on january 1, 2020, the merchandise iventory of varla vista, inc. was $1350000. during 2020 carla vista purchased $2705000 of merchandise and recorded sales of $3500000. the gross profit rate on these sales was 20%. what is the merchandise inventory of carla vista at december 31,2020.


Answer 1

According to the given information, The merchandise inventory of Carla vista at December 31,2020 is $1,255,000.

Beginning inventory                 $1,350,000

Purchases                                 $2,705,000

Less: COGS (sales × {100 - 20%}) $2,800,000 ($3,500,000 × 80%)

Ending inventory                         $1,255,000

The value of products still on hand and available for purchase by a company at the end of an accounting period is referred to as ending inventory. Multiple methods of valuation can be used to determine the monetary amount of ending inventory. Regardless of the method used, the physical number of units in ending inventory remains the same, but the management's choice of inventory valuation method has an impact on the ending inventory's dollar value.The balance sheet's prominent asset is ending inventory. Accurate ending inventory reporting is crucial, especially when applying for finance. As part of a debt covenant, financial institutions frequently demand that certain financial ratios, including debt-to-assets or debt-to-earnings ratios, be upheld by the date of audited financials.

Learn more about Ending inventory, here



Related Questions

when preparing an income statement, which of the following items would most likely be classified as other comprehensive income? a. a foreign currency translation adjustment. b. an unrealized gain on a security held for trading purposes. c. a realized gain on a derivative contract not accounted for as a hedge.


Option b is correct. An unrealized gain on a security held for trading purposes.

Other comprehensive income (OCI) in company accounting refers to revenues, expenses, gains, and losses that have not yet been realized but are not included in net income on an income statement. The balance between net income and comprehensive income is represented by OCI. A portfolio of bonds that have not yet reached maturity and have hence not been repaid is a typical illustration of OCI. The interim adjustments are therefore recorded in other comprehensive income since the gains or losses resulting from the fluctuating bond value cannot be fully identified until the time of their sale.

Know more about revenues here:



What are the reasons for transition failure?


A temporary failure occurs because the organization fails to track the achievement of the desired business benefits after the end of the project.

Such the monitoring is necessary because many such projects involve the cultural change and other obstacles that can derail efforts after the project is finished. Hardly anything that happens in a company is more important than a top the leadership transition. By the nature of the role, the actions or inactions of a new business will significantly affect the business process, for better or for worse. This connection can occur within a paragraph or the between paragraphs.

To learn more about transition, click here.



when a borrower receives the face amount of a discounted note less the discount, the amount received is known as the


The note proceeds are what a borrower receives when they subtract interest from the face value of a discounted note. The correct response is option (a).

What is a note proceeds?

The money the buyer receives after selling a subordinated PIK note or a subordinated cash pay note to the seller is referred to as "note proceeds." The money earned through the sale of goods or other assets at a particular moment is referred to as "proceeds." The total is obtained by dividing the sales volume by the selling price per unit.

Short-term obligations with face values that are below par. Recurring interest payments are absent from discount notes; instead, the investor receives the note's face value when it matures.

A person or business that receives a loan, especially one for money from a bank, is referred to as a borrower.

To know more about note proceeds, visit:



suppose that a small town wants to install street lamps, which are nonrival in consumption and nonexcludable. each of the 25 people in the town value street lamps according to the given schedule. street lamps each cost $250 to install. use this information to answer the questions. what is the socially optimal number of street lamps? street lamps suppose that 20 of the 25 townspeople decide that they will not help pay for street lamps, and will instead enjoy (for free) the street lamps built by the other five people. what is the maximum number of street lamps that will be built by the remaining five people? street lamps suppose the town government decides to build street lamps and pay for the street lamps through taxation. how much should each person be taxed to pay for the optimal number of street lamps if everyone is taxed equally?


The ideal number of street lamps from a social perspective is six.

