Match each statement from the passage with the
message it represents.
The knowledge gained from space
exploration leads to a greater
Achievements in space help
understanding of freedom.
increase the reputation
of the United States.
The discoveries made in space
It is necessary that the risks
will have more significance than
the breakthroughs of the past.
and rewards of space exploration
apply to all Americans.
Passage Statement
Author's Message
whatever mankind must undertake.
free men must fully share
No single space project in this
period will be more impressive
to mankind


Answer 1

The Match of each statement from the passage with the message it represents is in the image attached:

What is the central idea of Kennedy's speech?

The connection between duty and power can be condensed down to one theme to sum up the speech's major point. Kennedy's initial section of the speech makes significant use of juxtaposition to highlight this.

Therefore, Kennedy suggested that the US "must commit itself to attaining the goal, before this decade is through, of landing a man on the Moon and bringing him safely to the Earth" while addressing Congress on May 25, 1961. Not everyone was impressed; according to a Gallup Poll, 58 percent of Americans disagreed.

Learn more about the message from

See full question below

Adapted from The Goal of Sending a Man to the Moon

by John F. Kennedy

If we are to win the battle that is now going on around the world between freedom and tyranny, the dramatic achievements in space which occurred in recent weeks should have made clear to us all the impact of this adventure on the minds of men everywhere. Since early in my term, our efforts in space have been under review. With the advice of the Vice President, we have examined where we are strong and where we are not, where we may succeed and where we may not. Now it is time to take longer strides—time for a great new American enterprise—time for this nation to take a clearly leading role in space achievement. This in many ways may hold the key to our future on earth.

Recognizing the head start obtained by the Soviets with their large rocket engines, we nevertheless are required to make new efforts on our own. For while we cannot guarantee that we shall one day be first, we can guarantee that any failure to make this effort will make us last. We take an additional risk by making it in full view of the world, but this very risk enhances our stature when we are successful. We go into space because whatever mankind must undertake, free men must fully share.

I therefore ask the Congress, above and beyond the increases I have earlier requested for space activities, to provide the funds which are needed to meet the following national goals:

First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space. None will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish. In a very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon—if we make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation. For all of us must work to put him there.

Secondly, an additional 23 million dollars, together with 7 million dollars already available, will accelerate development of the Rover nuclear rocket. This gives promise of some day providing a means for even more exciting and ambitious exploration of space. This will perhaps go beyond the moon, perhaps to the very end of the solar system itself.

Third, an additional 50 million dollars will make the most of our present leadership, by accelerating the use of space satellites for world-wide communications.

Fourth, there will be an additional 75 million dollars—of which 53 million dollars is for the Weather Bureau. This will help give us at the earliest possible time a satellite system for world-wide weather observation.

Let it be clear that I am asking the Congress and the country to accept a firm commitment to a new course of action—a course which will last for many years and carry very heavy costs: 531 million dollars in fiscal '62—an estimated seven to nine billion dollars additional over the next five years. If we are to go only half way, or reduce our sights in the face of difficulty, in my judgment it would be better not to go at all.

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs. Not all tiles will be used.

Match each statement from the passage with the message it represents.

The discoveries made in space

will have more significance than

the breakthroughs of the past.

It is necessary that the risks

and rewards of space exploration

apply to all Americans.

Achievements in space help

increase the reputation

of the United States.

The knowledge gained from space

exploration leads to a greater

understanding of freedom.

Passage Statement

Author’s Message

No single space project in this

period will be more impressive

to mankind


whatever mankind must undertake,

free men must fully share


Match Each Statement From The Passage With Themessage It Represents.The Knowledge Gained From Spaceexploration

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what are the answer options?
I think it’s “it’ll cause the police to search the whole place”

sanjay is well-prepared for his presentation. as he presents his first point, he notices the confused looks from his audience members. he clarifies the confusing concept and quickly adapts the remainder of his speech. sanjay is most likely using what type of delivery method?


The verbalization of a written message word for word is known as manuscript speaking. Except when employing visual assistance, the speaker in a manuscript speech keeps his or her eyes on the written page.

