Match the vocabulary word with its meaning.

1. subdue
to repeat or say something again
2. contingent
a small group of people belonging to a larger organization
3. deplete
to specifically make an agreement or decision on a matter
4. reiterate
unhurt or undamaged by some occurrence
5. stipulate
to drain or lessen energy, supplies, or anything of value
6. unscathed
to conquer or defeat an army or a person


Answer 1
subdue-conquer or defeat
deplete-drain or lessen energy, etc
reiterate- repeat
unscathed-unhurt or undamaged
stipulate- make an agreement
contingent-small group of people belonging to larger organization

Related Questions

Which statement correctly describes the impact of Hinduism and Confucianism on society?
Both Hinduism and Confucianism divided Indian society into different castes.

Both Hinduism and Confucianism promoted the principles of democracy in society.

While Hinduism promoted the concept of harmony in China, Confucianism divided Indian society into different castes.

While Hinduism divided Indian society into different castes, Confucianism promoted the concept of harmony in China.
please try your best bc this is for a grade if i pass ill give everyone who answered brainliest


I think its B Or C but if I know I will tell you

Fill in the table by explaining the given events, civilizations, people, or places from the early medieval period. Your responses should briefly define or explain each term in your own words.


I can’t see the words. Give me the words in text form so I can better help you.


Western Roman Empire The westernmost of the two empires created by the division of the later Roman Empire, esp after its final severance from the Eastern Roman Empire (395 ad)

Mecca A city in western Saudi Arabia, an oasis town in the Red Sea region of Hejaz, east of Jiddah.

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Muhammad The founder of Islam and the proclaimer of the Qurʾān. Muhammad is traditionally said to have been born in 570 in Mecca and to have died in 632 in Medina, where he had been forced to emigrate to with his adherents in 622.

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Thomas Aquinas Theology and Philosophy. After completing his education, Saint Thomas Aquinas devoted himself to a life of traveling, writing, teaching, public speaking and preaching.

Constantinople The city of Constantinople was the largest and richest city of the Byzantine Empire during the Middle Ages.

Saxons The Saxons were a people from north Germany who migrated to the island of Britain around the 5th century.

Constantine The age of Constantine marked a distinct epoch in the history of the Roman Empire, both for founding Byzantium in the east, as well as his adoption of Christianity as a state religion.

Empress Wu Zetian During her reign, Empress Wu expanded the borders of China by conquering new lands in Korea and Central Asia

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Elections make sure judges stay on their toes, especially where issues important to the people are concerned.



This answer is correct! Have a nice day!


Elections make sure judges stay on their toes as the election of judges are based on fairness which is important for the people's welfare.

What are elections?

Elections refers to choosing the most appropriate candidate among the other candidate who will represent the nation.

The appointment of the judges leads to the selection of the most qualified personnel among others. Elections involves the faireness of appearance. The jugements given by the judges may cost their jobs still they have to work for the deliverence of justice to the people.

Learn more about Judges here:


What was the outcome of the First Crusade?

The Crusaders defeated the Muslims and restored peace to the Holy Land.

The Muslims lost to the Crusaders but remained in control of Jerusalem.

The Muslims destroyed Jerusalem rather than surrender it to the Crusaders.

The Crusaders seized Jerusalem but were forced to defend it for the next one hundred years.


Answer: B, The Crusaders seized Jerusalem but were forced to defend it for the next one hundred years

Explanation: Have a nice day :)


D) The Crusaders seized Jerusalem but were forced to defend it for the next one hundred years.


Name two religious place of bagmati province​



Bagmati Province (Nepali: वाग्मती प्रदेश, Bagmati Pradesh)[1][2] is one of the seven provinces of Nepal established by the constitution of Nepal as of 20 September 2015.[3] With Hetauda as its provincial headquarter,[4] the province is the home to the country's capital Kathmandu, is mostly hilly and mountainous, and hosts mountain peaks including Gaurishankar, Langtang, Jugal, and Ganesh. The province covers an area of 20,300 km2 - about 13.76% of the country's total area, and has an altitude low enough to support deciduous, coniferous, and alpine forests and woodlands. Temperature varies with altitude. Rainfall takes place mainly during the summer.