The overall social profit that results from the production or consumption of associate degree goods or services is referred to as social profit. All private benefits, as well as any external benefits of production or consumption, are included in the social profit. Employees are worth more than just their wage; social benefits are crucial for organizations and are a necessary call. Considering that employment supports an individual's health (which translates into performance) within the organization.

Externalities are situations in which the costs or benefits imposed by a manufacturing or intensive product or service on others don't appear to be included in the prices charged for such goods and services.

Wherever the incremental cost of installing a lamp is sufficient for the value of the road lamp, the amount of street lamps would be the socially optimal range. The added expense is $250. 25 people make up the population, so we can see that 250 people would be served by 6 street lamps.

To learn more about incremental cost please click on the given link: brainly.com/question/28167612


user accounts that remain active after an employee has left an organization are referred to as being what type of accounts?


Orphaned user accounts are those that are still in use once a staff has resigned a corporation.

A(n)ACL is a list that indicates which subjects have access to an utterance and also what business functions they are expected to be able to do on it

What does an ACL entry go by?

A user or group of users' names make up two or perhaps more access control entries (ACEs) that are contained within each ACL. Any position term, including developer inspector, can also be the user. The user name and password are specified for each of the aforementioned users, parties, or roles in a series of bits known as an access mask.

Permissions are given to the following entities when implementing role-based access control (RBAC) Roles.

To know more about ACL click here



In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, investments are being made to develop technologies to convert biological inputs, including municipal waste, into what product?Question 3 options:- Sustainable Aviation Fuel- Green Hydrogen- Direct Air Capture- Long-duration Energy Storage


In the Breakthrough Energy Catalyst video case, funds are being invested in the creation of technology that will allow biological inputs, such as urban trash, to be transformed into Sustainable Aviation Fuel.

What elements go into sustainable jet fuel?

SAF can be produced using a range of sustainable resources, often known as feedstocks. This includes food waste, waste from agriculture and forestry, used cooking oil, green hydrogen, and airborne carbon capture.

What is a breakthrough energy catalyst?

A ground-breaking funding program called Breakthrough Energy Catalyst (BEC) brings together companies from all facets of the private sector to encourage early commercial-scale discoveries and speed the uptake of critical climate solutions.

What new energy technologies are required for a net zero economy?

In order to achieve net zero, it will be required to make significant changes to the core pillars of our global economy. The physical environment, transportation, and energy production are all important. The hardest industries to reduce emissions are those listed above. They'll be responsible for 73% of global CO2 emissions annually by 2020.

Learn more about Breakthrough Energy Catalyst (BEC): https://brainly.com/question/29817014


The four perspectives of the balanced scorecard include all of the following except:A) financial B) customer. C) cost. D) learning and growth.


The four perspectives of the balanced scorecard include all of the following except cost.

The balanced scorecard is a management technique designed to convert an organization's strategic goals into a list of organizational performance objectives. These objectives are then assessed, followed up on, and modified as needed to make sure the strategic goals are achieved.

The Balanced Scorecard assists organizations in connecting their projects and activities to the many strategic goals, ensuring that they are laser-focused on achieving the most important goals. The distinction between the two main categories of balanced scorecards is operational and strategic. The operational balanced scorecard and the strategic balanced scorecard are the two sorts of balanced scorecards we need to distinguish next.

Hence the correct option is C

To know more about Balanced Scorecard here



if a supervisor acts in an aggressive, disrespectful way toward employees, how are the employees likely to respond?


The employees likely to respond in the following ways:

Feel less satisfied with their jobsEngage in deviant behavior at workFeel depressedWhat is employee?An employee refers to a person who is paid to work for an individual. A worker does not have to work full time to be considered an employee. You just need to be paid for the work by your employer (the person or company that pays your wages). Employees are the true capital of an organization. They are the people who contribute effectively to the successful functioning of the organization. An employee is hired by an individual or entity to perform work for that individual or entity, also known as an employer. The Internal Revenue Service defines people as employees if the employer has control over the work done.An employee is an employee hired by an employer to do a particular job. Employers control how employees are paid when they work.

to learn more about employee from the given link :



people often buy when they lack enough money to diversify their investments among several stocks.


