Personal selling goals typically include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and _______.


Answer 1

Personal selling objectives often include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and keeping customers satisfied.

Now, According to the question:

What is Personal selling?

It corresponds to a direct interaction between the sales representative and potential customers, where the objective is to lead to the completion of a sale.

For the sale to be successful, the sales representative needs to develop a series of techniques that lead the customer to establish a favorable perception of the company, in addition to increasing its reliability.

Therefore, it is necessary to have well-developed communication, ethics, negotiation and persuasion, so that customers feel satisfied and develop a positive relationship with the company.

Learn more about Personal selling at:


Related Questions

nataro, incorporated, has sales of $675,000, costs of $337,000, depreciation expense of $81,000, interest expense of $50,500, a tax rate of 23 percent, and paid out $42,500 in cash dividends. what is the addition to retained earnings? (do not round intermediate calculations.)


The addition to retained earning will be equal to $116505.

The total sales of Nataro Incorporated = $675000

Costs = $337000, Depreciation expense = $81000, Interest expense = $50500, Dividends = $42500 and tax rate = 23%

Earnings before taxes =Total sales - (Costs + Depreciation expense + Interest expense)

Earnings before taxes = $675000 - ($337000 + $81000 + $50500)

Earnings before taxes = $675000 - $468500

Earnings before taxes = $206500

Net Income = Earnings before taxes(1 - tax rate)

Net income = $206500(1 - 0.23)

Net income = $159005

Now, the addition to retained earnings will be

Addition to retained earnings = Net Income - Dividends

Addition to retained earnings = $159005 - $42500

Addition to retained earnings = $116505

Learn more about Dividends at:


What are the three methods commonly used to distribute door-to-door purchases to customers?


Door-to-door deliveries are frequently made by couriers, the post office, or the seller at the moment of purchase.

In-home sales of products or services are known as door-to-door sales. Trading anyplace outside the trader's business premises is also regarded as door-to-door sales, so door-to-door sales are not always conducted at the consumer's home. With the aid of advancements in technology, communication, and transportation, there are many ways that door-to-door sales can be applied successfully.

Products can be distributed independently, through wholesalers, or through distributors. Direct and indirect channels are the two main types. Direct channels involve selling goods to customers directly through physical storefronts or online. Selling goods through indirect channels entails selling them to middlemen, such wholesalers or retailers, who then sell them to customers.

Know more about Door-to-door deliveries  at:


True or false:
Vertical analysis of financial statements is accomplished by preparing common-size statements.





rosh corporation is planning to issue bonds with a face value of $750,000 and a coupon rate of 8 percent. the bonds mature in four years and pay interest semiannually every june 30 and december 31. all of the bonds will be sold on january 1 of this year. (fv of $1, pv of $1, fva of $1, and pva of $1) (use the appropriate factor(s) from the tables provided. round your final answers to nearest whole dollar amount.) required: compute the issue (sales) price on january 1 of this year for each of the following independent cases: a. case a: market interest rate: 8 percent. b. case b: market interest rate: 6 percent. c. case c: market interest rate: 10 percent.


The computation of the issue (sales) price (Present Value) of the bonds for Rosh Corporation is as follows:

a) Market interest rate is 8%, Price = $750,000

b) Market interest rate is 6%, Price = $802,647.69

c) Market interest rate is 10%, Price = $701,525.90.

What is the present value of bonds?

The present value of bonds represents the issue price.

For bonds A with a market interest rate of 8%, the bonds are issued at par (face value).  There is no sales difference between the issue price and the face value.

For bond B with a market interest rate of 6%, the bonds are issued at a premium with the issue price greater than the face value.

For bond C with a market interest rate of 10%, the bonds are issued at a discount with the face value greater than the issue price.

