Mindy looks outside her window and sees limp tomato plants in the garden. She quickly waters the plants, and by the end of the day, the plants are upright with firm stems. How did watering the tomato plants straighten the stems?


Answer 1


Do you have options.

If not I am guessing because the roots sucked the water up distributing it throughout the entire plant making it hydrated and strong to stand.

Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

A pet home owner wants to keep the ratio of cats to dogs at 3:5. She has 21 cats, how many dogs are there in the pet home?


35 dogs

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of cats to dogs can also be written as

3/5 = 21/x

x = 35

A map has a scale 1/2 in.= 60 mi. If two cities are 2 inches apart on the map, hoy many miles separate de cities?



240 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 2

60 + 60 + 60 + 60     or      60 * 4 = 240

Sarah used 2.5 cups of cheese in a dish that serves 10 people. Amyn used 1.6 cups of cheese in a dish that serves 8. How much more cheese is in one serving of Sarah's dish?


0.5 cups of cheese

Amy: 1.6 divided by 8 = 0.2 cups of cheese per serving

Sarah: 2.5 divided by 10 = 0.25 cups of cheese per serving

0.25 - 0.2 = 0.5

What steps should be followed to solve the inequality -4x < 8.



8 is greater then -4

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: Divide by -4 in the both sides, and change the sign < to >.

Step-by-step explanation:

Third grade
V.7 Show fractions: fraction bars ZPW
Learn with an example
Shade 1 part of the fraction bar.
When 1 part of the fraction bar is shaded, what fraction is shaded?


1/4 ki i iciixiixxiix

Add or Subtract to simplify



-5x^5 + 2x^3 - 6x should be your answer

x - 3( 2 - 3x)=2 ( 5x - 2)

Please solve !!


Step-by-step explanation:

I hope that this helps:)




Tha statement is false for any value of x

x=0 no solution

Two straight lines pass through the centre of two concentric circles at an angle of 95 degrees.

The small circle has radius 1.1 cm.

The large circle has radius 3.8 cm.

Work out the shaded area.

(I will mark brainliest for the best answer and 10 points)




Standard Form of a linear equation. Match the phrase with the equivalent term
Ax + By = C


Which one is correct I’ll mark Brainlest



pretty sure its equation, if its wrong im sorry!

help ASAP ill mark u brainliest


if I remember correctly, it’s the first one

If ∆ABC ∼ ∆PQR such that AB = 1.8cm and PQ = 1.6 cm, what is the ratio of the areas of ∆ABC and ∆PQR.



81 / 64

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of the areas can be obtained thus :

Area of ∆ABC / Area of ∆PQR

Area of ∆ABC / Area of ∆PQR = AB² / PQ²

AB = 1.8 ; PQ = 1.6

AB² / PQ² = 1.8² / 1.6²

= 18² / 16²

= 324 / 256

= 81 / 64

Find all angles, 0°< A<360°, that satisfy the equation below, to the nearest tenth
of a degree (if necessary).
3 tan A+75 = 0



143.3 degrees and 323.3 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the equation

3tanA +√5 = 0

3tanA = -√5

tanA =-√5/3

tanA = (-0.7454)

A = arctan(-0.7453)

A = -36.699

Since tan is negative in 2nd and 4th quadrant

A = 180 - 36.699

A = 143.3 degrees

In the fourth quadrant

A = 360 - 36.699

A = 323.3degrees

Hence the value of A that satisfies the equation are 143.3 degrees and 323.3 degrees

help i dont get it pelase


Step-by-step explanation:


just move the point over 5 lines and then up 4 lines. or

4-5 = -1

-1 +4=3

can you help me with this please​



a)  y = 2 x - 1

b)  y = - x + 7

c)  y = 7 x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Use a pair of (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) points to find the equation of the line for each tables:

a) (5, 9) and (10, 19)

slope: (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) = (19 - 9) / (10 - 5) = 10 / 5 = 2

Then  y = 2 x + b

solve for b in:  9 = 2 (5) + b

b = 9 - 10 = -1

Then   y = 2 x - 1

b) (2, 5) and (5, 2)

slope: (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) = (2 - 5) / (5 - 2) = -3 / 3 = -1

Then  y = - x + b

solve for b in:  5 = - (2) + b

b = 5 + 2 = 7

Then   y = - x + 7

c) (3, 23) and (6, 44)

slope: (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) = (44 - 23) / (6 - 3) = 21 / 3 = 7

Then  y = 7 x + b

solve for b in:  23 = 7 (3) + b

b = 23 - 21 = 2

Then   y = 7 x + 2

x=a+b+4 and a is inversely proportional to y²; b is inverseley propotional to 1/y. when y = 2 x = 18 and when y = 1 x = -3. find x when y = 4​



When y = 4, x is equal to 39

Step-by-step explanation:

The given parameters are;

x = a + b + 4

a ∝ 1/y²

b ∝ 1/(1/y) = y

When y = 2, x = 18

When y = 1, x = -3

Therefore, we have;

a·y² = j

a = j/y²

b ∝ 1/(1/y)

∴ b ∝ y

b = k·y

When y = 2, x = 18, we have;

a = j/y² = j/2² = j/4

b = k·y = k·2

x = a + b + 4

∴ 18 = j/4 + k·2 + 4...(1)

When y = 1, x = -3, we have;

a = j/y² = j/1² = j

b = k·y = k·1 = k

x = a + b + 4

∴ -3 = j + k + 4...(2)