People often buy mutual funds when they lack enough money to diversify their investments among several stocks.

What are mutual funds?

A mutual fund can be described as the company that pools money from many investors  as well as  invests the money in securities.

It should be noted that this securities can be stocks, bonds, and short-term debt however the combined holdings of the mutual fund  can be regarded as as its portfolio which the Investors buy shares in mutual funds.

Learn more about mutual funds at:



complete question:

people often buy--------------- when they lack enough money to diversify their investments among several stocks.

in determining whether a company's financial condition is improving or deteriorating over time, horizontal analysis of financial statement data would be more useful than vertical analysis. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


In determining whether a company's financial condition is improving or deteriorating over time, horizontal analysis of financial statement data would be more useful than vertical analysis.

The Given Statement is TRUE.

Financial condition is a idea that at its maximum basic stage, is the ability of a public entity (or nonprofit) to satisfy modern and future commitments (Honadle, expenses, & Cigler, 2004. economic fitness for nearby governments.

Typical symptoms of strong economic health include a consistent waft of income, uncommon modifications in charges, strong returns on investments which have been made, and a cash balance this is developing and is on course to keep growing.

The economic function facilitates the management recognize the business enterprise's overall performance in evaluation to the other businesses and the sector. offering management with accurate records allows them to shape right guidelines for the organizations and make correct decisions. these statements rank the performance of management.

Learn more about financial condition here : https://brainly.com/question/27315554


mr. and mrs. frazier recognized a $723,000 gain on sale of a home that had been their principal residence for 29 years. they moved into a rented condominium in naples, florida. what are the tax consequences of the sale to the fraziers? multiple choice $473,000 ordinary gain $223,000 long-term capital gain $723,000 long-term capital gain $473,000 long-term capital gain


They moved into a rented condominium in Naples, Florida. The tax consequences of the sale to the Frazier are $223,000 long-term capital gain. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is long-term capital?

A long-term capital asset is one owned by an assessed for more than 36 months prior to the date of transfer. Long-term investments in stocks, bonds, or real estate, as well as investment in other businesses.

Legally married couples who file a joint tax return and sell their primary house are eligible to decrease their long-term capital gain by $500,000 That means Mr. and Mrs. Frazier, bless their souls, can deduct $500,000 from the total $723,000 and recognize only $223,000 in long-term capital gain taxes.

As a result, the Naples, Florida. The tax consequences of the sale to the Frazier are $223,000 long-term capital gain. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on long-term capital, here:



Monopolistically competitive firms are likely to have ______________ prices in the long run than will occur in a perfectly competitive industry producing similar goods.

a. higher

b. smaller

c. the same as

d. one cannot tell


Monopolistically competitive firms are likely to have c. the same as prices in the long run than will occur in a perfectly competitive industry producing similar goods.

A monopoly is a market structure where the player is an unmarried vendor that dominates the overall market as he is providing a completely unique service or product. In comparison, monopolistic competition is a competitive market with only a handful of shoppers and dealers who provide close substitutes.

A monopoly is the sort of imperfect opposition where a dealer or producer captures the general public of the marketplace proportion because of the lack of substitutes or competition. A monopolistic opposition is a form of imperfect competition wherein many sellers try to seize the marketplace percentage by way of differentiating their merchandise. whilst handiest one enterprise controls a whole industry—or maybe a large percentage of that industry—the corporation is said to have a monopoly. historically, monopolies benefit the companies that have them, as they can improve expenses and reduce services without consequence.

