one who performs lockout/tagout on a machine or equipment to do servicing or maintenance is called the:


Answer 1

One who performs lockout/Tagout on a machine or equipment to do servicing or maintenance is called the Authorized employee. It is a worker who locks or tags machinery or equipment to carry out service or maintenance.

Operators of energy facilities, plumbers, and electricians are a few examples of authorized staff. When an impacted employee's responsibilities include servicing or doing maintenance, that employee becomes an authorized employee.

Tagout is the established practice of attaching a tagout device to an energy-isolating device to signify that operation of the energy-isolating device and the controlled equipment is prohibited until the tagout device has been removed. Lockout is the recognized technique of attaching a lockout device to an energy-isolating device to prevent the operation of the energy-isolating device or the controlled equipment until the lockout device has been removed.  

Lockout device is any mechanism that holds an energy-isolating device in a secure place and prevents the energizing of machinery or equipment by using positive means, such as a lock, blank flanges, and bolted slip shutters

To learn more about lockout/Tagout click here:


Related Questions

you will take the example from the code along where we wrote the employee and productionworker class and modify. in a particular factory, a team leader is an hourly paid production worker who leads a small team. in addition to hourly pay, team leaders earn a fixed monthly bonus, team leaders are required to attend a minimum number of hours of training per year. design a teamleader class that extends the productionworker class we designed together. the teamleader class should have member variables for the monthly bonus amount, the required number of training hours, and the number of training hours that the team leader has attended. write one or more constructors and the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for the class. demonstrate the class by writing a program that uses a teamleader object. these classes were worked on in the week 11 code along if you need to find them.


The following code contains the use of constructors and the appropriate accessor and mutator functions for the class.

class Employe {

private String name;

private String number;

private String hireDate;  // public methods

public Employe(String name, String number, String hireDate) { = new String(name);

 this.number = new String(number);

 this.hireDate = new String(hireDate);


public String getName() {

 return name;


public void setName(String name) { = name;


public String getNumber() {

 return number;


public void setNumber(String number) {

 this.number = number;


public String getHireDate() {

 return hireDate;


public void setHireDate(String hireDate) {

 this.hireDate = hireDate;


public String toString() {

 String str = "Empl Name: " + name + "\nEmp Number: " + number + "\nEmp Hire Date: " + hireDate;

 return str;



class ProductionWorker extends Employe {

// private fields

private int shift;

private double hourlyPayRate;

// public methods

public ProductWorker(String name, String number, String hireDate, int shift, double payRate) {

 super(name, number, hireDate);

 this.shift = shift;

 this.hourlyPayRate = payRate;


public ProductWorker(ProductWorker productionWorker) {

 super(prodionWorker.getName(), productionWorker.getNumber(), productWorker.getHireDate());

 this.shift = productWorker.getShift();

 this.hourlyPayRate = productWorker.getPayRate();


public int getShift() {

 return shift;


public void setShift(int newShift) {

 this.shift = newShift;


public double getPayRate() {

 return hourlyPayRate;


public void setPayRate(double newPayRate) {

 this.hourlyPayRate = newPayRate;


public String toString() {

 String str = super.toString();

 str += "\nEmployee Shift: " + shift + "\nHourly Pay Rate: " + hourlyPayRate;

 return str;



class TeamLeader extends ProductWorker {

// private fields

private double monthlyBonus;

private double requiredTrainingHours;

private double completedTrainingHours;

// public method

public TeamLeader(String name, String number, String hireDate, int shift, double payRate, double monthlyBonus,

  double requiredTrainingHours, double completedTrainingHours) {

 super(name, number, hireDate, shift, payRate);

 this.monthlyBonus = monthlyBonus;

 this.requiredTrainingHours = requiredTrainingHours;

 this.completedTrainingHours = completedTrainingHours;


public TeamLeader(TeamLeader tl) {

 super(tl.getName(), tl.getNumber(), tl.getHireDate(), tl.getShift(), tl.getPayRate());

 this.monthlyBonus = tl.getMonthlyBonus();

 this.requiredTrainingHours = tl.getRequiredTrainingHours();

 this.completedTrainingHours = tl.getCompletedTrainingHours();


public double getMonthlyBonus() {

 return monthlyBonus;


public void setMonthlyBonus(double bonus) {

 this.monthlyBonus = bonus;


public double getRequiredTrainingHours() {

 return requiredTrainingHours;


public void setRequiredTrainingHours(double hours) {

 this.requiredTrainingHours = hours;


public double getCompletedTrainingHours() {

 return completedTrainingHours;


public void setCompletedTrainingHours(double hours) {

 this.completedTrainingHours = hours;


 public String toString() {

 String str = super.toString();

 str += "\nEmployee Monthly Bonus: " + monthlyBonus + "\nRequired Training Hours: "

