neglecting friction, what happens to the total mechanical energy as the pendulum swings from position a to position b?


Answer 1

If the potential energy of pendulum increases then the kinetic energy decreases and if the kinetic energy increases then the potential energy decreases, thus conservation of energy remains constant.

what is conservation of energy?

According to the work power theorem the total energy of any object will remain constant like the sum of the kinetic and the potential energy of the object will remain constant.

The potential energy of any object is due to its position with respect to the ground. If the object is at a height of H then it will have a potential energy because some energy is given to that object against the gravity to move it to the height H.

The kinetic energy is the energy due to the velocity of the object and is given as the product of half mass to the velocity square.

we will express it in the form of the formula for better understanding:

Mechanical energy = Kinetic energy + potential energy

Now in the pendulum the motion is back and forth with respect to its mean position. So the mechanical energy (total energy) in the pendulum is the sum of the kinetic energy and the potential energy.

Now if the pendulum attains the maximum displacement from its mean position then it will have maximum potential energy and zero kinetic energy at this point.

Now if the pendulum is at the mean position now it will have maximum kinetic energy and zero potential energy at this point.At this point the potential energy totally converted to the kinetic energy.

Now at the maximum displacement the kinetic energy totally converts into the potential energy of the pendulum.

Thus If the potential energy of pendulum increases then the kinetic energy decreases and if the kinetic energy increases then the potential energy decreases.

To know more about Conservation of energy refer to:


Related Questions

how do p waves and s waves from an earthquake reach new, distant locations around earths surface


Every earthquake creates P waves and S waves. P waves travel away from the focus of an earthquake where the rocks first fractured by compressing and expanding the rocks as they travel through solids, liquids and gases. P waves travel through all parts of the Earth.




if my mass on earth is 70 kg, calculate my mass on the moon where the acceleration due to gravity (g) is 1.6 m/s^2. explain your answer.


My mass on the moon would be 44 kg.

This is because mass is a measure of an object's inertia, which is determined by its density and volume. Since the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s^2, the force of gravity acting on the object will be less than it is on earth, and therefore the object's mass will be less. To calculate the mass on the moon, we can use the equation m = mg/g, where m is the mass on the moon, m is the mass on earth, and g is the acceleration due to gravity. In this equation, the mass on earth is 70 kg and the acceleration due to gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s^2, so the mass on the moon would be 70 kg x 1.6 m/s^2/9.8 m/s^2 = 44 kg.

Step 1: Determine the formula to calculate your mass on the moon. The formula to calculate mass on the moon is mass on the moon = mass on earth * (acceleration due to gravity of the moon/acceleration due to gravity of the earth).

Step 2: Insert the values into the formula. Mass on the moon = 70 kg * (1.6 m/s^2 / 9.8 m/s^2)

Step 3: Solve the equation. Mass on the moon = 70 kg * (0.1633) = 11.431 kg

Therefore, your mass on the moon is 11.431 kg.

to know more about gravity click here:


Two in-phase speakers 2.0 m apart in a plane are emitting 1800 Hz sound waves into a room where the speed of sound is 340m/s . Is the point 4.0m in front of one of the speakers, perpendicular to the plane of the speakers, a point of maximum constructive interference, perfect destructive interference, or something in between? pick one of those 3 and say why: 1) This is the point of maximum constructive interference. 2) This is the point of perfect destructive interference.3) This point is something between maximum constructive interference and perfect destructive interference.


The point of destructive interference occurs when the result is within an integer value of +0.5.

The resultant distance between the speakers is determined by the preceding parameters:

distance between the speakers, d = 2.0 m,

frequency, f = 1800 Hz,

speed of the sound, v = 340 m/s,

and distance below the speakers, c = 4 m.

L= [tex]\sqrt{4 + 16}[/tex]

L= 4.47 m.

The wavelength of the sound wave is by:

Wavelength (λ)= V /F.


λ= .188 m

constructive interference, perfect destructive interference are

x= (4.7-4)/.188

x= 2.5

In what way does wavelength relate to sound?

