Newton's first law of motion states that an objects motion remains the same unless a force acts upon it. What would be an example of this law in action? *


Answer 1

A good example would be a ball rolling along a flat surface. Since the ball is circular it will roll for a while but will stop after some distance. The force that caused this ball to stop is called friction. There are other things like air resistence but that is still considered friction. If you don't understand anything, please don't hesitate to ask.

Answer 2

For Example the net force for the box of frozen burritos would be zero if the rightward force was 45 Newtons and the leftward force was 45 Newtons. If the burrito box started moving at a constant speed before the forces were applied, it would either continue to move or remain at rest. If it was already at rest before the forces were applied, it would remain at rest.

What is the first law of motion ?

The first law of motion : Unless acted upon by a net external force, an object at rest remains at rest or moves at a constant velocity when in motion.An external force is one that comes from outside an object rather than one that comes from within an object. An external force on the moon is, for instance, the gravitational pull of Earth on the moon. However, the moon's internal force is the gravitational pull that the moon's inner core exerts on its outer crust. An object's overall motion cannot be altered by its own internal forces.Inertia refers to a body's ability to remain stationary or in motion at a constant speed. The "law of inertia" is a common name for Newton's first law. Experience has taught us that some things have more inertia than others. It is evidently more challenging to alter a basketball's motion than a large boulder's is.The mass of an object is used to determine its inertia. By measuring an object's acceleration difficulty, mass can be determined. Accelerating an object becomes more difficult the more mass it possesses.

To know more about first law of motion check this:


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to throw it at ur cheating bf



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Put the steps of cloud formation in order. 1 should be the first step and 4 will be the
last step.

Rising air currents organize into "thermals"

Sunlight warms the surface and water evaporates

Warm, moist layer builds up between 1000 and 5000 feet

Water vapor in rising air parcels condenses to form clouds


1. Sunlight warms the surface and water evaporates.
2. Warm, moist layer builds up between 1000 and 5000 feet.
3. Rising air currents organize into “thermals”
4. Water vapor in rising air parcels condenses to form clouds.

The correct order in cloud formation include the following:

Sunlight warms the surface and water evaporates.Warm, moist layer builds up between 1000 and 5000 feet.Rising air currents organize into “thermals”Water vapor in rising air parcels condenses to form clouds.

What is Cloud?

They are generally formed high above the ground and are a visible mass of condensed watery vapour floating in the atmosphere.

The correct order in cloud formation can be seen above and is the most appropriate choice.

Read more about Cloud here




i think the answer is...some bacteria avt like devomposer & recycle......

First option I think

Anybody please helppppppp!!!
It’s a gizmos science assignment due tmrw!!


you need to look at the gizmo to answer these questions

Which organism is the most closely related to humans? Explain.





It is the closest to humans

Two species benefit from interaction with each other

Example: A hummingbird gets food from the nectar of a flower and then spreads the nectar’s pollen, helping the flower reproduce.

: One species benefits from the interaction, and the other species is harmed but not necessarily killed

Example: Ticks feed on other animals’ blood, which can hurt the other animals.

: One species benefits from the interaction, and the other species is neither helped nor harmed

Example: Egrets rely on cows to stir up dirt and bring food to the surface, but cows do not benefit.



The answers are mutualism,parasitism,and commensalism


these are correct on edge


1. mutualism

2. parasitism

3. commensalism


hope this helps :)

An energy pyramid shows the amount of available at each feeding level in an ecosystem.​



I don't know about it. which subject and which class is this

Describe and explain the changes between the first and second vaccine.



from what we see from the graph when the children had the 1st vaccine antibodies in the blood raised. then the concentration of the antibodies depleted, after the children had the second dose of the measles vaccine again, the antibodies in the children's blood raised drastically then the first dose.

In molecular compounds molecules bonded tk gether by____
a) covalent bond
b)metallic bond
c)ionic bond
d)none of them



a) Covalent bond


Atoms of different element are held together in molecules by covalent bonds in which atoms share their valence electrons with each other.

Yellow seeds are dominant over green seeds. Two heterozygous yellow seeded pea plants are crossed. What percentage of the offspring will be yellow?​



Being A=yellow

the two partners have genotype Aa

The possible genotypes from the pinner's square are: AA, Aa, Aa, aa

The percentage of the offspring will be yellow is: 25%

Are mitochondria found in both plant and animal cells?


