one sperm fertilized one egg, and the resulting child had blond hair and brown eyes. How is this possible given the parents genotypes?


Answer 1


We will represent the alleles with letters:

Related Questions

myc activates and mad represses transcription through recruiting a coactivator and a corepressor, respectively. what kind of enzyme is recruited by each?


MYC hires HAT, while Mad hires Each one attracts the HDAC enzyme. When MYC recruits a coactivator and a corepressor, respectively, to activate and repress transcription.

How is an enzyme defined?

Enzymes, a type of biological catalyst, are almost invariably proteins. It quickens a certain chemical process in the cell. It quickens a certain chemical process in the cell. The enzyme is continuously employed during the reaction and is not destroyed.

What is an example of an enzyme?

For instance, the enzyme pepsin is a vital component of gastric fluids and aids in the breakdown of food particles in the stomach. Similar to how amylase, an enzyme found in saliva, turns starch into sugar to aid in the first stages of digestion. The thrombin enzyme is employed in medicine to speed up the healing of wounds.

To know more about enzyme visit :


does the seas star possess a heart or circulatory system? how do you suppose nutrients and oxygen are distributed to the body tissues?



Sea stars have a very unusual circulatory system. They do not pump blood around their bodies. Instead, they use seawater and a complex water vascular system to keep things moving.


No problem :)

PLS HELP!!! 10 Points!!!

Exit Ticket: Explain how the structure of a cell
(2 layers) matches its function.


Answer:The cell membrane functions as a barrier that makes it possible for the cytoplasm to maintain a different composition from the material surrounding the cell. The unit membrane is freely permeable to water molecules but very impermeable to ions and charged molecules. It is permeable to small molecules in inverse proportion to their size but in direct proportion to their lipid solubility.


A scientist wants to determine the age of a rock. The rock contains an index fossil and an ancient relative of a living organism. Which is more useful for dating the rock, and why?


An index fossil will be more useful in dating the rock than ancient relative because carbon dating can be performed using the fossil which will give more accurate details rather than the relative dating performed using ancient relative.

Index fossil is any preserved remains of the plant or animal that is particularly useful for the dating purposes. It is useful for determining the geological periods. Most of the rocks that contain the index fossil are found in marine environment.

Carbon dating is the process of determining the age of ancient objects or fossils. In this the amount of radioactive carbon is measured as the rest forms of carbons stop being absorbed but radioactive carbon continues to decay even after an organism dies.

To know more about carbon dating, here


give an explanation about the importance of these processes (photosynthesis and cellular respiration) in cycling nutrients through the ecosystem of the earth


Answer: because it is



what analysis tool does not include PCR?

A: STR profiling
B: SNP analysis
C: Y-STR analysis
D: electrophoresis


Electrophoresis tool is used for PCR result analysis. thus option D is correct.

what is electrophoresis?

Electrophoresis has the ability to pass charged molecules  in an  electric field, it is the separation of proteins which  is usually accomplished using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  (PAGE).

In this process where the proteins are driven by an applied current through a gel based matrix.

these polyacrylamide gel is formed as a thin slab between two glass plates or as a  cylinder within a glass tube.

The primary objective of electrophoresis is to separate DNA molecules based on their size which  may be completed on a gene of interest prior to electrophoresis.

For more details regarding electrophoresis, visit



SNP analysis


Correct on my exam



I’m pretty sure it’s B, they feed on the hornworm

Which of these mollusks are:a) gastropods?b) bivalves?c) cephalopods?List their characteristics.



snail and slug and nudibranch are gastropods

the clam and oyster are bivalves and the octopus and the nautilus are cephalopods


cephalopods have 4 groups which are the 8 armed octopus and ten armed squid and cuttlefishes and the shelled chambered nautilues

bivalves have laterally compressed bodies enclosed by a shell and gastropods are commonly known as snails and slugs from saltwater and freshwater and from the land

B: Explain how dilation of blood vessels functions as a homeostatic mechanism for a person at a
higher altitude.



When sensors in the body detect an increase in core temperature, vessels dilate to allow more blood to pass through them which releases the excess heat.

