now that sheila has completed her bachelor's degree, she has decided to pursue her master's degree. sheila's choice of additional education is called an investment in:


Answer 1

Now that Sheila has finished her bachelor's degree, she has determined to pursue her master's degree. Sheila's desire of extra training is referred to as an funding in: A human capital.

The required details about human capital is mentioned in below paragraph.

The time period human capital refers to the monetary price of a people revel in and skills. Human capital consists of property like training, training, intelligence, skills, health, and different matters employers price consisting of loyalty and punctuality. As such, it's far an intangible asset or first-class that isn't (and can not be) indexed on a business enterprise's stability sheet. Human capital is looked as if it would boom productiveness and for this reason profitability. The extra funding a business enterprise makes in its employees, the possibilities of its productiveness and fulfillment end up higher.


Now that Sheila has completed her bachelor's degree, she has decided to pursue her master's degree. Sheila's choice of additional education is called an investment in:

A human capital.

B labor

C financial capital.

D physical capital.

E natural resources

To learn about human capital visit here.


Related Questions

if full body protection is needed in your job, whose responsibility is it to pay for it?


OSHA mandates that businesses shoulder the cost of equipping employees with the personal protective equipment (PPE) they need for their professions.

Which are some instances of employers?

An employer is, more particularly, a corporation, institution, government body, agency, consulting company, nonprofit organization, small business, retailer, or individual who hires or otherwise places people who may be referred to as employees or staff members to work.

What distinguishes workers from employers?

Employers rely on their staff to carry out specified responsibilities in order to accomplish organizational objectives, guarantee the smooth operation of the company, and generate revenues. Employees, the other hand, rely on their employer to reimburse the agreed-upon pay or earnings so they may sustain themselves and, if applicable, their family.

To know more about Employers visit :


What are the 4 types of savings?


The Emergency Fund is one of four types of savings. This is the "I can touch" portion of your "Do Not Touch" fund. This is the "I know what I want, I just need to pay for it" fund for things that you know will happen, but not necessarily every month. Long-term funds are saved for a certain objective or purchase.

A contingency fund or emergency fund is money set aside from a person's budget as a safety net against unanticipated expenses or mishaps. It is important to make sure that one's personal finances are prepared for any emergency, as this will reduce the likelihood of having to rely on credit, accumulating debt, or running out of money saving altogether should such a crisis occur. Emergency savings may be used for unexpected medical costs, unplanned travel expenses, automotive difficulty, home appliance maintenance, or replacement.

Learn more about  savings from


Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals.
a. true
b. false


"Leadership is the ability to influence employees to voluntarily pursue organizational goals." False Option B

What is Leadership?

Generally, The capacity to persuade other people to willingly work toward organizational objectives is an essential component of leadership.

Kotter believes that the key to leadership is successfully navigating change.

According to John Kotter, management is the process of dealing with complexity, while leadership is the process of coping with change.

Read more about Leadership


at the beginning of the period, the assembly department budgeted direct labor of $110,000, direct materials of $170,000, and fixed factory overhead of $28,000 for 8,000 hours of production. the department actually completed 10,000 hours of production. what is the appropriate total budget for the department, assuming it uses flexible budgeting? round hourly rates to two decimal places. a.$288,000 b.$305,000 c.$350,000 d.$378,000


The appropriate total budget for the department, assuming it uses flexible budgeting is calculated to be d.$378,000

First, we determine the variable cost per hour as follows;

Variable cost per hour = (Direct Material + Direct Labor) ÷ Number of production hours

= [170,000+110,000] ÷ 8,000 = $280,000 ÷ 8,000 = $35

As the department completed more hours for production, therefore,

Additional budgeted costs = (10,000 - 8,000) × $35  = 2000 × $35 = $70,000

The total appropriate budget for the department using flexible budgeting can be calculated by using the following formula;

Prime cost + Additional hourly (budgeted) costs + Factory overhead (Fixed)

= (Direct labor + Direct Material) + Additional hourly (budgeted) costs + Factory overhead (Fixed)

= $(110,000 + 170,000) + $70,000 + $28,000

= $378,000

Hence in the case of flexible budgeting, the appropriate total budget for the department is $378,000