Yes the mitochondria is essential for both plant cells and animals cuz it’s the powerhouse of the cell





















9. Which food would you expect to have the lowest lipid levels?
a. Olives
b. Pistachios
c. Wheat crackers
d. Sesame seeds


This answer should be B because nuts have really low lipid levels

The food expect to have the lowest lipid levels is sesame seeds. The correct option is d.

What is lipid?

Lipids are hydrocarbon-containing molecules that serve as the foundation for the structure and function of living cells.

Lipids include fats, oils, waxes, vitamins (such as A, D, E, and K), hormones, and the majority of the cell membrane that is not made of protein.

Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are the same elements found in lipids as they are in carbohydrates.

Lipids, on the other hand, are primarily composed of hydrocarbon chains and contain fewer polar hydroxyl groups. As a result, most lipids are nonpolar hydrophobic molecules.

Sesame seeds are high in saturated fat (15%), polyunsaturated fat (41%), and monounsaturated fat (39%).

According to research, eating more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat than saturated fat may help lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Thus, the correct option is d.

For more details regarding lipids, visit:


Please put the following steps of viral infection in order.
The virus recognizes and binds to a host cell via a receptor molecule on the cell surface.

New viral particles are assembled from the genome copies and viral proteins.

The virus or its genetic material enters the cell.

Completed viral particles exit the cell and can infect other cells.

The viral genome is copied and its genes are expressed to make viral proteins.



The virus recognizes and binds to a host cell via a receptor molecule on the cell surface.

The virus or its genetic material enters the cell

The viral genome is copied and its genes are expressed to make viral proteins.

New viral particles are assembled from the genome copies and viral proteins.

Completed viral particles exit the cell and can infect other cells.

mitosis and cell cycle definition



mitosis definition: a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of ordinary tissue growth.

cell cycle definition: A cell cycle is a series of events that takes place in a cell as it grows and divides. A cell spends most of its time in what is called interphase, and during this time it grows, replicates its chromosomes, and prepares for cell division.

If a telescope could zoom even further in, and look beyond the hdf , what do you think they would see?


more stars & new things

Which space telescope is used to see distant objects?

The Hubble Space Telescope, often known as HST or Hubble, is an observatory that was put into low-Earth orbit in 1990 and is still in use today.Although it wasn't the first space telescope, it is one of the biggest and most useful ones. It is famous for being both an essential scientific tool and a public relations success for astronomy.The only telescope made with astronaut maintenance in mind is Hubble. Five Space Shuttle trips have been used to replace, improve, and repair the telescope's systems.Since Hubble is orbiting outside of Earth's distorted atmosphere, it can take extraordinarily high-resolution pictures with a lot less background light than ground-based telescopes can.

The Hubble telescope and other space telescopes can be used to zoom at distant objects.

Learn more about space telescopes here:


When water is cooled, it becomes more dense and sinks to the bottom of the water column. The displaced water is them replaced with ___________.

more cold water from the North and south pole

warm water moving in from the equator

water that is roughly the same temperature as the displaced water

water from volcanic vents


B) warm water moving in from the equator

Cancer is caused by out of control



what do you mean by that?



Cancer is caused by mutated, or out of control, cells


what do you think the difference in color of strands represent are they really that color ?


Wait so what is the question

True or false are sun is now the main sequence of its life cycle



Image result for True or false are sun is now the main sequence of its life cycle

The Main Sequence:

The Sun, like most stars in the Universe, is on the main sequence stage of its life, during which nuclear fusion reactions in its core fuse hydrogen into helium. ... For the Sun, this process began 4.57 billion years ago, and it has been generating energy this way every since.


- Eijiro <3

¿Que celula está compuesta por tres partes importantes que son la membrana celular, el citoplasma y el núcleo celula?



Células eucarióticas


Todas las células poseen membrana celular, encargada de la protección de la célula de agentes externos a ella, y del intercambio de sustancias entre el interior y el exterior celular, entre otras funciones.El interior de la célula eucariótica tiene un citoplasma con organelas y citoesqueleto. Las organelas tambien estan rodeadas por membranas y cumplen diversas fnciones cada una, que se acoplan para el correcto funcionamiento de la célula. Finalmente, a diferencia de las céllas procariotas, las eucariotas tienen un núcleo que protege el material genético de la célula. En núcleo tiene una doble membrana que lo separa del citoplasma.

What are disadvantages of the "Aoudad"?



Anecdotal reports suggest aoudad out compete native big game species for food, water, and cover as well as act as a disease reservoir on Texas landscapes. If significant overlap for resources and space are occurring among aoudad, desert bighorn and mule deer, aoudad could outcompete and outgrow native populations.