The present values under the three scenarios can be computed using an online finance calculator as follows:

a) Market interest rate is 8%:

N (# of periods) = 8 (4 years x 2)

I/Y (Interest per year) = 8%

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $30,000

FV (Future Value) = $750,000


Present Value (PV) = $750,000

Sum of all periodic payments = $240,000 ($30,000 x 8)

Total Interest Expense = $240,000

b) Market interest rate is 6%:

N (# of periods) = 8 (4 years x 2)

I/Y (Interest per year) = 6%

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $30,000

FV (Future Value) = $750,000


Present Value (PV) = $802,647.69

Sum of all periodic payments = $240,000 ($30,000 x 8)

Total Interest Expenses = $187,352.31

c) Market interest rate is 10%:

N (# of periods) = 8 (4 years x 2)

I/Y (Interest per year) = 10%

PMT (Periodic Payment) = $30,000

FV (Future Value) = $750,000


Present Value (PV) = $701,525.90

Sum of all periodic payments = $240,000 ($30,000 x 8)

Total Interest Expenses = $288,474.10

Learn more about the present value of bonds at


the tucker family has health insurance coverage that pays 65 percent of out-of-hospital expenses after a deductible of $1,100 per person. if one family member has doctor and prescription medication expenses of $2,700, what amount would the insurance company pay?


If one family member has doctor and prescription medication expenses of $2,700, the insurance company pays 1489.


(Expenses - deductible/person)*%coverage

(2,900-760)*.7 =1489

In business, expenses are the cash spent or costs incurred in an agency's efforts to generate revenue. this will be in the shape of expenditures along with salaries or supplier payments. organizations can write off tax-deductible charges on earnings tax to decrease tax earnings and tax liability.

Learn more about expenses here:


an investment cost $6,500, and will have a cash flow of $1,500 in the first year, $1,800 in the second year and $200 in the third year, at which time the investment will be sold for $8,000. what is the internal rate of return (irr) of this investment?


The internal rate of return (IRR) of this investment is 25.39%.


Cash flows are as follows.


IRR = 25.39

The internal charge of going back (IRR) is a metric utilized in monetary evaluation to estimate the profitability of ability investments. IRR is a discount charge that makes the internet gift price (NPV) of all cash flows equal to 0 in a discounted cash drift evaluation. IRR calculations depend upon the equal formula as NPV does.

IRR is the price of interest that makes the sum of all cash flows 0 and is beneficial to evaluate one investment to every other. in the above instance if we replace 8% with thirteen. 92%, NPV becomes 0, and that is your IRR. therefore, IRR is defined as the cut price charge at which the NPV of a mission will become zero.

Inner charge of going back (IRR) is one such method of capital budgeting. it's miles the fee of going back at which the net present value of a challenge becomes 0. They name it 'inner' because it does not take any external factor (like inflation) into consideration.

To learn more about the internal rate of return visit here:  


all of the following are key organizational data in the fulfillment process except:_____.
a. Purchasing organization b. Distribution Channel c. Storage location d. Sales organization


Client, company code, sales area, and plant are all important organizational components for the fulfillment process.

What is data from an organization?

organization information used to depict an organization's structure. Plant. alludes to an authoritative component that plays out numerous. serves a purpose and is pertinent to several processes.

What are the four processes of organization?

There are four types of departmentalization that a manager can use to organize activities: product, customer, geographical, and functional.

In the buying process, what are the three primary documents used?

The three most normal sorts of acquisition process archives are Solicitation for Data (RFI), Solicitation for Proposition (RFP), and Solicitation for Citation (RFQ). The purpose of each document varies.

To learn more about organizational components here


ford motor company manufactures automobiles and franchises independently owned automobile dealers (franchisees) to sell them to the public. this is an example of a(n) franchise.


Ford Motor Company produces cars, and independent car dealers are granted licences to sell vehicles to the general public. This serves as an illustration of a distributorship franchise.

What's referred to as a distributor Why?

A distributor is what? A distributor acts as a link in the supply chain or distribution channel between a manufacturer, who produces a product, and an entity further down the line. The downstream company can either be a wholesaler or retailer, known as a value-added reseller (VAR).

How do distributors eke out a living?

By charging consumers more for products than their paid the manufacturer, distributors profit. A distributorship is often a contract between a manufacturer and a distributor, and to satisfy the duties, each side must achieve particular objectives.

To know more about distributors  visit:


how are unusual gains reported in a third-quarter interim financial report? recognized at year-end only. recognized in the first quarter. recognized ratably over the first three quarters. recognized in the third quarter. ignored.


Recognized in the third quarter gains reported in a third-quarter interim financial report.

For example, you should apprehend an income tax cost in an intervening time duration this is based totally on the expected weighted-average profits tax price for the entire yr. This treatment can also result in a chain of accrual modifications in later interim periods, as you refine your estimates.

