mylan pharmaceuticals holds a patent on the epipen - designed to inject epinephrine into shock victims. in 2016, mylan received criticism for charging $600 for this life-saving drug. the market for epipens is considered which means that the price of an epipen its marginal cost. group of answer choices a monopoly; equals perfect competition; equals a monopoly; is greater than an oligopoly; equals monopolistic competition; is greater than


Answer 1

The market for epipens is considered a monopoly which means that the price of an epipen is greater than its marginal cost. So Option C is correct.

What is a monopoly ?

A monopoly is a market arrangement where one producer or seller holds a disproportionate amount of power within a certain market. Monopolies are forbidden in free-market economies as they limit customer alternatives and impede competition.

Monopolies can set prices and maintain consistent, predictable pricing for consumers in the absence of competition. Monopolies benefit from economies of scale and are frequently able to produce large volumes for less money per unit. A business can safely invest in innovation while operating as a monopoly without worrying about rivalry.

In a monopoly, the price is set higher than the marginal cost, and the company makes a profit.

This shows that Mylan pharmaceuticals was able to raise its prices so easily because it was a monopoly that stood to make economic profit from charging at a price greater than its marginal cost.

Find out more on monopolies at


Related Questions

which statement is true? multiple choice the larger the standard deviation, the more portfolio risk. the standard deviation is not an indication of total risk. the larger the standard deviation, the higher the total risk. the larger the standard deviation, the lower the total risk.


The larger the standard deviation, the higher the total risk. This statement is true.

A fundamental idea in mathematics called standard deviation can be used to calculate market volatility or the average difference between different data points and the mean. In other words, a standard deviation is a tool for estimating the spread between asset prices and their average price.

The standard deviation of an asset return distribution is a precise indicator of the risk's dispersion from the mean or expected value. Greater project risk is indicated by a higher standard deviation.

The riskier the investment, the bigger the standard deviation. The fundamental presumption when using standard deviation to assess risk in the stock market is that the vast majority of price movement adheres to a normal distribution.

Learn more about  standard deviation here:


in a monopsonistic labor market, the employer will maximize profits by employing workers up to that point at which: group of answer choices marginal revenue product equals marginal resource (labor) cost. the wage rate equals marginal resource (labor) cost. the difference between the wage rate and marginal resource (labor) cost is at a maximum. the wage rate equals marginal revenue product.


In a monopsonistic labor market, the employer will maximize profits by employing workers up to that point at which marginal revenue product equals marginal resource (labor) cost.

What is a Monopsonistic Labor market?

A monopsony occurs when a labour market has a single or dominant employer. This means that the employer has negotiating power with potential employees. As a result, they have wage-setting power in the industry labour market.

In a monopsonistic labor market, the employer will maximise profits by hiring workers until the marginal revenue product equals the marginal labor cost. A monopsonist reduces the number of employees it employs in order to pay each employee a lower wage rate.

Therefore, when marginal revenue product equals marginal resource (labor) cost, the employer in the monopsonistic labor market will maximize profit.

To learn more about monopsonistic labor market ,click here:


Professor Patty is very distraught that three students in her class cannot afford to buy the 42-chapter book for the course. The book is used for two semesters, although not all students take the second semester. She finally tells the three students that she will make copies of the first 21 chapters for them, at no charge. Professor Patty makes the copies and gives each chapter to the students prior to her coverage of the relevant chapter in class. If Professor Patty is sued for copyright infringement:


Since she copied entire chunks of the book and a sizable portion of it, Professor Patty would lose in a copyright infringement lawsuit.

How can copyright infringement be stopped legally?

Obtain authorization from the copyright holder or their representative, which may include paying a licensing fee. If copyright work was produced as a result of a contract, take into account using a Transfer of intellectual property paperwork. Copyright infringement is prohibited and becoming simpler to detect. According to your Internet service provider's terms of service, these acts could affect your Internet account, result in legal action being taken against you by copyright holders, and in some situations, they might even constitute violations of federal criminal law.

