One problem with the Articles of Confederation was *

an executive that had too much power.

the states lacked the power to tax.

the lack of control over interstate commerce (trade).

the inability to bring in new states


Answer 1


The lack of control over interstate commerce and trade


Answer 2
the answer is (C) the lack of control over interstate commerce (trade).

Related Questions

Benefits of Alaska acquisition(In a list preferably)


Answer: he Senate approved the treaty of purchase on April 9; President Andrew Johnson signed the treaty on May 28, and Alaska was formally transferred to the United States on October 18, 1867. This purchase ended Russia's presence in North America and ensured U.S. access to the Pacific northern rim.

Describe ways in which the gold/salt trade is an example of
compromise and negotiation over the availability of resources



If you could choose between a pile of salt and a pile of gold, you would probably choose the gold. After all, you know that you can always buy a container of salt for about forty-five cents at the local supermarket. But what if you could not easily get salt, and without it you could not survive? In fact, throughout history salt has been very difficult to obtain in many parts of the world, and people feared a lack of salt the way we in the industrialized world fear a shortage of fuel oil.

What parts of the government made this headline happen?

a) Senate and President

b) Supreme Court and

c) House of Representatives

d) Supreme Court and House of Representatives

Please answer if you are sure and DO NOT SEND LINKS


The answer should be A.
The part of the government that made the headline is the senate and the president :)

What is the name of the landform that borders China on the west?
the Alps

the Atlas Mountains

the Himalayan Mountains

the Pyrenees


B I believe it would be
pretty sure it is B.

When describing North Korea, “isolation” refers to the country’s lack of:

a. Major cities

b. Neighboring countries

c. Contact with the out-side world

d. news organizations



c- contact with the outside world

c. Contact with the out-side world

How could you determine which country pays the most for each item?



The U.S. government contributed just over $10 billion to the United Nations in 2018, the most recent fiscal year with full data available. About two-thirds of this total was voluntary and one-third was assessed.

The U.S. currently pays $116M each year to the World Health Organization. 24% of the entire organization's budget. China pays the second most of any country in the world at $57M, or 12% of the organization's total. The vast majority of countries pay significantly less than the U.S.

If it helps just press "Thank you" :)

If you were a member of Congress at the time, would you have voted for war (Pearl Harbor)? Explain



np. i would not because right now i want war to not be an option when we are deal with something. Also, when I deal with somthing,I would never wanted to be destroyed so yeah. brainiest pls





I hate japan and what they did to Hawaii

A security deposit may be required to protect the landlord against financial losses in case the renter damages the dwelling or fails to pay rent.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



True! Hope this helps :)
The answer is true, good luck !

Name two ways IN COMMENTS and IN COMMENTS are similar and two ways IN COMMENTS and IN COMMENTS are different. Please don't point fish, it's not a hard question and I just need a passing grade.


Answer: Monday Friday


this is my bellringer for Ss and I need help


Cultures are able to spread due to migration, and this is because people get to come from all over and teach others their ways, not only that but human migration has allowed for new cultures to form.


Of how each of individuals who are migrates had experience different types of multiple stresses of their mental health which are their culture, religion, and having change of identity and being adjustment in new culture.


Of all human migration people been forced of their host culture powerful leader of passing in territory. That only of migration people influenced cultures around whole globe of their past.

Hope this good for you

What is the purpose of a cattle drive?
To transport cattle to market
To provide Native Americans with beef
To allow the cowboys to socialize
None of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



Well none of them so its D

Can someone please help?


the opposing claim is would be why cell phones aren’t helpful

Question 2 of 15
The urbanization rate of a given area measures:
A.the ratio between how many people live in suburbs and how many live in the city. annual increase in urban population.
C.the percent of a population living in an urban area. many people live in the city.


I think the answer is C. It makes the most sense.

Help please!!!list the physical factors that differentiate aquatic ecosystems.

Question is from stemscopes


For aquatic ecosystems, these factors include light levels, water flow rate, temperature, dissolved oxygen, acidity (pH), salinity and depth. (Light level is an important factor in aquatic ecosystems.)
Physical factors and all explanation

How did the relationship between the two powers improve under Détente?


Hope this person helped
Detente served as a catalyst in reframing the Cold War. By facilitating dissent in the Soviet bloc, fostering strategic miscalculations by the Kremlin, and strengthening the reformist wing of the ruling Communist Party, detente helped to create a political opening for Mr Gorbachev to assume power in 1985.

What was the bestselling car in 2008-2014?



Ford F-series


hope this helps


Ford F-Series


The Ford F-Series full-size pickup truck was crowned the best-selling vehicle in the U.S. for 2008. The 27th year running with sales of 515,513. The Ford F-Series was, of course, also the best-selling truck in the U.S. for 2008, claiming that title for the 32nd year in a row.

how do you think Spartacus was able to convince others to join his slave revolt?


Although his uprising was not an attempt at social revolution, his name has frequently. Seen in  Article History on 73 and took refuge on Mount Vesuvius, where other runaway slaves joined the band. to be able to disperse his soldiers to their homelands once they were outside Italy.

Boll Weevil larvae damage cotton crops by
poisoning the crops making them inedible.
being off the cotton seeds in the flowers.
causing Crossing to be deformed making it unsalable.
damaging the soil preventing cotton.​


Answer: I believe option number 3

If not, then take a look at this website, it may help.