Choose an ecosystem: Tropical Rain Forest, Temperate Rain Forest, Grasslands,
Desert, Tundra, Fresh Water, Coral Reefs, or Chemosynthesis. Draw a food chain that
ncludes, sun/chemicals, producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary
consumer, and a decomposer. Title and label your food chain.



The food chain describes who eats whom in the wild. Every living thing—from one-celled algae to giant blue whales —needs food to survive. Each food chain is a possible pathway that energy and nutrients can follow through the ecosystem. For example, grass produces its own food from sunlight. A rabbit eats the grass.


true/false: reabsorption of water into the capillaries is primarily due to active transport. group of answer choices true false


The given statement is false.

The correct statement is : Reabsorption of water into the capillaries is primarily due to Osmosis.

When the cohesive forces between the water molecules are greater than the adhesion to the walls, capillary action results. The leading water molecules drag the nearby water molecules behind them due to the same attraction between water molecules that creates surface tension.

Reabsorption happens when fluid is drawn back into capillaries from the interstitial fluid as a result of osmotic pressure.

Osmotic pressure pulls fluid back into the capillaries, as opposed to hydrostatic pressure, which pushes fluid out.

To learn more about Osmosis click here,


Please answer the question in the picture
a. Interpret the pattern of bacteria (white dots) in the different color regions
shown above. 1 mark
b. State a hypothesis that might have been proposed for the experiment with
the algae. Explain how the results obtained supported or refuted this
hypothesis. 2 mark


a) Pattern of bacteria in the different color regions: The highest concentration of bacteria is observed in colors violet-blue and yellow-orange. A low concentration of bacteria is observed in green color. No bacteria is observed in orange-red color.

b)  Hypothesis: Algae exposed to wavelengths between 500 and 600 nm will express the greatest photosynthetic rate.

What is a hypothesis?

When following the scientific methodology, researchers must formulate a hypothesis.

A hypothesis is a scientific conjecture, not verified, that requires corroboration. It is a possibility, not a fact. It is a claim of how it works a relationship between two or more variables.

The researcher hypothesizes to predict what is going on or what is expected to occur.

A hypothesis

must be clear and comprehensive.must express the direct relationship between the involved variables.must be objective.must be tested and falsifiable

In the exposed example, the involved variables might be, for instance, wavelength and photosynthetic rate.

Wavelength is the independent variable and varies between 300 and 700 nm approximately. Wavelength is represented by lights of different colors.

Photosynthetic rate is the dependent variable. It responds to changes in the independent variable, meaning the photosynthetic rate will vary according to the wavelength to which the algae is exposed.


Algae exposed to wavelengths between 500 and 600 nm will express the greatest photosynthetic rate.

We know that during photosynthesis, oxygen is released. The more oxygen is released into the environment, the greater the photosynthetic rate is.

So, a simple way to measure oxygen concentration (and hence, the photosynthetic rate) is to observe the pattern distribution of oxygen-seeking bacteria when exposed to algae under different light conditions.

These bacteria will be more concentrated in areas where there is more available oxygen. So bacteria concentration will be an indicator of oxygen release. And the amount of oxygen is an indicator of the photosynthetic rate.

In the diagram, we can see that,

the greatest concentration of bacteria occurs in wavelengths around 400 nm and 675 nm, approximately. These are blue-violet colors, and yellow-orange colors, respectively.

a low concentration of bacteria occurs in wavelengths between 500 and 600 nm. This is green in color.

no bacteria are present in wavelengths greater than 700 nm. This is red in color.

This pattern of bacteria in the different color regions suggests that

the algae photosynthetic rate is greater when exposed to wavelengths around 400 nm and 675 nm.

Under these light conditions, the algae photosynthesize more, and more oxygen is released, so more bacteria are attracted.

the algae photosynthetic rate is lower when exposed to wavelengths 500 and 600 nm.

Under these light conditions, the algae photosynthesize less and less oxygen is released, so fewer bacteria are attracted.

the algae photosynthetic rate is null when exposed to wavelengths over 700 nm.

Under these light conditions, the algae do not photosynthesize, no oxygen is released, and no bacteria are attracted.

Note: Please notice that other variables might be considered when analyzing this example.

