Part III: Percent Yield1. If the reaction of 80 grams of Pb(NO3)2 produces 21.3 grams of NO2, what is thepercent yield?2Pb(NO3)2 → 2PbO + 4NO₂ +0₂2I


Answer 1


We determine the mass of NO2 from the mass of Pb(NO3)2:

m is the mass, M is the molar mass

[tex]\begin{gathered} m(NO2)\text{ = }\frac{m(Pb(NO3)2)}{M(Pb(NO3)2)}\text{ }\times\text{ }\frac{mol\text{ \lparen NO2\rparen}}{mol(Pb(NO3)2)}\text{ }\times\text{ M\lparen NO2\rparen} \\ \\ \text{ =}\frac{80}{331.2}\text{ }\times\frac{4}{2}\text{ }\times\text{ 46.0055} \\ \\ \text{ = 22.22g} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Percent yield:

[tex]\begin{gathered} percent\text{ yield = }\frac{Actual\text{ yield}}{Theoretical\text{ yield}} \\ \\ \text{ =}\frac{21.3}{22.22} \\ \\ \text{ = 0.9586 }\times\text{ 100} \\ \\ \text{ = 95.86\%} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Percent yield = 95.86%

Related Questions

5. You have 7 moles of NaCl. How many particles are present?


1) List the known and unknown quantities.

Sample: 7 mol NaCl

Particles: unknown

2) Convert moles of NaCl to particles of NaCl.

Avogadro's number is 6.022*10^23

1 mol = 6.022*10^23

[tex]particles\text{ }NaCl=7\text{ }mol\text{ }NaCl*\frac{6.022*10^{23}\text{ }particles}{1\text{ }mol\text{ }NaCl}=4.21*10^{24}\text{ }particles[/tex]

7 mol NaCl is equal to 4.21*10^24 parcicles.

Based on Table H, what is the vapor pressure of CH3COOH at 90.°C?
A 150 kPa
B 114 kPa
40 kPa
48 k


The equilibrium vapor pressure provides information about the rate of evaporation of a liquid. The vapor pressure of CH₃COOH at 90.°C  is 40 kpa.

What is vapor pressure ?

Pressure of vapor or equilibrium the pressure that a vapor exerts on its condensed phases in a closed system when they are in thermodynamic equilibrium with one another at a specific temperature is known as vapor pressure.

It is significant to remember that when a liquid boils, the pressure of its vapor equals the atmospheric pressure. For instance, water's vapor pressure is 1 atmosphere when it boils at sea level since the surrounding pressure is also 1 atmosphere.

Thus, the vapor pressure of CH₃COOH at 90.°C  is 40 kpa.

To learn more about vapor pressure follow the link below;


A neutral atom of on element has two electrons
with n=1, eight electrons with n=2, eight electrons
with n=3 and one electron with n =4 and has mass
number of 39. Deduce the following from the above
i the atomic number of the element.
is number of neutrons in the nucleus
i total number of s electrons.
iv total number of p electrons .
v the group the element belongs to


A neutral atom of on element has two electrons with n=1, eight electrons with n=2, eight electrons with n=3 and one electron with n =4 and has mass number of 39 then the atomic number of element is 39 and number of neutron in the nucleus is 50 and total number of s electron is 2 and total number of p electron is 8 and the group is 3rd group

Yttrium is a metallic element with atomic number 39 usually included in the rare earth group that occur usually with other rare earth element in minerals and is used especially in phosphorous and YAG laser and alloy etc and element with mass number of 39 is yttrium and the atomic number of element is 39 and number of neutron in the nucleus is 50 and total number of s electron is 2 and total number of p electron is 8 and the group is 3rd group

Know more about element


A sample of an unknown gas with a molar mass of 85.74 is placed in a vessel with avolume of 1,681 mL at a temperature of 58.6 °C. If the pressure is 5.4 atm, howmany grams of this gas are present?



28.58 grams



Molar mass of the gas, M = 85.74 g/mol

Volume, V = 1,681 mL = 1.681 L

Temperature, T = 58.6 °C = (58.6 + 273.15 K) = 331.75 K

Pressure, P = 5.4 atm

What to find:

The mass of the gas in grams present.

