Now compare and contrast the techniques in the two theatrical versions that you watched. In the table below, describe the similarities and differences between the two versions for each element of the performance. Note how the techniques enhance or alter the audience’s experience and what meanings (shades of characterization, connotations of words, etc.) become clearer as you watch the two presentations.


Answer 1

The Twelfth Night is about the comic story about a brother and sister who are shipwrecked in a distant land called Illyria. They survive, but get separated along the way, which causes the sister to assume the identity of a man in the household of Duke Orsino.

What are literary devices?Any distinctive element of literature or a specific work that we can recognize, identify, interpret, and/or analyze is referred to as a literary device. Literary devices are properly referred to as both literary elements and literary procedures. One of the most popular literary techniques is the use of metaphors, usually referred to as direct parallels. A metaphor is a remark that compares two items, frequently unrelated ones. Symbolic illustration The forest's patron god is this tree. The tree is a tree, not a divinity, that much is clear.Personification is a literary technique wherein non-human things are given human characteristics. One of the most used literary devices, it serves a variety of purposes. strengthens the visual.The humorous tale of a brother and sister who wind up shipwrecked in the far-off country of Illyria is the subject of The Twelfth Night. They manage to live, but because of the separation, the sister decides to pose as a male living in Duke Orsino's home.

To learn more about literary devices refer to:


Related Questions

does anybody know 2 good argument points for "The most dangerous game" if rainsford was justifed in killing general zaroff


He claims that after becoming tired of killing animals, he began to kill people instead because they had minds of their own. He claims that since he is hunting, it is not murder. Furthermore, he describes it as the humane and skillful death of an animal.

What if Rainsford was justified in killing general Zaroff?

Even the most civilized man can become uncivilized because of a fear for his life, as Rainsford shows. “The Most Dangerous Game” demonstrates how fear may reduce a civilized person to a primitive state.

This literary method implies that Connell intended to emphasize General Zaroff's hunter versus hunted ideals as a crucial element driving the plot.

Learn more about Rainsford here:


Compare and contrast Romeo and Juliet to adolescence and the teenage crush


Romeo and Juliet is like when your parents won’t let you have a game you want and so you just want it so much more because it’s more fun playing it knowing your parents don’t allow you to. As a kid doing something with a rush that feels exciting and like you could get caught at any moment is probably the best feeling someone could have. As for the teenage crush part that also plays a part because as we see Romeo and Juliet are young and there is so much passion and that passion is exhilarating for someone so young and inexperienced. Having these intense passionate feelings about someone the way Romeo and Juliet did for each other is just this rush that everyone wants

write a sentence with a subordinate caulse



ex1: Since the sun will shine today, we will go to the beach

ex2: Because mom said so, I apologized to Cecilia.

ex3: If you win the award, I will buy you a new video game.


Subordinate Clause: a clause, typically introduced by a conjunction, that forms part of and is dependent on the main clause


Some examples of this would be:

"I can listen to music

but cannot play it."

"I picked up the phone when it rang."

"He came to school because I told him to."

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
How does paragraph 14 develop an important point in the text?
the author develops the important point that



running national organizations poses immense challenges for employees

Unless Tom trains hard, he won’t win the surfing competition. The total points scored by the North Shore surfers will be 57.73 points.

What will be the score represented by North Shore?

Let the total points that the North Shore surfers scored be represented by x. The score of the winning team = 62.1

Therefore, since we know the score of the winning team, we can form an equation to solve the question. In this case, we'll have to subtract. This will be:

x = 62.1 - 4.37

x = 57.73

Henry, the protagonist of Trysdale got a cactus from a girl he liked in answer to one of his questions. Whenever Trisdale would ask this girl a question, she would always answer him the next day. She begins the story by announcing that her father was a fox breeder. Trysdale's experience of remembering and reflecting on the events leading up the the wedding all take place in which setting is that they take place in Trysdale's apartment.

Therefore, the total points scored by the North Shore surfers will be 57.73.

Learn more about competition on:


Read the excerpt from "I, Too, Sing America."

I’ll be at the table
When company comes.

If the speaker is using "tomorrow" as a metaphor, it most likely means ___________.

A. Everyday.
B. The Next Day.
C. The Future.
D. A Day That Will Never Come.


The Future is most certainly being alluded to if "tomorrow" is being used metaphorically by the speaker. Hence, Option C is correct.

What is a metaphor?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that, for the sake of rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by referencing another. It might make things clearer or point out unnoticed connections between two disparate thoughts.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that uses non-literal language to describe an item or event in order to clarify an idea or draw a connection.

