Negative demand shocks to the economy can come from
A. increases in investment.
B. reductions in consumer demand.
C. Increases in government spending.
D. reductions in imports.


Answer 1
the correct Choice is B

Related Questions

poppy corporation has a current ratio of 2.0 and a quick ratio of 1.6. poppy purchases additional inventory for cash. which of the following occurs? multiple choice question. working capital decreases.


There will be no change to the current ratio.

The current ratio would not change because the stock would decrease and the number of debtors would rise when goods were sold on credit.

If the current ratio stays the same, what does that imply?

While the numbers may appear favorable right now, it makes sense to look at other measures as well for a more accurate picture. If a company's quick ratio starts to fall while its current ratio stays roughly the same, this indicates that the company is focusing on other assets over its liquid assets.

How does the ongoing proportion change?

In most cases, your company's ability to generate cash to meet its short-term obligations is shown by your current ratio. An increase in short-term debt, a decrease in current assets, or a combination of the two can cause this ratio to fall.

To learn more about current ratio here


suppose you are a company whose target market is identified as homeowners who live in suburban regions of the american midwest. from the list below, choose the product you are most likely selling


Suppose you run a business with homeowners as your primary target market. A most likely selling item is snow blowers.

What do you mean by "market"?

The market is the total population of buyers and sellers in the area and area under scrutiny. The topic could include Earth as well as a number of other countries, areas, states, and cities. The market's financial rules determine the value, cost, and charge of the items sold.

What categories of markets come to mind?

A market is any place where sellers include producers, retailers, and distributors and buyers include consumers. Examples include storefronts, important thoroughfares, and websites. The phrase also has the potential to refer to any consumer who makes a purchase of a good or service.

To know more about market visit:


the supply and demand curves for loanable funds are affected by different factors. classify each event according to which curve of the loanable funds model that it shifts, if any, and the direction of the shift.


A decrease in the demand for loanable funds from foreign investors: Demand Curve - Left

What is loanable funds?

Loanable funds is an economic concept used to describe the amount of money available for lending or borrowing through financial institutions such as banks or credit unions. It is the sum of all savings, investments, and other sources of capital that can be loaned out to individuals or businesses. Loanable funds are also referred to as the supply of credit or the loanable funds market. The demand for loanable funds is driven by borrowers who wish to buy homes, start businesses, or make other investments. The supply of loanable funds depends on the amount of savings available, the profitability of investments, the liquidity of financial markets, and the willingness of lenders to make loans. Loanable funds also play a key role in the determination of interest rates, as the demand for funds affects the cost of borrowing and the return on savings investments.

1. A decrease in the demand for loanable funds from foreign investors: Demand Curve - Left
2. An increase in the savings rate of households: Supply Curve - Right
3. Increased government spending: Demand Curve - Right
4. A decrease in interest rates: Demand Curve - Right

To learn more about loanable funds

interest groups are permitted to spend as much money as they want on issue advocacy during a campaign season, as long as they


Interest groups are permitted to spend as much money as they want on issue advocacy during a campaign season, as long as they, do not make contributions to a candidate's campaign.

What does Intrest mean?

The cost of borrowing money is expressed as interest, which is typically expressed as a percentage of the principal amount borrowed. In exchange for the loan, someone who borrows money must pay a fee to the lender. This fee is known as interest. When someone invests their money, they earn interest, which is paid to them by the lender.

What does Campaign mean?

A campaign is a set of activities designed to promote a product, service, or cause, such as advertisements, public relations efforts, and promotional events. It is also applied to political activities in which a party or candidate seeks public support.

To know more about Intrest,


the rationale for market segmentation is that companies need to from the competition. group of answer choices gain market share gain revenue differentiate gain customers gain margin


The goal of marketing segmentation is to enable businesses to concentrate on the habits and patterns of their customers.

Why is market segmentation necessary?

