Order the numbers form least to greatest 99.98, 100.1, 98.89, 100.01


Answer 1

Answer: 98.89, 99.98, 100.01, 100.1

Answer 2
98.89 < 99.98 < 100.01 < 100.1

Hopes this helps!

Related Questions

15 is 20% of what numberOA 3O B. 60O C 75O D. 300




to figure out this, we can use a rule of three


let x represents the unknown value(

[tex]\begin{gathered} if \\ 15\Rightarrow20\text{ \%} \\ \text{then} \\ x\Rightarrow100\text{ \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]

make the proportion and solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{15}{20}=\frac{x}{100} \\ \text{cross multiply} \\ 15\cdot100=20\cdot x \\ 1500=20x \\ \frac{1500}{20}=x \\ 75=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

so, the answer is


I hope this helps you

please help me solve. blank I have 9 and blank 2 I have 5. blank 2 is correct but not blank 1.


We have that

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3\cdot\sqrt[]{45}=3\cdot(\sqrt[]{9\cdot5}) \\ =\text{ 3(}\sqrt[]{9}\cdot\sqrt[]{5}\text{)} \\ =\text{ 3(3 }\cdot\sqrt[]{5}) \\ =9\cdot\sqrt[]{5} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the answer is


Hi, can you help me answer this question please, thank you!



Two populations

Sample Size (n₁) = 202

Success (x₁) = 122

Sample size (n₂) = 340

Success (x₂) = 220

Find: test statistic and p-value of this sample


Based on the given data, we have two proportions here and its sample size is large. The test statistic that is appropriate for this would be Test of Two Proportions and the formula is:

[tex]z=\frac{p_1-p_2+cont\text{ }}{\sqrt[]{\frac{p(1-p)}{n_1}+\frac{p(1-p)_{}}{n_2}}}[/tex]

in which,


Let's solve the value of p first. Let's plug in the given data that we have above.


Now that we have the value of p, let's calculate p₁ and p₂. Formula is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} p_1=\frac{x_1}{n_1}=\frac{122}{202}=\frac{61}{101} \\ p_2=\frac{x_2}{n_2}=\frac{220}{340}=\frac{11}{17} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Lastly, let's calculate the value of cont or continuity correction. Formula is:

[tex]cont=\frac{F}{2}(\frac{1}{n_1}+\frac{1}{n_2})\text{ }[/tex]

For our claim p₁ < p₂, our F = 1.


Let's plug these values to the test of two proportions formula:

[tex]\begin{gathered} z=\frac{p_1-p_2+cont\text{ }}{\sqrt[]{\frac{p(1-p)}{n_1}+\frac{p(1-p)_{}}{n_2}}} \\ z=\frac{\frac{61}{101}-\frac{11}{17}+0.0039458}{\sqrt[]{\frac{\frac{171}{271}(1-\frac{171}{271})}{202}+\frac{\frac{171}{271}(1-\frac{171}{271})_{}}{340}}} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]z=\frac{-0.03915259}{\sqrt[]{\frac{0.2328399668}{202}+\frac{0.2328399668}{340}}}=\frac{-0.03915259}{0.04286603008}\approx-0.913[/tex]

Hence, the test statistic is -0.913.

The equivalent p-value for this is 0.1805.

The p-value is greater than α = 0.05.

Since p-value is greater than α, we fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Directoins: consider the leading coefficient of each polynomial function. what is the end behavior of the graph? can check using graphing calculator or Desmos.10. F(x) = 4×over 3 - 3x



We can find the degree of a polynomial by identifying the highest power of the variable that occurs in the polynomial. The term with the highest degree is called the leading term because it is usually written first. The coefficient of the leading term is called the leading coefficient.

From the function

[tex]f(x)=4x^3\text{ - 3x}[/tex]


The leading coefficient = 4

The degree = 3

Next, the end behavior of the function

The end behavior of a polynomial function is the behavior of the graph of f(x) as x approaches positive infinity or negative infinity. So, the sign of the leading coefficient is sufficient to predict the end behavior of the function.


