marbles numbered from 1 to 12 are put in a bag. if marbles are not put back into the bag after being drawn, what is the probability of drawing two prime numbers in a row?


Answer 1

Answer: 0.1515


The prime numbers from 1 to 12 are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11. This means that there are 5 prime numbers from 1 to 12.

The probability of drawing the first prime number will be: = 5/12

The probability of drawing the second prime number will be: = 4/11

Therefore, the probability of drawing two prime numbers in a row will be:

= 5/12 × 4/11

= 20/132

= 0.1515

Related Questions

Which two statements would work as summary statements for this passage? ) A) Mary Cassatt died in 1926. B) Mary Cassatt stopped painting in 1914 once her eyesight started to fail. C) Mary Cassatt studied with notable French painter, Edgar Degas, in France. D) Mary Cassatt, one of America's first great female painters, has one of her paintings of a mother and daughter hanging in the White House. E) Mary Cassatt's painting "Young Mother and Two Children" hangs in the White House as testimony for her importance as one of America's first great female painters.​




Mary Cassatt, one of America's first great female painters, has one of her paintings of a mother and daughter hanging in the White House.

Mary Cassatt's painting "Young Mother and Two Children" hangs in the White House as testimony for her importance as one of America's first great female painters.

The author considers which fact ironic?
O Farnsworth was born on a farm.
O Farnsworth received more than one patent.
O Farnsworth started inventing things at an early age.
O Farnsworth did not want his children to watch television.



its either the last one or the second last one, sorry i couldn't help much!


The articles “How Does a School Spend their Money?” and “Learning How to Make Budget Decisions” are about planning and spending money.

Read the text set on budgeting. Then, write an informational essay for your school newspaper explaining effective strategies for budgeting.

Write your final draft below. Be sure to use your planning pages and rough draft from this week to guide your writing. Edit and revise for grammar and clarity.



Text 1: How Does a School Spend their Money?Author: Jamie OliverText 2: Learning How to Make Budget DecisionsAuthor: mable whiteIt is important to make sure that the amount of money spent does not exceed the amount of money that is available (para 1) discretionary "part of the budget That is the part of the budget that administrators have to decide what to spend it on (Para 3)Fixed expenses can be controlled, but they cannot be eliminated. "(Par 2)

Is it this?

Trace the development of the theme of spirit versus flesh in the Thornfield section. Include textual evidence to ground your analysis. Your answer should be at least 250 words.


The Thornfield section is a kind of a trial for Jane, spiritual as much as carnal and sexual. Up until that point, she had never fallen in love. It happens to her now, but this love is not just another romantic love story. Her beloved is almost a ruffian, with violent fits and eccentric character - not at all handsome, but extremely passionate and therefore very sexual. Nevertheless, Jane senses a spiritual attachment to him, as her soulmate, which makes this relationship worth all the effort in her eyes.

On the other hand, Bronte juxtaposes the shiny, brilliant word of aristocratic, sensual bodies to the gloomy and stark spirituality of Jane Eyre. First of all, there is Rochester's story about his former mistress, Adele's mother, who was a beautiful, adulterous seductress. On the other hand, there is Rochester's noble company that he brings to Thornfield, particularly Blanche Ingram, who is also beautiful and apparently a very desirable match. She is Jane's absolute counterpart, and that is precisely why Rochester eventually casts her away to propose to Jane.

Here is how Jane sees her spiritual attachment to Rochester, observing him in the company of his noble friends:

"He is not to them what he is to me," I thought: "he is not of their kind. I believe he is of mine;—I am sure he is,—I feel akin to him,—I understand the language of his countenance and movements: though rank and wealth sever us widely, I have something in my brain and heart, in my blood and nerves, that assimilates me mentally to him. […] I must, then, repeat continually that we are for ever sundered:—and yet, while I breathe and think I must love him."

This answer came from user : Octavia

Can i get a thx and five stars, i dont want brainliest bc its not my work

put the verb into correct form and complete the sentence
1. I want to see the film, but I ( not/ enjoy​



first write the question properly. Than ask the question plz....


plz write question properly. then only ask answer.

“Alfredo needed time to study, so Maria went shopping” is a compound sentence sentence.
true or false


It is true since the sentence englobes 2(two) independent sentences joined with a conjunction i.e., so,and,but etc.
Hope it helps!!