Copyright does not apply to concepts, systems, or methods of achieving something. However, you should be conscious that this does not safeguard the idea as it exists in your written or artistic work. You are free to express your thoughts through writing or art and to claim your copyright in the description.

To know more about copyright infringement, visit:


How closed economy is different from open economy?


A closed economy is one in which there are no economic transactions between entities in the domestic economy and the rest of the world.

In other words, the country's domestic economy is completely isolated from international trade. In a closed economy, there is no foreign investment and all goods and services produced within the economy are consumed domestically.

In contrast, an open economy is one in which there are economic transactions between entities in the domestic economy and the rest of the world. This means that the country's domestic economy is not isolated from international trade and investment.

In an open economy, goods and services produced domestically can be exported to other countries, and goods and services from other countries can be imported into the domestic economy. Foreign investment is also allowed in an open economy.

To know more about economy here


if a court employs the rule of reason when considering whether a firm is guilty of violating antitrust laws, the court a. considers the consequences of the offending practice that the firm engaged in. b. considers only whether the firm has market power, not whether it used that power unreasonably. c. ignores the economic rationale for the offending practice and its consequences. d. does not consider why the offending practice was adopted or its effect on competition. e. need only determine that the offending practice took place.


When deciding whether a company has violated antitrust laws, it court uses its rule of reason and takes into account the effects of the unlawful behavior it engaged in.

Simple definition of antitrust law.

In principle, the antitrust laws prohibit illegal mergers and commercial practices, but courts must determine which ones are unlawful based on the specific facts of each case. Since the days of horses and carriages up until the current digital era, courts have applied antitrust laws to evolving marketplaces.

Why are antitrust regulations in place?

The antitrust laws are the laws of the market that the FTC is charged with enforcing in order to maintain competition. These regulations support healthy competition while safeguarding consumers against mergers and business activities that harm the market.

to know more about antitrust laws visit:


suppose that a government that is skeptical of efforts to regulate prices charged by private companies is nevertheless concerned that a natural gas utility company is taking advantage of consumers with unfair pricing policies.


Predatory pricing is the illegal act of setting costs low to try to remove the competition. Predatory pricing violates antitrust laws, as it makes markets charge gouging is an example of an unethical pricing strategy.

A agency may additionally increase prices of gadgets which can be briefly in high demand. this is once in a while visible in the wake of emergency situations whilst the fee of plywood jumps after a flood, even though there may be enough plywood to restore houses.

The rate you set influences your profit margin in step with unit offered, with higher fees providing you with a better profit consistent with object in case you do not lose sales. but, higher expenses that result in lower income volumes can lower, or wipe out, your income, due to the fact your overhead fees according to unit growth as you sell fewer gadgets.

Discrimination is the practice of promoting the exact same product to competing wholesalers or stores at unique fees. that is generally bad (and often illegal) because it creates unfair competition.

Learn more about Predatory pricing here:


nu-tek is considering leasing some equipment for 4 years with equal annual lease payments. the equipment would cost $120,000 to buy and would be depreciated straight-line over 4 years to a zero-salvage value. the actual salvage value is zero. the applicable pretax borrowing rate is 8 percent. the lessee does not expect to owe taxes for several years while the lessor's tax rate is 21 percent. what is the minimum lease payment that will be acceptable to the lessor?


The minimum lease payment that will be acceptable to lessor is $30,000.

What is lease?

In a lease, the lessor (the owner) receives payment from the lessee (the person using the asset), who is known as the lessee in the contract. Common assets that are leased include land, buildings, and automobiles. You can also lease out commercial or industrial equipment. The lessor and the lessee are the two parties who enter into a lease agreement in its basic form. In contrast to the lessee, who is given the right to use the asset in exchange for recurrent rental payments, the lessor is the asset's legitimate owner. Various restrictions on how the lessee may use the property or equipment are also accepted by the lessee. An individual leasing a car, for instance, can accept the restriction that the vehicle will only be used for personal purposes.