Aoudad are a hardy desert sheep, native to the coastal and some inland mountains of northern Africa. While considered vulnerable in their native ranges, aoudad are abundant in the mountains of the Trans-Pecos. Little is known about their ecology in their newfound ranges, though considerable evidence suggests that they are susceptible to numerous diseases which affects native wildlife.

which one is the unit of mass



the SI unit of mass is Kg


where does transcription take place?
where does translation take place
which one happens first? ​


In eukaryotes, transcription takes place in the nucleus first, and then translation takes place in the cytoplasm at free and membrane-bound ribosomes.

In prokaryotes, transcription and translation both occur in the cytoplasm and simultaneously.

Cancer is caused by abnormal growth is due to a genetic mutation. Which of the following can cause this genetic mutation? (Choose all that apply)
•Can be inherited
•Acquired with age after many rounds of cell division
•Caused by exposure to radiation
•Acquired from contact with a person who has cancer


Answer: Can be inherited, acquired with age after many rounds of cell division, caused by exposure to radiation

⬇ Explanation(s): ⬇

Exposure to Radiation: Exposure to very high levels of radiation, such as being close to an atomic blast, can cause acute health effects such as skin burns and acute radiation syndrome (“radiation sickness"). It can also result in long-term health effects such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Cell Division: Most of the time when people refer to “cell division,” they mean mitosis, the process of making new body cells. ... During mitosis, a cell duplicates all of its contents, including its chromosomes, and splits to form two identical daughter cells.


Hope this helps you! Sorry that this is a late answer but it will help you in the future. And please mark me as brainliest.

Learn More:

Cancer is the abnormal growth of the cells and can be due to genetic mutation. These mutations can be caused by inheritance, exposure to radiation, and age. Thus, options a, b, and c are correct.

What is the cause of cancer?

Cancer is a disease where the cells have lost the ability to stop cell division resulting in the accumulation and uncontrolled growth leading to tumors. Cancers are caused by genetic mutations.

The mutations can be inherited if they are in the germinal cells and can be passed to the offspring. The radiations like exposure to UV can alter the DNA sequence as they are mutagens.

It can also be caused due to the increase in age as the cell division is affected by age and the mechanism may fail or mutate resulting in uncontrolled cell growth.

Therefore, options a. inheritance, b. acquired with age, and c. exposure to radiation is the cause of genetic mutation.

Learn more about cancer here:


what does primary succession mean


Primary succession is ecological succession that begins in essentially lifeless areas, such as regions in which there is no soil or where the soil is incapable of sustaining life

Which of the following would cause an error in DNA replication?
A. DNA polymerase pairing A with G
B. DNA ligase connecting chunks of DNA
C. Helicase making a replication fork
D. DNA polymerase checking the DNA



A. DNA polymerase pairing A with G


Adenine (A) always pairs with thymine (T), and cytosine (C) always pairs with guanine (G).

DNA polymerase pairing A with G would cause an error in DNA replication. The correct option is A.

An error in DNA replication occurs when an incorrect nucleotide is inserted during the replication process.

DNA polymerase is responsible for synthesizing a new DNA strand by adding complementary nucleotides to the existing template strand.

It ensures the accuracy of replication by matching each nucleotide with its complementary partner (A with T and G with C).

If DNA polymerase pairs A with G instead of A with T, it results in a mismatched base pair.

This is considered an error in DNA replication since it introduces a mutation in the newly synthesized DNA strand.

The fidelity of DNA replication relies on the correct base pairing and proofreading mechanisms of DNA polymerase to minimize errors and maintain the integrity of the genetic information.

Thus, the correct option is A.

To know more about DNA replication, click here:


Someone please do this for me, due soon. I'll give brainliest, thanks and 5 stars.

I attached an image to my question.





Yes, a tree is falling over in a forest make a sound because both the tree and ground are hard surfaces which can produces sound by contact physically with each other. For testing this hypothesis, we have to take a tree and cut that tree. when the tree falls on the ground it will definitely produces sounds by contact physically with the ground when falls with a large force.

the algae at the beginning of the food chain is a_______.

a consumer
b decomposer
C producer
d heterotroph​






C. Producer
Because it gets energy from the sun and not consuming a plant or animal

In a process called transpiration, plants get rid of excess water through pores in the leaves called
stomata. This excess water is then released into the atmosphere as part of the water cycle. Which of
the following terms best describes how the released water enters the atmosphere?
O precipitation
O capillary action
O evaporation








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