Since it is derived from a Greek word that means "transfer (of ownership)," the word metaphor itself is a metaphor. By "carrying" a word from one conceptual "realm" to another, a metaphor's user changes the term's meaning.

Therefore, Option C is correct.

Learn more about metaphor from here:



C. The Future.


ext O
Unit 2 Quiz
If there is no correct way for a writer to express their style, how can the effectiveness of a style be measured?
O A. by the number of publishers that reject a manuscript before it is accepted
by how many people the writer's work reaches and speaks to
OC. by assessing whether the writer has attained their desired outcome
O D. by the number of awards a writer receives for their work


The effectiveness of a style can be measured in this way: C. By assessing whether the writer has attained their desired outcome.

What is style in writing?

In writing, style refers to the way and manner that the writer tries to channel his words and express his diction to be understood by the reader and to pass his message across. The author can try to make his text to be in persuasive, descriptive, and explanatory styles. He can also choose to make the text argumentative.

We can gauge the effectiveness of a style of writing if, at the end of the day, the author achieved his aim of writing. So, if the readers became persuaded after reading a persuasive text or happy after reading an entertaining text, then we can say that the writing style was effective. So, option C is the correct means of measuring a style of writing.

Learn more about writing styles here:


help me with this

1. They must write the end of this story in English using the key words in the box (strange, dark, noise, silence and door)

2. You must invent a creative ending, consistent with the story presented and without grammatical errors.

3. The end of this story must have a minimum of 5 lines and a maximum of 10 lines

scary story

It's a rainy night. Kate is home alone watching TV on the sofa. A thunder roars, and she realizes that she's always hated storms. The wind, outside, shakes the trees, and hits the windows with deep fury.

“I hate storms” she says to herself in a whisper. She is thirsty, so she goes to the kitchen to drink some water.

Suddenly the lights go out. Luckily, there are some candles in the drawer. She lights 2 of them, drink her water, and comes back to the living-room

There's complete silence in the house. The only sound she hears comes from the outside: it's the rain hitting the roof. kate shivers




I looked up…while she spoke; and seeing her bite her lips, I knew she was unhappy." (paragraph 7)lanation:

In the poem without title what theme about tradition and community does this poem convey?



wellnif the poem doesn't have a title its anomonus , so the comunity would be anomonus and self invested not minding others. Also it conveys that the writer did not want to tell the cummunity.


that is the explamation.

Compare and Contrast
For each pair of regional groups listed, determine whether the environment
adaptations described are similar or different and explain why.
1. shelters of the Arctic and Southeast cultural groups
2. ways of obtaining food by the Arctic and Northeast cultural groups
3. culture resulting from adaptations to climate in the Northwest and Southwest


1. Shelters of the Arctic and Southeast cultural groups : Most Arctic peoples spent the winter in well-insulated houses . The basic settlement unit throughout the Southeast was the local village or town

2. ways of obtaining food by the Arctic and Northeast cultural groups :People hunt as their ancestors did — for seal, polar bear and narwhal. Most groups resided in the piedmont, where they took advantage of extensive game resources, wild plant foods, and an abundance of arable land.

What are regional groups?

The United Nations Regional Groups are the geopolitical regional groups of member states of the United Nations. Originally, the UN member states were unofficially organized into five groups as an informal means of sharing the distribution of posts for General Assembly committees.Regional Groups means groupings of Members in a particular state or territory, based around a particular electoral area.The definition of regional is something related to, taking place in or characteristic of a given geographic location. An accent shared by people in the Boston area is an example of a regional accent.The three main types of regions are formal, functional, and vernacular regions. A formal region, also known as a uniform or homogeneous region, is an area in which everyone shares in common one or more distinctive characteristics.

to know more about regional groups follow


Read the passage from Sugar Changed the World.

Sugar is different from honey. It offers a stronger sweet flavor, and like steel or plastic, it had to be invented. In the Age of Sugar, Europeans bought a product made thousands of miles away that was less expensive than the honey from down the road. That was possible only because sugar set people in motion all across the world—millions of them as slaves, in chains; a few in search of their fortunes. A perfect taste made possible by the most brutal labor: That is the dark story of sugar.

How does the comparison of sugar to honey reveal the authors’ purpose?

It persuades readers that sugar tastes better than honey.
It informs readers that there is a connection between slavery and sugar.
It informs readers that honey had a major impact on society.
It persuades readers that sugar is as important an invention as steel.