The higher frequency and the higher pitch are produced by sounds with shorter the wavelengths. So, long waves the sound are low and short waves sound is high.

To know more about interference visit:-


the total mass of the sun is about 2x1030 kg of which 75% was hydrogen when the sun formed. however, only about 13% of this hydrogen ever becomes available for fusion in the core. the rest remains in the layers of the sun where the temperature is too low for fusion. c) based on the given information, calculate the total mass of hydrogen available for fusion over the lifetime of the sun.


The total mass of hydrogen accessible for fusion over the sun's lifespan is roughly 1.95x10^28 kg.

What exactly is hydrogen?

Hydrogen is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. The chemical element H has the atomic number 1 and is represented by the letter H. It is a highly combustible gas that has no flavour, odour, or colour and may be used as fuel. Hydrogen, which is created from a number of feedstocks such as natural gas, coal, and biomass, is commonly utilised as a clean energy source since it only emits water when burned.

According to the issue:

Using the available data, the total amount of hydrogen in the sun must be computed in order to identify the percentage of this mass that is appropriate for fusion in the core.

The entire mass of the sun is stated as 2x10^30 kg, with hydrogen accounting for 75% of this mass when the sun originated. This suggests that the total amount of hydrogen in the sun is (2x10^30 kg) x (75%).

The proportion of this mass accessible for fusion in the core is stated to be 13%. This suggests that the total amount of hydrogen accessible for fusion in the core is 1.95x10^28 kg (1.5x1030 kg) x (13%).

As a result, the total mass of hydrogen accessible for fusion during the sun's lifespan is roughly 1.95x10^28 kg.

To learn more about hydrogen follow the given link:


a nuclear power plant on the moon. the ambient temperature on the moon is 15 k. heat input from radioactive decay heats the working steam to a temperature of 975 k. what is the ideal efficiency of the engine?


The ideal efficiency of the engine 12%

Efficiency  (n)     =     1   -   (Tc / Th)

   n =  1 - (15 / 975)    =    0.985

   n =  1 -  (4 / 13)  =  0.692

   n =  1 - ( 282 / 320)   =   0.12

Even the most efficient heat engines have poor ideal efficiency, typically, it is much below 50%. Consequently, a significant amount of energy is wasted when it is lost to the environment by heat engines. Even though modern cogeneration, combined cycle, and energy recycling schemes are starting to harness this heat for other uses, a significant portion of the fuels produced worldwide are used to power heat engines, wasting up to half of the useable energy produced worldwide. There are three reasons for this inefficiency. The Carnot efficiency is a general term used to describe the temperature-related upper limit on any heat engine's efficiency. Second, due to the inherent irreversibility, some engine types are limited in terms of efficiency.

Learn more about ideal efficiency here:


The cosmic microwave background is almost perfectly uniform in all directions, except for very small deviations in its temperature. what do scientists think these small deviations represent?


The small deviation of cosmic microwave represent the temperature was uniform with very little fluctuations.

These small deviations represent regions of slightly higher density that made it possible for galaxies to form.

In Big Bang cosmology, the cosmic microwave background (CMB, CMBR) is electromagnetic radiation that could be a remnant from an early stage of the universe, also called "relic radiation".

The cosmic microwave is faint cosmic heritage radiation filling all areas. it's far a vital source of records of the early universe because it's by far the oldest electromagnetic radiation within the universe, dating to the epoch of recombination when the primary atoms were fashioned.

With a conventional optical telescope, the distance between stars and galaxies (the heritage) is absolutely dark (see: Olbers' paradox). but, a sufficiently sensitive radio telescope indicates a faint heritage brightness, or glow, nearly uniform, that is not associated with any megastar, galaxy, or different item. This glow is most powerful in the microwave region of the radio spectrum.

Cosmic microwave is landmark proof of the large Bang origin of the universe. When the universe become younger, before the formation of stars and planets, it turned denser, lots warmer, and full of an opaque fog of hydrogen plasma. because the universe elevated the plasma grew cooler and the radiation filling it extended to longer wavelengths.

