Nachelle has x dimes and y nickels. She has at least 11 coins worth a maximum of $0.80 combined. Solve this system of inequalities graphically and determine one possible solution.

Nachelle Has X Dimes And Y Nickels. She Has At Least 11 Coins Worth A Maximum Of $0.80 Combined. Solve


Answer 1

The solution of the given inequalities will be the common region between the two (refer to the graph).

What is an inequality ?

In mathematics, "inequality" refers to a relationship between two expressions or values that is not equal to each other. Therefore, inequality emerges from a lack of balance.

Nachelle has x dimes and y nickels.

We know that, A nickel is worth 5 cent, A dime is worth 10 cent and have maximum of $0.8 combined.

So, 5% x + 10% y ≤ 0.8

     5x + 10y ≤ 80

She has at least 11 coins.

So, x + y ≥ 11

Hence, We have two inequalities as:

5x + 10y ≤ 80 and x + y ≥ 11

Similarly, x≥ 0 and y≥ 0.

Now, We'll find the points that lie on the given lines and draw the lines ( refer the given figure )

After drawing the graph, we'll check the inequalities where the portion is true.

If take point (0,0),

5x + 10y ≤ 80

5(0) + 10(0) ≤ 80

0 ≤ 80 which is true, hence we will shade the region which is down because the point (0,0 ) lies in downward region.


x + y ≥ 11

0 + 0 ≥ 11

 0 ≥ 11 which is false hence, we will shade the region which is up because the point (0,0 ) lies in downward region.

In result, We get the common region which is the solution.

Learn more about Inequalities from the link given below:


Nachelle Has X Dimes And Y Nickels. She Has At Least 11 Coins Worth A Maximum Of $0.80 Combined. Solve

Related Questions

What is the domain of the function below?

f(x) = -3x³ + 2x² - 5
(-∞, 0.444)
[0, ∞)
(-∞, 0)
(-∞, ∞)


The domain of the function f(x) = -3x³ + 2x² - 5 is (-∞, ∞).

What is domain?

The range of values that we are permitted to enter into our function is known as the domain of a function. The x values for a function like f make up this set (x). A function's range is the collection of values it may take as input. After we enter an x value, the function outputs this sequence of values.

The domain of a function is the set of input or argument values for which the function is real and defined

The function has no undefined points nor domain constraints. Therefore, the domain is [tex]$$-\infty < x < \infty$$[/tex].

To learn more about domain visit:


Complete the linear equation in slope-intercept from with the slope -8 and the y-intercept (0,10)



y = -8x + 10.

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope-intercept form of a linear equation is y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. In this case, the slope is -8 and the y-intercept is (0, 10), so the equation is y = -8x + 10.

The solutions of the quadratic equation



[tex]x=-3, 4[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]x^2-x-12=0 \\ \\ (x-4)(x+3)=0 \\ \\ x=-3, 4[/tex]

Which matrix equation can be used to solve the system? {(2x+3y=4),(x+y=7):}


Use matrices created using the coefficients of the unknowns and their related determinants to apply Cramer's rule.

How should a matrix equation be written?

Three easy actions must be taken in order to describe this system as a matrix:

First, create a matrix with all the coefficients. An acronym for this is a coefficient matrix.

Multiply this matrix by the system setup's variables in another matrix.

In another matrix, place the solutions on the other side of the equal sign.

A = [[2, 3], [1, 1]]

A_{x} = [[3, 4], [1, 7]] d

A{y} = [[2, 4], [1, 7]]

det (A) = 2-3=-1

det (Ax) = 14 - 4 =10

Delta_{y} = [[2, 4], [1, 7]] det (A7), 22-2012

x = (det (Ax))/(det (A)) = 10

det (Ay) = 14 - 4 =10

To learn more about matrix refer to:


A shopkeeper buys 50 pencils for 80 rupees and sells them at 40 pencils for 90find his gain or loss percent


He gained 90 and loss 0

The path of an arrow is given by the equation y = -0.1x² + x where x is the horizontal distance the arrow travels in yards and y is the height of the arrow in yards.
Which of the following choices is the vertex of the arrow?
O (5,5)
(2.5, 10)
(5, 10)
O (10, 10)
O (5, 2.5)


From the given choices, the vertex of the arrow will be equal to (5, 2.5). Hence, option D is correct.