Minimum lease=120000/4=$30,000

To learn more about lease, visit:


the full disclosure accounting concept is applied when a company always prepares financial statements at the end of each monthly fiscal period. t or f


When a company consistently prepares financial statements at the conclusion of each monthly fiscal period, the full disclosure accounting principle is used as a True statement.

The business operations and financial performance of an organization are described in financial statements, which are written records. To ensure accuracy and for tax, financing, or investing purposes, financial statements are frequently audited by government entities, accountants, corporations, etc.

A corporate entity must keep track of all transactions and events involving that specific company within a 12-month period known as its "fiscal period" or "fiscal year." The year the period finishes are used to name fiscal years. For instance, FY24 refers to the fiscal year that extends from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.

To learn more about financial statements


a decrease in accounts payable indicates that was purchased than paid during the accounting period. thus the decrease will be net income on the statement of cash flows prepared using the indirect method.multiple choice question.more; added toless; subtracted fromless; added tomore; subtracted from


A decrease in accounts payable indicates that less was purchased than paid during the accounting period. thus the decrease will be subtracted from net income on the statement of cash flows prepared using the indirect method.

Accounts Payable is the term used when a business acquires products on credit that must be repaid within a short period of time. It is categorized under the category of "current liabilities" and is handled as a liability. A short-term debt payment called accounts payable must be made in order to stay in good standing.

A rise in accounts payable from one period to the next indicates that the business is using credit to buy more products or services than it is reimbursing. When a corporation pays off its obligations to suppliers more quickly than it purchases new products or services on credit, a drop happens.

Learn more about Accounts Payable here:


aro shoes inc. and mova shoes inc., two competing shoe brands, entered into a strategic alliance to study and acquire each other competencies. aro shoes entered the strategic alliance to acquire the production system pioneered by mova shoes. similarly, mova shoes agreed to the strategic alliance to study the designing process of aro shoes. however, aro shoes was more successful and faster than mova shoes in accomplishing its alliance goal. what does this scenario best illustrate?


Learning Races( The opportunistic behavior of partners trying to learn too much from each other is known as the "learning race.")

What makes an amazing strategic alliance?

In a strategic partnership the companions continue to be independent; percentage the blessings from, dangers in and manage over joint actions; and make ongoing contributions in strategic areas.

What are the main reasons strategic alliances fail?

The basic premise is that  decisions (not) made by management long before the alliance is formed (i.e. during the strategic planning phase and the partner evaluation and selection phase) and long after the alliance is The Alliance fails because it "builds" on failure.

What are the best strategic alliances?

The best strategic alliances are those that bring clear benefits to the audience of both brands. If the partnership appeals to both audiences, both companies can expand their reach and generate more sales.

To know more about strategic alliances visit here:


both monopolists and monopolistic competitors: a make positive economic profits in the long run. b charge a price that is greater than their mc of production. c have high barriers to entry.


High entry barriers apply to monopolists and their monopolistic rivals alike.

When a monopolist becomes the sole supplier of a specific good or service, a monopoly has formed. This is distinct from a monopsony, which is when only one entity has the authority to make purchases of goods or services. It also differs from an oligopoly, which is characterized by a small number of vendors controlling a market.

Lack of viable substitute products, a lack of economic rivalry to create the good or service, and the potential for a high monopoly price considerably above the seller's marginal cost that results in excessive profit are the hallmarks of a monopoly.

To know more about monopolists click here,


harris corporation's before-tax income was $400,000. it does business entirely in pennsylvania, which has a 6% corporate income tax. compute harris' federal income tax.


harris corporation's federal income tax is $78,960.

What is income tax?

A tax placed on people or organizations in relation to their income or profits is known as an income tax. Tax rates multiplied by taxable income are typically used to calculate income taxes. Tax rates might change depending on the taxpayer's attributes and source of income. The word "income tax" refers to a category of tax that governments levy on revenue produced by organizations and people under their control. Taxpayers are required by law to file an income tax return each year in order to establish their tax liabilities. Governments receive funding from income taxes. Income tax must be paid by any Indian citizen under the age of 60 who earns more than Rs 2.5 lakh.