Explanation: "Upon hatching, the boll weevil larvae or grubs feed in the square, causing it to be shed by the plant or rendering the bolls unsuitable for harvest. Before eradication the boll weevil was the chief pest of cotton in Georgia as well as in other areas of the cotton belt." Quoted from,areas%20of%20the%20cotton%20belt.


A) poisoning the crops making them inedible.


The boll weevil feeds on cotton pollen, but does its damage by laying eggs on cotton flower buds, called “squares,” or on the young developing cotton boll (the songs often address boll weevil as a “he” or “Mr.” but clearly the crop damage is done by the female and her young).

How can current economic choices affect the future?



Our future is determined by the choices we make, don't make, or leave for others to make for us. If we don't like the present we are living, we can create a new one – the power is ours. ... Those choices don't just impact the moment, they echo throughout our professional and personal lives.


In short, personal finance decision-making can affect the economy as a whole. One example: Savings are the lifeblood of investment, and investment is the driver of increases in our nation's standard of living. ... Savings can fuel or starve economic growth — depending, in part, on everyone's personal decision making.

if freedom is simply being able to do what you want, are animals freer than humans?



in my opinion yes


Ive always thought how we humans describe freedom is odd...


like animals wander freely without any care (unless like being hunted), they have the freedom to do anything, they just stay clear from humans to avoid conflicts. Humans think freedom is being free of someone or something, while animals think of it as more of a natural thing, they don't get bossed around unless they are like at zoos. But in my opinion, animals are freer than humans. Humans still have things attached to them, like family, social media, and even maybe problems with the government. They will never really be 'free'.

Majors, Colonels, and Generals are often called what in the civil war


I think officers, the term officers described really high ranks in the past.

A major general had the command and administrative responsibilities for an infantry division. He had to ensure that his division was well cared for and ready to fight when needed. In battle, he commanded his division by issuing orders to his brigade commanders on where to position their troops.


A colonel had the command and administrative duties for an infantry, cavalry, or artillery regiment, made up of varying numbers of companies. The colonel was expected to lead his regiment into battle personally to ensure that it performed to its utmost ability. For this reason, colonels were often killed or wounded in action.

.....It depends which generals and colonels you’re talking about but if you were talking about the regular the ones they are usually called “Military Officers” or just “Officers”.

Sparta Graphic Organizer


Answer: Try doing a image search to help with this


What are four main goals of foreign policy?

Question 4 options:

national security

build trade with other nations

promote world peace

put U.S. troops in all other countries

advance democracy around the world



Advance democracy around the world

promote world peace

Build trade with other nations


I am pretty sure these are right!

Answer the following question in paragraph form (5-7 complete sentences). Be sure to check for correct grammar and spelling.

Explain the life of a cowhand as they traveled on trails such as the Chisholm Trail? (Provide at least 3 specific examples.)



The Red River rolled by at full flood, its muddy waters looking more like the Mississippi than the stream the Texas cowboys had hoped to find. Like most of the region’s rivers, the Red might rise suddenly and dangerously–as much as 25 feet in a day. Despite the currents of the swollen river, one trail boss was determined to get his herd of Longhorn cattle across. ‘Old Man’ Todd knew the dangers of herds as big as his getting backed up at a ford, waiting for the river to go down. With as many as 25,000 cattle from a dozen herds bunched up in a few square miles of rolling terrain, a full-blown stampede could be disastrous, and in any case the ground would soon be overgrazed.


im sorry if its not the correct but hope this helps :)


The cowhands tended cattle for ranchers. They rode alongside the herds on their way to market. The conditions were hot, dry, dirty, tiring, and often boring. They rode saddleback sometimes for up to eighteen hours. They faced many dangers on the trail from Native American attacks and cattle thieves. The cattle could be easily set off by any loud noise, causing a run of the whole herd.


sample answer

Briefly summarize the reasons for the success of European countries in colonizing the New World



Them being for the sake of their economy, religion and glory. They wanted to improve their economy for instance by acquiring more spices, gold, and better and faster trading routes. Also, they really believed in the need to spread their religion, Christianity.

What would be my monthly costs if I chose to bank at Bank of Texas and use my debit card 20 times to pay for lunch?

Captionless Image
a) $10.00
b) $2.00
c) $20.00
d) $4.00


Do you have any context?

Answer: A) 10


Please help me!!

The table below shows a linear relationship between x and y.
What is the rate of change for this relationship



I think the answer is 20 if it's wrong srry idrk

How did World War I lead to the rise of Hitler and Nazism in Germany?



Hitler attained power in March 1933, after the Reichstag adopted the Enabling Act of 1933 in that month, giving expanded authority. President Paul von Hindenburg had already appointed Hitler as Chancellor on 30 January 1933 after a series of parliamentary elections and associated backroom intrigues.


in the aftermath of World War I, Germans struggled to understand their country’s uncertain future. Citizens faced poor economic conditions, skyrocketing unemployment, political instability, and profound social change. While downplaying more extreme goals, Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party offered simple solutions to Germany’s problems, exploiting people’s fears, frustrations, and hopes to win broad support.


Please Describe the life of a cowhand.



They had to deal with intense weather conditions. Cowhands also spent 18 hours on the trail and received less than $1 a day.


The finance contract will state the ___. a. total amount borrowed c. the due date for payments b. the annual percentage rate d. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided



i think its d?‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️

A finance Contract will state all of the above (D) .
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