As x tends to positive infinity, f(x) tend to positive infinity

As x tends to negative infinity, f(x) tend to positive infinity

11. Write ____ as a single radical using the smallest possible root.





The given expression is


To simplify, we first need to write them in exponent form

[tex]n^{\frac{5}{2}}\cdot n^{\frac{4}{3}}[/tex]

Now, we can add the exponents

[tex]\begin{gathered} n^{\frac{5}{2}}\cdot n^{\frac{4}{3}}=n^{\frac{5}{2}+\frac{4}{3}}=n^{\frac{23}{6}} \\ \\ Because \\ \frac{5}{2}+\frac{4}{3}=\frac{5(3)+2(4)}{2(3)}=\frac{15+8}{6}=\frac{23}{6} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, we can write the expression in radical form


Therefore, the answer is


3. A business account was opened with $225,000earning 6.25% interest compounded yearly. Whatis the balance in the account after 3 years? Howmuch interest is earned after 3 years?



Balance = 269,897.15

Interest earned 44,879.15


The compound interest formula is


where P is the principal amount, is the interest rate, and t is the time interval.

Now in our case, we have

P = $225,000

r = 6.25%/100

t = 3 years

therefore, the final amount is


which is the balance earned in 3 years.

The interest earned is the final amount minus the initial amount

[tex]\begin{gathered} I=A-P \\ I=\$269,879.15-\$225,000 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\boxed{I=\$44,879.15}[/tex]

which is the interest earned in 3 years.

8 pounds of bananas cost $24. How much would 31 pounds cost


31 pounds cost $93


you can easily solve this by using a rule of three.

Step 1

Let x represents the cost for 31 pounds,the proportion is



[tex]\begin{gathered} 24\text{ usd}\rightarrow8\text{ Pounds} \\ \text{the proportion must be the same, then} \\ \frac{24}{8}=\frac{x}{31} \\ 3=\frac{x}{31} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2

solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3=\frac{x}{31} \\ x=3\cdot31 \\ x=93 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, 31 pounds cost $93

I hope this helps you

What is the volume of the triangular prism?3.2 cm length 6 cm height5.4 cm width A: 8.64 cmB: 17.28 cmC: 51.84 cmD: 103.68 cm


The volume of a prism can be calculated by multiplying the area of the base of the prism times its height:

[tex]V=A\cdot h[/tex]

On the other hand, the area of the base of a triangle can be found by multiplying 1/2 times its base times its height (don't confuse the height of the triangle with the height of the prism):

[tex]A=\frac{1}{2}b\times h[/tex]

Substitute the values for the base of the triangle and its height to find the area of the base. Then, substitute the result for the area and the value of the height of the prism to find the volume of the triangular prism.

If the base of the triangle has a length of 5.4cm, and its height is 3.2cm, then:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{1}{2}\times5.4\operatorname{cm}\times3.2\operatorname{cm} \\ =8.64cm^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

If the height of the prism is 6cm, then its volume is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=8.64cm^2\times6\operatorname{cm} \\ =51.84cm^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the volume of the triangular prism, is:


Keishas teacher gives her the following information: • m,n,p, and q are all integers and p =/ 0 and q =/ 0 • A= m/q and B = n/pAnswer: A+B = mp + nq / pq, so the sum of a rational number and an irrational number is an irrational number A•B = mp + nq / pq, so the product of two rational number is a rational number A + B = mp + nq / pq, so the sum of two rational number is a rational number. A•B = mp + nq / pq , so the product of two irrational number is an irrational number


Let A and B be the following fractions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\frac{m}{q} \\ B=\frac{n}{p} \\ p,q\ne0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

if we add A and B, we get:


therefore, the sum of two rational numbers is a rational number

Select the correct answer.What is the domain of the function f(x) = x + 3x + 5?A. all whole numbersB. all positive real numbersC. all integersD. all real numbersRasatWats the answer


The given function is:


The domain is the set of all x-values for which the function is defined.

We can observe in this function, we don't have any restrictions on the domain, since the function is defined for any real number.

So, the domain is all real numbers.

Answer: D.

IF LA = LB and LB = LC, then LA = LC. What property has been illustrated? a. Transitive b. Substitutionc. Distributived. Reflexive


The transitive property states that if x = y and y = z, then x = z

Considering the given scenario, IF LA = LB and LB = LC, then LA = LC, by comparing this statement with the earlier statement, we can see that

LA = x

LB = y

LC = z

Thus, the property being illustrated is

a. Transitive

What is the correct answer to 9+(-3)= ?