   + requiredTrainingHours + "\n Completed Training Hours: " + completedTrainingHours;

 return str;



class App {

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Employe employee = new Employe("Dominic Giglio", "123-A", "01/25/2022");

 System.out.println("\n Basic employee object: ");


 ProductWorker productionWorker1 = new ProductionWorker("Michael Giglio", "456-B", "01/24/2022", 2, 30.00);

 ProductWorker productionWorker2 = new ProductionWorker(productionWorker1);

 System.out.println("\n Production Worker object:One ");


 System.out.println("\nT Production Worker object:TWO ");


 TeamLeader teamLeader1 = new TeamLeader("Katie Proodian", "987-D", "01/10/2022", 1, 15.00, 1500, 100, 50);

 TeamLeader teamLeader2 = new TeamLeader(teamLeader1);

 System.out.println("\n Team Leader object: one ");


 System.out.println("\nTeam Leader object two: ");




To learn  more about constructors click here:


Is Windows a proprietary OS?


Yes, Windows is a proprietary operating system, as are Adobe Flash Player, iTunes, Adobe Photoshop.

Nonproprietary software is open source and accessible for free download and usage. It also makes its source code completely available. Nonproprietary software is also known as open-source software. The fundamental parts come from the proprietary Unix operating system and the free and open-source software (FOSS) Android Open Source Project (AOSP), Windows which is principally licensed under the Apache License. Although the Unix operating system uses a CLI (Command Line Interface), a GUI for Unix computers has recently been developed. An OS that is popular in businesses, academic institutions, large corporations, etc. is Unix.Under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Linux is a free and open source operating system (GPL). The source code may be used, examined, altered, and distributed by anybody, and they may even sell copies of the altered code.

Learn more about Windows here:


Which kind of attack exploits previously unknown vulnerabilities in software applications, hardware, and operating system program code?


A zero-day type of attack exploits previously unknown vulnerabilities in hardware, software applications, and operating system program code.

A zero-day (0-day) type of exploit is a cyber attack that targets a software vulnerability that is unknown to the software vendor. The cyber attacker spots the software vulnerability before any parties attempt to mitigate it, quickly creates an exploit and uses it for an attack. Zero-day exploit attacks unknown and unprotected vulnerabilities. This novel vulnerability is difficult to detect and defend against, making zero-day attacks a significant threat to organization cybersecurity.

You can learn more about  zero-day vulnerability at


information system using the latest information technology has benefited which modern need?


Information systems using the latest information technology have benefited a lot of today's modern needs, such as education, buying and selling activities, transportation activities, and others.

What is the important role of information technology in everyday life?

Most IT professionals work with an organization and technically understand what they need to meet their needs, showing them what current technology is available to perform the required tasks and then their current implementation technology in the setup or by creating an entirely new setup. Information technology in today's world underestimates the scope of the important career field. There is a very unexpected importance of information technology.

A 1958 article published in the Harvard Business Review on information technology includes three basic parts: computer data processing, decision support and business software. Information technology refers to anything related to computer technology, such as networks, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people who work with these technologies.

Learn more about the importance of information technology


If Diamond, a corporate recruiter, wants to selectively recruit passive job candidates, she should utilize the LinkedIn social media network.
True or False


The Linked social media network should be used by corporate recruiter Diamond if she wants to selectively find passive employment applicants.

What would you say is media?

A medium's plural form. The forms of communication that have a broad audience or effect, such as radio or television, publications, magazines, and the internet: The address is being covered by the media tonight.

What three sorts of media are there?

The terms earned media, owned media, and corporate media may also be used to refer to the three categories of media, which are also referred to as news media, online networks, and digital media.