Step-by-step solution:

The mass in grams of the gas present can be calculated using the ideal gas equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} PV=nRT \\ \\ n=moles=\frac{Mass}{Molar\text{ }mass} \\ \\ \Rightarrow PV=\frac{Mass}{Molar\text{ }mass}RT \end{gathered}[/tex]

Putting the values of the given parameters and R = 0.0821 atm•L/mol•K into the formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5.4atm\times1.681L=\frac{Mass}{85.74g\text{/}mol}\times0.0821atm•L/mol•K\times331.75K \\ \\ 9.0774atm•L=Mass(0.317665908atm•L/g) \\ \\ Divide\text{ }both\text{ }sides\text{ }by\text{ }0.317665908atm•L/g \\ \\ \frac{9.0774atm•L}{0.317665908atm•L/g}=\frac{Mass(0.317665908atm•L)}{0.317665908atm•L\text{/}g} \\ \\ \Rightarrow Mass=28.58\text{ }grams \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mass of the gas in grams present = 28.58 grams.

What is the oxidation state of nitrogen in Mg(NO₂)₂?


The oxidation state of nitrogen in Mg(NO₂)₂ is +3.

An oxidation state is an indicator of how electronegative an atom is. The higher the oxidation state, the more electronegative the atom.

To find the oxidation state of Mg(NO₂)₂, first, we need to split the compound and the compound should be again split into elements. On splitting, we get, Mg and (NO₂).  We need to sum up the oxidation states of each element so that we get the total oxidation state of the given compound

The oxidation state of Magnesium = +2

The oxidation state of Nitrogen = +3

The oxidation state of Oxygen = -2

Then the total oxidation state of Mg(NO₂)₂

Total oxidation state = + 2 + 3 - 2

Oxidation state of Nitrogen Mg(NO₂)₂ = +3

Therefore the oxidation state of Mg(NO₂)₂ is +3.

Thus in this way oxidation state of any compound could be found easily.

To know more about redox reactions, click below:


How many total atoms are there in 19.3 g of hydrazine (N_{2}*H_{2})




Given the following parameters

Mass of hydrazine = 19.3 grams

Determine the moles of hydrazine

[tex]\begin{gathered} moles\text{ of N}_2H_2=\frac{mass}{molar\text{ mass}} \\ moles\text{ of N}_2H_2=\frac{19.3}{30.02928} \\ moles\text{ of N}_2H_2=0.6423moles \end{gathered}[/tex]

According to the Avogadro's constant

[tex]1mole\text{ of a substance}=6.02\times10^{23}atoms[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} atoms\text{ of N}_2H_2=0.643\times6.02\times10^{23} \\ atoms\text{ of N}_2H_2=3.87\times10^{23}atoms \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the total atoms that are there in 19.3 g of hydrazine is 3.87 * 10^23 atoms

Lead is listed below zinc in the activity series.

What will most likely happen when zinc particles are placed in lead nitrate solution? (1 point)
Zinc lead will form.
Oxygen will evolve.
No reaction will occur.
Zinc nitrate will form.


zinc nitrate and solid lead most likely happen when zinc particles are placed in lead nitrate solution

[tex]Pb(NO_3)_2aq.+Zn(s)= Zn(NO_3)_2(aq.)+Pb(s)[/tex]

Without the chemical element zinc (Zn), which is one of the most extensively used metals and is a member of Group 12 (IIb, or the zinc group) of the periodic table, life would not be possible. Zinc has important business implications.

The average amount of zinc in the Earth's crust per tonne is 65 grams (2.3 ounces), which is a little more than copper. Nearly all of the world's zinc ore is composed of the principal zinc mineral sphalerite and its oxidation byproducts, smithsonite and hemimorphite. Australia, New Zealand, and the US are said to have discovered native zinc resources. China, Australia, and Peru are the top three producers of zinc in the beginning of the twenty-first century.