It informs readers that there is a connection between slavery and sugar.

The discovery of sugar made from sugar cane is covered in the book "Sugar Changed the World" by Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos.

Why has sugar impacted the world, exactly?Numerous lives were lost as a result of sugar production, but it also sowed the seeds of revolt that resulted in freedom in Haiti, France, and the American colonies. The brutal Atlantic slave trade was driven by cane rather than cotton or tobacco, and it claimed the lives of numerous Africans who worked on large sugar farms under harsh managers.The discovery of sugar made from sugar cane is covered in the book "Sugar Changed the World" by Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos. Indeed, sugar has a greater flavor and is less expensive than honey. The work involved in the production is quite painful. The primary cause of these hardships was the brutality of the masters.The paragraph explains how sugar and honey differ from one another. Both of them are delicious and make those who eat them happy. However, the procedure for making sugar is more challenging and complicated. It forces the slaves to endure their owners' tortures.Thus, the specifics The author's goal is furthered by the statement that "the specifics concerning sugar's dependence on slavery assist teach readers about why sugar was inexpensive."  

To learn more about Slavery refer to:


Replace the underlined
words with a PRONOUN.
The Moon is Earth's only
natural satellite.



It is Earth's only

natural satellite.

Point and quotation/s: What is your
first argument about the significance of
Curley's character across the novella?



He is the Boss's son and takes advantage of the power that he has over the other men on the ranch to treat them cruelly and pick fights. He is physically small and so is resentful of bigger men and picks a fight with Lennie because of this.


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which detail best helps determine the idea
that white children behaved differently than bronzed children?
[4] I sank deep into the corner of my seat, for I resented being watched. Directly in front of me, children who were no larger than
I hung themselves upon the backs of their seats, with their bold white faces toward me. Sometimes they took their forefingers
out of their mouths and pointed at my moccasined feet. Their mothers, instead of reproving such rude curiosity, looked closely
at me, and attracted their children's further notice to my blanket..


The detail that best helps determine the idea that white children behaved differently than bronzed children is "Sometimes they took their forefingers

out of their mouths and pointed at my moccasined feet'.

What was the literary work about?

It should be noted that this was from the story titled " The life of an Indian girl". The white kids behaved very differently, as can be seen in "The School Days of an Indian Girl." They were so audacious as to look directly into the speaker's eyes and even point fingers in his direction.

Their actions stood in stark contrast to those of the children who had more bronzed skin, who were more afraid of their elders and did not approach them with such provocative curiosity. Even more so, the speaker questioned why their parents did not warn them against such behavior.

Therefore, the explanation above illustrate the option given as the answer.

Learn more about Indian girl on:


Speculate on the likely impact of Brexit on the economy of the United Kingdom.

Which essay structure is most appropriate for this prompt?


The essay structure is most appropriate for this prompt is Analysis. An analysis is just the process of disassembling something and determining how it functions.

An illustration of analysis would be to look at how a poem uses metaphor to make the reader feel something. Finding interpretations, meanings, or patterns in data is the goal of analysis. By going beyond summary, structure analysing statements will reveal the author's unique insights and analyses of the underlying material. Because they enable individuals to identify answers to a range of issues and to create specific judgments and action plans to address those issues, analytical abilities are crucial.

To learn more about analysis, click here.


1. Add a subordinating conjunction and a 'when' and a 'where' to expand the following sentence: The bears were eating the berries.



The bears were eating the berries before the people got back, not knowing where and when they would come back.


"the great imagination heist" by reynolds price part a what is price's primary argument in this passage? a people who grew up before the invention of television had healthier imaginations.people who grew up before the invention of television had healthier imaginations. b college students in the 1950s wrote imaginative students in the 1950s wrote imaginative prose. c many young people have had their imaginations stunted by excessive television.many young people have had their imaginations stunted by excessive television. d college students today show little imagination in their students today show little imagination in their writing.


The price's primary argument in this passage is the excessive use of television. Therefore the correct option is c many young people have had their imaginations stunted by excessive television

The media has an approach to overpower the biographies of numerous present lads. In The Great Imagination Heist, Reynolds Price expresses their outermost frustration at the media’s at all- tensing grasp over the impressionable psyches of adolescents.

He unfeignedly feels that the goods of prolonged vulnerability to TV, film, videotape games, and the Internet are mischievous to the evolution of a lad’s imagination and capability to suppose freely, without outside authority.