What is an equation?

Mathematical expressions with two algebraic symbols on either side of the equal (=) sign are called equations.

This relationship is illustrated by the left and right expressions being equal. The left-hand side equals the right-hand side is a basic, straightforward equation.

As per the equation given in the question,

y = -0.1 x² + x

Substituting the values from the given options,

Firstly, check it from point (5, 5)

5 = -0.1(5)² + 5

5 = -2.5 + 5

5 ≠ 2.5, so it cannot be the answer.

Let's check from (5, 2.5)


2.5 = -0.1(5)² + 5

2.5 = -2.5 + 5

2.5 = 2.5, this one is correct.

The values obtained in this case are equivalent, or we can say that the horizontal distance the arrow travels is equal to the height of the arrow.

To know more about equation:


What is the y-intercept of the line y=-2/3 x ?
a. -2/3
c. 1
b. 0
d. 3/2




Step-by-step explanation: becasue i said so


d) B => b. 0

Step-by-step explanation:

Now we have to,

→ find the y-intercept of the line.

Formula we use,

→ y = mx + b

→ b = y-intercept

Then the y-intercept is,

→ y = mx + b

→ y = (-2/3)x + 0

→ [ b = 0 ]

Hence, the y-intercept is 0.

Richard found 93 - 67 by adding up on the open number line. Is he correct? Explain. Then write an addition equation to show how you could check his work


The addition equation is 93 - 67 = 26 in the number line.

What is number line?

A number line is an image of numbers plotted on a straight line, either horizontally or vertically. We can compare numbers and execute simple arithmetic operations on them easily by writing the numbers down on a number line. The starting point of a number line is often regarded as zero (0). These numbers to the left of zero are all negative while the numbers just on right of zero are all positive. As a result, we can argue that on a number line, the value of numbers grows as we approach the right. The numbers on the right are therefore larger than the ones on the left, according to this statement.

The entire question is depicted in the picture that is attached.

Richard added 26 to 67 by first marking point 67 on the line, then adding 2 tens and 2 threes until he reached 93 as opposed to subtracting 67 to 93 by subtracting 6 tens and 7 ones starting at point 93, which results in 26.

Take note that 26 is equal to 10 plus 10 plus three additional times.

To verify his work, we add the following: 67 + 26 = 93, which is also written as 93 - 67 = 26.

Hence the addition equation is 93 - 67 = 26.

Learn more about number line, by the following link


6 multiply by 3 subtract 2 divide by 4 add 7




Step-by-step explanation:





divided by 4





Step-by-step explanation:


First multiply 6 and 3. Then divide 2 and 4.


Then subtract 0.5 from 18 and add 7

18-0.5= 16.5

16.5+7= 13.5

A cistern can be completely drained by a pipe It in 6 hours. It can be filled by two pipes in 4 hours and 5 hours.
respectively. How many hours will the empty cistern take to fill if all the pipes are running?
If x iS the time to fill it, which of the following equations could be used to solve for t?
© 4x + 5x - 6x = 1
) 15x + 12x - 10x = 60
O 4x + 5x = 20
Rain off and


Therefore , it will take 1.71 hours to fill the empty cistern if all the pipes are running.

What is equation?

equation: a statement that two expressions having variable- and/or number-filled expressions are equivalent. Since equations are essentially questions, the search for a way to respond to them has spurred the development of mathematics.


Let's assume that the pipelines in this instance are "a" to drain the water in 6 hours, "b" to fill the water on its own in 4 hours, and "c" to fill the water in 5 hours.

