Match the term to its correct description: a stimulus that fails to generate an action potential.


Answer 1

According to the given statement A stimulus that fails to generate an action potential subthreshold stimulus.

What is action potential in simple terms?

An action potential occurs when information is sent from a neuron's cell and down its axon. Neuroscientists also refer to the action potential as both a "spike" or a "impulse." The action potential, a brief electrical stimulation, is brought on by a depolarizing current.

What is an example of a possible action?

This signals the muscles to contract in response. Take picking up a glass to pour yourself a glass of water as an illustration. That signal is sent from the mind to the hand mostly through the action potential.

To know more about action potential visit:


Answer 2

We can see here that a stimulus that fails to generate an action potential is called a subthreshold stimulus.

What is subthreshold stimulus?

A subthreshold stimulus is a stimulus that is too weak or too brief to reach the threshold level. It may cause a small change in the membrane potential, but not enough to trigger an action potential. A subthreshold stimulus has no effect on the transmission of signals along the neuron or the muscle cell.

An action potential is a rapid change in the electrical potential across the membrane of a neuron or a muscle cell. It is triggered when the membrane potential reaches a certain threshold level, usually around -55 mV.

A stimulus is any factor that can cause a change in the membrane potential of a cell. A stimulus can be either excitatory or inhibitory, depending on whether it makes the membrane potential more or less negative.

Learn more about stimulus on


Related Questions

RNA polymerase binds to a promoter on DNA, initiating transcription.
RNA polymerase peels open the double helix of DNA, with one strand serving as a template for the formation of RNA.
The RNA transcript is processed to remove segments that do not encode for amino acids and to splice together those that do.
mRNA leaves the nucleus through a nuclear pore and enters the cytoplasm.


The required transcription factors and RNA polymerase attach to the promoter region to start transcription. Promoter sequences specify the direction of transcription and identify the sense strand of the DNA that will be transcribed.

How does transcriptional RNA polymerase attach to DNA?

The promoter, a section of DNA located close to the start of a gene, is where RNA polymerase interacts. Each gene has its own promoter or set of co-transcribed genes in bacteria. After binding, RNA polymerase divides the DNA strands into single strands, creating the template for transcription.

What takes place when the DNA molecule and RNA polymerase bind?

When an enzyme known as RNA polymerase binds to the DNA template strand, transcription can start. This enzyme then starts putting together a new chain of nucleotides to create a complementary RNA strand.

to know more about Transcription here:


a tax per unit will do what to the marginal cost


The marginal social cost is always greater than the marginal private cost when there is a negative externality.

A negative production externality occurs when a manufacturing process has an adverse effect on unrelated third parties. For instance, throughout the production process, manufacturing facilities contribute to air and noise pollution. When a market has unfavourable production externalities, the marginal social cost and the marginal private cost are no longer equal. As a result, the social cost is bigger due to the per-unit cost of the externality, and the supply curve (which represents the marginal private cost) does not adequately reflect the marginal societal cost.

Learn more about Marginal cost here:


Negative externalities always raise marginal societal costs above marginal private costs.

What is marginal cost?

Negative production externalities emerge when a manufacturing process harms unconnected third parties. Manufacturing facilities pollute air and noise during production.

Unfavorable production externalities change the marginal societal and private costs in a market.

Due to the externality's per-unit cost, the social cost is higher than the marginal private cost, and the supply curve does not accurately reflect it.

Marginal cost explained:


Region- Formal/Uniform, Functional/Nodal, Perceptual/Vernacular


A formal region is an area within which everyone shares distinctive characteristics. A functional region is an area organized around a node. A vernacular region is an area that people believe exists.

Colloquial regions reflect a "sense of place" but rarely coincide with established jurisdictional boundaries. Examples of native regions in the United States include Tidewater, also known as Hampton Roads in Suland, Batavia in Geneva and the Tri-City area in St. Charles, Illinois. Another example is the American South, informally considered the Confederate States of America in the Civil War. Either because the climate is warmer and less snowy, or because it is below a certain latitude. Other Indigenous areas include DFW Metroplex in Southern California, Tri-Cities in Tennessee, Piedmont Triad, Metrolina and Research Triangle in North Carolina, High Desert and Inland Empire in California, Emerald Coast and Gold Coast in Florida.