To know more about Media visit :


write an expression that retrieves the value in the location immediately after the location pointed to by the integer pointer variable ip.


An expression that retrieves the value in the location immediately after the location pointed to by the integer pointer variable ip is *(ip +1).

What is integer pointer variable ip?

Int **p declares a stack pointer that points to one or more heap pointers. Each of the pointers points to a heap-based integer or array of integers. When you declare a pointer on the stack and initialize it to point to an array of 100 pointers on the heap, you write int **p = new int*[100];. While *p is the value kept in the memory address pointed by p, p is the value of p. You can have an integer pointer point to the value of an integer I when you want to indirectly access it (int *p = I and then use that pointer to indirectly change the value of I (*p = 10).

Learn more about pointer variable:


an attacker might use a confidentiality attack such as packet capturing. what common utility might an attacker use to capture packets on a network for further analysis?


The common utility might an attacker use to capture packets on a network for further analysis is  --- Wireshark

Why do hackers use packet sniffers?

An attacker uses a sniffer to intercept his packets of data, including sensitive information such as passwords and account information. A sniffer is a piece of hardware or software installed on your system. By installing a promiscuous mode packet sniffer on your network, a malicious intruder can capture and analyze all network her traffic.

What are the dangers of packet sniffing?

Parcel detectors don't read our data for laughs, like a nosy reads someone's personal diary for fun. Steal passwords, account numbers, social security numbers, and more. They want to steal money and ruin the reputation of organizations and individuals.

Do hackers use sniffer devices?

Ethical hackers can use sniffing to gain tremendous insight into how a network is performing and the behavior of its users. This can be used to improve your organization's cybersecurity. However, when deployed by malicious hackers, sniffing can be used to launch devastating attacks against unsuspecting targets.

Learn more about Packet sniffer :


assume that you have written a try-catch block in your code. what will happen if an error occurs in the try block?


If the try block raises an error, the rest of the code inside the try block is not executed and control of execution passes from the try block to the catch block. A catch block handles exceptions thrown by a try block.

What is a try-catch block?

"Try" and "catch" are keywords that describe exception handling due to data or coding errors during program execution. A try block is a block of code in which an exception is raised. The catch block catches and handles exceptions in the try block.

What is a try block in Java?

A try block is a block of code (containing a series of statements) that can raise an exception. Used to enclose code that may throw exceptions. A try block is always followed by a catch block that handles exceptions raised by the associated try block.

Learn more about try block:


What are the 5 layers of security?


All of these layers of security are essential to ensure the safety and integrity of a network and its resources:

Access controlNetwork securityApplication securityData securityEndpoint security

What are the 5 layers of security?

Access control is the first layer of security and is used to regulate which users have access to certain resources. Network security focuses on protecting the infrastructure of the network, such as routers and firewalls, from unauthorized access. Application security is used to protect applications from malicious activities and data breaches. Data security focuses on protecting data from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. Finally, endpoint security focuses on protecting the devices connected to the network, such as computers and mobile devices, from malicious activities.

Learn more about Security System:


The 5 layers of security:

1. Network Access Control (NAC)2. Data Security3. Application Security4. Endpoint Security5. Identity and Access Management (IAM)

The Essential Layers of Security for Securing Your Network

In a world where data breaches and cyber-attacks are becoming more and more common, it is essential to ensure that your network is secure. To do this, businesses and individuals must implement the five essential layers of security. These layers are Network Access Control (NAC), Data Security, Application Security, Endpoint Security, and Identity and Access Management (IAM).

Starting with Network Access Control (NAC), this layer of security is designed to protect networks from unauthorized users. NAC allows administrators to set up access control policies which can be used to control who is allowed to access the network and what they are allowed to do while they are on the network. By implementing NAC, businesses and individuals can ensure that only authorized users are accessing their network and that those users are unable to access or modify any sensitive data.

The second layer of security is Data Security. This layer of security is designed to protect data from unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. Data Security involves the use of encryption, authentication, and access control mechanisms to ensure that data is only available to authorized users and that it is safe from unauthorized access.

Learn more about Data Security:


After executing the top command, you can also sort the output by cpu usage by pressing the __________ keys.


After executing the top command, you can also sort the output by cpu usage by pressing the "O", "K", then "Enter" keys.