Whilst the temperature had dropped enough, protons and electrons blended to shape impartial hydrogen atoms. not like the plasma, those newly conceived atoms couldn't scatter the thermal radiation with the aid of Thomson scattering, and so the universe has become obvious.

Therefore, the small deviation of cosmic microwave represent the temperature was uniform with very little fluctuations.

To learn more about microwave, refer:


A reaction has a rate constant of 0. 33/min. How many minutes will it take for the reactant concentration to decrease from 0. 13 m to 0. 088 m?.


It will take 1.1824 min for the reactant concentration to decrease from 0. 13 m to 0. 088 m.

K = 0.33/min

for first-order reaction

K×t = ln([A0]/[A])

[A0] = 0.13 M

[A] = 0.088 M

t = ln (0.13/0.088)/0.33 = 1.1824 min

A first-order reaction depends on the awareness of the most effective reactant (a unimolecular response). other reactants may be present, however, their attention has no impact on the fee. The fee regulation for a primary order response is --d[A]/dt = okay[A],

Although not affecting the above math, the general public of first-order reactions continues through intermolecular collisions. Such collisions, which contribute the electricity to the reactant, are always 2nd order. The fee of those collisions is, but, masked via the reality that the price determining step stays the unimolecular breakdown of the energized reactant. The half of-existence is impartial of the beginning awareness and is given with the aid of t1/2 = In(2)/k

In organic chemistry, the class of SN1 (nucleophilic substitution unimolecular) reactions includes first-order reactions. for instance, in the reaction of aryldiazonium ions with nucleophiles in an aqueous solution, [ArN2+] + X− → ArX + N2, the fee equation is v0 = ok[ArN2+], wherein Ar shows an aryl group.

To learn more about First order reaction visit here:


A sled of mass 8 kg slides along the ice. It has an initial speed of 4 m/s but stops because of friction. How much work is done by friction?.


The work done by the friction force on the 8-kg sled is 64 Joule.

The work done by a force on an object is given by:

W = F . s


F = force

s = distance

Using the equation of motion:

v² = u² - 2 as


v = final speed

u = initial velocity

a = acceleration

In this case v = 0 since the sled finally stops.


0 = 4² - 2 as

2 as = 16

as = 8

Using the Newton's 2nd law of motion:

F = m . a


m = mass of the sled = 8

Substitute F = m . a into the work equation:

W = m . as

Substitute m = 8 and as = 8,

W = 8 x 8 = 64 Joule

Hence, the amount of work done is 64 Joule.

Learn more about work here:


The density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3.
if transverse waves travel at in an aluminum wire of diameter what is the tension on the wire?
a) 65 N
b) 39 N
c) 52 N
d) 78 N


The tension on the aluminum wire is  52.02 N.

The speed of a wave on a string is equal to the square root of the tension divided by the mass per length. The formula used to calculate this speed of a pulse on the rope (the speed of a wave on a string under tension) is given by |v| = √(T/μ) where v is the speed of a wave, T is the tension on the wire, and μ is linear density (μ=m(mass)/L(length)).

Given the density of aluminum (ρ) is  2700 kg/m³, the diameter of the wire is 4.6-mm or 4.6 x 10⁻³ m, and the speed of the wave is 38 m/s.

First, find the area of the aluminum wire,

[tex]A = \frac{\pi d^2}{4}\\A =\frac{ \pi\times (4.6 \times 10^{-3})^2}{4}\\A = \mathrm{1.66 \times 10^{-5}\;m^2}[/tex]

Now, find the linear density of the wire,

[tex]\mu = \rho A\\\mu = \mathrm{2700\;kg/m^3 \times 1.66 \times 10^{-5} m^2}\\\mu = \mathrm{0.045\;kg/m}[/tex]

Substitute the value of linear density in the speed of wave formula to get tension.


The answer is 52.02 N and option c is correct.