Therefore, if "a" can empty it in 6 hours, it has only completed 1/6 of the task in that time. In 6 hours, "a" would have completed 6/6 or 1 whole, the entire task, and the cistern would have been fully filled, but in 1 hour, it has only accomplished 1/6 of that.

In an hour, "b" has completed barely a quarter of the task.

In that case, "c" has only completed 1/5 of the task in an hour.

Now, assuming it took "x" hours, if "a," "b," and "c" are running, and "a" is draining while b & c filling it up.

The cistern must be filled in "x" hours, thus after 1 hour, all three have completed only 1/x of the task.

well, let's add their rates, to see what we get then.

=> 1/4 + 1/5 -1/6= 1/x

=> 15 + 20 - 10 / 60 = 1/x

=>35/60 =1/x

=> x=60/35

=>1.71 hours

Therefore , it will take 1.71 hours to fill the empty cistern if all the pipes are running.

To know more about equation , visit


Annual cost of insurance: $4,160. Employer pays 80 percent. 52 pay periods. Find the deduction per pay period.


41,647 would be the answer you are looking for

Round this number to the
nearest hundredth.


3.24 would be the correct answer.

Answer:   2.34

Step-by-step explanation:

After the decimal point it goes the tenth then the hundredth place. So that will be the second number after the decimal point. The question gives you a number and asks you to round to the hundredth place so you are going to first look what number is in the hundredth place and then look in the number after it. 3 is the number in the hundredth place and 6 is the number after. The rule is if the number is less than 5 the number stays as is and if the number is greater than 5 you round the number up. Since the number after the 3 is 6 you are going to round up. So the number rounded to the hundredth place is going to be 3.24.    

Will mark brainliest
Find the first, second (median) and third quartiles.
1) 4, 6, 5, 6, 2, 7, 6, 8
First quartile =
Second quartile =
Third quartile =
Quartiles Worksheet
2) 17, 14, 20, 29, 12, 24, 10, 19
First quartile =
Second quartile =
quartile =
3) 68, 88, 44, 68, 50, 68, 37, 50
First quartile =
Second quartile =
Third quartile =
4) 52, 60, 24, 36, 48, 52, 72
First quartile =
Second quartile =
Third quartile=
5) 102, 78, 312, 170, 250, 40, 52, 38, 125
First quartile =
Second quartile=
Third quartile=


The quartiles of each data set are explained below.

How to Find the Quartiles of a Data Set?

To find the quartiles of a data set, first ordered the data. Thereafter, determine the following:

First quartile (Q1): the middle value of the first half of the dataSecond quartile (Q2): The center value that divides the data set into equal halves.Third quartile (Q3): The middle value of the second part of the data.

1. Order the data set, 4, 6, 5, 6, 2, 7, 6, 8:

2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 8

The center of the data is between 6 and 6. Therefore, the middle = (6 + 6)/2 = 6. This means the median or second quartile = 6

Middle value of the first part of the data = (4 + 5)/2 = 4.5.

Middle value of the second part of the data = (6 + 7)/2 = 6.5

First quartile = 4.5

Second quartile = 6

Third quartile = 6.5

The same way we will also find the quartiles of the other given data set as stated below.

2. For 17, 14, 20, 29, 12, 24, 10, 19, we have:

First quartile = 13

Second quartile = 18

Third quartile = 22

3. For 68, 88, 44, 68, 50, 68, 37, 50, we have:

First quartile = 47

Second quartile = 59

Third quartile = 68

4. For 52, 60, 24, 36, 48, 52, 72, we have:

First quartile = 36

Second quartile = 52

Third quartile = 60

5. For 102, 78, 312, 170, 250, 40, 52, 38, 125, we have:

First quartile = 46

Second quartile = 102

Third quartile = 210

Learn more about the quartiles of a data set on:





The sum will be close to 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

1/8+1/6 is 7/24, and 1/4th of that is 6/24, so it is very close.

