Najiba comes from a country where women do not have equal rights to attend school. If women do not have access to education, what else will be affected?
A. women’s ability to have children
B. women’s access to health care
C. women’s luck in finding a husband
D. women’s ability to get higher-paying jobs


Answer 1

Najiba comes from a country where women do not have equal rights to attend school. If women do not have access to education,  women’s ability to get higher-paying jobs will be affected. Thus option (D) is correct.

What is  the importance of education?

Education is the process where an individual acquires or imparts basic knowledge to another.

It is also where a person develops skills essential to daily living, learns social norms, develops judgment and reasoning, and learns how to discern right from wrong.

Education helps eradicate poverty and hunger, giving people the chance at better lives. It helps an individual meet basic job qualifications and makes them more likely to secure better jobs.

Learn  more about the importance of education here:


Related Questions

how did baker vs carr impact redistricting in local districts?


Baker vs carr impact Prior to Carr, redistricting concerns were referred to be “political questions,” which were outside the purview of federal courts. Carr established the federal courts' power to evaluate these matters. This is the impact of redistricting in the local districts.

What was Baker v. Carr's most important result?

In the historic United States Supreme Court decision Carr, 369 U.S. 186 (1962), the Court determined that redistricting qualified as a justiciable issue under the Fourteenth Amendment, allowing federal courts to consider lawsuits based on the Fourteenth Amendment.

Therefore, Prior to Carr, redistricting issues were considered “political problems,” which meant that federal courts had no jurisdiction over them.

Learn more about the Baker vs carr, refer to:


Which characteristic ultimately led to General
McClellan's replacement as Commander of the Union
(1 point)
Ohis organizational ability
Ohis cautious nature on the battlefield
Ohis reckless nature on the battlefield
Ohis failure at the first Battle of Bull Run


The characteristic that ultimately led to General McClellan being replaced was B. his cautious nature on the battlefield

Why was General McClellan replaced ?

Following the 1862 midterm elections, McClellan was relieved of his command in November. After the tactically indecisive but strategically significant Union victory at the Battle of Antietam at Sharpsburg, Maryland, McClellan chose not to pursue Lee's army.

Lincoln was prepared to overlook it, though, as long as McClellan helped him win. The fundamental fault in McClellan was his tendency to put things off. His hesitation to march against the Confederates and use delay tactics helped them to recruit allies and win crucial battles with less than half the number of soldiers.

He was therefore, too cautious.

Find out more on General McClellan at


The Northwest Coast Area ranged from southern Alaska to northern California all along the ______ coast.



The Pacific Coast

The force of gravity can change the _____ of an object by changing its speed, direction, or both



I belive the answer is velocity


I think it isVelocity

As a result of Sherman's capture of Savannah, formerly enslaved people were:

O A. asked to sign papers stating they supported the Union.
B. killed when they refused to surrender to the army.
C. asked to take on various jobs within Sherman's army.
OD. given land that once belonged to white slaveholders.


As a result of Sherman's capture of Savannah, formerly enslaved people were given land that once belonged to white slaveholders. Thus the correct option is D.

When did Sherman capture of Savannah?

Sherman's capture of Savannah took place in December 1864. The goal of Sherman's Expedition to the Sea was to frighten the civilian population of Georgia into supporting the Union cause.

Lincoln received Savannah, supplies including weapons and cotton, as well as the Black residents of the city who had once been slaves, as "gifts" from Sherman. He gave 40 acres of land as a "promissory note" of freedom to the previously enslaved Black population of Savannah.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Sherman's capture of Savannah, here:


Benito Mussolini's ideology of fascism emphasized what above all?

The health and power of the state to be able to address problems
Natural rights that all citizens should enjoy
The goal of equitable treatment for all
Placing honor above national self-interest


Benito Mussolini's ideology of fascism emphasized the health and power of the state to be able to address problems. The Option A is correct.

What was Benito Mussolini's ideology?

Fascism refers to the system of government led by a dictator who typically rules by forcefully and often violently suppressing opposition and criticism, controlling all industry and commerce, and promoting nationalism and often racism.