To know more about  zinc visit:


This is my question in imageIf 16.0 grams of aluminum oxide were actually produced, what is the percent yield of the reaction below given that you start with 10.0 g of Al and 19.0 grams of O2?Reaction: 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3Group of answer choices70%39.6%75.0%100%85.0%


Answer: the percent yield of this reaction was 84.7% and the best option to answer the question is the last one (letter E, 85.00%)


The question requires us to determine the percent yield of a reaction, given the amount of product obtained, the chemical equation and the amount of reactants used.

The following information was provided by the question:

mass of Al2O3 produced = 16.0 g

mass of Al used = 10.0 g

mass of O2 used = 19.0 g

balanced chemical equation:


To solve this problem, we'll need to go through the following steps:

1) Calculate the number of moles used of each reactant;

2) determine the limiting reactant from the stoichiometry of the reaction and the amount of reactants used;

3) calculate the theoretical yield of the reaction, or, in other words, the amount of Al that should be produced, considering the limiting reactant;

4) calculate the percent yield of the reaction.

Next, we'll go through these steps to solve the problem:

1) Calculating the number of moles of each reactant

We can use the following equation to determine the amount of moles of Al and O2 that were used in the reaction:


where n is the number of moles (in mol), m is the mass of the sample (in grams) and MM is the molar mass of the compound (in g/mol).

Knowing that the molar masses of Al and O2 are 26.98 and 31.98 g/mol, respectively, we can calculate the number of moles of each reactant as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} n_{Al}=\frac{10.0g}{26.98g/mol}=0.371mol\text{ Al} \\ n_{O_2}=\frac{19.0g}{31.98g/mol}=0.594mol\text{ }O_2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, 0.371 and 0.594 moles of Al and O2 were used in the reaction, respectively.

2) Determining the limiting reactant.

From the balanced chemical equation, we can see that 4 moles of Al are necessary to react with 3 moles of O2. Thus, we can determine how many moles of O2 would be necessary to react with 0.371 moles of Al:

4 mol Al ------------------- 3 mol O2

0.371 mol Al ------------- x

Solving for x, we'll have:

[tex]x=\frac{(3mol\text{ }O_2)\times0.371mol\text{ Al\rparen}}{(4mol\text{ Al\rparen}}=0.278mol\text{ }O_2[/tex]

Therefore, 0.278 moles of O2 would be necessary to react with the used amount of Al (0.371 mol). Since the actual amount of O2 used is greater than the necessary amount, we can say that O2 is the excess reactant and Al is the limiting reactant.

3) Calculating the theoretical amount of Al2O3 produced

Now that we know that Al was the limiting reactant in this reaction, we can determine how much Al2O3 should be produced in the reaction.

From the balanced chemical equation, we can see that 4 moles of Al are necessary to produce 2 moles of Al2O3. Thus, we can write:

4 mol Al --------------------- 2 mol Al2O3

0.371 mol Al --------------- y

Solving for y, we'll have:

[tex]y=\frac{(2mol\text{ A}l_2O_3)\times(0.371mol\text{ Al\rparen}}{(4mol\text{ Al\rparen}}=0.186mol\text{ A}l_2O_3[/tex]

Therefore, with the amount of Al used, 0.186 moles of Al2O3 would be produced.

We can convert this amount in mass of Al2O3 using its molar mass (MM = 101.96 g/mol):

[tex]\begin{gathered} n=\frac{m}{MM}\rightarrow m=n\times MM \\ n_{Al_2O_3}=(0.186mol)\times(101.96g/mol)=18.91g \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, 18.9 g of Al2O3 should be obtained from the given mass of Al given.

4) Calculating the percent yield of the reaction

Note that the amount of Al2O3 expected, from the amount of reactants given, was 18.9g, but only 16.0g of the product was obtained. We can calculate the percent yield of a reaction using the following equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} percent\text{ yield = }\frac{actual\text{ yield \lparen g\rparen}}{theoretical\text{ yield \lparen g\rparen}}\times100\% \\ \\ \%yield=\frac{16.0g}{18.9g}\times100\%=84.7\% \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the percent yield of this reaction was 84.7% and the best option to answer the question is the last one (letter E, 85.00%).