To know more about region, visit:-


2) Which of the following would not be classified as a lymphatic structure?
A) pancreas
B) spleen
C) tonsils
D) Peyer's patches of the intestine


This system is made up of a network of tiny tubes called the lymphatic veins, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow, which transports lymph and white blood cells.Similar to blood vessels, lymphatic vessels branch into all the body's tissues. Thus, option A is correct.

What classified as a lymphatic structure?

To mention a few, lymphatic organs include the lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, as well as the lymphatic tissue found in the small intestine (Payer's patches) and throat (adenoid tonsils, palatine and tubal tonsils).

Our body's “sewerage system” is the lymphatic system. By eliminating any fluids that leak out of our blood vessels, it keeps the fluid balance in our bodily tissues.

Therefore, pancreas would not be classified as a lymphatic structure.

Learn more about lymphatic structure here:


Legislative branch consists of...



house of representative and House of Senate


they are elected by citizens

The legislative branch consists of Congress, which is the lawmaking body of the federal government.

Wat is the Congress?

The Congress is divided into two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The Senate has 100 members, two from each state, who serve six-year terms. The Senate has the power to approve or reject presidential appointments, such as judges, ambassadors, and cabinet members. The Senate also has the power to ratify treaties and to try impeachments.

The House of Representatives has 435 members, who are apportioned among the states based on population. Each state has at least one representative, and the most populous state, California, has 53. The representatives serve two-year terms. The House of Representatives has the power to initiate revenue bills, to impeach federal officials, and to elect the president in case of a tie in the electoral college.

Congress has the power to make laws on various matters, such as taxation, commerce, defense, foreign affairs, and civil rights. Congress can also override a presidential veto with a two-thirds vote in both chambers. The Congress can also propose amendments to the Constitution, which need to be ratified by three-fourths of the states."

Learn  more about legislative branch at:


You are encouraging a patient to go to the hospital by ambulance. You know that a transport will keep you on duty several hours after your regular quitting time. This is an example of __________.
A. abuse of authority
B. undue hardship
C. patient advocacy
D. scope of practice


You are encouraging a patient to go to the hospital by ambulance. You know that a transport will keep you on duty several hours after your regular quitting time. This is an example of patient advocacy.

What is patient advocacy?

In order to obtain the information they need to make decisions about their medical treatment, people can speak with their healthcare professionals with the assistance of a patient advocate. In addition, patient advocates may assist patients in scheduling appointments for doctor visits and diagnostic testing as well as in obtaining monetary, legal, and social assistance.

For instance, the nurse is required to inform the doctor or medical institution and convey the problem if the patient is given an incorrect diagnosis, a dangerous accommodation, or confusing self-care instructions.

Correct option: C

To know more about patient advocacy refer to:


The action described in the statement is an example of (c) patient advocacy

How to complete  the blank statement

From the question, we have the following highlights:

You encourage the patient to travel by ambulanceYou will be on duty several hours

This implies patient advocacy and it is defined by the act of speaking or acting on behalf of a patient's rights, needs, or interests. It involves promoting the patient's well-being, dignity, autonomy, and informed consent.

Some examples of patient advocacy are:

Explaining the benefits and risks of a procedure to a patient and obtaining their consentRespecting the patient's wishes and preferences, even if they differ from your ownSupporting the patient's right to refuse or withdraw from treatment

Read more about advocacy at


The encapsulation of asbestos containing materials requires:


The encapsulation of asbestos containing materials (ACMs) requires:

thorough inspection and assessment of the ACMsselection of an appropriate encapsulant product that is compatible with the ACMs preparation of the ACMs and the surrounding area to ensure a clean, dry, and stable surface.proper application of the encapsulant according to the manufacturer's instructions post-application inspection and testing to verify the quality regular monitoring and maintenance of the encapsulated ACMs

What does asbestos encapsulation entails?

An encapsulation is one of the methods of managing ACMs in place, without disturbing or removing them. It involves applying a liquid or solid material over the ACMs to create a protective barrier that prevents the release of asbestos fibers into the air.

Encapsulation can be a cost-effective and less disruptive option than removal, especially for ACMs that are in good condition and not easily accessible. However, encapsulation does not eliminate the asbestos hazard and it requires ongoing inspection and maintenance to ensure its effectiveness and safety.

