Order the following events chronologically from 1 to 10. The first one is "Reverend Parris discovers the girls dancing in the woods."

Question 11 options:

Reverend Hale examines Betty.

Reverend hale visits the Proctor household.

John Proctor forces Mary Warren to tell the court the truth about the poppet.

Reverend Hale quits the court.

Reverend Parris discovers the girls dancing in the woods.

The Proctor's learn of Abigail's claim that Elizabeth Proctor's spirit stabbed her with a needle

John admits to adultery in open court.

John Proctor tears his confession.

Abigail Williams and Mercy Lewis leave town.

John Proctor confesses to save his life.


Answer 1

We can see here that ordering the events chronologically, we have:

1. Reverend Parris discovers the girls dancing in the woods.

2. Reverend Hale examines Betty.

3. Reverend hale visits the Proctor household.

4. The Proctor's learn of Abigail's claim that Elizabeth Proctor's spirit stabbed her with a needle.

5. John Proctor forces Mary Warren to tell the court the truth about the poppet.

6. John admits to adultery in open court.

7. Reverend Hale quits the court.

8. Abigail Williams and Mercy Lewis leave town.

9.  John Proctor confesses to save his life.

10. John Proctor tears his confession.

What is chronological order?

Chronological order is actually known to be an arrangement of events and occurrences in the order in which they occurred. In other words, it refers to the arrangement of events from the first to the last event that took place.

We see here that the above gives us the order of events that took place in The Crucible.

Learn more about chronological order on https://brainly.com/question/26719078


Related Questions

Add commas to them when needed. If the sentences do not need a comma write (No comma) at the end of the sentence.

1.When life gives you lemons make lemonade.

2.During the tornado the family hid in the bunker.

3.Once upon a time there was a lovely princess.

4.By the water the frogs sit and wait.

5.The frogs sit by the water and wait.

6.Around midnight every night I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

7.Around midnight I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

8.In the early evening there's a beautiful sound that can be heard from the deck of a ship.

9.Down by the sea in the early morning after breakfast is a good time to find beached jellyfish.

10.Without hesitation she waited patiently.



1. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

2. During the tornado, the family hid in the bunker.

3. Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess.

4. By the water, the frogs sit and wait

5. The frogs sit by the water and wait. (no comma)

6. Around midnight every night, I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

7. Around midnight, I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

8. In the early evening, there's a beautiful sound that can be heard from the deck of a ship

9. Down by the sea, in the early morning after breakfast, is a good time to find beached jellyfish.

10. Without hesitation, she waited patiently.


I hope this helps!



1.) When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

2.) During the tornado, the family hid in the bunker.

3.) Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess.

4.) By the water, the frogs sit and wait.

5.) The frogs sit by the water and wait. (No comma is needed)

6.) Around midnight, every night, I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

7.) Around midnight, I transform into a terrible monster that terrorizes the town.

8.) In the early evening, there's a beautiful sound that can be heard from the deck of a ship.

9.) Down by the sea, in the early morning after breakfast, is a good time to find beached jellyfish.

10.) Without hesitation, she waited patiently.

. . • ☆ . ° . • °: . * ₊ ° . ☆

I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^


To what extent is Ready Player One an example of American dystopian literature?



Ready player one is set in a dystopian society. Some characteristics of the dystopian society that Wade lives in are the poverty and the amount of homeless people in the streets. It is also a form of dystopian because they are practically trying to find a way to save the world through virtual means. And finally, the last example would be because the world is completely destroyed and in ruins and the government is trying to fix things, but they really cannot which is literally such an original dystopian theme.


May I have Brainliest please? I am so close to getting my next ranking! I just need 2 more for it! I would really appreciate it, and it would make my day! Thank you so much, and have a wonderful rest of your day!