Calculate the mass of 124.50 cm³ of titanium (density = 4.540 g/cm³).
Give your answer to four significant figures



Mass of titanium having density 4.540 g/cm³) is 565.2g

What are significant figures?

Significant figures are those digits in a number that are meaningful in terms of precision and accuracy. The larger the number of significant figures obtained in a measurement, greater is the accuracy of the measurement and vice-versa

Rules for calculating significant figures:

When adding or subtracting, round the answer to the least number of decimal places

ex: 1.457 + 83.2 = 84.657 , rounds to 84.7

When multiplying or dividing , round the answer to the least number of significant figures

ex: 4.36 * 0.00013 = 0.0005668 , round to 0.00057

here, density = mass/ volume

mass = density * volume

= 4.540 * 124.50

= 565.23

Value of density has 4 significant figures and value of volume has 5 significant figures. so we choose density, since it has least significant figures and round to 4 digits.

We get, 565.2g as the mass of titanium

Learn more about significant figures at


The taste of sour milk is lactic acid. What is the molecular formula for lactic acid if the percent composition is 40.00% C, 6.71% H, 53.29% O, and the approximate molecular mass is 90 amu?




Given the following parameters

Carbon = 40.0%

Hydrogen = 6.71%

Oxygen = 53.29%

Convert to mass

Carbon = 40.0grams

Hydrogen = 6.71grams

Oxygen = 53.29grams

Convert the mass to moles

Mole of carbon = 40.0/12 = 3.33moles

Mole of hydrogen = 6.71/1 = 6.71 moles

Mole of oxygen = 53.29/16 = 3.33moles

Divide by the lowest number of moles

Carbon: 3.33/3.33 = 1

Hydrogen: 6.71/3.33 = 2.01

Oxygen: 3.33/3.33 = 1

Determine the empirical formula

Empirical formula = CH2O

Determine the molecular formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} (CH_2O)_n=90 \\ (12+2(1)+16)n=90 \\ 30n=90 \\ n=\frac{90}{30} \\ n=3 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex](CH_2O)_3=C_3H_6O_3[/tex]

Hence the molecular mass of the compound is C3H6O3

Find the oxidation numbersd) Oxidation number of K in K2SO3e) Oxidation number of S in K2SO3f) Oxidation number of O in K2SO3g) Oxidation number of S in S8



d) The oxidation number of K in K2SO3 is +1.

e) The oxidation number of S in K2SO3 is +4.

f) The oxidation number of O in K2SO3 is -2.

g) The oxidation number of S in S8 is 0.


In each case, we can use the Periodic Table of Elements to consult the oxidation number of the elements.

d) In this case, K is in the group 1 of the Periodic Table, so it has always an oxidation number of +1.

f) Oxygen (O) always has an oxidation number of -2 (except in peroxides which has -1).

e) Knowing that the molecule of K2SO3 is neutral (the total charge of the molecule is equal 0), we can sum all the charges of the elements in the molecule, to find out which oxidation number has S in this molecule:

[tex]\begin{gathered} K_2SO_3 \\ K\text{ charge: }(+1)*2=+2 \\ O\text{ charge: }(-2)*3=-6 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now we have to sum them and find out the oxidation number of S that will made the total charge of the molecule equal 0:

[tex]\begin{gathered} K_2SO_3 \\ +2\text{ + S oxidation number -6 =0} \\ -4\text{ + S oxidation number =0} \\ -4+4=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, the oxidation number of S is +4.

g) Finally, in this case, the oxidation number of S in S8 is 0, because it is a pure compound.

An aqueous solution of a nonionic (that is, nonelectrolyte) solute has a freezing point of -0.435 °C. The solution contains 2.49 g solute dissolved in 95.0 g H2O. What is the molar mass of the solute? g/mol


To answer this question, we have to use the formula of the cryoscopic descent:

[tex]\Delta T_c=k_f\cdot m[/tex]

Where ΔTc is the difference between the freezing points of the pure solvent and the solution, kf is the cryoscopic constant (that for water it has a value of 1.86°C*kg/mol and m is the molality of the solution.

The first step we have to follow is to find the molality of the solution using this formula and the given values.