Read more about encapsulation


Barr Mfg. provided the following information from its accounting records for 2017:
Expected production 60,000 labor hours
Actual production 56,000 labor hours
Budgeted overhead $900,000
Actual overhead $870,000
How much is the overhead application rate if Barr bases the rate on direct labor hours?


The simplest way to figure out the overhead application rate is to divide the budgeted overhead at a specific output rate by the budgeted activity for that rate of output.

How much Barr Mfg overhead application rate ?

The application of overhead costs to the units produced during a reporting period is referred to as overhead application. The assignment is based on either a formula that is unique to each reporting period or a standard overhead rate that is applied across several time periods.

The rate at which overhead is applied is determined by dividing the budgeted overhead by the degree of activity to which it is applied.Budgeted activity / Budgeted overhead is the overhead application rate.Budgeted overhead / Budgeted labor hours equals the overhead application rate.

The overhead rate is the proportion of a company's overhead, like as its rent and other administrative costs, to its direct costs, sales, or other inputs, like the number of hours a machine works. It gives business owners and managers an idea of indirect costs in comparison to,

To learn more about Barr Mfg. refer to :


Make rules about business/commerce inside of a state


Make rules about business/commerce inside of a state

1. Businesses must be licensed, and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
2. Businesses must pay all applicable taxes and submit all required financial reports in a timely manner.
3. Businesses must conduct their activities in a professional and ethical manner.
4. Businesses must ensure that their products and services meet applicable health and safety requirements.
5. Businesses must protect the privacy of customers and employees.

What is business?
is the activity of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services). It is a commercial activity, which is related to the production, buying and selling of products or services to earn a profit. Businesses can be large or small, and they can be found in all areas of society, including private, public and voluntary sectors. Businesses are an important part of the economy, as they provide goods and services, generate employment and incomes, and help to create wealth. Businesses are also essential for economic growth, as they create new products and services, and create markets for them. Businesses also allow for innovation, collaboration, and the development of new skills. Businesses are a key component of the global economy, and are responsible for creating jobs, providing goods and services to consumers, and driving innovation.

To learn more about business

Note that rules about business/commerce inside of a state are usually made by the state government, which has the power to regulate the economic activity within its borders. This shows the powers of the state.

What are some of the rules about a business that the state can make?

Some possible rules are:

Licensing and registration of businesses and professionals to ensure quality and safety standardsTaxation and fees on business income, sales, property, and payroll to generate revenue for public servicesEnvironmental and labor regulations to protect the natural resources and the rights and welfare of workersConsumer protection laws to prevent fraud, deception, and unfair practices by businessesAntitrust laws to promote fair competition and prevent monopolies and price-fixingTrade and commerce laws to facilitate the exchange of goods and services across state lines and with other countries

These rules are meant to balance the interests of the state, the businesses, and the consumers, and to promote the economic growth and development of the state. However, they may also create conflicts and challenges, such as:

Compliance costs and burdens for businesses and professionalsCompetition and coordination with other states and the federal governmentEnforcement and dispute resolution mechanismsAdaptation and innovation in response to changing market conditions and consumer demandsEvaluation and revision of the effectiveness and efficiency of the rules.

Learn mroe about State government:

True or false? Muscle blood flow increases in direct proportion to the percentage of the maximum force capacity exerted


The given statement "in direct proportion to the percentage of the maximum force capability used, muscle blood flow rises" is FALSE.

What is muscle blood flow?

The amount of blood flowing through muscles changes when they contract and rest.

Muscle contraction causes the vasculature to constrict, which lowers arterial inflow, which increases with muscle relaxation.

If venous outflow were being measured, the opposite result would be observed.

Muscle blood flow declines in direct proportion to the percentage of maximum force capability employed.

In humans, a variety of locally produced vasodilators, including prostaglandins and NO, interact to control skeletal muscle blood flow.

A powerful vasodilator in plasma, ATP promotes the production of prostaglandins and NO and, most significantly, can counteract local sympathetic vasoconstriction.

Therefore, the given statement "in direct proportion to the percentage of the maximum force capability used, muscle blood flow rises" is FALSE.

know more about muscle blood flow here:


Cathy can take either of two separate roads to drive to work. The first is a lightly used new toll road that is rarely congested. The second road is a local road with no tolls, but it is often congested and has many potholes. In this instance, the toll road is
nonrivalrous and excludable
rivalrous and nonexcludable
nonrivalrous and nonexcludable
rivalrous and excludable


What is Cathy?

