog´s friendliness. These characters do not group individuals by any precise and clear categories. Instead, they group individuals in many different categories that depend on how the genes were intercrossed and distributed during meiosis. The result depends on the magnitude in which each allele contributes to the final phenotype and genotype. When they interact, they create a gradation in phenotypes, according to the level of contribution.  

In the exposed example, each dominant allele contributes with a higher level of friendliness.    

aabb → 0 = Unfriendly/Loner (although not aggressive); Aabb, aaBb → 1 = Somewhat friendly/shy; AAbb, AaBb, aaBB → 2 = Friendly; AABb, aABB → 3 = Very friendly; AABB → 4 = Maximally friendly.

Cross: between two dihybrid friendly dogs

Parentals) AaBb    x    AaBb

Gametes) AB, Ab, aB, ab

                AB, Ab, aB, ab

Punnett square)   AB       Ab       aB       ab

                   AB   AABB   AABb  AaBB  AaBb

                    Ab   AABb    AAbb  AaBb  Aabb

                    aB   AaBB    AaBb   aaBB   aaBb

                    ab    AaBb    Aabb   aaBb   aabb

F1) 1/16 AABB ⇒ 4 = Maximally friendly

    4/16 AABb + AaBB ⇒ 3 = Very friendly

    6/16 AAbb + AaBb + aaBB ⇒ 2 = Friendly

    4/16 Aabb + aaBb ⇒ 1 = Somewhat friendly/shy

    1/16 aabb ⇒ 0 = Unfriendly/Loner

The Phenotypic ratio is 1:4:6:4:1


In 1980, Mt. St. Helens erupted. The resulting lahar flowed over a wide area of the Cascade Mountains. Which of these statements DOES NOT describe the effect of the volcanic eruption?

A. It affected the living and nonliving components of the ecosystem.
B. It removed populations of mammals from the mountainside.
C. It led to succession on the mountainside.
D. It affected only nonliving components of the ecosystem.


The answer you looking for would be D

Correct answer is C

Have a great day!

2. The diagram below represents a food web composed of producers, consumers, and
Which group would represent the decomposer organisms?
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D





because that is the 2nd decompers

B group would represent the decomposer organisms. Therefore, the correct option is B.

What are Decomposers?

Decomposers are organisms that convert decaying organic matter into more basic components. They are an important component of the nutrition cycle because they convert complex chemical substances, such as nitrogen and carbon, into direct nutrients that can be absorbed by plants and other living things.

Some species of bacteria, fungi and insects are specialized decomposers. These organisms are essential to maintaining healthy soil because they aid in the recycling of nutrients and the breakdown of organic matter, which would otherwise build up and cause nutrient imbalances. Decomposers, which break down dead organisms and aid in the containment of pathogens, may be important in disease prevention.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Decomposers here:


1. Which of the statements below best describe marketing?
A. Bringing products to the costumers' knowledge and attention
B. Bringing products to food preparation
C. Bringing products to factory owners
D. Bringing products to the packaging​



A is the answer I hope you get it correct

Which of these actions is likely to spread pathogens in the environment?

Cupping mouth while coughing

Touching wounds

Wiping door knobs

Washing fruits


Touching Wounds

Explain: Well especially if ur hands are dirty touching ur wounds can lead to an infection to where the wound is, so this one is likely to spread pathogens


Touching wounds


Covering your mouth when coughing will prevent the spread of germs. So will  wiping doorknobs and washing fruit. When touching wounds, you can spread pathogens on your hands into the wound. So, the answer is B, touching wounds.

Good luck ^^

What kingdom is made of organisms that are eukaryotic, plant-like, do not move, and do not carry on photosynthesis?






Protists are organisms that are part of the biological kingdom called the protista. These organisms are not plants, animals, bacteria, or fungi. Protists are a very diverse group of organisms. They are basically all the organisms that don't fit into the other groups.


1. A stream dries up. Did the water in the stream:

a. gain energy

b. loose eergy

c. keep the same amount of energy

d. never had energy

Explain your answer.''


It gained energy I believe, in order to evaporate it needs more kinetic energy.

Freshwater ecosystems can be grouped as those that are still, those that are flowing, and those that contain salt.





Match each immune cell with the method it uses to neutralize a pathogenic microbe that has infected a human - Cytotoxic T cell - Helper T cell - B cell - Natural Killer Cell - Macrophage - Mast Cell A. kills infected human cells after recognizing antigens displayed on MHC class 1 B. does not directly kill microbes; after recognition of a specific antigen displayed on MHC Class 2, it secretes molecules that help other cells to do so. C. phagocytoses microbes after recognizing specific antigens; secretes antibodies D. kills virus-infected human cells by releasing perforin and granzymes. E. Phagocytoses microbes after recognizing PAMPs; acts as an Antigen Presenting Cell to activate another type of immune cell F. Does not directly kill microbes; secretes histamine to initiate an inflammatory response.



Cytotoxic T cell - kills infected human cells after recognizing antigens displayed on MHC class 1 B.

Helper T cell - does not directly kill microbes; after recognition of a specific antigen displayed on MHC Class 2, it secretes molecules that help other cells to do so.

B cell - phagocytoses microbes after recognizing specific antigens; secretes antibodies

Natural Killer Cell - kills virus-infected human cells by releasing perforin and granzymes.

Macrophage - Phagocytoses microbes after recognizing PAMPs; acts as an Antigen Presenting Cell to activate another type of immune cell

Mast Cell - Does not directly kill microbes; secretes histamine to initiate an inflammatory response.


T cell are immune-response cells that originate in the bone marrow but migrate and develop in the thymus gland. They are of two classes; Cytotoxic T cells and Helper T cells.

Cytotoxic T cell - kills infected human cells after recognizing antigens displayed on MHC (Major histocompatibility complex) class 1 B.

Helper T cell - does not directly kill microbes; after recognition of a specific antigen displayed on MHC Class 2, it secretes molecules that help other cells to do so.

B cells are formed and develop in the bone marrow. They make antibodies against antigens, and phagocytoses microbes after recognizing specific antigen.

Natural Killer Cells are cytotoxic lymphocytes of the innate immune system. They kill virus-infected human cells by releasing perforin and granzymes.

Macrophages are a type of white blood cells that detects and phagocytoses microbes after recognizing PAMPs (Pathogen-associated molecular pattern) They also act as Antigen Presenting Cell (APCs) to activate another type of immune cell

Mast Cells are cells found in the connctive and they function as part of the immune system of the body. They do not directly kill microbes. They secrete histamine to initiate an inflammatory response.

Which will form an ionic bond?
A. Two oxygen atoms
B. Two oppositely-charged ions
C. Any two neutral atoms
D. Two negative ions


Hey Mate Here Is Your Answer

Option B- Two Oppositely-Charged Ions

Hope This Helps You ❤️

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

plants that require short nights to flower

long-day plants
day-neutral plants
short-day plants
abscisic acid
tropism auxin



long-day plants




day-neutral plants


short-day plants

abscisic acid

tropism auxin



What does dna turn into?





it turns in rna and I do t wanna type more

The DNA turns into RNA

Which of the following is true?
A. Parasitism is a density-dependent limiting factor.
B. Population size is a density-independent limiting
C. Season cycles are not considered a potential
limiting factor.


A. Parasitism is a density-dependent limiting factor

PLEASE HELP! I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST. Explain the process of succession.


Answer: Succession is a series of  changes in the composition of an ecological community over time.


i hoped this helped

The characteristic of light waves that makes objects appear bent when placed in water is called



D: Refraction


A: Reflection is not when light goes through water. C: Bending is not the correct term used.

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