mention the scopes of health education in terms of social setting and describe it​ plzzzzzzz ans fast


Answer 1


i think this is what your needing   and i hope it is

Health education. aims to improve individuals' physical, intellectual, emotional. or social health. In order for this to happen, behaviour must. change or adapt as a result of health education campaigns.

home:home is thefirst school of child. she or he learns most of their habits from their , all the members in home should be very careful about their habits and health status. therefore i think home is essential place for health education.

2. school: school is another place where students learn many kinds of information., ideas ,experiences, etc. so the teachers and administration should let all the students know about their health . health education in school motivates and encourages student to use the health services .

3. community: community is a place where people of common rituals and feeling luves together. it is a large area where organization , clubs institutions etc are located so, health education is essential in this place to have a better life and healthy life.


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Which characteristics is most important to look for when choosing a shoe for physical activity?
A:a firm, molded inside to stabilize the foot

B:a sole that is exactly the same height at the heel and the toe

C:a cushioned heel cup to protect the heel from impact

D:a sole at least as wide as the upper part of the shoe


The answer for that is gonna be D

The characteristic that is most important to look for while choosing a sole at least as wide as the upper part of the shoe. The correct option is D.

What is physical activity?

Physical activity is defined by WHO as any bodily movement caused by skeletal muscles that necessitates calorie expenditure.

Physical activity encompasses all movement, whether for recreation, transportation to and from places, or as part of a person's work.

For general training, you'll want a breathable shoe with light support and little to no curve in the sole, allowing you to grip the floor and balance in strength and conditioning moves with your toes.

The most important feature to look for when selecting a sole is that it is at least as wide as the upper part of the shoe.

Thus, the correct option is D.

For more details regarding physical activity, visit:


Mammography is specialized medical imaging that uses a low-dose X-ray system to see inside the breasts. A mammography exam, called a mammogram, aids in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women. Imaging with X-rays involves exposing a part of the body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the body. One recent advance in mammography is digital mammography. With digital mammography, the X-ray film is replaced by electronics that convert X-rays into mammographic pictures of the breasts. This system is similar to those found in digital cameras, and its efficiency enables better pictures with a lower radiation dose.


Radiological Society of North America

What is the purpose of mammography?

treat breast cancer
detect breast cancer
prevent breast cancer
research breast cancer



What is the purpose of mammography?Answer : detect breast cancer ✓


Mammography is specialized medical imaging that uses a low-dose X-ray system to see inside the breasts. A mammography exam, called a mammogram, aids in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women. Imaging with X-rays involves exposing a part of the body to a small dose of ionizing radiation to produce pictures of the inside of the body. One recent advance in mammography is digital mammography. With digital mammography, the X-ray film is replaced by electronics that convert X-rays into mammographic pictures of the breasts. This system is similar to those found in digital cameras, and its efficiency enables better pictures with a lower radiation dose.


Hope it helps


How would you describe in detail the essential elements of a resistance training routine? (utilize sources to support your answer)



When it comes to multisport training, the best method to get answers is to learn more about the ideas that underpin the work you're doing to develop. Because of the concepts of specificity, progression, overload, adaptability, and reversibility, it is critical to practice regularly and regularly if you want to enhance your skill.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainlinieast.



1, 2& 4th bullet I think is correct
First second and third one

2. Which part of the body is affected by stress when it shows sign of issues with
mood, anger and depression





brain holds sad because yeah

A type of somatoform disorder characterized by a pattern of physical complaints that have no apparent physical origin is __________. conversion disorder somatization disorder stress disorder hypochondriasis



somatization disorder


Somatization disorder show  pattern of physical complaints that have no apparent physical origin.

What is somatization disorder?

It is a form of somatoform disorder in which a person continously complain about physical pain but no physical symptoms are present.

What is somatoform disorder?

It is a form of mantel illness that cause one or more bodily symptoms, including pain.

To know more about somatization disorder here


The answer to this volleyball pé question


A. Setter outside hitter.

A way to remember this is setter. Its always a defensive position whoms job is to return spike and serve.

No matter what defense you are playing – middle back, middle (setter) up, rotation, etc., you should begin by teaching your team the FOUR POSITIONS of defense.

Hope this helps!

Have a great day!

-Hailey: D

Are you able to eat more calories and still have the same body composition if you eat healthy food?





I say this because eating more is bad if u haven't heard the phrase less is more than that's true now I'm not saying starve yourself but I am saying that not over eat healthy foods because they to sometimes contain more than junk.

Information in advertising is likely to have a ___________

A. Bias
B. Conflict
C. Positive message
D. Negative message


The information is likely to be bias

You are working in the kitchen of a busy restaurant and you are expecting a large crowd to come in later. You should __________.

remove the food from the refrigerator but prepare it when it is needed

prepare only non-dairy items ahead of time and finish the rest as needed

prepare food only as needed

prepare as much as you think necessary to reduce customer wait times


The last answer seems logical

You are working in the kitchen of a busy restaurant and you are expecting a large crowd to come in later. You should prepare only non-dairy items ahead of time and finish the rest as needed. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

What are the things you must keep in mind while working in a kitchen?

The things that must be kept in mind while working in a kitchen are as follows:

Always use different chopping boards for raw meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. in order to prevent cross-contamination.Always install a fire extinguisher and know the process of using it. Don't forget to wash your hands before cooking.Always wear safe clothing that prevents the cause of burning.