The word “ pinch ” indicates the ambition to burglarize or steal. Price laments what he perceives to be the robbing of an original, particular study. He longs for the days when people peruse books voluntarily and TV was slightly further than a negligible phase of our day-to-day lives.

To learn more about imagination refer to


How does the narrator's date with Sheila end?


Answer:   Sheila going off with another boy, Eric.


What is the function of the pronoun "their" in the sentence?
As the eagle chased the rabbits, the mice got to scred and ran in their holes
A. to emphasize that the noun "mice" should be singular
B. to describe the antecedent "mice" in the sentence
C. to help describe the action that the noun "mice" is making
D. to replace the antecedent "mice" in the sentence





A is saying that the word mice should be mouse so then the sentence would be "Mouse got to scared and ran in their holes" but since the word their is usually used to describe many things, A doesn't work

B is saying that the word "mice" is an antecedent which makes sense because an antecedent is a word that can be used by pronouns to describe such as in this sentence the word "their" is describing mice. Another example is " Kate saw John and called to him" in this case "John" is an antecedent and the pronoun "him" is used to describe him.

C is saying that  the word "their" is used to describe the action but that doesn't make sense because their is being used to say that they ran into their holes, and to be able to use their like that it would have to be "there" like if the sentence was "mice got to scared, there running into their holes"

D is basically saying that their replaces the word mice so instead of the sentence being "mice got to scared and ran in mice holes" which doesn't make that much sense

Write a complete sentence that uses figurative language to describe a friend.


Below is an example that uses figurative language to describe a friend.

"Catherine's hair is as strong as a rope! (hyperbole)"

What is Figurative Language?Basically, using figurative language means stretching the literal meaning of words to achieve a particular impact, whether it's to appear creative, make a joke, or communicate more effectively and compellingly.In narrative writing, the author frequently uses figurative language in an effort to connect emotionally with the reader.Figurative language is the antithesis of literal language, which uses the words' actual meanings without embellishment or figurative language.For instance, you can symbolically refer to an athlete who is performing well as being "on fire." They would truly be on fire if their clothing caught fire (which we pray doesn't happen).In some situations, such as business correspondence, academic writing, or legal documents, literal language is appropriate. To put it frankly, exact writing, however, may be tedious in other instances.Instead, metaphorical language makes writing and speeches more interesting and humorous. The reader or listener is required to give the words a bit more thought as if solving a mystery, which indicates that they are actively participating.Figurative language can also be used to assist clarify difficult concepts. It could be used by scientists to explain the more intricate portions of their research that a layperson might not comprehend.

To learn more about figurative language from the given link


In 1227, Genghis Khan, the Mongol leader who conquered much of Central Asia, died he was buried in an unmarked grave, and its location remains a mystery today.

is this a run on sentence



Yes, this is a run-on sentence.

Run-ons, comma splices, and fused sentences are all names given to compound sentences that are not punctuated correctly. The best way to avoid such errors is to punctuate compound sentences correctly.

before you draft a research report its a good idea to create an outline how should you use the outline (select all correct answers)

A: to group together related facts
b: to describe your examples in detail
C: to express your opinions on the topic
D: to decide on the best order for your ideas


Before you draft a research report it's a good idea to create an outline, then these outlines can be used :

A: to group together related facts to decide on the best order for your ideas

What is the usefulness of outlines in a research?

The usefulness of outlines in research is that it will help to set goals for the completion of  each section of your paper.

It should be noted that this will help to stay organized as well as focused throughout the writing process  and it will help relate each of the sub topics together to improve the coherency o the work.

Therefore, option A and D are correct.

Learn more about research  here:


In the poem, the fox is a symbol of...


Ted Hughes in the poem Thought fox is a lover of animals and in this poem, he symbolizes the fox as an idea that touches the consciousness of the poet.  So we might see the fox as representing the renewal of the poet's imaginative powers

what is poem thought fox about ?

All the richness of the wild is seen through the poet's eye. The poem metaphorically depicts artistic inspiration as a fox—mysterious, twitchy, and unpredictable—that moves slyly through the darkness of the imagination. Through this metaphor, the poem shows that writing requires patience, concentration, instinct, and a bit of luck.It represents a very personal description of the experience of being an artist producing poetry.The physical setting of the poem in a dark forest and the slow revelation of the fox together create a tone of great suspense and mystery. Furthermore, the imagery of "the dark hole of the head" adds a grotesque element but also indicates that this poem has been largely introspective.

to know more about thought fox follow


Read the passage from chapter 2 of Animal Farm.