By making eye contact, you may convey to your audience that you are paying attention to them as well as the cards in front of you. Maintaining eye contact with your audience is one of the key components of a great presentation To ensure that the entire presentation is directed toward your objective, start by defining your purpose and what you want the audience to think or do. Second, be aware of your audience so you can tailor your message and delivery to suit their expertise and requirements. Unprepared Speeches. Extemporaneous speaking is the delivery of a meticulously prepared and practiced.

.To learn more about manuscript please click on below link


Which words help the reader feel a sense of
happy anticipation at the beginning of the
1. his golden fur was matted and tangled

2. her words coming out in an excited jumble

3. Dad approached the dog cautiously

4. Maria glanced up and down the sidewalk





2. "Her words came out in a excited jumble" The sentence has happy words such as excited.

What is 2 types definition of terms in research?


Theoretical definitions and operational definitions are the two types of definitions that researchers create.

An academic word is defined by a theoretical definition, which also serves as a suggestion on how to see a phenomena. A theoretical definition is a suggested method of thinking about potentially related events. The notion or construct under inquiry is given significance via a theoretical definition. It should set it apart from all other ideas or theories. A theoretical definition presupposes knowledge of and agreement with the underlying theories.A tangible, repeatable set of instructions intended to describe a construct are specified in an operational definition. An operation is the show we put on to communicate a notion, according to American psychologist S.S. Stevens.

Thus these are the two definitions of terms in research.

Refer here to learn more about research:


How many words are in the dictionary?


Among the 273,000 headwords in the Oxford Dictionary, 171,476 are still in use today, 47,156 are no longer used, and about 9,500 subsidiary words are listed as sub-entries.

A dictionary is a list of words from the lexicon of one or more particular languages that is frequently alphabetized and may contain details about usage, pronunciation, etymologies, definitions, etc.

It is a lexicographical reference that illustrates how the data are related to one another.

Dictionaries can aid us in reading, writing, and vocabulary development.

Additionally, dictionaries may include details about a word's kind and provenance.

The 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary's Second Edition includes complete entries for 171,476 terms now in use (and 47,156 obsolete words).

There are about 470,000 items in Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, and its 1993 Addenda Section.

To know more about dictionary, visit:


label the each example of an interest group benefit with the type of benefit it represents.


Purposive, A person feels proud of themselves for helping an interest group introduce a particular piece of legislation. Material, For joining, an interest group, one is given a complimentary T-shirt. Solidary, To connect with and network with other regional environmentalists, a person joins an organization that promotes environmental conservation.

What kinds of interest groups are there?

The American Association of People with Disabilities, the AIDS Policy Center for Children, Youth, and Families, the ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty, etc.

What are the three roles that interest groups play?

Interest groups provide three fundamental tasks: advocacy, policy development, and member support. They support organizations in achieving their goals and objectives and in resolving internal problems.

To know more about the interest groups visit:-


What is your role as a responsible citizen of your community?


Good citizen are actively concerned of their network and withinside the betterment in their fellow community.

They take pleasure in in which they stay and try to make it a higher place. Treat others with attention and regard, admire some other person's factor of view. Responsibility. Be answerable for one's very own actions, solve variations in constructive, non-violent and non violent ways, make contributions to society and to civic life, cope with the environment.

A accountable citizen abides with the aid of using all of the regulation and order of the united states of america. They are entitled to exercising all of the essential rights and duties, including casting a vote, paying authorities taxes and protective the united states of america from corruption.

Read more about role;


I’m 11 year old. I don’t have that kind of money. No one my age doe. "" i it a fact or opinion


It contains both fact and opinion.

Fact and Opinion

While opinions are founded on ideas and emotions, facts can be substantiated by evidence.


Facts can't be false, period.

They are supported by evidence.

For example: The Prime Minister is speaking.


Your opinion is based on how you feel or what you believe.

There may be others who believe differently or hold a different viewpoint.

For example: It would be a bad idea to appoint a teenager as prime minister.

The sentence mentioned in the question shows both fact and opinion. "I'm 11 year old" is a fact, while "I don't have that kind of money. No one my age does" is an opinion.

