open-end leases are leases in which you return the vehicle at the end of the lease and you have no further responsibilities. true false


Answer 1

You will no longer be responsible for the car when the lease expires. The price difference between a new car and what it would cost to purchase one four years later is due to depreciation. True is the appropriate response

An asset loses value over time as a result of use, deterioration, or obsolescence. The method used to measure this deterioration is depreciation. Depreciation is the decrease in an item's value brought on by causes like use and ageing, but it can also be brought on by a variety of other reasons, such as unfavourable market conditions. Assets that the institution purchased for $5,000 or more are subject to depreciation. Renting will result in higher costs because purchasing something like a yearly automobile rental. The monthly rent comes to about $30, or $1,060 annually. The lease payment is $10,950 ($30 x 365). not include the cost of maintenance and repairs. Rent is still possible with $10,950

To know more about Depreciation visit:


Related Questions

thinking about the slides, when ford advertises 'built ford tough' to highlight its entire truck line, this form of advertising is best described as what?


Built Ford Tough" sounds manly or durable and may appeal to those who drive trucks.

What should be the appeal in advertising?

If the option is exercised, the underlying transaction settles on the maturity date. The final day on which a stock warrant may be used to buy the underlying stock at the strike price is known as the maturity or expiration date.Mature stock is defined as stock acquired through the exercise of an option granted under this Plan or another Company plan, delivered to the Company in order to execute the option, and continuously held by the option for a period of six months or longer.

To know more about Advertisement here


which concept helps explain why a company can earn a higher return using debt than without debt? multiple choice


Based on debt management and the context of the question, the concept that helps explain why a company can earn a higher return using debt than without debt is Leverage

What is Leverage in Debt management?

Leverage intent management is a term that is we to describe an investment strategy of using borrowed money—specifically, to improve the potential return of an investment.

Generally, the term Leverage can also refer to the amount of debt a firm uses to finance assets, which involves the use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital to increase the higher return using debt.

Advantages of Leverage include the followingIt helps magnified Profits when the trading start With leverage, there is increased access to Higher-Value Stocks.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Leverage.

Learn more about Leverage here:


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that the employees’ health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. True or false?


Employers who provide health insurance to their employees must ensure that employee’s health information is not disclosed to unauthorized parties. - True

Employers who provide health insurance to their employees are required to protect the privacy of their employees' health information. This is typically done through the use of confidentiality agreements, secure storage of health records, and limiting access to health information to authorized personnel only.

The federal law that guards the privacy of health information is the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act( HIPAA) of 1996. The law protects employees' privacy in the workplace by preventing the disclosure of their health information to third parties, like employers, without their consent. In essence, the regulations safeguard the confidentiality of all past, present, and future employee medical information. Violations of HIPAA can result in significant fines and penalties.

Read more about health insurance on:


a business and its stakeholders coming together for face-to-face conversations about issues of common concern is called stakeholder:


The term "stakeholder" refers to a business and its stakeholders meeting in person to discuss matters of mutual interest. is accurate.

According to the definition of a stakeholder of a corporation found in a 1963 internal Stanford Research Institute paper, a stakeholder is a member of "groups without whose support the organisation would cease to exist". R. Edward Freeman later developed and promoted the theory in the 1980s. Since then, it has received widespread recognition in business theory and practise, particularly in relation to corporate social responsibility, strategic management, and corporate governance. A false dichotomy between the "shareholder model" and the "stakeholders model" or an incorrect analogy of the obligations towards shareholders and other interested parties have been created by the definition of corporate responsibilities through the classification of stakeholders to take into account, according to critics.

Learn more about  stakeholders from


Marty earns $24 per hour. Marissa earns a base weekly salary of $100 plus $8 per hour. How long will marty and marissa have to work to earn the same amount of money?.


Marty and Marissa have to work 6.25 hours to earn the same amount of money and the shorter length is 6 cm.