The complete question is -

The density of aluminum is 2,700 kg/m3. If transverse waves propagate at 38 m/s in a 4.6 mm diameter aluminum wire, what is the tension on the wire?

a) 65 N

b) 39 N

c) 52 N

d) 78 N

To know more about the speed of waves:


a fisherman stands at the back of a perfectly symmetrical boat of length l. the boat is at rest in the middle of a perfectly still and peaceful lake, and the fisherman has a mass 1 /4 that of the boat. if the fisherman walks to the front of the boat, by how much is the boat displaced?


The fisherman enters the boat's front and checks to see how far it has moved is  [tex]\frac{2}{5}[/tex] L

Since the boat is symmetrical, we may be certain that its geometric centre, atx=L/2, is where the boat's centre of mass is located. In light of this, the centre of mass of the system made up of the fisherman and the boat can be determined as follows:

[tex]x_{cm}[/tex]=[tex]\frac{(m/4)(0)+m(L/2)}{m+(1/4)m}[/tex]=[tex]\frac{2}{5}[/tex] L

A boat is a watercraft that comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes but is typically smaller than a ship, which is defined by its bigger size, shape, cargo hold, or passenger capacity, or its capacity to transport boats.

Typically, small boats are located in protected coastal areas or on inland waterways like rivers and lakes. Some vessels, like the whaleboat, were built specifically for use in offshore conditions. An object small enough to be transported aboard a ship is referred to as a boat in modern naval jargon.

Learn more about boats here:


What is the velocity of the cart at the bottom of the track just before it hits the stop, if the mass of the cart is 0.250 kg and the work done is 5.00 joules?


The velocity of the cart at the bottom of the track is equal to 6.32 m/s.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy can be described as the energy exhibited by a moving body due to its motion. Work will be done by an object in order to change its kinetic energy.

The kinetic energy of a moving body can be determined from the mathematical formula mentioned below:

K.E. = ½mv²     where  ‘v’ and 'm' are the velocity and mass of the object.

Potential Energy can be defined as the stored energy due to its position and is given by P.E = m×g×h where g, m, and h are the gravitational acceleration, mass, and height.

Given, the mass of the cart =, m= 0.250 Kg

The final velocity of the cart, v = 0

The work done = Change in KE =  5.00 J

½mv² -  ½mu² = 5.00

½mu² = 5

(1/2)× 0.25 ×(u)² = 5

u² = 40

u = 6.32 m/s

Learn more about kinetic energy, here:


the cosmic microwave background is almost perfectly uniform in all directions, except for very small deviations in its temperature. what do scientists think these small deviations represent?


According to the Big Bang Theory, the early universe was an extremely hot place, and as it expanded, the gas inside of it cooled. Therefore, radiation known as the "cosmic microwave background," or CMB, which is essentially the leftover heat from the Big Bang, should be present everywhere in the cosmos.

The cooled residue known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the first light to ever flow freely through the universe.

The temperature of the cosmic microwave background varies only very slightly from nearly perfect uniformity in all directions due to the regions of slightly higher density that made it possible for galaxies to form.

To learn more about the Big Bang Theory


a spring has a force constant of 100 n/m and an unstretched length of 0.07 m. one end is attached to a post that is free to rotate in the center of a smooth table, as shown in the top view above. the other end is attached to a 1 kg disc moving in uniform circular motion on the table, which stretches the spring by 0.03 m. friction is negligible. what is the centripetal force on the disc?


F equals 3N with respect to the circle's center, moving in the same direction as the centripetal acceleration.

How much centripetal force is there in a centrifuge?

Centripetal force is the force that pushes an item in the direction of its center of curvature. It is fundamental to how a centrifuge operates.

On a roller coaster, what is centripetal force?

An item travelling in a circle is pushed inward toward what is known as the center of rotation, which is essentially what a roller coaster accomplishes when it travels through a loop. The force that maintains an object moving along a curved route is this pull toward the center, or centripetal force.