Learn more about fact and opinion here:


Read the excerpt from Outcasts United.

Luma pulled her Volkswagen Beetle into the center's parking lot on a sunny June afternoon in 2004, before her team's first tryouts. She wasn't sure what kind of response her flyers had generated among the boys in the complexes around Clarkston. They were naturally wary.

But on the other side of town, Jeremiah Ziaty had no doubt about his enthusiasm for the new team. His mother was still at work when he set out from the family's apartment, a small backpack on his shoulder, ready to play.

When Jeremiah arrived at the center, he joined twenty-two other boys on the small field behind the building.

Which statement best describes how the author is developing the plot in this excerpt?

The author is describing two plots at the same time before moving on with the chronological order of the story.
The author is describing one plot of the story so he can move the events along chronologically.
The author is describing several plots at the same time to avoid telling the story in chronological order.
The author is describing one plot of the story but not moving the events along in chronological order.


The statement that best describes how the author is developing the plot in this excerpt is: The author is describing two plots at the same time before moving on with the chronological order of the story.

What is meant by the plot of a story?

The order of events in a book, movie, or other narrative in which each event has an influence on the one that comes after is known as the plot. This is in accordance with the law of cause and effect. One could consider the causal events of a narrative to be a collection of occurrences linked together by the connector "and so."

A book, movie, or play's narrative is made up of the events that happen in order from start to finish. The plot also explains causality, or how one event leads to another, in addition to what happens. In his book Poetics, Aristotle defined the basic framework of a tale as having a start, middle, and end.

Before discussing the second character Jeremiah, the author first talked about Luma.

Read more on story plot here:


what is the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?


Answer: what is the effect of the imagery in the excerpt?


Lol it is in your head

Read the rough draft of a student’s conclusion to an argumentative editorial.

(1) Year-round schooling would help student achievement. (2) Not so much information would have to be crammed into nine months. (3) Furthermore, the elimination of long breaks, particularly summer break, would significantly reduce "learning loss” and the additional time wasted at the beginning of each academic year to reteach previously learned material. (4) It is clear that year-round schooling helps students learn and retain more. (5) The United States is not the only country to experiment with a year-round school schedule. (6) Although many still claim that evidence about year-round school and its link to higher achievement is inconclusive, these people need to open their eyes and see that students in these schools consistently score higher on certain assessments than students who attend schools with traditional nine-month calendars. (7) It is about time that we replaced our outdated and inefficient school calendars.

Which revision would most improve sentence 7?

A.suggesting an alternative plan to replace the current school calendar
B.explaining why the current school calendar is outdated and inefficient
C.expressing an opinion about those who oppose changing the calendar
D.restating the strongest piece of evidence used to support the claim


Answer: A: suggesting an alternative plan to replace the current school calendar

4. Almost anyone willing to spend some time and effort can increase
muscle tone and power by lifting weights. Those who wish to engage in
championship competition, however, must do more than think merely
practice occasionally. They must devote themselves to the sport.
Weightlifting is an ideal way to build body strength. Beginners are often
surprised at how quickly their bodies change as they develop their
muscles. One important consequence is that clothes soon grow too tight,
particularly as chest size expands. Weightlifters find themselves
constantly adjusting their clothes or even buying whole new wardrobes.
What can you tell about the author's attitude towards weightlifting from
this passage?
Oa. She thinks it's a waste of time
Ob. She thinks it's a healthy form of exercise
Oc. She thinks overdeveloped muscles are unattractive
O d. She thinks it's dangerous to change the body's shape so swiftly.
O Other:


In the passage the author encourages to join join sports and mentions that Weightlifting is an ideal way to build body strength. So,  She thinks it's a healthy form of exercise ( Option B ).

The required details for Weightlifting in given paragraph

What is Weightlifting?

In the sport of weightlifting, athletes compete to lift the heaviest weights while using a barbell that is weighed down with weight plates from the floor to the ceiling. Lifting weights with a barbell is referred to as weightlifting. Weightlifting is a sport in which athletes compete by effectively enhancing the biggest weights by lifting a barbell laden with weight plates from the floor to overhead.