What is top command?

Top command is a displays of a character based screen that can be interactive. The displays will automatically update in a few seconds and displays some of information usually for CPU usage and memory usage.

To interact with top command we can use some of key like key "O" for sorting a field and key "K" after sorting is to display CPU usage, or key "N" after sorting is to display memory usage.

Learn more about top command here:


what does momentum assist with in training artificial neural networks? what may happen if you set the momentum hyperparameter too close to 1


Momentum in neural ODEs can reduce the stiffness of the ODE dynamics, which significantly enhances the computational efficiency in training and testing.

What does momentum do in neural networks?

Neural network momentum is a simple technique that often improves both training speed and accuracy. Training a neural network is the process of finding values for the weights and biases so that for a given set of input values, the computed output values closely match the known, correct, target values.

What is the use of momentum in deep learning?

Momentum is a widely-used strategy for accelerating the convergence of gradient-based optimization techniques. Momentum was designed to speed up learning in directions of low curvature, without becoming unstable in directions of high curvature.

If you set the momentum hyperparameter too close to 1 (e.g., 0.99999) when using an SGD optimizer, then the algorithm will likely pick up a lot of speed, hopefully moving roughly toward the global minimum, but its momentum will carry it right past the minimum.

To know more about artificial neural networks:


What are the five primary requirements for patentability?


A patent must satisfy five requirements: utility, novelty, nonobviousness, patentable subject matter, and enablement.

Utility: Patents can only be granted for practical inventions. This indicates that the thing being patented serves a respectable, precise, and significant purpose. Usefulness must be unique to the product being patented; general utility that covers a wide range of products is insufficient.Novelty: The two components of the novelty requirement are novelty and statutory patentability barriers. Novelty requires that the invention be novel, meaning that it could not have been used or known by others. The statutory restriction stipulates that the patented product must not have been available for purchase or use in the US more than a year before the patent application date.

Nonobviousness: Patents need not be evident. If the innovation extends beyond the predictable application of prior art in accordance with its recognized functionalities, the patent claim is not evident.

Patentable subject matter: Any process, device, manufacture, composition of matter, or material improvement is considered a patentable subject matter. If it is connected to a physical innovation and is either novel and valuable or new and non-obvious, printed materials may also qualify for patent protection.

Enablement: A written description of the product being patented, along with information on how to make and use it, must be included in the patent application in order to satisfy the enablement requirement. Such texts must be thorough, understandable, and succinct so that persons with common artistic ability can duplicate and use the object without needless experimenting. The optimal way to use the invention must also be disclosed in the documents.

To learn more about Patents click here:


write the definition of a method reverse, whose parameter is an array of integers. the method reverses the elements of the array. the method does not return a value.


The reverse () method mutates the array and returns a reference to it while transposing the items of the caller array object .

What is Method Reverse?The reverse() function of the Collections class is used to turn elements back around in the object in which they are stored, as the name suggests. The entries of a list supplied as an input are rearranged.The Java built-in method reverse() is used to return the bits' reverse order in the two's complement binary representation of an input value.Parameters: An integer value with its bits reversed makes up the parameter a.Return Value: Reversing the bits in the supplied int value yields the value that the method returns.

To learn more about Method Reverse refer to:


what command can a centos 7 user execute to allow them to page through a list of directories and files on a disk that is too long for a one-screen display?


The More command can be used by a centos 7 user to allow them to page through a list of directories and files on a disk that is too long for a one-screen display.

Define directories.

A directory in computing is a cataloging structure for the file system that includes links to other computer files and maybe other directories. Many computers refer to directories as folders or drawers, just as a workbench or a standard filing cabinet in an office. A directory is a special type of file that only includes the data required to access files or other directories. Because of this, directories take up less space than other kinds of files.

File systems are made up of collections of directories and the files that reside in those folders. On the hard disk (HD) or solid-state drive (SSD), folders—also known as "directories"—are established when the operating system and programs are installed. Folders are always used to organize files.

To learn more about directories, use the link given

what breaks a project into tiny phases, and developers cannot continue on to the next phase until the first phase is complete? group of answer choices extreme programming. agile methodology. waterfall methodology. rad methodology.