In Federalism, the power to govern is:

a. given to the people.
b. limited to the national government.
c. given mainly to the state governments.
d. shared between the national and state governments.


Answer: d. shared between the national and state governments.


The answer is D.........

what is the Definition of 1st Amendment



The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition. ... It guarantees freedom of expression by prohibiting Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely.

Using complete sentences, discuss why the populations of highly developed nations often decline. How does a nation’s level of development affect the country’s death rate?



Maybe because many people are not getting care



Because many people are not getting the correct care that they need.


the"father of the Constitution is
a. Thomas Jefferson
b. George Washington
c. Donald Trump
d.James Madison


it is d james madison

How many ways can Rudy choose 5 pizza toppings from a menu of 7 toppings if each topping can only be chosen once?



. Therefore there are four(4) ways in which rudi can choose pizza toppings.28 Jun 2018

Answer: choos 5 toppings

Explanation:you have 5 choices out of 7

For which type of programs would a government most likely use a cost-benefit analysis? Select three options.

changing a school lunch program
building a small or large courthouse
hiring new police officers and firefighters
planning when to repave a road
hiring new teachers for a school



Programs a government would most likely use a cost benefit analysis: changing a school lunch program, hiring new police officers and firefighters, planning when to repave a road and hiring new teachers for a school.

Hope this helps:)

changing a school lunch program, building a small or large courthouse, planning when to repave a road are type of programs a government is most likely use a cost-benefit analysis.

What is cost-benefit analysis?

Businesses utilise a cost-benefit analysis as part of a systematic procedure to determine which options to take and which to ignore. The cost-benefit analyst adds up the potential benefits anticipated from a circumstance or course of action before deducting the overall expenses related to that course of action. Additionally, some consultants or analysts create models to put a monetary value on intangible things like the advantages and disadvantages of relocating to a specific location.

Cost-benefit analysis (CBA), also known as benefit-cost analysis or cost-benefit analysis, is a methodical strategy for determining the advantages and disadvantages of various options. It is used to choose solutions that will maximise savings while achieving benefits in areas including transactions, activities, and functional business requirements. A CBA can be used to assess current and possible courses of action, as well as to calculate or compare a decision's value to its cost. It is frequently used to assess commercial deals, project investments, and judgments about business or policy (especially public policy). For instance, before enacting laws or defragmenting existing ones, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission must perform cost-benefit studies.

There are two primary uses for CBA:

A prudent investment (or decision) is one in which the benefits of the investment outweigh the expenses, and by how much.By contrasting the total estimated cost of each option with its total expected benefits, one can establish a framework for evaluating investments (or choices).

Supporting answer

Hence option A,B,D are correct answers

To learn more about cost-benefit analysis here



Read the passage.

I only wish I had words to serve me to blame those who are fain to extol the worship of men more than that of the sun; for in the whole universe there is nowhere to be seen a body of greater magnitude and power than the sun. Its light gives light to all the celestial bodies which are distributed throughout the universe; and from it descends all vital force, for the heat that is in living beings comes from the soul [vital spark]; and there is no other [center] of heat and light in the universe.

–"In Praise of the Sun”
Leonardo da Vinci

What is da Vinci’s strongest argument in support of his main idea?

-saying the sun is the center of the universe
-talking about the sun being the most powerful star
-explaining why the sun is a necessary part of human life
-using an emotional argument to connect the sun and the soul








I know that this is probibly too late sorry.  :(

Which term means to cancel something? A. repeal B. repeat C. reform D. renew​



repeal :D



A repeal

Explanation: hope this helps

¿Qué tenían de importantes las ciudades de Grecia? ✓ ¿Dónde quedaba Esparta y Atenas ✓ ¿Cómo se llamaba el mecanismo de participación de los griegos? ✓ ¿A quiénes elegían los griegos? ✓ ¿Cuáles eran las clases sociales de Grecia? ✓ ¿Qué legado nos dejó Grecia? ✓ ¿Cómo se llamaban los filósofos griegos? ✓ Investiga la vida de un dios griego :


Las respuestas correctas para estas preguntas abiertas son las siguientes.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder a las preguntas, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿Qué tenían de importantes las ciudades de Grecia?