To learn more about income tax click on the given link:


the portion of the budget variance for variable overhead due to the difference between actual hours required and standard hours allowed for the work done is called the:


The portion of the budget variance for variable overhead due to the difference between actual hours required and standard hours allowed for the work done is called the variable overhead efficiency variance.

What is budget variance?

An accounting phrase known as a budget variation is used to describe situations where actual expenses are either greater or lower than expected or standard costs. An unfavourable, or negative, budget variance is a sign of a budget deficit, which can happen when revenues are lower than expected or costs are higher than expected.

What variations are permitted?

This question can only have the response "It all depends." If you are performing a clearly defined construction task, the deviations may vary from 3-5%. When working in research & development, permissible deviations typically rise to between 10 and 15 percent.

To know more about budget variance, click here-


What can increase the productivity in a dental office?


using  Automation to Confirm Appointments and Avoid Cancellations

can increase the productivity in a dental office.

Cancellations are the main problem keeping dentists from operating at 100% capacity, according to the American Dental Association (ADA). Eliminating cancellations and no-shows need to be a top focus in light of this.

Unavoidable cancellations do happen occasionally. The objective is to be able to quickly fill any cancelled appointments. Send your patients multiple automated appointment reminders far in advance to do that. Patients can then notify you of schedule changes in a timely manner so that you can rebook. Generally, sending a text message with an appointment reminder is the best option because texts have a 98% open rate. However, making phone calls and sending out individual texts both take time. Instead, think about scheduling automated SMS reminders utilizing a platform for mass text messaging.

learn more about American Dental Association here


What is Accenture's SynOps?


Accenture SynOps is a suite of integrated, cloud-based services that enable companies to automate and optimize their operational processes. It helps organizations to reduce costs, improve efficiency and enhance customer experience.

The suite of services includes automation, analytics, monitoring, optimization and process improvement. With Accenture SynOps, organizations can automate mundane and repetitive tasks, such as reconciliation and data entry, freeing up employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities.

Additionally, organizations can leverage analytics to identify patterns and trends, and use them to optimize operations. SynOps also helps organizations to monitor their processes, identify any gaps, and proactively address any issues.

Finally, it helps organizations to improve processes by leveraging process improvement methodologies and best practices.

To know more about SynOps here


Do Massachusetts residents pay sales tax in New Hampshire?


Massachusetts residents are required to pay a 5% "use" tax on any item they buy in New Hampshire and use in Massachusetts under the nearly unenforceable law.

When asked how many Massachusetts taxpayers actually pay this state's 5% "sales/use tax" on their purchases in "tax-free" New Hampshire, Robert Bliss, spokesman for the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, stifles a chuckle. "Two-word response," Bliss replies. Only a precious few. A thankful commonwealth salutes you select few despite severe financial constraints. They have a high degree of honour. They are giving the Commonwealth $3 to $4 million that would not otherwise be in the State's General Fund, according to Bliss. The remainder of us do not yet meet the criteria for sainthood. However, Dustin Pedroia appears to be quite tall in our dens on the 50-inch HDTVs we purchased from Best Buy in Nashua.

learn more about New Hampshire here:


which phase establishes a high-level plan of the intended project and determines project goals? group of answer choices analysis phase. testing phase. planning phase. maintenance phase.


The planning phase produces a high-level project strategy and specifies project objectives.

Project Strategy is a broad collection of rules that the project will use to govern its decision-making. and acting throughout the project's duration. The corporate, business, marketing, and operational strategies are all in line with it. approaches to project management. Establish your objectives early and keep them flexible. Recognize the project's scope. communicate with team members and clients. To promote teamwork .Clarify your expectations. Control project hazards. Consider using a job breakdown framework. Create a process document. How to create a project plan Ensure consistency in project language. Describe the various forms of communication. Locate your resources. Identify objectives. Determine how to achieve your objectives.

Learn more about strategy from


new classical economists believe that an increase in deficit financing by the government will


It will increase savings and will fail to stimulate the economy of any nation.

What is deficit financing?

