Mr. Tran is teaching his daughter vowels. He placed sets of cards into two separate bags. What is the probability that his daughter will draw out a vowel from each bags? Answer in percentage.​

Mr. Tran Is Teaching His Daughter Vowels. He Placed Sets Of Cards Into Two Separate Bags. What Is The


Answer 1

Answer: bag 1 40%

bag 2 25%

i think hope it helped

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

The height of the larger parallelogram, STRE, is 64. If the two parallelograms are similar, and the scale factor is 16, what is the height of parallelogram ANDK?



The answer is 4

Step-by-step explanation:

I did the test

Answer: answer is 4 :)

Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

solve ,( √16 + √36 ). + 2^0





Step-by-step explanation:

√4² + √6² + 1

4 + 6 + 1


Mark Runzun as brainliest as my id will get deleted soon

Add 8 and 7, and then multiply by 2



Step-by-step explanation:

It’s like saying 8+7x2 and it’s 22



Step-by-step explanation:

(8 + 7) * 2

(15) * 2


Hope this helps!

If Jaliya has 5 paintings and paints 6 more how much does she have now?




Step-by-step explanation:


If ur learning addition then the answer is 11

5 + 6= 11

if ur learning multiplication the answer is 30

6 x 5 = 30

BC is tanget to the circle centered at A with a radius of 3. What is the length of CD?



The length of the radius of circle is 16.25 cm

Step-by-step explanation:


The length of the radius of circle is 16.25 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

we know that

If CD is tangent to circle A at point D


the segment CD is perpendicular to the radius AD


ACD is a right triangle


Applying the Pythagorean Theorem

we have


solve for r

Can someone help me ASAP!!


It’s the light blue one!!!

9514 1404 393


  (a)  No, because it will not go through the origin

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation is that of a straight line, but its y-intercept is 2, not 0. Because the y-intercept is not zero, the line does not go through the origin, and the relationship is not proportional.





area of 1 equilateral triangle =500cm²

a.there are 2 triangular faces. area of triangular bases =2×500cm²=1000cm²

There are 8 roses in a vase of 14 flowers. The rest are daisies.

(a) What is the ratio of roses to daisies?

(b) What is the ratio of all flowers in the vase to daisies?



a) 4:3

b) 7:3

Step-by-step explanation:

No. of roses= 8

No. of daisies = 6

Total no. of flowers = 14

a) Ratio of roses to daisies = No. of roses/No. of daisies


= 4/3

= 4:3

b) Ratio of all flowers to daisies = No. of all flowers/ No. of daisies


= 7/3

= 7:3

A truck delivers 14,000 pounds of gravel.

How many tons are in 14,000 pounds?




Step-by-step explanation:

Thus the truck delivers 7 tons of gravel.

What is a unit conversion?

"A unit conversion expresses the same property as a different unit of measurement. A conversion factor is a ratio that expresses how many of one unit is equal to another unit".

For the above situation,

A truck delivers 14,000 pounds of gravel.

We know that,

1 US ton = 2000 pounds

Thus, 14000 pounds = [tex]\frac{14000}{2000}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]7 tons[/tex]

Hence we can conclude that the truck delivers 7 tons of gravel.

Learn more about unit conversions here


I know the selected answer is correct but I'm not too sure how to get that answer.
Could someone please explain.


[tex]\tt{ Hey \: there , \: Mr.Panda \: ! } [/tex] ;)

♨[tex] \large{ \tt{ E \: X \: P \: L \: A \: N \: A \: T \: I\: O \: N}}: [/tex]

⤻ Before solving the given question , you should know the answer of these questions :

✺How do you find the hypotenuse , perpendicular and base when the angle ( [tex] \theta \: , \alpha \: ,\beta [/tex] ) is given ?

⇾ The longest side , which is the opposite side of right angle is the hypotenuse ( h ). There are two other sides , the opposite and the adjacent. The naming of these sides depends upon which angle is involved. The opposite is the side opposite the angle involved and it is called the perpendicular ( p ) . The adjacent us the side next to the angle involved ( buy not the hypotenuse ) and it is called the base ( b ).

☄ [tex] \large{ \tt{REMEMBER}} : [/tex]

[tex] \bf{ \sin \theta = \frac{opposite}{hypotenuse} = \frac{perpendicular}{hypotenuse} }[/tex]

[tex]\bf{ \cos\theta = \frac{adjacent}{hypotenuse} = \frac{base}{hypotenuse} }[/tex]

[tex] \bf{ \tan \theta = \frac{opposite}{adjacent} = \frac{perpendicular}{base} }[/tex]

In the above cases , [tex] \theta[/tex] is taken as the angle of reference.

