Match these items.
1. effect observed when light from an object in cool air passes through warm air
2. line perpendicular to a surface
3. splitting of light into its component colors angle of incidence
4. alignment of light into a single vibrational direction
5. larger angle as light passes from air to water
6. cause of the sky's color
7. bouncing of light rays reflection
8. bending of light between media
9. ratio of speeds of light
10. inability of light to escape a low-velocity medium due to a large angle of approach refraction
a. scattering
c.angle of incidence
d.index of refraction
g.normal inertial reflection


Answer 1


1. effect observed when light from an object in cool air passes through warm air

→ h. total internal reflection

2. line perpendicular to a surface

→ g. normal.

3. splitting of light into its component colors angle of incidence

→ b. dispersion.

4. alignment of light into a single vibrational direction

→ i. polarization

5. larger angle as light passes from air to water

→ c. angle of incidence

6. cause of the sky's color

→ f. reflection

7. bouncing of light rays reflection

→ f. reflection

8. bending of light between media

→ j. refraction.

9. ratio of speeds of light

→ d. index of refraction.

10. inability of light to escape a low-velocity medium due to a large angle of approach refraction

→ scattering.

Related Questions

What is the centripetal force for a roller coaster if the mass is 10 kg and the normal force is 25 N?



Fc = 123 Newton


Net force can be defined as the vector sum of all the forces acting on a body or an object i.e the sum of all forces acting simultaneously on a body or an object.

Mathematically, net force is given by the formula;

[tex] Fnet = Fapp + Fg[/tex]


Fnet is the net force.

Fapp is the applied force.

Fg is the force due to gravitation.

Given the following data;

Normal force = 25N

Mass = 10kg

To find the centripetal force;

From the net force, we have the following formula;

Fc = N + mg


Fc is the centripetal force.

N is the normal force.

mg is the the weight of the object.

Substituting into the formula, we have;

Fc = 25 + 10(9.8)

Fc = 25 + 98

Fc = 123 Newton

Platinum is used in resistance thermometer for industrial applications because of?


platinum is used because it is more stable, provides accurate results and has a broad temperature range.

Biodiversity decline poses a problem in an ecosystem because



Biodiversity decline continues due to a rapidly expanding human population. Habitat is damaged in order to meet growing needs for agriculture, urban development, water and materials. Fish, wildlife and plants are overharvested, despite mounting evidence that many harvesting practices are unsustainable.

Please help, confused on this whole lesson



1,4,3and 2 would happen hope this helps

When silver nitrate and beryllium chloride react, silver chloride and beryllium nitrate form. What are the coefficients in this equation? (Note: Be sure to keep the reactants and products in the same order that they appear in the question.)
A. 2,1,1,2
B. 1,2,2,1
C. 1,2,1,2
D. 2,1,2,1 ​



D. 2,1,2,1 ​


The equation of the reaction is; 2AgNO3 + BeCl2 + ---------》2AgCl + Be(NO3)2

The rule applied in balancing chemical reaction equation is that the number of atoms of each element on the reactants side must be the same as the number of atoms of the same element on the products sides.

If this rule is properly applied to the reaction between silver nitrate and beryllium chloride to form silver chloride and beryllium nitrate , the coefficients in the equation are;  2,1,2,1

a solid cubic centimeter of platinum weighs 21.5 N. if this cube of platinum is placed under water, what volume of water is displaced? what weight of water is displaced? (Hints: 1 cm3 of water has a mass of 1 gram; 1 gram weighs 0.0098 N; density of platinum = 21.5 g/cm3.)



Mp =Pp g    where p = density of solid Platinum

Wp  = Mp Pp g     weight of mass M

Volume displaced is 1 cm^3

Weight of water = .0098 N   since 1 cm^3 displaced

Or Ww = 1 cm^3 * .001 kg / cm^3 * 9.8 N/kg = .0098 N

When an object is fully converted into energy the amount of energy liberated is
3.6×1017 J, what is the mass of the substance?



Mass, m = 4 kg


Given the following data;

Energy = 3.6 * 10^17 Joules

We know that the speed of light is equal to 3 * 10⁸ m/s.

To find the mass of the substance;

The theory of special relativity by Albert Einstein gave birth to one of the most famous equation in science.