This is the practice of spending more money than the government receives in revenues and making up the difference by borrowing or issuing new funds.

It is done through market borrowings ( particularly from public sector banks and commercial banks)

Objectives :

Financing expenditure during war.Mobilizing adequate resources for financing development plans.Mobilize surplus funds and unutilized resources of the country.Exterminate market depression by raising output level and employment.

Purpose :

To overcome the lack of funds.To speed up the country's development.Promotion of additional investment from foreign.Arranging funds for fluent development in the countryUpgradation of infrastructure.

To learn more about deficit financing visit the link given below


a firm had gross profits from sales in the amount of $180,000, operating expenses of $90,000, and federal incomes taxes of $20,000. what was the firm's net income after taxes?


A organization had gross earnings from income in the quantity of $180,000, working charges of $90,000, and federal earning taxes of $20,000.  The organization's internet earnings after taxes is c. $70,000.

The required details for gross profits in given paragraph

The gross income of a agency is the overall income of the organization minus the overall value of the products bought. The overall income are all the products bought with the aid of using the agency. The overall value of the products bought is the sum of all of the variable charges worried in income. Two vital profitability metrics for any agency include gross income and internet earnings. Gross income represents the earnings or income ultimate after the manufacturing charges had been subtracted from revenue. Revenue is the quantity of earnings generated from the sale of a agency's items and services.

Gross income enables traders to decide how a lot income a agency earns from the manufacturing and sale of its items and services. Gross income is on occasion mentioned as gross earnings.

To know about gross profits click here


Complete question

A firm had gross profits from sales in the amount of $180,000, operating expenses of $90,000,

and federal incomes taxes of $20,000. What was the firm's net income after taxes?

a. $10,000

b. $20,000

c. $70,000

d. $90,000

e. $200,000

how are the l.a. care health plan and blue shield of california have teamed up to open a series of community resource centers across los angeles county organized as form of corporation?


According to Kristen Cerf, president and CEO of Blue Shield Promise Health Plan, "The new Community Resource Center in Inglewood is just the latest example of how Blue Shield Promise

Is providing deep investments in neighborhoods to give its inhabitants with classic health and wellness programs as well as individualized services to our users, including on-site linkage to social services." As a nonprofit health plan, we are dedicated to enhancing the health and welfare of people, families, and towns. With the opening of our latest location in Inglewood, we are fulfilling that goal.

"L.A. Care is dedicated to improving health justice and ensuring that everybody could achieve the best possible level of health, which makes the new Resource Center, with all of its options for people's conditions and fitness, an useful assets."

L.A. Care CEO John Baacke called it "a timely and much-needed sanctuary in the community." We are delighted that Inglewood and the surrounding communities will now have access to a wide range of options that folks don't often expect from a medical plan since we are aware that excellent health results don't just depend on outpatient consultations.

To know more about assets click here


Amye is in high school. As part of one of her classes, she had to identify the legality of different situations that involved workers and their employers. She enjoyed this aspect of her class so much that she wanted to find a job that uses this interest. Which career should amye focus on during college?.


Amye is in high school. As part of one of her classes, she had to identify the legality of different situations that involved workers and their employees. Amye should focus on human resources manager career during college.

All administrative procedures pertaining to the staff of a business must be coordinated by a human resource manager, often known as an HR supervisor. Their responsibilities include creating recruiting tactics, putting in place procedures for handling employee benefits, payroll, and conduct, and orienting new hires.

The human resources department as a whole is led by the human resources managers. The HR department, led by the human resources manager, assists to ensure that a business functions effectively by handling everything from employee involvement to paychecks to regulation concerns. Both hard talents, such as expertise in a particular piece of software, and soft, transferrable abilities are required for the position.

Learn more about Paychecks here:


ricardo's sales manager just informed his sales team that all sales in january will earn an extra 5 percent commission. the team gets right to work, being motivated by a(n)


Ricardo's sales manager just informed his sales team that all sales in january will earn an extra 5 percent commission. the team gets right to work, being motivated by an  Extrinsic reward.

What does Percent means?