Which line best illustrates the author's intent to show mr. phillips's ambivalence to anne's feelings? anne could run like a deer, however; run she did with the impish result that she overtook the boys at the door and was swept into the schoolhouse among them just as mr. phillips was in the act of hanging up his hat. mr. phillips's brief reforming energy was over; he didn't want the bother of punishing a dozen pupils; but it was necessary to do something to save his word, so he looked about for a scapegoat and found it in anne, who had dropped into her seat, gasping for breath, with a forgotten lily wreath hanging askew over one ear and giving her a particularly rakish and disheveled appearance. 'i assure you i did'â€"still with the sarcastic inflection which all the children, and anne especially, hated. it flicked on the raw. 'obey me at once.' when mr. phillips called the history class out anne should have gone, but anne did not move, and mr. phillips, who had been writing some verses 'to priscilla' before he called the class, was thinking about an obstinate rhyme still and never missed her.


The ambivalence of Mr. Phillips with Anne's feelings is illustrated in the line "When mr. phillips called the history class out anne should have gone, but anne did not move, and mr. phillips, who had been writing some verses 'to priscilla' before he called the class, was thinking about an obstinate rhyme still and never missed her. "

Why Mr. Is Phillips ambivalent about Anne?Because he behaves in a contradictory way.Because he doesn't understand Anne.Because he feels awkward about Anne.

Ambivalence is a term that explains the existence of contradictory feelings that are felt and expressed at the same time, leaving everyone involved confused.

It is possible to see that Mr. Philips is ambivalent about Anne's feelings because when she refused to attend a class he got angry and punished her, but when she refused a second time, he acted as if nothing had happened.

Learn more about Mr. Phillips:



Answer: D. "When Mr. Phillips called the history class out Anne should have gone, but Anne did not move, and Mr. Phillips, who had been writing some verses 'To Priscilla' before he called the class, was thinking about an obstinate rhyme still and never missed her."

Explanation: I took the test and got it correct.

Which element of style do authors use when they vary sentence structures in a piece of writing?


The element of style that authors use when they vary sentence structures in a piece of writing is called: Syntax.

What is syntax?

The syntax is an element of style that points to the order of text in a piece of writing. The author of a text may choose to vary the ways in which his information is ordered to allow for more fluency and appreciation of the content of a text.

If the syntax of the text is varied, this will enhance the structure of the text and also help to prevent monotony as the reader consumes the pieces of information in the write-up. Syntax and diction are all critical elements that impact a piece of writing.

Learn more about syntax here:



Answer:Which element of style do authors use when they vary sentence structures in a piece of writing?

Explanation: syntax

How does the characterization of fortunato affect the plot of the story? group of answer choices fortunato's kindness leads him to treat montresor with respect and friendliness. Fortunato's pride drives him to prove he is a better judge of wine than luchesi. Fortunato's status makes him feel that he is entitled to the amontillado. Fortunato's pugnacity inspires him to provoke montresor.


The characterization of Fortunato affect the plot of the story is option b. Fortunato's pride makes him to prove he is a better judge of alcohol than luchesi.

Fortunato's pride him to prove he is a better judge of alcohol than luchesi as  Fortunato's eccentric nature, fondness for alcohol , and getting influence the flow of the plot. Because of Fortunato's , the narrator's secret scheme of vengeance to Fortunato is successfully laid out. He solely concentrates on the narrator's temptation, especially the bait, since he adores alcohol .

Read more about fortunato :



Select the correct answer. Which sentence is correctly hyphenated?
A. She decided to take a long winding road
B. A tall dark man approached the entrance with determination





Generally, you need the hyphen only if the two or more words are functioning together as an adjective before the noun they're describing. If the noun comes first, leave the hyphen out.

Acupressure is a healing art developed in China over five thousand years ago. Acupressurists believe that emotional imbalance causes pain, and that in many cases, pain is the body’s response to unresolved issues and events. By putting intense and focused pressure on a tight muscle, practitioners are able to release underlying pressure and tension. In addition to easing pain, some say it is it effective in relieving stress and helping people gain a better understanding of their own bodies.

Here’s what one patient wrote after his first acupressure treatment:

I had pain and a limited range of motion in my left shoulder for two years. The pain was sharp, stabbing, and on a scale of pain was ten out of ten. It was impossible to lift my left arm, and at night my arm would just ache even while I was in bed. I tried medications and was even considering surgery. I began to feel improvement in my shoulder pain and had an increase in the range of motion in my arm seconds after getting the acupressure treatment. Even now, nine days later, my shoulder still feels much better. I’m so happy that I have less pain.

Which of the options below is the most effective conclusion to the essay?