To learn more about flexible budgeting; click here:


suppose the marginal propensity to consume (mpc) is 0.8 and there is a $1,000 increase in autonomous consumption. given this information, real gdp will increase by


The correct answer to the given question is: the real GDP will increase by $5000

The percentage of an overall salary increase that a customer spends on purchasing goods and services rather than saving is known as the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) in economics. The keynesian macroeconomic theory includes the concept of the marginal propensity to consume, which is determined as the change in consumption divided by the change in income. C / Y, where C is the change in consumption and Y is the change in income, is the formula for calculating the marginal propensity to consume. MPC equals 0.8 / 1 = 0.8 if consumption rises by 80 cents for every dollar of new income.

To learn more about MPC click here:


three years ago, preferred stock rtf was unable to pay a dividend. two years ago, the company was only able to pay a dividend of 3%. last year, the company was only able to pay shareholders a dividend of 4%. as conditions are now improved, the firm would like to pay dividends to common shareholders. what dividend percentage must the preferred shareholders first receive in order for this to happen?


These often have the right to a fixed dividend that is stated as a percentage of the nominal (par) value of the share; for example, a £1 preference share with a 5% dividend right will pay out 5p annually. But it is still a dividend and can only be paid from earnings.

What dividend amount is given to preferred shareholders?

Divide the dividend percentage by the par value of the preferred stock. For instance, if the stock was issued at $40 per share and the dividend rate is 7.5 percent, the yearly dividend is $3 per share.

who is the first shareholder to earn dividends?

Due to their primacy over the company's income, preferred shareholders receive dividend payments before common shareholders do. Common shareholders come last. Consequently, they will receive payment after creditors, bondholders, and preferred shareholders when it comes to corporate assets.

To know more about stock rtf visit:-


a two-unit property sold for $97,500. its contract rent was $425 per month for each unit, and the market rent was $475 for each unit. what is the indicated grm?


the indicated grm (the Gross Rent Multiplier) is  4.51 GRM.

the formula for Gross Rent Multiplier;

Gross Rent Multiplier = Market Value / Annual Gross Income

And the annual Annual Gross Income = gross rent x units x 12 months

                                         =$900 x 2 units x 12 months

                                           = $21,600 in gross annual revenue


Gross Rent Multiplier = $97,500/$21,600 = 4.51 GRM

To know more about Gross Rent Multiplier, click the below link



of the three categories of qos mechanisms, which does not truly provide qos and uses a fifo queuing strategy?


Best-effort treatment of traffic does not actually give QoS to that traffic because packets are not reordered.

First-in, first-out (FIFO) queuing is the method used by Best Effort, in which packets are removed from a queue in the order in which they were added to the queue.

Quality of service refers to any method of managing data flow to reduce packet loss, latency, and jitter on a network (QoS). QoS controls and preserves the network's resources by assigning priorities to specific types of network traffic.

To enable the transfer of delay-sensitive data, audio, and video, enterprise networks must provide trustworthy and measurable services. Businesses use Quality of Service (QoS) to meet the traffic needs of sensitive applications like real-time voice and video and to prevent the quality from declining due to packet loss, delay, and jitter.

To know more about QOS click here,


which of the four ps in the marketing mix is most directly related to the recruiting of wholesalers and retailers for a new product introduction?


The 4 play station within side the advertising blend is maximum at once associated with the recruiting of wholesalers and shops for a brand new product creation is place.

The required details for marketing mix in given paragraph

The term "advertising blend" is a basis version for businesses, traditionally targeted round product, price, place, and promotion (additionally called the "four Ps"). The advertising blend has been described as the "set of advertising gear that the organization makes use of to pursue its advertising goals within side the goal market". Marketing idea emerged within side the early twenty-first century. The modern advertising blend which has come to be the dominant framework for advertising control choices became first posted in 1984. In offerings advertising, an prolonged advertising blend is used, normally comprising 7 Ps (product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning and human beings), made of the authentic four Ps prolonged through process, human beings and bodily evidence.

Occasionally provider entrepreneurs will refer to eight Ps (product, price, place, promotion, human beings, positioning, packaging, and performance), comprising those 7 Ps plus performance.