Learn more about Monopolistically here: https://brainly.com/question/25717627


Larry krovitz is a salesman who works at a used-car showroom in sydney, australia. it’s the last week of july but he is yet to meet his sales target for the month. a customer, harold kumar, who wants to buy a ford fiesta, walks in to the showroom. after taking one of the cars for a test drive, harold decides to buy it. while $11,000 was the least that larry would have been willing to accept for that car, he quotes a price of $15,000. after some bargaining, the car is sold for $12,000.
a. What is the producer surplus in this oase? b. If Larry bought the car for $8,000, what is his profit? c. Is producer surplus always equai to profit?.


The producer surplus in oase is $1000,  the profit of larry's car is $4000 and producer surplus is not always equal to profit.

a) The producer surplus is calculated as follows: 12,000 minus 11,000, which equals $1,000.

(b) Profit equals Market price minus Purchase price, or 12,000 minus 8,000, or $4,000

(c) Producer surplus, which is calculated as the area between the supply curve and the price, is the difference between the market price and the lowest acceptable price. The difference between total revenue and entire costs is known as profit. As a result, profit and producer surplus are not always equal.

To learn more about producer surplus



if total revenue increases when a firm sells more units, then marginal revenue is:_______


if total revenue increases when a firm sells more units, then marginal revenue is:  marginal revenue is positive.

If marginal revenue is positive, total revenue will increase when the firm sells one more unit of output. In this question, however, total revenue decreases when the firm sells one more unit of output.

If you describe some thing as marginal, you mean that it is small or not very essential. this is a marginal improvement on October. Synonyms: insignificant, small, low, minor greater Synonyms of marginal. adjective.

Revenue is the entire quantity of earnings generated via the sale of goods or services associated with the agency's primary operations. sales, additionally called gross sales, is often called the "top line" as it sits on the top of the income statement. earnings, or internet income, is a organization's general income or profit.

Learn more about revenue here :-



the cost of preferred stock is equivalent to the: multiple choice pretax cost of debt. rate of return on an annuity. aftertax cost of debt. rate of return on a perpetuity. cost of an irregular growth common stock.


Option d. return on perpetuity is the correct answer. The preferred stock issues with a state dividend rate is equivalent to a return on perpetuity.

Preferred stock is issued by a company to the investors and they will get preferences over the payment of dividends before the common stockholders but don't get any voting rights. Preferred stock is hybrid security as it has the features of both equity and debt.

The cost of preferred stock is computed as follows:

Cost of preferred stock = Annual dividend / Current stock price

Since the preferred stock is issued with a stated dividend rate, the annual dividend remains the same as a result of which it is equivalent to a return on perpetuity.

Learn more about perpetuity:



the process by which people come to define a group as a race based, in part, on physical characteristics, but also on historical, cultural, and economic factors, is called:


The process by which people come to define a group as a race based, in part, on physical characteristics, but also on historical, cultural, and economic factors, is called Social construction of race.

What does Economic factor mean?

Any economic variable, such as income, output, consumption, savings, investment, trade, inflation, or unemployment, that has an impact on the overall performance of the economy is referred to as an economic factor. It can also refer to a government's economic policies and the economic environment in which a business operates.

What does Inflation mean?

Inflation is an economic term that refers to a long-term increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. When the inflation rate is high, it means that the prices of goods and services are rapidly rising, resulting in a loss of purchasing power.

To know more about Inflation,



what is the profit-maximizing combination of labor and capital the firm should use? explain. what is the resulting level of output? what is the economic profit? is this the least costly way of producing the profit-maximizing output?


The profit-maximizing combination used must be of cost-minimizing approach.

The profit-maximizing combination of labor and capital is the combination of inputs resulting in highest profit. To determine, the firm needs to consider factors, like labor and capital prices, production function, and market demand for products. To find the profit-maximizing combination of labor and capital, a firm can use a cost-minimizing approach.  This involves determining least-cost combination of inputs allowing firm to produce a given level of output. The profit-maximizing combination of inputs will result in the lowest cost per unit of output, which will maximize the firm's profits.