The equation illustrates, energy equals mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light.

Mathematically, the theory of special relativity is given by the formula;

[tex] E = mc^{2} [/tex]


E is the energy possessed by a substance.m is the mass.c is the speed of light.

Substituting into the formula, we have;

[tex] 3.6 * 10^{17} = m * 300000000^{2} [/tex]

[tex] 3.6 * 10^{17} = m * 9*10^{16} [/tex]

[tex] m = \frac {3.6 * 10^{17}}{9*10^{16}} [/tex]

Mass, m = 4 kg

Please please help me please please help please please




The rainbow is created because the index of refraction of water droplets changes as a function of wavelength. So, when the light enters the water droplet different colors will bend at different angles thus producing a dispersive effect known as a rainbow.


D: Refraction


Refraction is the spitting of the electromagnetic spectrum, or the disembling of colours. For example, white is a mixture of all the colours.

g 2. In a laboratory experiment on standing waves a string 3.0 ft long is attached to the prong of an electrically driven tuning fork which vibrates perpendicular to the length of the string at a frequency of 60 Hz. The weight (not mass) of the string is 0.096 lb. a) [5 pts] What tension must the string be under (weights are attached to the other end) if it is to vibrate in four loops



The tension in string will be "3.62 N".


The given values are:

Length of string:

l = 3 ft


 = 0.9144 m


f = 60 Hz


= 0.096 lb


= 0.0435 kgm/s²


The mass will be:

= [tex]\frac{0.0435}{9.8}[/tex]

= [tex]0.0044 \ kg[/tex]

As we know,

⇒  [tex]\lambda=\frac{2L}{n}[/tex]

On substituting the values, we get

⇒     [tex]=\frac{2\times 0.9144}{4}[/tex]

⇒     [tex]=0.4572 \ m[/tex]


⇒  [tex]v=f \lambda[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=0.4572\times 60[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=27.432 \ m/s[/tex]


⇒  [tex]v=\sqrt{\frac{T}{\mu} }[/tex]


⇒  [tex]T=\frac{m}{l}\times v^2[/tex]

On putting the above given values, we get

⇒      [tex]=\frac{0.0044}{0.9144}\times (27.432)^2[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=\frac{752.51\times 0.0044}{0.9144}[/tex]

⇒      [tex]=3.62 \ N[/tex]

The figure below shows regions of the electromagnetic
Radio Microwaves Infrared Visible Ultraviolet X-rays Rays
Which of the following waves has the highest frequency?



The electromagnetic spectrum in order of increasing frequency is - radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.

The frequency of the gamma rays is >3×10



Hence, the gamma rays has the maximum frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.

A diver comes off a board with arms straight up and legs straight down, giving her a moment of inertia about her rotation axis of 18kg⋅m2. She then tucks into a small ball, decreasing this moment of inertia to 3.6kg⋅m2. While tucked, she makes two complete revolutions in 1.2s.

If she hadn't tucked at all, how many revolutions would she have made in the 1.5 s from board to water?



θ₁ = 0.5 revolution


We will use the conservation of angular momentum as follows:



I₁ = initial moment of inertia = 18 kg.m²

I₂ = Final moment of inertia = 3.6 kg.m²

ω₁ = initial angular velocity = ?

ω₂ = Final Angular velocity = [tex]\frac{\theta_2}{t_2} = \frac{2\ rev}{1.2\ s}[/tex] = 1.67 rev/s


[tex](18\ kg.m^2)\omega_1 = (3.6\ kg.m^2)(1.67\ rev/s)\\\\\omega_1 = \frac{(3.6\ kg.m^2)(1.67\ rev/s)}{(18\ kg.m^2)}\\\\\omega_1 = \frac{\theta_1}{t_1} = 0.333\ rev/s\\\\\theta_1 = (0.333\ rev/s)t_1[/tex]


θ₁ = revolutions if she had not tucked at all = ?

t₁ = time = 1.5 s


[tex]\theta_1 = (0.333\ rev/s)(1.5\ s)\\[/tex]

θ₁ = 0.5 revolution

An echo is heard from a building 0.4 s after you shout "hello." How many feet away is
the building if the air temperature is 27°C? (Velocity of sound in air at 0°C is 1087 ft/s)



