Describe a theory about where the moon come from. Do you think there's enough evidence?​


Answer 1
What is most widely accepted today is the giant-impact theory. It proposes that the Moon formed during a collision between the Earth and another small planet, about the size of Mars. The debris from this impact collected in an orbit around Earth to form the Moon.

The Apollo missions brought back over a third of a tonne of rock and soil from the Moon.

'When the Apollo rocks came back, they showed that the Earth and the Moon have some remarkable chemical and isotopic similarities, suggesting that they have a linked history,' says Sara.

'If the Moon had been created elsewhere and was captured by the Earth's gravity we would expect its composition to be very different from the Earth's.

'If the Moon was created at the same time, or broke off the Earth, then we would expect the type and proportion of minerals on the Moon to be the same as on Earth. But they are slightly different.'

The minerals on the Moon contain less water than similar terrestrial rocks. The Moon is rich in material that forms quickly at a high temperature.

'In the seventies and eighties there was a lot of debate which led to an almost universal acceptance of the giant impact model.'

Lunar meteorites are also an important source of data for studying the origins of the Moon.

'In some ways meteorites can tell us more about the Moon than Apollo samples because meteorites come from all over the surface of the Moon,' adds Sara, 'while Apollo samples come from just one place near the equator on the near side of the Moon.'

Related Questions

6. A sperm cell is a (gamete, zygote), and is (haploid, diploid).


Answer: haploid, diploid


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see below


control variable- what is staying the same

dependent variable- what you are measuring

independent variable- what is changing

same motor- control

increase in voltage- independent

how fast electric motor turns- dependant

Hope this helps!

Which plant structures are common to all angiosperms?sporesflowersconesendoskeleton


A plant structure common to all angiosperms are the flowers, that are reprodutive structures formed from four whorls of modified leaves. The angiosperms have two structures that ensures their reprodutive sucess: flowers and fruits, being the flowers the one that form a cooperative evolutionary relationship with insects, and other animals to help disperse the pollen from the female plant gametophytes.

Put the events in the correct order.
(1. Decomposers increase oxygen consumption) (2. Algae consume the
available nutrients and then begin to die off) (3. Decomposers break down
algae and increase in number) (4. An algal bloom occurs)


Answer: 3


the phosphorus is a limiting factor for algae growth? Why or why not?



Phosphorus can be a limiting factor for algae growth


Phosphorus and nitrogen are essential for algae growth. An increase in these nutrients causes the growth of algae to rapidly increase. This can be harmful to other plants and organisms living in the pond/sea, as the rapid increase in algae blocks sunlight from reaching the bottom of the pond. This kills plants that require sunlight to photosynthesise and saprobiotic bacteria decomposes this matter, by using oxygen. In turn this depletes oxygen available for any surviving plants and other fish species living in the area, causing them to die as they need oxygen to respire.

This process is called eutrophication where the increase in Phosphorus and nitrogen leading to a dense growth in plant matter

Hope this helps!

1) what are rules about matter we should follow when investigating and explaining how plants grow and function?
2) what are rules about energy we should follow when investigating and explaining how plants grow, move, and function?


1.) Just as matter is made up of particles that works together to lead to the successful functionality of the system, the plant is made up of cells and tissues that function together to lead to its growth and development.

2.) Just as energy is neither created nor destroyed but can be transformed from one state to another, the energy from sunlight is being transformed to chemical energy which is being used by plants to grow, move and function.

What is matter?

Matter is defined as a substance that is made up of particles that has weight and can occupy space. Matter is also made up of three major states such as solid, liquid and gas.

A plant is considered to be a matter as it is made up of cells and tissues such as the pith, protoxylem, xylem, phloem, sclerenchyma, chloroplast and cortex. These plant tissue cells obey the rules of matter as they function together to bring about the effective growth and development of the plant.

Plants also follow the rules of energy because they have the ability to transform energy from sunlight to chemical energy which is utilised for growth, movement and functioning.

Learn more about energy here:


If a genotype is heterozygous (aA) will the result be a (recessive) or A (dominate)?


The result would be Dominate

What is translation?


Translation in biology is defined as the process of turning nucleic acid information into amino acids. The study of genes, genetic variants, and heredity is part of the molecular foundation of inheritance. The molecular foundation of heredity consists of DNA, RNA, and genetic code


Translation in simple terms is turning the transcripted mRNA codons or sequences into amino acids.

Transcription in simple terms is DNA codons or sequences getting converted into mRNA codons or sequences.

Both of these together are called Gene Expression.

(ii) Describe the stages used in the laboratory to clone and produce Tegon from the genetically
engineered cell.