Revenue is identified over the years if one of the following situations is met: The client simultaneously gets and consumes the monetary advantages of the furnished asset as the entity performs; the seller's overall performance creates or complements an asset managed by means of the consumer because the asset is created or more suitable.

Learn more about financial report here:


a company chooses to change an accounting policy. this change requires that, if practical, the company restate its financial statements for:


If a company adopts a new accounting principle, the financial statements for all fiscal years shown in the report are presented, to the extent practical, as if the new principle had been applied throughout the entire period. This retrospective application of the change makes the financial results of the company more accurate.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission adopted the accounting standard known as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Although the SEC previously said that it intended to switch from U.S. GAAP to the International Financial Reporting Standards, progress has been slow and uncertain due to the latter standards' significant differences from GAAP. The two sets of standards would "continue to coexist" for the foreseeable future, the SEC stated more recently that there is no longer a desire to convert more U.S. corporations to IFRS. Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) publications of U.S. GAAP were made available by the Financial Accounting Standards Board  starting in 2008.

Learn more about accounting principle from


Jesse launched a cheaper variant of her high-performing dishwashing liquid, anticipating similar success. Which strategy has jesse made use of?.


Jesse is using product line extension (B) strategy by launching a cheaper variant of her high-performing dishwasing liquid.  

Let's discuss every options we have.

Loss leadership strategy is a sacrificing strategy where a product is sold at not profitable price and aims only to attract new customers or to sell additional products. Loss leadership is usually used when a product first enter the market. Loss leadership aims to building a customer base and securing future recurring revenue. This strategy is commonly used by large companies who can afford to price a product with no margin.

Product line extension is a strategy to increase a company's reach and target audience with less preparation and development. Product line extension allows a company to uses an establised brand to introduce a new item into the same product line.

Product line extension may happen in both horizontal and vertical extension. Horizontal product line extension happens when a company keeps the price and quality of the new item consistent with the already exist product. A company only change specific factors to differentiate the new items with the older one. Vertical product line extension happens when a company decides to increase or decrease the price of quality of the new product to give image of more luxurious or more accessible to its potential market.

Product differentiation is a strategy that allows a company's product to be distinguished from other competitor's products. Product differentiation involves identifying and communicating the unique qualities of a product and highlight the distict differences between the product with its competitors.

Brand extension is a strategy when a company uses one if its well established brand names on a new product category. Brand extension exploits the company's already established brand equity to help the launching of its newest product.

Learn more about Product Line Extension here:


Complete Question:

Jesse launched a cheaper variant of her high-performing dishwashing liquid, anticipating similar success. Which strategy has Jeese made use of?

a. Loss leadership

b. Product line extension

c. Product differentiation

d. Brand extention

Each time a payment is made on an installment note, the portion of the next payment associated with interest expense increases. This statement is:


Each time a payment is made on an installment note, the part of the next payment associated with interest expense increases. This statement refers to a false statement.

An interest expense is a cost incurred by a party for borrowed funds. Interest expense refers to a non-operating expense represented on the income statement. It shows interest payable on any borrowings loans, bonds, convertible debt, or lines of credit. Since interest expense arises when an organization takes out a loan to finance its business operations, it is the added percentage of borrowing cash from a third party. Interest expense does not result in an increase in the payment of the next installment.

You can learn more about interest expense at


the monopoly maximizes profit by setting question 1 opa profit maximizing monopolist question 2 options: a) is guaranteed to make a positive profit, hence the desire to be a monopolist. b) is guaranteed to lose money because of a lack of competition. c) is guaranteed to make a non-negative profit, otherwise government would step in to assist. d) is not guaranteed to make a positive profit.tions: a) price equal to marginal revenue. b) price equal to marginal cost. c) marginal revenue equal to marginal cost. d) revenue equal to zero.


Setting marginal revenue at the same level as marginal cost allows the monopoly to maximize profit.

Why do you use the term marginal cost?

When we talk about the marginal cost, we're talking about the rise in production costs brought on by the creation of more product units. The incremental cost of manufacturing is another name for it. Businesses may evaluate how cost and, ultimately, earnings are influenced by volume output by calculating the marginal cost.

What exactly are full and marginal costs?