Cathy has a choice of two different routes to take to go to work. The first is a brand-new toll road that receives little traffic. The first is a brand-new toll road that receives little traffic.

Although there are no tolls on this local route, it is frequently backed up and has numerous potholes. Only products that consumers will purchase result in a societal benefit. Patents are only used to protect ideas that people are willing to pay a high price. He aimed to set a record for the most patent registrations. The public benefit may never be delivered if a large number of people choose to be free riders.

Thomas Edison embodied a number of attributes or virtues that we may all adopt, including persistence, hard effort, and time management.

To learn more about Thomas Edison from given link


Large public water and sewer companies often become _____ monopolies because they benefit from economies of scale. Although the company faces high start-up costs, the firm experiences _____ average _____ as it expands and adds more customers. Smaller competitors would experience _____ average costs and would be less _____.



Large public water and sewer companies often become natural monopolies because they benefit from economies of scale. Although the company faces high start-up costs, the firm experiences decreasing average costs as it expands and adds more customers. Smaller competitors would experience increasing average costs and would be less competitive.

Determine which of the utility-maximization-assumptions has been violated
David decides to eat fast food but cannot decide whether he would rather have a burger, a sandwich, or a hot dog


Ranked preferences utility-maximization-assumptions has been violated David decides to eat fast food but cannot decide whether he would rather have a burger, a sandwich, or a hot dog.

What is utility-maximization-assumptions?

Individuals and organizations strive for the best level of pleasure from their economic decisions. Individual decision making in economics is governed by utility theory. The learner must comprehend an intuitive explanation for each of the following assumptions: completeness, monotonicity, mix-is-better, and rationality (also called transitivity). The four essential assumptions of utility theory are that a customer may rank any number of supplied alternatives, higher overall utility is always better than less, a mix of goods is better than a set of one item, and consumers are rational decision makers.


The utility-maximization assumptions of ranked preferences have been broken. David chooses to have fast food but can't decide between a burger, a sandwich, and a hot dog.

To know more about utility-maximization-assumptions,


A 90.0 g piece of metal, initially at 98.6°C, is placed into 120.0 g of water initially at 24.3°C. If the final temperature of the water is 34.0°C, what is the specific heat of the metal? (The specific heat of water is 4.18 J/g・°C).


The specific heat of the metal can be calculated using the formula:
Specific Heat = (120.0 g × 4.18 J/g°C × (34.0°C - 24.3°C)) / (90.0 g × (34.0°C - 98.6°C))= 11.3 J/g°C

What is specific heat?

In thermodynamics, the massic heat capacity (also known as massic heat capacity) of a compound is the heat capacity of a sample of the substance divided by the the sample's mass (symbol cp). Informally, it is the quantity of heat that must be supplied to one standard of a substance's mass in order to raise its temperature by one unit. The specific heat capacity unit in the SI is the joule each kelvin per kilogramme, or Jkg1K1. [1] For instance, the heat required to raise the temperature of 1 kilogramme of water by 1 K is 4184 joules, hence the water's specific thermal capacity is 4184 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1.

To know more about Specific heat

Why don't we see a lunar eclipse every time there is a full moon?


A lunar eclipse happens when Earth is between the Sun and the Moon, which is a true statement about them.

When there is a lunar eclipse, the moon moves into a position where it will be in the Earth's shadow and will not be visible. This means that because the Earth sits between the sun and the moon, a shadow forms, and when the moon moves behind the Earth, the Earth prevents the moon from receiving light from the sun. If the eclipse is a total lunar eclipse, the Moon will spend roughly two hours traveling through the umbra (region of total shadow) cast by Earth. When the Moon merely passes through a portion of Earth's umbra or penumbra, a partial eclipse of the Moon occurs.

Learn more about Lunar eclipse here:


What was the first ever federally funded highway?


This directly relates to the system of checks and balances.