Economic profit is a measure of profit considering opportunity cost of inputs used in production. In profit-maximizing combination of labor and capital, the economic profit would be the profit generated by the firm using this combination of inputs, taking into account the opportunity cost of the inputs. This would be the difference between the total revenue generated by the firm and the total opportunity cost of the labor and capital used in production. Overall, the profit-maximizing combination of labor and capital for a firm will depend on the specific circumstances of the firm and the market in which it operates and can be the least costly way.

Read more about  profit-maximizing on:



caroline needs information from a coworker in another office about an upcoming sales promotion. what is the best communication channel for caroline to use to request this information? a. memo b. e-mail c. letter d. phone call


Caroline needs information from a

coworker in another office about an

upcoming sales promotion. the best

communication channel for Caroline to use

to request this information is E-mail. Correct option is (b).

Electronic mail (email or e-mail) is a method of exchanging messages ("mail") between people using electronic devices. Email was thus conceived as the electronic (digital) version of, or counterpart to, mail, at a time when "mail" meant only physical mail (hence e- + mail). Email later became a ubiquitous (very widely used) communication medium, to the point that in current use, an email address is often treated as a basic and necessary part of many processes in business, commerce, government, education, entertainment, and other spheres of daily life in most countries.

Caroline needs information from a coworker in another office about an upcoming sales promotion. the best communication channel for Caroline to use to request this information is E-mail.

To know more about E-mail visit:



Select the incorrect statement regarding the contribution margin income statement. A) The contribution margin approach for the income statement is unacceptable for external reporting. B) The contribution margin approach requires that all costs be classified as fixed or variable. C) Contribution margin represents the amount available to cover product costs and thereafter to provide profit. D) Assuming no change in fixed costs, a $1 increase in contribution margin will result in a $1 increase in profit.


The incorrect statement regarding the contribution margin is Contribution margin represents the amount available to cover product costs and thereafter to provide profit. The response is option C.

What is contribution margin ?

The money left over after sales after paying the variable costs related to manufacturing a product is a company's contribution margin, often known as the gross margin. Your net income, or profit, is obtained by deducting fixed costs from your contribution margin, such as rent, equipment leases, and employee pay.

It is an economic phrase that aids managers and company owners in tracking the profitability of their products. Because it demonstrates how much of a product's income is available to pay fixed expenses and contribute to the company's profit, the contribution margin is crucial to comprehend.

To learn more about contribution margin



when sam jones applies for his original license as a salesperson, how much of his license fee will go to the real estate education, research, and recovery fund?


when sam jones applies for his original license as a salesperson, $20 of his license fee will go to the real estate education, research, and recovery fund.

A real estate salesperson aids buyers (customers) of real estate in locating and purchasing property while working under the supervision of a registered real estate broker. They get listings of property for sale from the employing broker (listed with employing brokers or another broker). A real estate salesperson who works with a real estate broker lists and negotiates the purchase, lease, or rental of real estate on behalf of third parties for a fee, all while being directed and supervised by the broker. A salesperson is unable to work alone. License holders are expected to comprehend the Real Estate License Law.

To know more about  Real Estate:



an important reason the federal reserve would not want to keep interest rates at 0% forever is that doing so would:_____


The Federal Reserve would not want interest rates to remain at 0% indefinitely for a number of reasons, including the fact that doing so would restrict its flexibility to implement expansionary monetary policy in the event of the next recession.

The United States of America's central banking system is called the Federal Reserve System. With the passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913, it was established in response to the need for centralized control of the monetary system to prevent financial crises following a string of financial panics. To guarantee that the financial system supports a strong economy for American people, communities, and businesses, the Federal Reserve analyzes financial system risks and actively participates at home and abroad.

Each of the 12 regional reserve banks of the Federal Reserve System is owned by its member banks, who initially provided the capital to keep them operating, in accordance with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Learn more about Federal Reserve here: https://brainly.com/question/25817380


alcoa sent line workers and managers to foreign locations to seek out new techniques and processes, and they brought them back to the home country to improve operations. this shows the benefits of:


Alcoa sent line workers and managers to foreign locations to seek out new techniques and processes, and they brought them back to the home country to improve operations. This shows the benefits of the transfer of knowledge.