To sum up, acupressure is a type of treatment invented in China. It applies pressure to tense muscles to relieve pain, cure tension, and make people feel more comfortable with their body. It might not work for everyone but some people say it has helped them regain motion.

Western medicine can’t always cure pain. Many Americans report great results for pain and stress relief from acupressure. For people struggling with these conditions, acupressure might be a surprisingly effective answer to their problems.

Before trying acupressure, the patient found it hard to shower, change his clothes, eat, reach for his wallet, close the car door, or even pet the dog. Afterwards, he was able to do these everyday tasks. It seems that acupressure can be help people who haven’t found relief from traditional western medicine.

Western doctors only want to sell you pills and keep you coming back for more. Acupressure proves you don’t need drugs, you only need to listen to your body.


The correct answer is the first option which is the most effective conclusion to the essay.

Acupressure is a type of treatment which is invented in China. It applies pressure to tense muscles to relieve pain, cure tension, and make people feel more comfortable with their body. It might not prove helpful to everyone but has helped some people to regain motion.

Acupressure is a healing art. It was developed in China. The experts in doing acupressure believe that emotional imbalance causes pain. This pain is considered as the body’s response to unresolved issues.

The experts release underlying pressure and tension by putting intense  pressure on a tight muscle. It helps in relieving pain and stress. It helps people in giving them a better understanding of their own bodies.

To know more about Acupressure here



5. How many people serve on the Supreme Court at one time?
5. What title does the "head" judge on the Supreme Court have?


9 people and Chief Justice

acrid means:
O deterrent
O sulfurous
O overdue
O malcontent





it just is.

At the end of november, "upon a raw and foggy night, on either side of a blazing fire in [their] sitting room in baker street," what are holmes and watson discussing?



discussing about Christmas

Aspiring and foundation in one sentence


An aspiring young entrepreneur decided to start a foundation to help all the needy.

Read this excerpt from "The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes.”

I'm only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this earth would be!

Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that

money spent on war is money well spent.
peace costs more than war and poverty.
more money would help solve the problem of poverty.
the Earth would be a perfect place without war.



More money would help solve the problem of poverty


In the excerpt it say that "I'm only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty" telling us that she thinks that the money would have been better spent on trying to end poverty. Good luck!

Reflect on a difficult ethical situation from your own life. What made the situation ethical?


Answer:  An ethical situation on which I dealt with was in a doctors office. They asked if I was going to be getting a flu shot in which I was not willing to get. Instead of abiding my wishes they administered the medicine. The nature was contradicting against the clinics morals in which they state the right to refuse services  

Please answer as soon as possible !!!!!

A. A presidential election, for example, is a subject. Most everyone has an opinion on that can be shared with others.

B. Weather, a bee, politics, or the weather there are many topics, acquaintances, or coworkers can express an opinion about.

C. A topic like the weather, however, can be boring because it is so often the subject of small talk.

D. It may be risky to strike up a conversation about politics, but the weather is something most everyone can safely discuss


I suppose that it's far both B or D however I am leaning toward D as it talks approximately it reaping rewards your intellectual fitness and moving into a controversy could now no longer advantage it.

The required details for Mental fitness in given paragraph

Mental fitness consists of our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It impacts how we suppose, feel, and act. It additionally allows decide how we cope with stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental fitness is vital at each degree of life, from formative years and formative years via adulthood. Over the direction of your life, in case you enjoy intellectual fitness problems, your thinking, mood, and conduct will be affected. Many elements make a contribution to intellectual fitness problems, including:

Biological elements, including genes or mind chemistry

Life experiences, including trauma or abuse

Family records of intellectual fitness problems.

To know about Mental fitness click here



What did Nazi Antisemitism in Germany call for and who led it?


During the economic depression of the 1930s, the Nazi party gained popularity by portraying "Jews" as the cause of many political, social, economic and ethical problems facing the German people.

To do this, the Nazis used racist and outdated social, economic and religious images . After seizing power they continued to use the same means to gain legitimacy.