Percent (or %) is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. It is often used to express a proportion or percentage of a whole. For example, 25% means 25 out of 100, or one quarter.

What does Extrinsic reward mean?

An extrinsic reward is one that is given by a third party, such as a manager, employer, parent, or teacher. It is given to recognize and reward behavior that is beyond the control of the individual. Money, gifts, recognition, promotions, and public praise are all examples of extrinsic rewards.

To know more about Employer,


what is the total return to an investor who buys a bond for $1,100 when the bond has a 9% annual coupon and 5 years until maturity, then sells the bond after 1 year for $1,085? a. 6.82% b. 7.64% c. 6.91% d. 9.00%


The correct answer is C. 6.91%.

To calculate the total return to an investor, we need to calculate the capital gain (or loss) plus the coupon payments received.

In this case, the investor purchased the bond for $1,100 and sold it for $1,085, so the capital gain (or loss) is -$15.

The investor also received 9% in coupon payments, which is $99 (9% of $1,100).

When we add the capital gain (or loss) and coupon payments together, we find the total return to be 6.91% ($99 + (-$15) / $1,100).

An investor is any individual or other entity (such as a business or mutual fund) who invests money with the hope of making a profit.

To know more about investment here


what is the relationship between a perfectly competitive firm's marginal cost curve and its supply curve?


Marginal revenue for a company with perfect competition is the same as average revenue and pricing. This suggests that at values bigger than the average variable cost, the firm's short-run supply curve is its marginal cost curve. The company closes if the price falls below the average variable cost.

The increased total revenue produced by increasing product sales by one unit is known as marginal revenue and is a key topic in microeconomics. It is necessary to compare the aggregate advantages a firm gained from the quantity of a good or service produced during the previous period and the present period with an additional unit increase in the rate of production in order to calculate the value of marginal revenue. Together with marginal cost, marginal revenue is a key instrument for economic decision-making in the context of a corporation. In a market with perfect competition, the incremental profit made by selling one more unit of a good is equal to the price the company can charge the buyer of the good.

Learn more about Marginal revenue from


both the multiplier effect and the investment accelerator tend to make the aggregate-demand curve shift further than it does due to an initial increase in government expenditures. a. true b. false


The statement is True. both the multiplier effect and the investment accelerator tend to make the aggregate-demand curve shift further than it does due to an initial increase in government expenditures.

Expenditure is the spending of money on something, or the cash this is spent on something. The important thing difference between an expense and an expenditure is that a rate acknowledges the consumption of a cost, and at the same time, an expenditure represents the disbursement of funds. A cost is commonly recognized whilst an associated sale is diagnosed or while the object in query has no future utility.

This is the whole buy fee of an amazing service. for example, an organization buys a $10 million piece of equipment that it estimates to have a useful life of 5 years. this would be categorized as a $10 million capital expenditure.

fixed Expenditure: those are everyday bills where the quantity paid does not vary e.g. hire or loan payment.Abnormal Expenditure: that is where the timing and /or amount of spending will vary. ...Discretionary Expenditure: Non-vital spending, that is spending on needs rather than needs.

To learn more about Expenditures visit here:


How do you promote food and beverage products to guests?


Your accomplishment is demonstrated, and this might open up new prospects both upstream and downstream. It directly results in consumer involvement, allowing you to gather feedback and make improvements. It aids in positioning your business for long-term success in the marketplace.

Making sure that consumers are aware of the presence and placement of items is the primary goal of promotion. Promotion is also used to remind customers of why they would want to buy a product and to convince them that it is superior to similar items on the market. Food presentation contributes to the aesthetic appeal of the meal, which most consumers use to determine if they will enjoy it or what they want to eat. After serving each guest from their right side, go around the table in the sequence of seating arrangements. Request that staff place the glass on a napkin or coaster. They place the beverages on the table's cloth, if it has one.