The world over, recreational weightlifting is very common. There are competitors from almost every nation, but competitive weightlifting is particularly well-liked in Russia and China, which are recognised as the two most successful countries in the sport.

To learn more about Weightlifting and get numerical on it , use the given link:


PTI Literacy Device Identification (9 honors)


We can see here that the literary device in each quotation from the novel is seen below:

"He was lying on his bed with red, watery, snotty eyes. He whimpered in pain. When I touched him, he yelped like crazy" - Onomatopoeia."Poverty doesn't give you strength or teach you lessons about perseverance. [It] only teaches you how to be poor" - Metaphor. "Okay, then," he said and leaned closer to me because he didn't even want the trees to hear what he was going to say, "You have to leave this reservation." - Personification."They studied each other's eyes, you know, like they had antennas and were sending radio signals" - Simile.

What is a literary device?

A literary device is actually known to be a writing technique whereby writers and authors use the devices in order to convey meaning, expand themes, highlight important themes in a text and express ideas.

We see that the above statements have correctly matched to the literary devices that actually match them.

Learn more about literary devices on


A class of 25 students wants to perform this play. Which role in the play can have a flexible number of performers?


Background characters

gearing up taipei’s bike sharing program is transforming citizens commute , in paragraph 14 what does the author mean by suggesting bikes an image problem


By saying that the bicycle-sharing program has an image problem, the author shows how many people see the bicycle as an object associated with poverty.

What are the advantages of the bike-sharing program?Decreases pollution.Decrease traffic.Improves the health of cyclists.Promotes the practice of exercises.Promotes economy.Decreases the number of traffic accidents.

The author shows how the bicycle sharing program has transformed the urban centers of Taipei, as it has promoted a decrease in cars and other vehicles that burn fuel to move around and a greater number of cyclists.

This program allows people to have greater economy and autonomy when moving around, pollute the environment less and promote an improvement in their health, in addition to making travel faster due to the lack of traffic in the city.

However, the author reinforces how many people have rejected this type of program because of the image problem that bicycles promote.

This is because the bicycle is associated with poverty and many individuals fear that their image will be damaged by using the bicycle.

Learn more about bike sharing program:


What is another word for premarital sex?


Premarital sex has also been referred to as youthful sex, teenage sex, young-adult sex, non-marital sex (which coincides with adultery), and young-adult sex. Due to the fact that everyone's notion of having sex is unique, these phrases are likewise somewhat ambiguous.

Penetrative vaginal sex, which occurs between partners prior to a legal marriage, is known as premarital sex.

Our sample of young women's premarital sexual behaviours is divided into four groups abstinence; sexual relations immediately before marriage; sexual relations inside a committed relationship with an eye toward future marriage; and sexual relations outside of a committed relationship.

To know more about Premarital sex:


What is the most gentle personality type?



It really all depends on what your personality is because everyone has different likes and dislikes and so some people find other people's personalities to be a little more gentle whereas a different person could think that same person has a overbearing personality


What do you mean by defining the terms in research both for conceptual and operational aspects?


Answer: A conceptual definition tells you what the concept means, while operational definitions only tell you how to measure it.

Explanation: If you have only an operational definition, you may know how to measure it, but you won't know what you are measuring.

What is the role of the main character in a fables?


The protagonist tells the tale and makes the concepts clear. How do we recognise this guy? A story may fables have several major characters

but often only one is the protagonist—the one who best embodies the subject and the narrative's flow. Additionally, the protagonist directly challenges the villain. We see the tale via the eyes of the main character, who serves as the proxy for the audience. The story's main character takes part in it, engages with the supporting cast, and is affected directly by the plot's central struggle. Character fables role is the term used to describe one's involvement in the narrative. The protagonist, whom we'll talk about below, plays the most significant part in every tale, as you surely already know. Consequently

To learn more about fables please click on below link


Over the course of the passage, the author creates suspense about Bob’s visit to a foreign country.
Write a narrative story that describes what happens next while he is staying at Kobo’s house and what he might discover about himself and his host. Be sure to use what you have learned about the setting, characters, and plot of the passage.
[timed, ^^" need help ASAP-]


I would love to help

can you attach the passage? If you do I will edit my answer and do it. How many words/pages?