Knowledge transfer is the process through which one unit such as a department, group, team, division, etc. is affected by the experience of another and is manifested through changes in the knowledge or performance of the recipient units and can be demonstrated by measuring changes in performance. Knowledge transfer is not just about the transfer of information but about passing on experience, best practices, and learning.

It aims in reducing the gap between knowledge and practice.

Learn more about the transfer of knowledge here:



all of the following are signs of chick-fil-a’s organizational values except its


Except than the store logo, all of the following are symbols of Chick-fil-organizational A's ideals.

Is the advantage disregarded or skipped?

The potential advantages that a person, investor, or business forgoes by choosing one choice over another are known as opportunity costs. Since opportunity costs are by definition invisible, it is easy to ignore them.

What statement about a balanced scorecard quizlet is true?

It presents an organization from the viewpoint of both internal and external customers.

How do complements' accessibility operate as a value-driver?

When used in conjunction with a product, complements enhance its value. enhancing the perceived value generated for clients, enabling it to charge a higher price.

To Know more about organizational



A group spends $277.50 to rent 15 tubes for a float down the ichetucknee river. how many of each type of tube does the group rent?


A total of $18.5 is spent on each tube.

Which rent types are there?

Land rent, economic rent, and quasi-rent are the three types of rent. The tenant pays the landlord the land rent in exchange for the use of the land, and the landlord gets this price because there is a limited amount of land.


The total amount spent to rent 15 tubes by the group is $277.50.

Since they did not specify in the question the types of tubes they rented, we cannot determine each types of tubes that the group rented but we can determine the amount spent on each tube provided that they are all the same types.

∴ if 15 tubes = $277.50

          1 tube = $x

By cross multiplying:

$x = $277.50 × 1 tube / 15 tube

(x) =$18.5

Therefore, we can conclude that the amount spent on each tube is $18.5.

To know more about rent visit:



axle corporation had 800,000 shares of common stock issued and outstanding at january 1. no commons shares were issued during the years, but on january 1, axle issued 100,000 shares of convertible preferred stock. the preferred shares are convertible into 200,000 shares of common stock. during the year, axle paid $60,000 cash dividends on the preferred stock. net income was $1,500,000. what is axle's diluted earnings per share for the year.


Basic and diluted earnings per share for Axle Corporation for the year were $1.8 and $1.44, respectively.

What Is the Importance of Diluted EPS?

Metrics used to evaluate a company's profitability include basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS). Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net income by the number of outstanding equity shares of the company (EPS). Convertible securities, such as warrants and loans, are included in the calculation of diluted profits per share.

Diluted EPS accounts for shares that aren't outstanding right now but could be in the future. They can be the outcome of the exercise of employee stock options or the conversion of convertible debt into common stock. These types of actions will unintentionally increase the number of shares outstanding in addition to diminishing the firm's total profits when computed per share. Knowing the fully-diluted EPS is necessary to comprehend how current shareholders may influence potential future shareholders.

A) EPS = (Net income - preference dividend) / (Number of shares)

= ($1,500,000 - $60,000) / (800,000)

= ($1,440,000) / (800,000)

= $1.8 per share

B) Diluted Earning per share = (Net income - preference dividend) / (Number of shares + diluted shares)

= ($1,500,000 - $60,000) / (800,000 + 200,000)

= ($1,440,000) ÷ (1,000,000)

= $1.44 per share

Learn more about diluted earnings per share: https://brainly.com/question/13624033


Stocks have both diversifiable risk and undiversifiable​ risk, but only diversifiable risk is rewarded with higher expected returns.a. trueb. false


False- Both diversifiable and irreducible risk exist in stocks, but only diversified risk is rewarded with better expected returns. A portfolio with equal weights in each stock will always exhibit volatility if two equities have a perfect negative correlation.