A small piece of circular DNA called a plasmid is extracted from the bacteria or yeast cell.A small section is then cut out of the circular plasmid by restriction enzymes, ‘molecular scissors’.The gene for human insulin is inserted into the gap in the plasmid. This plasmid is now genetically modified.The genetically modified plasmid is introduced into a new bacteria or yeast cell.This cell then divides rapidly and starts making insulin.To create large amounts of the cells, the genetically modified bacteria or yeast are grown in large fermentation vessels that contain all the nutrients they need. The more the cells divide, the more insulin is produced.When fermentation is complete, the mixture is filtered to release the insulin.The insulin is then purified and packaged into bottles and insulin pens for distribution to patients with diabetes.

The DNA of an animal's somatic cell is transferred into an egg cell that has had its nucleus and DNA removed in order to create a clone. With the same genes as the cell donor, the egg develops into an embryo. The embryo is then placed inside the uterus of an adult female to develop.

What is DNA ?

A polymer made of two polynucleotide chains that coil around one another to form a double helix is called deoxyribonucleic acid. All known organisms and many viruses have genetic information in the polymer that is necessary for their development, operation, growth, and reproduction. Nucleic acids include DNA and ribonucleic acid.

The process of genetic engineering consists of three main phases. These include (1) isolating DNA fragments from a donor organism, (2) integrating an isolated donor DNA fragment into the genome of the vector, and (3) allowing the recombinant vector to develop in the proper host.

Selection, mutagenesis, conjugation, and protoplasm fusion are examples of conventional genetic modification techniques that have been used, particularly for microbial starter cultures. The latter is comparable to somatic hybridization in plant systems.

Thus, The DNA of an animal's somatic cell is transferred into an egg cell that has had its nucleus and DNA removed in order to create a clone.

To learn more about DNA, follow the link;


in skeletal muscle fibers, each myosin head binds to a group of answer choices tropomyosin. myosin tail. g actin. titin. troponin complex.


Each myosin head needs to bind an ATP molecule for this release. The myosin head is released from the actin by ATP attaching to it.

The head "recocks" (the recovery stroke) as a result of the ATPase hydrolyzing the ATP into ADP and a phosphate group, preparing it for the following power stroke.

Actin and myosin do not shorten as skeletal muscle fibers contract, which is explained by the sliding filament hypothesis of muscle contraction. Instead, they pass one another by.

The separation of myosin heads from actin requires ATP. Also, observe that the H zone and the light I band appear to narrow with sarcomere contraction, but the dark A band does not.

Learn more about sliding filament theory here:


What are the regulations that apply to hazardous waste


The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is the public law that creates the framework for the proper management of hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste. The law describes the waste management program mandated by Congress that gave EPA authority to develop the RCRA


Test and Improve
Part A

Janelle placed a thermometer in the plastic bag in her oven, and Corey placed a thermometer underneath the
plastic wrap in his oven. They placed their ovens out in the Sun for one hour. At the end of the hour, they recorded
the temperature in each oven.
Solar Oven
Janelle's cone oven
Corey's shoe box oven
Final Temperature (°F)

Identify the design that worked better. Was your prediction correct? Why do you think this design got hotter than
the other?


The better design is that of Janelle  in which the thermometer was put  in the plastic bag in her oven.

Which design would work better?

We know that the oven is a device that was designed for the purpose of heating a substance. The heat would move all through the substnace thw we want to heat. In this case, we are usng a plastic to put the material that we want to heat.

It is natural that if we put the thermometer inside the plastic bag of underneath the plastic wrap in his oven, the thermometer that is wrapped in the plastic bag is going to have a better measurement because it can be able to pick the temperature that is right inside the wrap.

Learn more about oven temperature:


creatine kinase group of answer choices catalyzes the transfer of phosphate from cp to adp. functions as a substitute for atp during anaerobic fermentation. acts as a second messenger in muscle fibers. phosphorylates and activates certain enzymes in the sarcoplasm. donates one of its phosphate groups to adp.


creatine kinase : donates one of its phosphate groups to adp.

Explain the creatine kinase ?The enzyme (EC creatine kinase (CK), sometimes referred to as creatine phosphokinase (CPK) or phosphocreatine kinase, is expressed by a variety of organs and cell types. Using adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine, CK converts the latter into phosphocreatine (PCr) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP). Because of the reversibility of this CK enzyme reaction, ATP can be produced from PCr and ADP.PCr serves as an energy reservoir for the quick buffering and regeneration of ATP in situ, as well as for intracellular energy transport by the PCr shuttle or circuit, in tissues and cells that rapidly consume ATP, particularly skeletal muscle, but also brain, photoreceptor cells of the retina, hair cells of the inner ear, spermatozoa, and smooth muscle.

