Ok found a ship name and it's KayMarie + Ian = K and L nation
Thanks Dae


Answer 1




Answer 2

Answer: You welcome

Explanation: brainliest pls

Related Questions

Describe and explain one way that Stalin controlled the people of the USSR.
What caused the fall of the Soviet Union?
Describe one difference between the Soviet Union and the United States during the Cold War.
Then do what why and how...


using a combination of manipulation and terror to destroy his opposition

the Soviet Union began a slow process of democratization that eventually destabilized Communist control and contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Not only was the Soviet Union communist, they were totalitarian, meaning all the power was with the rulers. The United States was capitalist which meant that people could own land and businesses and compete for themselves.

hope this is helpful:)


1. Regime. The regime maintained itself in political power by means of the secret police, propaganda disseminated through the state-controlled mass media, personality cultism, restriction of free discussion and criticism, the use of mass surveillance, political purges and persecution of specific groups of people.

2.Gorbachev's decision to allow elections with a multi-party system and create a presidency for the Soviet Union began a slow process of democratization that eventually destabilized Communist control and contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

3.These differences between the two countries stemmed from their ideologies.  Communism was the ideology followed by the Soviet Union.  Originally founded by Karl Marx, it said that everything should be owned by the government and then divided up equally among the people who would then all work for it.  Not only was the Soviet Union communist, they were totalitarian, meaning all the power was with the rulers.

The United States was capitalist which meant that people could own land and businesses and compete for themselves.  This led to a stark contrast between poor and rich.  They were also a democracy, which meant it was the people who had a say by electing rulers.

In the Cold War, the division was between these two sides, and there was very little in between.

1 Which of the following is a consequence of the new “24-hour news cycle”?
It has forced people to get their news from cable television instead of the Internet.
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a journalist uncovering and highlighting the plights of the homeless
a journalist researching a story on a hurricane in the Gulf
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a diary
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Alexander and his friends are able to do this without the threat of government interference because of which right?

freedom of speech
due process
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freedom of the press
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gathering information.
evaluating a solution.
Jacob Riis is best known for his work How the Other Half Lives which was a photographic record of _____________.
The living conditions in urban slums and child labor.
The restricted rights of women in early twentieth-century America.
The rise of corruption in urban centers.
The lack of sanitary practices in the meat-packing industry.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided

What makes a source credible?

It is found online.
It contains bias.
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Adding a salad bar to a school lunch menu for students with restricted diets is an example of

evaluating a solution.
gathering information.
implementing a solution.
weighing disadvantages.





Which of the following is a consequence of the new “24-hour news cycle”?

answer is d: It forces governments to respond and take action more quickly.

I hope that helps :)


What is the purpose of the United Nations? Select three choices.

Maintain world peace

Promote social progress

Promote social justice

Act as a free trade zone

Reduce greenhouse gases

Set rules for trade between nations

a,b and c are the correct answer on edg


what is erosion

a.when material can no longer be carried and is dropped.

b.when material is moved from one place to another

c.when material is gradually worn away​


C I think I’m not really sure

2. Jewish ideas can be traced in three aspects Ef their religion - the covenant, the law, and the prophets.
What was the covenant, and who were the prophets?


Jeremiah 31
"The idea of the new covenant is based chiefly upon Jeremiah 31:31–34 (comp. Hebrews 8:6–13, 10:16).

which two are false? FACT SHEET: TRUMAN DOCTRINE
A. $400 million of military and economic aid was proposed by Truman to help Greece & Turkey
B. This marked a shift in American foreign policy and marked the beginning of the Cold War
C. American & British political leaders believed democracies would be reliable allies in trade and war
D. The US feared the Communists would support Communists in the Greek Civil War
E. Congress vetoed Truman's request to send aid to Greece & Turkey
F. The USSR wanted Turkey to give the USSR rights to control the Turkish straits
G. American Diplomats feared a domino effect as Communism would spread across the mediterranean
H. Truman explicitly mentioned the USSR as a threat in his address to Congress
1: The Communist threat was intentionally overstated in Truman's message


The two false statements about the Truman doctrine are:

American & British political leaders believed democracies would be reliable allies in trade and warThe USSR wanted Turkey to give the USSR rights to control the Turkish straits.