Full-cost pricing, a standard technique, includes all overhead costs in the product price; marginal cost pricing, on the other hand, is intended to move stock without always making a profit.

To know more about marginal cost visit:


if an international firm has a global strategy and a low level of product diversity, the best choice for its organizational structure is a(n) structure.


If an international firm has a global strategy and a low level of product diversity, the best choice for its organizational structure is Global product division structure.

The functions that a product or service division produces are included in the global product division structure. The parent company has headquarters divisions for the major product categories, each with its own human and other resources. Abroad auxiliaries creating a specific item or class of item need to answer to base camp division liable for that item or class of items. In order to be more responsive to competitive opportunities, efficiency, quality, or innovation, the Global Product Division Structure places manufacturing and value creation activities in the appropriate global locations. Global Product Design is overseen by divisional, cluster, or holding company-based global product divisions. Global product divisions share few similarities. They are very different from one another.

Exposure to various consumption conditions around the world allows for the effective formulation of a global vision for new products. Item division structure builds the specialization of work to such an extent that the quantity of comparable items can be expanded. The structure makes it easier to enter new markets and create novel product types. Leverage of resources is another advantage.

To know more about Global product division visit


the black death in fourteenth-century europe resulted in question 21 options: a lower marginal product of land. a lower marginal product of labor of surviving workers. economic hardship for surviving peasants. economic prosperity for surviving landowners.


The black death in fourteenth-century Europe resulted in question 21 options: a lower marginal product of labor of surviving workers.

A century is a period of one hundred years. Centuries are numbered ordinally in English and lots of different languages. The word century comes from the Latin centum, which means a hundred. Century is now and again abbreviated as c.

A century is a hundred-yr era. centuries are counted sequentially. The time period century is derived from the Latin word centum, because of this "a hundred." Century is abbreviated as “c”. A centenary is a one-hundredth anniversary, or birthday celebration of 1's one hundred years, usually of an occurrence that happened one hundred years in the past.

Learn more about century here:


how would the federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment?


The federal reserve stimulate the united states economy and reduce unemployment.Tthe Fed may decide to buy government securities. As a result, the amount of money that is easily available would increase, consumer and corporate spending power would increase, and the economy would be stimulated, resulting in a decrease in the unemployment rate.

What is unemployment?

According to the OECD, unemployment refers to those over a particular age who are currently seeking employment but are not employed or self-employed.

The unemployment rate, which is used to determine the degree of unemployment, is calculated using the number of unemployed people as a percentage of the labor force.

The US Federal Reserve stimulate the economy and lowers unemployment. The Fed might opt to purchase government bonds. In turn, this would raise the quantity of money that is readily available, boost consumer and corporate spending power, and stimulate the economy, lowering the unemployment rate.

Read more on unemployment


zoning ordinances should a) be as restrictive as possible because they can always be changed. b) be altered as little as possible to provide continuity to planners and developers. c) require a two-thirds vote of the electorate before a proposed change is made. d) remain flexible to meet changing needs.


Zoning ordinances should be consistent with the comprehensive plan, but both must remain flexible to meet the changing needs of residents and businesses.

An regulation known as a zoning code specifies the permitted uses for real estate within particular geographic zones. Zoning ordinances specify whether a given geographic zone is suitable for residential or commercial uses. In addition to controlling lot size and location, zoning laws may also control building height and architectural style. Zoning ordinances also outline the steps to take when violating zoning laws (including any penalties).

Industrial, commercial, residential, and agricultural zones make up the majority of zoning ordinances. Historic, school, hospital, and airport zoning are additional categories of zoning that are applied in some towns. Usually, there are classifications for unit density within the major categories.

Learn more about Zoning ordinances, here


typically when a company is in the news, it is because the company failed to be sustainable. which of the following best describes its failure? the company is unable to meet the business needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet theirs. the company is willing to sacrifice the business and other needs to support the needs of its competitors. the company is pursuing economic goals despite social and ethical concerns. the company has developed socially responsible strategies at the cost of profits. the company is able to meet the business needs at the cost of environmental responsibilities.


The Role of Human Resources in Promoting CSR

Encourage and implement eco-friendly practices.Create an atmosphere of social responsibility.Recognize achievements.Communicate to employees and the community the significance of corporate social responsibility.