To learn more about consumer click on the link below:


abc inc. just paid a dividend of $1.00 this year. the stock price is $15.43 currently and the beta of the stock is 1.12. the market risk premium is 15% and the risk-free rate is 6%. using the constant-growth ddm, what is the value of abc's stock if the dividend growth increases by a constant 9% indefinitely? multiple choice question. $7.90 $7.60 $7.09 $10.49



your mum


Which type of banking account is a safe place to keep money and earn small amounts of interest?


Regular savings accounts are a secure way to save cash and receive minimal interest.

The clue is in the name. The bulk of traditional savings accounts need monthly deposits, with interest paid once a year. They offer interest rates that are higher than those offered by traditional fixed-rate or easy-access savings accounts, but they typically have stringent terms and conditions, such a limit on the number of withdrawals allowed or a demand that you deposit money each month. Furthermore, the rate usually lasts one year. These accounts normally allow you to earn interest on your money even though they typically offer lower interest rates than other kinds of savings products. Many banks and credit unions allow you to start a regular savings account with a minimal minimum deposit.

Learn more about account from


adjusting available capacity by hiring and firing workers to match demand is an example of a(n) strategy. group of answer choices mixed production. chase demand optimal production. level production


The correct answer to the given question is option b) Chase Demand.

The example of Chase Demand is altering the capacity is to hire and fire personnel to fit demand.

The chasing strategy, level production, make-to-stock, and assemble-to-order are the major techniques used in production planning and control. A strategy for aggregate planning that aims to balance output and supply with changing demand. The technique may result in expenses due to inefficient capacity use during times of low demand, the need to hire or fire people, learning-curve effects, and a potential loss of quality, depending on the product or service involved. Low storage costs and a better capacity to meet customer needs are two benefits. Comparative output level strategy.

To learn more about capacity click here


a(n) pricing policy is likely to occur when a retailer's sales staff offers the same products and quantities to different customers at different prices.


When a retailer's sales team provides the same goods in the same quantities to various consumers at various rates, flexible pricing policies are likely to arise.

When selling a product or service, a firm can employ a number of different pricing tactics. Senior executives must first analyse the company's price position, pricing segment, pricing capacity, and competition pricing reaction strategy in order to select the most successful pricing strategy. Pricing strategies and methods vary from business to business, as well as across nations, cultures, and industries. They also alter over time as markets and industries mature and as general economic conditions change. Pricing policies govern the cost that businesses charge for their goods. Pricing can be chosen to maximise profits from either the market as a whole or from each individual item sold. Additionally, it can be used to boost market share inside a market, to protect an existing market from new competitors.