Answer: The sum will be close to 1/4

Step-by-step explanation:

You can start by making the fractions have the same denominator, (8*6) which gets you 48

You then want to use the butterfly method, so 1/8 becomes 6/48 and 1/6 becomes 8/48. You then add these up to 14/48.

12/48 is 1/4, and 14/48 is close to 12/48, thus making the answer the first option.

need assistance please


The range is $53000

About 30 graduates made $25,00050% earn above $33,00025% of the graduates earn above $25,000

The range of the starting salaries

The box and whisker plot represents the given parameter

From the plot, we have the following representations:

Least salary = 19,000

Highest salary = 72,000

The range is calculated as

Range = Highest salary - Least salary

Substitute the known values in the above equation, so, we have the following representation

Range = 72000 - 19000


Range = 53000

Amount made by about 30 graduates

We have

Total graduates = 120

30 out of 120 is 1/4

This means that

30 graduates = Lower quartile

From the plot, we have

Lower quartile = 25,000

This means that

30 graduates = 25,000

Graduates with salary of above $33000

The salary of $33000 is at the median position

This  means that

50% earn above $33,000

25% of the graduates

25% represents the lower quartile

From the plot, we have

Lower quartile = 25,000

This means that

25% of the graduates earn above $25,000

Read more about box and whisker at


Solve this inequality for x.

Please hurry I will give brainliest



I think its D.

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]81-1\frac{1}{5} x\leq 55\\\\[/tex]

[tex]-1\frac{1}{5}x\leq -26[/tex]

[tex]\frac{1}{5}x\geq 26\\[/tex]

[tex]x\geq 130\\[/tex]

Solve the equation n/(200 - n) = 3/5


The value of n after solving the given equation comes to 75.

What are equations?

The definition of an equation in algebra is a mathematical statement that demonstrates the equality of two mathematical expressions.

For instance, the equation 3x + 5 = 14 consists of the two equations 3x + 5 and 14, which are separated by the 'equal' sign.

A mathematical statement in which two expressions are rendered equal to one another is known as an algebraic equation.

A variable, coefficients, and constants make up an algebraic equation in most cases.

So, we have the equation:

n/(200 - n) = 3/5

Now, solve for x as follows:

n/(200 - n) = 3/5

5n = 600 - 3n

8n = 600

n = 600/8

n = 75

Therefore, the value of n after solving the given equation comes to 75.

Know more about equations here:


jermey swims 5 and 3/5 kilometers in a 7 day period he swims the same distance each day what distance does he swim in a day



4/5 of a kilometer

Step-by-step explanation:

1 ) Turn 5 3/4 into a mixed number

5 3/5 = 28/5

2 ) Since we are trying to find the distance per day we can divide by 7/1

28/5 ÷ 7/1

3 ) The equals 4/5 which is our final answer!

Hope this helps! :)

Here are ten numbers:
3 & 7 & 2 & 4 & 7 & 5 & 7 & 1 & 8 & 8
a) Write down the mode.
b) Work out the median.
c) Calculate the mean.
d) What is the range?


a) The mode of the data set is 7

b) The median of the data set is 6

c) The mean of the data set is 5.2

d) The range of the data set is 7.


Ten numbered data set; 3 & 7 & 2 & 4 & 7 & 5 & 7 & 1 & 8 & 8

We have to find the following;

a) Mode;-

Mode is the number that occurs the highest number of times.


7 is the most repeating number.

b) Median;-

Finding the middle number requires sorting all the data points and choosing the center one (or if there are two middle numbers, taking the mean of those two numbers).


5 and 7 are in the middle.

So, Median = 5 + 7 = 12/2 = 6

c) Mean;-

A dataset's mean is calculated by dividing the total number of values by the sum of all the values.


Mean = 3 + 7 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 1 + 8 + 8 / 10 = 52/10 = 5.2

d) Range;-

The difference between a collection of numbers' highest and lowest values is known as the range. Subtract the distribution's lowest number from its greatest number to determine it.