A company will succeed most in creating a satisfying marketing mix for a portion of a total market because customers' needs tend to vary, which serves as the justification for segmenting heterogeneous markets. Market segmentation is employed by the majority of businesses to best meet consumer demands.

Putting into practice a market segmentation strategy will improve your competitiveness and enable you to appropriately price goods for the various segments of customers. By using market segmentation, you can determine the best prices to offer potential customers and then set fixed prices for your goods and services in accordance.

Therefore, When done correctly, segmentation enables a company to maximize its return on investment (ROI) for marketing and sales expenditures.

Learn more about market segmentation from the given link.


Suppose that a typical basket of goods is now less expensive than it used to be. All else equal, we would expect: A) the demand curve for money to shift outward. B) the demand curve for money to shift inward. C) a downward movement along a fixed money demand curve, D) an upward movement along a fixed money demand curve,


Suppose that a typical basket of goods is now less expensive than it used to be. All else equal, we would expect: the money demand curve to shift inward.

What are goods ?In economics, goods refer to an object that satisfies a human need and provides utility to consumers and others who purchase  satisfying products. A  distinction is usually made between transferable goods  and non-transferable goods. Merchandise is the tangible item sold to the customer and service is the task performed for the benefit of the recipient. Examples of goods are cars, appliances, and clothing.In economics, there are four different types of commodities that can be classified according to their exclusivity and competitiveness. Private Goods, Public Goods, Common Resources, and Allied GoodsFundamental rights are realized through the provision of basic goods,  goods and services that satisfy objective human needs.

to learn more about goods  from the given link :


According to the video from Arizona State, the relationship between good supply chain management and corporate social responsibility is
conflict. Supply Chain Managers should focus solely on making money.
negligible. Supply Chain managers should not be concerned about corporate social responsible.
strategic. Supply chain managers can create competitive advantage over competitors by investing in responsible supply chains.
All of the above
None of the above


Strategic. Supply chain managers can create competitive advantage over competitors by investing in responsible supply chains.

What is supply chain management?

Supply chain management, which covers all procedures that convert raw materials into finished commodities, is the management of the movement of goods and services. It entails the deliberate simplification of a company's supply-side operations in order to optimise customer value and achieve a competitive edge in the market.

Companies may reduce unnecessary expenditures and deliver goods to customers more quickly and effectively by optimising the supply chain.

Effective supply chain management keeps businesses out of the news and away from costly recalls and legal actions.

Developing a plan, locating raw materials, production, distribution, and returns are the five SCM components that are most important.

To learn more on supply chain management from the link:


True or False: It is possible that efforts to decrease translation exposure may result in an increase in transaction exposure.


It is true that there is a chance that measures to reduce translation exposure could raise transaction exposure.

What is exposure to transactions and translations?

Exposure to transactions. Definition. The risk associated with consolidating financial statements owing to exchange rate fluctuations; The risk associated with exchange rate variations that have an impact on cash flow movement in the business's daily operations.

How do you handle vulnerability to transactions?

Hedging is a way for a business involved in cross-currency transactions to guard against transaction exposure. The corporation can safeguard against transaction risk by buying foreign currency by employing currency swaps, currency futures, or a combination of various hedging approaches.

To know more about transaction exposure visit:


Deregulation occurs when a government eliminates or scales back rules relating to all but one of the following. Which one is it?
a. Conditions of entry in a certain industry
b. Natural monopoly
c. Prices that can be charged
d. Quantities that can be produced


Deregulation occurs when a government eliminates or scales back rules relating to all but Natural monopoly. Thus, option b is the correct answer.

What is Natural monopoly?

Natural monopolies can also develop when one company serves the market considerably more effectively than a number of other companies. It makes little sense to install a second, redundant grid to compete once one grid has been set up to provide electric power to all of the residences in a neighbourhood. The transmission of electricity is an excellent illustration of this.