Circular motion: find period, find radius, find velocity, find centripetal acceleration 27 V= T a =vºlr=rw


A cargo spacecraft was orbiting the earth. It is equipped with rocket and has an initial mass of 30 metric ton. It wants to catch up with the international space station to deliver the cargo. So its rocket engine was fired for 1 minute. The engine ejects mass at a rate of 30 kg/s with an exhaust velocity of 3.1 km/s. The pressure at the nozzle exit is 5 kPa and the diameter of exit area is 94.4 cm. What is the thrust of the engine in a vacuum




A cargo spacecraft was orbiting the earth. It is equipped with rocket and has an initial mass of 30 metric ton. It wants to catch up with the international space station to deliver the cargo. So its rocket engine was fired for 1 minute. The engine ejects mass at a rate of 30 kg/s with an exhaust velocity of 3.1 km/s. The pressure at the nozzle exit is 5 kPa and the diameter of exit area is 94.4 cm. What is the thrust of the eng

TAKE 100 POINTS!!!please help look the picture​!!!!​



A major challenge in the drug delivery field is to enhance transport of therapeutics across biological barriers such as the blood brain barrier (BBB), the small intestine, nasal, skin and the mouth mucosa.


An aqueous stagnant layer that overlies the apical membrane and the subepithelial blood flow are potential barriers to the absorption of drugs that readily penetrate the absorbing cell of the epithelium. The apical, basal, and basement membranes are potential barriers to the absorption of less permeable drugs

A polar bear walks 2.5 meters to the right and then back to the left to exactly where he started. His displacement would be
5 meters
2.5 meters
O meters
No way to determine with given information


C. 0 metres
The displacement is 2.5 m -2.5 m which is zero

Two creatures sit on a horizontal frictional rotating platform. The platform rotates at a constant speed. The creatures do not slip off as it rotates.


Red has a mass of 5 kg

Red is 1.5 m from the center

Red has a speed of 9 m/s

Blue has a mass of 25 kg

Blue has a speed of 1.8 m/s

The force of friction on Red is EQUAL to the force of friction on Blue


How far from the center is Blue



M v^2 / R = centripetal force

For Red: M v^2 / R = 5 * 9^2 / 1.5 = 270

For Blue M v^2 / R = 270 = 25 * 1.8^2 / Rb

So Rb = 25 * 1.8^2 / 270 = .3 m

A cup has a mass of 0.0650 kg and a
volume of 0.000250 m3, and is floating in fresh water. Pennies are put into the
cup until the top of the cup is level with the water line. What is the mass of the
pennies in the cup?


Answer: 0.185


Trust bro

The correct answer about law of floatation is, “0.185 kg”.

What are the conditions for object to float on water?The object's average density must be lower than the density of the fluid in which it must float.The fluid's upward push force on the item must match the object's entire weight.The objects's volume which is submerged in water has to be large enough so that a large amount of water can be displaced.

What is law of floatation?

When a body which is floating in a liquid, the amount of weight of liquid that is displaced by the body's submerged portion equals the body's total weight.

How to solve this question?

Volume of water that the cup has displaced = volume of cup

Volume of water that the cup has displaced = 0.000250 m³

Mass of water the cup has displaced = Density of water × Volume of water that the cup has displaced

Given that 1000 kg/m³ is the water density,

Mass of water the cup has displaced = 1000 X 0.000250 = 0.250 kg

Mass of water the cup has displaced = 0.250 kg

By law of flotation

Mass of water the cup has displaced = Mass of cup + Mass of pennies

0.250 Kg = 0.065 Kg + Mass of pennies in the cup (in Kg)

Mass of pennies in the cup = 0.250 - 0.065

Mass of pennies in the cup = 0.185 kg

Hence the mass of the pennies in cup came out be 0.185 Kg after solving.

Learn more about Law of floatation and Archimedes' principle here:


A bat emits a 40 kHz chirp to locate flying insects. If the speed of sound is 340 m/s and a bat hears the echo from the moth after 0.6 seconds, then how far away is the moth?