Lowest number = 1

Highest number = 8

Range = 8 - 1 = 7


a) Mode = 7

b) Median = 6

c) Mean = 5.2

d) Range = 7

Learn more about mean, mode, median and range here;


What is the relationship between 5 and 20


20 is is equal to 5 multiplied by 4.

5 is equal to 20 divided by 4

5 times 4 equals 20
4 times 5 equals 20

20/5= 4

College freshmen were asked if they were currently enrolled in Composition I. The results are shown in the table.
Column Totals 170
How many males are currently not enrolled in Composition 1?
Enrolled in Composition I Not enrolled in Composition I Row Totals
O 124


The solution is Option A.

The number of males that are not enrolled in Composition 1 is 35 males

What is an Equation?

Equations are mathematical statements with two algebraic expressions flanking the equals (=) sign on either side.

It demonstrates the equality of the relationship between the expressions printed on the left and right sides.

Coefficients, variables, operators, constants, terms, expressions, and the equal to sign are some of the components of an equation. The "=" sign and terms on both sides must always be present when writing an equation.

Given data ,

Let the number of males not enrolled in Composition 1 be = A

Now , the equation will be

The number of males enrolled in Composition 1 = 89 males

The number of females not enrolled in Composition 1 = 46 females

The row total of females = 127

So , the equation will be

The number of females enrolled in Composition 1 = row total of females - number of females not enrolled in Composition 1

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

The number of females enrolled in Composition 1 = 127 - 46

The number of females enrolled in Composition 1 = 81 females

Now ,

The total number of males and females enrolled = 170

Let the total number of males and females not enrolled = x

The row total of total males and females enrolled and not enrolled = 251

So , the equation will be

Total number of males and females not enrolled = row total of total males and females enrolled and not enrolled  - total number of males and females enrolled

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

Total number of males and females not enrolled = 251 - 170

Total number of males and females not enrolled = 81

Now ,

The column total of males and females not enrolled = 81

So ,

The total number of males not enrolled = column total of males and females not enrolled - number of females not enrolled in Composition 1

Substituting the values in the equation , we get

The total number of males not enrolled = 81 - 46

The total number of males not enrolled = 35 males

Therefore , the value of A is 35 males

Hence ,

The number of males that are not enrolled in Composition 1 is 35 males

To learn more about equations click :



it is A

Step-by-step explanation:

can someone help me solve this step by step? I am very confused


To solve this problem, we need to use the basic trigonometric identities, which state that for any angle x:

sin^2(x) + cos^2(x) = 1

1 + tan^2(x) = sec^2(x)

1 + cot^2(x) = csc^2(x)

We can use these identities to simplify the expression (sin0 + cos0) = 2 + sec0 csc0/Sec0 CSC0. First, we note that sin0 + cos0 = 1, because sin^2(0) + cos^2(0) = 1. So, the left-hand side of the equation becomes 1 = 2 + sec0 csc0/Sec0 CSC0.

Next, we note that sec0 = 1/cos0 and csc0 = 1/sin0, so we can rewrite the right-hand side of the equation as 1 = 2 + 1/cos0 * 1/sin0 / Sec0 CSC0.

Then, we note that Sec0 = 1/cos0 and CSC0 = 1/sin0, so the right-hand side of the equation becomes 1 = 2 + 1/cos0 * 1/sin0 / 1/cos0 * 1/sin0. This simplifies to 1 = 2 + 1/cos0^2 * 1/sin0^2, which simplifies further to 1 = 2 + 1/cos0^2 / sin0^2.

Finally, we use the identity 1 + cot^2(0) = csc^2(0) to replace 1/sin0^2 with 1 + 1/cos0^2, which gives us 1 = 2 + 1/cos0^2 / (1 + 1/cos0^2). Solving for 1/cos0^2, we get 1/cos0^2 = -1. This means that cos0 = 0, which is not a valid value for the cosine function. Therefore, the original equation has no solution.

If i² = -1, then (i)(1 + 2)(2-3i)² = ?