What was the federally funded highway?In the United States of America, the interstate highway system is considered to be the largest public works project that was ever undertaken by the federal government.Original towns and villages are found along the National Road, many barely touched by the passing of time. The road, also called the Cumberland Road, National Pike and other names, became Main Street in these early settlements, earning the nickname "The Main Street of America.The height of the National Road's popularity came in 1825 when it was celebrated in song, story, painting and poetry. During the 1840s popularity soared again. Travelers and drovers, westward bound, crowded the inns and taverns along the route. Huge Conestoga wagons hauled produce from frontier farms to the East Coast, returning with staples such as coffee and sugar for the western settlements. Thousands moved west in covered wagons and stagecoaches traveled the road keeping to regular schedules.Freeways were significantly added to cities and as a result of this, it encouraged the growth of suburban areas in the United States of America.

To learn more about funded highway refer to:


A person in the organization has the ability to given bonuses to employees as part of a corporate compensation program. This is an example of ____ power.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. reward
d. expert
e. coercive


A person in the organization has the ability to given bonuses to employees as part of a corporate compensation program. This is an example reward power  As part of a corporate compensation program, a person within the firm has the authority to award bonuses to workers.

What is reward power?

This is an illustration of reward power. Employee empowerment is the process by which organizations give their employees some degree of autonomy and control over their day-to-day activities. Persuasion is the process by which one person or entity tries to persuade another person or group of people to change their beliefs or behaviors.

The simplest definition of referent power is a type of power that results from a leader's capacity to motivate and influence others. This authority derives from One of the various types of power is referent power.

To learn more about reward power from given link


Your Windows computer can be reset to factory specifications by using a utility called Windows


Windows computer can be reset to factory specifications by using a utility called Windows System Restore.

What is Windows computer?
Windows computer
is a type of personal computer that runs on the Windows operating system from Microsoft. It is the most widely used operating system in the world and is used on a wide variety of desktop and laptop PCs. Windows computers come in a variety of packages and configurations, from basic home systems to powerful workstations and servers. Windows PCs have a graphical user interface (GUI) that makes them easy to use for the average user. Windows computers are ideal for everyday tasks such as word processing, email, web browsing, playing music, and watching videos. They can also be used for more complex tasks such as creating and editing documents, managing finances, playing games, and running applications. Windows computers are compatible with a large range of hardware and software, making them versatile and powerful.

To learn more about Windows computer

Your Windows computer can be reset to factory specifications by using a utility called Windows systems restore.

What is meant by windows systems restore?

A feature of Microsoft Windows called System Restore is intended to safeguard and fix software. System Restore creates Restore Points by taking a "snapshot" of a few system files and the Windows registry.

User files or data are unaffected. This means that a user can use a system restore point without risk. Personal files including papers, photos, music, and movies won't be deleted if the system is restored.

Read more on windows 10 here:


Joanne has a $100,000 whole life policy with an accumulated $25,000 of cash value. She would like to borrow $15,000 against the cash value. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) Net death benefit will be reduced if the loan is not repaid
B) No interest will be charged on loan balance
C) Term life policies are the only type of insurance that allows policy loans
D) A loan can be taken out for up to the face amount of the policy


If the loan is not repaid, the net death benefit will be decreased, which is True.

What is interest?

In the fields of finances and economics, interests is the payment made at a set rate by a borrower or deposit-taking commercial bank to a lender or depositor in excess of the principal balance (the amount borrowed). It's not the same as a fee that the borrower might pay to the lender or another entity. It also differs from dividends, which are distributed to shareholders (owners) by a company out of its financial gain or reserve, but not on a set rate predetermined in advance, but rather on a proportional basis as a share of the prize gained by risk-taking businessmen when the revenue managed to earn exceeds the total costs.

To know more about interest

The statement that would be true is that : Net death benefit will be reduced if the loan is not repaid. Option A

What is meant by Net death benefit?

The entire sum that will be given by the life insurance company to a designated beneficiary or beneficiaries upon the death of the insured is specified in the contract for the policy. The Net Death Benefit could be greater or smaller than the life insurance policy's initial face amount.

When an insured person dies, the death benefit of a life insurance policy is the face value that will be paid to the policy beneficiary on a tax-free basis. As a result, your beneficiary would receive $1 million if you were to purchase a policy with a $1 million death benefit.

Read more on death benefit here:


To accomplish their training responsibility, what six things must commanders do?


The six things must commanders do:

1. Establish a training program that is linked to the unit’s mission.
2. Establish a training climate that emphasizes the value of training.
3. Establish standards for training and evaluate performance against these standards.
4. Assign personnel to specific tasks and supervise their performance.
5. Provide resources and equipment necessary to train effectively.
6. Monitor and assess individual and collective training performance.