To know about marketing mix click here


Complete question

Which of the four Ps in the marketing mix is most directly related to the recruiting of wholesalers and retailers for a new product introduction?

a. Product

b. Place

c. Promotion

d. Price

what is the appropriate treatment in an interim financial report for inventory that has market value below cost? the loss should always be recorded in the interim period in which market value drops below cost. the loss should be recorded in the interim period in which market value drops below cost if the loss is considered temporary. the loss should be recorded in the interim period in which market value drops below cost if the loss is considered permanent. the loss should be ignored for interim reporting purposes. there is no loss to report.


If the damage is thought to be permanent, the loss must be recorded during the intermediate period wherein market value falls below cost.

What information must interim financial reports contain?

The International Accounting Requirements Board (IASB) advises including specific standards while creating interim financial reports. Condensed financial statements describing the company's financial condition, income, free cash flow, and equity changes are included in these, along with notes providing further information.

When preparing interim financial accounts, how should you do it?

A period of less than a year is covered by interim financial statements. Such interim statements are frequently made on a quarterly basis, but they can also be issued on a monthly or even a yearly basis.

To know more about interim financial visit:


What is a federally sponsored corporation which insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount ?


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is a federally sponsored corporation that insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, also known as the FDIC, is a separate department of the US government. The FDIC safeguards depositors of insured banks with locations in the US from losing their money in the event that an insured bank fails.

The FDIC administers receiverships, provides big and complicated financial institutions with resolution options, guarantees deposits, and inspects and supervises financial institutions for safety, soundness, and consumer protection.

There are just a few deposit instruments that are covered by FDIC deposit insurance, including checking and savings accounts, money market deposit accounts (MMDAs), and certificates of deposit.

To learn more about FDIC visit:


what are the stages in group development and what project management behaviors are exhibited in each stage?


Forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning are the five stages of group growth and development.

The project team is forming as it gets to know one another and establishes the foundation for the project and team norms. Conflict first arises during the storming stage when team members start to defy authority and exhibit covert agendas and prejudices. In the norming stage, members attempt to cooperate and agree on operating procedures before committing to the project development process.

During the performance stage, the group members work together to complete the production. Groups break up during the adjourning stage once their work is over.

Learn more about group development here


video shack's accounts receivable decreases during the year by $8.2 million. what is the amount of cash received from customers during the reporting period if its net sales are $65.0 million? (round your answer to 1 decimal place. enter your answer in millions (i.e., $10,100,000 should be entered as 10.1).)


The amount of cash received during the reporting period is $73.2 million

The account receivables are treated as a current asset and it is recorded and shown on the balance sheet. The total cash collection from customers includes a decrease in account receivables and collection from sales in the current period.

A journal is a thorough account that documents all of a company's financial activities. It is used for account reconciliation in the future and for the transfer of data to other formal accounting records, including the general ledger.

The journal entry is as follows: (amount in millions)

Cash A/c....Dr. $73.2

Accounts receivable A/c.....Cr. $8.2

Sales A/c.....Cr. $65

(Being cash collection from accounts receivables and sales recorded)

Learn more about journal entry:


janice is in the market for a new smartphone when she sees an ad online touting the new features of the latest samsung model. she had not thought about buying a samsung and doesn’t know how much it costs, but the ad made her want to research this type of smartphone further. what feature of advertising does her response exemplify?


The promising Samsung marketing strategy focuses on promoting its smartphones and appealing to the audience by leveraging the power of exceptional marketing campaigns. Sponsorships, social media ads, and online advertising all helped to strengthen the brand.

Now, According to the question:

What is Marketing strategy?

A marketing strategy is a company's overall game plan for reaching out to potential customers and converting them into paying customers for their products or services. A marketing strategy includes the value proposition of the company, key brand messaging, data on target customer demographics, and other high-level elements.

Learn more about Marketing Strategy at:


gage has a tendency to take credit for his good actions, but he attributes his mistakes to factors beyond his control. this is an example of .


Gage tends to take credit for his good actions, but he blames his mistakes on factors beyond his control. This is an instance of self-serving prejudice.

Explain about self-serving bias?

The tendency for people to search out information and utilize it to further their own interests is known as the self-serving bias. In other words, people routinely act in ways that others may perceive as immoral or unjustifiable just to promote their own interests.