But they woke at dawn as usual, and suddenly remembering the glorious thing that had happened, they all raced out into the pasture together. A little way down the pasture there was a knoll that commanded a view of most of the farm. The animals rushed to the top of it and gazed round them in the clear morning light. Yes, it was theirs—everything that they could see was theirs! In the ecstasy of that thought they gamboled round and round, they hurled themselves into the air in great leaps of excitement. They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth and snuffed its rich scent. Then they made a tour of inspection of the whole farm and surveyed with speechless admiration the ploughland, the hayfield, the orchard, the pool, the spinney. It was as though they had never seen these things before, and even now they could hardly believe that it was all their own.

Which excerpt from the passage uses imagery to describe the scene?

“But they woke at dawn as usual . . . suddenly remembering the glorious thing that had happened.”
“Yes, it was theirs—everything that they could see was theirs!”
“They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth and snuffed its rich scent.”
“It was as though they had never seen these things before, and even now they could hardly believe that it was all their own.”



↣ “They rolled in the dew, they cropped mouthfuls of the sweet summer grass, they kicked up clods of the black earth and snuffed its rich scent.”


The excerpt above best makes use of vivid imagery because the author uses positive, calm, descriptive words to elicit the senses of the reader.

. . • ☆ . ° . • °: . * ₊ ° . ☆

I hope this helps!

peachtea ^-^


c on Edge


according to cassius, what happened when caesar and cassius went swimming in the tiber? what is the point of this story?



Caesar couldn't cross the river, and Cassius had to help and save him. The point is to show Caesar is weak and ungodlike.



According to Dr. King, what are the two types of laws?


According to Dr. King, the two types of laws are just laws and there are unjust laws.

A just Law is a man-made code that squares with the ethical law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code this is out of concord with the moral law,”  Dr. King answered. “One has now not handiest a prison but an ethical obligation to obey simple laws.

The answer lies within the reality that there are sorts of laws: just and unjust. I'd be the primary one to advocate obeying simple laws. One has no longer only a legal but a moral obligation to obey just laws. Conversely, one has an ethical duty to disobey unjust legal guidelines.

An unjust law is not any regulation at all, in Latin lex Iniesta nonest lex, is an expression of herbal law, acknowledging that authority isn't legitimate until it is good and proper. It has emerged as a well-known legal maxim around the arena.

Learn more about just laws here:-


Your multimedia presentation needs to be a minimum of five minutes in length if it is a video or a slide show and two pages if a website presentation. You must turn in all of your interim steps, including your freewriting and brainstorming notes, your outline and storyboard, your original and final drafts and any copies of the proofing and editing that occurred in between. When you finish your multimedia presentation, your teacher will use the following rubric to assess your efforts.


Modern-day multimedia technology permits students to interact with statistics in new methods, exchange content, or even create their personal visualizations. Such interactivity permits a wide form of customers to access the content material.

As an example, students can combine their oral displays with audio, photographs, diagrams, snap shots, animation, and/or video. they are able to create and arrange their shows using PowerPoint slides, online outlines, and maps. A presentation also can stay past the school room.

Just like the name indicates a multimedia presentation is a presentation proposing more than one (multi) form of media. some examples of media sorts include movies, GIFs, animations, audio, or pics. at the beginning reference, you may mechanically equate a multimedia presentation with a PowerPoint.

Learn more about multimedia  here


Which option describes a synonym?


Where are the options?


Synonym=spelt different but mean the same


A synonym is a word, morpheme, or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase in a given language. For example, in the English language, the words begin, start, commence, and initiate are all synonyms of one another: they are synonymous.

help will give brainliest


The answer would be A. Santiago

Because Santiago is the subject in the sentence.

The answer would be Santiago.

which statement best expresses the author's critque of this society?


Kurt Vonnegut's short novella Harrison Bergeron explores a variety of subjects. How a person in authority feels threatened by those they rule and how complete equality is imposed on society are two major themes that run through the entire narrative.

What best expresses the author's critque of this society?

These critics contend that the lack of creativity, intelligence, and passion displayed by the people in “Harrison Bergeron” should be seen as a warning .

About what will happen to those who live in a culture that prioritizes peaceful happiness over brains or artistic skill.

Therefore, people are not made equal by being forced to behave in a certain way; on the contrary, it leads to conflict and unhappiness.

Learn more about critque here:


A genre is a kind of classification for different styles of literature.


Answer: True


Other Questions
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