Learn more about creatine kinase refer to :


Which property would you alter to increase the space to enter items in a cell before it wraps to a new line in the cell?.


Cell margins are altered to increase the space to enter items in a cell before it wraps to a new line in the cell.

What is cell margin?However, they are not frequently used and are not well understood. Cell Margins and Cell Spacing are two crucial parameters in every Microsoft Word Table.The spaces between your text and the cell's edge are known as cell margins. The top, bottom, and both sides of the cells can each be set separately.We click in the table once more and select the Layout tab on the right to modify the cell margins. In the Alignment group, next, click Cell Margins.A row, column, or even a single cell can have their table cell margins modified, although that option is not located next to the main Cell Margins ribbon button.

To learn more about cell margins, refer to


The most common site of implantation is which part of the uterus


When the embryo reaches the stage of blastocyst, it will be implanted in the uterus lining called endometrium, more specifically in the upper and posterior wall.

what cell type would you expect to increase if a person were infected with a relatively large parasite such as a tapeworm?


the type of cell which would increase if a person were infected with a relatively large parasite such as a tapeworm is Eosinophils.

When your body produces an abnormally high number of eosinophils, the condition is called eosinophilia. One of the many white blood cells that help your immune system is an eosinophil.

The most common cause of persistent eosinophilia is parasitic helminth infections like tapeworms. Trichinosis, ascariasis, filariasis, and paragonimiasis are some other infections caused by helminths that have life cycles that include tissue migratory phases. These infections cause persistently elevated eosinophilia in the blood and tissues of the host.

Know more about eosinophils here:


Use the figure of the carbon cycle below to explain how carbon originating from a fossil fuel could end up being incorporated into the biomass (stored fat) of a polar bear


In carbon cycle, Carbon dioxide along with other greenhouse gases such as water vapors, methane et cetera regulate the global temperature through the greenhouse effect.

what is carbon cycle ?

The carbon cycle is defined as the process in which carbon atoms continuously travel from the atmosphere to the Earth and then back into the atmosphere.

Our planet and its atmosphere form a closed environment, the amount of carbon in this system does not change.

learn more about carbon cycle, here


3. the gwd (ground water disinfection) rule is concerned with potential health hazards from pathogenic viruses and? a. drinking water b. bacteria in groundwater and water-borne viruses c. germs d. giardia lamblia


The gwd (ground water disinfection) rule is concerned with potential health hazards from pathogenic viruses and bacteria in groundwater and water-borne viruses. Correct answer: letter B.

The standard for groundwater disinfection

One of the most important aspects of public health is ensuring that the water we drink is clean and safe. The gwd (ground water disinfection) rule is designed to protect us from these potential health hazards.

There are two main ways to disinfect groundwater:

Chlorination is the most common method, and it is effective at killing viruses and bacteria. Ultraviolet light is also effective, but it is more expensive.

The gwd rule requires that all public water systems disinfect their groundwater. This protects us from pathogenic viruses and bacteria that could make us sick. It also protects us from water-borne viruses that could cause serious illnesses.

Learn more about The standard for groundwater disinfection:


What occurs during metaphase of the cell cycle?

A. DNA replicates

B. Chromosomes condense

C. Chromosomes reduce to half the number of the original cell

D. Chromosomes line up along the middle or equatorial plate





During metaphase, all of the chromosomes are aligned in a plane called the metaphase plate, or the equatorial plane, midway between the two poles of the cell.

the menstrual cycle starts on the 1st of a woman's period what hormone is produced during the first half of the month?


The hormone produced during the first half of the month is the estradiol.

When a species is separated by water, what type of speciation can occur?
Geographic Isolation
Reproductive Isolation
Genetic Drift


Answer: Geographic Isolation

Explanation: Geographic isolation is when two populations are separated by a geographical barrier so A is the correct answer

which is part of fetal circulation? group of answer choices ductus venosus foramen ovale ductus arteriosus all of the above a


The foramen ovale is a shunt that directs most of the blood to the left atrium.

The sinus venosus is where?

The heart chamber with muscular walls that is upstream of a right side of the heart in vertebrate animals and the solitary atrium in fish is called the sinuses venosus, or venous blood sinus. It is the area that is home to the dominant sinus node or cardiac pacemaker.

Which veins empty into the sinus venous?

The sinus venosus is connected to the left & right cardinal cardinal veins by relatively short portions. The common compass vein is formed on either side by the union of the anterolateral cardinal veins, with the anterior conveying the vascular resistance from of the upper body as well as the posterior from of the lower body.