Su importancia radicaba en que se formaron siendo centros sociales y de poder llamados "Ciudades-Estado," en donde los Griegos tenían sus leyes y se consideraban soberanos, aunque en realidad existía una interdependencia entre esas ciudades.

¿Dónde quedaba Esparta y Atenas?

Atenas se encuentra en el sur del territorio Griego,  y al día de hoy existe como la capital de Grecia. Desde la época de la antigua Grecia, siempre se ha encontrado en el mismo lugar.

Esparta estaba ubicada en la llamada península del Peloponeso, junto al acaudalado Río Eurotas, cerca de los Montes Pargón y Taigueto.

¿Cómo se llamaba el mecanismo de participación de los griegos?

Se llamaba Democracia y el concepto fue desarrollado por un líder llamado Cleístenes.

¿Cuáles eran las clases sociales de Grecia?

Los ciudadanos, quienes eran los dueños de la tierra y tenían propiedad privada. Los ciudan¿danos era la clase prominente, los privilegiados. La potra clase eran los extranjeros residentes en Grecia llamados Metecos. La clase más baja eran los esclavos y servían a los ciudadanos.  

¿Qué legado nos dejó Grecia?

Grecia nos dejó como legado el sistema llamado Democracia, a sus grandes filósofos, una arquitectura preciosa que influyó a Roma, como el el caso del Templo Ateniense llamado el Partenón, y los géneros Drama y Comedia en el teatro Griego.

¿Cómo se llamaban los Filósofos Griegos?

Los más grandes filósofos Griegos fueron Sócrates, Platón, y Aristóteles.

El dios Griego más importante era el gran Zeus, el dios más poderoso y para los Griegos, el Padre de la humanidad. Habitaba en su templo ubicado en el Monte Olimpo, donde precedían todos los dioses del Olimpo. Zeus poseía un rayo luminoso con el combatía a sus enemigos y era invencible.

Why would someone want to live in or near the flood plains of South Asia?



Agriculture: Floodplains are very fertile agricultural areas. They are usually flat  and have few farming obstacles. This means more crops can be grown and there is more profit for farmers and more food for people.

Transportation: Slow-flowing rivers and flat terrain provide great means of transportation corridors. Ships can haul cargo and are usually more effective than roadways.

help quickly please! I'll mark brainliest if correct



Whig party


It would be the second option.
B. Whig party

Write three words or phrases to describe each term?


I think is uh..I think is uh carrot

Can u help fast plz thank u : )


there are 18 boys in the class

Are we born good or bad?




Explanation:We are born good because are actions reflect on what are future will become!


We are born good


Which system has a central government and local units that implement the central government's decisions?



Unitary system


There are three types of government systems :

Unitary System, Federal system, Confederate system

Among the three, the Unitary system is the one where the Central government has the complete power. The local units might not even exist in such a system and even if they do, their only power or job is to implement the decisions that have been taken by the Central Government. Countries like China, United kingdom and France run the governments on Unitary symmetry.

Study the maps showing population movement during the Great Migration.

On the left is a map titled Geography of the Great Migration: Early Years. States highlighted from left to right are Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. People from North Carolina migrated to Washington D C and Baltimore. People from South Carolina migrated to Philadelphia and New York City. People from Georgia migrated to Cleveland. People from Alabama migrated to Detroit. People from Mississippi migrated to Chicago. On the right is a map titled Geography of the Great Migration: Later Years. States highlighted left to right are Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. In addition to the Early Years migration, people from Texas migrated to Los Angeles and San Diego. People from Louisiana migrated to San Francisco and Seattle.