To know more about centripetal force visit:-


predict what happens to the system at equilibrium if (a) the temperature is raised, (b) the pressure on the system is increased,


A) As there is a temperature rise it increases the value of the equilibrium constant when the forward reaction is endothermic. Equilibrium shifts to right.

B) When pressure is increased the equilibrium shifts towards the forward direction.

What is Equilibrium?

In the study of chemical reactions, equilibrium is crucial because it provides information about the reaction's direction. Equilibrium enables us to regulate the parameters of the reaction to favour the production of desired products. Calculating the composition of the final reaction mixture also makes use of it.

What is Pressure?

The force perpendicularly applied to an object's surface divided by the area over which it is dispersed is known as pressure.

Hence, when the temperature is raised even equilibrium shifts to right, similarly when pressure is increased the equilibrium shifts towards the forward direction.

To know more about Equilibrium, check out:


how does the motion of the piston differ from the wheel?how does the motion of the piston differ from the wheel?the piston undergoes curvilinear translation and the wheel undergoes general plane motion.the piston undergoes rectilinear translation and the wheel undergoes curvilinear translation.the piston undergoes general plane motion and the wheel undergoes rotation and curvilinear translation.the piston undergoes rectilinear translation and the wheel undergoes rotation about a fixed axis.


Since the piston is forced to slide in a straight path, it experiences rectilinear translation. Given that it will remain horizontal while traveling in a circular motion, the connecting rod goes through curvilinear translation.

What type of motion does the piston make?

The piston reciprocates up and down in a straight line as the crank turns. Rotational motion into linear motion is converted via a crank and piston arrangement. According to the guide's orientation, the linear motion can be either vertical or horizontal (or in another direction).

How are rectilinear and curvilinear defined?

Rectilinear motion is a motion in a straight line. In this motion, each particle travels the same distance in a straight line in a parallel fashion. Curvilinear Motion: The motion of a curved line.

To know more about Rectilinear motion visit:-


if the area of each plate is 20.0 cm2, and their spacing is 3.00 mm, what is the capacitance of the variable capacitor? write in terms of 10-12 f.


Capacitence of each plate is 5.9 x 10^(-12).

What is capacitence?

An electrical component called a capacitor has two terminals and may store energy in the form of an electric charge. It consists of two electrically conductive plates that are spaced apart by a particular amount. A dielectric, an insulating material, or a vacuum can be used to fill the space between the conductors.The capacitor's capacity to hold charges is referred to as its capacitance. Opposing charge pairs are separated in capacitors to store energy. The most fundamental type is a parallel plate capacitor, which has two metal plates that are spaced apart by a gap. However, capacitors are available in a wide range of forms, sizes, lengths, girths, and materials.

C = ∈A/L

∈ = Permitivity of vaccum = 8.85 x 10^(-12)

A = Area of cross section = 20 x 10^(-4)[tex]m^{2}[/tex]

L = Sepration = 3 x 10^(-3) m

C = 8.85 x 10^(-12) x 20 x 10^(-4) / 3 x 10^(-3)

C = 5.9 x 10^(-12)

To know more about capacitence refer:


There are very large numbers of charged particles in most objects. why, then, don’t most objects exhibit static electric effects?


This is because the phenomenon of static electricity requires the separation of positive and negative charges. When two substances are in contact electrons are transferred from one to the other leaving one with an excess positive charge and the other with an equal negative charge.

There are equal numbers of positive and negative charges so an object is electrically neutral. Because the phenomenon of static electricity requires the separation of positive and negative charges. When two substances are in contact electrons are transferred from one to the other leaving one with an excess positive charge and the other with an equal negative charge.

The negative charge on the earth's surface is balanced by the same positive charge in the atmosphere. An atom has a net positive charge if the number of protons is greater than the number of electrons, and a net negative charge if the number of electrons is greater than the number of protons.

To know more about Static electric effects:


the distance from earth to the sun is used to measure distances in the solar system and is called a light year. group of answer choices true false


The given statement is flase. The distance from earth to the sun is used to measure distances in the solar system and is not called a light year,but an astronomical unit.