What effects do human resource policies have on sustainability?

Self-responsibility, work-life balance, job security, health promotion, flexibility, participate leadership, a value-added economy, and an influential organizational culture are all aided by sustainable HRM.

Product development, market expansion, market penetration, and diversification are the four categories of marketing strategic alternatives. These tactics can serve as a blueprint for businesses to achieve their objectives.

Learn more about Human Resources here:


________ focuses on problem solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.


Lean Six Sigma focuses on problem-solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.

A Lean Six Sigma can be referred to or considered as a phenomenon, which experiences a great deal of focus on the systems within an organization related to a particular project. Moreover, the lean six sigma also takes into consideration, the speed, and excellence that can be achieved by an organization in the completion of a well-defined project. This helps in improvement of the organizational performance.

Learn more about the Lean Six Sigma here:


which program pays medicare part a and b or medicare part c premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments?


The Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program covers the premiums, deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments for Medicare Parts A and B or Part C.

What benefits may you get from QMB?

You can get help from your state to pay your Medicare premiums through one of the four Medicare Savings Programs, the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program. This program allows for the payment of Part A and Part B premiums as well as deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments.

Is Medicare Part D covered by QMB?

A Medicare beneficiary who meets the requirements for the QMB program is immediately eligible for the Medicare Part D Extra Help program, which provides financial aid with Medicare Part D prescription pharmaceutical coverage (monthly premiums, deductibles, and drug costs).

Learn more about Qualified Medicare Beneficiary (QMB) Program:


What is it called when the government places limits on the number of a given good that can be imported?


When the government places limits on the number of a given good that can be imported it is referred to as a quota

The practice of placing limits on the number of a given good that can be imported is called quotas. Import quotas are a type of trade restriction that is used by governments to limit the quantity of a specific good that can be imported into their country. Quotas are used by nations in international trade to control the amount of trade that occurs between them and other nations.

These are typically implemented to protect domestic industries and producers from foreign competition. By limiting the quantity of a good that can be imported, a government can help to ensure that domestic producers are able to sell their goods at higher prices and earn higher profits. By limiting the number of imported goods, the government can help to ensure that consumers have access to a certain level of quality or safety in the goods they purchase.

Read more about quota on:


List at least 6 things your credit card company must clearly disclose to consumers.


It is important to review the credit card disclosure for information on APRs, Penalties, Grace periods, Minimum financing charges, Calculation methodologies, and Fees.

An explanation of all the fees, charges, interest rates, and conditions that a consumer can encounter when using the credit card is contained in a credit card disclosure. The legislation requires disclosure of this information by organizations that provide credit cards. The disclosures on credit cards offer clear information about costs and charges. They also encourage rivalry. To allow consumers to evaluate credit cards more effectively, it is legally necessary of all credit card companies to give the same price information. They can pick the one that better serves their tastes in terms of price.

The interest rate that a client will pay on outstanding balances is the most obvious example of a cost listed on a credit card disclosure. Basic elements like the monthly payment deadlines will also be covered in the disclosure.

Learn more about Credit Card here:


Penny arcades, incorporated, is trying to decide between the following two alternatives to finance its new $35 million gaming center: issue $35 million, 7% note. Issue 1 million shares of common stock for $35 per share with expected annual dividends of $2. 45 per share.


If the expected annual dividends of $2.45 per share, Earning per share = $1.43

A dividend is a distribution of profits through a agency to its shareholders. when a agency earns a profit or surplus, it can pay a portion of the income as a dividend to shareholders. Any quantity now not allotted is taken to be re-invested within the enterprise (called retained profits.

A stock, also called fairness, is a protection that represents the ownership of a fraction of the issuing organization. gadgets of inventory are referred to as "shares" which entitles the owner to a proportion of the organization's belongings and profits identical to how a whole lot stock they own.

Learn more about stocks here :-


look at the following two organizational designs and indicate which one you would choose.
A. I want my employees to have very narrow job responsibilities. I’ll hire more people with specific experience next year, and each person will form the basis for future departments in my company.
B. I want my employees to have broad job responsibilities. I’ll hire a small group of employees next year that have multiple skills, and ask them to work on anything that will help the company meet its goals


I want my employees to have broad job responsibilities. I’ll hire a small group of employees next year that have multiple skills and ask them to work on anything that will help the company meet its goals.