You can learn more about hypothesis at


What is the primary function of the pigment molecules in a light-harvesting complex?.


Light-harvesting complex pigments absorb light and transfer energy to a special pair of chlorophyll a molecules in the reaction centre.

Where are the pigment molecules ?

A pigment is a broad term for any molecule that absorbs light and has a distinct colour. Plants contain a variety of pigments, which give rise to the various colours we see. Flowers and fruits are obviously rich in organic molecules that absorb light. Pigments can also be found in the leaves, stems, and roots.

Pigment molecules are frequently organic molecules with "highly conjugated rings" that allow electrons to "bounce" around when "excited." Many other pigments contain transition metals, which transfer electrons between molecules.

Anthocyanins, flavanoids, flavines, quinones, and cytochromes are examples of pigment molecules. None of these, however, should be considered photosynthetic pigments. Photosynthetic pigments are the only pigments that can absorb sunlight energy and transfer it to the photosynthetic apparatus.

To learn more about pigment refer :


Which option identifies the next step performed in the following scenario?

Selena is redesigning an existing product to reduce its carbon footprint. She has defined the purpose of her project and determined the key problem to address.

A. Determine the implications of the new design.
B. List assumptions she made about the new design.
C. Gather information related to the new design.
D. Interpret the results of the new design.


The next step in the problem solving process is to gather information related to the new design.

What is problem solving?

In the real world we come up everyday against one problem or another and we need to solve the problem in the best possible way. The solutions to the problem would come through a well thought out process.

Now in the world of science there are always a lot of problems that we need to solve and these would require a sequence of steps and they may include the identification as well as definition of the problem to be solved.

Learn more about problem solving:


which question can be answered using the scientific process?
A.) is it right to make people stop using plastic bags?
B.) should people be made to reuse all bags?
c.) what is the effect of plastic bags on birds
d.) is the government doing enough to fight?


The question that can be answered using the scientific processes is: (c) what is the effect of plastic bags on birds.

Scientific process is a method or procedure where any hypothesis is established and a series of steps are followed to prove it right or wrong by conducting several experiments. There are six steps in scientific processes, these are: Observation, Research, Hypothesis, Experiments, Analysis of data, and finally the conclusion.

Plastic bags are a type of containers made of polymers consisting of chemicals. These are highly hazardous to the environment as they takes hundreds of years to degrade. If ingested, the bags can cause choking and death of animals and birds.

To know more about scientific process, here


A form of bulk transport in which materials are transported from the inside to the
outside of the cell in membrane-bound
vesicles that fuse with the plasma


The bulk transport of materials from inside of cell to outside of the cell is exocytosis.


Cells must release certain molecules into the environment, such as waste products and signaling proteins, just as they must take in certain molecules, such as nutrition. Exocytosis is a type of bulk transport in which materials are transported from the inside to the outside of the cell in membrane-bound vesicles that fuse with the plasma membrane.

Steps of exocytosis:

A vesicle typically arises in the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus, or early endosomes. The vesicle moves toward the cell membrane. As the vesicle attaches to the plasma membrane, the two bilayers come together. The vesicle's contents are released into the extracellular environment.

For more information on exocytosis kindly visit to


dna ploymerase checks for muations during


Answer: During DNA Replication


DNA Polymerase is the enzyme that uses a single stranded DNA template strand to produce a piece of dsDNA. This is used to replicate the DNA according to the semi-conservative model of replication.

During replication DNA polymerase makes approximately one mistake per 10^5 nucleotides. Thankfully the DNA polymerase has proof reading capabilities and has the ability to excise the mistake using it's 3' - 5' exonuclease domain.

A parent cell divides according to the image shown below. What differences in structure and behavior would you expect from Cell A and Cell B?


The daughter cells have a different number of chromosomes what is an indication of failure in the motitic division, thats because during division the parent cell have to duplicate the genetic material to pass for the next generation in equal number, since this is important to maintain the cellular integrity, as weel as the characteristics of the cellular species. The Cell A is an identical copy of the parent cell (somatic cell), having the same traits and functions, as well as a normal cellular activity, while Cell B have only half of the genetic information of the mother cell, this cell more close to an sex cell than a somatic cell, numerically speaking, since the fact of it having 1/2 of the information makes it more difficult to perform its cellular functions as a somatic cell.

features of gills of fish ​



Gills usually consist of thin filaments of tissue, branches, or slender tufted processes that have a highly folded surface to increase surface area. The high surface area is crucial to the gas exchange of aquatic organisms as water contains only a small fraction of the dissolved oxygen that air does.