A natural monopoly, as the term suggests, develops over time as a result of market circumstances and does not engage in any unethical economic tactics that would impede competition. Some monopolies engage in cooperation, mergers, acquisitions, and aggressive takeovers to get an unfair advantage.

To learn more about monopoly


savion is a manager at jolez solutions. whenever employees underperform, he asks them to work overtime for a few days. in this case, savion is using _____


Shawn is a manager at Jolez solutions. whenever employees underperform, he asks them to work overtime for a few days. in this case, Shawn is using feedback control.

What is feedback?Feedback occurs when the output of a system is fed back as an input as part of a chain of causes and effects forming a circuit or loop. In that case, we can say that the system is feeding back to  itself.Feedback is "information provided by an agent about aspects of the agent's own performance or understanding." It is a response to learner behavior aimed at attracting, informing, and expanding knowledge by reducing “discrepancies between current understanding, performance, and goals.”Feedback can take many forms, including: B. Verbal, Written, Informal, Formal, Descriptive, Evaluative, Peer and Self-Assessed Feedback.What matters is the quality of the feedback.Feedback, which began as an open compound noun (Feed & Back), seems to have arisen from the  earlier use of Back in combination with Feed as a verb.When a cable is grounded, currents are reversed at  that end. That is, it flows into the cable (“feedback”) instead of coming out of it.

To learn more about feedback from the given link :


Question :

Shawn is a manager at Jolez Solutions. Whenever employees underperform, he asks them to work overtime for a few days. In this case, Shawn is using _____.

In recent years, hours of market work have declined and leisure time increased. This trend

a. causes GDP to rise.
b. causes GDP to fall.
c. does not improve the well-being of people because they do not value leisure.
d. is not accounted for in GDP.​



option B.........i guess

Under what conditions do you think extraverts make more effective leaders than introverts? What unique abilities of introverts could make them more effective in some situations?


When they have to interact with peers and large groups of people, extraverts can be better leaders. Extraversion is characterized by talkativeness, gregariousness, and exuberance.

A person who possesses these characteristics is better able to solve problems and think critically while communicating with others and in groups.

Why are extraverts better leaders than introverts?

In certain business situations, the ability of extroverts to make decisions quickly can be extremely advantageous. They get to know the people on their team quickly and aren't afraid to say what's on their mind, so they can easily hold everyone accountable and win their trust and loyalty.

To learn more about Extraversion here


prital's pies has 3 workers, and they make 6 dozen pies per day. after prital hires an additional worker, the number of pies produced per day increased to 7 dozen. because rhe marginal product of the fourth worker


Because the marginal product of the fourth worker is less than the average product of the three workers, the average product must fall.

What is the marginal product?

The extra production that occurs from adding one unit of input, like labor, to the current combination of productive elements is known as the marginal product of that input. The total output amount produced by each additional input unit used in production is referred to as the marginal product (MP). It is determined by dividing the overall product change by the alteration of the inputs. Every additional variable input is more effective than the previous input due to the increase in marginal returns. The output created by all employed workers is referred to as the total product. The extra output produced by an additional worker is referred to the as marginal product.

To learn more about marginal product click on the given link:


the information-level design methodology is completed independently of any particular dbms that the organization will ultimately use.\


True. The information-level design methodology is completed independently of any particular DBMS that the organization will ultimately use.

What is DBMS?

Essentially, a database management system (or DBMS) is just a computerized data-keeping system. Users of the system are provided with the ability to carry out a variety of actions on such a system for either managing the database structure itself or manipulating the data in the database. Relational, network, and hierarchical data models are the three basic categories of DBMS data models. Relational data model: Information is set up as logically distinct tables. All entities are arranged in graphical representations in the network data model. Data is arranged in a tree-like structure according to a hierarchical data model. Data is stored, retrieved, and analyzed using software called database management systems (DBMS).