Inspired by Adolf Hitler's theory of racial struggle and the Jewish "intent" to survive and expand at the expense of Germans, the Nazis, as the ruling party, ordered an anti-Semitic boycott and burned books. and enacted anti-Semitic laws. 1933-1938. In 1935, the Nuremberg Laws defined Jews by race and mandated a complete separation between "Aryans" and "non-Aryans." On November 9, 1938, the Nazis destroyed synagogues and Jewish shop windows throughout Germany and Austria (Kristallnacht). These measures were intended to legally and socially separate Jews from Germans and Austrians.

Kristallnacht, the start of World War II in 1939, and the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 marked the transition to an era of destruction in which genocide became central to Nazi anti-Semitism. In order to justify the murder of Jews against both German and European perpetrators and bystanders, the Nazis used not only racist arguments, but also called Jews communist subverts, war profiteers. as hoarders and domestic security due to their inherent disloyalty and opposition to Germany.

Hence, the answer is during the economic depression of the 1930s, the Nazi party gained popularity by portraying "Jews" as the cause of many political, social, economic and ethical problems facing the German people.

To learn more about Nazi Antisemitism, click https://brainly.com/question/23388262


Please answer.

Read this excerpt from "The Gift of the Magi."

There was no other like it in any of the stores, and she had turned all of them inside out. It was a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation—as all good things should do. It was even worthy of The Watch. As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jim’s. It was like him. Quietness and value—the description applied to both.

The theme conveyed in this excerpt is that __________ is more important than __________.

Response 1: Price, Quality, Ornateness.

Response 2: Value, Function, Appearance.


The theme conveyed in this excerpt is that Value, Function is more important than Appearance. The correct option is appearance is response 2.

What is "The Gift of the Magi"?

The wife learns the night before Christmas that she didn't have enough money to buy her husband a gift. She went to a hair salon and sold her long hair there for $20.

She received a set of decorative combs as a gift from her spouse. To buy her the comb, he sold the watch. Their behavior was a clear indication of their love for one another.

Therefore, the correct option is appearance is response 2. Value, Function, Appearance.

To learn more about "The Gift of the Magi", refer to the link:



Read the conversation.

CHAIRMAN REED. I’d like to call this meeting to order. Mr. Hollembeak, your willingness to meet with us today speaks to your openness and integrity in this investigation. I am looking forward to an honest and candid discussion. Members of the committee, please remember that we will reconvene in a closed session at 2 p.m. today to take a vote. Please hold your comments and questions until each statement has been read. Mrs. Louis, please begin.

MRS. LOUIS. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I begin by referring to my colleague’s November 22nd testimony that the files being discussed were not properly encrypted and that their security may have been compromised. Were you aware of this at the time?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. I was not aware. Based on the findings of an internal review board that I established after my appointment in 2016, I concluded that my department’s security protocol was up to date.

MRS. LOUIS. I understand that you released a report of your findings on February 15th of last year. Am I correct?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. You are correct.

CHAIRMAN REED. Do you have a copy of this report with you, Mr. Hollembeak?

MR. HOLLEMBEAK. I do. I have it here.

CHAIRMAN REED. Submitted for the record, Mr. Hollembeak’s security report, dated February 15, 2016.

How is Mr. Hollembeak demonstrating appropriate behavior for participating in this discussion? Select three options.

A.) He has come prepared for the discussion.
B.) He is following protocol for the discussion.
C.) He is offering to support his point of view with further details.
D.) He is withholding his questions until the end of the discussion.
E.) He is using casual, accessible language that is appropriate for the discussion.


A is the awnser I got it right on my tes

Which sentence uses the most appropriate tone for a formal speech?
• A. Kids who play video games always end up going crazy.
• B. Kids who play video games are all lazy.
• C. Video games need to be monitored by parents.
• D. Video games are destroying kids' brains.


C. Video games need to be monitored by parents.
A and B both use informal vocabulary words: “crazy” and “lazy”.
D is overdramatic and exaggerates the real issue, and thus is inappropriate for a formal occasion.
C is the only one that uses formal language and a formal manner.

what problem has the gentlewoman reported about lady macbeth to the doctor? why do you think she refused to tell the doctor what lady macbeth has said?


The gentlewoman has reported Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking or writing notes while asleep to the doctor.

The gentlewoman refused to tell the doctor what Lady Macbeth has said because Lady Macbeth spoke about the murders of King Duncan, Banquo, and Macduff's family in her sleep.