What is another word for open heart?


Other names for open-heart will be kind, candid, benevolent, compassionate, etc.

An open-hearted person is someone compassionate, kind, loving, blunt, and honest. They are generous and frank. They are open and honestly express their feelings, opinions about others, and so on.

They are the kind of people whom we can share anything with, they are supportive and do not judge others when others express their pains and feelings to them. One can share their deepest emotions, thoughts, and secrets with them. They are keepers.

They have the desire to help others. They are polite and straight forward, sincere, plain and friendly.

To know more about Open-heart,


Walking is not the most exciting form of exercise a person can take on for fitness. Yet it is low impact and requires no fancy equipment. That makes walking a simple activity for those new to exercise. Walking is less likely than other exercises to cause injury to leg tendons and muscles. All it requires is a good pair of sneakers—no cables, stylish outfits, or weights required. Of course, a person could increase the benefit of a workout by adding weights or speed walking.

Which of the following statements supports the central idea in this paragraph?

Walking has a low risk of injury.
Walking is boring.
Walking is too easy for those who exercise regularly.
Walking requires sneakers in good condition.


Walking requires sneakers in good condition supports the central idea in this paragraph. Hence, option D is correct.

What is walking?

Walking is defined as moving ahead with one leg at an acceptable speed while striding forward and moving each foot in turn till it is continuously on the ground.

The other wants the visual lines on walking and its effects in this paragraph. For instance, walking is free and doesn't need any special equipment, cables, or weights. The entire dedication in this sentence was devoted to how working is a low-cost, regarded physical exercise.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about Walking, click here:


What is the oldest car brand still in production?


Peugeot is the oldest car brand still in production.

Peugeot is the sector's oldest automobile logo in existence. The corporation changed into established in 1810 and started out off as a espresso-mill corporation by Armand Peugeot. The agency elevated to motorbike manufacturing first in 1830, before manufacturing automobiles in 1882.

The logo's first vehicle was built in collaboration with Leon Serpollet, but, it wasn't too successful. Later in 1890, the duo made their first car for mass production the usage of a Panhard-Daimler engine. The emblem is now part of the PSA Groupe.

An brand brand consists of font internal a image or an icon; suppose badges, seals and crests. those logos have a tendency to have a conventional appearance about them that can make a putting impact, therefore they may be frequently the go-to preference for plenty faculties, agencies or authorities groups.

Learn more about logos here:-


How do you avoid splitting infinitives?


One type of poorly placed modifier is a split infinitive. Split infinitives must be minimized in formal writing.

Although it is becoming more typical in casual speech and writing, splitting an infinitive is still frowned upon in formal writing. It is crucial to always arrange words so that they clearly express the meaning of a statement. An infinitive is a verb's to shape, such as "to go" or "to be." Infinitives shouldn't be split, therefore an adverb should never occur before the verb in the phrase "to confidently advance."The word to and the basic form of a verb make up an infinitive (e.g. to go and to read). As a result of the adverbs "suddenly" and "quickly," the infinitives "to go" and "to read" are split (or broken apart), making them instances of split infinitives.

Thus this is how you should avoid splitting infinitives.

To learn more about splitting infinitives, refer:


What are the benefits of using wikis?


The main advantage of a wiki is that it provides the ability to collaborate asynchronously, or without any time constraints.

Team members working on a report can log in and work whenever they are able. For example, Smartly's engineering team has members located across numerous time zones. The wiki allows each member to write, collaborate and edit the report when they have time available.

Another advantage to using a wiki for report writing is that it tracks the history of all changes to the report and every change is updated automatically with all edits stored as backups. This is extremely helpful in case there are errors made to the document and old revisions need to be reinstated.

To know more about Wiki visit:


What mashed potatoes made of?


Russet potatoes are used to make instant mashed potatoes after they have been cooked, mashed, and dried.

In fact, this is precisely how potato flour is manufactured. However, the dried potatoes are crystallised into flakes rather than being ground into a fine powder, which prevents them from clumping when you rehydrate them.