Estimate the difference between the freezing point of the water and the one of the solution:

[tex]\Delta T_c=0\degree C-(-0.435\degree C)=0.435\degree C[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} 0.435\degree C=1.86\degree Ckg/mol\cdot m \\ m=\frac{0.435\degree C}{1.86\degree Ckg/mol} \\ m=0.234mol/kg \end{gathered}[/tex]

The molality of the solution is 0.234mol/kg.

Now we have to use this molality to find the amount of moles present in the solution.

Molality equals moles of solute/kg of solvent. We know that there are 95.0g of solvent, by converting this mass to kg and using the molality we can find the amount of moles of solute present in the solution, this way:


It means that there are 0.02223 moles of solute in the solution.

Our last step to answer this question is to divide the mass of solute present in the solution by the amount of moles of it to find its molar mass:


It means that the molar mass of the solute is 112.01g/mol.

Question 2 of 10Which of the following substances is a chemical that is made only bychemists?A. BleachB. CopperOC. WaterO D. Nitrogen


Answer: The best option to answer the question is letter A (bleach)


The question requires us to choose, among the options given, which one corresponds to a chemical compound that is only made by chemists.

Nitrogen (N2) is a gas found in our atmosphere, corresponding to 78% (by volume) in dry air. Therefore, N2 is found in nature.

Water (H2O) is also found in nature, as it is present in our atmosphere, rivers, lakes and oceans (among others).

Copper (Cu) is a metal that is also found in nature, occuring naturally in metal form and being present in minerals.

On the other hand, bleach corresponds to a mixture of chemicals where the main ingredient is sodium hypochlorite.

Therefore, among the options given, bleach is the only one that is made only by chemists (and it is not found as it is in nature).

The best option to answer the question is letter A (bleach).

4.A gas occupies 8.7L at a temperature of 29.0°c. What is thevolume at 133°C? (Charles Law)





According to Charles law, the volume of a given mass of gas is directly proportional to its temperature provided that the pressure is constant. Mathematically;

[tex]\begin{gathered} v\alpha T \\ v=kT \\ k=\frac{v_1}{T_1}=\frac{v_2}{T_2} \end{gathered}[/tex]


• v1 and v2 are the ,initial and final ,volume


• T1 and T2 are the, initial and final, temperature

Given the following parameters

v1 = 8.7L

T1 = 29.0°C = 29 + 273

T1 = 302K

T2 = 133+ 273 = 406K

Substitute the given parameters into the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} v_2=\frac{v_1T_2}{T_1} \\ v_2=\frac{8.7L\times406}{302} \\ v_2=\frac{3532.2}{302} \\ v_2=11.7L \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the volume of the gas at 133°C is 11.7L

Explain the role electronegativity plays in the polarity of a molecule.


Electronegativity is the force of an atom to attract electrons to itself, and Polarity represents the distribution of electron density of a molecule.

When the atoms of a molecule have very different electronegativities, zones with different electron densities are generated, and poles are formed.

So, the role that electronegativity plays in the polariry of a molecule is very important because knowing the electronegativity of atoms we can know if a molecule is polar or nonpolar.

Allen wakes up one morning to find that all of the cortical (compact) bone in his body has been replaced by trabecular (spongy)
bone. What changes will there be in the density, strength, and flexibility of his bones?


Its thickness, hardness, and flexibility of the bones will alter, becoming less dense, stronger, and more flexible.

What type of bone is trabecular bone?

Trabecular or bone graft refers to the porous, spongy-appearing interior of bones, particularly vertebra and the ends of long bones. Compared to cortical bone, it has a larger surface area and undergoes more active remodeling.

Why is trabecular bone important?

As the primary load-bearing bone in vertebral column and the bone that transfers stress from the joints to the cancellous bone in long bones, trabecular bone's elastic behavior must be studied. Additionally, it impacts the bone structure's strength and the fracture risk.

To know more about  trabecular bone visit:


Air is not a compound because it(A) has variable composition(B) has a stoichiometry formula(C)can be purified(D) has a fixed compositiona



(A) has variable composition


Air is a mixture, but not a compound because it can be separated into different components such as oxygen, nitrogen, etc through the process of fractional distillation.