Based on what the author reveals about tradition select the statement that is most likely true.

1. Grandpa believes it is his duty to pass down tradition.
2. Martin believes Grandpa has lost his mind.
3. Martin believes he is not responsible for keeping the tradition because both of his parents are not Sioux.
4. Grandpa fears the medicine bag is bad luck.





In 4-6 sentences compare Direct Current (DC) to Alternating Current (AC)




Both AC and DC describe types of current flow in a circuit. In direct current (DC), the electric charge (current) only flows in one direction. Electric charge in alternating current (AC), on the other hand, changes direction periodically.

- brainly

The writer wants to replace the underlined text in sentence 12 (reproduced below) with a more formal and precise phrase.

Moreover, once Shakespeare moved to London as a young man, he would have been exposed to a wealth of ideas and knowledge, which, good for us, he used to create some of the greatest works of literature the world has ever known.

Which of the following phrases would best accomplish this goal?

A. I’m happy to say

B. terrifically for everyone

C. fortunately for posterity

D. thank goodness

E. hooray for later generations



Explanation:This version uses formal syntax and diction, which matches the overall style of the passage. I also did the exam on AP classroom.

The phrases that successfully provide a formal tone to the text would be:

C). fortunately for posterity.

Formal Tone

A formal tone is described as a tone in which a very precise, technical, and professional vocabulary is used to convey an objective viewpoint on the topic.

The third phrase correctly develops an official language to the phrase by employing adequate diction and helps go with the actual style followed throughout the passage.

Thus, option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Formal Phrase" here:

How does Cal respond to the sweat lodge ceremony?

plz help



A fire is lit directly outside the lodge, tended by a highly trained firekeeper who heats the stones that are used to keep the lodge hot. The firekeeper places the stones in a hole in the center of the lodge, often adding tobacco, cedar, or sweetgrass as an offering.


A fire is lit directly outside the lodge, tended by a highly trained firekeeper who heats the stones that are used to keep the lodge hot. The firekeeper places the stones in a hole in the center of the lodge, often adding tobacco, cedar, or sweetgrass as an offering.


the answer is ok


Which sentence uses dashes incorrectly?
Most of her books—including the newest titles—are nonfiction.
Harry—along with his father—is always welcome at our house.
The dog wanted—to go outside—as soon as her owner got home from work.
She knew when it was time to wake up—7:00 a.m.—and did so before the alarm went off


The third one is incorrect! If you have other similar problems cover the dashes and the phrase inside to see if the sentence would make sense without it! :)




New York state is one of only two in the U.S. that automatically arrests and tries 16- to 17-year-olds as adults.


What i dont get what ur saying

What is one effect that parallelism has on a written work?



It enphasizes ideas


What is the importance of these cues in delivering the news report?



There are four basic methods (sometimes called styles) of presenting a speech: manuscript, memorized, extemporaneous, and impromptu


The word manuscript is the clue to the style. The speech is written and the speaker reads it word for word to the audience. Originally, it was done from the hand-written paper manuscript. Today the manuscript style is common, but the paper is gone. Who reads the speech to the audience? Answer: Newscasters and television personalities. In the old days, the manuscript was hand-lettered on cue cards, which were held next to the camera lens. Then paper scrolls, like printed piano rolls were used, especially in Soap Operas. Today, a special teleprompter (working like a periscope) is attached to the camera so the newscaster is looking at the lens while reading.  (Hope this helped, also I would love if you could give me a rateing, thx)

Explain the meaning of thug life in your own words.
Realistic examples in real life.


Thug life I would say it is like being given scarps and try to make a 5 star meal . What I mean is working with what the world gives you and trying to do something with nothing and having to fight and try to find your way to the restaurant with everything you could ever want or everything you may need but always being stopped on the way to the restaurant by obstacles or people who don’t want to see you where they are and don’t want you to enjoy the foods of life that is thug life .

Any writer can tell a reader what is happening in a story. Good writers show readers what is happening by creating pictures in readers’ minds. They do this by using sensory language to create vivid details. These details allow readers to connect to images, actions, and scenes through their senses. Sensory language and vivid details improve the style and diction of writing. Examples of sensory language are

words related to sight: glittering, bright, blurred, shadowy, grimy, hazy
words related to sound: thump, cackle, roar, screech, howl, creak, buzz
words related to touch: scratchy, hot, greasy, icy, fuzzy, velvety
words related to taste: creamy, rotten, salty, sweet, refreshing, zesty
words related to smell: musty, acrid, fragrant, old, perfumed, rancid

Rewrite and then post the following paragraph to include sensory language. Be sure to choose words that create vivid details that create connections to readers’ senses.