A) The amount earn by Marty = $24

per hour

The amount earn by Marissa =

100weekly+8 per hour

Let the number of hours they work

to earn same amount =T hours

So, 24 T =8T+$100

Or, 24 T – 8t=$100

Or, 16 T=$ 100

So, T = 100÷16

Or, T= 25÷4

•T=6.25 hours

B) Given expression as: y=x+2

2x+ 3y= 36

Now put the value of y from first to

second equation:

So, 2x+ 3x( x+ 2) =36

Or, 2 x + 3 x +6 = 36

Or, 5 x =30 -6

Or, 5x=30

X= 30÷5 = 6

And y=x+2

So, y=6 +2 = 8

So, The shorter length is 6 cm.

Hence, the time at which both will

earn same amount is T=6.25 hours

and the shorter length is 6 cm.

To know more about Money visit:


if you were looking for a stock investment, would you rather see a higher operating cash flow or a higher net income? explain your reasoning.


Operating cash flow is sometimes seen as a more accurate indicator of a company's financial health for two key reasons, despite the fact that many investors favor net income:

First, under GAAP, cash flow is more difficult to manipulate than net income.Second, a business that cannot earn cash over the long term is doomed because "cash is king."

Operating cash flow (OCF) is a company's lifeblood and possibly the most significant indicator investors have for assessing corporate health.

If investors examine a company's operating cash flow, they can steer clear of many disastrous investments. It's not difficult to do, but you'll need to because talking heads and analysts tend to focus on EPS all the time.

To learn more about operating cash flow click on the given link:


Which decription offer example of Energy Generation worker? Check all that apply


Ronald maintains and fixes wind turbines. Energy generation workers work at electric power plants offer example of Energy Generation worker.

Those who work are called workers. A person who performs manual labour, such as producing items, is typically meant by this. Three production factors are recognised in economics. Labor, land, and capital are these.

People who work typically receive compensation for their efforts. This is referred to as pay.

International Workers' Rights Day is celebrated on May 1. Any person who works is a worker. A person who performs manual labour, such as producing items, is typically meant by this. Three production factors are recognised in economics. You have a responsibility as an employee to exercise reasonable care to safeguard your health and wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of any other individuals who may be impacted by your actions or inactions while on the job.

learn more about workers here


elon wants to open a new bank account. he is looking for an account with higher interest rates than a traditional checking account and one that allows him to write a few checks each month to pay his bills. which type of account would elon most likely open


Elon would most likely open a high-yield checking account for higher interest rates and check-writing convenience.

A high-yield checking account is a type of bank account that offers a higher interest rate compared to traditional checking accounts. This account combines the features of a standard checking account, such as check-writing capabilities and debit card access, with the potential to earn a competitive interest rate on the deposited funds.

While the interest rates on high-yield checking accounts are typically higher than regular checking accounts, they still may not be as high as those offered by savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs). It provides a way for account holders to earn some additional interest on their daily transactional funds.

Learn more about checking account here:


Most  probably, your complete question is this:

Elon wants to open a new bank account. He is looking for an account with higher interest rates than a traditional checking account and one that allows him to write a few checks each month to pay his bills. Which type of account would Elon most likely open?

compared with autarky, international trade leads to _____ domestic production in exporting industries and _____ domestic production in import-competing industries.
a. higher; lower
b. higher; higher
c. lower; higher
d. lower; lower


International trade causes domestic production in industries that export to increase and domestic production in industries that compete with imports to decrease when compared to autarky.

What effects does home industry have on the global market?

Domestic industries can now export their goods thanks to international trade, which also expands the variety of items available to domestic customers and lowers the price of those goods by fostering more competition.

How does domestic output differ depending on exports and imports?

Domestic output typically drops when a nation imports more than it exports since the nation is relying more on imported goods than on domestically produced goods. The domestic production will rise, though, if a nation sells more than it imports.