Before moving on to the next phase, the previous phase must be finished. Phases "trickle down" into one another until the application is developed, hence the phrase "waterfall" process.

The rigidity and structure of this methodology hindered the development of software. RUP (Rational Unified Process) offers a framework for segmenting software development into four gates. Inception, development, construction, and transition are the first three gates. The IBM-owned Rational Unified Process (RUP) approach offers a framework for segmenting software development into four "gates." Phases "trickle down" into one another until the application is developed, hence the phrase "waterfall" process.

Learn more about software here-


write an if-else statement that assigns finalvalue with uservalue 5 if uservalue is greater than 100. otherwise assign finalvalue with



Here is an if-else statement that assigns finalvalue with uservalue + 5 if uservalue is greater than 100. Otherwise, it assigns finalvalue with uservalue - 5.

if uservalue > 100:

   finalvalue = uservalue + 5


   finalvalue = uservalue - 5


In this statement, we first check if uservalue is greater than 100. If it is, we assign finalvalue with the value of uservalue + 5. Otherwise, we assign finalvalue with the value of uservalue - 5.

This if-else statement provides a simple way to assign a value to finalvalue based on the value of uservalue. If uservalue is greater than 100, finalvalue will be assigned a value that is 5 greater than uservalue. Otherwise, finalvalue will be assigned a value that is 5 less than uservalue.

What are the five quality attributes?


For five crucial quality characteristics (modifiability, performance, availability, security and usability).

In order to cover all of the often used definitions for these quality attributes, we have enumerated a number of "generic scenarios" for each quality attribute. An indicator of how effectively a system serves the needs of its stakeholders is called a quality attribute (QA), which is a property of the system that can be measured or tested. To put it another way, a quality attribute, often known as a non-functional need, is what makes a system effective in the eyes of a certain stakeholder. In order to control the quality of services, it is essential to identify the proper quality attributes. Affordableness, availability, dependability, efficiency, predictability, reliability, responsiveness, safety, security, usability, and other qualities of high-quality services are some examples.

Learn more about system here-


A network administrator needs to keep the user ID, password, and session contents private when establishing remote CLI connectivity with a switch to manage it. Which access method should be chosen?

- Telnet
- Console


In order to make the mentioned contents private, the access method that should be chosen is SSH. Therefore, option 'C' holds the correct answer.

Secure Shell or SSH is an authentication method for secure remote access over a network. The SSH allows keeping the session contents and other data such as user login information private.

According to the given situation, where a network administrator wants to keep the data such as the user ID, password, and other session contents private when deploying a remote CLI connectivity with a switch to manage it. The most suitable access method should be 'SSH'.

You can learn more about SSH at


A computer network that is restricted to the organization it serves; an internal internet.
a. True
b. False


The statement "A computer network that is restricted to the organization it serves; an internal internet" is a true statement. The internal internet or what is often called an intranet is a computer network that is limited to the organization it serves.

What is Intranet?

An intranet is a private network that uses the Internet protocol (TCP/IP), to share confidential company information or activities within the company with its employees. Sometimes, the term intranet refers only to a display service, specifically a company's internal website. To build an intranet, the network must have several components that make up the Internet, namely the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP protocols, IP addresses, and others), clients, and servers. The HTTP protocol and some other Internet protocols (FTP, POP3, or SMTP) are generally the most frequently used protocol components.

In general, an intranet can be understood as a "private version of the Internet" or a version of the Internet owned by an organization.

Learn more about intranet


A few risks that do NOT arise when we connect to the Internet are

A. viruses
B. farming
C. spam
D. stolen PII or credit card data
Pls help i appreciate it


Answer: Farming

Explanation: That involves using your email also.

Option B.Farming hope this helps

How many buttons are there in a mouse name them?



In a classic mouse, there are 3 buttons, left click, right click, and scroll wheel.