What is organisational structure?

An organisational structure outlines how tasks are assigned, coordinated, and overseen in order to achieve organisational objectives. The basis upon which standard operating procedures and routines are built is provided by organisational structure.

The practise of lining up an organization's structure with its goals in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness is known as organisational design. Work may be initiated due to a new mandate, the desire to enhance service delivery or certain business procedures.

To know more about organisational structure, click here-


a flexible budget expresses variable costs on a per unit basis and fixed costs on a total basis. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


A flexible budget expresses variable expenses per unit and fixed costs as a whole. This is correct. Thus, the correct choice is true.

What is a flexible budget?

A flexible budget is one that adapts to changes in real revenue or other activities. As a consequence, the budget closely matches the actual results. This method varies from the more traditional static budget, which consists entirely of set expenditure figures that do not alter in reaction to changes in real revenue levels. Because of flexible, rolling budgets, entrepreneurs can react to change. This agile planning strategy enables you to adjust expenditures during the year, resulting in less overspending, more options, and faster responses to changing market and corporate conditions.

To learn more about flexible budgets, click


the process of a business or organization attempting to acquire goods or services to accomplish the goals of its enterprise is called


Trying to purchase products or services so that a company or organization can achieve its objectives is the process known as purchasing.

The act of buying a product or service in a business often entails quick, everyday exchanges between buyers and sellers.

This frequently involves the ordering and payment procedures used by a procurement manager. Creating and completing purchase orders, as well as setting up payment for items, are some examples.

Contrarily, procurement is the process of identifying and acquiring the goods and services that a company requires to realize its objectives, frequently from an outside source such as a supplier or third-party vendor.

A solid procurement plan can help you achieve a number of objectives. An organization could be able to save money, for instance, by negotiating favorable terms and prices. Additionally, it may ensure the reliability, efficiency, and caliber of providers.

To know more about the organization click here,


russell is 50 years old and has recently lost his job of almost 30 years. he is glad, however, that he did not have problems finding a new job. even so, changes in his employment at this stage in life may lead to all of these consequences except:


A state of uncertainty regarding continued employment is known as job insecurity. Acute job insecurity, which can occur when a layoff or termination is imminent, or chronic job insecurity, which is a more generalized fear of losing their jobs, are both possible for workers.

Due to the fact that many workers have spent a significant portion of their professional lives in less-than-stable employment situations, they may experience job insecurity at some point in their careers. However, not all of the news is bad. What you need to know about job insecurity and how it affects your career and the workforce as a whole is in the following paragraphs. When a worker's employment is unsteady or appears to be unsteady, this is called job insecurity. It is the opposite of job security, which is when a worker believes their continued employment is almost certain. It doesn't really matter whether job insecurity is subjective or objective in some ways. Regardless of whether job loss is imminent, the negative effects of job insecurity—stress, anxiety, and impacts on mental and physical health—are real.

To know more about job insecurity visit


What are 3 examples of more developed countries?


Examples of developed countries include the United States, United Kingdom, and most of Western and Northern Europe such as Germany and France.

These countries have high per capita income, low birth and death rates, low population growth, high population growth, and are highly industrialized. Level of industrialization and urbanization. Examples include the United States, Canada, Japan, and many European countries.

AD, Denmark and Sweden. Russia is still a developing country for the following reasons. Low GDP - Each economy's GDP is used to measure its development. Russia's GDP is on par with most developed countries, meaning it does not exceed the threshold required to be considered developed.

Developed countries (also called developed countries) have mature and sophisticated economies, usually measured by gross domestic product (GDP) and/or average income per capita. Developed countries have a highly technological infrastructure and diverse industrial and service sectors.

Learn more about Developed countries here:


which of the following is an example of frame-of-reference training? denzel makes managers aware of how errors influence ratings. kalena focuses on eliminating politics through discussion among managers. hassan stresses having consistent standards of evaluation. consuela focuses primarily on making managers aware of rating errors and how to reduce them effectively. francois emphasizes using the same idea of high, medium, and low performances when making evaluations.


Make judgments about salary increases, promotions, employee retention and termination, layoffs, and individual performance by using performance appraisal.

What is a frame of reference training?