What means of increasing home industry productivity through global trade?

First, imports put domestic enterprises under additional competitive pressure even while they give them access to more and better inputs. Second, by learning from global clients and experiencing competition from foreign companies, exporters increase their productivity.

Learn more about International trade:


What is one way that gross domestic product differs from gross national product?


Gross domestic product and gross national product differ in that the former additionally accounts for the decline in the value of fixed assets utilized in the manufacturing process, whilst the latter does not.

Since the GDP is one of the main indicators of an economy, it is frequently used to gauge how well a nation's economy is performing. The entire market value of all officially recognised goods and services generated over a certain time period is what is referred to as GDP. Economists evaluate the GDP from the prior quarter or year to the current one to determine whether or not it has increased.

The NDP can estimate how much money the nation needs to spend to keep its GDP at its current level. In essence, the national domestic product aids the nation in avoiding a declining GDP. A country can be advised on how to replace its capital stock, which is lost via depreciation, using an estimated NDP value.

To read more about GDP visit:


pierre is a foreman in a plant. he has 35 line workers who report to him on the night shift. from what you have read about organization charts, what do you know for sure? a. his subordinates enjoy less autonomy than others. b. his subordinates take part in the decision-making process. c. he has a wide span of control. d. his subordinates are closely supervised.


Pierre is a foreman in a plant. he has 35 line workers who report to him on the night shift. from what you have read about organization charts,  what is known for sure is that he has a wide span of control. Option C.

What is meant by organizational chart?

An organizational chart is a visual representation of a company's internal structure that shows the relationships, functions, and responsibilities of each individual within the organization. It is one method of imagining a bureaucracy.

Its goal is to depict the chains of command and reporting relationships inside the organization. Typically, boxes or circles with lines connecting them to other individuals and departments are used to represent employee names, job titles, and/or employment positions.

There are four different types of organizational charts: divisional, flat, functional top-down, and matrix. The visual representation of a company's reporting structure is found in its organization chart. It outlines the organizational hierarchy for employee relationships as well as the team alignment matrix. Organizational charts show manager reporting relationships, staff designations, and more.

Read more on  organizational chart here:


examples of product ingredients of the marketing mix include design of the product and trade names, packaging, and warranties. t or f


The product design, brand names, packing, and warranties are all part of the marketing mix, which is accurate.

How do you define a product?

A product is the name for the thing which is being sold. Products can be either a business or an item. This could manifest as anything tangible, digital, or cybernetic. Every good has a price, and every good has costs attached to it. The amount that is charged varies based on the market, quality grade, the promotion, and the population that is being targeted.

Who decides what the product is?

Whatever their formal title within the firm, the person who is ultimately in charge of defining the product is the product manager or product strategist. For instance, at a startup in its early stages.

To know more about product visit:


Calculating your expenses helps you budget because


calculating your expenses helps you budget because it allows you to see exactly where your money is going and helps you make informed decisions about how to allocate your funds. This can help you avoid overspending and ensure that you have enough money to cover your necessary expenses and save for the future. By taking the time to carefully track and manage your expenses, you can gain greater control over your financial situation and make more informed choices about how to use your money

Using prior sales and communication activities to determine the present communication budget describes which method of imc budgeting?


This method of IMC budgeting is called the historical-percentage-of-sales method.

Determining IMC Budgets Through the Historical-Percentage-of-Sales Method

The historical-percentage-of-sales method of IMC budgeting involves using prior sales and communication activities to determine the present communication budget.

This method is based on the idea that a company's communication budget should be allocated based on the proportion of its sales. This method allows companies to determine communication budgets that are appropriate to their sales levels and also take into account past marketing efforts. It can also provide a benchmark for future communication budgets, as the percentage of sales allocated to communication can be adjusted based on changes in sales or other factors. This method is useful for companies that have a clear understanding of their sales figures and marketing efforts, as it provides an easy way to calculate the communication budget.