If you have a more advanced mouse, however it may have 5 buttons. The 2 new buttons are back and forward. These buttons mainly apply to website where you can go back to the previous page you were on or return to the page you left. This is helpful since you don't have to move your mouse pointer all the way to the top of your screen and so you don't have to use the keyboard shortcuts, which in case you were wondering, is alt + left arrow to go back or alt + right arrow to go forward. There is also another button that you can use by pressing down on the scroll wheel. This button allows you to scroll through the page without having to constantly scroll down.

what is estimated time of arrival (eta)? group of answer choices the time of day of an expected arrival at a certain destination and is typically used for navigation applications. a device that measures the acceleration (the rate of change of velocity) of an item and is used to track truck speeds or taxicab speeds. a gps technology adventure game that posts the longitude and latitude location for an item on the internet for users to find. a north/south measurement of position.


The term "estimated time of arrival" (ETA) is a direct translation. Therefore, ETA serves as a signal for the estimated time of arrival for a vehicle. Long used in aviation and shipping, the phrase is becoming increasingly utilized in road transportation.

What does ETA time mean?

When a ship or vessel is anticipated to arrive at a particular location, that time is known as the estimated time of arrival (ETA). The anticipated length of a vessel's journey is also useful.

How does estimated time work?

The projected time and/or effort needed to finish a project activity is known as the estimated time to complete. An estimate of how long it will take to accomplish a task or project is given in hours of labor.

To know ore about ETA visit:-


How do you unlock a 3 digit combination lock?


Find the combinatorial lock's reference number to see if it exists. Put the lock's key in the open spot. Put the reset key in. Choose the ideal combo. Take out the reset device.

An example of a locking mechanism is a combined lock, which must be unlocked using a series of characters, typically numerals. The pattern can be input via a singular spinning dial that engages multiple disks or camera systems, a series of multiple revolving cassettes with engraved patterns that engage the deadbolt lock directly, or by an electronic or pneumatic keyboard.

There are many different kinds, from low-cost four different baggage lockers to increased safes. Combination locks don't require credentials like regular fasteners do.

To know more about COMBINATION LOCK visit here :

State whether the following data are valid or invalid in QBASIC

a. Rs. 99
b. Krishan
c. "Sonali Shrestha "
d. 100 meters
g."kathmandu valley"


Note that in QBASIC, the following data would be considered valid:

a. Rs. 99 - This is a valid numeric value

b. Krishan - This is a valid string value

c. "Sonali Shrestha" - This is a valid string value

d. 100 meters - This is a valid string value

e. 120.25 - This is a valid numeric value

f. 10,365.50 - This is a valid numeric value

g. "kathmandu valley" - This is a valid string value

h. 125 inches - This is a valid string value.

What is Q-Basic?

QBASIC is a programming language that supports various data types, including numeric values (integers and floating-point numbers), strings (text values), and Boolean values (true or false).

QBasic is incredibly simple to use to construct corporate apps, games, and even basic databases. It includes commands such as SET, CIRCLE, LINE, and others that allow the programmer to draw in Qbasic. As a result, visuals may also be made with QBasic.

Learn more about Q-Basic:


a developer is implementingan apex class for a financial system. within the class, the variables 'creditamount' and 'debtamount' should not be able to change once a value is assigned. in which two ways can the developer declare the variables to


Two ways can the developer declare the variables to use the final keyword by assigning its value in the class constructor and for other way assign its value when declaring the variable.

The final keyword can be used to change variables. Final variables can only receive a value once, either during the variable declaration process or in a constructor. It needs to have value in one of these two places. Static initialization code or the places where they are defined can affect static final variables. In initialization code blocks, constructors, or with other variable declarations, member final variables can be modified. Make a variable static and final define a constant. To convey the state at the class level, non-final static variables are employed (such as the state between triggers). They are not, however, shared between requests. Classes and methods are by default final. In a class's declaration, the final keyword is not allowed.

To learn more about constructor click here:


configuring a firewall to ignore all incoming packets that request access to a specific port is known as ________.


Configuring a firewall to ignore all incoming packets that request access to a specific port is known as logical port blocking.

Why do ports get blocked? A setting that instructs a firewall to reject any incoming packets that ask for access to a specific port, preventing any unauthorized requests from reaching the machine.The technique of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) recognizing and completely blocking Internet traffic based on its port number and transport protocol is known as "port blocking."If there are appropriate options available for stopping undesirable traffic and protecting customers, ISPs should refrain from port blocking.Additionally, if port blocking is deemed required, it should only be applied to safeguard the network and users of the ISP doing the blocking.A logical port is one that has been programmed.A logical port's function is to enable the receiving device to determine which service or application the data is intended for.