What was the Truman Doctrine?

This was the foreign policy of the United States under Truman that had it that the United States would send economic and military assistance to threatened democratic nations.

The reason for this was the issue that arose due to communism in the world.

Read more on Truman doctrine here:



Find the length of AB


I believe it’s 16 for the length of AB

:O gorillaz is good ngl (also I need help with this lol)


Answer and Explanation:

I believe its D. The Red sea


It's the Red Sea


Hope this is helpful! have a wonderful day! God bless you

China's growing economy has been helped by special economic zones. In these zones, A. the government carefully controls the economy B. only Chinese companies can do business C. the government places fewer restrictions on business D. only some products are allowed to be created Please select the best answer from the choices provided A,B,C,D​


Answer: C.  The government places fewer restrictions on business.

If you got this correct please heart and 5 stars?

Comment if you got this  correct.

Answer:Answer is C


If it is 5 pm at 35 degrees West, what time will it be at 90 degrees West?​



12:00 PM as its (-5hr)


The UTC is a time zone that is followed in South America. The time zones are divided from UTC of -5 to -2 and daylight saving is used by various countries like Chile. As of 2015, the government of Uruguay has decided not to start the daylight saving time as it has a UTC /GMT of -3.

In the last years of the 20th century, immigrants into the United States were MOST likely to come from
Latin America.



I think either A or D


Ellis Island

Answer: D

Latin America


What physical features would a traveler oh the Silk Road likely not have encountered? * (A )desert (B)mountain(C) tundra (D)rivers​



Pretty sure it's C. Tundra


There are not a lot of grasslands.

Hope that helps

Which of the following statements about the food web is correct? (Please choose TWO of the
best answers)

A food chain is a collection of many different fong webs.
The food web in a tropical rainforest is different from that in a desert.
While the interruption of a food chain may be disatrous to our environment, the interruption of a food web
is not
✓ A food web is a collection of many different food chains.



a food web is a collection of many different food chain

a food chain is a collection of many different fong webs

A right triangle and two of its side lengths are shown in the diagram.
39 cm
12 cm
x cm
Which measurement is closest to the value of x in centimeters?



B. 1.9 mi


The shortest distance from Natasha's house to the library = hypotenuse of the triangle = x

Since the triangle is a right triangle, we can find x by applying Pythagorean Theorem.


x² = 1.7² + 0.9²

x² = 2.89 + 0.81

x² = 3.7

√x² = √3.7

x ≈ 1.9 mi

How did the Great Leap Forward impact China? Check all that apply.
A. It pushed China's progress back many years.
B. It sparked change that greatly altered China by the 1960s.
C. Steel production flourished in rural Chinese villages.
D. Over 10 million people died of starvation​



Option D) Over 10 million of people died of starvation.

may be this is the answer

Describe how heatwaves can bring both positive and negative consequences



Positives -

- There becomes a higher consumption of certain foods and drinks (a boom-time for ice-cream and cold drinks)

- Domestic tourism is having a boon with "stay-cations"

- Measured industrial output rises, hence GDP rises, because of increased use of electricity

Negatives -

- Heatwaves can cause a surge of dry weather. This could lead to Droughts and could have a negative impact on locals. Crops for farmers could dry out, and there could become a lack of vegetation (for animals too).

- Higher death rate for people with certain conditions (e.g. more heart attacks, especially among-st elderly people)

- Reduced numbers for certain forms of entertainment (ie cinema etc)

Which city is CORRECTLY matched with its country?

A) Mecca, Iraq
B) Rabat, Morocco
C) Istanbul, Iran
D) Jerusalem, Jordan






B) Rabat, Morocoo


It's the capital of Morocco,

and the others are not correct

I will give brainliest
What is agglomeration economics​



Agglomeration economies are the benefits that come when firms and people locate near one another together in cities and industrial clusters.


Name any 5 deltas in the world .....​



Hey mate......


This is ur answer.....

-> Amazon Delta.-> Danube Delta.-> Ebro Delta.-> Euphrates Delta.-> Fly Delta.-> Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta.-> Indus River Delta.

Hope it helps!

mark me brainliest pls.....