To solve the question given, we will follow the steps below:

Open the parenthesis


= 9 - 3


The correct answer is 6

Solve the equation. -2/3 (x - 7) = 1/6 (x + 1) - 3




Solving it,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-2}{3}x+\frac{14}{3}=\frac{x}{6}+\frac{1}{6}-3 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solving further,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-2}{3}x-\frac{x}{6}=\frac{1}{6}-3-\frac{14}{3} \\ \frac{-4x-x}{6}=\frac{1-18-28}{6} \\ \frac{-5x}{6}=\frac{-45}{6} \\ -5x=-45 \\ x=\frac{45}{5} \\ x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the value of x = 9

latethe average rate of change from x = -21 of the function below.x2²+5x-12find the change in y by evaluating theon at-2 and 1:✓mange in y isREF




The given function is:


At x = -2:

f(-2) = (-2)² + 5(-2) - 12

f(-2) = 4 - 10 - 12

f(-2) = -18

At x = 1

f(1) = (1)² + 5(1) - 12

f(1) = 1 + 5 - 12

f(1) = -6

The change in y = f(1) - f(-2)

The change in y = -6 - (-18)

The change in y = -6 + 18

The change in y = 12

Really need help solving this, having trouble with it. It is trigonometry and it is from my online ACT prep guide



For this case we have the following:

Statement True False

sin (60º)= sqrt(3)/2 X

cot (pi)= 1 X

cos (-240º)= 1/2 X

csc(3pi/4)= sqrt(2)/2 X

The point (7,-2) is a point on the graph of y=f(x)B) write the function that would shift (7,-2) right 3 then up 4


B) We have to find a function that would shift (7,-2) 3 units to the right and 4 units up.

To move a function in the horizontal axis, we have to add or substract the numbers of units in the argument:

f(x-k) will translate f(x) "k" units to the right. If "k" is negative, the function will be translated "k" units to the left.

Then, if we need to translate the point 3 units to the right, f(x) should have an argument of (x-3).

If we have to translate it in the vertical axis, we just add or substract outside f(x).

For example, f(x)+h will translate f(x) "h" units up. If "h" is negative, it will be translated down.

In this case, as we have to translate the function 4 units up, we add 4 outside of f(x).

Combining the two translations, we get:



B) The function that translates the function 3 units right and 4 units up is y = f(x-3)+4.

x - y + z = - 3x - y - z = - 35x - 5y + z = - 15Solution: _, _, _


Given -

x - y + z = -3

x - y - z = -3

5x - 5y + z = -15

To Find -

Solution =?

Step-by-Step Explanation -

x - y + z = -3 ........(1)

x - y - z = -3 ..........(2)

5x - 5y + z = -15 .........(3)

So, from equation 1:

z = -3 -x + y

Now, put the value of z in equation 2 and 3:

x - y - (-3 -x + y) = -3

2x - 2y = -6

x - y = -3 ........(4)

5x - 5y + (-3 -x + y) = -15

4x - 4y = -12

x - y = -3 ......(5)

Now, on subtracting equations (5) and (6):

x - y -(x - y) = -3 - (-3)

x - x + y - y = 3 - 3

0 = 0

So, The System of equations has infinitely many solutions

Final Answer -

Solution: infinitely many solutions

What would be the angles for K, J, and L?


The given is a triangle. As we know that the sum of all the interior angles in a triangle is 180 degrees, we have,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6x-5+x+8+2x-3=180 \\ 9x=180 \\ x=\frac{180}{9}=20 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the angles can be calculated as,

[tex]\begin{gathered} K=6\times20-5=115 \\ J=20+8=28 \\ L=2\times20-3=37 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Sally can paint a room in 4 hours while it takes Steve 8 hours to paint the same room. How long would it take them to paint the room if they worked together?


Sally paints a room in 4 hours, so in 1 hour she paints 1/4 of a room.

Steve paints a room in 8 hours, so in 1 hour she paints 1/8 of a room.


1 hour -----> 1/4 + 1/8 of a room

x hour -----> 1 of a room

solving a tax rate or interest rate problem using a system ofDonna bought a desktop computer and a laptop computer. Before finance charges, the laptop cost $150 more than the desktop. She paid for the computersusing two different financing plans. For the desktop the interest rate was 7% per year, and for the laptop it was 9.5% per year. The total finance charges forone year were S303. How much did each computer cost before finance charges?Note that the ALEKS graphing calculator can be used to make computations easier.



