m∠IJK=155° and m∠ZJK=35°. Find m/∠IJZ


Answer 1
120° because 155-35=120 since IJZ is inside the IJK so you would have to subtract the ZJK from the IJZ.

Related Questions

Pls answer this for me​



A) 216in squared

Step-by-step explanation:

6 / 2 = 3

4 * 3 = 12

12 * 2 = 24

5 * 12 = 60

60 * 2 = 120

6 * 12 = 72

24 + 72 + 120 = 216in^2

Hope this helped! Have a nice day! Plz mark as brainliest!!! :D


Data represented by quantities is called data.


Four types of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) that represent values or observations that can be sorted into a category

what is 1235X76678 what is it




Ur welcome

Step-by-step explanation:




[tex]1235 x 76678 = 94697330[/tex]

A square has vertices at the points A(-4,-4), B(-5,-4), C(-5,-3), and D(-4,-3). What is the area of this square? A. 1 square unit B. 4 square units C. 9 square units D. 2 square units



Step-by-step explanation:

The length of AB = 1 unit.

area of square = 1² unit² = 1 square unit.

Answer:it is 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Write an exponential equation with (1, 8) and (2,32)




Step-by-step explanation:

exponential equation in form y=ab^x

sub both point and solve



equation (2)/(1):




A pair of athletic shoes costs ​90$. If the inflation rate remains constant at 4​%, write an algebraic rule to determine the​ cost, c(t), of the shoes after t years. ​c(t) =





c(t)=3,6t + 90

Paz has $18 in her wallet. This is 3 times the money in her pocket. Write and solve an equation to find how much money Paz has in her pocket.



x= 6

6 dollars in pocket



Step-by-step explanation:

Sarah is saving money to buy a jacket that costs $47. She has already saved $25. Write an equation to find out how much more money Sarah needs to save, using x, to represent how much more she needs to save.

Evaluate the expression: 20 - 2^4




Step-by-step explanation:

1) Simplify 2⁴ to 16.

[tex]20 - 16[/tex]

2) Simplify.


Therefor, the answer is 4.


20 - 2^4 =4

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the perimeter of this semi-circle with diameter, d = 45cm. Give your answer rounded to 1 DP.



P = 70.6 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

The diameter of the semicircle, d = 45 cm

Radius, r = 22.5 cm

We need to find the perimeter of the semicircle. The formula for the perimeter of a semicircle is given by :

[tex]P=\pi r\\\\P=\pi \times 22.5\\\\P=70.6\ cm[/tex]

So, the required perimeter is 70.6 cm.

DE is a midsegment of AABC. Find the value of x.
O A. 39
O B. 15
O C. 19.5
O D. 13


It’s C the multiple value of W

Add: look at the picture



5 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

the 3/4 is a fraction

Have a nice day:)


5 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

2 + 2/3 + 3 + 1/12

2+3= 5

2/3 + 1/12 <<-- Find the LCD

8/12 + 1/12 = 9/12 <-- Reduce the fraction

9/12 = 3/4

5 + 3/4 = 5 3/4

Find the area of a circle that has a circumference of 12π in.



a = 1.91

Step-by-step explanation:

12 = 2π(r)

12/2 = 2π(r)/2

dividing by 2


6 = π(r)

you then divide this by π, or 3.14

6/3.14 = π(r)/3.14



MADD (Mother's Against Drunk Drivers) wishes to estimate the proportion of adult drivers that have run at least one red light in the last month. A poll is conducted on a simple random sample of adult drivers and it is found that out of 1251 adult drivers, 641 of them have run at least one red light in the last month. You will be finding a 90% confidence interval for the fraction of adult drivers that run at least one red light in the last month.
Check that the normality assumptions are met?
Interpret the confidence interval obtained.



Normality assumptions are met.

The 90% confidence interval for the proportion of adult drivers that run at least one red light in the last month is (0.4892, 0.5356). The interpretation is that we are 90% sure that the true proportion of all adult drivers than ran at least one red light in the last month is between these bounds.