Learn more about policies from


Other Questions
Jones & Company, a major retail chain across the United States, offers a wide range of consumer goods such as clothing, furniture, home appliances, cosmetics, jewelry, and food. Jones & Company is best described as a ________.A) supermarketB) department storeC) specialty storeD) pop-up storeE) category killer In the study of urban ecology in Baltimore and Phoenix, how do the two cities differ in their citizens' exposure to toxic chemicals?Baltimore has taken a zero-tolerance approach to polluters, so its citizens are much less exposed to toxic chemicals than the citizens of Phoenix.Minorities in both cities are more likely to be exposed to such hazards than white citizens, but minorities in Phoenix are provided with better health care to offset the costs related to exposure.Baltimore was built before building codes and zoning laws prohibited building homes on contaminated sites, so all of the citizens of Baltimore are exposed to high levels of toxic chemicals, whereas Phoenix has been built more recently and so does not have problems related to toxic chemical exposure.Phoenix has largely eliminated exposure to toxic chemicals, whereas the citizens of Baltimore suffer from extreme exposure to such hazards.In Phoenix, ethnic minorities are more likely to be exposed to such hazards, whereas in Baltimore, those living in working-class white neighborhoods are more likely to be exposed. Most endangered species are-selected species.consideredA. JB. IC. SD. K Ms Lilita is the new CEO of Baro Corporation, one of the oldest conglomerates in east Africa. It operates using more than 50 diversified business portfolios ranging from fisheries to cement. Ms Lilita is appointed as CEO to Baro just a year ago; and before joining Baro Co. she has been working as Vice President in one of the firms in the financial sector. Recently, Ms Lilita is unhappy with the prospect of the company after she assessed the five years performance trend of Baro. She is more stressed because of several additional troubling factors in the business environment. One of the Baros key competitors, Akobo Corporation is aggressively engaged in several mergers and acquisitions in the key business areas of Baro. Further, Akobo is successfully attracting key talent to outsmart the intense competition that only Ms Lilita seems to understand well from Baros side. These are actually just a few of the distressful issues for Baro. Even worse is the shifting trend in the consumer preferences for major products of Baro almost in all markets, which Baro has not yet systematically analyzed. Thinking of all these issues, she just sunk in her office sofa and sighed deep gazing at the big picture of recently inaugurated new cement plant of Baro. Suddenly she thought that a solution might be solicited from one of the veteran employees of Baro, Mr. Shemsu. Mr.Shemsu has been working for more than three decades in Baro. He is currently working as R & D director of Baro, and he has also worked in different departments; marketing, operations, and HRM. Taking all these experiences Ms Lilita thought that he could be a linchpin employee to hint her some insights with important company strategic and administrative memories. Of course he is so loyal employee whom most of the colleagues admire for his unwavering dedication to Baro, but he is a mediocre type person without much insight of the recent complex competitive environment. You see Mr.ShemsuOur company needs to tackle several issues to stay organizat How do you dilate an image? 2. Mr. Hamilton, a diabetic patient at your clinic, is diagnosed with ketoacidosis by the physician. Thephysician explains that if a diabetic patient does not take the insulin that is normally prescribed and ifthe resulting hyperglycemia is left untreated, it can lead to an emergency condition called ketoacidosisThis occurs when ketones, a group of acids that can build up in the bloodstream, accumulate, andchange the balance of acids in the blood. The patient's wife, Mrs. Hamilton, asks if you can explain inbasic terms why such a change is potentially life threatening.? confidentiality means A) trusting others with personal and private information B) speaking softly when using the phone and intercom C) being polite, considerate, and helpful D) having good work ethics how did the achievement of the grand canal impact the geographical distance between the yellow river and yangtze river? Given the descriptions below, which is (are) true regarding notes receivable? (Check all that apply.)Multiple select question.(A)It is the promise of another entity to pay a specific sum of money on a specified future date.(B)Another name for a note receivable is a promissory note.(C)Notes receivable is classified as a liability.(D)Notes receivable is classified as an asset. an employer can eliminate a workers medical, optical, or dental insurance coverage on the voluntary termination of the workers employment. True/False ? What does Claudius reveal in his opening speech? given ipv6 address prefix 2001:db8::/48, what will be the last subnet that is created if the subnet prefix is changed to /52? You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant way to specifically control chromatin remodeling on a gene by gene basis. You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant method for targeted control of chromatin remodeling on a gene-by-gene basis. You are specifically interested in modifying the transcription of oncogenes, which are genes whose overexpression can lead to cancer. Select modifications you would make in cancer cells that are over expressing oncogenes. Check all that apply. Increase acetylation of histonesDecrease acetylation of histones Decrease phosphorylation of histones Increase phosphorylation of histones Increase methylation of histones Decrease methylation of histones a potassium atom (atomic number 19) loses an electron while forming a bond with another atom which best describes the potassium ion that forms? What is conceptual concept in research? Alice is buying books from an online retail site, and she finds that she is able to change the price of a book from $19.99 to $1.99. which part of the cia triad has been broken? Family therapy tries to involve all of the members of the client's family in the process. Identify the true and false statements about family therapy.-It holds to the systems approach that an individual is part of a larger contextin this case, the family.-A family therapist helping a client quit drinking would examine the client's brother's resentment at no longer having a drinking buddy.-It cannot successfully be used in the treatments of substance abuse or addictions because family relations in those situations are too volatile.-It is based on the belief that most psychological disorders result from traumatic events occurring early in lifeusually within the family. Find cos (A) given the triangle a loan is offered with monthly payments and a 6.5 percent apr. what is the loan's effective annual rate (ear)? Why do people love BTS?