To learn more about logical port blocking refer


Suppose you are playing the Star Trek version of Rock, Paper, Scissors where the choices are rock, paper,
scissors, lizard, and Spock.
The list of options now is larger.
options = ["rock", "paper", "scissors", "lizard", "spock"]
Complete the code for the computer to randomly choose an option.
from random import randint
compPlay = options[randint(_,__)]


Rock wins over scissors (“rock crushes scissors,” “breaks scissors,” or even “blunts scissors”), but loses to paper (“paper covers rock”); a play of paper (“paper covers rock”) loses to a play of scissors (“rock breaks scissors”) (“scissors cuts paper”).

What is the role of Rock Paper Scissors?

In a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors, inexperienced men tend to begin with the rock the majority of the time. You have a better chance of winning if you throw paper at them when you make your first move. According to statistics, the rock move has the highest throw rate (35.4%).

Therefore, It turns out that the most frequent throws are rocks (35%), scissors (35%), and finally paper (25%). (29.6 percent). Confused as to what to do next? You might have a very little advantage by choosing paper.

Learn more about paper Scissors here:


Answer: compPlay = options[randint(0,4)]

you are the administrator for the widgets domain. organizational units (ous) have been created for each company department. user and computer accounts for each department have been moved into their respective departmental ous. from your workstation, you create a gpo that configures settings from a custom .admx file. you link the gpo to the sales ou. you need to make some modifications to the gpo settings from the server console. however, when you open the gpo, the custom administrative template settings are not shown. what should you do?


Enable the Administrative Templates central store in Active Directory. Copy the .admx file to the central store location

Administrators use what to configure control and manage users and computers?

Group Policy is a hierarchical infrastructure that enables a network administrator in charge of Microsoft's Active Directory to implement specific user and computer configurations. Group Policy is primarily a security tool for applying security settings to users and computers.

How should GPO processing be considered in the context of the creation of a nested OU structure?

How should GPO processing be considered in the context of the creation of a nested OU structure? Select the GPO permission that allows you to change existing settings, import settings, and enable or disable a GPO but is not granted by default to any user.

What are the two primary goals of OUs?

Organizational Units serve two functions: granting subadministrators control over a subset of users, computers, or other objects, and controlling desktop systems via Group Policy objects (GPOs) associated with an OU.

learn more about group Policy Visit:


with what algorithm update did begin assessing the quality of a webpage with consideration to characteristics focus groups identified as making a webpage appealing? panda


Penguin algorithm is a page ranking algorithm update did begin assessing the quality of a webpage with consideration to characteristics focus groups identified as making a webpage appealing.

Penguin deals with the website's incoming links. The search engine just evaluates links going website in question; doesn't bother about the links leading away from it.

By raising awareness of the different types of links that websites and webmasters were acquiring, Penguin aimed to ensure that natural, authoritative, and relevant links rewarded the websites they linked to while manipulative and spammy links were penalized.

The Penguin algorithm also considers the total number of spammy links vs the number of high-quality, natural links in the link profile. While the algorithm may still have an influence on you in cases of partial penalties (affecting over-optimized keywords).

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13. the purpose of specifying a postcondition is to a. specify the types of objects the method accepts. b. explain the method's end result, whether it is a return value or change in an object's state d. set the method's expectations before the method is executed with respect to the parameters or c. state the ret


The purpose of specifying a postcondition is to: b. Explain the method's end result, whether it is a return value or change in an object's state.

Postconditions are used to describe the end state of a method, and what the method will return or change in the object's state. It is important to specify a postcondition as it allows for a clear understanding of the end result of the method and can be used as a reference for other developers when using the same method. Furthermore, postconditions can be used to verify that the code is working correctly and producing the expected results.

The Importance of Establishing Postconditions for Methods

When developing software, methods are integral components for building efficient and effective code. Methods are used to carry out specific tasks, and each task should be carefully designed with clear postconditions in order to ensure the desired result. Postconditions are used to describe the end state of a method, and what the method will return or change in the object's state. Establishing postconditions for methods is essential for providing a clear understanding of the end result, as well as for verifying that the code is working correctly and producing the expected results.

Learn more about Postconditions for Methods :


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