By utilizing a "frame of reference" that raters may compare and evaluate their pupils against, frame-of-reference (FOR) training aims to encourage the use of a common mental model. According to research, FOR training enables raters to apply the given standards, producing more accurate ratings.

What is performance dimension training?

Through definitions and illustrations, performance dimension training (PDT) acquaints raters with the dimensions that are the focus of the evaluation. There are conflicting results in terms of rater error reduction. little modifications to rater accuracy.

To know more about frame-of-reference visit:


a licensee wishes to sell the licensee's personally owned property without the assistance of the licensee's real estate company. at what point must the licensee disclose the licensee's licensed status?


Prior to accepting the buyer's offer or counter-offer.

Recognition in human psychology is a person's assent to the truth of a situation, spotting a process or circumstance (often a poor or uncomfortable state of affairs) without attempting to exchange it or protest it. The concept is near in meaning to acquiescence, derived from the Latin acquiēscere (to locate relaxation in). The term acceptance is a noun with various exclusive meanings.[2] while the person to whom an offer is made signifies their assent, it is an "reputation" of their provide, additionally known as an agreement.

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we throw a fair die three times. if we observe the first throw is a 4, what is the probability that there is at least two 4s in the three throws? Pardons can do which of the following?O Release somene from jailO restore their previous jobO Erase guilt All of the above What is an equation of the line that passes through the points (8,-3) and (4,2)? companies who price their product low enough to attract a large number of buyers are most likely pursuing which of the following objectives? what is an rfid tag device made up of? group of answer choices battery, reader. chip, antenna. chip, reader. battery, antenna. bramble corp. prepared a 2022 budget for 108000 units of product. actual production in 2022 was 190000 units. to be most useful, what amounts should a performance report for this company compare? o the actual results for 190000 units with the original budget for 108000 units. of the actual results for 190000 units with a new budget for 190000 units. o the actual results for 190000 units with last year's actual results for 193600 units. of all of these comparisons are equally useful. jack palomo has deposited $2,500 today in an account paying 6 percent interest annually. what would be the simple interest earned on this investment in five years? if the account pays compound interest, what will be the interest on interest in five years? What is cottage in simple words? Ralph has type B blood and his wife, Rachel, has type A blood. They are very shocked to hear that their baby has type O blood. They think that a switch might have been made at the hospital. Can this baby be theirs?Yes, if both parents are heterozygous for their blood types.No, this baby is not theirs.Yes, if both parents are homozygous recessive.O Yes, if Ralph is homozygous and Rachel is heterozygous. Part A840 students at Junior High North are either iphone users or other phone users. Of thesestudents, 25 less than 4 times as many have iphones than another phone type. How manystudents use an Iphone? How many students use another phone? Find the measure of 1 a 92b 58c 122d 30 the patient/client has been measuring urine at home with a quart milk carton and states voiding 1 quarts 2 days ago and 2 quarts yesterday. how many liters is this? Which of the following is a sign that a chemical change has occurred?Group of answer choicesglass changes shape when it falls and breakswater produces a gas when it is placed on a hot stovetopa firework explodes releasing heat, sound, and light energya substance becomes cold when it is placed in the freezer what country did sual cohen believe would be most subject to armed conflict in his shatterbelt theory what is the x -coordinates of the center of mass? hint: divide the triangle into vertical strips of width dx , then relate the mass dm of a strip at position x to the values of x and dx . all of the following are strong acids except question 1 options: nitric acid hydrochloric acid perchloric acid acetic acid sulfuric acid Federal laws today set minimum blank and a maximum blank and also prohibit child labor if nathan is applying for a job in the accounting field, and he is planning to focus on skills such as asset and liability entries, balance sheet preparations, and document audits in headers on his resume; what type of resume should he use? Consider a circle whose equation is x2 + y2 2x 8 = 0. Which statements are true? Select three options. The radius of the circle is 3 units. The center of the circle lies on the x-axis. The center of the circle lies on the y-axis. The standard form of the equation is (x 1) + y = 3. The radius of this circle is the same as the radius of the circle whose equation is x + y = 9. tahlia is interested in exporting. she is accompanying representatives of the u.s. department of commerce to london where she will meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers to help her make contacts and explore export opportunities in london. tahlia is participating in:_____.