Self-serving bias examples: When a student performs well on a test, she may convince herself that she has done her homework or is an expert on the subject. She claims that the examination was unfair after receiving a poor grade on another exam. Athletes triumph in a contest and credit their success to practice and hard effort.

To learn more about self serving bias refer to:


which section of a proposal discusses how you will solve the problem? budget proposal, plan, and schedule background, problem, and purpose


The "problem, and purpose" section of a proposal explains how you plan to address the issue.

A good problem is a topic or task that has some significance, urgency, or priority and whose study will advance our understanding. If you already know the answer, can quickly get it by quickly searching through prior research, or if it is totally predicted, there is no need to do the study. The purpose of the problem statement is to define the issue and focus it so that it may be fully examined. It describes the problem and offers a research plan for a solution, or it explains why more information is required before a solution can be put into practice.

Learn more about proposal from


in capacity planning, the feasibility of the sales and operations production plan is verified by a group of answer choices rough-cut capacity plan. resource requirements plan. master production schedule. capacity requirements plan.


In capacity planning, the feasibility of the sales and operations production plan is verified by a resource requirements plan. So option b. is correct.

A capacity planning process involves determining how much production capacity is required to meet changing demand for products. Design capacity refers to an organization's maximum capacity to accomplish work over a given period in capacity planning. It is the act of balancing available resources to satisfy customer demand or project capacity needs.

A capacity planning process is used by organizations to determine their production capacity in order to meet the changing needs of their products.

Learn more about capacity planning here


the category of international flows of investment funds which involves the acquisition of more than 10 percent of the shares of ownership in a company in another nation is called


Foreign direct investment refers to the category of international flows of investment money that entails the purchase of more than 10% of the stock of a company located in another country.

What are the advantages of FDI?

Investments made by a person or an organization in one nation into a company in another are known as foreign direct investment, or FDI for short. FDI brings knowledge, technology, skills, and employment in addition to money.

What three forms of foreign direct investment are there?

FDI types, The many forms of international investments are as follows: FDI in three categories: 1) vertical, 2) conglomerate, and 3) platform.

To know more about foreign direct investment visit :-


a significant decrease in the money supply tends to: a. reduce the supply of gold held by the federal government. b. create shortages that would cause prices of goods and services to rise. c. reduce the size of the federal government's deficit. d. send the economy into a recession


A significant decrease in the money supply tends to: d. send the economy into a recession.

Thus, the first consequence of a decline in the money supply is an increase in interest rates. Businesses are less inclined to borrow money for investment purposes as interest rates climb. Additionally, customers are less eager to take out loans to acquire things like homes, vehicles, and other items. Spending falls as a result.

Income is decreased and the interest rate is increased when the money supply shrinks. Investment declines as interest rates rise, and consumption declines as disposable income declines.

When the amount of money available or its rate of growth decreases, opposite impacts result. Disinflation (lower inflation) or deflation (falling prices) follow a reduction in economic activity.

To know more about federal government, refer:


fifty years ago, a high school diploma was the minimum requirement for entry into the paid labor force of the united states. today, a college diploma is virtually the bare minimum. this change reflects the process of


Fifty years ago, a high school diploma was the minimum requirement for entry into the paid labor force of the United States. Today, a college diploma is virtually the minimum. The change reflects the process of credentialism.

Credentialism is the practice of relying on credentials provided by professional organizations, educational institutions, and other organizations to determine whether or not a candidate is qualified to perform a certain job.

A high school graduation was the prerequisite for joining the US paid labor force fifty years ago. Nowadays, having a college degree is practically required. This modification illustrates the credentialism process.

To know more about Credentialism, refer:


uppose that a particular industry has a four-firm concentration ratio of 38 and a herfindahl index of 921. most likely, this industry would achievemultiple choiceboth productive efficiency and allocative efficiency.allocative efficiency but not productive efficiency.neither productive efficiency nor allocative efficiency.productive efficiency but not allocative efficiency.


Most likely, this particular industry would achieve neither the productive efficiency nor allocative efficiency.

What is productive efficiency?