Therefore, air is not a compound because it has a variable composition.

The correct answer is (A) has variable composition

The energy of a photon that has a wavelength of 8.33 × 10^-6 m is ________ J.A) 2.20 × 10^-26 B) 3.60 × 10^13C) 2.39 × 10^-20 D) 2.7 × 10^9E) 4.5 × 10^-25


The energy of a photon can be found using the following equation:

What we're going to do is to replace the values of the constant and the value of the wavelength in the expression above. This is:

Therefore, the correct answer option is C. 2.39 × 10^-20 J.

What amount (moles) is represented by each of these samples?b. 10.0 mg NO2c. 1.5 3 1016 molecules of BF3


To find the amount represented by 1.5x10^16 molecules of BF3 we have to use Avogadro's Number. It was stated that 1 mol of any substance contains 6.022x10^3 atoms or molecules of that substance, that is what we know as Avogadro's Number:


The answer is 2.5x10^-8 moles of BF3.

Why are triple bonds shorter than single bonds?


Due to the inverse relationship between bond length and bond strength, triple bonds, which are the strongest bonds, also have the shortest bond lengths.

Why do single bonds tend to be longer than triple bonds?

The strength of the bond affects how long the bond lasts. The link will be stronger and last longer. Because they are the strongest and shortest, triple bonds. Next are double bonds, which are between single and triple bonds in terms of strength.

What produces bonds with reduced lengths?

The quantity of bound electrons determines how long the bond will be (the bond order). The attraction between the two atoms is stronger and the bond length is shorter the higher the bond order.

To know more about bonds visit:-


What part of a cell provides instructions for the processes within the cell

DNA _ Chloroplasts _ Cell wall or Glucose


The information for the cellular process is provided by DNA. DNA has genes on it, so by expressing the gene, the characteristics are expressed in the cell.


What is a gene?

Genes are present in the DNA of both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The information of the cell is present in the gene, and it is expressed by the processes of transcription and translation in the cell.

Because of differences in gene expression, different cells, such as the nerve cell, the cardiac cell, the epithelial cell contain different proteins. Not all genes are expressed in all cells of the body. Only those genes are expressed that are transcriptionally activated and make mRNA.

Hence, DNA provides the information to the cell for the cellular process.

Learn more about the gene, here


Answer the following question:Reminder R= .0821. If you have a gas at 6 Atm and 4 L, how many moles are present if the temp is 300 K?



0.975609756 mol



Pressure, P = 6 atm

Volume, V = 4 L

Temperature, T = 300 K

Molar gas constant, R = 0.082

What to find:

The moles, n present.

Step-by-step solution:

The mole, n present can be calculated using the ideal gas equation, PV = nRT

6 x 4 = n x 0.082 x 300

24 = 24.6n

Diivide both sides by 24.6

24/24.6 = 24.6n/24.6

n = 0.975609756 mol

Hence, the moles that are present = 0.975609756 mol

Finish the following equations and list whether they will occur need one product to be insoluble. CuSO4 + Na2CO3 -->



The reaction will occur.



The given chemical reaction is a double displacement reaction. In this reaction, the compoiunds will react to produce two different compounds.

The balanced form of the reaction is expressed as:

[tex]CuSO_4+Na_2CO_3\rightarrow Na_2SO_4+CuCO_3[/tex]

You can see that the reaction of cupper(II)sulphate and sodium carbonate produces sodium sulphate and copper(II)carbonate

Since most carbonate compounds are insoluble, hence the reaction will occur

2. The following mistakes were made when carrying out the experiment. What effect does each have on the
calculated molar mass? Be specific. For example, too large because...
a. Only part of the pipet was immersed in the boiling water, so the temperature in part of the pipet was less
than that of the water bath.
b. The mass of the condensed liquid was not determined quickly. Instead, the pipet was allowed to stand for
a while before immersing it in room temperature water and then massing the pipet.