First of all, the Italian fascism also known as the classical fascism or simply fascism, is the original fascist ideology as developed in Italy by Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini. Benito Mussolini thought that democracy was a failed system and that liberty of expression and liberty of parties was a sham and that fascism would organize people under state power.

Read more about Fascism


Answer: A i got it right on my test


Why was it so difficult to farm on the Great Plains?
There were very few draft animals.
It was almost impossible to clear land.
The tough prairie sod was hard to plow.
There was a small population of buffalo.


The reason why it is so difficult to farm in the Great Plains is that C. The tough prairie sod was hard to plow.

What made farming in the Great Plains difficult ?

There were several reasons why it was difficult to farm in the Great Plains. There was insufficient water for crops and livestock due to low rainfall and a lack of rivers and streams. Crops would freeze in the winter and shrivel in the summer due to the very cold winters and scorching hot summers. Crops were also devastated by hailstorms and thunderstorms. Prairie Fires that ravaged crops, cattle, and humans could start during hot summers.

The earthen dwellings were challenging to keep clean. This implied that many pests, including mice, snakes, and bed bugs, could transmit disease. Plowing the field was arduous labor; the Great Plains had never been cultivated.

Find out more on the Great Plains at


how were pharaohs elected to become rulers of ancient Egypt?



Exactly how successive pharaohs were chosen is not entirely clear. Sometimes a son of the pharaoh, or a powerful vizier (head priest) or feudal lord assumed the leadership, or an entirely new line of pharaohs arose following the collapse of the former monarchy.

The following idea is NOt associated with commodification of folklore:

Cultural expressions and aspects become cultural goods

Folklore is bought and sold just like other products

Folklore is produced for the purpose of profit making

Folkloric product are evaluated by their use value



Folklore is bought and sold just like other products......


Folklore is shared by a particular group of people; it encompasses the traditions common to that culture, subculture or group. This includes oral traditions such as tales, legends, proverbs and jokes. They include material culture, ranging from traditional building styles common to the group.

Who had more power in the Middle Ages the church or kings


I think it is the kings.


I think it’s most likely the kings, because typically kings have power. So I would assume that the kings especially in the Middle Ages had more power.

which of these is a plan that offered the constitutional convention a proposal for representation


James Madison's Virginia Plan offered the constitutional convention a proposal for representation.

What was  James Madison's Virginia Plan?

A robust national government with three branches—the legislative, executive, and judicial—was envisioned by James Madison in his Virginia Plan, which was presented to the Constitutional Convention in 1787. The concept called for a legislature with two different houses that was proportionally represented (the Senate and the House of Representatives).

In other words, the number of representatives each state has in Congress would depend on its population. In contrast to the Virginia Plan, William Paterson's New Jersey Plan aimed to equalize state representation in a single-chamber legislature. On July 16, 1787, the "Connecticut Compromise," which combined equal representation in the Senate with proportional representation in the House, was approved.

to learn more about James Madison's Virginia Plan click:


when a historian is catagorizing the past into specific blocks of time, where are they doing


When a historian is categorizing the past into blocks he is doing so in scientific research through the process called periodization.

Why is periodization important?Because it facilitates the establishment of scientific research.Because it groups periods of time with similarities to each other.Because it facilitates the analysis of historical periods.

It is only possible to categorize the past into blocks in scientific research that analyzes history as a science that must be understood and that presents information for today's society.

In this case, periodization facilitates the historian's analysis by creating groups of historical periods that display similar characteristics and that can be analyzed together, optimizing research time and organizing the sources with which a historian needs to work.

This also reduces the margin of analysis errors, as it organizes the material that will be organized, establishing criteria and order so that the historian has access to the information he needs.

Learn more about periodization:


How was citizenship in ancient Athens similar to citizenship in the United States today? Select all that apply.

All residents had citizenship.

All men and women were citizens.

Only citizens could vote for officials.

Only citizens could hold office.


Citizens could only vote for officials in ancient Athens, which is equivalent to citizenship in the United States today.

They both have the power to pass legislation. Both are administered by elected officials. Both are controlled directly by the people. C is the right answer.

What was the significance of citizenship in Athens?