What is investor's capital?

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) assists in determining investment risk and the expected return on an investor's capital. Only undiversifiable risk is relevant in determining the expected return on any asset, according to the central tenet of CAPM. All stocks appear to have higher risk and worse returns than would be expected given the diversifiable risk, As a result, calculating the projected return on investment necessitates measuring both.

To learn more about diversifiable from given link



the main goal of a poison pill is to . multiple choice question. enter a new market overcome moral hazard minimize the threat of a hostile takeover fire the top management team


A hostile takeover is a sale, either to the owners of one corporation (called the target group) or to the board, to get the purchase approved, by the other company (called the acquirer).

What is the purpose of corporate governance?The strategies used for winning over the stake include the acquisition on the open market of a majority, the sale of a preferential premium for current shareholders from the purchasing business (a tender offer) and the use of existing shareholders ' voting rights (a proxy war).Access to its distribution channels, its customer base, market share, technology or because the purchaser considers that the acquisition can improve the value of the current objective and take advantage of the appreciation of the stock price. A corporation's debt is usually divided between bank loans and/or bonds issued.Bondholders usually must receive fixed payments (coupon) regardless of how the corporation is doing, while stockholders earn money through distributed dividends (only if the company makes a profit) and by sales transactions (only if they sell at a higher price that what the price they paid for the stocks).Banks should also receive their payments regardless of the corporation's performance. The larger the debt, the more serious the stockholders vs. debtholders conflicts, since the main risk is assumed by the stockholders, while debtholders will always try to protect themselves.

To learn more about management refer to:



blanton company wishes to allocate rent expense of $24,000 to its three operating departments, a, b, and c. assuming the three departments occupy 10,000, 20,000, and 30,000 square feet, respectively, the cost allocation rate for department c is $0.80 per square foot. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, selected


True. The cost allocation rate for department c is $0.80 per square foot.

Cost allocation is the process of assigning costs from one account to another in order to more accurately reflect the actual costs associated with each activity or product. Cost allocation is used by companies to determine the costs associated with specific activities, resources, or products.

To calculate the cost allocation rate for Department C, divide the total rent expense ($24,000) by the total square footage (60,000 sq. ft.) to get $0.40 per square foot. Then, multiply the cost allocation rate ($0.40) by the square footage for Department C (30,000 sq. ft.) to get the amount allocated to Department C ($24,000).

For more questions like Cost allocation click the link below:



your company is conducting forecasting that revolves around the current recession and expansion of the u.s. economy. this type of forecasting can be referred to as what component of a time series?


Your company is conducting forecasting that revolves around the current recession and expansion of the U.S. economy. This type of forecasting can be referred to as cyclical variations.

A non-seasonal component that varies in a discernible cycle is known as cyclical variation. Series can occasionally show oscillations that don't have a set period but are somewhat predictable. For instance, economic data that is impacted by business cycles that last between roughly 5 and 7 years.

For the following reasons, cyclical variations are quite helpful: 1. It is utilized to create corporate rules that will help us avoid changes in the market and increase revenues. 2. It is employed in forecasting when commercial activity will turn.

Cyclical variations result from the ups and downs periodically reoccurring. These are brought on by the business cycle, and every organization must go through all four of its stages at some point. The four stages of a business cycle are prosperity or boom, recession, depression, and recovery.

Know more about cyclical variation:



appointed agency leaders are tasked with steering their agencies in the direction:______.


The appointed agency leaders are worked with steering their agencies in the direction charted by the President.

With the intention of carrying out and maintaining the laws established by Congress, the President picks the heads of federal agencies, including the Cabinet. "Any employee who is appointed by the President, the Vice President, or agency head" is how the United States Office of Government Ethics defines a political appointee.

The "Secretary" or "Head of the Agency" of the agency is the Secretary, the Under Secretary, and the Assistant Secretary, as well as any other executive or military department head or assistant head.

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