What is commander?
is a military rank, typically the highest in an armed force. It is commonly used in navies or air forces, and is often held by the most senior officers. In the militaries of many countries, the commander is the most senior officer in the chain of command. The commander is responsible for the overall command of the military unit, and is also responsible for making strategic decisions. Commanders are typically responsible for the planning and execution of military operations, as well as for the welfare of the personnel under their command. The commander must be able to analyze the tactical and strategic situation and make sound decisions in order to achieve the mission’s objectives. Commanders must also know the capabilities and limitations of their forces, and be able to effectively employ them in order to achieve their goals. Commanders must also be able to evaluate the performance of their subordinates and make necessary corrections.

To learn more about commander

To accomplish their training responsibility, commanders must do the following six things. They are listed below.

The six things that commanders must do are?

Establish a positive training environment. This means creating a climate of mutual respect, trust, and discipline that fosters learning and teamwork. Commanders should also provide feedback, recognition, and rewards for good performance and improvement.

Assess the unit's training needs and capabilities. This means identifying the unit's mission-essential tasks, evaluating the unit's current proficiency levels, and determining the gaps and priorities for training. Commanders should also consider the resources, constraints, and opportunities for training.

Plan and prepare realistic and challenging training. This means designing training events and exercises that are relevant, rigorous, and aligned with the unit's mission and goals. Commanders should also coordinate and synchronize the training support, resources, and guidance needed for effective execution.

Execute training to standard. This means conducting training according to the established doctrine, principles, and methods. Commanders should also monitor and evaluate the training process and outcomes, and adjust as necessary to ensure quality and safety.

Evaluate and assess training results and feedback. This means measuring the unit's performance and progress against the training objectives and standards. Commanders should also solicit and analyze feedback from various sources, such as observers, trainers, subordinates, peers, and superiors.

Review and revise the training plan and program. This means using the evaluation and feedback data to identify the unit's strengths and weaknesses, and to determine the areas for improvement and sustainment. Commanders should also update and modify the training plan and program based on the changing needs and conditions of the unit and the operational environment.

Learn more about training responsibilities;

Which of the following is NOT required on a chemical label?
a. A signal word
b. Your facility's name
c. A hazard statement
d. A pictogram


Answer: A pictogram

What specifications apply to chemical labels?

Name, Address, and Telephone Number; Product Identifier; Signal Word; Hazard Statement(s); and Precautionary Statement must all appear on chemical labels for hazardous chemicals (s) The pictogram (s) The label may read, "Do not breathe vapors or spray," as shown on page 3 3 above. If you feel ill, get medical attention.

When does a chemical label not need to be present?

Decanted substances are only exempt from label requirements in the following situations: will only be utilized right away by the individual who decanted it.

To know more about chemical labels visit:-


the term that means separation or removal is


The term that means separation or removal is: apheresis.

What is apheresis?

A procedure in which blood by  is collected, part of to the  blood such as platelets or white blood cells is taken by  out, and the rest of to the  blood is returned to the donor. Also it is called pheresis.

It is a condition in which by you lack enough healthy red and  blood cells to carry to the  adequate oxygen of  your body's tissues. Having the  anemia, also referred to the  as low hemoglobin, can make you feel tired and weak.

To know more about pheresis click-


The founders chose to select the president through an indirect election in order to


According to the given statement make the president responsible to the state and national legislatures.

Why is election important?

A crucial opportunity to further democratic reform and democracy is during elections. A free and fair election requires a number of civic rights, including the freedoms of communication, association, and assembly.

Why is the importance of elections to democracy?

Another responsibility of citizens is to vote. Despite not being required by law, voting is an essential part of any democracy. Voting enables citizens to participate in the democratic process. The individuals who will act as their agents and promote their causes elect leaders.

To know more about Elections visit:


The founders chose to select the president through an indirect election in order to make the president responsible to the state and national legislatures.

What is  indirect election ?

An indirect election or hierarchical voting can be descibed as the election whereby the voters do not choose directly among candidates or parties for an office .

Howewevr in this case they elect people who in turn choose candidates or parties. for instance the Electoral College can be regarded as the method of indirect popular election of the President of the United States

Learn more about president  at:


During a period of regularly rising purchase costs, the metod yields the lowest income tax expense.