Citizenship came with major political benefits in a few of countries, like Athens, where everyone was treated equally under the law. Out of a desire to defend citizens' rights, Athens founded the world's first democracy as a method for individuals to have a vote in their own government.

In Athens, not everyone was considered a citizen. Only adult, free males had access to the obligations and rights of citizenship. In Athens, the percentage of citizens was barely approximately 20%. Because they were not citizens, women could not vote or engage in politics.

To learn more about citizenship in ancient Athens, click


Which name best completes the graphic organizer describing a noted

• Argued that Black people were capable of being educated

• Inspired political thinkers

• Forced to be an indentured servant


William Lloyd Garrison is a graphic organizer that is described as a noted abolitionist. The correct option is d.

Who is William Lloyd Garrison?

William Lloyd Garrison born on December 10, 1805, was a prominent American Christian, abolitionist, journalist, suffragist, and social reformer. He is best known for his widely read anti-slavery newspaper The Liberator, which he founded in 1831 and published in Boston until slavery in the United States was abolished by constitutional amendment in 1865. He was one of the founders of the American Anti-Slavery Society and promoted immediate and uncompensated, as opposed to gradual and compensated, the emancipation of slaves in the U.S.

Garrison died on May 24, 1879.

Learn more about Garrison, here:


Answer:Sarah Grimké


how did the ancient Jews’ religion affect daily lives of families


Answer: humans have the ability and therefore the responsibility to stop injustices in the world

what did the us want to see in post ww2 Europe?



The Soviet failure to send agricultural goods to the West and their continued extradition of Germans from the East led the West to fear a Communist bloc being created. The Western powers did not want this to happen and feared that it could spread. The result was the creation of Bizonia and US pressure on Western voters to vote for democratic parties: in Italy, US officials said that US aid would be withdrawn if the Communists won and in West Germany the Communist party was banned altogether.

In doing so the US were trying to maintain the security of the Democratic nations in the West.

Who did the Habeas Corpus protect?



protects against unlawful & indefinite imprisonment

The great writ of habeas corpus is a fundamental right in the constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment.

Hope this helps

A Federal mandates
Which of the following policies would the states most likely prefer according to the political cartoon?
B Regulatory preemption
C Block grants
D Categorical grants
Herblock, Washington Post, 1949


The  policies the states would most likely prefer according to the political cartoon is A Federal mandates.

What is a political cartoon?

A political cartoon, can be descibed as the form of editorial cartoon,  which can be considered as the cartoon graphic with caricatures of public figures, expressing the artist's opinion.

It should be noted that An artist who writes  as well as draws such images is known as an editorial cartoonist., from the case above policies the states would most likely prefer according to the political cartoon can be described as the Federal mandates.

Therefore option A is correct.

Learn more about political cartoon at:


What does an illustrator do?


An illustrator is an artist who creates visual images to communicate ideas through the use of images and symbols. Illustrators create artwork for books, magazines, advertisements, websites, and other media. They may also be responsible for designing logos and graphics, storyboarding, and creating concept art.

Northerners were concerned about adding new states because:

A. they worried they would pay more for goods.

B. they felt it was an attack on their cultural traditions.

OC. they worried about the expansion of slavery.

OD. they worried about the rights of Indigenous peoples.


OC . They worried about the expansion of slavery, during the early 1800’s, the south and the north were worried for their own economical ways, the north was industrial and the south was agricultural, also they wanted political leverage, if there were more slave states, the southern way might have prevailed, the same can be said vice versa

According to Angelina Grimke, why is it good that abolition has been discussed? What
does she think will happen as a result of this discussion?


According to Angelina Grimke, it will probably acknowledge more women's human rights She views it favourably. She works toward abolition. An Appeal to Christian Women of the South was a booklet written by Weld in 1836 that urged Christian women in the South to join the anti-slavery struggle.

Who was Angelina Grimke?

American abolitionist, political activist, defender of women's rights, and member of the women's suffrage movement, Angelina Emily Grimke Weld.

The Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society was established two years prior, and Angelina joined it. She penned the stirring "Appeal to the Christian Women of the South" in 1836, urging southern women to defy social convention and "read," "pray," "talk," and "act" regarding the slavery issue.