The actual volume of pipet is 23.8901 mL


The formula for the density of water can be used to calculate the volume of water transferred. For which, let us first calculate the mass of water transferred by taking the difference of mass of beaker.

Initial mass of the dry beaker:

initial mass of beaker (dry) = 57.5348 g

Mass of the water:

mass of the water  = final mass of the beaker - initial mass of the beaker

mass of the  water = 81.3743 - 57.5348

mass of the water  = 23.8395 g

The density of water at 21.5°C is 0.997882 g/mL

From the above data

The above calculations show that the volume transferred by pipet is 23.8901 mL.

For more information about volume.




The equation of photosynthesis is shown in the image attached to this question.

What is photosynthesis?

The term photosynthesis has to do with a kind of reaction that helps plants to make their own food. The process involves the combination of carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight to give glucose and water only.

We know that the green plants are autotrophic thus they are able to make their own food. The process of photosynthesis produces the food that is passed along the food chain in the ecosystem.

Learn more about photosynthesis:


Predict the formula for each ionic compoundbarium sulfate:lithium nitrate :cesium sulfide:



We have the following ionic compounds:

- barium sulfate

- lithium nitrate

- cesium sulfide

And we must write their formulas


1. Barium sulfate:

To write its formula, we need to use that:

- the element symbol for Barium is Ba, and it has a charge of 2+

- in the given table, sulfate is a polyatomic ion represented by SO4, and it has a charge of 2-

Now, we must add up the charges to verify if the ionic compound is neutral


Since the compound has a net charge of zero, we can write its formula as


2. Lithium nitrate:

To write its formula, we need to use that:

- the element symbol for Lithium is Li, and it has a charge of 1+

- in the given table, nitrate is a polyatomic ion represented by NO3, and it has a charge of 1-

Now, we must add up the charges to verify if the ionic compound is neutral


Since the compound has a net charge of zero, we can write its formula as


3. Cesium sulfide:

To write its formula, we need to use that:

- the element symbol for Cesium is Cs, and it has a charge of 1+

- the element symbol for sulfide is S, and it has a charge of 2-

Now, we must add up the charges to verify if the ionic compound is neutral


Since the compound has a net different from zero, we need to analyze the compound.

So, if we have just one atom of Cs, the charge would be 1+, but if we take two atoms the charge would be 2(1+) = 2+

Now, verifying the net charge


Now, we can write its formula as



barium sulfate:


lithium nitrate :


cesium sulfide:


Give an example of heat energy out vs. heat energy in during chemical reaction


An exothermic reaction is a reaction that releases energy. One example of this type of reaction is burning gas in a gas oven.

An endothermic reaction is a reaction that absorbs energy. One example of this type of reaction is

how many litres of gas is in 8.3 mol N2O in STP


According to STP, and furthermore, we assume ideal gas conditions:

1 mol N2O = 22.4 L


1 mol N2O -------------- 22.4 L

8.3 moles N2O------------- X

X= 186 L (approx.)

Answer: 186 L

The mass number is used to calculate the numner of ____ in one atom of an element. In order to calculate the number of neutrons you must subtract the ___ from the ___


1) neutrons
2) atomic number
3) atomic mass

The half-life for the first order radioactive decay of lodine - 131 is 8.0 days. After 3 half lives, what percentage of a sample of locine-131)remains?O 50.%O 25%,O 12.5%O 1%



12.5 %.


Let's see the half-life formula:


Where N₀ is the initial amount, t is time, and h is the half-life.

We want to know what would be the percentage of a sample of iodine-131 that remains. This is the same that N(t)/N₀, so we have to replace the given data in the formula and multiply it by 100 because it is a percentage.

The half-life of iodine-131 is 8.0 days, and 3 half-lives are equal to 24 days (8.0 x 3 = 24):

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{N(t)}{N_0}=(\frac{1}{2})^{t\text{/h}}, \\ (\frac{1}{2})^{24\text{/8}}=(\frac{1}{2})^3=\frac{1}{8}=0.125. \\ We\text{ want the result in percentage, so multiplying by 100}\%,\text{ we obtain:} \\ 0.125\cdot100\%=12.5\%. \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer would be 12.5 %.

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