♪ Our Q/A part ends up here! Let's start solving the question :

❈ [tex] \large{ \tt{GIVEN}} : [/tex]

Perpendicular ( p ) = ? , Hypotenuse ( h ) = 18 & base ( b ) = 16

✧ [tex] \large{ \tt{TO \: FIND} : }[/tex]

Value of tan [tex] \theta[/tex]

✎ [tex] \large{ \tt{SOLUTION}} : [/tex]

Firstly , Finding the value of perpendicular ( p ) using Pythagoras theorem :

❃ [tex] \boxed{ \sf{ {h}^{2} = {p}^{2} + {b}^{2} }}[/tex] [ Pythagoras theorem ]

[tex] \large{ ⇢ \sf{p}^{2} + {b}^{2} = {h}^{2} }[/tex]

[tex] \large{⇢ \sf{ {p}^{2} = {h}^{2} - {b}^{2} }}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ ⇢\sf{ {p}^{2} = {18}^{2} - {16}^{2} }}[/tex]

[tex] \large{⇢ \sf{ {p}^{2} = 324 - 256}}[/tex]

[tex] \large{⇢ \sf{ {p}^{2} = 68}}[/tex]

[tex] \large{⇢ \sf{p = \sqrt{68}}} [/tex]

[tex] \large{ ⇢\sf{p = \boxed{ \tt{2 \sqrt{17}}} }}[/tex]

Okey, We found out the perpendicular i.e [tex] \tt{2 \sqrt{17}} [/tex] . Now , We know :

❊ [tex] \large{ \sf{ \tan \theta} = \frac{perpendicular}{base} }[/tex]

[tex] \large {\tt{↬ \: tan \theta = \frac{2 \sqrt{17} }{16}}} [/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{ ↬ tan \theta = \frac{ \cancel{2} \: \sqrt{17} }{ \cancel{16} \: \: 8} }}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{ ↬ \boxed{ \tt{tan \theta = \frac{ \sqrt{17} }{8}}}}} [/tex]

⟿ [tex] \boxed{ \boxed{ \tt{OUR\: FINAL \: ANSWER : \boxed{ \underline{ \bf{ \frac{ \sqrt{17} }{8}}}}}}} [/tex]

۵ Yay! We're done!

♕ [tex] \large\tt{RULE \: OF \:SUCCESS }: [/tex]

Never lose hope & keep on working ! ✔

ツ Hope I helped!

☃ Have a wonderful day / evening! ☼

# StayInAndExplore ☂




Step-by-step explanation:

We are given with hypotenuse and base. We can have any ratio related to it, such as secant.

secA = hypotenuse/base

secA = 18/16 = 9/8

sec²A = 81/64

Using sec²A - 1 = tan²A

=> 81/64 - 1 = tan²A

=> 17/64 = tan²A

=> √(17)/8 = tanA


Using cosine of angle A.

cosA = base/hypotenuse

cos²A = (16/18) = (8/9)² = 64/81

sin²A = 1 - cos²A = 1 - 64/81 = 17/81


tanA = √(tan²A) = √(sin²A/cos²A) = √((17/81)/(64/81)) = √(17)/8

This looks complex, either go with the 1st or one Or directly find the value of height using Pythagoras theorem,

18² = 16² + height²

√17 = height

tanA = height/base = √17/8

Please help me it would mean the world. Extra points!
The answer is 102m^2 provided by my teacher I just need the work.



[tex] \displaystyle A_{ \text{triangle}} = 102 {m}^{2} [/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

remember that,

[tex] \displaystyle A_{ \text{triangle}} = \frac{1}{2} bh[/tex]

given that,b is 17 m and h is 12m

thus substitute:

[tex] \displaystyle A_{ \text{triangle}} = \frac{1}{2} \times 17\times 12[/tex]

reduce fraction:

[tex] \displaystyle A_{ \text{triangle}} = 17\times 6[/tex]

simplify multiplication:

[tex] \displaystyle A_{ \text{triangle}} = 102 {m}^{2} [/tex]

how do I do this? I'm confused.​


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\huge\mathcal\blue{here's \: your \: solution} \\ \\ x = 2y - 14 \: \: \: (given) \\ \\ equation \: = 5x - 7y = - 43 \\ \\ now \: put \: the \: value \: of \: x \: in \: equation \\ \\ 5(2y - 14) - 7y = - 43 \\ \\ 10y - 70 - 7y = - 43 \\ \\ 3y - 70 = - 43 \\ \\ 3y = + 70 - 43 \\ \\ 3y = 27 \\ \\ y = 27 \div 3 \\ \\ y = 9 \\ \\ now \: put \: the \: value \: of \: y \: in \: equation \\ \\ x = (9 \times 2) - 14 \\ \\ x = 18 - 14 \\ \\ x = 4 \\ \\ \huge\mathfrak\red{hope \: it \: helps..}[/tex]

Answer this question for me


The angle size for BDC is 88

The sides of a triangle are 16, 21,
and 35. Determine if the triangle is
an acute, obtuse, or right triangle.
A. acute
B. right
C. obtuse



A Acute

Step-by-step explanation:

cause a acute is between 0 and 90 degrees

Um who else is in love with Kenma Kozume?