Mrs. Grimke concentrated on pleading with Southern slaveholders to release their slaves in order to escape God's wrath.

Therefore, according to Angelina Grimke, it will probably acknowledge more women's human rights She views it favorably. She works toward abolition. An Appeal to Christian Women of the South was a booklet written by Weld in 1836 that urged Christian women in the South to join the anti-slavery struggle.

To know more about the Angelina Grimke, visit:


List the three great Japanese unifiers and
their capital cities



The 3 Unifiers of Japan · Oda Nobunaga (1534-1582) · Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1536-1598) · Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616) · Unification · Get the Newsletter.


hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

The list above contains provisions of the

A. Declaration of Independence.
B. U.S. Constitution.
C. Articles of Confederation.
D. Northwest Ordinance.​



C. Articles of Confederation


Religious leaders of the Second Great Awakening promoted the idea that:

A. it was possible for a human being to have a personal relationship with God.

B. human beings did not have free will and their fates were

OC. it was more important to follow religious rules than perform kind acts.

D. not all beings are spiritually equal and can have a connection with God.


Religious leaders of the second great awakening preached that everyone was a sinner, that God was a harsh judge, and that begging for forgiveness was vital.

What exactly is the second great awakening?

The Second Great Awakening was a Protestant religious revival that occurred in the United States around the turn of the nineteenth century. A variety of reform attempts were prompted by the Second Great Awakening, which promoted Christianity via impassioned preaching and revivals.

In contrast to the Second Great Awakening, which began in the early 1800s and targeted the unchurched, the First Great Awakening targeted those who previously attended churches. Their rituals, piety, and sense of self had all been altered.

Many educated Americans had abandoned their conventional Christian views by the end of the 18th century. In reaction to widespread unbelief, a Christian revival spread westward in the first part of the nineteenth century.

To learn more about the second great awakening, click


Answer:it was possible for a human being to have a personal relationship with God.


How can truth have different interpretations?



Truth can have different interpretations because people can have different perspectives and backgrounds that influence their understanding of a situation. What may be true for one person may not be true for another, and this can lead to different interpretations of the same thing. Additionally, the way that a person understands or interprets something can change over time as they gain new information or have new experiences. This is why it is important to consider multiple perspectives when seeking the truth.

Why does Morocco heavily trade with Western nations? Select all that apply.


The reasons why Morocco trades heavily with Western nations are :

B. Morocco enjoys economic investment from the west.C. Morocco enjoys a longstanding alliance with America.D. Morocco has a shared language and culture with France.

Why does Morocco have huge trade networks with the West ?

Morocco's external connections with the West have contributed to both social and economic prosperity. It is clear that Morocco has been impacted by international ties, including loans, investments, free trade agreements, and project development.

Morocco is a member of the African Union, Arab League, and the United Nations. France and Spain are the nation's main trading partners, creditors, and foreign investors. Because Morocco is a French-speaking nation, they speak the same language as France. Additionally, Morocco and the US have a close relationship. Relationships between the country with Arab, African, and Western countries vary.

Find out more on Morocco at


Options for this question include :

Morocco demonstrates support for Taiwan.Morocco enjoys economic investment from the west.Morocco enjoys a longstanding alliance with America.Morocco has a shared language and culture with France.Morocco desires to show opposition to Russia's government.

Many anthropologists believe the Native Americans of Poverty Point were not isolated, despite the group's hunter-gatherer lifestyle. In fact, evidence of a more social lifestyle, marked by major involvement in trading has been discovered. Which piece of evidence has been found to BEST support this claim?

A Buried deep within Mound A, archaeologists have uncovered evidence of a trading center. They have discovered signs, maps, drawings, and structures used at trading centers.

B Poverty Point was surrounded by tall walls on all sides, and it could only be accessed through a gate. This was a common characteristic of trading posts to prevent stealing.

C Archaeologists have found materials like copper and mica at Poverty Point that have not been found elsewhere in Louisiana. These items would have likely been brought by traders.