The alarm went off, and I got out of bed. I stretched and walked to the window to open the blinds. Light entered the room. I could smell breakfast cooking, so I walked to the kitchen. My mom was standing at the stove, making bacon. I sat down at the table and got ready to eat.


Answer and Explanation:

The instructions in the question already offer an explanation of what sensory language is. All we need to do now is rewrite the paragraph. First, let's underline every detail that can be turned into sensory language:

The alarm went off, and I got out of bed. I stretched and walked to the window to open the blinds. Light entered the room. I could smell breakfast cooking, so I walked to the kitchen. My mom was standing at the stove, making bacon. I sat down at the table and got ready to eat.

Now, let's use words that appeal to the senses to rewrite the actions above:

I woke up to the earsplitting shriek of the alarm clock and got out of bed. My stiff muscles and joints seemed to thank me as I pushed and pulled, stretching them loose. I walked to the window, opened the blinds, and let the glowing sun greet me. As I took a deep breath, I could smell the fragrant breakfast, so I soared to the kitchen. My mom was standing at the stove, bacon sizzling in the frying pan before her. I sat down at the table and got ready to eat.

Which word has the most negative connotation?
A) Demanding
B) Confident
C) Assertive
D) Certain



A) Demanding



A) Demanding


All the other words are associated with good things and emotions, this is a positive connotation. However, being demanding is viewed as a negative thing so it'd have a negative connnotation.

Please correct answer fast this is a homework and I need to turn it in if is correct I will but brainlist ​



A goes to #5

B goes to #3

C goes to #2

D goes to #1


Directions: Correct the following sentences for Punctuation
1. My aunt has lived in Miami, Florida, since July
2. Tim had jury duty last month, he did not get assigned to a case.
3. The class will begin on Saturday, December 15 2021 at 6 p.m.
4. Martha said, "My sister is coming for a visit soon."
5. Yesterday Nicholas Cage (the popular actor) was interviewed on television
6. The Joneses will visit Rome, London and Paris during their European tour
7. The concert was sold out last week, therefore, we had to choose another.
8. I know - Leila - that your essay is on my desk
9. If you want (Karen] you can turn the essay in on Tuesday
10. "I told you several times, said the clerk - that this item is not on sale!
D. Focus



1. My aunt has lived in Miami, Florida since July.

2. Tim had jury duty last month; he did not get assigned to a case.

3. The class will begin on Saturday, December 15th, 2021 at 6 p.m.

4. Martha said: "My sister is coming for a visit soon."

5. Yesterday Nicholas Cage, the popular actor, was interviewed on television.

6. The Joneses will visit Rome, London, and Paris during their European tour

7. The concert was sold out last week. Therefore; we had to choose another.

8. I know, Leila, that your essay is on my desk

9. If you want, Karen, you can turn the essay in on Tuesday.

10. "I told you several times" - said the clerk - "that this item is not on sale!"

Explanation:  1. Commas are not used before "since" when It's a preposition of time. 2. A semicolon is used to separate two main clauses. 3. When we talk about dates, we use "th" and a comma after it. 4. We add quotation marks when we use direct speech. 5. We add commas in non-defining clauses to add more information in the middle of the sentence. 6. In American English, we use a comma before "and". 7. To use the adverb "Therefore" we need to use a semicolon. 8. We use a comma before and after calling a name in the middle of a sentence. 9.(Same case as in number 8). 10. Direct speech is separated from the narrator's words with quotation marks and dashes.

Narrate a dream you will never forget​



there is this dream I have every now and then- there is this cute kid who is apparently my bf but my parents don't like him and in my dream me him and my brother just recently ran away but my in rl ex and his mom saw us and found us later then i dont know what happened from there.