102 m


The time 0.6 sec is the time it took for the sound to travel from the bat to the moth and back. So it took 0.3 sec for the sound to reach the moth. From the definition of speed, the distance of the moth d to the bat is given by

v = d/t ---> d = vt = (340 m/s)(0.3 sec) = 102 m

Learning Goal: To understand the concept of moment of inertia and how it depends on mass, radius, and mass distribution.
In rigid-body rotational dynamics, the role analogous to the mass of a body (when one is considering translational motion) is played by the body's moment of inertia. For this reason, conceptual understanding of the motion of a rigid body requires some understanding of moments of inertia. This problem should help you develop such an understanding.
The moment of inertia of a body about some specified axis is I = cmr^2, where c is a dimensionless constant, m is the mass of the body, and r is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation. Therefore, if you have two similarly shaped objects of the same size but with one twice as massive as the other, the more massive object should have a moment of inertia twice that of the less massive one. Furthermore, if you have two similarly shaped objects of the same mass, but one has twice the size of the other, the larger object should have a moment of inertia that is four times that of the smaller one.
Two spherical shells have their mass uniformly distrubuted over the spherical surface. One of the shells has a diameter of 2 meters and a mass of 1 kilogram. The other shell has a diameter of 1 meter. What must the mass m of the 1-meter shell be for both shells to have the same moment of inertia about their centers of mass?



 m₂ = 4 kg


The moment of inertia is defined by

         I = ∫ r² dm

for bodies with high symmetry it is tabulated, for a spherical shell

        I = 2/3 m r²

in this case the first sphere has a radius of r₁ = 2m and a mass of m₁ = 1 kg, the second sphere has a radius r₂ = 1m.

They ask what is the masses of the second spherical shell so that the moment of inertia of the two is the same.

        I₁ = ⅔ m₁ r₁²

        I₂ = ⅔ m₂ r₂²

They ask that the two moments have been equal

        I₁ = I₂

        ⅔ m₁ r₁² = ⅔ m₂ r₂²

         m₂ = (r₁ / r₂) ² m₁

let's calculate

         m₂ = (2/1) ² 1

         m₂ = 4 kg

Two organisms that can reproduce and produce fertile offspring are defined as a: *


A species is often defined as a group of organisms that can reproduce naturally with one another and create fertile offspring.

Science questions!! Please help!!
Post Assessment on Investigating the Immune System
please help!! Please choose the right answers!! Dont guess if you dont know the answers!!


9: A
10: A
11: D
12: A
13: D
14: B
15: A.

Can you please mark me brainliest THANKS
hope this helped

If two speeds are in exact opposite directions, the combined speed is the difference in the speeds.

A. True
B. False


B. False if the speeds are going different directions there speed shall be different
It’s totally false ♥️

How many tons and pounds (like together, not two different numbers) is 9,920 pounds? Please help,



About 5 tons (4.96)

What unit is current measured in?


What unit? I don’t see anything to help you answer.

What is the direction of the magnetic force on a positive charge that moves as shown in each of the six cases shown?



D:because magmetic force are like factor but the angles of MAGNETIC and FACTORS are same as well!!it soposed to be like force and 1 by 1 to be divided and multiply thus...the DECIMAL have nothing to involved!!



What does Binding Energy in the nucleus represent?



Nuclear binding energy is the energy required to split a nucleus of an atom into its component parts: protons and neutrons, or, collectively, the nucleons. The binding energy of nuclei is always a positive number, since all nuclei require net energy to separate them into individual protons and neutrons.

I hope you find this helpful.

The volume of a piece of rock was 18.0 cm^3. The student measured the mass of the piece of rock as 48.6 g. Calculate the density of the rock in g/cm^3.



Density of rock piece = 2.7 g/cm³



Volume of rock piece = 18 cm³

Mass of rock piece = 48.6 gram


Density of rock piece


We know relation between density, mass and volume,

Density = Mass / Volume

Density of rock piece = Mass of rock / Volume of rock

Density of rock piece = 48.6 / 18

Density of rock piece = 2.7 g/cm³

arcsin 0.9331 in degrees​





Just put it into your calculator, shift sin should do it but it will come up like this: [tex]sin^{-1}[/tex] which is the same as arcsin