Which statement explains what the maps show about how migration changed from the early years to the later years?

In later years, people migrated to Texas.
In later years, people migrated to Northern cities.
In later years, people migrated to Western states.
In later years, people migrated from the North to the West Coast.



C.) In later years, people migrated to Western states!


The maps showing population movement showing how migration changed from the early years to the later years is that in Later years, people migrated to western cities.

What do you mean by migration?

Migration refers to the movement of people from one usual place of residence to other.

The statement that explains how migration changed from early years to later years is people migrated to the western cities.

Therefore, C is the correct option.

Learn more about Migration here:


idntify me: I was elected as the speaker of the constitutional assembly.​



wow , really proud of you

Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar


How did explorers travel out west?

A) By canoe and foot
B) By plane
C) By steamship and stagecoach
D) By train


by canoe and foot is how they traveled


A) By Canoe and Foot. <:


We can do i zoom now if you want. <:

What was Thurgood Marshall’s role in the Brown v. Board of Education decision?

A. As a lawyer for Topeka Board of Education, he argued in favor of segregation
B. As a Supreme Court justice, he voted against segregation
C. As a civil rights leader, he led marches against segregation
D. He argued in front of the Supreme Court as the Brown family's lawyer



I want to say option D. He argued in front of the Supreme Court as the Brown family's lawyer.


If you get a second at answering the question try option C because I'm not 100% sure.

Would You Rather Have Endless Money Or Endless Love?


endless love, who needs money to be happy.


Endless love because growing up I never got attention or love I still dont and I want to experience that.

what do recent studies say about the north polar ice cap


That it is melting because of global warming

Explain two ways that racist attitudes affected African Americans in the North and the South.


Two ways in which racist attitudes affected the African Americans in the South and North are:

• It made them uncomfortable.

• They get a fear of being black due to the consequences that might play out.

Answer: it made them feel left out of everything. they felt that they didn't belong there

What was the new type of music that became famous in the 1920s?


the new type of popular music was jazz when it came out in the roaring 20s

Create your own disc jockey rhyme create a rhyme at least ten lines long HELP I’ll CASH APP AND MARK BRAIN LIST





why did germany finally surrender in WW2



A. Hitler was dead


Due to warring ideologies, tussles between the Soviet Union and its allies, and the legacy of the First World War, Germany actually surrendered twice. Hitler died which cause Berlin fell to the Soviets.

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What is the surfsce area of the prism with 12 cm 11 cm and 10,cm what does inversely proportional mean When it says square 5, does that mean 5^2 or does it mean [tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] The volume of a gas was measured asits temperature was increased from 10Kto 15K at intervals of 1K. The volumeswere 1.5, 2.2, 3.38, 5.1, and 7.6 cm.Would a linear or exponential functionbetter approximate the data described?Explain why. How do urban and national politics intervene or intersect around environmental issues? Sam plans to use two flags on his float for the parade. Each flag is a right triangle and the triangles are similar.What is the width, x, of the larger flag in feet? halp please!!! 100 POINTS what's the answer to this one ? 39 inches is the right answer just did the test on edge 1. Given f(x) = 3Find |(2) please help if you do thanks :) question 2 A tera parte desse nmero e igual a cento e vinte? Is this correct????? solve the inequality 10p- 8 12 help please help this is the last question i have for tonight and im struggling big time respost becuz i have one try left aagsggh What unique cultural practice is mentioned in this Russian short story excerpt? What is argumentation? (5 points)Group of answer choicesUsing opinions to support ideasThe art of speaking or writing effectivelyAn angry confrontation with anotherLogical reasoning or the process of debating What is the theme for the poem "Skateboard Why is it important for teachers to provide opportunities for cumulative practice on letters during the school year? Help me please please help me Five times a number decreased by nine is equal to twice the number increased by 23. Which equation could be used to solve the problem?