To learn more about DBMS click on the given link;


Choose the term that best matches the description given.
equipment, property or funds owned by a business
O assets
O lien
O trustee
O collateral


I think the answer is assets because that is what the bank first seizes when they go bankrupt

the theory argues that people in a crowd take stock of the situation and consciously abide to acceptable behavior in the moment.


The Normative Behavior Theory, proposes that when people are in a crowd, they become aware of the situation and behave in a socially acceptable manner.

Understanding Social Norms: How Crowds Self-Regulate

The theory proposes that when people are in a crowd, they become aware of the situation and behave in a socially acceptable manner. This is because they understand that if they act out in an inappropriate manner, they are likely to be judged harshly by their peers and the public. Furthermore, they recognize that they are part of a group and are more likely to adhere to accepted norms and values in order to avoid any potential conflict or embarrassment.

Learn more about Normative Behavior Theory at:


contractors who sell to government agencies would be most likely to use which of the following cost methods in pricing their products


Contractors who promote to authorities organizations could be maximum possibly to apply which of the subsequent fee strategies in pricing their products.Total costs.

The required details about total costs is mentioned in below paragraph.

Total costs in economics, the sum of all expenses incurred through a company in generating a positive stage of output. It is commonly expressed because the mixture of all constant expenses (e.g., the expenses of a constructing rent and of heavy machinery), which do now no longer alternate with the amount of output produced, and all variable expenses (e.g., the expenses of labour and of uncooked materials), which do alternate with the extent of output. If constant expenses aren't altered (e.g., through acquiring a bigger constructing or through obtaining greater heavy machinery), the charge of boom of variable expenses with growing output could be gradually more withinside the lengthy run, owing to diminishing returns on extra devices of output. In different words, withinside the lengthy run, gradually fewer devices of output could be yielded through total costs of variable expenses.

To learn about Total costs visit here.


Your company is introducing a new line of active wear for teenagers and invites the members of the high school track team to a private display of the line. This group consists of ____ for active wear clothing


Your company is introducing a new line of active wear for teenagers and invites the members of the high school track team to a private display of the line. This group consists of opinion leaders for active wear clothing.

When a company is inviting a group of high school sports team to a private display of a new line of active wear, the company is engaging them because those students are the opinion leaders for that particular area. Opinion leaders are defined as a group of demographic sampling whose opinions matter the most because in the case of active wear clothing, high school sports team may act as influencers, leaders, or even decision makers when it comes to shaping the opinion of the larger part of the demographic group.

To learn more about opinion leaders visit:


you have recently purchased a new, foldable smart phone.which of the following types of mobile device display technologies is most likely being used for the foldable display?


One of the most recent and cutting-edge smartphone technologies to achieve international recognition in recent years is foldable displays.

Why do we use purchased?

Purchase orders are formal agreements between a supplier and a customer (your business) (the vendor). Through standardizing requirements and pricing, they serve as a legal and binding document describing the things which were ordered and as a crucial tool of buyers.

What is purchased in business?

In order to accomplish its goals, a business or organization employs the procurement to purchase goods or services. Even while many companies try to set standards for the buying process, practices can vary greatly amongst businesses.

To know more about purchased visit:


some companies provide reimbursement programs to encourage employees to take classes to improve knowledge and skills related to their career.


Some companies provide tuition reimbursement programs to encourage employees to take classes to improve their knowledge and skills related to their careers.

What is a tuition reimbursement program?

It is also known as tuition assistance and is an employee benefit through which an employer pays them a percentage or flat amount of tuition and other education expenses per year for taking a degree or study program while employed with your company.

Generally, the employee covers all the costs of his study program, and when the semester ends, he requests reimbursement from the company through a form. Employees have to meet the program requirements to the company can pay for tuition reimbursement.

Each company has its requirements and establishes how much it will cover for its studies. One of these requirements is that the studies the employee takes are related to the functions he performs in the company.