The LIFO approach produces the highest reported cost of goods sold and the lowest reported net revenue over a period of consistently growing buying expenses.

Which method will result in the lowest income tax expense?Less taxable income translates into a reduced annual tax expense if net income is lower overall. In contrast to LIFO, the FIFO approach can assist in reducing taxes when prices are declining.The LIFO approach produces the highest reported cost of goods sold and the lowest reported net revenue over a period of consistently growing buying expenses. According to LIFO, the cost of products sold is given a value on the income statement that is close to its current cost.The lowest cost of products sold with the maximum gross profit and net income will be reported under LIFO when purchasing costs are (rising/declining). The starting inventory for the subsequent period is the ending inventory for the current period.

To learn more about LIFO refer,


During a period of regularly rising purchase costs, the metod yields the lowest income tax expense is the LIFO (last-in, first-out) method.

What is the LIFO method?

The LIFO method assumes that the last units purchased are the first ones sold. This means that the cost of goods sold reflects the most recent and highest purchase costs, while the ending inventory reflects the oldest and lowest purchase costs.

As a result, the LIFO method reports a lower gross profit and a lower taxable income than other methods, such as FIFO (first-in, first-out) or average cost. A lower taxable income means a lower income tax expense.

Learn more about  LIFO method from


Two attorneys operate their practice as a partnership. They want to start a program through their practice that will provide retirement benefits for themselves and three employees. They would likely choose
A - Section 457 Deferred Compensation Plan.
B - 403(b) plan.
C - 401(k) plan.
D - HR-10 (Keogh Plan).


They want to start a program through their practice that will provide retirement benefits for themselves & three other employees. They would likely choose HR-10 (Keogh Plan), the correct option is D.

What is Keogh Plan?

For retirement, self-employed people and unincorporated businesses can use a Keogh plan, which is a tax-deferred pension plan. Defining a Keogh plan as either a defined-benefit or defined-contribution arrangement is possible, though the latter is how most plans are set up.

Contributions are typically tax deductible up to a predetermined percentage of annual income, with applicable absolute limits in U.S. dollars, which the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can alter annually.

Self-employed individuals and unincorporated businesses, such as sole proprietorships and partnerships, can participate in Keogh plans as retirement plans. The creation and use of a Keogh plan for retirement is not permitted for independent contractors.

Learn more about Keogh plan


Jake receives a promotion at his law firm after winning an important case This is an example of a
- Positive informal sanction
- Negative informal sanction
- Positive formal sanction
- Negative formal sanction



I think it is positive formal sanction


I think this because Jake is receiving a postive promotion from a formal law firm.

This is an example of a positive formal sanction, as the promotion is a formal recognition and reward for Jake's success in winning an important case.

What is a positive formal sanction?

A formal sanction refers to a penalty or reward that is officially recognized and imposed by a formal organization or institution, such as the government or a business. A positive formal sanction is a reward or promotion given to an individual or group for their positive actions or achievements. This type of sanction is intended to encourage desirable behavior and to recognize and reward the hard work and accomplishments of individuals or groups.

Examples of positive formal sanctions include promotions, bonuses, raises, certificates of achievement, and public recognition ceremonies. These types of sanctions serve as a means of motivating employees or members of an organization to perform at their best and to maintain high standards of productivity and performance. Positive formal sanctions can help to build morale and a sense of pride among employees, and can contribute to a positive and productive work environment.

Learn more about a positive formal sanction, here:


Which of the following accounts is decreased with a credit?
Multiple Choice
Unearned Revenue
Prepaid Insurance
Accounts Payable
Service Revenue


Prepaid Insurance accounts is decreased with a credit. So, the right option is B option.

What is Prepaid Insurance?

Prepaid insurance is defined as insurance for which the premiums are paid in advance. A premium is a recurring, regular payment made to a provider in exchange for receiving the advantages of insurance protection. Normally, premiums are paid each month.

Insurance companies may accept lump-sum payments from businesses for several months' worth of premiums. The amount paid could be equivalent to premiums for six or twelve months. More working capital and better customer retention are generated for the insurance company.

The insurance provider typically gives the client a discount on the premium cost in return, which results in cost savings for the company on the insurance policy.