Step-by-step explanation:

In a sample with a number n of people surveyed with a probability of a success of [tex]\pi[/tex], and a confidence level of [tex]1-\alpha[/tex], we have the following confidence interval of proportions.

[tex]\pi \pm z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}}[/tex]

In which

z is the zscore that has a pvalue of [tex]1 - \frac{\alpha}{2}[/tex].

Out of 1251 adult drivers, 641 of them have run at least one red light in the last month.

This means that [tex]n = 1251, \pi = \frac{641}{1251} = 0.5124[/tex]

Normality assumptions:

We need that: [tex]n\pi[/tex] and [tex]n(1-\pi)[/tex] are 10 or greater. So

[tex]n\pi = 1251*0.5124 = 641[/tex]

[tex]n(1-\pi) = 1251*0.4876 = 610[/tex]

So the normality assumptions are met.

90% confidence level

So [tex]\alpha = 0.1[/tex], z is the value of Z that has a pvalue of [tex]1 - \frac{0.1}{2} = 0.95[/tex], so [tex]Z = 1.645[/tex].

The lower limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi - z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.5124 - 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.5124*0.4876}{1251}} = 0.4892[/tex]

The upper limit of this interval is:

[tex]\pi + z\sqrt{\frac{\pi(1-\pi)}{n}} = 0.5124 + 1.645\sqrt{\frac{0.5124*0.4876}{1251}} = 0.5356[/tex]

The 90% confidence interval for the proportion of adult drivers that run at least one red light in the last month is (0.4892, 0.5356). The interpretation is that we are 90% sure that the true proportion of all adult drivers than ran at least one red light in the last month is between these bounds.

Individual bottles of water are filled by a machine at a factory with an amount of water that is approximately normal with a mean of 505\,\text{mL}505mL505, start text, m, L, end text and a standard deviation of 10\,\text{mL}10mL10, start text, m, L, end text. A random sample of 161616 bottles is selected for a quality inspection. What is the probability that the mean amount of water in these 161616 bottles \bar x x ˉ x, with, \bar, on top is within 5\,\text{mL}5mL5, start text, m, L, end text of the population mean?



P(500<  xˉ <510)≈0.95

Step-by-step explanation:

Khan Academy

Pls help it's due tonight!!!


i think AB is 3!!

i hope i’m right good luck ,:D



3÷ (15+3) = AB ÷ (12+AB)

AB = 2.4

At Store A, a 60-ounce bag of shelled walnuts costs $11.99. At Store B, a 4-pound bag of shelled walnuts costs $11.99. Shelled walnuts are a better deal at
Store A or Store B



Store B

Step-by-step explanation:

16 and 3/5 - 4 and 4/5 equals


The answer is 11 4/5



Step-by-step explanation:

16 and 3/5 = 83/5

4 and 4/5 = 24/5

83/5 - 24/5 = 59/5

5x^2-4x=6 help!!! Thank you in advance !


the answer is c ahaha you’re welcome


x = 2 ± √34/5

Step-by-step explanation:

Move terms to the left side.

5x^2 - 4x = 6

5x^2 - 4x -6 = 0

Identify a, b, and c before plugging them into the quadratic formula.

a = 5

b = -4

c = -6

x = -(-4) ± √(-4)^2 - 4 * 5(-6)/2 * 5

Then simplify.

Valeria and Christina both want to run for class president. In order to appear on the ballot,
they must collect a certain number of signatures. So far, Valeria has 26 signatures and
Christina has 53. Now, Valeria is collecting signatures at a rate of 6 per day, whereas
Christina is collecting 3 signatures per day.
Assuming that their rates stay the same, the two will eventually collect the same number of
signatures. How many signatures will they both have at that time? How many days will it



10 days

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the measure of arc PSR? *

75 degrees
260 degrees



it most likely would be 260 degrees

The measures of the angles of a triangle are shown in the figure below. Solve for x.