What does Act 5 Scene 1 of Macbeth tell about?

Аs the scene opens, the doctor is complаining "I hаve two nights wаtched with you, but cаn perceive no truth in your report". To "wаtch" meаns to stаy up аt night, which the doctor hаs done, but without seeing аnything. The gentlewomаn insists thаt ever "Since his mаjesty went into the field", "she" hаs often risen from her bed, gone through the motions of writing а letter аnd prepаring it to be sent, then returned to bed, аll while fаst аsleep. Thаt Mаcbeth "went into the field" meаns thаt he is with his аrmy, so perhаps Lady Macbeth is dreаming thаt she is writing to her husbаnd.

The doctor comments thаt there must be something seriously wrong, аnd thаt the sleepwаlking will only mаke it worse, then he аsks whаt the lаdy hаs sаid. The gentlewomаn refuses to tell. The doctor sаys thаt it's okаy to tell him, but the gentlewomаn still refuses, "hаving no witness to confirm my speech". Without а witness to confirm thаt Lаdy Mаcbeth did indeed sаy whаt the gentlewomаn heаrd, the dаnger would be too greаt.

For more information about Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1 refer to the link:



Which is true about the scene?


Mercutio uses puns to make fun of Nurses appearance is true about the scene

How is Mercutio described Scene 4?

Mercutio also delivers his largely imaginative Queen Mab speech in which he describes how the puck delivers dreams to humans as they sleep. With this night's ploys. Mercutio acts in discrepancy to the lovestruck Romeo and the peaceful Benvolio — he's a facetious and quick- tempered unbeliever.

How does Mercutio depict Tybalt in Scene 4?

He describes Tybalt as a conqueror swordsman, impeccably proper and composed in style. According to Mercutio, still, Tybalt is also a vain, affected “ fashionmonger ”. Mercutio disdains all that Tybalt stands for.

The question is incomplete. Missing part is given below:

Read the lines from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.

Enter Nurse and PETER.

Mercutio: A sail, a sail!

Benvolio: Two, two; a shirt and a smock.

Nurse: Peter!

Peter: Anon!

Nurse: My fan, Peter.

Mercutio: Good Peter, to hide her face; for her fan's the fairer face.

Learn more about Romeo and Juliet act:



select 2 prepositional phrases. valerias thoughtful first-person essay about her maternal grandparents deserves and honerable mention in the personal- narrative competition.


The adjectives maternal and paternal show whether the relationship is through the person's mother or father when they are used with familial titles like the grandfather.

What is the relationship?

The phrase "in a relationship" refers to a committed, long-term romantic relationship when used in the context of couples. When two or more individuals decide to stay together for the foreseeable future, that relationship is said to be committed.

The adjectives maternal and paternal show whether the relationship is through the person's mother or father when they are used with familial titles like the grandfather.

Therefore, The adjectives maternal and paternal show whether the relationship is through the person's mother

Learn more about relationships here:



Directions and Analysis
Task 1: On-boarding Techniques
Using online research, identify the top three keys to a successful on-boarding program and offer examples of successful companies using each key.

Type your response here:

Task 2: Writing an Email
Draft an email to be sent to all of your colleagues announcing the transition to a formal on-boarding process for all new employees. Acknowledge the anticipated complaints about “making more work” and stress the positive benefits of a standardized process.

Type your response here:

Task 3: Communicating with New Employees
Using your research information, compile a short list of six most effective ways of communication with new employees as they are welcomed and supported through their first few weeks with the company.

Type your response here:


The Three keys to a successful on-boarding program and offer examples of successful companies are  people, culture, and milestones and tasks.

What is the Email draft?

Task 2: The  Email will be:

Tittle: A formal on-boarding process

Dear Sir/Ma.

This is to inform you that there will be the transition to a formal on-boarding process for all new employees starting from Monday, 26 of November, 2022.  The issues of complaints about “making more work” and stress the positive benefits of a standardized process will be address in this transition process.

Task 3: The words to use for effective ways of communication with new employees are:

I'm glad you came. greet each other.An assisting hand.Welcome to the neighborhood.There is too much of a good thing.The little things matter most.