How is distance measured in solar system?

When represented in miles and kilometers, the distances between the planets, and especially between the stars, can grow to be cumbersome. We thus transition to whole different sorts of units for cosmic distances, such as astronomical units, light years, and parsecs.

The average distance between Earth and the Sun, or 93 million miles or 8.5 light-minutes, is measured in astronomical units (AU). A light-year is the approximate 6-trillion-mile distance that light travels in a year in a vacuum. Approximately 64,500 times longer than an AU is a light-year.

The Light Year is perfect for determining distances to faraway galaxies or stars, but it is ineffective when determining distances inside our solar system. A light may travel around 10 trillion kilometers, or 106 Km, in a single year.

To know more about light years refer:


What is an example of motion energy?


Examples of motion energy are moving car, wind energy , planetary motion , free falling object, fan shaft moving, etc.

Kinetic energy can be defined as the energy that is present in any moving object. We can simply say that kinetic energy is the energy caused by motion. Kinetic energy can be further classified into different types based on the type of motion of the objects. For example, rotational kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a body that moves in circles, eg planets orbiting the sun have rotational kinetic energy; vibrational kinetic energy is the energy an object has as a result of vibration, Energy is the amount of work a physical system can perform, so energy can be defined as anything that changes the position, physical composition, or temperature of an object. There are two categories of energy: kinetic energy and potential energy. The difference is whether energy is transferred (motion) or stored (potential). they are interchangeable.

To understand more about energy -


a 2-kilogram piece of clay moving at 3 m/sec strikes and sticks to a second 2-kilogram piece of clay moving at 1 m/sec in the opposite direction. calculate the speed of the combined piece of clay.


The combined speed of the pieces of clay of mass 2 kg respectively is 1 m/s.

What is speed?

Speed is the ratio of distance to time.

To calculate the combined speed of the piece of clay, we use the formula below.


V = (mu+m'u')/(m+m').................. Equation 1


V = Combined speed of the claym, m' = Mass of the first and second clayu, u' = Initial speed of the first and second clay

From the question,


m = 2 kgm' = 2 kgu = 3 m/su' = -1 m/s (Opposite direction)

Substitute these values into equation 1

V = [(2×3)+(-1×2)]/(2+2)V = (6-2)/4V = 4/4V = 1 m/s

Hence, the combined speed of the piece of clay is 1 m/s.

Learn more about speed here:


What is acceleration due to gravity constant? Include units. (numeric value)


Acceleration due to gravity is the acceleration gained by an object due to gravitational force. Its SI unit is m/s2. It has both magnitude and direction, hence, it's a vector quantity. Acceleration due to gravity is represented by g. The standard value of g on the surface of the earth at sea level is 9.8 m/s2.

A car is traveling in a straight line path at a maximum speed of 7. 00 m/s. The driver of the car applies the brakes bringing the car to a stop after traveling 10. 0 m. What is the magnitude of the car's acceleration?.


The magnitude of the car's acceleration is 2.45 m/ and this can be determined by using the equation of kinematics.

How much acceleration is the automobile experiencing?

Given :

A car is traveling in a straight-line path at a maximum speed of 7.00 m/s.The  driver of the vehicle applies the brakes bringing the car to a stop after traveling  10.0 m.

According to the kinematics:

V= u + at --- (1)

where v is the final speed, u is the initial speed, a is the acceleration and t is time.

Now, put the known terms in equation (1).

0 = 7 + at

at = -7  

t = - 7/ a--- (2)

From the kinematics the displacement is given by the equation:

S= ut +1/2 at ²

Now, put the values of u, S, and t in the above equation.

10 = 7*-7/a +1/2 *a*49/a²

Now, simplify the above equation.

20a = -49

a = -2.45

So, the magnitude of the car's acceleration is 2.45 m/.