Learn more about method of IMC at:


when calculating cash flow, why is depreciation first subtracted but then added back in?


When calculating cash flow, depreciation first subtracted but then added back in because it is not a real cash outflow but does create a tax deductible expense.

Depreciation is a non-cash item, thus along with other costs like amortization and depletion, it must be re-added to the cash flow statement in the operational activities section.

Depreciation may be seen on the cash flow statement, balance sheet, and income statement. The total financial success of a corporation may therefore be significantly impacted. Depreciation ultimately has no negative effects on the company's operational cash flow (OCF). Depreciation may be viewed as a cash inflow since it indirectly lowers the amount of cash the company expands.

To know more about Depreciation here


what is the person called on an agile team who gets to decide what goes on the sprint backlog and whether a task is done or not?


The development team enlisted the help of an agile team, which gets to choose what gets added to the backlog and whether or not a job is completed.

Why does development matter?

The goal of development is to promote advancement across a range of domains so that, whenever combined, they can support even greater growth. Development is important in today's society since it affects many aspects of daily life. Numerous factors have a significant impact on progress, or the lacking thereof, and the demand for additional development.

What underpins development fundamentally?

Development is more than just an economic phenomenon; it is a multidimensional procedure that entails the reorganization and realignment of the economy as a whole. The progress, which attempts to enhance the quality of life for all people, is composed of three equally important aspects.

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garrison electric corp. redesigned its manufacturing area and has a dozen large machines that are controlled by a computer. each machine is able to switch quickly between the types of parts it produces based on the computer command it receives. what type of technology is garrison electric corp. using?


Flexible machine cells are a form of technology that Garrison Electric Corp. uses. Depending on the computer command it receives, each machine can quickly transition between the types of parts it produces.

Technology is the methodical, repetitive application of knowledge toward achieving useful goals. Technology is sometimes used to describe the outcome of such an attempt. Everyday life, science, industry, communication, and transportation are just a few of the fields where technology is widely used. Technologies include both concrete tools like software and intangible ones like physical objects like machines or kitchenware.

There have been significant societal changes as a result of numerous technological advancements. Stone tools, which were used in prehistoric times, are the first known form of technology. The use of fire came next, which fueled the development of language and the enlargement of the human brain throughout the Ice Age. The invention of the printing press, the telephone, and the Internet are contemporary examples of technological advancements that have helped to break down communication boundaries and develop the knowledge economy.

Learn more about technology here


relationship marketing can help a company a. create long-term, cost effective links with individual customers for mutual benefit b. reduce its strategic planning effort since the need for such planning is greatly diminished c. cut through the planning process straight to tactical plans d. find more effective media for use in advertising and mass marketing e. develop short-term relationships with customers for quick sales


Relationship marketing can help a company E. The marketing strategy aims to satisfy the business's immediate needs for sales, growth, and profit. The correct option is create long-term, cost effective links with individual customers for mutual benefit.

Market, concept of market, and market .All persons or groups in the market who are able to buy your products and have comparable needs and goals. The larger group before segmentation.The actions a business does to locate, cultivate, and maintain happy connections with customers that provide value for the customer and profit for the firm are referred to as marketing.The marketing notion holds that organisations should evaluate customer wants before making decisions that will best satisfy them.Marketing concept focuses on meeting con(sumers' requirements and wishes while also generating profits for the business.

To know more about Market visit:


Which is the tamper-evident?


Tamper-evident for unauthorized access and packaging.

Tamper-evident describes a process in which reveals unauthorized access or use of the intended goods or products and it's packaging.

This can be done by introducing seals, tapes, markings etc. A very common examples of this type of packaging in the pharma companies that is seen on strips of medicines.

For many valuables like cash, medicines, question papers tamper evident packaging alerts the handle of theft, fraud or any other kind of compromise.