Learn more about on-boarding program  from


during recess what did rowley do that bugged greg


Rowley's behavior bothered Greg at school because He began missing classes. American author Jeff Kinney's sixth installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, is a best-selling and award-winning children's book from 2011.

What is "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever all about"?The author discusses young children and their interactions with one another as well as the actions of a bully who torments his classmates in Diary of a Wimpy Kid, according to the specifics in the children's book.Because of this, it is clear that Rowley and Greg had a falling out after Rowley started skipping during a critical moment in class.American author Jeff Kinney's sixth installment in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever, is a best-selling and award-winning children's book from 2011. Prior to Christmas, Greg Heffley wants to act appropriately in order to receive absolutely great presents.In addition, his mother buys a doll that she calls "Santa's Scout" to monitor his conduct and help him become a better person. Because Greg believes that this doll might genuinely communicate with Santa, he is terrified of it.

To learn more about children's book from the given link



Many people feel hopeful when they see a shooting star, especially if they make a wish. Why do they respond this way?
A)They recognize shooting stars as allusions.
B)They understand the connotation of the word star.
C)They consider a shooting star a symbol.
D)They believe that stars are actually gods.



C) They consider a shooting star a symbol.


4 diver is 4 meters below sea level what integer represents the location of the diver


Negative numbers are used to signify levels below sea level. The diver's location is indicated by the integer -4.

Which number is lower than sea level?

Negative integers are whole numbers that are greater than zero. On the number line, these figures are to the left of zero. Zero is the neutral value. It is neutral; neither good nor bad.

The answer to the question is: Dive = 4 m

The sea level is shown as: 0 m level.

Therefore, the following integer shows where the diver is:

Number equals Level - Dive

Replace known values

Number: m = 0 - 4


Number: -4 m

Take away units

Number is -4.

Consequently, -4 is the integer used to denote the diver's location.

To Learn more about Negative numbers refer to:



In Scene 2, lines 58-67 a significant event occurs at this point of the plot, how does this event affect Macbeth? * 2 points The King declares the King of Cawdor is an enemy. Macbeth has to kill him. The King declares that the King of Cawdor will no longer betray him. He declares Macbeth the King. The King declares the King of Cawdor a hero. Macbeth is not affected.


In Scene 2, lines 58-67: The King declares that the King of Cawdor will no longer betray him. He declares Macbeth the King.

Duncan is next given a description by the captain of how Macbeth killed the treacherous Mcdonwald. The thane of Ross, a Scottish nobleman, comes and informs the king that the treacherous thane of Cawdor has been vanquished and the army of Norway has been repulsed as the captain is being brought away to receive treatment for his injuries.

To know more about Macbeth here



Your school or college is holding a concert to raise money for charity. The concert will
feature school musicians and singers.
Write a letter to parents inviting them to attend this event.
You must mention:
. when the concert will take place
• where the concert will take place
. why the parents should attend.
Your letter should be between 50 and 70 words. Do not write an address.


Answer: The correct answer in down below. Put this in your own words.

Explanation: Hello! Please come to our concert on (whatever day it is on), at (wherever it is)! There will be food, drinks, and fun! You should attend, because we need the money for charity, and those in need. Help us out, by doing us a favor! Thanks, and have a great time!

its c I just got it right


Answer: So it c then??

Explanation: C

Answer: good job


Which sentence uses the word clear as a noun?
Group of answer choices

She took a deep breath of the clear, clean air.

I read the book clear to the end.

You’re fired, so clear your desk.

The investigation showed he was in the clear.





Assignment: Lift Every Voice and Sing
The tone of the song changes from beginning to end. Explain how the author organized the song to reflect different pieces of history.


The tone of the song titled "Lift Every Voice and Sing" changes from beginning to end because the author organized the song to reflect the inequality and injustice between the white and black people.

What message is passed by "Lift Every Voice and Sing"?

The song titled "Lift Every Voice and Sing" is a hymn with lyrics by James Weldon Johnson and set to music by his brother, J. Rosamond Johnson.

The hymn was written from context of African Americans in the late 19th century as a prayer of thanksgiving as well as a prayer for faithfulness and freedom, with imagery which evokes the biblical Exodus from slavery to the freedom of the promised land.

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