To learn more about employee benefits, click here:


Consumer researchers have adapted some of Sigmund Freud's ideas. In particular, his work highlights the potential importance of ________ that underlies our purchases.A) rational-thinkingB) unconscious motivesC) conscious motivesD) deviant behavior


In particular, his work highlights the potential importance of B) unconscious motives that underlies our purchases.

Which theory of personality contends that traits like introversion or extroversion, among others, are what make one person distinct from another?

People's distinctive thought, feeling, and behaviour patterns are reflected in their personality traits. The foundation of trait theory in psychology is the notion that individuals differ from one another according to the strength and intensity of fundamental trait dimensions. Personality theories explore how people become who they are, and they can be used to the study of personality disorders. These ideas explore the question of whether personality is a biological attribute or a product of an individual's interactions with their environment.

To know more about Sigmund Freud's ideas click on the link below:


If P(A) = 0.38, P(B) = 0.83, and P(A ∩ B) = 0.57; then P(A ∪ B) = 1.21 0.64 0.78 1.78


If P(A) = 0.38, P(B) = 0.83, and P(A ∩ B) = 0.57; then P(A ∪ B) = 0.64. The correct option is b.

What is probability?

Simply put, the probability is the likelihood that something will occur. When we don't know how an event will turn out, we can discuss the likelihood or likelihood of several outcomes. Statistics is the study of events that follow a probability distribution.

Given that, P(A) = 0.38 P(B) = 0.83, and P(A n B) = 0.57 Now P(A U B) =?

Using the formula, P(A U B) = P(A) + P(B) — P(A n B) = 0.38 + 0.83 — 0.57 = 0.64

Therefore, the correct option is b, 0.64.

To learn more about probability, refer to the link:


because of extensive federal government holdings in a variety of industries such as steel and airlines, president reagan successfully privatized numerous government corporations.


True. Extensive federal government holdings in a variety of industries such as steel and airlines, President Reagan successfully privatized numerous government corporations.

What is a Federal government?

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress, the President, and the Federal courts, respectively, the authority to act as the legislative, executive, and judicial departments of the Federal Government.

A strong central government shares power with states or provinces that have significant self-governance, typically through their own legislatures. Examples include the Federal Republic of Germany, Australia, and the United States.

Only the federal government has the authority to control domestic and international trade, declare war, and establish other national policies like as taxation and spending. Legislation from Congress, which consists of the 100-member U.S. Senate and the 435-member House of Representatives, is frequently the first step in these procedures.

To learn more on Federal government from the link:


A decrease in government expenditure shifts the AD curve ________ and a decrease in taxes shifts the AD curve ________.
A. leftward; leftward
B. rightward; rightward
C. leftward; rightward
D. rightward; leftward


A decrease in government expenditure shifts the AD leftward curve  and a  decrease in taxes shifts the AD curve rightward.

What happens when government expenditure decreases?

The crowding out effect describes a situation in which rising interest rates cause a decline in private investment spending, which dampens the initial rise in overall investment spending.

Government expenditure reductions ease the strain on financial markets, allowing funds to flow into investment and output. The other option is to prevent significant money flows from entering the market, which would starve innovation and investment. Eventually, the economy withers and collapses.

The term "government spending" describes the cash that the government spends on various goods and services. Examples include spending on operational tasks and making investments in government programs like social security, education, health care, and military.

to learn more about government expenditure click:


Julia received her credit report and sees that her FICO score is 475. What might that mean? (5 points)
She has a high available credit.
She makes most payments on time.
She applied for a second small loan in the last five years.
She had a garnishment of wages last year.


If Julia received her credit report and sees that her FICO score is 475. This might mean: D. She had a garnishment of wages last year.

What is Wage garnishment ?

Wage garnishment can be defined as the way in which the court of law request that an  employee wages or money earn per hour or daily should be withheld by an employer.

This money withheld by the employer are then use to pay off the debt of the employee. Based on the scenario Julia had a garnishment of wages last year.

Therefor the correct option is D.