*OKay This is a bad dream warning*

I was young like 5 and I had a dream that I was asleep and robbers came and rob us they took every last thing INCLUDING THE TOILET and everything in the bathroom and also my favorite teddy bear that if I lose I will cry so hard and they said "If you tell someone I will rip your neck off" and they took my bear so I was gonna tell and I tried to find my parents and I looked outside and I saw them tied up in a van Luckily I knew how to work a phone and know the word "Police"   and my numbers so I picked up the phone and called the police the police were confused so I explained everything to them and somehow they were a friend of my parents and came to my house grabbed me to take me with them for safety and we tracked down my parents. and after that, I woke up and cried also I was five at the time Now I am in middle school so yeah


Hope this doesn't scare people.

Do humans need to change their actions in order to sustain the natural environment?



I would say yes because If we have plastic in the oceon,cutting down trees, killing animals. Then Future genarations  won't be able to see the tigers elephants and the other animals that we have now. In order for humans to change is if we stop using plastic or just  reuses clothes, plastic,shoes,paper.


Answer the question: What if social media was never created?

Think about how this would affect you and the world around you. Would this be a positive or negative switch?





If social media wasn't created, less insecurity's. Less hate, less inappropriate things. More purified minds. BUT that was just the cons. No online school? we would be bored for being stuck for a year. And less contact opportunity's.

Without social media sites,there would be more mystery and you would have to form your own opinion of them from your experience.Prior to social media sites,your friends were actually your friends,people you would see,spend time with,laugh and cry with and most importantly have a real-life relationship.

What Poetic Device is used?

A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Alliteration





The answer is A. Metaphor.

opposite word of distracted​


Paying attention or interested
the answer is focused

gina’s alarm clock did not go off she was late to school



well that's tough for Gina, but I don't see a question so.......

Which statement best describes the effect of parallelism in a speech? It helps the audience remember a key word or phrase. It draws attention to a point by repeating a fact over and over. It helps engage the audience by adding rhythm and balance. It encourages the listener to think about the point the speaker is making.



It encourages the listener to think about the point the speaker is making.

Hope this helps you. Do mark me as brainliest.







She understands that her hair can prevent her from helping her family and that is why she starts to change her thoughts about her hair.


This question is about "The Breadwinner"

Parvana needs to cut all her hair and although it left her unsatisfied in the beginning, she understands that this is the price she must pay to help her family and that hair is no more important than the family she loves. This is because Parvana lives in Afghanistan who lives under the Taliban regime, which oppresses and does not allow women's freedom. Parvana is primarily responsible for supporting the family and therefore needs to cut her hair and pretend to be a boy in order for the Taliban to allow her to continue working to support the family.

PLzzz someone answer this
Select the correct text in the passage.
Read this excerpt from a speech that British Prime Minister Winston Churchill made shortly after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Which part shows Winston Churchill’s feelings about the war?
This is a strange Christmas Eve. Almost the whole world is locked in deadly struggle, and, with the most terrible weapons which science can devise, the nations advance upon each other. Ill would it be for us this Christmastide if we were not sure that no greed for the land or wealth of any other people, no vulgar ambition, no morbid lust for material gain at the expense of others, had led us to the field. Here, in the midst of war, raging and roaring over all the lands and seas, creeping nearer to our hearts and homes, here, amid all the tumult, we have tonight the peace of the spirit in each cottage home and in every generous heart. Therefore we may cast aside for this night at least the cares and dangers which beset us, and make for the children an evening of happiness in a world of storm.


Answer: it is no greed for the land or wealth of any other people, no vulgar ambition, no morbid lust for material gain at the expense of others,



no greed for the land or wealth of any other people, no vulgar ambition, no morbid lust for material gain at the expense of others

Explanation: :)

Using open body language and a cool tone of voice is essential when responding to a complaint. True or false?


True, it’s better to keep calm and resolve the situation respectfully and responsibly

Which statement best summarizes the characters’ relationship in the scene?
A. Robert is preparing for a three-year journey with his uncle. His brother, Andrew, expresses that he is jealous of the adventure and tries to persuade Robert to stay.
B. Brothers Andrew and Robert discuss Robert’s upcoming journey. Robert expresses that he is very unhappy and wishes to travel with their uncle. Andrew understands and wants to be a good brother but is concerned about Robert’s health.
C. Robert is preparing for a three-year journey with his uncle. His brother, Andrew, expresses that their parents will really miss him when he is gone.
D. Brothers Andrew and Robert discuss Robert’s upcoming journey. Andrew expresses that he and their parents will miss him while he’s gone. Robert explains that he is being called to take the journey, and Andrew says that he understands.