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex](i)(1+2)(2-3i)^2 \\ \\ =3i(2-3i)^2 \\ \\ =3i(9i^2 + 4 -12i) \\ \\ =3i(-9+4-12i) \\ \\ =3i(-5-12i) \\ \\ =-15i-36i^2 \\ \\ =36-15i[/tex]

please help! Big Points here! I really need the help!




Step-by-step explanation:


cross multiply



/200  /200


hopes this helps please mark brainliest

1 inch = 3/4 feet so how many feet would be 9 inches?
Please help me:(


The number of feet in 9 inches is 6.75 feet.

What is unit conversion?

It is the conversion of one unit to another unit with its standard conversion.


1 minute = 60 seconds

1 hour = 60 minutes

We have,

1 inch = 3/4 feet

Multiply 9 on both sides.

9 inches = 9 x 3/4 feet

9 inches = 27/4 feet

9 inches = 6.75 feet

9 inches = 6(3/4) feet


The number of feet in 9 inches is 6.75 feet or 6(3/4) feet.

Learn more about unit conversion here:


Bob has 42 cookies and he wants to give all his cookies away to each of his six friends if he gives each friend the same amount he concludes each friend will receive 42÷6 = 8 cookies identify the error in Bob’s conclusion 


Bob divided incorrectly, 42÷6 = 7 is correct.

What is Division?

A division is a process of splitting a specific amount into equal parts.

Given that the Bob has 42 cookies and he wants to give all his cookies away to each of his six friends.

Which means Bob has to split 42 cookies among his 6 friends equally.

He gives each friend the same amount he concludes each friend will receive 42÷6 = 8 cookies.

Bob is incorrect if we split 42 cookies to six friends, then each friend will get 7 cookies not 8 cookies.

Hence, Bob divided incorrectly, 42÷6 = 7 is correct.

To learn more on Division click:


Grade 7 Envision math volume 1



The table of contents for Envision Math Volume 1 includes the following topics:

1. Whole Number Operations

2. Decimals

3. Fractions and Mixed Numbers

4. Algebraic Thinking

5. Geometry

6. Measurement

7. Data Analysis and Probability

8. Integers

9. Ratios and Proportional Relationships

10. Expressions and Equations

11. Geometric Measurement and Transformations

12. Statistics and Probability

Dascha is making a decorative table to
sell at a fair. The cost of her materials is
$80. If the table sells for $150, what is
the percent of markup?


The required percent markup is 87.5%.

The markup is the difference between the selling price and the cost price, expressed as a percentage of the cost price.

Markup = ((Selling price - Cost price) / Cost price) x 100%

In this case, the cost of materials is $80 and the selling price is $150, so the markup is:

Markup = ((150 - 80) / 80) x 100%

Markup = (70 / 80) x 100%

Markup = 0.875 x 100%

Markup = 87.5%

Therefore, the percent markup is 87.5%.

Learn more about percentages here;


Which is the equation of a parabola with a directrix at y = −3 and a focus at (5, 3)?


The equation of a parabola with a directrix at y = −3 and a focus at (5, 3) is y=1/12(x - 5)² .

What is Parabola?

A parabola is a plane curve which is mirror-symmetrical and is approximately U-shaped.

Given that the directrix of parabola is at y=-3.

Focus at (5, 3)

parabola with equation  (x - h)² = 4p(y - k)

p = 3 because the distance from the focus to the directrix is 6 and p = 6/2.

The vertex (5, 0)

Substitute h as 5 and k as 0.

(x - 5)² = 4(3)(y - 0)

(x - 5)² = 12y

Divide both sides by 12

y=1/12(x - 5)²

Hence,  the equation of a parabola with a directrix at y = −3 and a focus at (5, 3) is y=1/12(x - 5)² .