According to the context of this question, when an individual is working in the kitchen of a busy restaurant and he/she is expecting a large crowd to come in later. For this, an individual needs to prepare some sort of non-dairy products or items ahead of time and finish the rest as needed.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about the Working principle of a kitchen, refer to the link:


What is an example of an activity with a moderate amount of physical activity?



Biking Up Steep hill Terrains.


The chemical process by which a broken down to release energy is called?


exothermic reactions I think
this process is called catabolism

Which of the following is NOT a method used to evaluate body composition?
Body weight
Skinfold measurement
Hydrostatic weighing



I believe it is C.


I take a personal fitness trainer class and the normal p.e currently.

What is not a a common material used to make cutting boards



Glass or marble is not a common material used for making cutting boards.

Hope this helps!

Mark me brainliest if I'm right :)

what is a stroke play



A stroke game is a game of golf in which the score is reckoned by counting the number of strokes taken overall.

what are the functions of joints.​



A joint has two main functions: to allow mobility of the skeletal system and to provide a protective enclosure for vital organs.

A nursing assistant was planning on going into a patient’s room to talk over the plan of the day with her. The patient is now unresponsive. How should the nursing assistant modify his expected behavior?

A. reduce or stop communication with the patient
B. continue to communicate with the patient even if nonverbally
C. leave the patient alone to respect the patient’s privacy
D. let the patient be unresponsive for as long as she needs



let the patient be unresponsive for as long as she needs


please mark me as brainliest

Question #7
Multiple Choice
When an athlete is injured, it's important to always do what the coach says.
O True
O False



it depends on who the role you are playing


If you are an athlete then true listen to coach

But if are a medic you no more than the coach so then it would be false

hope this helps




you could have a very dangerous injury that the coach doesn't know about and tells that its ok to play, but it just makes your injury worse.

for girls/ women only:

what should i do on my period like what should i have and use for cramps and etc



You shoud use a heat pack


It helps reduce the pain hope u fell better i just finished my period

Which medication needs a doctor's prescription?



Prescription drugs legally require require a medical prescription to be dispensed. In contrast, over-the-counter drugs can be obtained without a prescription.

Acne,isotretinon,isotretinoin is a medicine used to treat very bad acne. Antibiotics: when they can and cant help. Antihistamines.asthma,medicines that can make it worse. Beta-blockers for heart problems.chickenpox vaccine.cholesterol-lowering machines.chronic pain medicines

Pls help me asap thx a lot​


Why should teenage males conduct testicular exams ?

O Digestive Issues

O Checking for unusual lumps

O Sperm production

O Checking hernia


O Checking for unusual lumps

Hope I help

Good Luck

Checking for unusual lumps

Match the food portion with its equivalent serving size.

1. 1.5 cups of pasta
2. 4 tablespoons of peanut butter
3. 3 ounces of meat


1 serving
2 servings
3 servings



Pasta=3 servings, Peanut Butter=2 servings,Meat=1 serving

The root word "dermis" refers to the skin. Which term refers to the outside layer of skin?



Epidermis refers to the outermost layer of skin.
Epidermis is the outermost layer of skin.

Explain how, in a carbonated liquid, the gas separates from a liquid.​



Cans of carbonated soft drinks contain carbon dioxide under pressure so that the gas dissolves in the liquid drink. ... It's difficult for the gas to escape from an undisturbed liquid because of the liquid's surface tension, which is the energy required to separate the liquid molecules from one another as a bubble forms.

Select the correct answer.
Which of the following reasons explains why the Sit and Reach Test is a very popular way to evaluate flexibility?
Because the test examines several joints of the body.
Because the test examines joints that are used in many different sport movements, work activities, and activities of daily living.
Because it helps identify individuals with low-back problems.
All of the above



Hi! I think the answer you're looking for is letter D, since the Sit and Reach test examines joints and helps show if a person has lower back issues. If A is true then B would be also, and C is also true. I hope this helps!


What are the 4 sources of air pollution?
O Mobile, Natural, Area, and Stationary
Stationary, Area, Mobile, and Transferable
O Mobile, Toxic, Natural, and Stationary
O Area, Mobile, Enhanced, and Natural



stationary area mobile Transferable


they all dirty the air

b because they all dirty air

which of these yoga poses would be BEST for strengthening quadricep muscles?
1. downward dog
2. cobra
3. warrior 1
4. starfish



warrior 1


it is rigorous and it taps into your inner muscle and improve the quadriceps muscle

3. Warrior 1
It uses the quadriceps muscles as the others do not.

Why is giving yourself up to 24-48 hours between exercise important to your overall health? (1 point)


Rest is essential for muscle growth. Exercise creates microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. But during rest cells called fibroblasts also help and repair it. Helps tissue repair and grow resulting in stronger muscles.

Rest is essential for muscle growth. Exercise creates microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. But during rest cells called fibroblasts also help and repair it. Helps tissue repair and grow resulting in stronger muscles.

Why exercises is important?

To maintain proper health and weight, a person should associate aerobic exercises with muscle toning exercises.

While aerobic exercise will be good for the circulatory system and heart, muscle exercise will be important for toning and increasing a person's lean mass.

Thus, Rest is essential for muscle growth.

To learn more about Exercise  click here:


If yo leg got cut off where you gonna feel the pain



Where?After you have part of your arm or leg amputated, there's a chance you could feel pain in the limb that's no longer there. This is known as phantom limb pain.


~Hope this helps
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