Need help?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!

Need Help?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!


Answer 1
I’m pretty sure it’s b

I’m sorry if I’m wrong… have a nice day

Related Questions

The training of a forensic nurse is very specialized, finishing with a degree in both nursing and forensics.





I'm pretty sure its true





what social impact does racism have in the U.S?


maternal and infant health


social discrimination and hatred between individuals of different complexion

3. Could the federal government amend the Constitution by
making a treaty with another country? Explain.





Segundo o entendimento da Suprema Corte, qualquer tratado internacional que seja, desde que ratificado pelo Brasil, passa a fazer parte do nosso direito interno, no âmbito da legislação ordinária. Esta, como é sabido, não tem força nenhuma para mudar o texto constitucional.

Please help I can’t get a F this quarter


The correct answer is D. To unite the states more fully under one government.


This text is a fragment of the United States Constitution created after the victory in the Independence War. This text expresses a summary of the main objective of the Constitution in the establishment of a newly independent country. According to the above, the phrase "to form a more perfect Union" means that all the states have to be united to build a thriving state. So, the correct answer is D. To unite the states more fully under one government.

approval of an amendment



A constitutional amendment may be proposed by Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the Senate and the House of Representatives or through a constitutional convention with majority votes in two-thirds of state legislatures.



This is known as the ratification of an amendment. There must be a 2/3 vote in the Legislative Branch.

This is not a Question
I know a lot of you when you go ask a question you are wanting answers. But if you see LINKS do NOT CLICK ON THEM! I have had friends who have click on some and it is not good. Some may look like the following:



Thank you for sharing! Please be safe everyone!


oh thank you!!!


I ran into that many times and I hate it

whats a good explanation for civil law?



Civil law deals with behavior that constitutes an injury to an individual or other private party, such as a corporation. Examples are defamation (including libel and slander), breach of contract, negligence resulting in injury or death, and property damage.


hopefully this helps!

:> have an amazing day, and sorry if it doesn't hep.

The answer is... A body of rules that delineate private rights and remedies, and govern disputes between individuals in such areas as contracts, property, and Family Law; distinct from criminal or public law. One meaning of civil law refers to a legal system prevalent in Europe that is based on written codes. Here is more information. Civil law deals with behavior that constitutes an injury to an individual or other private party, such as a corporation. Examples are defamation (including libel and slander), breach of contract, negligence resulting in injury or death, and property damage. Hope this helps!

Advantages of trial by oath



The Advantage is that you can have a fair trial, and know that anyone that lies under oath will be held accountable.


This is good, because if you're really innocent, or guilty, and someone lies under oath, they can face serious Felony charges.

Why do you need to know who your U.S. Senators are?



Because they represent you state in the senate


They are like people that have the same believes as their state




 The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. Ding  A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. Ding  Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, ding  




The first duty of the first responder is to begin collecting evidence.
O True
O False


False I think


The first duty of the first responder is to begin collecting evidence. The statement is False.

What is the evidence?

Evidence is referred to as proof based on factual information which helps to validate the occurrence of the event. it helps to determine whether the action took place or not by providing credentials.

Safeguarding the general public, establishing control over modifications made to the scene of the crime, and protecting the crime scene itself are the first responder's primary responsibilities.

Upon responding at a crime scene, first responders are typically police officers, Emergency medical technicians, and firefighters. Help and support should be given in order to prevent any serious medical problems brought on by the crimes at the crime scene.

Therefore, the statement is False.

Learn more about Evidence, here:


The President can do the following except:

A. Declare war.
B. Sign bill into law
C. Nominate somebody to Supreme Court.
D. Create cabinet.



A. Declare War


The president can send the U.S. Armed Forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress, "statutory authorization."

A. Declare War.

Only Congress (Legislative Branch) has the power to declare war.

Which statement is NOT correct regarding the arrest of suspects?
O a. Male suspects are more likely to be arrested than females.
O b. Juvenile suspects are more likely to be arrested than males.
c. Black suspects are more likely to be arrested that White suspects.
d. Sober suspects are more likely to be arrested than intoxicated suspects





police wouldn't bother seeing an innocent sober person but when they see someone drunk and intoxicated they would try help or assist (if the intoxicated person gets hostile then they will arrest them) if that makes sense

A=b=c=d=e=t AILHFSUJFKA =???





Which law allows an artist the right to prevent his or her work from being subject to derogatory treatment?