To learn more about magnitude refer


a steady current i flows down a long cylindrical wire of radius a. (a) find the magnetic field, both inside and outside the wire, if all the current is uniformly distributed over the outside surface of the wire only. (b) find the magnetic field, both inside and outside the wire, if the current is distributed in such a way that the current density j is proportional to


A magnetic field is a vector subject that describes the magnetic influence on shifting electric-powered costs, electric currents, and magnetic substances. A transferring charge in a magnetic subject studies a pressure perpendicular to its own speed and to the magnetic subject. A permanent magnet's magnetic subject pulls on ferromagnetic materials along with iron and draws or repels other magnets. in addition, a nonuniform magnetic field exerts minuscule forces on "nonmagnetic" substances with the aid of three other magnetic consequences: Para magnetism, diamagnetism, and antiferromagnetic, despite the fact that those forces are usually so small they can most effective be detected with the aid of laboratory system.

Magnetic fields surround magnetized materials and are created by using electric-powered currents inclusive of those used in electromagnets, and through electric fields varying in time. seeing that both energy and course of a magnetic discipline may also vary with region, its miles are described mathematically by a function assigning a vector to every factor of area, known as a vector subject.

To learn more about Magnetic fields visit here:


Consider an ideal gas at 27.0 degrees Celsius and 1.00atmosphere pressure. Imagine the molecules to be uniformly spaced,with each molecule at the center of a small cube. What is thelength Lof an edge of each small cube if adjacent cubes touch but don'toverlap?


The length of an edge of each small cube is [tex]3.445 * 10^{-9} m[/tex].

It is given to us that -

Temperature of the ideal gas = 27.0 degree Celsius

Atmospheric pressure on the gas = 1.00 atmosphere pressure

Molecules of the gas are uniformly spread

Each molecule at the center of a small cube

We have to find out the length L of an edge of each small cube if adjacent cubes touch but don't overlap.

For solving this problem, we have to make use of the formula of Boltzmann equation for ideal gas, which can be represented as -

[tex]PV = NkT[/tex] ---- (1)


P = Pressure on the gas

V = Volume of the gas

N = Number of molecules of the gas

k = Boltzmann constant

T = Temperature of the gas

According to the given information, we have -

P = 1 atm = 101325 Pa

N = 1

k = [tex]1.38 *10^{-23} J/K[/tex]

T = 27°C = 27°C + 273 = 300K

Now, substituting these values in equation (1), we have

[tex]PV = NkT\\= > 101325 * V = 1 * 1.38 *10^{-23} * 300\\= > V = \frac{414 * 10^{-23}}{101325} \\= > V = 4.0858 * 10^{-26} m^{3}[/tex]------- (2)

We know that the volume of a cube in terms of its length is given as -

[tex]V = L^{3}\\ = > L = V^{1/3}[/tex] ----- (3)

Substituting the value of V from equation (2) in equation (1), we have -

[tex]L = V^{1/3}\\= > L = (4.0858*10^{-26} )^{1/3}\\= > L = 3.445 * 10^{-9} m[/tex]

Therefore, the length of an edge of each small cube is [tex]3.445 * 10^{-9} m[/tex].

To learn more about ideal gas visit


suppose you stand in front of a spherical mirror (concave or convex). is it possible for your image to be (a) real and upright (b) virtual and inverted?


Behind the mirror are always real images. Real images may be inverted or upright. hence

(a) can be possible.

(b) cannot be possible.

What is Mirror?

Any item that reflects images is referred to as a mirror or looking glass. When focussed through the eye's or a camera's lens, light that reflects off a mirror will reveal a picture of whatever is in front of it. Mirrors reflect light from a similar but opposite angle, which changes the image's direction.

What are Real images?

In the field of optics, a true picture is one that is situated in the plane of convergence for the light rays coming from a certain object. Real images will typically appear on screens when they are positioned in their plane.

Hence, (a) can be possible and (b) cannot be possible.

To know more about Mirror, check out:


A 484 kg cannon fire a 19kg cannonball at 26m/ if the cannon i on wheel, at what velocity doe it move backward?


The velocity of the cannon moving backward is 1.021 m/s.