To know more about Venosus visit:


Why would it be illogical to assume that such a large animal could live entirely on mice never cry wolf


The large animal could live entirely on mice never cry wolf and no all deer and mice living on a forest be a population because they are different species.

What is population?

A population can be defined as the discrete entities with identifiable characteristics like people, animals and data collection has called a population. A local population can be restricted to a smaller area where as a metapopulation has defined as when individuals in local populations scatter among other local populations.

A population consists of a similar group of species who reside in a  geographical location and interbreed to produce fertile offspring, all individuals are able to survive and reproduce due to genetic variations.

Therefore, The large animal could live entirely on mice never cry wolf and no all deer and mice living on a forest be a population because they are different species.

Learn more about population on:


A sarcomere that is at a resting length of 1. 7um will generate __________________ force compared to a sarcomere at 2. 15um.


A sarcomere will produce its maximum active force at a resting size around 1. 7um as opposed to 2. 15um.

What do sarcomeres do and what are they?

Sarcomeres are the basic building blocks of muscle fibers or contractile units. The functional components responsible for producing muscle contraction are actin but also myosin, the two main protein filaments who make up each sarcomere. The most prevalent idea for why muscles contract is the hypodermic needle theory.

Why Do Sarcomeres Function?

Muscle cells can be seen to contain striations and resemble stripes under a microscope. This pattern is formed by the layering of sarcomeres, a collection of basic muscle tissue units.

To know more about Sarcomere visit:


Chemicals released into the space between nerve cells that bind to receptors are calledQuestion options:A) action potentials.B) neurochemicals.C) neurotransmitters.D) platelets.


The correct answer is C) neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are neurochemicals that work between neurons' spaces. As the name describes, they transmit information between nerve cells.

Living organisms rely on four major biomolecules:carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.Carbohydrates are sugars and starches. Lipids are fatty acids. Proteins are long chains of amino acids. Nucleic acids are found in geneticmaterial. Two examples of biomolecules are shown here.Which elements from sugar molecules, such as glucose,are used to make amino acids?A. Carbon,Hydrogen, and OxygenB. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen,and NitrogenC. Carbon, Hydrogen,and NitrogenD.Carbon, Oxygen, and Nitrogen


The elements from sugar molecules that are used to make amino acids are: Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Nitrogen is also necesay for amino acids, but carbohydrates are not a source of this element.

The correct answer is option A.

a researcher identifies a gram positive coccus that forms grape-like clusters. the cells are coagulase negative. this microbe could be


The gram-positive coccus Staphylococcus grows in clusters resembling grapes and produces coagulase-negative cells.

What species of gram-positive bacteria shows a positive coagulase test result?

An enzyme called coagulase helps blood plasma to clot. To find the coagulase-positive Staphylococcus aureus, this test is run on Gram-positive, catalase-positive organisms.

What does the organism's coagulase positivity or negativity indicate?

Since S. aureus is typically coagulase-positive, S. would be present if a coagulase test was positive. aureus or any of the other 11 Staphylococci that are coagulase-positive. Instead, a negative coagulase test would indicate the presence of S and other coagulase-negative organisms. or S. epidermidis.

To know more about microbe visit:-


what is another term for alcohol dependence ?A. alcohol poisoning B. alcohol withdrawal C. alcohol addiction


Another term for alcohol dependence is alcohol addiction. (option C)


C alcohol addiction


Many eukaryotic genes can be placed into bacteria and expressed in bacterial cells. However, some modifications must be made for this to work successfully. What do you predict is a primary issue with expressing eukaryotic genes in bacterial cells?.


It is expected to observe as a primary issue a differential expression of eukaryotic genes in bacterial cells since in bacteria lack several gene modulation mechanisms such as epigenetic modulation.

What is the differential expression of eukaryotic genes?

The differential expression of eukaryotic genes is a complex process that involves regulation both at transcriptional levels and posttranscriptional levels.

Therefore, with this data, we can see that the expression of eukaryotic genes is much more complex than bacteria and we have taken it into account when expressing eukaryotic genes into bacterial cells

Learn more about the expression of eukaryotic genes here:


What is the difference between pcr and sanger sequencing with regard to the materials needed to perform these reactions?.


Answer: The primary difference is the addition of ddNTPs in Sanger Sequencing


Sanger sequencing requires a DNA template, a sequencing primer, a thermostable DNA polymerase, nucleotides (dNTPs), dideoxynucleotides (ddNTPs), and buffer.

The various components required for PCR include a DNA template, DNA primers, dNTPs, and DNA polymerase.

ddNTPS lack a 3' -OH causing elongation termination which is necessary for Sanger sequencing.

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