Cost of desktop = $1750

Cost of laptop = $1900


Let the price of the desktop computer be x

Let the price of laptop computer be y

Laptop cost $150 more than desktop

Therefore, the cost of laptop y is given mathematically below

y= x + 150 ------------ equation 1

The interest rate of laptop is 9.5%

The interest rate of desktop is 7%

A sum of $303 was paid for the total financial charges

This statement can be represented mathematically as

0.07x + 0.095y = 303 ------------------ equation 2

Combine the two system of equations together and solve simultaneously

y = x + 150 ------------ equation 1

0.07x + 0.095y = 303 ---equation 2

Substitute the value of y in equation 2

0.07x + 0.095(x + 150 ) = 303

Open the parentheses

0.07x + 0.095x + 14.25 = 303

Collect the like terms

0.07x + 0.095x = 303 - 14.25

0.165x = 288.75

Divide both sides by 0.165

0.165x / 0.165 = 288.75 / 0.165

x = $1750

Find y

Since y = x + 150

x = 1750

y = 1750 + 150

y = $1900

Therefore, the cost of a desktop is $1750 and the cost of a laptop is $1900Answer

Beth had 1/3 hour to get ready for work.She spent 1/5 hour putting on makeup.How much time does Beth have left?Give your answer in simplest form.1 hourEnter


To find how much time Beth has left, substract the time she spends on make up to the time she had to get ready.

This means that you have to substract 1/5 hour, which is the time she spends in make up, to 1/3 hour which is the time she has to get ready. This is: 1/3-1/5.

Imagine that you spent certain time on doing any activity, then you have to substract that time you spent from the time you had to do all your activities and duties. That is exactly what happened with Beth, she had 1/3 hour, but she spent 1/5 on make up, she needs to substract that 1/5 hour spent to the total time she had to know how much time she has left.

This will be a substraction of not similar fractions, you solve it this way:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{3}-\frac{1}{5} \\ =\frac{1\cdot5-1\cdot3}{3\cdot5} \\ =\frac{5-3}{15} \\ =\frac{2}{15} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, she has 2/15 hours left.

What are the intercepts of the equation 18x - 9y + 3z = 18?1. (1, 0, 0), (0, 2, 0), (0, 0, 6)2.(1, 0, 0), (0, -2, 0), (0, 0, 6)3.(6, 0, 0), (0, 3, 0), (0, 0, 1)4.(6, 0, 0), (0, -3, 0), (0, 0, 1)



Given the question in the image, the following are the solution steps to answer the question.

STEP 1: Write the given equation


To get the intercepts, we pick a point and equate the others to zero and then solve for the point.

STEP 2: Get the values of x when y and z are zeroes

[tex]\begin{gathered} 18x-9y+3z=1,z) \\ 18x-9(0)+3(0)=18 \\ 18x-0+0=18,18x=18 \\ Divide\text{ both sides by 18} \\ \frac{18x}{18}=\frac{18}{18} \\ x=1 \\ (x,y,z)\Rightarrow(1,0,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]

STEP 3: Get the values of y when x and z are zeroes

[tex]\begin{gathered} 18x-9y+3z=18_{} \\ \text{Let x and z be 0} \\ 18(0)-9y+3(0)=18 \\ 0-9y+0=18 \\ -9y=18 \\ Divide\text{ both sides by -9} \\ \frac{-9y}{-9}=\frac{18}{-9} \\ y=-2 \\ (x,y,z)\Rightarrow(0,-2,0) \end{gathered}[/tex]

STEP 4: Get the value of z when x and y are zeroes

[tex]\begin{gathered} 18x-9y+3z=18_{} \\ \text{Let x and y be 0} \\ 18(0)-9(0)+3z=18 \\ 3z=18 \\ Divide\text{ both sides by 3} \\ \frac{3z}{3}=\frac{18}{3} \\ z=6 \\ (x,y,z)\Rightarrow(0,0,6) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the intercepts are:


Are The Ratios 1:2 and 18:16 equivalent?


The ratios given are;

1: 2 and 18: 16

To know it the ratios are equivalent , simplify the second pair until you can nologer express it in its simplest form then compare it with the he

at 3:00 the temperature is 8°C the temperature increases 2 degrees each hour for the next 3 hours. what is the temperature at 6:00?


We know that at 3:00 the temperature is 8°C, and the temperature increases 2°C each hour for the next 3 hours.

This means that after 3 hours, the temperature will increase:


Thus, the temperature at 6:00 will be:


Label each point on the number line with the correct value


By converting fraction to decimal, it is obtained that

a =  [tex]-\frac{7}{3}[/tex]

b = [tex]-2\frac{5}{8}[/tex]

c = -2.9

What is decimal and fraction?

Suppose there is a collection and a part of collection has to be taken. The part which is taken is called fraction. The upper part of the fraction is the numerator and the lower part of the fraction is the denominator.