Learn  more about wages garnishment here:


which of the following are things of value other than compensation that an organization provides to its workers (sometimes referred to as indirect compensation)?


Benefits are the valuable items that a business offers to its employees in addition to compensation.

What does the term "compensation" mean?

A financial fee paid to a person in exchange for their services is referred to as "compensation." At respective places of employment, employees make a living. It comprises the employee's salary or earnings, incentive, as well as all bonuses or benefits related to their work.

Which among the four types of compensation is it?

Hour, salary, commission, & bonus pay are the four primary types of direct compensation. When asking about compensation, the majority of customers want to read about base pay & variable pay. The four basic types of direct compensation are hourly pay, salaries, commissions, etc bonuses.

To know more about compensation visit:


a is a range (lower and upper boundary) into which the researcher believes the population parameter falls with an associated degree of confidence (typically 95% or 99%).


Confidence Interval  is a is a range (lower and upper boundary) into which the researcher believes the population parameter falls with an associated degree of confidence (typically 95% or 99%).

What is Confidence Interval?

In statistics, a confidence interval describes the likelihood that a population parameter would fall between a set of values for a given percentage of the time. Confidence ranges that include 95% or 99% of anticipated observations are frequently used by analysts.A confidence interval is a range of estimates for an unknown parameter in frequentist statistics. The 95% confidence level is the most usual, but other levels, such 90% or 99%, are occasionally used to generate a confidence range.

To know more about Confidence here


when a segment of a company is showing a net loss , it is always vest to discontinue the segement in orfer not to contunue with losses


False. it is not always best to discontinue the segment in order not to continue with losses.

What is loss?

An excess of expenses over revenues, whether for a single business transaction or the total of all transactions for an accounting period, constitutes a loss. When you say you are at a loss, you are expressing your inability to act appropriately in a given circumstance. I didn't know what to do next and felt lost. To no longer possess anything after having it intentionally or unintentionally taken away from you: If the plant closes, employees will lose their employment. He was in a vehicle accident and lost his leg. Loss-causing factors are the dangers that could result in, cause, or start loss or damage. both direct and indirect.

To learn more about loss click on the given link:


herzberg used the term hygiene factor to refer to an element of job content that was most important as a source of worker motivation.


Herzberg used the time period hygiene issue to consult an detail of task content material that become maximum critical as a supply of employee motivation.False.

The required details about  hygiene factor is mentioned in below paragraph.

Herzberg used the time period hygiene issue to consult an detail of task content material that become maximum critical as a supply of employee motivation. According to fairness theory, if personnel understand that their degree of attempt is extra than their compensation, they'll paintings to growth their productivity.The two-issue theory (additionally recognised as Herzberg's motivation-hygiene theory and dual-issue theory) states that there are sure elements in the workplace that motive task satisfaction even as a separate set of things motive dissatisfaction, all of which act independently of every other. It become evolved by psychologistFrederick Herzberg.

To learn about hygiene factor visit here.


As globalization tends to increase the proportion of imported inputs relative to domestically supplied components
A) the amount of tariffs levied increases.
B) the rate of (effective) protection automatically decreases.
C) the nominal tariff automatically decreases.
D)the rate of (effective) protection automatically increases.
E) the nominal tariff automatically increases.


As globalization tends to increase the proportion of imported inputs relative to domestically supplied components and the rate of (effective) protection automatically increases..

Globalization, exports and imports, and their relation to the free market

Free market created because of globalization. Because globalization makes various countries in the world connected to each other. One way is through interstate trade. There are many activities that can be carried out in a free market, and some of them are exports and imports. These two activities are often carried out by a country, because no country in the world is able to survive and fulfill its needs without establishing relations with other countries. The existence of globalization makes free markets, export and import activities occur to this day. In conclusion, globalization creates free markets, where various countries in the world can establish trade relations, in the form of exports and imports, without being limited by space and time.

Learn more about globalization affect economic at


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