
What power-increasing activities do you need to perform regularly to improve your performance?


Answer 1
Running, jogging and skipping
Answer 2
You also need walking

Related Questions

It is not important to eat before you exercise.


False because your body need something to sustain it’s self with and also good for digestion
This is false your body needs calories to have enough energy to be able to work out and not pass out

Meg scored 45, 48, and 56 points on three tests. How many points should she get on the fourth test to get an average score of 60?

49.67 points
52.25 points
91 points
93 points

no bots, no scams, no "who knows" or "dont know"
forbidden answerers/users: gabesandoval08, liveliveliv





you can do this problem using process of elimination. To find an average you add all the terms together and then divide by the total number of terms (4), so 91 is correct :)

Refusal Techniques
For the following lab, you will try some simulated activities to help you
practice your refusal skills.
Please identify a refusal technique to the side of each risky situation and explain how you
would use it in each situation:
Risky Situation Refusal Technique How used in each situation:
Unsupervised party
Bridge jumping
Smoking marijuana
Car racing in the country
Skipping school



1. make an excuse why you cant go

2.suggest an alternative activity

3.leave the situation

4. firmly say no

hope I was helpful


1 make an excuse
2 make different plans with them
3 say no and leave
4 tell them no and report them
5 just don’t

!!help asap!! This is easy but I’m behind in school work and I need some extra help to get it done!
Part 1: you arrive at school early and see a few older students shoving and bullying another student. What do you do? Use the DECIDE model to help you
Part 2:
The decision: ?
Options: ?
Consequences: ?
Decide and act: ?
Evaluate the results: ?


The decision:stop the bully’s and help the student
Options: tell a teacher or trusted adult, help the student, talk to the bully
Consequences: if I ignore the situation and don’t help the student the problem won’t get solve and will lead to more issues
Decide and act: write down what your going to do to stop the bullying like I choose to help the student out and talk to the bully’s and get the student out of the situation
Evaluate the results: you helped a student out and they no longer are getting bullied and are happy
options would be the right answer i think

Does marijuana contain tobacco?



Yes no explanation


Yes, marijuana contain tobacco.

For Yuri On Ice Lovers


Answer:i know right?


How fun hedbhfhf usbshsbeh LOLLLLLL breh

What are calories?
1 they measure the amount of heat a food can supply
2 they measure how rich in nutrients a food is


Answer: 2, They measure how rich in nutrients a food is.

Explanation: Just by process of emimination, I know that "heat a food can supply" has nothing to do with calories.

I’ll say 2 because calories has nothing to do with heat

Please help me report this person! This person should go to jail! Please don't do what he tells you to do! This is for safety!



Ok I'll report him


Ok I’ll report them


What is Mario’s profession in the following scenario?

Mario visits with an eight-year-old client who has just learned she is allergic to gluten. He wants to come up with a diet plan to help her manage her new food restrictions.






Answer: D


If it's right pls mark me brainliest  :)

Answer is C- Dietitian
Explanation- We already know the little girl is allergic to gluten so Mario is helping her fix her diet to make sure she avoids the foods she is allergic to. Hope this helps!

Why is it important to be a responsible consumer?



It is important to be a responsible consumer because... - you can keep local businesses and organizations growing! - you can encourage the growth of the local environment! ... 2) Buy products that are good for the environment or make it yourself.



This is a marketing question


By being responsible consumers, students can combat global injustice. An ethical consumer is a person who only purchases items — clothing, food, even furniture — from companies who treat their employees fairly and who do as little harm to the environment as possible.

Which of the following statements about STIs is FALSE?
1Some STIs can be deadly; others are uncomfortable.
2You can’t catch STIs from kissing or touching.
3Untreated, gonorrhea can cause infertility in women.
4Abstinence is effective protection against STIs.





no explanation


because it’s false
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