Decimal numbers are those numbers which consist of an integer part and a fractional part.

Decimal are of two types-

Terminating decimals are those decimals which has finite number of figures after decimal point

Non terminating decimals are those decimals which has infinite number of figures after decimal point.

Here, the fraction needs to be converted to decimal

[tex]-\frac{7}{3} =[/tex] -2.33 which lies between -2 and -2.5. So Point c is [tex]-\frac{7}{3}[/tex]

[tex]-2\frac{5}{8} =[/tex]  -2.625 which lies between -2.5 and -2.9. So point b is [tex]-2\frac{5}{8}[/tex]

Point a is -2.9

To learn more about decimal and fraction, refer to the link -



Click an item in the list or group of pictures at the bottom of the problem and, holding the button down, drag it into the correct position in the answer box. Release your mouse button when the item is place. If you change your mind, drag the item to the trashcan. Click the trashcan to clear all your answers. Click on an item at the bottom of the problem. Click again to drop each statement in the appropriate spot in the flow chart for adding fractions.


Let's say we want to add 1/2 and 1/3. Since they both have different denominators, first we find the LCD:


Now that we have the LCD, we express the fractions with a common denominator:


Now that we have both fractions with the same denominator, we can add directly the numerators and keep the denominator:


We have that 1/2+1/3=5/6. Since 5/6 can't be reduced anymore, we have found the result.

To summarize, the algorithm to solve addition of fraction would be like this:

7. Triangle MNQ is similar to triangle MOP. N 30 cm 9 cm M 0 12 cm P M M 24 cm Find the length of NQ. O A. 9.6 cm O B. 15 cm O C. 60 cm O D. 22.5 cm Please help!!! :( It is due today !!!


If the triangles MNQ and MOP are similar, then you know that the corresponding sides are at the same ratio. Because of this property, we can determine that:


We know the measure of the corresponding sides MQ=12cm and MO=24cm, and the measure of the corresponding side to NQ, using these measures we can calculate NQ as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{MQ}{MO}=\frac{NQ}{OP} \\ \frac{12}{24}=\frac{x}{30} \\ 30(\frac{12}{24})=x \\ x=15 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Side NQ measures 15 cm

The correct option is B.

A store sells packages of candy for $52. Each packet cost $4 to make and contains $48 flavored gum and candy.Rolando knows how much each candy cost per pound and knows how many pounds of each candy are packed in each package. Let x represent the amount of gum per pound in each package and y represent the amount of candy per pound in each package.Use the following equation to complete the questions: x+y=180.75x+5.25y+4=52how many pounds of candy are in a box?what is the price per pound for a piece of candy?what does the term 0.75x represents in the second equation?



x be the amount of gum in pounds in each package.

y be the amount of candy in pounds in each package.

Each box or package cost $52: a packaging that cost $4 and $48 in gum and candy.

The amount of candy (in pounds) in each package is shown in the equation:


As this is the sum of the amount of gum x and the amount of candy y, we can say that each package has 18 pounds of candy and gum.

Then, the following equation,


seems to be the total cost, as it results in 52, that is the total cost of the box. There is also a term with value 4, that corresponds to the packaginf cost.

The other terms represent the cost of the gum (0.75 * x) and the candy (5.25 * y).

We can read from this equation that the price per pound of the gum is 0.75, because it is the factor that multiply the amount x to calculate the cost.

In the same way, we can say that 5.25 is the price per pound of the candy, as it is the factor that multiplies y.


How many pounds of candy are in a box? 18 pounds

What is the price per pound for a piece of candy? 5.25 $/lb

What does the term 0.75x represents in the second equation?​ The second equation represents the sum of all the costs (gum, candy and packaging cost). The term 0.75x represents the cost of the gum, as it multiplies the price of the gum per pound (0.74 $/lb) and the amount of gum (x, in lb/package).

could I get an explanation on what the answers are and why?


a) Given:


It is of the form, y=mx+c.

Comparing we get, m=-1. That is a negative slope.

So, the answer is

Line with a negative slope.

b) Given:


Since the quadratic function and its sign of the leading term is negative.

So, the answer is,

Parabola oppening down.

C) Given:


It is of the form, y=c.

Comparing we get, the y-intercept is c=3. It is parallel to the x-axis.

So, the answer is,

Horizontal line.

help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me help me



Three numbers are 42, 90 and 144.


What is the highest common factor


We know the factors of 42

Answer:  42, 90 and 144.

Step-by-step explanation:

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