Productive efficiency, according to microeconomic theory, is the inability of an economy or a system of economics to raise the production of one good without reducing the production of another when functioning within the limitations of present industrial technology Productive efficiency is a component of economic efficiency that focuses on how to increase output of a selected product portfolio, without regard for whether your product portfolio is producing goods in the right proportion. If used incorrectly, it can help manufacture the incorrect basket of outputs more quickly and inexpensively than ever before. The best technological and managerial practices must be used by all businesses in order for the industry to be productively efficient. Additionally, there must be no further reallocation of resources that would increase output while using the same inputs and production equipment.

To learn more about productive efficiency, visit:


suppose a monopolistically competitive firm is producing the profit-maximizing level of output and is earning an economic profit in the short run. then: a price is less than marginal cost. b price is less than average total costs. c marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost. d average total cost is at its minimum point.


D. Average total cost is at its minimum point. Average total cost is referred to as the sum total of all production costs divided by the total quantity of output.

A monopolistic firm is what?

A totally competitive market, where there are an infinite number of enterprises operating, is the antithesis of a monopolistic market. In a truly monopolistic model, the monopoly firm can limit output, raise prices, and make long-term profits that are above average. Monopolistic competition refers to a competitive market with few near substitute buyers and sellers.

What is the monopolistic approach?

Pricing Policy in a Monopolistic Competitive Market

Companies decide the prices for their items in a monopolistic competitive market. Every business sells a commodity that might be identical to another business's, therefore every business can successfully establish its prices.

To know more about Monopolistic Firm visit:


27. which structure provides dual channels of authority, performance responsibility, evaluation, and control?


Matrix organizational structure provides dual channels of authority, performance responsibility, evaluation, and control.

One sort of workplace where teams report to multiple leaders is a matrix organization. In a matrix organization, team members (internal or remote) report to a project manager in addition to their department head. This management structure might help your company develop new products and services without realigning teams.

The matrix format enables teams of experts from many fields to use resources more efficiently. This reduces overhead costs and the time needed to complete the project. In a hierarchical structure, each team reports to a single manager, therefore there are fewer managers per team. These teams could take longer to finish one project deliverable because they lack members with a variety of specializations.

To know more about authority click here,


the difference between the total reserves that a bank holds and the amount that is required by law are called


The difference between the total reserves that a bank holds and the amount that is required by law are called excess reserves.

What are excess reserves?

Capital reserves stored in excess of what is required by regulators, creditors, or internal controls are known as excess reserves by a bank or financial institution. Excess reserves for commercial banks are compared to standard reserve requirement amounts established by central banking regulators.

The minimum liquid deposits (like cash) that must be held in reserve at a bank are determined by the required reserve ratios. The extra amount is considered as excess. The amount of total reserves that the bank can lend out is known as excess reserves.

Therefore, excess reserves is the difference e between the total reserves that a bank holds and the amount that is required by law.

To learn more about excess reserves, click here:


training and incentives are the keys to the successful acceptance and implementation of policies and procedures governing waste and error prevention.​ t or f


The successful acceptance and execution of policies and procedures governing waste and mistake prevention depend on training and communication. Hence the given statement is False.

What is policy implementation ?

A series of actions conducted by governmental and non-governmental organizations to achieve the aims and objectives outlined in policy declarations is known as policy implementation.

Taking leadership, communication, and feedback methods as examples. For policy execution, leadership is required at all levels of the system.

As a result, the aforementioned response is the right one. The most crucial elements for the successful acceptance and execution of policies and procedures controlling waste and mistake prevention are hence training and incentives.

Learn more about policy implementation here


the term autarky refers to a country that: select one: a. does not trade with other countries. b. trades goods and services based upon the princi


The correct response is B) does not trade with other countries. When a nation does not engage in trade with other nations, the situation is referred to as autarky.

Usually applied to cultures, communities, states, and their economic systems, autarky is the quality of self-sufficiency. Many political ideologies and movements, particularly left-wing ones like African socialism, mutualism, war communism, communalism, swadeshi, syndicalism (especially anarcho-syndicalism), and left-wing populism, have adopted autarky as an ideal or method in an effort to create alternative economic structures or to exert control over resources against structures that they perceive as hostile. Autarky has also been embraced by conservative, centrist, and nationalist movements in an effort to conserve a portion of the social structure as it currently exists or to promote a certain industry. In order to lessen foreign economic, political, and cultural influences and to advance world peace, autarky proponents have called for national self-sufficiency. In general, economists are in favour of free trade. Most economists agree that protectionism has a detrimental impact on economic growth and economic welfare while free trade and the removal of trade barriers have a beneficial impact on economic growth and stability.