D. Brothers Andrew and Robert discuss Robert’s upcoming journey. Robert expresses that he is very unhappy and wishes to travel with their uncle. Andrew understands and wants to be a good brother but is concerned about Robert’s health.


The above is the best statement which best summarizes the characters' relationship in the given scene relating to Andrew and Robert.


D. Brothers Andrew and Robert discuss Robert’s upcoming journey. Andrew expresses that he and their parents will miss him while he’s gone. Robert explains that he is being called to take the journey, and Andrew says that he understands.


This is the correct answer for sure, I got 100%:)

Other Questions
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The prices of pencils at the selected storesC. The prices of listed items at all local storesD. The prices of listed items at one store Matthew is worried about an exam he has tomorrow. He knows he hasn't studied enough for the exam so he decides to drink a few espresso coffees and stay up all night to cram for it. Will he be able to perform his best for the exam tomorrow? You need to write a paragraph (5-3 sentences) on what your opinion is on him cramming for the exam. Be able to explain your opinion and how sleep would other benefit or hurt his performance of the exam A) Find the Volume enclosed by the curve =622 and the x-axis when it is rotated once around the x-axis. Sentence Deobfuscate Name this file deobfuscate.cpp Hints: Dont overthink this problem. Prompt the user to enter a collection of sentence words (i.e., words in the sentence), with the spaces removed (i.e., the obfuscated sentence) and with words that are less than ten (10) letters each. Then prompt the user to enter a sequence of numbers that represent the length of each corresponding sentence word (i.e. the deobfuscated details). Output the deobfuscated sentence. Convert char c to int by subtracting 48 (0) from c.Sample Execution: Please enter obfuscated sentence: Thisisasentence Please enter deobfuscation details: 4218 Deobfuscated sentence: This is a sentence Carina is painting the outside of a square pyramid. The net for the pyramid is shown below. 3 cm 4 cm Enter the total surface area, in square centimeters, of the pyran that Carina will paint. Please help this is really confusing Can anyone help me solve 1/2 times3/4? I am kind of confused if the answer is 3/8 or 6/8. Please help as quickly as you can! Prepare journal entries to record the following transactions and events that occurred in Marilyn County during calendar year 2019:1. The legislature adopted the following budget: Estimated revenues and other sources: Property taxes $1,740,000 Sales taxes 1,000,000 Use of fund balance 10,000 Total $2,750,000 Appropriations: General governmentSalaries $ 420,000 General governmentsupplies 30,000 Parks departmentsalaries 2,000,000 Parks departmentplants and supplies 300,000 Total $2,750,0002. The Parks department placed PO 2019-1 for shrubbery in the amount of $52,000 and PO 2019-2 for gardening supplies in the amount of $11,000. The orders were charged to the appropriation for Parks departmentplants and supplies.3. The supplier delivered the shrubbery ordered on PO 2019-1; however, the supplier said he could not deliver some of the shrubs because he no longer carried them. The invoice for $49,000 was approved and forwarded to the comptrollers office for payment; the rest of the order ($3,000) was cancelled.4. The supplier delivered the gardening supplies ordered on PO 2019-2. She sent an invoice for $11,200 because some of the items were of a higher quality than ordered. The Parks department accepted the entire delivery and forwarded the invoice for payment.5. Based on a mid-year review of economy, the finance director concluded that sales tax revenues would be less than the original estimate. As a result, the legislature amended the budget, reducing the sales tax estimate by $50,000 and the Parks departmentplants and supplies appropriation by $35,000 What is the pH of a solution with a (H+] = 0.80 M? *Please round your answer to the appropriate number of significant figures. Your answer can be in standard notatic "e" in place of x10.* ... Helppppp!! will mark brainiest P = 30x + 50y Corner that maximizes profit: (0, 6) What is the profit? what is the sum of /-10/ and /6/ At the bottom of the air track, the glider hits and stretches a rubber band, that causes the glider to change direction. When the rubber band is maximally stretched, the glider's kinetic energy is zero, because it is momentarily at rest. Since the glider is at the bottom of the air track, its (gravitational) potential energy is also zero. So the sum of the kinetic energy and gravitational potential energies is zero, yet energy is conserved. Where did the energy go? newtons = mass x _______a) capacitanceb) inductancec) gravitational field strength Children musthave chores in thehome yes or no ? Can some please give me a introduction and a hook for this... please help i'm really stuck