D Maps from early exploration of America have been found throughout Louisiana. Many of them show Poverty Point as a major trading location, marked by the recognizable "Mound A."


The piece of evidence that best supports the above claim is Poverty Point was encircled on all sides by high walls and could only be reached through a gate. Thus, option B is correct.

What did Native Americans establish at Poverty Point?

The Poverty Point site features clay ridges and mounds erected by indigenous people in North America between 1700 and 1100 BCE during the Late Archaic era.

Poverty Point was surrounded by high walls on all sides and could only be accessed through a gate. To prevent theft, this was a regular component of trade stations. Therefore, it can be concluded that option B is correct.

Learn more about Poverty Point here:


What were the effects of the Iranian Revolution? Check all that apply.

Iran adopted elections and representative government.
Efforts at westernization were reversed, especially for women.
Religious zealots terrorized the country to enforce strict Islamic law.
Westernization swept the country and improved the lives of ordinary Iranians.
Relations with the United States improved dramatically.
Political opponents were tortured or imprisoned.


The effect of the Iranian Revolution was:

Efforts at westernization were reversed, especially for women.Religious zealots terrorized the country to enforce strict Islamic law.Political opponents were tortured or imprisoned.

What was the Iranian Revolution ?

The Iranian Revolution of 1977–1979 was the first in a string of massive populist uprisings that over the course of the following three decades brought down authoritarian governments in dozens of nations. The Iranian struggle did not lead to the formation of liberal democracy but rather a new kind of authoritarianism, unlike the majority of other movements that would overthrow rulers in Latin America, Eastern Europe, and portions of Asia and Africa.

Iran's cities and nationwide strikes crippled the nation. In January 1979, the Shah escaped into exile, and Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returned from exile.

The effects included the reversal of westernization efforts, particularly for women, the terrorization of the nation by religious fanatics seeking to impose strict Islamic law, the torture of political opponents.

Find out more on the Iranian Revolution at


What event threatened the purpose of this document and led to a new compromise?

The admission of Kansas and Nebraska as either slave or free states based on popular sovereignty threatened the geographic line between slave and free states. It set a new standard for statehood.

The passage of the Fugitive Slave Act threatened the sectional nature of slavery by requiring Northerners to capture and return escaped slaves. This made them complicit in slavery.

The admission of California threatened the balance because it was such a large new state and fell outside the bounds of the Louisiana Territory. More free states were sure to follow.

The escape of numerous enslaved persons along the Underground Railroad threatened the limits placed on abolitionists. It made clear that abolitionist forces had no intention of abiding by federal law.


By 1850, sectional tensions over slavery were undermining the bonds of unity between the North and South. As Congress began to investigate whether the western territory obtained as a result of the Mexican-American War would allow slavery, tensions rose. As a result, option B is the right choice.

What led up to the 1850 Compromise?

The acts called for the admission of California as a "free state," the formation of a territory government for Utah and New Mexico, the establishment of a boundary between Texas and the United States, the abolition of the slave trade in Washington, DC, and the revision of the Fugitive Slave Act.

By 1850, sectional tensions over slavery were undermining the bonds of unity between the North and South. As Congress began to investigate whether the western territory obtained as a result of the Mexican-American War would allow slavery, tensions rose.

To learn more about the 1850 Compromise, click


Use the image to answer the question. A vertical number line starting at negative 10 on the bottom of the line with tick marks every one unit up to positive 10 at the top. The point negative 4.5 is labeled. What does the absolute value of the point labeled in the image mean if the number line represents temperature change? There was no change in temperature. The temperature equals 4.5 degrees. The temperature decreased 4.5 degrees. The temperature increased 4.5 degrees.


Answer: the temperature would decreased 4.5 degrees


The meaning of the absolute value of the point on the image, given that the number line represents temperature change, is C. The temperature decreased 4.5 degrees.

How to find the temperature change ?

The number line is said to represent temperature change which means that the absolute value shown on the number line, would show how much temperature has changed for the period.

If the point negative 4.5 is labeled, it therefore means that the temperature has changed by negative 4.5 degrees. Negative means a drop in temperature so this shows that the temperature has decreased by 4.5 degrees.

Find out more on number lines at


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