Answer: 23

Step-by-step explanation:

x = 90 - 67

x = 23

Sandy brought 64 dozen cookies to the bake sale. Alejandro brought
dozen fewer cookies than Sandy brought. Pierre brought 2 dozen
fewer cookies than Alejandro brought. How many dozen cookies
did Pierre bring?


Sandy - 64 dozens = 768 single cookies.
Alejandro - 62 dozens = 744 single cookies.
Pierre - 60 dozens = 720 single cookies.

Pierre brought 720 cookies. You solve this by understanding that one dozen = 12 and multiplying 12 by the given number of dozens each student brought to find out the exact amount of single cookies. Hope this helped !

Write a cosine function that has a midline of 2, an amplitude of 4 and a period of


Answer: f(x) = 4*cos(pi*(6/8)*x) + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

A generic cosine function is written as:

f(x) = A*cos(w*x + p) + M


A = amplitude

w = angular frequency

p = phase

M = midline.

We know that:

the midline is 2, then  M = 2

the amplitude is 4, then A  = 4

There is no information about the phase, so p = 0.

And we know that the period is 8/3.

The period is written as T, and the relation between the period and the angular frequency is:

T = 2*pi/w

Then we have:

8/3 = 2*pi/w

w = (2*pi)*(3/8) = pi*(6/8)

where pi = 3.14

Then we have:

w =  pi*(6/8)

A = 4

M = 2

p = 0

Then the cosine function is:

f(x) = 4*cos(pi*(6/8)*x) + 2.

At what rate per annum compound
interest will N4000 amount to N5353
in 5 years?​


Answer: Just look it up on goo gle

Step-by-step explanation:

The rate per annum compound interest is approximately 11.5%.

To find the rate per annum compound interest, we can use the formula for compound interest:

[tex]A = P(1 + r/n)^{nt}[/tex]


A = the final amount (N5353 in this case)

P = the principal amount (N4000 in this case)

r = the annual interest rate (what we want to find)

n = the number of times interest is compounded per year (assuming once per year)

t = the number of years (5 years in this case)

Now, we can plug in the values:

[tex]N5353 = N4000(1 + r/1)^{1*5}[/tex]

Divide both sides by N4000:

[tex]1.33825 = (1 + r)^5[/tex]

Now, isolate (1 + r) by taking the fifth root of both sides:

[tex]1 + r = (1.33825)^{1/3}\\1 + r \approx 1.115[/tex]

Now, subtract 1 from both sides to find the interest rate (r):

r ≈ 1.115 - 1

r ≈ 0.115

Finally, convert the interest rate to a percentage:

r ≈ 0.115 * 100

r ≈ 11.5%

To know more about rate:



Simplify the following expression:
(i-3) +6i-3(8 - i)
A. 21+7
B. -27 +10;
C. 14 +6;
D. 8 +41


The complex expression (i-3) +6i-3(8 - i) when simplified is -27 + 10i

How to simplify the complex expression

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

(i-3) +6i-3(8 - i)

Express properly

So, we have

(i - 3) + 6i - 3(8 - i)

When the brackets are opened, we have

(i - 3) + 6i - 3(8 - i) = i - 3 + 6i - 24 + 3i

Collect the like terms

So, we have

(i - 3) + 6i - 3(8 - i) = - 3  - 24 + i + 6i + 3i

Evaluate the like terms

So, we have

(i - 3) + 6i - 3(8 - i) = -27 + 10i

Hence, the complex expression when simplified is -27 + 10i

Read more about expression at



Solve the solution of this inequality


Answer: d


Step-by-step explanation: that’s the answer buddy

Answer: X is less than or equal to 3.

I am 100% sure it's right.