To know more about Tamper-evident here,


which of the following would be shown on a statement of cash flows under the financing activities section? a.issuance of a long-term note to acquire land of a long-term investment in exchange for the common stock of another company c.the issuance of bonds d.purchase of a building


Below are the choices that could be used to create a statement of cash flow under the financial activities section.

Which of the following would appear in the financing activities section of a statement of cash flows?

A statement that may be included to the financial activities section is the issue of bonds.

What exactly falls under financial activities?

Offering and buying back equity, borrowing and paying off both short-term and long-term debt are examples of financing activity. For the majority of capital purchases, this activity involves principal payments to lenders and vendors as well as the cost of issuing debt,dividend payments. Additional owner contributions or payouts.

To know more about cash flow visit:


john maxwell mentioned situations in which a task becomes greater and the need for teamwork increases. this situation calls for a focus on which teamwork law?


Teamwork encouraging individual gains is not an important aspect of team work.

Explain about focus on which teamwork law?Teamwork refers to a collaborative effort of workers with an aim to achieve a common goal.It is well-proven that teamwork among workers helps achieve goals in an effective and efficient manner.This efforts helps workers have a collective belief in their-selves.Benefit of teamwork includes: Its helps to builds confidence and respect among staffs. Its helps to holds members more accountable.Its directs competitive spirit in the group. In conclusion, teamwork does not encourage individual gains because members eye are fixed are attaining common goal,Under a functional type of organization, an organization is divided into departments based upon functional area of specialization.For instance, a company may have different departments based upon functions performed therein such as accounting and finance, human resources, marketing and sales, etc.The disadvantage of this form being an individual reports to multiple heads since purchase department for instance would manage the purchases of the entire organization.Lack of coordination is one of the major disadvantages of this form of organization since departmental goals assume precedence over organizational goals and individuals get restricted to the operations of their own department rather than the organization as a whole.

To learn more about team work refer to:


A clothing manufacturer checks one pair of pants out of every shipment to ensure the quality of its product. this process is known as quality: _________
a. assurance.
b. guarantee.
c. delivery.
d. inspection.


The business function in charge of overseeing the production of goods and services is operations management (OM).

What exactly is a manufacturer?

Manufacturing is the process of creating new goods from components or raw materials. Automotive businesses, bakeries, shoemakers, and tailors are all examples of manufacturing because they all produce goods rather than provide services.

What does it mean to be a manufacturer?

Manufacturing is the process of creating products—either manually or mechanically—that the company then sells to a client. Rough materials or smaller portions of a product . for example are both examples of items utilized in manufacturing. A large production line using sophisticated equipment and trained workers is typically where the manufacturing takes place.

To know more about manufacturer visit:


which one of the following statements regarding delivery is true? a. most futures contracts result in actual delivery. b. only 1% to 3% of futures contracts result in actual delivery. c. only 15% of futures contracts result in actual delivery. d. approximately 50% of futures contracts result in actual delivery.


Only  1% to 3% of futures contracts result in actual delivery. Thus, the correct answer is option B.

What are future contracts?

A futures contract is a legal agreement to buy or sell a specific commodity asset or security at a predetermined price at a future date. To facilitate trading on a futures exchange, futures contracts are standardized for quality and quantity.

When a futures contract is purchased, the buyer assumes the obligation to purchase and receive the underlying asset when the contract expires. At the expiration date, the seller of the futures contract assumes the obligation to provide and deliver the underlying asset.

The delivery point only applies to future contracts that require the physical delivery of assets.

Therefore, only  1% to 3% of futures contracts result in actual delivery.

To learn more about future contracts, click here:


How do I deposit money into bank without bank account?


You can deposit money into your online account via a linked ATM if your online bank is a part of an ATM network. A reloadable prepaid debit card that you may load money into and connect to your online bank account is another option.