To learn more on Parabola click:


keeps a farmer keeps cows in an enclosed rectangular pasture with the length of 2.2 * 10 ^ 2 ft and a width of 3.1 * 10 ^ 3 ft what is the area of the rectangular pasture​



6.82 × 10⁵ ft²


Use dimensions of the rectangle to find its area:

A = lwA = 2.2 × 10² × 3.1 × 10³ = (2.2×3.1) × 10²⁺³ = 6.82 × 10⁵ ft²
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If a principal's instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.T/F wren pork company uses the value basis method of allocating joint costs in its production of pork products. relevant information for the current period follows: product sales value loin chops $18,700 ground 23,800 ribs 22,950 bacon 19,550 total $85,000 the total joint cost for the current period was $51,000. how much of this cost should wren pork allocate to loin chops? according to economist mancur olson, author of the logic of collective action, individuals will not act when the perceived benefit is insufficient to justify the costs associated with engaging in the action. what concept does this demonstrate? The velocity of a proton in an accelerator is known to an accuracy of 0.250% of the speed of light. (This could be small compared with its velocity.) What is the smallest possible uncertainty in its position? A firm is operating in the United States with only two other competitors in the industry.a. It is likely this industry would be characterized as:multiple choice 1monopolistically competitive.pure monopoly.perfectly competitive.oligopoly. Use your knowledge of social networking sites and the vocabulary that you learned in this unit to create a personal profile page in French. Review the Social Networking tutorial to fill out each category in the table correctly.For this task, you can use information that is specific to you, or you can make up information. As always, be creative and practice the vocabulary you learned. Insert a picture (of you or someone else) above the table, then fill out the table. Comparative Vs. SuperlativeComplete the sentences using the comparative form.1. It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere____ (quit)?2. The weather is too cold here. I'd like to live somewhere______ (warm)3. You're talking very loudly. Can you speak_____ (quiet)4. Unfortunately her illness was we thought at first,____ (serious)5. The exam was than I expected_______ (difficult)6. Going by train is than driving_______ (expensive)7. You're than me._________ (old)8. Can you walk a bit ?______ (fast)9. It's to live in a big house,________ (comfortable)10. I'd like to have a car________ (big)Complete the sentences using a superlative.1. This hotel is in town.________ (cheap)2. This building is building in the town.______ (old)3. It's university in the world._______ (famous)4. It's one of rooms in the hotel._______ (good)5. It was book in my life.________ (bad)6. What is sport in your city?________ (popular)7. What's country in the world'?________ (small)8. What's thing you've ever bought? _______(expensive)9. It was decision I've ever made.______ (important)10. This exercise is I've ever done, _______-(difficult)Complete the sentences using a superlative or comparative form.1. USA is than France._______ (large)2. David is student in our group.________(tall)3. She is than I._______ (old)4. It isn't warm today. It was yesterday. _______(warm)5. She is singer in our country. _______(popular)6. This motorbike is in this shop.______ (expensive)7. A sofa is than chair,_______ (comfortable)8. My father is than by brother.______ (strong)9. This mountain is place in the world.______ (dangerous)10. English is subject of all. _____(interesting) a train leaved the station at 5=0 traveling at a constasnt speed the train travels 360 kilometer in 3 hours Write a function that relates the distance traveled d to the time t There are 1000 milligrams in 1 gram.How many milligrams are in 12 grams75 milligrams? Tickets to the garden show cost $6.75 for adults and $3.75 for children. By rounding to the nearest whole dollar, find an estimate of the cost for a family with 2 adults and 3 children to visit the garden show.thes are the answersA. $21B. $23C. $24D. $26 What is the equation of the line through 1 2 so that the segment of the line intercepted between the axes is? A person invests 3500 dollars in a bank. The bank pays 6.75% interest compoundedquarterly. To the nearest tenth of a year, how long must the person leave the moneyin the bank until it reaches 8500 dollars?ntA = P(1+2) " Knowledge of letter names and fluency of letter naming in Kindergarten are among the best ______ of later reading success. What are the main goals of NATO Why do countries want to be a part of this alliance?