According to some sources, Antoine Parmentier, a Frenchman, held a competition to find the best ways to prepare potatoes in 1771, and the winning recipe was for mashed potatoes. Various sources claim that Sometime in the 1600s, the English invented mashed potatoes with gravy. To make mashed potatoes that are fluffier, smoother, and more flavorful, choose higher starch varieties like Yukon Golds or Russets. While yellow-fleshed potatoes like Yukon Gold have a naturally buttery flavour and a creamy, rich consistency, russet varieties make mashed potatoes that are light and fluffy. The term "mashed potato" or "mashed potatoes" (American and Canadian English) and "mash" (British English) refer to a dish created by mashing boiling or steamed potatoes. Typically, milk, butter, salt, and pepper are also included. It is typically served with meat or vegetables as a side dish.

To learn more about  creamy please click on below link


a policy (or plan) persuasive speech argues that something is or is not true. question 39 options: true false


A policy (or insurance) compelling speech makes the case that the proposition is accurate.

What does "persuasive writing" mean?

Argument essays, another name for persuasive writing, use reasoning and logic to demonstrate why one idea is more valid than another. It makes an effort to influence the reader to take a specific position or action.

What is the powerful phrase?

A main sentence, supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence are the typical elements of a persuasive paragraph. The writer's opinion is expressed in the topic sentence, and the body phrases bolster that opinion. The final phrase reiterates the author's viewpoint. A persuasive speech is the main idea that fascinates, educates, persuades, or urges action.

To know more about persuasive visit:


in chapter 11, miss havisham shows pip the dining room in satis house. what is on the dining room table?


The wedding cake-filled chamber in Miss Havisham's house represents deterioration. Mold and insects have taken over the space.

The centerpiece of the table is "overhung with cobwebs" and has "speckle-legged spiders with blotchy bodies (104)." Entropy's hold extends to the flames. On his subsequent visit to Satis House, Pip runs into a few of Miss Havisham's kin. The Pockets are these folks. They like complaining and spreading rumors about one another. On the stairs, he comes across a big, black man who criticizes him. He continues to play cards with Estella before going to the garden, where a pallid young guy challenges him to a duel. Pip knocks the young man to the ground, and Estella gives him a cheek kiss. When Pip, our protagonist,

To learn more about Havisham's please click on below link


Yellow wallpaper

8. Who takes care of the house? Who takes care of other domestic duties?
9. Who takes care of the baby? Whose baby is it?
10. How does the narrator's attitude toward the wallpaper evolve over time? In what
ways does her attitude change? Is the change a good thing,
or is a barometer indicating a serious problem?
11. What is the symbolic significance of the color green?
12. With what do we associate green? Note: Choose positive as well as negative
13. What is the symbolic significance of the color yellow?
14. With what do we associate yellow? Note: Choose positive as well as negative
15. Who is Jane?


Tasks carried out inside a home to see to it that its fundamental duties of domestic worker's needs are satisfied, including cooking, cleaning, and looking after children, senior citizens, and other dependents.

What are a domestic housekeeper's responsibilities?

Cleaning must be done, and any safety risks must be reported to the owners or manager in control. They must clean, hoover, empty garbage cans, dust bookcases, clean the windows, and mop floors, among other tasks. Some housekeepers perform mild dishwashing, light ironing, laundry, and linen changes.

Who is a domestic worker's name?

The dictionary defines a maid as a female domestic servant. Regardless on the part of the world you are, a maid may look different.

To know more about domestic duties visit:


What is a theme * Your answer?


The time period theme matter may be described because the underlying that means of a tale.

It is the message the author is making an attempt to deliver thru the tale. Often the subject matter of a tale is a extensive message approximately life. The theme matter of a tale is crucial due to the fact a tale's subject matter is a part of the motive why the writer wrote the tale, The theme matter is the inferred stance taken at the crucial subject matter or message of a tale.

The theme matter of a tale is what the writer is making an attempt to deliver — in different words, the crucial concept of the tale. Short memories regularly have simply one subject matter, while novels generally have a couple of themes.

Read more about theme;


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