Payments made online, via phone, or using a mobile phone number are all valid ways to finance an account. You can transfer funds between accounts or pay others. Simply log in to Internet Banking or the mobile app and follow the on-screen instructions to make a payment. Using Pay a Contact, you can send money to other people using their mobile number. depositing funds into your account in person You can deposit cash or checks into your account in branch in a few different ways. Put cash into your bank account right there at the desk. Self-service tool A lot of institutions today have equipment that can deposit money into your account on your behalf. Simply adhere to the directions shown on the screen and enter the required information.

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What does the government control in a mixed economy?


Governments control in a mixed economy may seek to redistribute wealth by taxing the private sector and by using funds from taxes to promote social objectives.Economies with mixed markets enable consumers to economic decisions.

Mixed Market aids in preserving privacy business. It permits government regulation, interference. It also enables customers to choose. Consequently, mixed-market economies permit consumers to make rational decisions. Trade protection, subsidies, targeted tax credits, fiscal stimulus, and public-private partnerships are common examples of government intervention in mixed economies. These unavoidably generate economic distortions, but they areinstruments to achieve specific goals that may succeed despite their distortionary effect.Countries often intervene in markets to promote target industries by creating agglomerations and reducing barriers to entry in an attempt to achieve a comparative advantage.

To know more about Mixed economy visit:


g mrs. hernandez completed a 2021 form 1040 on april 13, 2022. the return showed a $923 balance due. mrs. hernandez needs more time to double check all her computations. what should mrs. hernandez do to allow for more time?


Mrs. Hernandez completed a 2021 form 1040 on april 13, 2022. the return showed a $923 balance due. Mrs. Hernandez needs more time to double check all her computations. Its true.

Computation refers to any kind of mathematical or non-mathematical calculation that follows a clearly established paradigm. Calculating devices, computers might be mechanical or electronic. One particularly well-known field in the study of computation is computer science. You may conceptualize computation as an entirely physical process done inside a closed physical device called a computer. These physical systems include, but are not limited to, digital computers, mechanical computers, quantum computers, DNA computers, molecular computers, computers based on microfluidics, analog computers, and wetware computers.

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personal selling goals typically include finding prospects, determining their needs, persuading prospects to buy, and _______.


Personal sales goals typically include discovering potential customers, identifying needs, persuading potential customers to purchase, and keeping customers satisfied.

What is the purpose of personal selling?

The purpose of face-to-face selling is to bring the right product into contact with the right customer and ensure a transfer of ownership. Personal selling increases product awareness, builds interest, develops brand preferences, negotiates prices, and more.

Types of personal selling: Trade sale. Solution sales. Consultative sales. Provocative sales.

What are the most important personal selling strategies?

Personal selling strategies include: 1) Know your market: To effectively sell to prospects, you first need to understand your industry, its unique needs and challenges, and your customer base. 2) Identify suitable leads. 3) Engage your customers with stories. 4) Always create added value. 5) Assemble yourself as a partner.

To learn more about personal selling visit:


suppose that a government that is skeptical of efforts to regulate prices charged by private companies is nevertheless concerned that a natural gas utility company is taking advantage of consumers with unfair pricing policies.


Fee gouging is an example of an unethical pricing policies. A enterprise might also improve charges of objects which might be temporarily in excessive demand.

Any other commonplace unethical pricing policies is fee discrimination. price discrimination is whilst a store sells the precise identical services or products at one-of-a-kind charges to specific people. in place of the equal fee throughout all markets, stores alter costs based totally on what they assume the client will pay.

Essential public coverage problems in pricing include unfair pricing practices within distribution channel degrees which includes fee-fixing and predatory pricing, and throughout distribution channel degrees which includes retail price maintenance, deceptive pricing, and discriminatory pricing.

Unfair commercial enterprise practices include misrepresentation, fake advertising or representation of an awesome or carrier, tied selling, fake unfastened prize or gift gives, deceptive pricing, and noncompliance with production requirement.