If two objects collision without friction, the law of conservation of momentum will apply.

p = p'

m₁ v₁ + m₂ v₂ = m₁ v₁' + m₂ v₂'

m₁ = the mass of a first object (kg) = 484 kgv₁ = the velocity of the first object before collision = 0 m/sv₁' = the velocity of the first object after collisionm₂ = the mass of second object = 19 kgv₂ = the velocity of the second object before collision = 0 m/sv₂' = the velocity of the second object after collision = 26 m/s

The cannons and cannonballs were initially still.

(484 × 0) + (91 × 0) = (484 × v₁') + (19 × 26)

0 = 484v₁' + 494

484v₁' = - 494

v₁' = - 494 ÷ 484

v₁' = - 1.021 m/s

Learn more about law of conservation of momentum here:


a 4 kg block slides down a frictionless inclined plane with an acceleration of 3m/s2. what is the angle of the incline above the horizontal


Equation: The inclination of both the inclination well above horizontal might be estimated using its method

tan(θ) = a/g

If a denotes the block's acceleration & g denotes the velocity brought on by gravitation, wherein denotes this same degree of the slope just above perpendicular.

Here, g = 9.8m/s2 and a = 3m/s2.

The formula is given by replacing those inputs.

Solving for θ gives:

θ = 16.9°

Step 1: We need to use the equation for uniform acceleration to calculate the angle of the incline:

a = g*sinθ

Step 2: Rearrange the equation to solve for θ:

θ = sin-1(a/g)

Step 3: Substitute 3 m/s2 for a and 9.8 m/s2 for g:

θ = sin-1(3/9.8)

Step 4: Use an information to evaluate the angular position:

θ = 14.4°

Step 5: This inclination is 14.4° above that of the horizontal.

To know more about uniform acceleration click here


Order the following methods for distance measurement from shortest to longest distance. -Radar -Type 1a supernovae -Cephid Variables -Main-Sequence Fitting
-Galactic Redshifts -Parallax


Short Distance -Radar -Parallax -Main-Sequence Fitting -Cephid Variables -Type 1a supernovae -Galactic Redshifts Long Distance

What are the purposes of Cepheid variables?

The Cepheid variable is one of a family of variable stars whose periods—i.e., the length of one cycle of variation—are strongly correlated with their luminosities and are thus helpful in determining the distances between stars and between galaxies.

How do Cepheid variables come into play while calculating distance?

It is assumed that all Cepheids with a particular time have the same absolute magnitude. We may then use the period-luminosity connection to calculate a Cepheid's distance by measuring its apparent magnitude. If a Cepheid is fainter than another with the same period, it must be further away.

Where can one find Cepheid variables?

These Cepheid variable stars are visible in other galaxies. We can really see it well beyond both the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds. However, similar stars might be found in other galaxies.

To know more about cephid variables visit:


You have an initial velocity of 5.0 m/s. You then experience an acceleration * 1 point
of 1.5 m/s^2 for 4.0 s; what is your final velocity?
Make sure to include your units.
Your answer



11.0 m/s


a = (Vf - Vi) / t

Vf = at + Vi = (1.5 m/s²)(4.0 s) + 5.0 m/s = 11.0 m/s

Globalization is about culture change. discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western european or american culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world.


Globalization alludes to the expanded interconnectedness between various regions of the planet. The interaction is a kind of shared trade of values, standards, and contemplations. All of the cooperating societies are profited from the culture.

Globalization has various numerous actual signs as confirmed by the consistent development of items, products, and administrations that cross worldwide boundaries consistently. The Worldwide South which sends its wares into an unpredictable market, and gives modest work to the world's large companies, has long voiced its mistake at the unfairness of inconsistent exchange relations and global administrative associations.

The obtrusive improvement in the South to support the development based economies in the North has a negative relationship with a reasonable climate (Iqbal). Hence, they see firsthand the social and ecological repercussions that a culture of utilization makes on the planet.

To know more about Globalization, visit here:


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