What are the three main weapons of predators? ​



sharp teeth, claws and jaws.


What is the mollusk's mantle?a. The tentaclesb. A thin layer of skin covering the bodyc. The foot that lets it moved. A small, muscular hood


The mollusk's mantle is responsible for secreting calcium carbonate that will be used to form the shell. Therefore, it is spread throughout the body, wrapping it upp. So the correct answer is b. A thin layer of skin covering the body.

the vegetable grow below the ground but are not the roots of the plants


Root vegetables grow underground(below the ground) are considered as roots.

What is root vegetables?

They are generally storage organs, enlarged to store energy in the form of carbohydrates. Root vegetables comes in all shapes, colours, and sizes. Root vegetables are easy to grow and in the case of an abundant fall harvest, reap plentiful rewards.

Some of the examples of root vegetables are:Bulbs which include fennel and onions, corms which includes water chestnut, rhizomes which include beets and carrots , tuberous roots include sweet potato and yucca, tubers includes potatoes .

learn more about root vegetables:


what is the name of the fruit that is banned in the us because of its blood sugar lowering properties



Blighia Sapida (aka Ackee)


If the water potential of a dialysis bag is -4.0 and the pressure potential was -2.0 and the
solute is sucrose, what was the concentration of the sucrose solution? The temperature
of the room is 37 C. Round to the thousands place (3 decimal places) and don't put the


The concentration of the sucrose solution is 0.077 moles/L

What is concentration?

The amount of a substance, like a salt, that is in a particular amount of tissue or liquid, such as blood. A substance gets more concentrated when less water is present. For example, the salt in urine may become higher in concentration when a person doesn`t drink enough water.

The formula for water potential is Ψ = ΨS + ΨP. The osmotic potential is directly proportional to the solute concentration. As the concentration of a solute in a solution increases, the osmotic potential of water in that solution decreases.

Ψ = ΨS + ΨP

ΨS = Ψ - ΨP

Where,  ΨS = Solute potential

ΨP = Pressure potential (-2.0)

Ψ = Water potential (-4.0)

Now, substitute the values:

ΨS = -4.0 - (-2.0)

ΨS = -4.0 + 2.0

ΨS = -2.0

For, solute concentration:

ΨS = -iCRT

ΨS = Solute potential (-2.0)

i = 1

C = Concentration of the sucrose

R = 8.314 × 10⁻² bar L/mol k

T = 37°C or 310.15 K

Now, substitute the values:

-2.0 = 1 × C × 8.314 × 10⁻² × 310.15

C = 0.077 moles/L

To know more about solute concentration, visit:


Asbestos fibers cause a cancer called mesothelioma in humans. The fibers kill cells that line lung
tissue by causing programmed-cell death. When cells die this way, they release a chemical, HMG1,
which causes an inflammatory response in other cells. During this inflammatory response, cells release

chemicals that promote tumor growth. What conclusion can you draw about the chemicals released in
the inflammatory response?
A. They decrease the amount of HMG1 in a feedback loop.
B. They increase the amount of HMG1 in a feedback loop.
C. They disrupt the normal circadian rhythms.
D. They disrupt the normal cell cycle.


The conclusion that we can draw about the chemicals released in the inflammatory response is that HMG1 acts as a mediator of acute lung inflammation might leads to lung cancer, such as mesothelioma. The presence of HMG1 causes cells to release certain chemicals that promote tumor growth.

What is Asbestos Fibers and Mesothelioma?

Asbestos has a crystalline category of naturally occurring silicate fibers. These fibers are only visible under a microscope. Asbestos harms lung tissue cells by inducing programmed cell death.

When cells die in this way, they produce HMG1 (high mobility group proteins that promotes an  in other cells. The presence of HMG1 causes cells to release certain chemicals that inflammatory reactionpromote tumor growth.