Learn more about pricing policies here:


a plant can manufacture 50 golf clubs per day at a total daily cost of $5409 and 70 golf clubs per day for a total cost of $6409. (a) assuming the daily cost and production are linearly related, find the total daily cost, c, of producing x golf clubs. c


A plant can manufacture 50 golf clubs per day at a total daily cost of $5409 and 70 golf clubs per day for a total cost of $6409. (A) Assuming the daily cost and production are linearly related, find the total daily cost

, C, of producing x golf clubs. C=

slope = 6409 - 5409 / 70-50 =  1000/20 = 50

y = 50x + b

5409 = 50*50 + b

b = 5409 - 2500  = 2909

C = 50x + 2909

production is the technique of mixing diverse inputs, both cloth (such as metal, timber, glass, or plastics) and immaterial (including plans, or knowledge) so as to create output. preferably this output will be an excellent or provider which has value and contributes to the software of individuals.[1] The region of economics that focuses on manufacturing is known as manufacturing principle, and it's miles closely related to the intake (or purchaser) idea of economics. The manufacturing system and output directly end result from productively utilising the original inputs (or factors of manufacturing). referred to as number one producer items or offerings, land, labour, and capital are deemed the 3 fundamental manufacturing elements.

Learn more about production here


question content area after net income is entered on the end-of-period spreadsheet, the balance sheet debit and credit columns must the same amount as the total amount in the adjusted trial balance debit and credit columns b.equal each other c.not be equal to each other and need not be the same total amounts as any other pair of columns on the end-of-period spreadsheet the same amount as the total amount of the income statement debit and credit columns


After net income is entered on end-of-period spreadsheet, balance sheet debit and credit columns must be same amount as total amount in adjusted trial balance debit and credit columns.

What is trial balance?

The general ledger accounts in a business's ledger are listed in a trial balance. There will be a debit balance or credit balance in each nominal ledger account. The trial balance will have a debit column for the credit value balance and a credit column for the debit balance values. A trial balance is used to demonstrate that the sum of all the debit value balances is equal to the sum of all the credit value balances. If the total of the debit column differs from the total of the credit column, there is a problem with the nominal ledger accounts.

To learn more about trial balance, visit:


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They have made no sacrifices to their projects of greater consequence than their shoebuckles, whilst they were imprisoning their king, murdering their fellow citizens, and bathing in tears and plunging in poverty and distress thousands of worthy men and worthy families.-Edmund Burke, Reflections on the French Revolution, 1790Be able to briefly explain the context in which this series of letters was written.Be able to briefly explain the overall message intended by the author.Be able to provide one specific development that occurred or arose from the situation described in the excerpt above and worsened the situation for France. according to the diathesis-stress model, psychological disorders are caused by both ________ and stress. A country sometimes uses high tariffs to protect its new and developing industries. What are two examples of new and developing industries either in the united states or in other countries? do you think that such industries should be protected by high tariffs? if so, how long should they be protected?. I need evidence for how does Lincoln, in the Gettysburg Address, try to change what his readers/listeners believe about what it means to be dedicated to the American idea that All men are created equal? I need evidence from the text of The Gettysburg Address Please and Thank you joshua borrowed $1,500 for one year and paid $75 in interest. the bank charged him a service charge of $15. if joshua repaid the loan in 12 equal monthly payments, what is the apr? (enter your answer as a percent rounded to 1 decimal place.) Brenda, the office manager at a dental practice, noticed many patients were missing their appointments. With the support of her colleagues, she decided to conduct a small improvement project to improve the process for reminding patients of upcoming visits, with the goal of having fewer "no shows."Which of the following is the most effective aim statement for this project?a. Within three months, we will email patients before their appointments, which will decrease the number of patients who miss appointments.b. We will improve our reminder process so that no patients will miss appointments unless there is an emergencyc. Within three months, 90 percent of patients will show up for their appointments. d. We will ensure all patients have an up-to-date email address on file and send email reminders the day before appointments.* Must be completed