Learn more about autarky here


The term autarky refers to a situation when a country:

A) trades goods and services based on the principle of comparative advantage.

B) does not trade with other countries.

C) trades goods and services based on the principle of Ricardian advantage.

D) trades goods and services based on the principle of absolute advantage.

arthur is looking forward to having more time for leisure pursuits after retirement. he is excited about trying out new options. arthur should know that leisure activities pursued during retirement typically include group of answer choices more vigorous physical activities. things that have been lifelong interests. new activities never pursued before. activities that earn extra money.


Arthur should know that leisure activities pursued during retirement typically include things that have been lifelong interests.

What type of recreational activity is most popular?

Only 3% of people said they did not enjoy listening to music, according to a YouGov survey of the most popular leisure activities. All age groups, from millennials to baby boomers, consistently fell into that high number.

How vital are recreational activities?

Leisure time has both physiological and psychological advantages, including lower levels of tension, anxiety, and depressive symptoms, enhanced mood, and higher levels of positive emotions. Additionally, cortisol levels, blood pressure, and heart rate can all be lowered by recreational activity.

To learn more about Leisure Activities here:


A typical sales forecast, though concerned with future events, will usually be based on recent historical trends and events as well as on forecasts of economic prospects.a. Trueb. False


The assertion that a normal sales prediction will typically be based on current historical trends and occurrences, as well as forecasts of economic prospects, is valid, despite the fact that it is concerned with future events.

What is sales forecasting?

Sales forecasting is the act of projecting future revenue by foreseeing the volume of goods or services that a sales unit—which can be a single salesperson, a sales team, or an entire business—will sell over the course of the upcoming week, month, quarter, or year.

Businesses may effectively manage their cash flow and devote resources for future growth thanks to sales forecasting. The correct estimation of costs and income by organizations, which allows them to forecast their short- and long-term performance, is another benefit of sales forecasting.

Learn more about sales forecasting, from:


the importance of requiring a down-payment for a mortgage loan is debated. an important argument for it is that making any cash down payment:


The importance of requiring a down-payment for a mortgage loan is debated. An important argument for it is that making any cash down payment: signals sincere intent to perform.

What is payment?A payment is an exchange of money, goods or services for goods and services in an amount acceptable  to both parties and  agreed  in advance. You can pay with cash,  check,  wire transfer,  credit card,  debit card, or cryptocurrencies. Understand payments. Recipients are generally free to choose which payment methods they accept.However, the law generally requires the payer to accept the country's fiat currency up to a certain limit. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, payments are generally made in the recipient's local currency.Payments in another currency require an additional foreign exchange transaction.The recipient can compromise on the debt. Accept partial payments or offer discounts to fully settle the debtor's debts. For example: Charge additional charges such as cash payment  or immediate payment.

to learn more about payment from the given link :


A jeans maker is designing a new line of jeans. These jeans will sell for $410 per unit and cost $328 per unit in variable costs to make. Fixed costs total $120,000. If 5,000 units are produced and sold, income equals: multiple choice $1,930,000. $290,000. $410,000. $2,050,000. $1,520,000


If 5,000 units are produced and sold, income equals $290,000. This is the profit made.

Variable cost of making a pair of jeans = $328.

A variable expense is a corporate cost that adjustments of extent to how much an organization creates or sells

Sale Price per pair of jeans = $410.

A sale price is the limited cost at which labor and products are being sold.

Contribution per pair of jean = 410–328= $82.

Fixed costs = $120,000.

Fixed costs continue as before paying little mind to creation yield. Fixed expenses might incorporate rent and rental installments, protection, and interest installments.

Number of units sold = 5000.

Income from profit = (No of units sold* Contribution per unit) - Fixed cost = (5000*82)-120000=410000–120000=$290,000.

This is the profit.

Know more on calculations of the income from profit -


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