Therefore, The presence of HMG1 causes cells to release certain chemicals that promote tumor growth.

Learn more about tumor on:


Gene thearpy has been used to treat cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is caused by a ___ in a single gene.


Cystic fibrosis has been treated with gene therapya mutation in just one gene results in cystic fibrosis. A parent who carries the CF gene may pass it on to their offspring. After having a kid with CF, parents have a 1 in 4 chance of having another child with the condition.

Cystic fibrosis is brought on by mutations, or mistakes, in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, which either prevents the production of any CFTR protein or causes it to be malformed and unable to carry out its essential cellular role. The CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene is mutated, resulting in CF. On 70% of CF chromosomes, a three-nucleotide deletion (delta F508) that results in the lack of a phenylalanine residue in the CFTR gene's tenth exon has been identified.

Thus, we can conclude that a single gene mutation causes cystic fibrosis.



which statements best compare a function of proteins and lipids in a human cell? a. proteins provide energy for cellular processes. lipids catalyze chemical reactions inside the cell. b. proteins catalyze chemical reactions inside the cell. lipids allow for the transport of certain molecules into and out of the cell. c. proteins allow for the transport of certain molecules into and out of the cell. lipids store genetic information for cells. d. proteins store genetic information for cells. lipids provide energy for cellular processes.


The statement that best compare a function of proteins and lipids in a human cell is that the proteins store genetic information for cells and lipids provide energy for cellular processes.

What are proteins and what are lipids and what are their roles and functions inside the cell?Proteins are the polymers formed by the combination of monomers and are the basic and main component of living body.As we can predict proteins are taken in our diet, all the proteins are the polymers of alpha amino acids.Here the question is asked of the most precise statement which represents the function of protein and lipids inside the cell.Here the fourth option that is the proteins store genetic information for cells and lipids provide energy for cellular processes is correct.Proteins help in making molecules according to the genetic code coded in DNA that is deoxyribonucleic acid.Lipids are the basic bilayers of the cell membrane of the cell and is considered to be a significant part of the cell membrane.Lipids have a function , like it act as fat molecules which insulate the cell body and provide energy for cellular processes.

To know more about cell visit:




you are interested in learning the age of an individual based on their skeleton. which part of the anatomy is most likely to indicate age?


The part of human anatomy that is most likely to indicate the age of an individual are the teeth and bones.

Even unknown people's biological profiles cannot be entirely recreated in the absence of age information. Forensic anthropologists use skeletal markers for the age-related processes of bone resorption, deposition, and remodeling to establish an individual's age.

Estimating the age of adults presents a challenging task for forensic anthropologists due to the complexity, individual variability, and vast variety of external factors impacting it. Instead of using a specific age, anthropologists estimate ages using an age range.

This is explained by the fact that various biological changes take place for younger people at predictable rates and times. When a person reaches biological adulthood, both the volume and the speed of developmental change decrease.

To learn more about anatomy visit:


match each molecule with the description



Monomer: Amino acid- Protein

Monomer: Nucleotides- Nucleic Acids

Monomer: Monosaccharides- Carbohydrates

Used for long-term energy storage- Lipids


I did this before. Hopefully it helps!

An introduced insect is devastating several related plant species within a diverse natural area. An environmental manager is tasked with developing and preserving the area. He decides to use a biological control method, a parasitic fly that feeds on the pest insect's larvae. Would this be considered a density-dependent or a density-independent approach to population control? A. Density-independent, because it is not likely to completely control the pest's density B. Density-independent, because both pest and biological control agent are introduced C. Density-independent, because the parasite could become a pest, causing a natural disaster D. Density-dependent, because it reduces the population density of the pest E. Density-dependent, because both pest and biological control agent are introduced


because it lowers the pest's population density, it depends on density.

The reason why predation depends on density

Another element that depends on density is predation. When the population of a species of prey increases, predators will benefit from the more plentiful food source and will typically eat more of that prey as the population increases.

What indicators exist that a population is density-dependent?

In the process of estimating and assessing population increase, both density dependence and density independence may coexist. The relationship between a population's growth rate and density can be examined to see if there is any density dependence.

Learn more about density independence here:


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