When monochromatic light of an unknown wavelength falls on a sample of aluminum, a minimum potential of 2.27 V is required to stop all of the ejected photoelectrons. (The work function for aluminum is 4.08 eV.) HINT (a) Determine the maximum kinetic energy (in eV) of the ejected photoelectrons. eV (b) Determine the maximum speed (in m/s) of the ejected photoelectrons. m/s (c) Determine the wavelength in nm of the incident light. nm



a) KE max = 3.632 * 10^{-19}

b) v = 6.31 * 10^5   m/s

c) Lambda = 195 nm


a) Work done is given by equation  

W = V * q = change in kinetic energy = Final KE – Initial KE

Substituting the given values, we get –  

V * 1.6*10^{-19} =0 - Initial KE

KE max = 2.27 * 1.6*10^{-19} = 3.632 * 10^{-19}

b) As we know KE = 0.5 mv^{2}

Substituting the given values, we get –  

3.632 * 10^{-19} = 0.5 * (9.11 * 10^{-31}) v^2

v = 6.31 * 10^5   m/s

c) Incident energy = W + K max

Substituting the given values we get  

hc/lambda = 4.08 * 1.6 * 10^{-19} J + 3.632 * 10^{-19} J

6.626 *10^{-34} * 3*10^8/lambda = 4.08 * 1.6 * 10^{-19} J + 3.632 * 10^{-19} J

Lambda = 1.95 * 10^7

Lambda = 195 nm

An inventor claims to have developed a power cycle capable of delivering a net work output of 400 kJ for an energy input by heat transfer of 1200 kJ. The system undergoing the cycle receives heat from a source of 550K and rejects heat to a sink of 350K. Determine if this is a valid claim.


Answer: Valid claim



Work output is [tex]W=400\ kJ[/tex]

Work input is [tex]Q=1200\ kJ[/tex]

The temperature of the source [tex]T_h=550\ K[/tex]

The temperature of the sink is [tex]T_l=350\ K[/tex]

Efficiency is given by

[tex]\eta =\dfrac{\text{W}}{\text{Q}}\times 100[/tex]

Insert the values

[tex]\Rightarrow \eta=\dfrac{400}{1200}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow \eta=\dfrac{100}{3}\\\\\Rightarrow \eta=33.3\%[/tex]

For ideal cycle it is

[tex]\Rightarrow \eta=\dfrac{T_h-T_l}{T_l}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow \eta=\dfrac{550-350}{550}\times 100\\\\\Rightarrow \eta=36.36\%[/tex]

The efficiency of the cycle is less than the ideal situation, therefore, it is valid claim.

Other Questions
Read the sentences.Centerville's Fourth of July parade was a point of civic pride for almost everyone in the town.Although not every person was in the parade itself, most people helped plan and prepare for it.The root word civ means "citizen." Two words that use this root are civil and civilized. What isthe meaning of civic in the sentences?almost like a citizenboastful of citizensplanned for citizensrelating to a citizenDone > The information below identifies events from around the world that affected Americans.What conclusion can be reached from these events?Communist governments once helped to prevent the spread of terrorism.Terrorism is now a major threat to U.S. national security.Terrorists always make specific demands along with their acts of terror.Terrorists are still not powerful enough to inflict damage on leading nations. Simplify (5/84/3)+ (-3/27/4) Whats is the supplementary angle of 14 degrees. What digit is the most frequent between numbers 1 and 1,000(inclusive)? Confused bab in need What is the surface area of this figure? Round to the nearest tenth if necessary.10 ft12 ft6 ft8 ft (7 + 5) 2 - 4 8 + 3 what is the answer for this? show work too Which fraction can NOT bereplaced with 12 when estimating what type of reaction is Pb + CuCl2 ---> PbCl2 + Cu What activities do you do every day to protect theenvironment? Please someone link me Ideen 2 Arbeitsbuch LSUNGEN (answers) 13. Why was the government established by the Articles of Confederation unable to survive?A It raised too many taxes for the warB. Its powers were too limited,C. The people believed it was unfair,D. It resolved the bankrupt federal government. WHATS THE ANSWER?? ANSWER ASAP Free 5 points !Which word does not belong? descubrirresolverplaticaraveriguarANSWERS1.) C. platicar 2.) D. cuerpo 3.) C. a murderer 4.) B. closed5.) B. to kill can someone help me ? if nick has x+2 more apples than sally and x=23 how much does nick have If a+b = 10 and a-b = 6 then find the value of ab Y=(x-3)(x+5) in general form please help me!!!!!!