Step-by-step explanation:

2x3/12 as a fraction




Step-by-step explanation:




[tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]--> 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

3x2=6. half of 12 is 6 and so you would make it 6/12 or aka 1/2

Please help and show work


The answer should be X= 3.60m

Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by the given curves about the specified line. Sketch the region, the solid, and a typical disk or washer. y2=x,x=2yy 2 =x,x=2y; about the y-axis



Step-by-step explanation:

From the first image attached below, we will see the sketch of the curve x = y² & x = 2y

In the picture connected underneath, the concealed locale(shaded region) is bounded by the given curves. Now, we discover the marks of the crossing point of the curves. These curves will cross, when:

[tex]y^2 =2 y \\ \\ or y^2 -2y = 0 \\ \\ y(y-2) = 0 \\ \\ y = 0 \ \ or \ \ y = 2[/tex]

Thus, the shaded region fall within the interval 0 ≤ y ≤ 2

Now, from the subsequent picture appended we sketch the solid acquired by turning the concealed region about the y-axis.

For the cross-sectional area of the washer:

[tex]A (y) = \pi (outer \ radius)^2 - \pi ( inner \ radius )^2 \\ \\ A(y) = \pi (2y^)2- \pi (y^)^2 \\ \\ A(y) = 4 \pi y^2 - \pi y^4 \\ \\ A(y) = \pi( 4 y^2 -y^4)[/tex]

Finally, the volume of (solid) is:

[tex]V = \int^2_0 A(y) \ dy \\ \\ V = \int^2_0 \pi (4y^2 -y^4) \ dy \\ \\ V = \pi \int^2_0 (4y^2 -y^4) \ dy \\ \\ V = \pi \Big[\dfrac{4}{3}y^3 - \dfrac{y^5}{5} \big ] ^2_0 \\ \\ V = \pi \Big [ \dfrac{4}{3}(2)^3-\dfrac{2^3}{5} \Big ] \\ \\ V = \dfrac{64}{15}\pi \\ \\ V = (4.27 ) \pi[/tex]

Answer and explain please ill mark brainliest!!!!!!!!



Yes, Elias got his food before reaching the potluck.

Step-by-step explanation:

Elias left home at 7:00 one morning, determined to make the ten-mile trip to Leaders on a bicycle. Soon thereafter, Elias' parent noticed he had forgotten his potluck dish on the kitchen table, got into the family car, and tried to catch up with the forgetful child. Elias had a fifteen-minute head start, and was pedaling at 12 mph, while the parent pursued at 30 mph. Was Elias reunited with his potluck food before reaching Leaders that day? If so, where? If not, at what time was the food delivered?

Let's set x as the time after the parent leaves as x (time after the first 15-minute headstart)

When the two meet, it means that the distance is equal. Remember, distance = time * speed.

Using this, we know that Elias had a 15-minute headstart at 12 mph, which means that he had 0.25 of an hour. Thus, Elias had a 0.25 * 12 mile headstart.

We can write this equation for the distance Elias traveled.

0.25 * 12 + 12 * x

And this equation for the distance his parent traveled.

30 * x

These equations need to be equal so that the two meet.

0.25 * 12 + 12 * x = 30 * x


3 + 12x = 30x

Subtract 12x from both sides.

3 = 18x

Divide both sides by 18.

x = 1/6

So, it took 1/6 of an hour, which is 10 minutes, for the parent and Elias to meet.

If Elias were to get the food before he reached the potluck, the distance he traveled (0.25 * 12 + 12 * x) needs to be less than 12.

Plug 1/6 in for x.

0.25 * 12 + 12 * 1/6 =

3 + 2 = 5

Elias traveled 5 miles before his parent met him.

So, Elias did get his food before reaching Leaders.

Just in case, let's double-check this answer.

Using the distance = speed * time formula, we know that time = distance/speed. Elias's parent had to travel 5 miles at 30 mph, so it would have taken 1/6 of an hour to drive 5 miles.

Elias traveled at 12 mph for 1/6 + 1/4 of an hour, so he traveled:

(1/6 + 1/4) * 12 =

(4/24 + 6/24) * 12 =

10/24 * 12 =

120/24 = 5 miles

Thus, the previous answer is right.

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask any questions!

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