Making 'j', the subject of equation (1) and (2) gives;

From equation (1), we have;

18 = j/4 + k·2 + 4

∴ j = (18 - 4 - k·2) × 4 = 56 - 8·k

From equation (2), we have;

-3 = j + k + 4

∴ j = -3 - 4 - k = -7 - k

Equating the two values of 'j', gives;

56 - 8·k = -7 - k

56 + 7 = 8·k - k

63 = 7·k

k = 63/7 = 9

k = 9

From equation (2), we get;

-3 = j + k + 4

k = 9

∴ -3 = j + 9 + 4

j = -3 - 9 - 4 = -16

j = -16

When y = 4, we get;

x = a + b + 4

a = j/y²

b = k·y

∴ x = j/y² + k·y + 4

Plugging in the values of 'j', and 'k' and y = 4, gives;

x = (-16)/y² + 9·y + 4

∴ x = (-16)/4² + 9 × 4 + 4 = 39

x = 39


When y = 4, x = 39.




zeros and AoS

Step-by-step explanation:

zeros, x = (1 , -7)

AoS:x =-1

Will be marked brainliest if answered correctly



the second one

Step-by-step explanation:


Hope that answers your question


Just answer it ig-?



30.96 m^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Side length of the square is also the diameter of the semicircle so:

r = 0.5 * 12 m = 6 m

Since you want the area of the shaded area, you have to subtract the area of both semi circles from the area of the square:

Square Area - Semi Circle Area - Semi Circle Area = Shaded Region Area

(12 m * 12 m) - (0.5 * 3.14 * 6^2 m) - (0.5 * 3.14 * 6^2 m)

= 144 - 56.52 - 56.52

= 30.96 m^2

On average, it takes Xavier \large 2\frac{1}{6}hours to drive to his Mom's house. After \large 1\frac{3}{4}hours, how many hours does he have left to drive?


2 because  iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii



Answer:   f(x) = x + 13

This is the same as y = x+13



Let's find the slope

I'll use the first two rows as the (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) points

m = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

m = (19-18)/(6-5)

m = 1/1

m = 1

The slope is 1.

Now apply the point slope formula and solve for y

y - y1 = m(x - x1)

y - 18 = 1(x - 5)

y - 18 = x - 5

y = x-5 + 18

y = x + 13

f(x) = x + 13  is the final answer

As a check, note how something like x = 5 leads to...

f(x) = x+13

f(5) = 5+13 ... replace x with 5

f(5) = 18

We see that x = 5 leads to f(x) = 18. That verifies the first row. I'll let you check the remaining three rows.

The equation y = x+13 has slope 1 and y intercept 13.

Help with this pls HELPP ME PLSSSS



Slope = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Rise = 2

Run = 1

Rise/Run = 2/1 = 2

Ryan bought a brand new car for $18,000. It's value depreciated at a rate of 1.2% write a function to represent the value of the car as a function of time




Step-by-step explanation:



lauren took 12 hours to read a 360 boo.at this rate how long will it take her to read a 400 page book



13.33 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{12}{360} =\frac{x}{400} \\\\360x=4800\\x= 13.33[/tex]

A ladder leaning against a wall makes a 60° angle with the ground. The base of the ladder is 3 m from the building. How high above the ground is the top of the ladder?



The distance is 5.20m

Step-by-step explanation:

Here, we want to get the height of the ladder

To get this, we need to understand that we have a right triangle, with the base of the triangle as 3 m, the angle at the downward part is 60, and we want to get the height of the triangle

The angle here faces the height we want to calculate

This height is known as the opposite

What we have is the adjacent

Now, the trigonometric identity that relates the opposite and the adjacent is the tan

The tangent of an angle is the ratio of the opposite to the adjacent


tan 60 = h/3

h = 3 tan 60

h = 5.20 m

The ladder is at a height of 5.20 m above the ground

Help help help help help help help




Step-by-step explanation:

Volume = 4 * h * 7 / 2 = 14h

35/14 = h

Help I just want to know if this is cos, sin, or tan?

(This is geometry)



it's cosine

Step-by-step explanation:

cos45° = x/17

cos = adjacent / hypotenuse

cos 45° = x/17

17 cos 45° = x

x = 12.0202...

x = 12.0 (nearest tenth)

Jean junction is selling jeans at 12% off the regular price. The regular price is $32.00 per pair. What is the discount amount


Discount amount is 3.75 I think!

Which equation shows how to find how much taller Samuel's dad is than Samuel?


Answer: you will either Add or Multiply

Step-by-step explanation:

if the volume is 120, the length is 6 and the height is 5 what is the width?


The width is 4. 6lx5hx4w=120 volume
The equation is length times with times height so 6 x X x 5 = 120

Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at math.Please don't put a link to a website.​



3, 50, 2

Step-by-step explanation:

By multiplying all terms by 5, we are trying to remove the fraction on the left hand side. On the right hand side of the equation, expand the bracket by multiplying 5 to each term in the bracket.

3(n +25)= 5(10) +5([tex] \frac{2}{5} n[/tex])

3(n +25)= 50 +2n

To find the value of n, expand the bracket on the left hand side:

3(n) +3(25)= 50 +2n

3n +75= 50 +2n

Bring all n terms to one side, constants to the other:

3n -2n= 50 -75

n= -25

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