Answer: The president has the power to nominate ambassadors and appointments are made with the advice and consent of the Senate. The State Department formulates and implements the president's foreign policy. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices are submitted each year to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Explanation: here UwU

Political Canvassing Activities
• Answering phone calls
Going door-to-door with party materials
. Working booths at local festivals
Which item best completes the chart?
O A. Raising money for campaigns
B. Joining political parties
C. Contributing to party newsletters
D. Registering voters


Political Canvassing Activity

Answering phone callsContributing to party newsletters

What is Political canvassing?

Is an act of indulging people or Individual to vote for a particular candidate or political party.

People from the party can move around from places to places, run adverts as well as campaigns to canvass for People's vote.

Therefore, Political Canvassing Activity includes answering phone calls and contributing to party newsletters.

Learn more about canvassing here,



contributing to party newsletters

Explanation: Just took the test hope this helps <3

Which service is performed by local government?


\ (•◡•) / Hey There!

Answer → Providing Fire Protection

 *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Hope This Helps!  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

true or false: Chief Justice Earl owen wrote about Miranda’s case for the supreme court



True, the Chief Justice delivered the verdict of a  5-4 majority, stating that the  defendant's interrogation violated his Fifth Amendment Right..


Chief Justice Earl Owen wrote about Miranda’s case for the supreme court. The statement is True.

What was Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court is the highest judiciary body in the country which evaluates whether the laws are practiced properly or not. It helps to check the activities that are unconstitutional in the country and take strict actions against them.

The United States Supreme Court held in the landmark decision of Miranda v. Arizona (1966) that police must tell individuals of their constitutional rights prior to questioning them while they are in custody.

Ernesto Miranda was taken into custody and brought in for interrogation in relation to a  kidnapping case in this case. Miranda was not made aware of his access to an attorney or his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent.

Learn more about the supreme court, here:


a=b but b=c and d=e and r=t so what eqUals rtjjsghffsdgsdjfnkahsfksjdsaj





Multiple Choice
What was the reason for establishing penal colonies in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?
O People wanted to exile criminals to remote settlements
O Prisoners could be closely watched and put to harsh labor on penal colonies.
O The penal colonies were established for prisoners to do masonry tasks
O The king set up these prisons far away so that the citizens would be out of harm's way



The king set up these prisons far away so that the citizens would be out of harm's way


The opposite of abuse of authority is



Integrity because it means the practice of honesty
Integrity as this mean being truthful and honest

Laurie was arrested for some very minor traffic violations. Her bail was set unseasonably high at $500,000 which she will not be able to pay, so she will have to remain in jail until her hearing. Were her rights violated? If so list the amendment.​



8th amendment


Protection against cruel and unusual punishments  

As consumers, we use goods and services. This is known as





People whose wants are satisfied by using goods and services/using goods and services.

That answer is Consumption

Question 34
Which of the following is a right protected through procedural due process?
O A) the right to free speech
O B) the right to jury
O C) the right to travel
O D) the right to vote



D) the right to vote

Out of these options the answer that is a right protected through procedural due process is the right to Jury. The answer to this question is option B.

The procedural process refers to the process that the government of the United States has to follow before they can deprive a citizen of several of his rights.

The due process that has to be followed has to do with the right to the establishment of the jury.

The judge would have to carry out the sentencing only after the jury have established their facts.


What is the court paradox?


The famous sophist Protagoras took on a promising pupil, Euathlus, on the understanding that the student pay Protagoras for his instruction after he wins his first court case. After instruction, Euathlus decided to not enter the profession of law, but to enter politics instead, and so Protagoras decides to sue Euathlus for the amount he is owed. There are other theories though. I hope this helps!

True or False? Colonial thinkers in the U.S. were strongly influenced by the ethical ideas shared by the Judeo-Christian religious traditions.





You think to escape my question!!!!!

You won’t escape




are you still trying?


Oh they are still trying to escape *opens bag of chips and a can of coke*

*sips drink*

Okay fine you can leave jeez you are very stubborn ):


have a nice day haha

Select the correct answer. What is a treaty? A. an informal agreement between two or more nations B. a formal agreement between two heads of state C. an informal agreement between two heads of state D. a formal agreement between two or more nations


D. A formal agreement between two or more nations.




is it unlawful for police to force a confessison from someone



A confession can serve as powerful evidence of a suspect's guilt, but criminal defendants have a constitutional right against self-incrimination. An involuntary confession that was coerced by a police officer cannot be used against a defendant in court, regardless of whether it was true.


You can put it in your own words if you want. Hope this helps!

Was there a national judiciary during the AOC?



No independent judiciary. The Articles of Confederation offered no system of courts in the jurisdiction of the national government. This meant that the entire judiciary branch was dependent on the states.

Explanation: hope it helped

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