Learn  more about Prepaid insurance


Depletion expense:is usually part of cost of goods sold.


Depletion expense : is usually part of cost of goods sold.

What is Depletion?Depletion is an accrual accounting method for allocating the cost of obtaining natural resources from the earth, including timber, minerals, and oil.Depletion is a non-cash expense, similar to depreciation and amortisation, that gradually reduces an asset's cost value through regular charges to income. Depletion is different from wearing out of depreciable assets or ageing life of intangibles in that it relates to the progressive exhaustion of natural resource sources.To precisely determine the value of the assets on the balance sheet and record costs in the proper time period on the income statement, depletion is used for accounting and financial reporting purposes.

Complete question :

Depletion expense :

a. is usually part of cost of goods sold.

b. includes tangible equipment costs in the depletion base.

c. excludes intangible development costs from the depletion base.

d. excludes restoration costs from the depletion base.

Learn more about Depletion refer to :


The statement that the Depletion expense is usually part of cost of goods sold, is True.

What is depletion expense ?

Depletion expense is the allocation of the cost of natural resources over their useful life. Natural resources are assets that are extracted from the earth, such as minerals, oil, gas, timber, etc. Depletion expense is similar to depreciation expense for tangible assets and amortization expense for intangible assets.

Depletion expense is usually part of cost of goods sold because it represents the cost of using the natural resources to produce goods or services. For example, if a company extracts oil from a well, the depletion expense of the oil is part of the cost of producing the oil, which is then sold to customers. Depletion expense reduces the carrying value of the natural resource asset on the balance sheet.

To calculate depletion expense, a company needs to estimate the total quantity of the natural resource, the cost of acquiring and developing the resource, and the salvage value of the resource after extraction. The depletion expense per unit is then computed by dividing the total cost minus the salvage value by the total quantity. The depletion expense for a period is then calculated by multiplying the depletion expense per unit by the number of units extracted in that period.

For example, suppose a company acquires a timberland for $1,000,000 and estimates that it contains 500,000 cubic feet of timber. The company also estimates that the salvage value of the land after harvesting the timber is $100,000. The depletion expense per cubic foot is ($1,000,000 - $100,000) / 500,000 = $1.80. If the company harvests 50,000 cubic feet of timber in a year, the depletion expense for that year is $1.80 x 50,000 = $90,000. This amount is deducted from the revenue generated by selling the timber as part of the cost of goods sold."

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How would lysozyme affect the gram positive bacteria?


lysozyme enzyme found primarily in tears and egg white that helps break down certain bacteria's cell walls.The  lysozyme will kill  the gram positive bacteria.

What is lysozyme ?The bacterial outer cell wall's chemical links can be broken by lysozyme. Lysozyme specifically targets a layer of peptidoglycan found in the cell walls of bacteria. N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid are alternately present in the peptidoglycan layer. These molecules come together to create a sturdy glycan chain that serves as the cell wall's support system. Lysozyme cleaves the bond between N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid. Lysozyme's disruption of this chain causes the bacterial cells to die. Early in the 20th century, lysozyme was discovered by renowned scientist Alexander Fleming. He was cultivating a bacterial culture when a drop of nasal secretion landed within the culture. He eventually realised that this culture's germs had been wiped off.

To learn more about lysozyme refer to:


Lysozyme would affect the gram-positive bacteria more than the gram-negative bacteria because it would degrade their main structural component and make them more vulnerable to osmotic pressure and lysis.

What are lysozymes?

Lysozymes are enzymes that hydrolyze or break down large cellular components such as proteins.

An example of lysozyme affecting gram-positive bacteria is the role of lysozyme in human saliva and tears.

Lysozyme in these fluids can help prevent infections by destroying some of the gram-positive bacteria that enter the mouth or the eye. An example of lysozyme having less effect on gram-negative bacteria is the resistance of some gram-negative bacteria to lysozyme-based antibiotics, such as penicillin.

Penicillin works by inhibiting the synthesis of peptidoglycan, but some gram-negative bacteria can modify their outer membrane to prevent penicillin from reaching the peptidoglycan layer.

Learn more about gram-positive bacteria at:


The coordinates of points A and B are A(4, –2) and B(12, 10). What are the coordinates of the point that is 14 of the way from A to B?



is there a pictured i would love to help so if there is a picture that is there then it would be easier to answer


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