Follow me! :)

amazon delta
danube delta
ebro delta
fly delta
godavari delta

When looking at the map of Missouri - what area of Missouri seems to have the greatest amounts of poverty? The northwest part of the state, the northeast, the southeast, or the southwest



South East






What is the source of energy that powers wind and flowing water



Kinetic energy deals with motion hence powers the wind and flowing water



The sun heats the earth's surface and the Earth heats the air above it, causing wind.


Water evaporated by the sun forms clouds and rain to give us flowing streams and rivers. Both wind and flowing water (hydropower) are sources of energy. So you see, the sun is the source of many kinds of energy found in nature.

How have countries in East Asia attempted to address their overpopulation issue? in one paragraph please!!



East Asia attempted to control their population issue by having the "one child" policy ,but because of gender imbalancement they allowed another child to be born ,allowing people to have 2 kids.

5.Which of the following key words are associated with the water cycle?. Multiple choice.


Surface run-off





surface run-off



Surface Run-Off


the map shows the average high temperatures in July for two cities in Texas. What is the most likely explanation for the difference in average high temperatures in July for these two cities?

A-Galveston is exposed to westerly winds, while Del Rio is exposed to easterly winds.

B-Warm ocean water off Galveston radiates more heat than the desert near Del Rio

C-Galveston receives less rainfall because it is near the ocean, while Del Rio receives more rainfall because it is inland.

D-Ocean breezes keep coastal Galveston cooler than Del Rio, which is inland and exposed to southerly winds.





I took the test

The most likely explanation for the difference in average high temperatures in July for the above 2 cities is that the Ocean breezes keep coastal Galveston cooler than Del Rio.

Option D is correct.

What is temperature?

The temperature is defined as the physical quantity that expresses the hot and cold.

It is the embodiment of thermal energy that shows in every issue, which is the origin of the presence of heat and a flow of energy,

In the given map, has shown the high temperatures in the two cities of Texas, which means that the Ocean currents keep the coastal Towns cooler than Del Rio, which is inland and disclosed to southerly currents or winds.

Therefore, option D is correct.

To learn more about the temperature, refer to:


evidence that the earths surface is moving


Evidence that the Earth’s surface moves is that earthquakes happen. This is evidence because earthquakes happen from movement.

Hope this helps.
There’s a earthquake when two plates meet

outline the difference between a hamlet and a village​



A village is a small human settlement typically situated in a rural area. A hamlet is a clustered human settlement that is smaller than a village. A village is larger than a hamlet, but smaller than a town or city. A hamlet is smaller than a village.


I need HELP QUICK!!!
In what three countries was the Vietnam War fought?

Vietnam, Korea, and Japan

Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore

Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

Vietnam, Laos, and Burma



Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia (srry if its wrong)

How could fossils of plants be found on an island in the Arctic Ocean?

1.The island must have had a warm climate to support the plants.
2.The plants must have been carried to the island by animals.
3.The plants must have been carried to the island by people.
4.The plants must have been able to live in cold temperatures.



i think option 4 is correct

Answer: im pretty sure its "The plants must have been carried to the island by animals"

but it could be number 4

Which desert is found in SUB-Saharan Africa

Question 1 options:







Its ans...is Sahara desert...


B.) Namib


I took this test yesterday!

Hope I helped!!!

GL :)

What is Mesopotamia/Sumer social structure?




The populations of these cities were divided into social classes which, like societies in every civilization throughout history, were hierarchical.


In Ancient Sumer, the social structure was very important. There were three different classes; the upper class, the common class, and the bottom. In the upper class, there were the priests, landowners, and government officials. They lived in the middle, or center of the city.

the route to the gautrain station at OR Rambo international airport



The distance between O.R. Tambo International Airport and Gautrain Sandton Station is 17 km.


I hope this is what you were looking for! :D

The route to the Gautrain station has a railway link that runs to the OR Tambo International Airport.

About Gautrain Station

Gautrain Station is known to run north to south between Johannesburg and Pretoria on a rail link. Then it runs west to east between Sandton and OR Tambo International Airport.

The Gautrain actually operates a train from OR Tambo International Airport to Sandton. The stops on the Gautrain routes actually includes interesting places and destinations.

Learn more about Gautrain Train on https://brainly.com/question/26609556

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