Step-by-step explanation:

I really need help you’ll get 35 points if u get it right




Step-by-step explanation:

Combine the xs


[tex]\frac{1}{3} x + \frac{1}{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The following expression is equivalent to

[tex]\frac{1}{3} x + \frac{1}{2}[/tex]

There are 12 pieces of fruit in a bowl. Seven of the pieces are apples and two are peaches. What is the probability that a randomly selected piece of fruit is not an apple or peach? Express your answer as a percent rounded to the nearest whole percent.








Step-by-step explanation:

7 apples + 2 peaches = 9


3/12 = 25%

need help pls asap !!!!!!!!!



x = 5 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Big rectangle

Length = 30 cm

Width = 12.5 cm

Length : width = 30 cm : 12.5 cm

Small rectangle

Length = 12 cm

Width = x cm

Length : width = 12 cm : x cm

Equate the ratios

30 cm : 12.5 cm = 12 cm : x cm

30/12.5 = 12/x

Cross product

30 * x = 12.5 * 12

30x = 150

x = 150/30

x = 5 cm

You have have a bag of marbles (3 purple, 5 green, and 4
Write your probability in fraction form-no need to reduce
1a) What is the Plyellow marble)=
1b) What is the P(purple marble)=
1c) What is the Plyellow marble "and" purple marble)
1a) 4/12, 1b) 3/12, 1c) 12/12
1a) 4/100, 1b) 3/100, 1c) 12/100
1a) 4/12, 1b) 3/12, 1c) 12/144
1a) 4, 1b) 3, 1c) 12



4/12 = yellow

3/12 = purple

12/144 = yellow and purple

Step-by-step explanation:

the first two are pretty self explanitory. The last one requires you to multiply the answers of the first two together. Make sure you multiply both the top and the bottom (don't use common denominator here)


The answer to this is the 3rd choice which is 1a) 4/12, 1b) 3/12, 1c) 12/144.

Step-by-step explanation:

This is pretty simple. To identify the probability of the yellow marbles, you can find the amount of yellow marbles and the total amount of marbles. You take it as a fraction which would be 4/12.

The total amount of marbles : 3 purple + 5 green + 4 yellow = 12 total marbles

The amount of yellow marbles : 4 yellow

Probability of yellow marbles : 4/12

To identify the probability of the yellow marbles, you can find the amount of purple marbles and the total amount of marbles. You take it as a fraction which would be 3/12.

The total amount of marbles : 3 purple + 5 green + 4 yellow = 12 total marbles

The amount of purple marbles : 3 purple

Probability of purple marbles : 3/12

To identify the probability of both the yellow and purple marbles, you can find the amount of yellow and purple marbles along with the total amount of marbles. Since we know this from the work above, you just need to multiply both probabilities. You take it as a fraction which would be 12/144.

The total amount of marbles : 3 purple + 5 green + 4 yellow = 12 total marbles

The amount of yellow marbles : 4 yellow

The amount of purple marbles : 3 purple

Probability of yellow marbles : 4/12

Probability of purple marbles : 3/12

Probability of both marbles : 12/144

Is the following relation a function?
O Yes
O No



It’s a relation……………….


yes the following relation is a function

Liz is exploring the coral reef at 92 feet below sea level and Jim is hiking 91 feet above sea level. Does this situation represent an additive inverse?


Answer: 183 is corecct

Step-by-step explanation:

Please help! Will give branliest for correct answer !
God Bless uu!!



Solution given:.

area of traingle EFG=1/2b×h=1/2×7×6=21cm²

area of rectangle ABCD=l×b=(20+9)×7=203cm²

area of rectangle BHIJ=l×b=9×11=99cm²

Total area =21+203+99=323cm² is a required answer

323 cm squared is the answer

Top rectangle: 9x18= 162
Lower rectangle: 20x7=140
Triangle: 1/2bh = 1/2(6)(7) = 21

162+140+21 = 323 cm squared

Marks mailbox has three more edges than vertices. What type of prism is Marks mailbox.​




Step-by-step explanation:





15 2/3

Step-by-step explanation:

R = 3x + 9y

7 = 3x + 9(6)

7 = 3x + 54

-47 = 3x

x = -15.6

use the graph of g(x)=3 √x to help you explain why there is only one solution for every cube root equation of the form y=3 √x+a in which a is a real number




Step-by-step explanation:

The absolute value of 5/4
A: 4/5
B: 5/4
C: -4/5
D: -5/4​




Evaluate. Write your answer as a fraction in simplest form.




Step-by-step explanation:

2/3 x 2/3 x 2/3


Margie, Eric, and Connor helped their band stuff envelopes for a fundraiser. Margie has stuffed 96 out of 144 envelopes. Eric has stuffed 62% of his envelopes. Connor has stuffed ¾ of his envelopes. If each student started with the same amount, who has the most envelopes left to stuff?

A. Margie
B. Eric
C. Connor


Its conner he stuffed the most helped 3/4 percent of the thing
The answer is a. Connor

jorge scored 4 out of 5 on a test. jane scored 8 out of 10 on a test. did Jorge and jane get equivalent scores​


Yes! 4/5 is .8 and so is 8/10.
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